
Judgments about economic growth. Control of the topic "Economy" (selection of tests). Define the problem. Select arguments

3.4. The economic growth. Economic cycle.

Let's remember! Economic growth is the long-term trend of increasing real GDP. The important thing is that we are talking about the growth of real, not nominal GDP, that this is a multi-year process and that GDP is growing both in absolute value and per capita.

Economic growth may be due to the fact that a country is experiencing an increase in the quantity of resources and/or an increase in their quality.

An increase in the number of factors of production is extensive growth:

- increase in the number of labor resources;

- increasing the amount of available natural resources;

- increase in capital resources.

Improving the quality of production factors means intensive growth:

- increasing labor productivity;

- availability of natural resources of higher quality;

- improvement of equipment and technology;

- improving the quality of management.

The business cycle is the periodic fluctuations in business activity in a country. When the economy reaches the level of maximum business activity in the area of ​​the peak point, a period of overemployment and high inflation ensues. During a recession, business activity begins to decline, until the lowest point of the recession, while businesses close and unemployment rises. The area around the lowest point of decline is called a crisis. This is a period of underutilization of economic resources and high unemployment.

1. Fill out the diagram.

Not a sign of economic growth

Signs of economic growth

Long-term GDP growth trend

Real GDP growth

Increase in GDP per capita

2.Fill out the diagram.

2.Fill out the diagram.

Factors of economic growth

Conditions for economic growth:

Increasing the quantity of resources and improving the quality of resources (labor, land, capital, entrepreneurship)

Factors of extensive growth

Factors of intensive growth

1. Discovery of deposits

2.Growth in mining

3._____________________ _____________________

4.____________________ __________________

5._____________________ __________________

6.______________________ __________________

1.Technical progress

2.Increasing labor productivity

3.________________ _________________

4.________________ _________________



6._______________ _________________

3.Indicate three essential signs of economic growth.


3) ________________________________________________________

4.Give two examples when real GDP growth cannot be regarded as economic growth.




5.What type of growth, intensive or extensive, occurs as the amount of resources used increases?

6.If you improve your general educational level, will this affect the economic growth of the country? If yes, which one exactly?


  1. Explain what happens to macroeconomic indicators during economic activity.
Unemployment rate________________________________________

Inflation rate _____________________________________________________

Real GDP level _____________________________________________

8.Are the following statements about economic growth correct?

A. If a country's real GDP has increased by 10% compared to last year, then this means economic growth.

B. Economic growth is the long-term trend of increasing nominal GDP.

9. Are the following statements about the business cycle correct?

A. During a downturn in business activity, unemployment decreases.

B. Cyclical fluctuations in business activity are predictable.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

10. Are the following judgments about welfare true?

A. The higher the population growth rate, the higher the level of well-being, other things being equal.

B. The higher the rate of economic growth, the higher the level of welfare, other things being equal.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

11. An intensive factor of economic growth is.

1) increase in the amount of working time;

2) increase in the number of employees;

3) commissioning of additional equipment;

4) growth in labor productivity.

12. Economic growth is

1) increase in nominal GDP compared to last year

2) increase in nominal GDP over 20 years;

3) increase in real GDP compared to last year;

4) increase in real GDP over 8 years.

13. During peak business activity

1) high unemployment;

2) high inflation;

3) resources are used most efficiently;

4) resources are used least efficiently.

3.5. Types of economic systems.
1.List the three main questions by which the type of economic system can be determined.




2. The plane crashed and made an emergency landing on a desert island. What type of economic system illustrates the relationships that develop between surviving people? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

3.What type of economic system has developed in Russia at present?_________________________________________________

4. In which economic system is private property the main form of ownership?__________________________

5. Mr. Sidorov wants to sell the tomatoes he has grown as expensive as possible, and Mrs. Bublikova wants to buy them as cheaply as possible. In a market economy this issue is resolved:

1) as a result of competition;

2) as a result of the government setting prices for tomatoes;

3) as a result of voter intervention;

4) from the position of the physical strength of the parties involved in the transaction.

6.What is a market economy characterized by?

1) the dominance of private property;

2) resolving the questions “what?”, “how?”, “for whom?” using the price mechanism;

3) lack of government intervention in the economy;

4) all of the above.

7. In the Dutch state, economic benefits have been produced since time immemorial in the old ancestral way: profession is determined at birth. In this state:

1) traditional economy; 2) market economy;

3) command economy; 4) mixed economy.

8.The main questions of economics are “what to produce?”, “how to produce?”, and “how to distribute?”:

1) completely decided by the UK government;

2) do not exist under a command economy;

3) do not exist in a mixed economy;

4) exist in all countries.

9.Government intervention in the operation of the market mechanism is associated with the need to:

1) protection of competition;

2) collection of taxes and redistribution of income;

3) environmental protection;

4) all of the above.

10.The economy of a country is mixed when:

1) firms engage in production only with government permission;

2) the state does not interfere in the operation of the market;

3) the state and the private sector interact to solve major economic problems;

4) there are no trade barriers between this country and other countries.

11.All of the following are characteristics of an absolute command economy, except that:

1) there is directive centralized planning of economic activity;

2) the state decides what, how and for whom to produce;

3) there is state ownership and state distribution of economic resources;

4) there is private property and private distribution of economic resources.

12.The type of economy in which products are produced to meet the needs of the producers of these products themselves, and not for sale, is called:

1) natural; 2) market; 3) capitalist; 4) team.

