
The main structural elements of the investment and construction complex of the Russian Federation. Abstract of the investment and construction complex of Tatarstan. The use of a set of methods allows

The priorities and directions of development of the regional investment and construction complex are reflected in the regional investment policy. The law “On stimulating investment activity in the Chelyabinsk region” provides the following definition of regional state investment policy: “a set of organizational, legal, financial, economic and other measures carried out by public authorities of the Chelyabinsk region and aimed at stimulating investment activity in the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.”
Experts identify a number of reasons that hinder the effective implementation of the investment policy of the Chelyabinsk region:
- lack of stable tax legislation;
- a complex procedure for obtaining tax benefits that are provided for the development of entrepreneurial activity;
- the need to adopt a new law on depreciation policy;
- the issue of access to land plots on the market of the Chelyabinsk region remains unresolved: - what benefits and preferences can be provided to investors on land rent, - to ensure equal access to obtaining land plots through competitive bidding.
Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of the measures implemented by government authorities of the Chelyabinsk region within the framework of investment policy, it is necessary to improve legislation (in particular, regulate only the mechanisms for regulating and supporting investment activities named in the law), ensure its stability, as well as develop information and consulting support for investment activities , support for the formation of new sources of financing investment projects.
Determining the place and role of investment and construction activities in the country’s economy requires revealing the socio-economic essence of the investment and construction complex, studying its features and trends in its development in the modern economy.
From the point of view of managing the country’s economy, the concept of a “construction complex” as an object of government management (at the federal level) currently does not reflect the essence of real economic relations. This is explained by the elimination of the vertical "trust - association - main department - ministry", which led to a vacuum at the middle level of management. The activities of construction organizations are independent and government influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support.
According to L.V. Dontsov, investment and construction activities are implemented by a certain system of production, functional and institutional structures that form the investment and construction sector of the Russian economy.
The investment and construction sector (according to the methodology of the State Statistics Committee of Russia) means a certain part of the sector of “non-financial enterprises” and the sector of “financial institutions”. In addition to those listed, it also includes the “government sector” (partially) and the household sector. Thus, the investment and construction sector includes investors, the construction complex and institutional structures.
At the federal level, the investment and construction complex can be considered as a set of production, functional and institutional structures. The investment and construction complex acquires specific content and economic content only at the regional level. The national (federal) investment and construction complex can be represented as a set of local and regional complexes. Moreover, each regional investment and construction complex is characterized by a certain uniqueness of the processes of its formation, functioning and development.
In the current economic conditions in Russia, the state of the investment and construction complex has a serious impact on the performance of all spheres of the economy and the livelihoods of the population, and the socio-economic development of the region.
Currently, construction management in Russia is considered not as a hierarchical structure of mutually subordinate organizations in the construction industry, but as a system for managing investment and construction activities with the regulatory role of this activity on the part of government authorities. State regulation of investment and construction activities is a specific management function designed to combine state (public) and private interests to form rational large proportions (ratios) in the national economy between consumption, accumulation and investment based on forecasting, strategic planning, budget financing, taxation and others measures of government influence on the investment, contracting, and real estate markets.
During the transition to a market system, direct management methods are replaced by regulatory ones. The regulatory functions of the state in the development of the economy of the investment and construction complex are among the main ones in solving the problem of increasing efficiency.
In the article by Deryabin Y.V. The following authorities are considered as the subject of management (state investment and construction management bodies):
- bodies for general management of investment and construction activities: legislative bodies of the state (State Duma, Federation Council, parliaments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation); federal executive authorities and their territorial structures (the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of its constituent entities); judicial bodies of the state (arbitration courts);
- bodies directly managing investment and construction activities (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Ministry of Regional Development, Rosstroy);
- bodies of indirect management of investment and construction activities (Ministry of Property Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, other line ministries and their territorial structures, Federal Treasury and its territorial structures, state and regional off-budget funds, etc.);
- functional bodies of investment and financial infrastructure created with the participation of the state (state investment funds, state investment and insurance companies, state specialized investment and commercial banks, investment agencies, etc.).
The processes taking place in the investment and construction sector in recent years are particularly dynamic, which indicates the need to search for a new, more acceptable management model. A significant impetus for solving this problem was given by the reform of federal executive bodies, carried out in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 N 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies” and dated 05/20/2004 N649 `Issues of the structure of federal bodies executive power`. A management system has been adopted, which schematically looks like this: federal ministries - federal services - federal agencies (Fig. 1). Gosstroy of Russia was transformed into the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) in accordance with the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2004 N 286. Thus, at the federal level, the management of the construction industry has changed significantly and has moved closer to business entities, since federal agencies are the “lowest” level in the federal echelon of executive authorities.

The transition to market relations in Russian conditions has led to the formation of an economically difficult external environment, which has a negative impact on the processes of investment and construction activities.

The activities of business organizations are independent and state influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support. Currently, there are many approaches to defining the concept of “building complex”. According to A.N. Asaul, investment and construction complex is a set of production and non-production industries, including management, ensuring the implementation of investment activities in the form of capital investments.

At A.I. Vakhmistrov, the construction complex is defined as “a sphere of economic activity associated with the expanded reproduction of basic production and non-production assets.”

Under construction complex should be understood as a managed system, which is a set of industries, sub-sectors, productions and organizations, characterized by close, stable economic, organizational, technical and technological connections in obtaining the final result - ensuring the reproduction of fixed assets of the national economy.

Economic management by the state currently represents the regulation of the activities of companies within the exclusive competence of the state. An important element of this regulation is the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between federal bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

When solving problems of increasing the efficiency of all types of activities involved in the investment and construction sector, the construction complex should be understood as a set of production and non-production industries, including management, ensuring the implementation of investment activities in the form of capital investments, as well as the implementation of state policy in the housing sector.

The main components of the construction complex, as a rule, are:

Investors. They can be creditors, customers, buyers of finished products, etc.;

Designers developing architectural, construction, technological and estimate documentation;

Manufacturers and suppliers of basic production resources (material, technical, technological, etc.);

Construction and installation organizations. Their task is to transform investment activities into fixed assets. Construction and installation organizations combine the activities of investors, customers, designers, suppliers of material and technical resources;

Innovative organizations in which scientific and technical innovations are developed for the purpose of their subsequent use in the process of creating fixed capital;

Institutional market structures that ensure the circulation of investments in the sphere of their production use in the form of fixed capital;

Transport organizations;

Logistics companies. They ensure the filling of the commodity distribution network and the delivery of goods and services to economic entities of investment and construction activities.

