
Conditions of the young family program - who has the right to participate, documents, the procedure for their submission and consideration. Conditions of the program “Affordable housing for young families Assistance in purchasing housing from the state

At the level of constant increase in real estate prices, becoming the owner of an apartment is becoming difficult. In such difficult conditions, the participation of government agencies in solving emerging problems becomes more relevant. Young people have already appreciated the benefits of the Young Family program, which helps obtain affordable housing with support in the form of subsidies. More than 3.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of this project in 2016-2020.

What is the Young Family program

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the state nature of this project, which provides serious guarantees to all participants. Under such a program, a family can count on social payments to purchase housing or improve living conditions. In order to qualify for government benefits under this program, applicants must meet certain criteria. This applies to the age of spouses, financial situation and social status of those in need of improved living conditions.

How the state supports young families

The implementation of the Housing target program began in 2002. This federal project was launched with the aim of providing housing to needy categories of citizens and solved a wide range of related issues (modernization of communal infrastructure, etc.). The basic directions of the project included the implementation of the subprogram Providing housing for young families (better known in its abbreviated form - the Young Family program), distributing housing certificates, the holder of which received a subsidy from the state.

Program Goals

The main purpose of this project is government support in the acquisition or construction of residential real estate. This is done in different ways, for example, by applying for a subsidy for housing loans or paying for a contract for building a house. Spouses who need to improve their living conditions and who have not reached the age of 35 can participate in the subprogram.

State programs for young families

The timing of the implementation of the next stage of the state program was determined for the period 2011-2015, but then the period was extended until 2020 without significant changes. All this allows us to talk about it as a well-thought-out targeted federal project for the issuance of government subsidies, which has a clearly defined target audience and social orientation. According to official data, in the first four years of implementation, about 108.5 thousand participants in the target program were able to achieve improved housing conditions.

“Affordable housing for a young family”

The emergence of such a project was quite predictable given the existing social norms and government policy to improve the demographic situation. It is important to note that within the framework of the housing subprogram, you can not only acquire your own real estate from scratch, but also improve existing conditions. This is especially true for participants with many children - if the apartment in which they are registered does not meet the standard (less than 18 sq. m per person) - this is a reason to apply for participation in the project.

Regional program “Providing housing for young families”

Although the social assistance program is federal in nature, the distribution of subsidies largely depends on the administration of a particular region, because it takes place with the participation of local budgets. The authorities of a region or republic determine the amount of subsidies, therefore, different norms for the provision of social benefits from regional budgets apply in different regions. At the same time, the region’s very entry into the program of providing affordable housing for young people takes place on a competitive basis.

What is assistance to young families?

By insisting on targeted spending of the funds received, the state provides ample opportunities for young families to use the subsidies received. Social benefits can be used for:

  • Purchases of housing - for example, apartments from a developer, where part of the cost is paid through social benefits.
  • Construction of a residential building - in this case, the cost of the construction contract is paid.
  • Obtaining a mortgage loan - the down payment is paid using the subsidy.
  • Payment for a housing construction cooperative - this must be the last payment, after which the living space becomes the property of the program participant.
  • Repayment of real estate loans - both principal and interest. It is important that the bank loan is not overdue and was received before January 1, 2011, and that the housing is checked for compliance with economic class.

Subsidy amount

State payments are provided for targeted spending (as confirmed by receipt of a certificate), and therefore can only be used to improve living conditions. One of the basic factors that determines the amount of subsidy that a participant receives is the estimated value of the property (RVN). Moreover, if:

  • Spouses are married but do not have children - the amount of social payment is at least 30 percent of the RSN.
  • There is 1 child or more (this includes single-parent families) - a subsidy is provided starting from 35 percent of the RSN.

The estimated value of real estate is calculated using the formula RSN = NOP x NS1, where:

  • NOP - standard total area (for example, for two people - 42 square meters);
  • NS1 – standard cost of 1 square meter, established by local government.

Additional benefits for large families

A family with three or more minor children is considered to have many children. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Federal Targeted Housing Program” specifically emphasizes that large families are one of the priority categories. They are provided with a benefit - a larger subsidy in relation to the estimated cost of housing. For example, if a simple community unit of three people can receive 600,000 rubles for a social mortgage, then a large group can receive 1,000,000 rubles or more, depending on the number of children.