13. In a command economic system, the quantity of goods and services that must be produced is determined by:

1) managers of the enterprise;

2) buyers of these goods and services;

3) national traditions;

4) state economic plans.

5) Specialization:

6) Increases labor productivity;

7) Reduces labor productivity;

8) Does not have any effect on labor productivity;

9) Prevents the development of exchange.

    1. Which of the following options provides examples of all three types of factors of production (land, labor, capital):
1) money, mechanic, arable land; 2) teacher, oil, combine;

3) turner, machine tool, shares; 4) bonds, natural gas, manager.

2) money should be difficult to counterfeit;

3) the ability to quickly transform assets into a means of payment;

4) money received from sales today can be used to purchase goods in the future.

3.8. Inflation

Inflation is a long-term, sustained increase in the general price level. Exchange equationMV= PQshows. that each year the economy needs the amount of money required to pay for the value of the GDP produced.

M is the amount of money in circulation;

V– velocity of money circulation;

Q– real GDP;

P- general price level;

PQ- nominal GDP.

If more money is put into circulation or the velocity of money circulation increases, the price level may rise. When the growth rate of the money supply exceeds the growth rate of the commodity supplyMV> PQ. Equilibrium is restored as a result of rising prices:MV= P Q. In order for the price level to be stable, the government must maintain the growth rate of the money supply at the level of the average growth rate of real GDP. The size of the money supply is regulated by the Central Bank.

Money emission is the release of additional money into circulation.

Stagflation is inflation accompanied by a decline in production.

Deflation is a persistent downward trend in the general price level.

Disinflation is a decrease in the rate of inflation: prices continue to rise, but the rate of price growth decreases.

    1. Can we say that there is inflation in the country if prices for products in six industries have increased? Why? _______________________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________________________________________
Give an example where a banker would lose from unexpected inflation. ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

  1. Name some of the most severe consequences of inflation. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

  2. What type of inflation can be caused by an increase in the money supply in a country? ______________________________________________________________

  3. Explain the difference between deflation and disinflation ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

  4. Which mass grows faster during inflation, money or goods? _______________________________________________________________

A. If the country's industry increases output, the amount of money in circulation decreases, and the velocity of money does not change, then the price level will decrease.

B. If a country's industry cannot increase output, and the amount of money in circulation increases, then the price level will increase.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

  1. Are the following statements about inflation correct?
A. The cause of inflation may be an increase in wages.

B. The cause of inflation may be the discovery of new deposits.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

  1. Are the following statements about inflation correct?
A. Reducing production costs cannot cause inflation.

B. During a crisis, prices can either decrease or increase.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following statements about stagflation correct?
A. With stagflation, prices rise, production rises, and unemployment rises.

B. Stagflation causes a decrease in the level of welfare.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are correct;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Increasing the velocity of money circulation:

    1. leads to the depreciation of money;

    2. leads to an increase in the price of money;

    3. strengthens state control over the money supply;

    4. not related to the activities of banks.

  2. Who benefits from inflation?

    1. a young specialist who received a loan;

    2. the bank that provided the loan;

    3. student living on a scholarship;

    4. a lawyer who lent money to his friend.

  3. What happens to the purchasing power of money during inflation?
1) it increases;

2) it decreases;

3) it remains unchanged;

4) it first decreases, then increases.

  1. The family took out a loan at a fixed interest rate to buy a car. With inflation rising, this family
1) will win; 2) will lose;

3) will not win, but will not lose either; 4) it is impossible to say for sure.

  1. You earned some money and put it in a savings book. With rising inflation

    1. your contribution will depreciate; 2) your contribution will increase;
3) your contribution will not change; 4) there is not enough information.

  1. The student's scholarship payment was delayed. With rising inflation

    1. the student will lose;

    2. the student will win;
3) the state and the student will benefit;

4) the state and the student will lose.

  1. How much money is needed to circulate if the velocity of money is 5?

    1. 5 times more than GDP;

    2. 10 times more than GDP;

    3. 5 times less than GDP;

    4. The money supply must always be equal to GDP.

  2. In the country of Tugritania, the amount of money in circulation increased from 32 billion tugriks to 36 billion. The velocity of money circulation did not change, and the real volume of production decreased by 10%. As a result of this, by what percentage did prices increase in Tugritania?
Answer_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

  1. Analyze the dynamics of consumer prices in the Russian economy, based on consumer price indices (see Table 1) for goods and services (as a percentage of December of the previous year) and data on monthly changes in consumer prices in 1997 (as a percentage of the previous month )(see Table 2).

  2. Table 1.









  3. Table 2.


Consumer price index


















Can be used when reviewing the topic "Economics" in preparation for the Unified State Exam. A selection of tests from various sources contains tasks of all types of tasks encountered in the exam. There is a training option and a control option.

“Control on the topic of Economics with answers”

Control on the topic “Economics”.

Factor of production



Answer: labor

Answer: commercial organization


numbers s, under which they


numbers , under which they are indicated.

numbers, under which they are indicated.

numbers, under which they are indicated.

Answer: 345.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


B) transportation costs

D) fuel costs

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

D) balanced

D) creeping

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

B) consumer expectations

D) prices of related goods

D) number of producers

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 12112

D) redundant

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

fras, under which they are indicated.

1) stagnant 4) cyclic

2) frictional 5) seasonal

3) structural c) hidden

Answer: 135.

digital ry under which they are listed.

6) Studies the economy of the region.

S numbers, p under which they are indicated.