This approach can be applied to the construction complex only if it is considered in isolation. But the construction complex is not a closed unit of the economy, it is a system that exists in interaction with other economic objects. And therefore, studying it in isolation from other components of the region’s economic field is not only irrational, but simply does not make sense. The main subjects of construction, such as contractors and customers through contractors, constantly interact with other industries, receiving from them the production products necessary for carrying out construction activities. Therefore, it makes sense to highlight a number of industries that are not fully included in the construction complex, but without which the construction industry would cease to exist. Such industries are called related industries. Related industries include mechanical engineering, energy, oil refining (in the volume of production of fuels and lubricants used in the process of construction work) and other industries. Thus, it is possible to graphically indicate the structure of the building complex (Fig. 1.1).

All related industries can be divided into two components: a part of related industries included in the internal environment of the UK, and another part of related industries included in the external environment of the UK.

The organizational forms of construction organizations and their functions are presented in Table. 1.1.

Fig.1.1. Scheme of the regional construction complex, taking into account related industries

Table 1.1

Characteristics of the main functions and organizational forms of organizations in the construction industry


Main functions

Organizational forms

1.Investors, customers

Financing and lending of investments in fixed assets


Individuals (population)

Banks, credit organizations

Federal and local executive authorities

2. Designers

Development of architectural, construction, technological and estimate documentation

Architectural workshops

Design organizations

Survey organizations

3. Manufacturers and suppliers of key production resources

Production of building materials, products and structures, construction machines and mechanisms, technological, energy and other equipment

Factories, enterprises

4.Contractors (construction and installation organizations)

Production of construction and installation works.

Commissioning of construction products

Limited Liability Companies

Joint stock companies

State enterprises

5.Innovative organizations

Development and implementation of scientific and technical innovations and innovations

Consulting firms

6. Institutional market structures

Ensuring the circulation of investments in the production sector

Banks, credit organizations

Institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies, etc.)

7.Logistics companies

Formation of material flows, assembly, packaging, delivery, storage of building materials, products, structures, etc.

Wholesale bases

Components organizations

Consulting firms

Any regional construction complex in Russia is a complex multi-level system, consisting of a number of interconnected economic subsystems that have a certain independence and independence in choosing the optimal mode of their functioning. This affects the behavior of the system as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out external regulatory influence on individual elements of the system in order to achieve the final result with the least loss of time and resources.

It is necessary to select a general operating mode when the system reaches a certain optimum while simultaneously maintaining the choice of the mode of their independent operation for the subsystems.

The effective activity of the regional construction complex is based on the balance of investment demand and investment supply. Investment demand arises if the subjects of the investment process (potential investors) have free capital, or sources of attracting capital, subject to the interest or need for objects of investment and construction activity, i.e. products of the construction complex.

An investment proposal arises when there is a need for attracted funds from investors. The efficiency of the construction complex is determined by the situation in the investment capital market, when investment demand corresponds to investment supply. If this condition is not met, then either the investment process does not occur, or demand is satisfied by attracting capital from investors from other regions.

Features of the functioning of the regional construction complex arise from the specifics of construction as a type of production activity. He constantly feels the influence of constant and variable factors, such as the geographical location of the region, which affects the technology of construction work, the availability of raw materials in the region, the degree of infrastructure development, the presence of a developed regulatory framework, the investment climate in the region, etc. Economically, construction as a branch of material production differs significantly from other sectors of the national economy (Fig. 1.2).

One of the features of the construction complex is that most investment projects are long-term and medium-term already during the period of preparation for construction and construction itself, and the presence of a payback period can increase the project implementation period several times.

The effective functioning and development of the construction complex depends on the interest of regional authorities, manifested in the competent development and implementation of a development strategy, which consists in the formation of a management structure for the regional investment and construction complex, the creation of various investment programs, and the participation of the regional government in investment projects as an investor or guarantor.

Rice. 1.2. Technical and economic features of construction


From 2002 to 2008, the economic situation in Russia is characterized as stable, with growth trends in key indicators. This statement also applies to the construction industry.

In the period under review, there was a fall in the volume of investment in fixed capital at comparable prices, and, consequently, in the construction industry. In actual prices, there is a significant increase in investment in fixed capital (Table 4).

Table 4 Investments in fixed capital in the Russian Federation for 1992 - 2008


including construction

According to Rosstat of Russia

* In actual prices before 1998, trillion. R.

In 2007, the Russian economy received 120,941 million US dollars of foreign investment, which is 36.4% more than in 2003.

It should be noted that investments directly in the construction industry amounted to 0.6% of the total volume (investments in the sphere of wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items - 25.9%, manufacturing - 24.1% ).

The main investor countries in 2007 were Cyprus, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and France. These countries accounted for 80.7% of the total volume of accumulated foreign investment, including direct investments accounting for 77.6% of the total volume of accumulated foreign direct investment (Table 5).

Table 5 Volume of accumulated foreign investment in the Russian economy by main investor countries at the end of 2007,

According to Rosstat of Russia

The bulk of foreign investment, as in previous years, went into industry (79.0%), including 23.8% into the food industry, 42.2% into mechanical engineering and the metalworking industry, 4.6% into systems development communications, 4.0 - in the cultural sector, 5.7 - in trade and public catering, 4.6% - in other sectors.

Competition in the industry is growing. However, data on the number of operating construction enterprises (Table 6) indicate that this trend is typical only for those regions where the pace of construction is increasing; demand exceeds the supply of housing, since the total number of enterprises changes insignificantly.

Table 6 Number of operating construction organizations in the Russian Federation for 1992-2008


Staff up to 100 people

According to Rosstat of Russia

The volume of fixed assets in the construction industry in the Russian Federation in 2007 amounted to 211.1 billion rubles, or about 2.0% of the value of fixed assets of all sectors of the economy; the degree of depreciation of fixed assets in industry organizations is 43.9% (machinery and equipment - 57%). The share of machines with expired service life as a percentage of the total number of machines is 47.4%. In 2008, the established trend towards growth in housing construction volumes continued. In 2008, organizations of all forms of ownership built 64.1 million m2 of total area of ​​residential buildings, or 189.6% of the commissioning level for the same period in 2002.

Table 7 Commissioning of residential buildings, million m2 of total area


Share in the total commissioning of residential buildings, %

population at their own expense and with the help of loans


According to Rosstat of Russia

Along with this trend, there is an increase in the volume of housing built by the population at their own expense and with the help of loans. Thus, in 1990, the value of this indicator in Russia was at the level of 6 million m2, and in January-December 2008, the population built 27.4 million m2 of housing at their own expense and with the help of loans. As a result, the share of residential buildings built by the population at their own expense and with the help of loans in the total volume of residential building commissioning increased in 1990 - 2008. from 9.7 to 41.8%, or 4.56 times.