How to become a participant in the program in 2019

The conditions for participation in the project have not changed over the past years, which gives all candidates the same rights. If the necessary requirements are met and all documents are provided, the participant may qualify for a subsidy. An apartment for a mortgage to a young family is the most common use of social benefits, which will be the down payment on the loan.

Mortgage conditions for a young family

Given the wide popularity and mass awareness of the Young Family program, many banks offer mortgage products designed for those who agree to participate in this project. This is a very attractive category of clients, given the government funding of the program and additional subsidies from local budgets, which is why such a borrower will be given a mortgage much more willingly than ordinary clients.

Requirements for borrowers

Those who are interested in the Young Family program and who are going to apply for participation need to know that there are certain incoming requirements for candidates:

  1. The age of each spouse does not exceed 35 years.
  2. If there are no children, it is necessary that the husband and wife have Russian citizenship. If there is at least one child, then only one of the spouses can be a Russian citizen.
  3. Applicants must be recognized as in need of housing by local authorities and have an area less than the registration norm.
  4. Applicants must have funds that, together with the subsidy, are enough to purchase real estate, or they must have income sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan.

Where to contact

Applicants who qualify and want to take advantage of the benefits this subsidy program offers must submit an application to their local government office. More detailed information is available on the website of the Real Estate Department - if you have any questions related to paperwork, you can contact them by email.

What documents are needed

The list of documents that the Young Family program requires from participants will be as follows:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Copies of passports of both spouses, birth certificate of the child (children).
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate (does not apply to single-parent families).
  4. Documentary evidence of the need to improve living conditions.
  5. Documents about the financial status of the spouses.

If it is planned that social benefits will help pay off mortgage debt, then in addition to points 1-3 you will need:

  1. A copy of the loan agreement.
  2. A document confirming the need to improve housing conditions at the time of issuing mortgage funds.
  3. A certificate from the bank regarding the amount of the remaining principal and interest.

Preferential mortgage for a young family with state support

The advantage of this form of lending for borrowers is difficult to overestimate - everyone who has ever tried to use this service knows about the difficulties of obtaining a bank loan. The subsidy project is an additional guarantee for the credit institution, because in this case the borrower already has funds for the down payment, plus his solvency has been verified by government agencies.

Which bank can I get it from?

The Young Family program has proven itself well in the banking segment, and major players - Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB24 - offer participants mortgage lending on preferential terms. For example, a mortgage for a young family from Sberbank will require only 10 or 15% of the cost of the apartment (depending on the presence or absence of children), with a reduced interest rate on the loan. For those who take advantage of this offer to apply for a loan, the bank has a special benefit - upon the birth of a child, payments can be deferred for up to one year.

Registration procedure

The subsidy procedure and further related actions take place for project participants in several stages:

  1. Submitting a package of documents to the local government body, where within 10 days they must make a decision - to accept the candidate or refuse.
  2. Before September 1 of the current year, a single list of participants is being prepared, taking into account all submitted applications. Priority in the queue goes to those registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005 and those with many children.
  3. After the government approves the amount of social payments for the next year, lists for payments are approved. Everyone on the list is notified that they will be paid a subsidy.
  4. After filling out the necessary documents, the participant receives a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits. The certificate should be submitted to the bank where an account is opened to which the local government body transfers funds for the intended use.
  5. Having received an order from the project participant, the bank transfers the money to its destination (real estate seller, mortgage lender, etc.).

Young family project for Moscow residents

Although Moscow is the capital and center of Russia, the Young Family program is not formally implemented here. The thing is that although the program is financed from the federal budget, in the implementation of the project the emphasis is on work in the regions for which funds are allocated. But at the same time, the residents of the capital did not stand aside - a special Moscow program was launched for them, which can be called a city initiative, financed from municipal funds.

Who can apply

The requirements for young families from Moscow seeking to acquire their own housing are a little stricter than for the regions. For candidates it is necessary to:

  • that both spouses be citizens of Russia and at least one of them has Moscow registration;
  • be on a waiting list for improved housing conditions (or registered as in need of improvement);
  • have an appropriate level of income that makes it possible to pay a mortgage or immediately purchase real estate when a subsidy is issued.