1) consumer income growth

S R - the price of the product, Q -

Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) growth in income of the population

3) increase in pork prices


D R - product price. Q

S 1 . (On the chart R - the price of the product, Q

4) growth in income of the population

R- the price of the product, Q -

1) growth in consumer income


List of terms:

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the chosen vamp word in the table under each letter.

Words in in once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) loan 4) investment 7) property

To record answers to tasks in this part (21-29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2

First write down the number of the task (21. 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.



market economy.

Answer: (As examples of state regulation of a market economy, the following can be cited: a reduction by the Central Bank of the discount rate of interest (regulation of monetary relations); an increase in indirect taxes on a number of goods (regulation of taxation); adoption of a law on increasing the minimum wage (legal regulation of legal relations ) and etc.)

40. Analyze the situation.

Answer: (Since the cost of labor in Western countries is very high, the American cell phone company chose to transfer production to those countries that have cheaper and sufficiently skilled labor (for example, China and Eastern European countries. Such a transfer of production indicates this global process, such as economic globalization)

29. 1. Economics

29.3 Economics.

29.4 Economics

View document contents
“Control on the topic of Economics”

Control on the topic “Economics”.

    Write down the word missing in the table.

Factor of production



the use of people's physical and mental abilities in the production of goods and services

funds, knowledge, structures, equipment used in the production of goods and services

Answer: ___________

2. In the series below, find a concept that is general for all

other concepts presented. Write down the word (phrase).

Production cooperative; partnership of faith; commercial organization; Joint-Stock Company; state unitary enterprise.

Answer: _____________________

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “manufacturer”.

1) emission; 2) profit; 3) costs; 4) devaluation: 5) competition; c) investments.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Answer: _____________

4. Choose the correct statements about globalization and write down numbers s, under which they

1) International economic integration is one of the directions of globalization.

2) The process of globalization contributes to the development of the cultural and historical specifics of different countries.

3) The transition from an industrial society to an information society created the preconditions for the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization.

4) Globalization encourages states to take extreme political actions. 5) The positive consequences of globalization include the concentration of efforts

on the development of new advanced technologies.


5. Match the examples with the types of activities they illustrate: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.


A) modernization of transport infrastructure 1) practical

B) implementation of a scientific discovery 2) spiritual

B) investing in small businesses

D) implementation of global modeling

D) carrying out economic reforms in society

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _________________

6. Choose the correct statements about inflation and write down digital ry under which they are listed.

1) Money emission is the most effective method of reducing inflation.

2) The consequence of inflation is a decrease in the income of those who pay debts at fixed interest rates.

3) One of the immediate causes of inflation is associated with excessive monopolization of prices and costs.

4) Depending on the reasons, demand inflation and cost inflation are distinguished.

5) The danger of inflation is that savings depreciate and the standard of living of the population decreases.


7. Choose the correct statements about economic growth and write down numbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Extensive economic growth is achieved through more rational use of the previous volume of resources.

2) Economic growth is facilitated by an increase in the scale of production to a certain limit, which allows saving resources and increasing production volumes.

3) Intensive factors of economic growth include an increase in the physical capital of firms.

4) An intensive factor in the growth and development of the modern economy is high-quality human capital.

5) Stable economic growth is possible through the widespread introduction of innovation.

Answer: ______________

8. Select the correct judgments about factors of production and factor income and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) Factors of production that a person uses to create various goods are limited at any given time.

2) land and labor as factors of production prevent an increase in the volume of economic benefits.

3) Each factor of production is capable of bringing income to its owner.

4) A distinctive feature of entrepreneurship as a factor of production is the adoption of the initiative to combine factors of production into a single process.

5) The basis for obtaining factor income is the desire for maximum production results.


9. Select the correct statements about financial institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The Central Bank issues money and is the main link in the country’s financial and credit system.

2) All financial institutions accept deposits.

3) Pension funds specialize in lending for sales of consumer goods in installments and issuing consumer loans.

4) The Central Bank sets the discount rate.

5) Financial institutions provide services for transferring funds and providing loans.

Answer: ________________

10. Choose the correct judgments about the role of the state in a market economy and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) In a market economy, the state sets prices for all goods and services.

2) The state, in market conditions, carries out centralized production planning.

3) The state in a market economy satisfies the needs for public

goods or public goods.

4) In a market economy, the state protects the interests of owners.

5) State intervention in the economy is associated with imperfections of the market mechanism.

Answer: ________________

11. Choose the correct statements about taxes and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Taxes fill the state budget and pay for government expenses.

2) Indirect taxes include tax on personal income. inheritance tax.

3) Taxes are directed to support low-income segments of society through partial redistribution of funds.

4) Direct taxes, unlike indirect ones, are mandatory.