The change in ownership structure significantly affected the dynamics of the average area of ​​constructed apartments - an indicator characterizing changes in consumer demands. Submitted statistics for 1990 - 2008. the values ​​of this indicator in Russia have undergone serious changes. Thus, if in 1990 the average total area of ​​constructed apartments was 59.1 m2, then in 2008 it was already 85.3 m2. The situation is similar with apartments built by housing cooperatives and the population at their own expense and with the help of loans: during the analyzed period, their average area increased by 22.1% and 65.2%, respectively.

According to Rosstat of Russia

The gap between the average area of ​​apartments built by the population and all apartments built has grown: from 28.7% to 47.4% in 2004.

At the same time, the state of the housing stock today does not meet the needs of the population. There is a large number of dilapidated and dilapidated houses, the area of ​​which has reached 87.8 million m2. About 4.5 million Russian families need improved housing conditions (Table 9).

Table 9 Dynamics of changes in the total area of ​​dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock in the Russian Federation for 2000-2008

Area, million sq.m


Growth rate

In general, across the Russian Federation there remains a steady trend of growth in contract tenders and ensuring the effectiveness of their implementation (Table 10).

The volume of work performed under construction contracts in 2008 amounted to 4528.1 billion. rub., or 494.6% compared to 2002. However, today no more than 40% of the total number of orders for work for state and municipal needs are placed under contract tenders.

The economic situation in regional construction organizations is heterogeneous: it is more favorable for contractors in the Central, Northwestern and Southern Federal Districts; the least favorable situation in this regard was observed in the Far Eastern District.

Table 10 Volume of work performed under construction contracts of the Russian Federation for 1992-2008.

Scope of work

Total, billion rubles

In percentages

to previous year

In actual prices before 1998, trillion. R.

Among the factors that negatively affect the business activity of contracting organizations, the main ones remain financial: insolvency of customers, high cost of materials, structures and products.

Speaking about the external environment of construction enterprises, one cannot fail to mention price factors. First of all, it is necessary to note the positive impact of the financial crisis of 1998, as a result of which the competitiveness of the domestic economy and the demand for construction products significantly increased. Unfortunately, most domestic construction companies have not taken full advantage of the favorable market conditions created by the August crisis to secure long-term competitive advantages.

The focus of the management of many construction enterprises and companies producing building materials on obtaining short-term benefits, their lack of long-term development strategies, as well as the ineffectiveness of the state mechanism for regulating construction activities have negated the favorable situation that has been created. The result is an impressive increase in prices for building materials and construction products.

Average actual cost (on the scale of prices effective from January 1, 1998) of construction of 1 m2 of total area of ​​residential buildings from 1995 to 2004. increased across the Russian Federation by 7.57 times, including in cities and towns by 8.03 times; in rural areas 4.75 times (Table 11).

Table 11 Average actual cost of construction of 1 m2 of total area of ​​residential buildings, taking into account individual residential buildings built by the population at their own expense and with the help of loans, in the Russian Federation

Currently, we have two distinct trends: increasing demand and decreasing supply. While there is a liquidity crisis in the market, today speculators, playing on the fact that developers, contractors, and suppliers of building materials have apartments, are seeking discounts of 10-20% from the developer’s price, and two or three months ago this discount reached up to 40%. The price depends on the ratio of supply and demand and on the cost of construction. One of the indicators of demand is the coefficient of excess of the price per square meter over the average wage. Today this figure is 2.60. In 2003, this figure was 2.6, and after that there was a continued increase in real estate prices: over five years, the average price per square meter of living space increased 3.4 times (Table 12).

Table 12 Comparison of average housing prices and average wages of residents of the Russian Federation in 1999-2009.

Average housing prices, rub. per m2

Average monthly salary, rub.

Excess of the price of 1 m2 of housing over the average salary, times

Table 13 Average actual cost of construction 1 m2 (rub.)

Based on the above, we can conclude that currently the price of real estate has reached the bottom. According to our calculations, in 2010-2011 the growth of a square meter of residential space in the Russian Federation will exceed 50%.

In 2004, Russian specialists conducted a study of the real cost of various stages of housing construction in comparison with similar indicators of the construction markets of Poland and Hungary. The data obtained, almost completely identical in the three countries for all price groups, allowed us to make the assumption: structurally, the pricing process in housing construction is no different from the same processes in European countries.

Table 14 Cost of various stages of housing construction in the Russian Federation in comparison with similar indicators of the construction markets of Poland and Hungary in 2007


Economy class, construction on new sites

Business class, construction on sites after the withdrawal of industrial zones

Elite complexes in the city center


Construction (fixed price)

Indirect costs (soft price)

Cost of Finance

Developer's profit

Total construction cost

VAT/other taxes/fees

The construction business is extremely closed, there are no clear statistical data, which means that an attempt to analyze the situation - the possibility or impossibility of a crisis in the market - is reduced to zero. A significant part of the available information about the situation on the real estate market is related to the interests of real estate or construction companies, naturally interested in rising prices.

According to some reports, the profitability of the construction business is 200%, or even 400%. And according to all the laws of the market, with such profitability indicators, a flow of investment should appear, the supply of housing should increase sharply, profitability should decrease to average values, and prices should fall. This doesn't happen.

In the housing sector, you can get up to 50% profit per year on your invested equity capital. This is achieved due to the fact that apartment sales are actively carried out at the earliest stages of construction, and the developer has the opportunity to recoup most of the costs at someone else's expense.

The above analysis confirms the conclusion about the positive economic situation in the investment and construction complex. However, there are problems in the investment and construction complex.

Firstly, it is necessary to take measures to create an affordable housing market through the consolidated and effective use of allocations from the federal, regional and municipal budgets, raising funds from extra-budgetary sources, including personal funds of citizens, and developing a housing mortgage lending system.

Secondly, some domestic building materials are still inferior in quality to the best foreign models, and the share of competitive products in certain items is low. The range of domestically produced thermal insulation materials based on glass, basalt, perlite and other natural minerals, sanitary products, low-emissivity, heat-reflecting and architectural glass is limited.

Thirdly, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets in the industry has reached 54%, with annual disposals exceeding inputs. This leads to the aging of fixed assets, especially their active part, as well as to an actual reduction in production capacity. The average age of the main part of machinery and equipment is 17 years.

The technical level of most Russian enterprises still lags significantly behind modern requirements. Enterprises producing cement, thermal insulation, wall and roofing materials are being re-equipped at a low pace.