How the queue is formed under the Young Family program

Muscovites who want to take part in this project should prepare an application and, having collected a package of documents, contact the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow. A fund employee will not only accept your documentation, but will also check that the application is filled out correctly and issue a receipt. Since the second copy of the application with a signature confirming the acceptance of documents will remain with you, make it in two copies in advance.

The queue for the city housing program includes several categories of people in need, with priority for applicants with many children, those with disabled children, etc. The implementation mechanism itself in Moscow is also somewhat different from the federal one - participants are offered to purchase real estate at a discounted price, with compensation (write-off) of part cost. For example, 30% is written off for parents with three or more children (or at least one disabled child). Along with their own funds to purchase an apartment, participants can also use maternity capital.

Where can you spend money received under the housing program?

It is envisaged that the amount received will be spent on the purchase of housing, and two options for purchase and sale are possible - using a social mortgage or in installments. In the second case, the contract is concluded for a period of up to 10 years with quarterly payments and a flexible system of reducing conditions. For example, the first payment is 20-60% of the property value, but it will be 15% if you have two children and 10% if you have three.

The total amount of the repurchase and the amount of interest for the installment plan are determined by the regulations of the city of Moscow. An important regulatory indicator is the average market price per square meter - in the second quarter of 2019 it was 90,400 rubles. It is important that until the end of the installment plan, the apartment belongs to the municipality - the project participant must pay utility bills, and in case of a long delay, the purchase and sale agreement may be terminated.

Pros and cons of the program to help young families

The positive aspects of this social project are obvious - it is material and organizational assistance to young spouses so that they acquire their own housing. By taking part in this project, you can reasonably expect that your housing issue will soon be resolved for the better. You will receive real estate with a limitation on the area of ​​residential buildings or apartments, but this is a social project, and it is not designed for lovers of luxury apartments.

Among other disadvantages, too high requirements for those who are issued housing certificates are often cited - since these people have an income sufficient to obtain a mortgage, how much do they need a subsidy? If we compare this with the fact that a single mother with two children can receive the same amount as two spouses with one child, then it is easy to see that there is still room for improvement in the project.


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A young family is considered to be:

  • a family with children in which both spouses (in the case of a single-parent family - mother or father) are not older than 35 years (inclusive);
  • a family without children, in which both spouses are not older than 35 years (inclusive) and have been married for at least one year.

In Moscow, you can participate in a program to improve housing conditions if:

  • all family members are Russian citizens;
  • at least one of the spouses has been registered at their place of residence in Moscow for more than 10 years and was registered with housing before March 1, 2005 (that is, registered as needing improved housing conditions).

2. What way can a young family count on to improve their living conditions?

Young families under the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, like other families who registered for housing before March 1, 2005, can count on - purchasing Moscow-owned housing You can take out a housing loan from any bank that approves a mortgage.

">into a mortgage, but according to The cost of housing is determined in accordance with the calculation methodology approved by the Moscow Government and depends on the location of the house, whether the family has the right to housing benefits and how long it has been on the housing register. Usually it is significantly lower than the market price (about 4 times).">reduced cost.

3. But what is special about social mortgages for young families?

Firstly, participants in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program are placed in a separate queue. This significantly reduces the waiting time for improved living conditions.

Secondly, for young families with three or more minor children, the purchase price of housing is calculated minus 30% of its total area. (If there were children before the signing of the purchase and sale agreement, the cost is reduced immediately. If they were born (adopted) after the signing of the agreement, the loan debt is written off in the amount of the cost of 30% of the living space. However, the write-off amount cannot exceed the balance of the unpaid cost of housing).

Thirdly, according to the rules of the program, if a young family has twins, triplets or more children or a disabled child, the balance of the loan debt (provided the young family complies with the payment schedule established by the contract) is written off completely.

4. How is the queue of young families formed?

The priority is formed in accordance with the following priorities:

  • date of housing registration;
  • the number of children in a young family or the presence of a disabled child in a young family;
  • the availability of housing benefits or the possibility of resolving housing issues of citizens living with a young family, removing them from the register of those in need;
  • the number of square meters of occupied total space per person in a young family;
  • type of apartment: communal living, dormitory, hotel type, separate.