5) Direct taxes are withdrawn directly from the taxpayer’s income

Answer: ______________

12. Establish a correspondence between the examples and the types of economic systems that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) In the country R. producers compete 1) traditional for the most favorable conditions

production and sale of goods 2) team

B) In country N., in conditions of freedom of enterprise for consumers, 3) the market has the widest choice of goods and services

B) the only producer and seller of goods and services in country K. is the state, private entrepreneurship is prohibited

D) in country A. the state centrally distributes factors of production and sets prices for goods and services

D) the basis of the country’s economy D. is agriculture, the land belongs to tribal communities and is cultivated by them

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: ________________

13. Establish a correspondence between the examples and the types of costs of the company in the short term that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) purchase of semi-finished products 1) permanent

B) entertainment expenses 2) variable

B) transportation costs

D) fuel costs

D) costs of retraining

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

14. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the types of economic systems to which they relate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) prices for goods are determined by the relationship 1) command supply and demand 2) market

B) the main means of production belong to the state

B) economic proportions are set centrally

D) production development is based on competition among producers

D) there are periodic shortages of goods

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _______________________

15. Establish a correspondence between the types of inflation and the basics of their classification; For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) opening 1) nature of the course

B) galloping 2) dependence on the rate of price growth

C) suppressed 3) the degree of divergence in price increases for various product groups

D) balanced

D) creeping

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _______________________

16. Establish a correspondence between influencing factors (on supply and demand) and elements of the market mechanism: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) religious preferences 1) demand

B) prices for resources 2) supply

B) consumer expectations

D) prices of related goods

D) number of producers

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _______________________

17. Establish a correspondence between the types of markets and the basics of their classification: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) retail 1) nature of sales

B) oligopolies 2) level of saturation

R) equilibrium 3) type of competition

D) redundant

D) monopolistic competition

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _______________________

18. Due to the installation of cash machines in the trolleybus for paying fares, conductor F.

was fired from the fleet and lost his job completely. For a year and a half he could not

Finding permanent work, he did temporary odd jobs servicing a nearby grocery store. In the summer, he got a job in a construction company, which generated income.

Select from the list given the characteristics associated with this citizen's unemployment and write down the fras, under which they are indicated.

1) stagnant 4) cyclic

2) frictional 5) seasonal

3) structural c) hidden

Answer: ___________________

19. In country D., a two-tier banking system has developed, in which the top level is occupied by the Central Bank. What functions belong to the Central Bank? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) providing a loan secured by property collateral

2) licensing of activities of financial organizations

3) providing loans to commercial banks

4) attracting and storing free funds of the population

5) servicing enterprise payments

6) establishing the norm of required reserves

Answer: ____________________

20. The state of P. seeks to satisfy the purchasing needs of the population of its country using foreign trade. By what signs can it be established that this state is pursuing a free trade policy in the field of foreign trade? Write it down digital ry under which they are listed.

1) Implementation of protection of national producers.

2) Increase in customs duties on imports.

3) Attracting foreign manufacturers.

4) The consequence is a fall in domestic production.

5) The result is an increase in employment in the national economy.

6) The consequence is a struggle to improve the quality and efficiency of production.

Answer: ____________________

21. Foundation "L." deals with issues of the state and development of the economy as a whole, the economic health of the country and the world. By what signs can we establish that we are talking about macroeconomics? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Deals with the problem of economic crises.

2) Explores the influence of price on individual elements of the economy.

3) Considers the action of three subjects of economic life: the company, the household and the state.

4) Studies issues of increasing employment of the population.

5) Analyzes the processes of production and consumption of individual goods in individual markets.

6) Studies the economy of the region.

Answer: ___________________

22. The graph shows the change in supply in the kitchen furniture market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S 1. (On the graph P - price of goods, Q - quantity of goods). Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write it down numbers, p under which they are indicated.

1) consumer income growth

2) reduction in prices for kitchen furniture

3) reducing the cost of components for kitchen furniture

4) reduction of taxes on kitchen furniture manufacturers

5) the growing popularity of new models of kitchen furniture.


23. The graph shows the change in supply on the pork market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S 1. (On the graph R - the price of the product, Q - quantity of goods.) Which of the listed factors can cause such a change?

Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) growth in income of the population

2) increasing taxes on pork importers

3) increase in pork prices

4) reduction in prices for chicken meat 5 ) reduction in the number of pork processors

Answer: ____________________

24. The graph shows the change in demand in the furniture market: demand curve D moved to a new position D 1. (On the graph R - product price. Q - quantity of goods.) Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) decrease in consumer income

2) increasing taxes on furniture manufacturers

3) increase in the volume of transport services

4) waiting for the start of Christmas sales

5) reducing costs for furniture manufacturers

Answer: ____________________

25. The graph shows the change in supply in the housing market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S 1 . (On the chart R - the price of the product, Q - quantity of goods.) Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) development of loan programs for the purchase of apartments

2) increasing the profits of sellers of housing under construction

3) the ruin of a number of construction companies

4) growth in income of the population

5) increase in the cost of building materials


26. The graph shows the change in supply in the banking services market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S 1 (On the graph R- the price of the product, Q - quantity of goods). Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) growth in consumer income

2) the ruin of several large banks

3) increase in the number of clients in the banking sector

4) growing popularity of banking services

5) increasing the tax burden on the banking sector


27. During sociological surveys of adult residents of countries Z and Y, they were asked to estimate the number of domestic and imported products on store shelves in their localities.

The results obtained (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the description given the conclusions that can be drawn based on the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who noted that there are more domestic products in stores is smaller in country Z than in country Y.

2) The share of those who noted that there are more imported products in stores is higher in country Z than in country Y.

3) In country Z, half of the respondents noted that stores have approximately equal amounts of domestic and imported products.

4) Equal shares of respondents in both countries found it difficult to estimate the amount of domestic and imported products in stores.

5) In country Y, equal shares of respondents noted that there are more imported products in stores and that stores have approximately equal amounts of domestic and imported products.


28. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Stock __________(A) represents the place where buying and selling takes place

valuable papers. Its activities in developed countries are under strict control by ____________ (B). The average ____________ (B) of transactions concluded on it consists of ____________ (D) securities (shares and ____________ (E)) issued by individual ____________ (E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one pa z. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) exchange rate 4) state 7) exchange

2) contract 5) company 8) information

3) price 6) infrastructure 9) bond

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the chosen vamp word in the table under each letter.