Fourthly, the construction materials and products industry is one of the most fuel- and energy-intensive sectors of the national economy. The share of fuel and energy in the structure of costs for production and sales of products in the industry as a whole is more than 16%, and in the cement industry it reaches 41%. Therefore, energy saving in the building materials industry is one of the primary tasks.

Fifthly, in 2003 - 2004. New regulations on labor safety in construction were developed and existing ones were improved. However, according to the Federal Labor Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, in 2007, 911 people died at construction sites; in 2008, according to preliminary data, the situation is at the same level.

The data presented indicate the need to strengthen work in the field of labor protection in construction. At the same time, together with the construction management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen labor protection services in construction organizations and expand the network of basic organizations for labor protection in construction.


1. Theoretical part

2. Practical part

3. Problems and ways to solve them

Conclusion -



One of the main tasks of economic policy at all levels of management is to identify industries or other groups of enterprises - potential growth points and formulate a set of measures to stimulate their development. The development of construction enterprises is often considered as one of the factors for the growth of the regional economy. For the national economic system of the region, the investment and construction complex is one of the key elements. It brings together many participants to solve the main problems of regional planning: meeting the needs to improve the standard of living of the population, developing production and non-production infrastructure, finding sources of financing for the implementation of territorial development goals.

Socio-economic transformations in the Russian economy in the 1990s affected all sectors and complexes of its national economy, including the investment and construction complex, which experienced both a significant decline in production and its subsequent rapid growth. One of the consequences of decentralization of management, disaggregation of the construction complex and privatization of construction enterprises that occurred during this period is the lack of an effective middle level for coordinating construction activities.

In modern conditions, under the influence of such factors as the restructuring of production, the latest technologies in the construction industry, processes of improving the technological and reproductive structure of investments, there is a significant increase in the diversity of the construction contracting market and the relations of its participants. Meanwhile, it is at the regional level that the development potential of the construction complex is primarily realized.

In this regard, it becomes relevant to develop the features and problems of the investment and construction complex at the regional level.

1. Theoretical part

INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION COMPLEX (ISC) - includes the totality of all fund-forming industries: design and contracting organizations, investment engineering industries, the building materials and structures industry, suppliers of equipment and building materials, social infrastructure enterprises. The central link of the complex is capital construction as a branch of the national economy, completing the efforts of all investment sectors and transforming material resources into fixed assets. From the perspective of construction systems engineering, the ISK is a functional system that creates fixed assets. Investments in the reproduction of fixed assets are carried out in the form of capital investments. The investment procedure can be divided into three stages:

1) transformation of resources into capital investments, i.e. transformation of investments into specific objects of investment activity (actually, the investment stage);

2) transformation of invested funds into an increase in capital value, i.e. transformation of investments into new consumer value;

3) increase in capital value in the form of income or social efficiency.

In order to adequately respond to the ever-increasing demands of customers, the ISK must have appropriate internal flexibility, i.e. quickly and effectively change production technology, organizational structure, methods of preparation and decision-making, etc. It is important to emphasize that internal flexibility should be achieved on the basis of such intra-organizational coordination in which the technological resources of the complex can be quickly transferred from one zone to another.

Another equally important condition is the orientation of the economic management system to the search and implementation of new technological opportunities to satisfy the ever-growing demands of consumers. It is no coincidence that the investment sphere, in addition to capital construction, includes the innovation sphere in which scientific and technical products and intellectual potential are sold.

Regional investment and construction complex: formation and functioning.

The peculiarities of reforming the country's investment and construction complex are connected, first of all, with the extreme uneven development of the regions of the Russian Federation, and, consequently, with the regional management system and the establishment of relations between the federal center and the regions.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of methods by which the state regulates investment activity: methods of direct and indirect influence. All forms of government influence on investment processes in accordance with the Law “On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments” are divided into three blocks: legal, administrative and economic (Table 1).

Governments of developed countries rely primarily on the levers of indirect regulation (tax, depreciation, credit and financial policies). The state, influencing the investment climate through income taxes, financial and credit mechanisms and depreciation policy, thereby determines the rules of the game in the investment market for various types of business.

There is a lack of investment in the Russian economy; therefore, one of the most important goals of investment policy is the search for additional sources and reserves of investment resources, as well as the creation of new sources of investment.

Table 1. Instruments of state regulation of investment activities

The priorities and directions of development of the regional investment and construction complex are reflected in the regional investment policy. Socialists identify a number of reasons that hinder the effective implementation of regional investment policies:

Lack of stable tax legislation;

A complex procedure for obtaining tax benefits that are provided for the development of entrepreneurial activity;

The need to adopt new laws on depreciation policy;

The issue of access to land remains unresolved.

Determining the place and role of investment and construction activities in the country's economy requires revealing the socio-economic essence of the investment and construction complex, studying its features and trends in its development in the modern economy.

From the point of view of managing the country’s economy, the concept of “construction complex” as an object of government management (at the federal level) today does not reflect the essence of real economic relations. This is explained by the elimination of the vertical “trust - association - main administration - ministry,” which led to a vacuum at the middle level of management. The activities of construction organizations are independent and government influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support.

It is believed that investment and construction activities are implemented by a certain system of production, functional and institutional structures that form the investment and construction sector of the Russian economy.

The investment and construction sector (according to the methodology of the State Statistics Committee of Russia) means a certain part of the sector of “non-financial enterprises” and the sector of “financial institutions”. In addition to those listed, it also includes the “government sector” (partially) and the “household sector”. So, the investment and construction sector includes investors, the construction complex and institutional structures.

At the federal level, the investment and construction complex can be considered as a set of production, functional and institutional structures. The investment and construction complex acquires specific content and economic content only at the regional level. The national (federal) investment and construction complex can be presented as a set of local and regional complexes. Moreover, each regional investment and construction complex is characterized by a certain uniqueness of the processes of its formation, functioning and development.

In the current economic conditions in Russia, the state of the investment and construction complex has a serious impact on the performance of all spheres of the economy and the livelihoods of the population, and the socio-economic development of the region.

Currently, construction management in Russia is considered not as a hierarchical structure of mutually subordinate organizations in the construction industry, but as a system for managing investment and construction activities with the regulatory role of this activity on the part of government authorities. State regulation of investment and construction activities is a scientific management function designed to combine state (public) and private interests to form rational large proportions (ratios) in the national economy between consumption, accumulation and investment based on forecasting, strategic planning, budget financing, taxation and others measures of government influence on the investment, contracting, and real estate markets.