Families with twins, triplets, etc., or if there are three or more children in the family, have priority rights.

5. What will happen to those who are on the housing register together with a member of a young family?

It all depends on the size of the living space in which those who are on the housing register together with a member of a young family will live. If each of them, after the evacuation of one of the spouses of a young family, has 18 or more square meters (the norm for the provision of housing), then they will be removed from the housing register. If less, then they will remain registered without losing their place in the queue, but the member of the young family who is with them will be excluded from the registration file.

6. What size apartment can a young family buy?

When determining the size of the apartment provided under the contract, the availability of housing for members of a young family, in respect of which they have an independent right of use, is taken into account. At the same time, one room is allocated for each member of a young family registered as needing improved housing conditions.

Today in Russia there is a real program for affordable housing for young families 2017. This project began its existence in 2011, and in 2014 some amendments were made, which five years later remained unchanged.

The 2017 affordable housing program for young families allows people to pay much less money, since the state undertakes to take on part of the payments. Now we’ll tell you how the housing program for young people 2017 works.

Assistance to a young family in purchasing housing 2017: program conditions

A large percentage of young families need their own housing. Some live with their parents, others rent an apartment, but the goal of acquiring their own home never leaves young families. Therefore, in order to increase the birth rate and ensure normal living conditions in Russia, the program for young couples was adjusted.

Today, not every young family can receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing under such a program. The state may refuse financial assistance based on the following reasons:

  • The family has personal funds to purchase housing.
  • Asocial conditions that are not suitable for living.
  • Sharing a communal apartment with a sick person.
  • Meter standards diverge from lending standards in the region.

Housing subsidies for young families 2016 are provided to the following categories of the population:

  • Both spouses are no more than 35 years of age.
  • Only citizens of the country can participate in such a program.
  • For a positive answer, you need to bring a document from the bank that confirms the financial institution’s readiness to give you the specified amount.

Housing for young families program 2016: changes and benefits

In 2017, the structure of the program changed slightly. The only change is that you will receive a subsidy only when purchasing a primary home. The maximum amount that the program is ready to cover is 30% of the total cost of the apartment or house. 35% is paid in cases where there is more than 1 child or the family is incomplete (single mother), etc.
A few important aspects:

  • Today it is impossible to repay a loan using financial assistance. Previously, it was possible to use the subsidy to pay any payments, but today this is no longer the case.
  • The scope of the program's review has been greatly reduced. Now it will be more difficult to get housing this way.
  • It is important to have a child, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the program.

The program “young family affordable housing 2016” is still limited by a monetary limit. For three people, the subsidy increased to 800,000 thousand rubles. The maximum amount will not exceed more than 2 million. 200 thousand rubles.

How to get housing for a young family 2017: documents

Currently, this program runs until 2020. Therefore, anyone who wants to purchase a home must already collect a package of documents. Of course, due to the fact that now purchasing housing is only possible on the primary market, this greatly narrows the opportunities for the average citizen, but this housing option, according to government officials, provides the family with good living conditions.

How else can you use the subsidy? Funds can be used:

  • To build your own home.
  • When making a financial contribution to a housing cooperative for the purchase of an apartment.

Before going to the housing department, you need to prepare a basic package of documents, namely:

  • An application in which both spouses must indicate the purpose of receiving the subsidy.
  • A copy of the passports of both spouses.
  • About marriage (copy of certificate).
  • A copy of work records.
  • Certificate of income of both spouses. The amount must show that the family is solvent and can repay the loan without harm to the children. Income may also include social benefits.
  • Certificate of family composition (house book).
  • Information about your last place of residence. Data for 5-7 years.

Having collected all the necessary documents, you can safely contact the housing authority under the “Housing for Young People 2017” program. Housing under the 2016 young family program can actually help you buy a roof over your head. Documentary issues can be handled by one of the spouses. Today, one family member (husband or wife) is allowed to visit.

Buying a home for a young family 2017

If you don't have enough funds of your own, apply for the program before you get upset. Young family affordable housing 2016 official website offers to consider all loan conditions. The application is processed within 10 days. After this, you will either have a positive outcome or a negative one. The “Housing for Youth 2016” program reviews your request and checks for compliance with the conditions of the project.