Answer: _______________________

29. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Monetary policy is the policy pursued by the government through the Central Bank.

measures in the field of monetary circulation and ____________ (A) aimed at ensuring

sustainable, efficient functioning of the economy. Monetary goal

policy - helping the economy achieve a level of ____________ (B) that

will provide complete ____________ (B) and absence of ____________ (D). Open operations

market is conducted by the Central Bank, which sells government securities, paying high __________(D) on them, attracts investor funds to cover the budget ___________(E).”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) interest 4) deposit 7) mortgage

2) deficit 5) production 8) inflation

3) employment 6) credit 9) modernization

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the chosen vamp word in the table under each letter.

Answer: _______________________

30. Read the text below, in which a number of layers are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

"International migration of capital is carried out in three main forms: direct private ___________(A), public ___________(B), loans from international financial organizations. This takes into account such characteristics of the local market as its accessibility, quality of labor, currency risk, protection of intellectual ___________( C), state___________(D) and much more.To attract investments and___________(D) in the most backward (problem) regions, territories with preferential economic regimes are created - free economic _____(E).

Words in the list is given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once in once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) loan 4) investment 7) property

2) technology 5) license 8) region

3) service b) zone 9) settlement

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

Answer: _______________________

To record answers to tasks in this part (31-29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2

First write down the number of the task (31. 32, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 31-34.

“...Modern work is intensifying. The logic of movement towards success, to access to benefits determines the spontaneous, spontaneous increase in the volume of labor V life of a modern person. Labor is compacted over time, and also multiplies - it doubles, triples, etc. The modern worker - a qualified specialist who has been preparing for a long time, with great effort, the possibility of his career, is less and less able to control the process of society's consumption of his labor. “The investment must pay off, and preferably as soon as possible. And therefore, a person, satisfied with the demand for his work, is drawn into an increasing number of labor practices. “Multiplying” labor inevitably becomes more superficial.

The alienation of labor continues. Although it takes on new forms. So far we have been talking about one - internal - form of alienation due to the complication of the perception of work by those in demand, employed and thereby in a privileged position.

Another form of alienation of labor is external, literal - unemployment. (.....) It begins from the moment labor goes beyond the scope of natural production, develops in an industrial society and acquires a completely special character in a post-industrial society. First of all for due to the fact that it is growing powerfully" (Kozlova O.I. Labor in social life // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2003. No. 6. pp. 111-112.),

31. Based on the text, write down the signs of modern labor.

32. Using the content of the text, fill out the table.

Forms of alienation of labor


Their essence.

35. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “inflation”? Using knowledge from a social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about types of inflation, and one sentence revealing one of the possible measures of anti-inflationary policy.

36. Use three examples to reveal the various manifestations of government regulation

market economy.

37. Name any three tasks of the Russian government for the development of market relations in the economy and illustrate each of them with an example.

38. Name two types of costs of a firm in the short run and illustrate each with an appropriate example.

39. Name any three factors that influence changes in demand and illustrate each with an appropriate example.

40. Analyze the situation.

The American cell phone company cut 15 thousand jobs and moved a significant part of production to China and Eastern Europe (over the previous two years the company cut 25 thousand jobs). At the same time, unemployment in the United States is currently 9 percent.

What are the reasons for this company policy? Name the global process, the manifestation of which is the above and similar facts.

41. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Unemployment”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Define the problem. Select arguments.

29. 1. Economics

“Business is a combination of war and sport” (A. Maurois).

29. 2. Not for gold and silver, but only for labor initially all the riches of the world were acquired. (A. Smith).

29.3 Economics.

Increasing the technical level of industry increases its capabilities, its competitiveness” (M. Konotopov).

29.4 Economics

“If there are too many poor people, then state expenses will increase greatly, which will immediately affect the well-being of other segments of the population” (A. Kravchenko).

Detailed solution Paragraph § 3 on social studies for 11th grade students, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. How does economic growth affect the development of society and individuals? How is economic growth different from economic development? Why does the economy develop in cycles?

Economic growth is an increase in the volume of production in the national economy over a certain period of time (usually a year).

Volume of fixed capital;

New technologies.

Economic growth is achieved through investment in production. An important feature of investments should be noted: at the time of their implementation, they increase aggregate demand, and in subsequent periods - aggregate supply, as they increase the volume of production capacity.

Scientific and technological progress is an important factor for economic growth, since it allows the use of available resources more efficiently and helps to increase labor productivity.

Economic development - expanded reproduction and gradual qualitative and structural positive changes in the economy, productive forces, education, science, culture, level and quality of life of the population, human capital. Economic development includes the development of social relations, therefore it proceeds differently in the specific historical conditions of the technological structures of the economy and the distribution of material goods. It is a process of improving the quality of all human lives and the possibilities for increased living standards, self-respect and freedom.

Economic cycles are fluctuations in economic activity (economic conditions), consisting of repeated contraction (economic downturn, recession, depression) and expansion of the economy (economic recovery). Cycles are periodic, but usually irregular. Usually (within the framework of neoclassical synthesis) they are interpreted as fluctuations around the long-term trend of economic development.