When transitioning to a market system, direct management methods are replaced by regulatory ones. The regulatory functions of the state in the development of the economy of the investment and construction complex are among the main ones in solving the problem of increasing efficiency.

The following authorities can be considered as the subject of management (state investment and construction management bodies):

Bodies of general management of investment and construction activities: legislative bodies of the state (State Duma, Federation Council, parliaments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation); federal executive authorities and their territorial structures (the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of its constituent entities); judicial bodies of the state (arbitration courts);

Bodies of direct management of investment and construction activities (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Ministry of Regional Development, Rosstroy);

Bodies of indirect management of investment and construction activities (Ministry of Property Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, other sectoral ministries and their territorial structures, Federal Treasury and its territorial structures, state and regional extra-budgetary funds y and others .);

Functional bodies of investment and financial infrastructure created with the participation of the state (state investment funds, state investment and insurance companies, state specialized investment and commercial banks, investment agencies, etc.).

The processes taking place in the investment and construction sector in recent years are particularly dynamic, which indicates the need to search for a new, more acceptable management model. A significant impetus for solving this problem was given by the reform of federal executive authorities, carried out in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2006 N 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive authorities” and dated 05/20/2006 N649 “Issues of the structure of federal authorities executive power". A management system has been adopted, which schematically looks like this: federal ministries - federal services - federal agencies (Fig. 1). Gosstroy of Russia was transformed into the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) in accordance with the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2006 N 286. So, at the federal level, the management of the construction industry has changed significantly and has moved closer to business entities, since federal agencies are the “lowest” level in the federal echelon of executive authorities.

Fig.1. Structure of state bodies for managing investment and construction activities.

The Government of the Russian Federation is the highest government body for the management of industry and construction. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade carries out the formation of investment programs for the construction complex at the expense of centralized sources of financing.

The functions of public administration are implemented, as a rule, in well-known organizational and legal forms, in which the competence of state bodies acquires its substantive content. Forms of public administration are stable methods, proven by practice, of fixing a functional organization and a set of optimal techniques and methods with the help of which the state achieves its goals. To overcome the crisis in the investment and construction complex, it is necessary to increase the importance of administrative methods of regulation, strengthen the stimulating role of the fiscal system and credit policy, and create an effective mechanism for competition in the contracting market while implementing a unified technical policy and recommendations in the field of pricing.

In modern conditions, when organizing processes of regulation and development of investment and construction activities, greater attention than before should be paid to resolving these issues at the regional level. The development and implementation of investment and construction programs should be carried out taking into account national interests, as well as taking into account the characteristics and needs of the regions.

From a management point of view, the regional investment and construction complex is a system consisting of technical, economic and social, organizationally interconnected elements. With the transition to a regulated market economy, it becomes inevitable that the restructuring of both the organizational structure of the regional investment and construction complex and the processes of administrative and economic regulation of its functioning and development on the part of power structures.

The main objectives of regulating the investment and construction sector at the regional level, set out in the work, are:

Creation of a regulatory system for the regional investment and construction complex;

Strategy for the ISK to emerge from crisis or stagnation;

Preparation of draft legislative acts that provide legal support for regulatory mechanisms in the investment and construction complex;

Creation of an industry marketing system;

Overcoming technical backwardness.

2. Practical part

At the beginning, we should consider the state of the entire investment and construction complex of the Southern Federal District.

The solution to current social problems in the South of Russia is associated with the current state and level of development of the construction complex.

In 2007, almost 30 thousand buildings were commissioned in the Southern Federal District, their total construction volume amounted to 28.5 million cubic meters. m, and the total area is 7.8 million square meters. m for all types of objects. Compared to 2006, when a local maximum was reached, these volumes decreased slightly (by 2.1, 10.9 and 3.3%, respectively). Of the total number of buildings constructed, more than 90% are residential buildings.

If, in general, the territory of the Southern Federal District is significantly inferior to other regions of the country in terms of the volume of construction work, then the intensity of housing construction here is quite high (Table 2, Appendix 1).

Table 2 Commissioning of residential buildings per 1000 population, square meter of total area,

Another important area of ​​construction in the South of Russia is the construction of social facilities and utility networks, financed mainly from budgets of various levels.

In the Southern Federal District in 2007, hospitals were introduced with 292 hospital beds (34.3% compared to 2006), outpatient clinics with 2.4 thousand visits per shift (127.1%). In the field of education, general education institutions were introduced for 6.5 thousand places (99.1% compared to 2006), and preschool educational institutions for 90 places (17% compared to 2006). These data reflect the all-Russian situation, which, despite the increase in budget revenues and the social accents of budget policy, is characterized by a decrease in the quantitative indicators of the commissioning of medical and educational institutions in the last two years, but with an increase in the quality of their equipment and the implementation of new technological solutions.

As for the utility infrastructure, the supply of which in many regions of the South lags significantly behind even not very high Russian standards, then, despite the allocation of significant investments, the pace of construction of utility networks (many of which have turned into long-term construction) in a number of regions is clearly insufficient and not adequate to progressive world imperatives.

The situation in the construction complex of the South of Russia is in many ways typical of other macro-regions of the country.

The development of the construction complex in the republics of the South especially needs state orders, as well as the construction of priority social and infrastructure facilities - schools, medical institutions, utility networks, roads, bridges.

The solution to these issues would be facilitated by the systematic differentiated inclusion of relevant objects in federal, departmental and regional target programs (FTP, VTP, RCP) for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Southern Federal District.

This is all the more relevant because, due to an insufficient level of organizational and scientific support, as well as misunderstanding or ignoring some of the economic, political and environmental conditions and risks, hopes for the implementation of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia” did not materialize. Without defining strategic priorities, competencies or ranking objects by scale and significance, it included almost all production, social and other projects proposed and lobbied by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. Systemic problems hindering the development of the construction complex in the Southern Federal District include:

· monopolization of local construction and repair markets; lack of real competition between applicants for orders in accordance with the scale and competencies of firms; the imperfection of the mechanism for allocating plots for development in a number of regions (less than 10% of plots are sold at open auctions) and the lack of the necessary engineering infrastructure on them;

· insufficient rates of renewal of fixed assets in construction and repair facilities;

· high moral and physical wear and tear of construction equipment and technologies;

· significant reduction in the fleet of road construction equipment;

· insufficiency of small-scale mechanization and instrumental base.

To improve the quality and volume of housing construction, social and infrastructure facilities in the Southern Federal District, it is necessary to modernize the construction complex itself, introduce cutting-edge technologies and scientific developments.