It is written above about who cannot take part in the program; however, the project reserves the right to reject the application if it sees that the living conditions of the young family are not so sad.

Sometimes a joint family income allows spouses to obtain a loan or mortgage without benefits, so the state does not consider it necessary to help such families. On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other, a “full” mortgage will cost a lot more for young people, and if you have a small child, it will be much more difficult to pay off on your own.
It is impossible to offer such a loyal program to everyone, so municipal institutions choose the citizens most in need of help.

Young family affordable housing 2016 official forecast

If your income does not meet the requirements, you, unfortunately, will not be able to participate a priori. To date, the following amounts have been announced:

  • The income of a family of 2 people must be at least 21,621 rubles.
  • For three people this amount increases to 32,501 rubles.
  • Four people must have a combined income of at least 43,350 rubles.

The “Young Family Affordable Housing 2016” program has tightened the basic requirements for citizens, narrowing the circle of “selected ones.”

The “Young Family Housing 2017” program operates throughout the Russian Federation. In order to become a participant and receive approval in the program, you must fully comply with the presented list of requirements. Only in this case can you count on help from the state.

The federal Housing program, developed in 2002, has still not lost its relevance. It allows citizens of different categories to improve living conditions for their families.

Let's look at what has been done during this time. How to get a subsidy for a house? How did the conditions for participants change?

Description of the state program “Housing”

The federal target program “Housing” is national, that is, its activities are implemented on the territory of all subjects. It is aimed at solving housing problems that naturally arise among young citizens and families.

The project is divided into stages. The current one was developed in 2010, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050. This document described the conditions for the activities, sources of financing, and determined the categories of citizens who are entitled to preferential subsidies.

By Resolution No. 889 of August 25, 2015, the Federal Target Program “Housing” was extended for 2016-2020.

This document regulated the creation of subprograms of the above Federal Targeted Program:

  1. Modernization of municipal infrastructure facilities.
  2. Providing housing for young families.
  3. Stimulating housing development development programs in the regions.
  4. Providing housing for certain categories of citizens.
  5. Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation.

Thus, the Federal Target Program was detailed in order to increase the effectiveness of its activities. In particular, it began to cover a larger number of young citizens.

In addition, the program activates the detail of enterprises shaping the housing market. State funds received by young families should increase demand for houses and apartments. This, in turn, leads to the construction of more livable, environmentally friendly and comfortable spaces.

What do program participants receive?

The problem of providing citizens with housing is one of the most acute today. Buying a home is an expensive proposition that is beyond the reach of most young people.

Participation in the activities of the subprogram to provide housing for young families and citizens established by federal legislation gives these persons the opportunity to purchase their own apartment with the help of the state on favorable terms.

The state will pay part of the funds for them, and the rest of the program participants must find themselves. This can be either your own savings or borrowed mortgage funds.

The state expects to finance from 30 to 35% of the cost of purchasing a house or apartment for young families. For other participants in the subprograms, a cash certificate is also issued for a certain amount, which they have the right to spend only on the purchase of housing. Specific numbers depend on the preferential category and other starting conditions. However, the program participant is required to prove his own solvency. All the money won't pay for it.

The estimated value of the property is taken into account, not the market value.

It is envisaged that part of the loan provided under the state program will be repaid from maternity capital funds.

As part of the subprogram to stimulate the development of housing construction, the state subsidizes constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and legal entities that have received loans to provide engineering infrastructure to land plots intended for the construction of economy-class housing, the construction of social infrastructure facilities, the construction of highways in new areas, etc. Certificates may also be issued to families with 3 or more children.

As part of the subprogram for providing housing to certain categories of citizens, it is planned to provide housing to such categories of citizens as state civil servants, employees of the prosecutor's office, employees of the Investigative Committee, emergency service workers, etc., as well as the provision of social benefits for the purchase of housing for young scientists . In addition, the program's objectives include completing the construction of dormitories for students and young scientists; resettlement of citizens living in the landslide zone of Ingushetia, resettlement of citizens from residential premises declared unsuitable for living and other socially important tasks. For the purposes of this program, the state annually subsidizes the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending and Russian credit organizations.

The goal of the subprogram for the modernization of communal infrastructure is to create conditions for bringing the communal infrastructure into compliance with quality standards that ensure comfortable living conditions. The subprogram's activities provide for co-financing from the federal budget for the completion of construction and reconstruction of utility infrastructure facilities.