The theory of real economic cycles explains recessions and recoveries by the influence of real factors. In industrial countries, this may be the emergence of new technologies or changes in prices for raw materials. In agricultural countries - harvest or failure. Also, force majeure situations (war, revolution, natural disasters) can become an impetus for change. Anticipating a change in the economic situation for the worse or for the better, households and firms en masse begin to save or spend more. As a result, aggregate demand decreases or increases, retail trade turnover decreases or increases. Firms receive fewer or more orders for the manufacture of products, and production volume and employment change accordingly. Business activity is changing: firms begin to reduce the range of products they produce or, on the contrary, launch new projects and take out loans for their implementation. That is, the entire economy fluctuates, trying to reach equilibrium.

Questions and tasks for the document

Question 1. How is economic growth characterized?

Factors of economic growth are:

Quantity and quality of natural resources;

Quantity and quality of labor resources - labor productivity, education and training;

Volume of fixed capital;

New technologies.

The listed factors contribute to the physical growth of production, but it is also necessary for the use, or consumption, of increased GDP to occur. Therefore, growth also depends on demand factors (increasing the level of aggregate expenditure) and distribution factors (efficient use of limited resources in various industries).

Economic growth is achieved through investment in production.

Question 2: Does economic growth increase tax revenue? Due to what?

Economic growth itself increases tax revenue and reduces the need for social spending such as unemployment benefits.

Question 3: How does economic growth reduce the need for social spending?

Due to the fact that new jobs are created, unemployment is reduced.


Question 1. What is meant by the economic growth of a country and how is it measured?

Economic growth is the quantitative side of the development of an economic system, characterized by an expansion of its (system) scale. Economic growth is defined as the long-term trend of increasing real output per capita. At the same time, they especially highlight equilibrium balanced growth, i.e. such economic growth in which the pace of development of industries or sectors of the economy is internally consistent.

The most common measure of economic growth is the rate of change in gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (adjusted for price changes). An increase in GNP due to higher prices of the current period, i.e. a change in nominal (in price terms) GNP, cannot be considered as economic growth.

Economic growth is usually measured both in absolute terms and in relative terms (as a percentage or coefficient to the value of the previous period).

Absolute growth shows how much the level of the current period is higher or lower than the base one. It can have a positive or negative sign. For example, if in a given year real GNP amounted to 120 million rubles, and in the previous year it was 100 million rubles, then the absolute increase as the difference between the subsequent and previous levels of the dynamics series will be 20 million rubles.

The growth rate is the ratio of the next level to the previous or any other level taken as the basis of comparison. The growth rate always has a positive sign.

At growth rates less than 100%, or one, negative growth rates are obtained. For our example, the growth rate is 120%, or 1.2 times, and the growth rate is 20%, or 0.2 times.

Question 2. Name the factors of extensive and intensive growth.

There are extensive and intensive types of economic growth. With extensive growth is achieved due to a quantitative increase in the resource. The growth of the final product of society is accompanied by the same or even greater growth in the resources spent.

Extensive way:

Increase in the number of employed workers

Increasing the volume of investments (investments) using unchanged equipment and technologies

Increasing the volume of consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and other resources

Intensive way:

Using the latest technologies and fundamentally new equipment

Increasing the level of education and qualifications of workers

Increasing the efficiency of use of labor, capital, and all economic resources

Improving the organization of labor and production

Elimination of resource losses (working time, etc.)

Extensive growth factors include an increase in land, capital and labor inputs. These factors are not associated with innovation, with new production and management technologies, with an increase in the quality of human capital.

With the intensive type, growth is achieved through the development and assimilation of modern achievements of science and technology, increasing labor productivity, return on fixed assets, improving the use of raw materials (usually with a combination of all these factors). Intensive growth factors become predominant.

In real life, extensive and intensive types of growth do not exist in their pure form. There is their interweaving and interaction. For example, there may be a simultaneous increase in the quantity of labor and an increase in its quality, or an expansion of the production field and an improvement in the technical basis of the production process. Depending on which method predominates, they speak of a predominantly extensive or predominantly intensive type of economic growth.

Question 3. How is economic growth different from economic development?

The concept of “economic growth” is close to the concept of “economic development”, but is not identical to it. Growth is a component of economic development, which is understood as a process that includes periods of growth and decline, quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy. Growth is the positive dynamics of the economy. Recession is the negative dynamics of both the economy as a whole and its individual phases, spheres, sectors, factors and elements.

The economic development of society is a multifaceted process, covering economic growth, structural changes in the economy, improving conditions and improving the quality of life of the population.

Question 4. What is the system of indicators of the country's economic development?

Various models of economic development are known. But despite all the diversity and national characteristics, there are general patterns and parameters that characterize this process.

The diversity of historical and geographical conditions of existence and development of different countries, the combination of material and financial resources that they have, do not allow us to assess the level of their economic development with any one indicator. For this purpose, there is a whole system of indicators, among which the following stand out:

Total real GDP;

GDP/GNP per capita;

Sectoral structure of the economy;

Production of main types of products per capita;

Level and quality of life of the population;

Economic efficiency indicators.

If the volume of real GDP (GNP) characterizes mainly the economic potential of a country, then GDP production (GNP) per capita is a leading indicator of the level of economic development.

The level of economic development of a country is a historical concept. Each stage of development of the national economy and the world community introduces certain changes into the composition of its main indicators.

Within the framework of the United Nations Development Program, special calculations are carried out to characterize the level of human development using the so-called Human Development Index (HDI).