The problems of implementing the priority National Project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing” in the South, as well as in Russia as a whole, are due to the fact that the concept of accessibility does not correspond with the dynamics of housing prices due to objective and subjective reasons. The accelerated growth in apartment prices relative to the growth in income of many potential buyers is due to an increase in their cost and profit margin, and shadow processes. Prices for building materials and electricity, transportation costs, changes in building codes and regulations, and the cost of raising funds to replenish working capital are rising too quickly.

Demand for housing is still growing due to the increased purchasing power of the poor and middle strata of the population. The effect of this factor is enhanced by various lending schemes, including mortgages. The insufficient availability of mortgages for families in dire need of housing is a real barrier to the implementation of all National projects.

The reason for the rise in prices is also the introduction of capital companies into the regional construction markets, which have powerful financial and administrative resources and increase prices. At the same time, as a rule, in the regions there are no effective lending and investment programs for local construction companies.

However, of the market price of housing, which is almost double in relation to the cost price, only a small part is used to directly generate profits for construction organizations, which explains the low official profitability of construction activities.

For the effective implementation of the national project “Affordable Housing” it is necessary to reduce housing prices by:

· increasing supply on the market;

· minimizing bureaucratic procedures;

· ensuring transparency of the price formation mechanism; moving the construction of social housing to the outskirts and outside the city (to free territories);

· construction of low-rise housing in cities based on changing the category of suburban lands classified as agricultural lands.

The implementation of all national projects in the Southern Federal District is limited by the infrastructure for the reproduction of human capital in the areas of healthcare, education and housing and communal services. However, the most effective solution to this problem lies in increasing employment and income of the population through strategic foreign and domestic investments in the innovative modernization of communication infrastructure of global importance based on the reconstruction of the ITC. This decision becomes a necessary condition for the development of the real sector of the economy in the South of Russia, the formation of clusters of global significance and the entry of their products into world markets.

The Volgograd region, along with several other regions of the Southern Federal District (Rostov region, Krasnodar Territory), shows relatively high indicators for the Southern Federal District both in production in general and in the level of development of the investment and construction complex.

Historically, a powerful construction complex and industry for the production of building materials have formed in the Volgograd region.

This is due to the significant amount of construction work to restore the city, the construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station and subsequently the Volga-Don Shipping Canal.

The region's construction complex includes construction organizations, enterprises producing building materials and supplying raw materials. The largest enterprises are located in cities such as Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Mikhailovka, Surovikino, Kotovo, workers' settlements: Bykovo, Elan and other settlements in the region.

The construction complex consists of:

1) factories of construction and finishing materials (11 Volgograd); 7 factories of reinforced concrete products (11 in Volgograd); 4 brick production factories (in Volgograd and the region); 2 volumetric housing construction plants (in Volgograd and Volzhsky); 2 factories of thermal insulation materials (in Volgograd); cement plant (11 Mikhailovka); woodworking factories (in Volgograd and almost all districts of the region); metal structures factories;

2) enterprises associated with construction - a decorative linoleum plant, plastic panel factories, pulp and paper factories, plumbing equipment factories, glass factories, a machine-building plant that produces construction cranes.

One of the main features of the construction industry of the Volgograd region is its self-sufficiency in mineral resources for the production of building materials. Indeed, this region completely supplies itself with raw materials for the production of cement, brick, expanded clay, building crushed stone and rubble stone, concrete, mortars, silicate products and glass containers. The resources of carbonate raw materials for lime production are practically unlimited.

The existing base of reserves of construction raw materials and the capacity of mining and processing enterprises make it possible to sell part of the manufactured products in other regions. In particular, cement, asbestos-cement, gypsum products, ceramic materials, construction juice, silicate building materials, technological lime, glass containers, etc. are supplied outside the region.

In recent years, there has been a positive dynamics of growth in construction volumes. In particular. in 2008, 636.1 thousand square meters were commissioned in the Volgograd region. m of housing (121.3 thousand sq. m more than in 2007), in 2009 - 762.3 thousand sq. m. m. In 2008, the volume of unfinished construction was reduced by more than 40%, fixed assets were introduced but 697.9 million rubles. At the same time, in order to solve the main economic and social problems defined in the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Volgograd Region (2010-2025), the volume of construction etc. First of all, housing construction should be significantly increased.

The main direction of the development strategy of modern Russia is the creation of a competitive economy, which is based on intersectoral cooperation of producers as subjects of the national economic space. The competitiveness of the country's economy should be determined by the sufficient scientific and technical level of manufactured products and the volume of “investments in particularly sensitive areas.” For Russian regions, this means the need to strengthen diversification and increase the investment and innovation potential of production and its infrastructure.

The main priorities of social and economic policy within the framework of the concept of socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, in particular, include:

Improving the state of the environment, raising environmental standards, creating an effective system for recycling production and consumption waste, increasing the population's supply of high-quality drinking water;

Development of state management of the economy

Expanding the integration of manufacturing industries into the world economy based on their integration into global value chains;

Development of environmentally friendly production.

The development strategy of the Volgograd region until 2025, developed in collaboration with leading economists in the region, determines the direction of the long-term development of the region based on the identification of priority clusters and points of economic growth, partnership between the state and business. Achieving the goals set by the Strategy to increase the investment and innovation potential of the region and create a dynamically developing and competitive economy involves solving the following tasks:

Development of the industry of extraction of natural raw materials and their deep processing;

Modernization of industrial production and increasing its efficiency;

Development of the agro-industrial sector;

Increasing the volume of the construction complex;

Expansion of transport and engineering infrastructure;

Reducing the level of environmental pollution, ensuring the environmental safety of the region through the introduction of innovative technologies.

The Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, developed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, determines the development of individual entities based on a comprehensive analysis of their potential, highlighting in each region historically developed and natural territories that form the main contribution to the sustainable development of the region - zones accelerated development, the formation of which makes it possible to most accurately and systematically predict the main directions of socio-economic development of the region and, based on this, plan the rational placement of state and municipal infrastructure, as well as effective regulatory measures designed to ensure the creation of favorable conditions for realizing the development potential of territories, for example, attracting funds from the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation for co-financing of engineering and social infrastructure facilities, the construction of which is expected to be carried out on the principles of public-private partnership as part of complex investment projects.

The development strategy of the Volgograd region until 2025 provides for the development of four zones of accelerated development, defining growth points in the region for the following socializations:

The Volgograd agglomeration is a large urban agglomeration, the center is the city of Volgograd;

Kotelnikovskaya industrial zone - mining;

Elton Economic Development Zone - mining, health resorts and resorts;

Kamyshin textile cluster - textile and clothing production.