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What goals does the state set for itself?

The government is obliged to develop all areas of the economy, while taking care of vulnerable citizens. The state program “Housing” meets these criteria. Its goals are manifold.

Briefly in the Resolution they are stated as follows:

  1. Create favorable conditions for the development of the market for affordable and comfortable economy class housing.
  2. Containing rising housing prices.
  3. Maintaining effective demand for housing.
  4. Increasing the volume of housing commissioning and developing the construction industry.
  5. Providing government support to citizens in need of improved housing conditions.
  6. Fulfillment of the state’s social obligations to provide housing for young families and certain categories of citizens.
  7. Integrated development of territories for the purpose of housing construction, including provision of land plots with engineering, social and road infrastructure.

Particular attention in the events is paid to beneficiaries. Priority categories of citizens, except for young families under 35 years of age, are:

  • military personnel who retired due to length of service;
  • employees of the police, prosecutor's office, investigative committee;
  • scientists;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • rescuers;
  • citizens subject to resettlement from closed military cities, towns, closed administrative territories;
  • citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the accident at the Mayak production association;
  • citizens recognized as forced migrants leaving the Far North;
  • citizens living in premises recognized as unsuitable, with a high level of wear and tear, living in the area of ​​the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

By decision of the President of the Russian Federation or Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the list of beneficiaries may be expanded or adjusted.

The program is about economy class houses and apartments!

Main criteria for selecting participants

Only citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for a subsidy. The state program “Providing housing for young families” applies to young people under the age of 35; other measures to provide housing do not specify the age of the participants; naturally, they must correspond to the categories that are enshrined in the Resolution in the terms of each target program.

Also, additional conditions may be imposed on participants, such as solvency, because a young family is allocated only part of the funds to purchase housing; they must have the remaining amount in a bank account or receive approval under one of the bank’s loan programs.

Participants in the program to provide housing for certain categories of citizens must only have a place of work or place of registration corresponding to the program in the areas specified in the action plan from which citizens are planned to be resettled.

The requirements for legal entities, municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation are also set out in detail in the previously mentioned Resolution. There you can also familiarize yourself with the criteria for their selection for participation in competitions for subsidies.

Where to contact potential participants

Having decided on his intentions, a citizen must come to the administration of the city (town, village) in which he lives.

In addition, you must have with you the documents necessary to register as those in need of improved living conditions. Applications are reviewed on a commission basis. The government agency is obliged to respond to the applicant within 10 days. The period is counted from the date of submission of the application.

Citizens who can obtain housing due to work or service must contact the appropriate department at work.

Frequently asked questions about participation in the program

The documents indicate that measures to provide young families with housing are designed only for young families. However, an application can be submitted by a single person who falls within the restrictive age criteria. According to the Family Code, he is also a separate unit of society.

It is important to have time to decide on your intentions before the age of 35.

According to the current federal program, the age of each spouse or one parent in a single-parent family on the day the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision to include a young family participating in the activities of a departmental target program in the list of applicants for receiving social benefits in the planned year does not exceed 35 years.

More detailed conditions for participation are outlined in regional programs, which may differ slightly from federal ones in favor of citizens.

However, it should be remembered that there is a clause in the federal program that allows regional authorities to exclude citizens even from already approved lists. It states that if at the time the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation forms lists of young families - applicants for receiving social benefits in the corresponding year, the age of at least one of the members of the young family exceeds 35 years, such a family is subject to exclusion from the list of young families - participants in the events of the departmental target program in the manner established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Results achieved

It is too early to say that the main goals of the state program “Housing” have been achieved. The cost of apartments and houses did not decrease, nor did the percentage of young families with satisfactory housing conditions.

Nevertheless, there are some successes. So:

  • the share of private housing among Russians is gradually increasing;
  • mortgage lending is developing;
  • the volume of commissioned housing stock is growing;
  • the infrastructure of cities is being modernized through the use of budget funds and citizens;
  • The resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing, emergency housing and from the regions of the Far North is gradually being organized.

The maximum amount of a preferential loan is 3 million rubles, and in the capital and St. Petersburg - 8 million rubles.

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