HDI (10) is an integral indicator calculated as the average value of the following three general indicators:

index 1X - life expectancy (longevity), defined as the expected life expectancy at birth;

index 12 - the achieved level of education, measured as a cumulative index of literacy of the adult population and the cumulative proportion of students enrolled in educational institutions of the first, second and third levels;

index 13 - standard of living, defined as adjusted real GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP in dollars).

The HDI is the average of the sum of all indices divided by three. The main purpose of this indicator is to show in what direction development is taking place in a particular country (region) and how countries (regions) differ in the accumulation and development of human potential.

Question 5. What characterized the crises of the 19th century?

The crises were characterized by a sharp drop in production, rising unemployment rates, bankruptcies of many enterprises, and a drop in the purchasing power of the population.

Question 6. How can the state influence the economic cycle?

There are 2 methods of countercyclic regulation.

In the first case, budget policy plays a huge role; expenses and taxes are manipulated here (if everything is bad, then taxes are lowered and government spending increases, if everything is good, then vice versa).

In the second case, monetary policy is considered, that is, interest rates for loans and the amount of money in the country’s circulation change.

Methods of fiscal and monetary policies.

Fiscal policy is the government's policy of regulating, first of all, aggregate demand. Regulation of the economy in this case occurs by influencing the amount of total expenditures.

Monetary regulation is a set of specific measures of the central bank aimed at changing the amount of money supply in circulation, the volume of loans, the level of interest rates and other indicators of money circulation and the loan capital market.


Question 1. In the table below you will find indices characterizing the standard of living of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (2008). Calculate the human development index of these subjects and compare them with indicators for Russia as a whole.

Russia – 0.825; Moscow – (0.797+0.999+0.991)/3=0.929; St. Petersburg – (0.758+0.999+0.875)/3=0.877; Tula region – (0.674+0.892+0.787)/3=0.784; Altai Republic – (0.669+0.884+0.690)/3=0.747; Republic of Tyva - (0.591+0.888+0.671)/3=0.717

Question 2. Choose the correct judgment. Economic growth is measured as:

a) an increase in the real volume of national production over a certain period of time.

Question 3. Describe the factors and indicators of economic growth.

Factors of economic growth are:

Quantity and quality of natural resources;

Quantity and quality of labor resources - labor productivity, education and training;

Volume of fixed capital;

New technologies.

There are intensive and extensive factors of economic growth:

The extensive growth factor is realized due to a quantitative increase in the resource (for example, due to an increase in the number of employees). At the same time, average labor productivity does not change significantly. Extensive growth factors are characterized by the law of diminishing returns with an excessive increase in resources. For example, an unjustified increase in the size of an organization can lead to excess labor and a decrease in labor productivity. Also, extensive growth factors include an increase in land, capital and labor costs. These factors are not associated with innovation, with new production and management technologies, with an increase in the quality of human capital.

Intensive factors of economic growth are determined by improving and increasing the quality of management systems, technologies, the use of innovations, modernization of production and improving the quality of human capital. The main intensive factor in the growth and development of the modern economy, both industrial and innovative, is high-quality human capital.

Paths of economic growth

1. The director of company Z decided to open a new production line. Which of the following in the list may indicate that we are talking about intensive economic growth of company Z? Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) use of resource-saving technologies

2) growth in the volume of consumed raw materials

3) opening of several assembly lines

4) retraining of employees

5) introduction of scientific developments into production

6) increase in staff of workers
2. Establish a correspondence between examples and types of economic growth for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
Example of growth
A) increasing the volume of output by attracting additional labor

B) GDP growth due to increased production and export of raw materials

C) increasing the volume of output by improving the skills of workers

D) increasing agricultural production due to the introduction of previously unused land into circulation

D) increasing sales volume due to the introduction of new technologies for transportation and storage
Growth type

1) intensive growth

2) extensive growth

3. In country T, the intensive path of economic development predominates. Which of the following factors indicate this?

1) increase in labor productivity

2) low inflation

3) employment growth

4) growth in household savings

5) increasing the share of high-tech goods in exports

6) dissemination of resource-saving technologies

4. The economy of country K is developing mainly in an extensive way. Which of the following factors indicate this? Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) high inflation

2) the share of revenues from the sale of minerals in the state budget increases

3) depreciation of the national currency

4) the growth of agricultural production occurs due to the introduction of new lands into circulation

5) decrease in labor productivity

6) active attraction of additional labor from other countries
5. Select the correct statements about economic growth and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Economic growth is a quantitative change in a country’s production system
2. Extensive economic growth is accompanied by qualitative improvements in the structure and functions of the production system of one level or another
3. Intensive economic growth occurs without qualitative changes in production systems
4. Economic growth can occur without development: the number of goods increases, but there are no qualitative changes in production
5. Factors of economic growth, including the quantity and quality of natural and labor resources

6. Select the correct statements about economic growth and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Extensive economic growth is ensured through more rational use of the previous volume of resources
2. Economic growth is facilitated by an increase in the scale of production to a certain limit, which allows saving resources and increasing production volumes
3. Intensive factors of economic growth include an increase in the physical capital of firms
4. An intensive factor in the growth and development of the modern economy is high-quality human capital
5. Stable economic growth is possible through widespread innovation

7. Establish a correspondence between factors and types of economic growth: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
Factors of economic growth
A) commissioning of additional equipment
B) inviting foreign workers
B) discovery of new mineral deposits
D) improving the qualifications of workers
D) consolidation of production, economies of scale
Types of economic growth
1. Intense
2. Extensive