The Volgograd agglomeration as a zone of rapid development is represented by the territorial and economic integration of densely located and functionally connected cities of Volgograd, Volzhsky, Sredneakhtubinsky and Gorodishchensky districts with intensive economic, transport, labor, information, management and recreational relations. The core of the Volgograd agglomeration is Volgograd - the largest industrial and business center, transport and logistics hub.

Within the Volgograd agglomeration it is planned to identify the following main clusters:

1. Industrial - modernization of existing and construction of new production facilities with an increase in the share of products from

high added value industry in the southern part of Volgograd and the industrial zone of the city of Volzhsky.

2. Transport and logistics - construction of a highway bypassing the city of Volgograd, connecting federal highways to Saratov, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Elista and Astrakhan, and logistics parks.

3. Infrastructural support for business development - the creation of an international business center on the basis of the Volzhsky Intermodal Terminal (it is planned to integrate the entire technological and organizational infrastructure of business, construction of such facilities as a scientific and business center, a complex of specialized and industry business incubators, exhibition and service complexes. A universal service shell is provided, which will include: Innovation Center, Investment and Development Agency, Center for Financial and Credit Support, Venture Fund, Unified Information Bank with an e-commerce center, Center for Monitoring, Prototyping and Technology Transfer).

4. Tourist and recreational - on the left bank of the river. Volga on the basis of a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance of the Volga-Akhtubinskaya Floodplain Natural Park.

3. Problems and ways to solve them

The main problems of development of information and industrial complexes in the Volgograd region:

· reduction in the pace and volume of construction due to the crisis;

· difficulties in implementing the national project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing”;

· reduction in the volume of housing construction;

· insufficient development of construction industry enterprises;

· fragmentation and inconsistency of work of enterprises and organizations of the complex;

· lack of investment;

· poor development of housing and communal services.

For the ISK to work successfully, it is necessary to look for comprehensive solutions to these problems.

In order to achieve successful implementation of the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” in the region, it is necessary to increase the volume of housing construction at least twice. More than 39.6 thousand families in the Volgograd region need improved housing conditions. It is not possible to solve housing problems solely by the growth of mortgage loans, despite the fact that in the region their volume is 50% of the volume of mortgage loans in the Southern Federal District. The development of mortgage lending without increasing the supply of housing on the market could lead to an increase in housing prices, which in 2008 amounted to about 60%. However, due to the crisis, an increase in real estate prices is no longer predicted, and such high growth rates in housing construction and mortgage loans are still unattainable. Apparently, we should try to maintain the previous pace of development of the construction complex. It must be remembered that due to the characteristics of the construction sector (the distance between initial investments and the final product), it will feel the full depth of the recession somewhat later than others. It is in this regard that the positive dynamics of housing construction still remains.

An important problem, or limitation to the increase in the pace of construction, is the poor development of communal infrastructure, that is, a lack of capacity for water, sewerage, electricity, etc. In addition, a big problem is the presence of large bureaucratic barriers to the allocation of land for construction and approval of the project. For example, the approval period for construction takes from six months to 2 years. An increase in construction volumes will require additional investments in the development of production of building materials, including cement, etc.

The development of the construction complex is a priority direction of the Economic Development Strategy of the Volgograd Region (2010-2025), since the implementation of other directions, in particular, social policy in terms of providing the population with affordable housing, construction of industrial facilities, roads and agro-industrial complex, depends on its successful implementation. The main directions of development of the construction complex are increasing the volume of housing construction, developing the construction industry, forming a construction cluster, and developing housing and communal services.

Increasing volumes of housing construction.

As part of the implementation of the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens,” as noted, it is necessary to increase the volume of housing construction by 2025 by more than 2 times compared to this year. To do this, first of all, we need to find effective methods of dealing with the crisis. Firstly, according to the government’s assurances, federal programs will not be curtailed, which means continued funding for the project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Citizens,” although perhaps in a more reduced form. In general, efforts should be directed toward the construction of “budget housing,” which will undoubtedly be in great demand during the crisis.

It is also necessary to take measures to reduce the time required for issuing permits and to ensure transparent and unburdensome conditions for construction by local governments (in this case, the volume of housing construction in the region would increase by 50-60%). In this regard, it is necessary to organize a one-stop system so that the investor can save time on obtaining permits. Particular attention should be paid to the construction of low-rise housing, which will reduce the construction time of houses and the cost per square meter (no more than 16 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m). It is necessary to promote the expansion of land plots with ready-made utility infrastructure (in the presence of targeted programs to provide land plots with utility networks).

Development of construction industry enterprises.

The increase in housing construction volumes is associated with the development of construction industry enterprises. It is required to increase the production volumes of building materials and fittings using local construction raw materials. In particular, it is necessary to build cement plants. According to the project, the construction of a similar plant with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year (Currently in the Volgograd region there is a single cement plant, Sebryakovcement OJSC, with a cement production volume of about 3.1 million tons per year; the plant’s workload is about 100%) is planned in Kamyshin . The supply of raw materials will be provided by the Ust-Gryaznukhinskoye deposit. In addition, it is necessary to provide fundamentally new materials for construction, in particular, balsatoplastic reinforcement, balsat fabric and pipes of various diameters, standardized panels made of fiber-reinforced concrete.

Formation of a housing construction cluster.

It involves the unification of construction organizations, construction industry enterprises, and investment organizations in order to expand the scale of housing construction. The cluster may include construction enterprises (construction of multi-apartment and low-rise individual houses); enterprises for the extraction of natural raw materials for the production of building materials; enterprises producing construction materials; other industrial enterprises (providing production infrastructure, modular housing construction of low-rise individual houses); credit organizations (financial support for the development and functioning of the cluster); insurance organizations (insurance of risks in the process of development and functioning of the cluster).

Improving mechanisms for attracting investment in construction.

In order to increase housing construction, it is planned to actively attract funds from the population and enterprises (including consumer credit cooperatives), credit resources, as well as funds from the regional and federal budgets. The development of mortgage lending will continue. Much attention should be paid to developing a mechanism for attracting private investment in housing construction using the state guarantee system. It is required to provide budget financing for unfinished housing construction within the framework of mortgage lending in the amount of at least 30 million rubles. in year.

Development of housing and communal services.