8. Select the correct judgments about the manifestations of intensive economic growth. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Economic growth was achieved as a result of rational organization of production
2. As a result of an additional loan, the enterprise ensures an increase in production
3. The introduction of a modern, more productive production line contributed to an increase in labor productivity
4. The company carries out exploration and development of new deposits of non-ferrous metals
5. The company’s personnel were trained in new techniques for processing information

9. Establish a correspondence between the types of economic growth and specific examples illustrating them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A) a tea producing company hired additional women to collect tea leaves on its plantations
B) an oil producing company began developing a new oil field, having depleted the old one
C) a vegetable farm hired students and students for temporary work in the summer to collect cucumbers and zucchini
D) a Japanese company modernized its car assembly line
D) due to the use of innovative technologies at the enterprise, labor productivity has increased significantly
Types of Economic Growth
1. Intense
2. Extensive

10. Select the correct statements about economic growth and development and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. The wealth of the country and the well-being of every citizen depend on economic growth
2. Economic growth is the long-term trend of increasing real GDP
3. Intensive economic growth is generated through the efficient use of fixed assets
4. The growth in consumption of raw materials and fuel is a factor of intensive growth
5. Factors of extensive economic growth include the use of achievements of scientific and technological progress

11. Select the correct judgments about the factors of intensive economic growth and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Attracting additional labor of the same qualifications made it possible to increase the volume of output
2. Construction of new industrial enterprises of the same technical level is a factor of intensive economic growth
3. Expansion of sown areas with a constant material and technical base using previously used plant varieties helps to increase the volume of harvested crops
4. Increasing the scale of production by improving the quality of its factors, increasing the level of qualifications of workers made it possible to produce 1.5 times more products
5. The introduction of new agricultural machines into practice made it possible to save on fuel, lubricants and spare parts, as a result, the cost of potato production decreased
12. Establish a correspondence between manifestations of development and paths of economic growth: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
Manifestations of development
A) rational organization of production
B) increasing the interest rate on the loan
C) introduction of a more productive technological line
D) exploration of new deposits of non-ferrous metals
D) training staff in new techniques for processing information
Paths of economic growth: 1. Extensive 2. Intensive

1. 145
2. 22121
3. 156
4. 246
5. 145
6. 245
7. 22211
8. 235
9. 22211
10. 123
11. 45

1 option

  1. Indicate what can be considered an indicator of economic growth:
  1. Real GDP only
  2. GDP in absolute terms and per capita
  3. Only long-term increase in GDP
  4. All of the above
  1. Extensive development factors include:
  1. Improvement of employee qualifications
  2. Expanding the use of resources
  3. Efficient use of resources and economies of scale
  1. Indicate which of the following refers to exogenous (external) reasons for the cyclical development of the economy:
  1. State monetary policy
  2. Wars
  3. Production reduction
  4. All of the above

4. Economic growth is a long-term increase in:

  1. Nominal GNP in absolute values
  2. Real GDP in absolute values ​​and per capita
  3. Nominal GNP in absolute values ​​and per capita
  4. Real GNP per capita
  5. What type of economic growth refers to the involvement of new lands in agricultural circulation?
  1. Towards extensive
  2. To intense
  3. Towards progressive
  4. Towards traditional

6. Labor productivity at the plant has doubled due to new equipment. What factor of intensive growth does this example demonstrate?

  1. advanced training of employees
  2. Scientific and technical progress
  3. Rational allocation of resources
  4. Savings on employee salaries

7. Are the following statements true?

A . Economic development refers to important changes in a country’s economic activities and its economy.

B . Economic development is typical for developing countries; developed countries are characterized by economic growth.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

8. Establish the order of the phases of the business cycle, starting with economic recovery.

  1. Economic recession
  2. Depression
  3. Revival
  4. Economic growth

9. Match:

Causes of economic cycles:

A) wars 1) external

B) production reduction 2) internal

due to low demand for goods

C) change in the ratio of the total

Supply and Demand

D) monetary policy

D) major innovations

E) natural causes (earthquakes, etc.)

10. Which term is the odd one out in the series?

Land, labor, capital, GDP

Economic growth and development

Option 2

1.What level of GDP do developed countries currently have?

1) 5-7 %;

2) 2-3 %;

3) 5-6%;

4) 4-5%.

2.What is the purpose of economic growth?

1) improving people's lives;

2) NTP;

4) alternating alternation of ups and downs in the movement of real GDP.

3.Extensive growth is:

1) increasing GDP by expanding the scale of resource use;

2) increasing GDP due to qualitative improvement of production factors;

3) rational distribution of resources;

4) cardinal changes in the economic life of the country.

4.The most important factor for intensive growth is:

1)improving the qualifications of employees;

2) NTP;

3) rational distribution of resources;

4) economies of scale.

5.What is human capital?

1) number of employees;

2) GDP per capita;

3) knowledge and skills of people;

6. Physical capital is

1) equipment and tools;

2) natural resources;

3) the number of working-age population;

4) unproductive labor.

7.Which of the following is a recession?

1) full employment of the active population;

2) the economy is marking time;

3) gradual increase in production;

4) economic recession.

8. The years when the longest and most destructive crisis of the 20th century occurred:

1) 1981-1982;

2) 1929-1933;

3) 1980-1986;

4) 1928-1932.

9. One of the external (exogenous) reasons for cyclic development:

1) government monetary policy;

2) change in the ratio of aggregate supply and aggregate demand;

3) sunspots;

4) depression.

10.Which term is appropriate to use for poor countries?

1) economic cycle;

2) economic development;

3) economic growth;

4) NTP.


1 option

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