Considering the high depreciation of fixed assets and housing and communal services networks, its further development in the long-term sector requires significant investment, including at the expense of regional and municipal budgets. Already in 2008, in order to reduce the depreciation of fixed assets and improve the quality of services provided to the population, 242 million rubles were allocated for capital construction, including from the regional budget - 108.8 million rubles, from the federal budget - 133.2 million rubles. In order to reduce heat tariffs, it is necessary to modernize boiler houses in order to switch to more economical fuel 22. It is necessary to help reduce heat losses in networks, which today amount to about 40%, including by expanding the system of mini-boiler houses. An important task is to attract small businesses to the housing and communal services sector (house maintenance, network repair, etc.). The implementation of the housing program will require the expansion of utility networks and an increase in the volume of housing and communal services.

- Conclusion -

To summarize, it should be noted that the Volgograd investment and construction complex plays an important role both in the development of the region and the entire Southern Federal complex. He's imperfect. There are no close ties between its participants, the development of problems in the field of housing and communal services is hampered, and construction industry enterprises are poorly developed. In addition, the crisis is having an increasing impact on the construction sector. Apparently, it (the crisis) has not yet hit construction with full force due to the great inertia of construction products. However, in the near future, a sharp lack of investment is expected, and some projects (especially expensive and long-term ones) may be “curtailed” or “frozen.” And yet, construction is an area of ​​the economy that cannot stop development. Themes and production volumes may decline, but this is a temporary phenomenon. The government’s firm position on the implementation of national projects, in particular the “Affordable and Comfortable Housing” project, is partly encouraging. In part, it will be possible to strengthen and stabilize the construction industry by forming a housing and construction cluster, which will unite disparate construction enterprises and organizations to improve the efficiency of their work, as well as the work of the investment and construction complex as a whole.


1. Asaul A.N., Ivanov S.N. The regional construction complex exists // Construction Economics. - 2004. - N2. - P. 3-20.

2. Polyakov V.G., Startsev V.N. Construction and operation of large industrial complexes as centers of regional economic growth, Volgograd, 2010, p. 198-201.

3. Inshakova O.V., Strategy for socio-economic development of the Volgograd region (2010-2025), Volgograd, 2010, p. 132-139.

4. Inshakova O.V., Modernization of the South of Russia based on the development of the ITC: problems, priorities, projects., Volgograd, 2009, p. 39-43.

5. Ekimova K.V., Savelyeva I.P., “ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND INDUSTRY COMPLEXES” // Problems of modern economics, N 3(19)

6. Solunsky A.I., Organizational and economic problems of reconstruction of construction management. M.: Stroyizdat, 1993.

List of used Internet resources:

http://www.gks.ru/ - Statistics

Scientific publications (articles and monographs) with keyword investment and construction complex , published by the Creative Economy Publishing House (found: 20 for the period from 2009 to 2017).

1. Faizullin I.E., Krygina A.M., Krygina N.M.
// Housing strategies. (No. 1 / 2017).
The article presents the results of a study of the use of innovative development strategies for enterprises of territorial investment and construction complexes. The main problematic aspects of the development of the construction industry are analyzed, taking into account crisis processes at different levels in the economy, identifying a group of factors limiting the business activity of construction organizations. An analysis of the innovative strategies of regional ISK enterprises was carried out. The applicability of a synergetic innovation strategy in the implementation of reproductive processes of residential eco-real estate is shown, taking into account the specifics of objects of this class.

Faizullin I.E., Krygina A.M., Krygina N.M. Development of eco-housing construction as an effective tool for the formation of innovative strategies for the development of enterprises in the investment and construction complex // Housing strategies. – 2017. – Volume 4. – No. 1. – p. 9-22. – doi: 10.18334/zhs.4.1.38052.

2. Zainullina D.R., Grigorieva K.I.

The article analyzes the systemic problems of the investment and construction complex, which led to crisis phenomena. The authors made an attempt to prove the relationship between the activation of the innovation process in the investment and construction complex and the latter’s recovery from the crisis. The impact of the successful development of the construction industry on improving the regional investment climate and creating favorable conditions for the development of innovation in the region was also analyzed.

Zainullina D.R., Grigorieva K.I. Activation of the investment and construction complex as a factor in the innovative development of the region // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2016. – Volume 17. – No. 21. – p. 2953–2962. – doi: 10.18334/rp.17.21.36912.

3. Abdukhanova N.G., Mukhametvaleeva R.R.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 21 / 2016).
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of development in the investment and construction complex. The concept of “development” as a way of organizing and managing construction production is substantiated. The problems and prospects for the development of development in the investment and construction complex, as well as the role of development in the socio-economic aspect, are considered.

Abdukhanova N.G., Mukhametvaleeva R.R. Development in the investment and construction complex // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2016. – Volume 17. – No. 21. – p. 3023–3028. – doi: 10.18334/rp.17.21.36914.

7. Gareev I.F., Rozhkov V.L., Kotdusova A.G.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 19/2015).

The article presents the characteristics of housing construction and the dynamics of its main indicators. Based on the results of the study, the relationship between the results of investment and construction activities and its main components was revealed. The findings can be useful in developing a strategy for the development of the investment and construction complex.

Gareev I.F., Rozhkov V.L., Kotdusova A.G. Main trends in the development of the investment and construction complex // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2015. – Volume 16. – No. 19. – p. 3149-3158. – doi: 10.18334/rp.16.19.1967.

13. Faizullin I.E., Muharramova E.R., Azhimova L.I.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 19 / 2014).
The article discusses issues related to the development of the construction complex, the need to develop a plan and stages of preparation for the development of the construction complex. Factors influencing the investment and construction complex are presented, as well as an analysis of the development of the real estate market in the city of Kazan.

Faizullin I.E., Muharramova E.R., Azhimova L.I. Development of the investment and construction complex of the Republic of Tatarstan // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2014. – Volume 15. – No. 19. – p. 135-145. – url: .

15. Gareev I.F., Orlov V.Ya.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 24 / 2013).
The financial market currently has collective investment instruments that allow citizens to attract resources to the real estate market. The article reveals issues of the functioning of real estate funds that require further improvement.

Gareev I.F., Orlov V.Ya. Directions for the development of the institution of collective investment in the construction industry // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2013. – Volume 14. – No. 24. – p. 100-107. – url: .

19. Faizullin I.E., Fedorenko O.S.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 5 / 2009).
An analysis of the clustering potential of the Republic of Tatarstan made it possible to identify priority types of economic activity that are ready for the creation of clusters, which include the investment and construction complex. However, at this stage, the creation of a full-fledged cluster in this industry is hampered by the insufficient development of related and supporting areas of activity. How should this problem be solved? What should be the conditions and methodology for constructing clusters? Read about this in the article.

Faizullin I.E., Fedorenko O.S. Development of the regional investment and construction complex based on the cluster approach // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2009. – Volume 10. – No. 5. – p. 159-163. – url: .

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