
Free 24/7 hotline of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh. Hotline Rosgosstrakh Rosgosstrakh unified help service

The bank was registered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in September 1994 under the name Fintrustbank (JSC). A year later, it was renamed JSCB "Russian Interregional Development Bank" (Rus-Bank), in 2006 the full name became Closed Joint-Stock Company "Rus-Bank", in November 2007 the organizational and legal form was changed to an open joint-stock company (OJSC). In December 2007, Rus-Bank bought the Yekaterinburg bank Jewels of the Urals, later renamed it Rus-Bank Ural, and in January 2010 completed the procedure for its merger. In the fall of 2011, Rus-Bank again changed its name to “Rosgosstrakh Bank” (abbreviated as RGS Bank), and in April 2015 the legal form was changed to PJSC. The credit institution uses the offices of a strategic partner - the Rosgosstrakh insurance group * - to promote its services. Since December 2004, it has been a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system for individuals.

According to the disclosed information, the main ultimate beneficiary of PJSC RGS Bank until recently was Sergei Khachaturov, who controlled 74.6% of the bank’s shares with partners (Alkhas Sangulia and Cypriot citizen Marianna Karamalli) through various legal entities of the Rosgosstrakh group. The final beneficiaries of the bank also included Irina Dyubkova (13.92%), Cypriot citizen Maria Dimitriou (10.21%) and Laura Andriasova (1.29%). A share of 0.01% of shares was distributed among minority shareholders.

At the end of 2016, information appeared on the market about an impending transaction to merge the Otkritie group and the Rosgosstrakh group. According to the calculations of the participants in the transaction, the merger would create the largest private financial group with assets of more than 4 trillion rubles and a client base of 50 million people. In mid-June 2017, the FAS approved a petition for Otkritie Holding to acquire 75% of Rosgosstrakh Bank. At the end of August 2017, FC Otkritie Bank acquired a 60.5% stake in Rosgosstrakh Bank, a little later the share of control was increased to 85%. At the beginning of September, FC Otkritie gained full control over the companies that own shares of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh: entries were made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities that FC Otkritie Bank owns 99.01% in RGS Assets LLC and 99 .95% in RGS Holding LLC.

Since August 29, 2017, the main investor of Otkritie FC Bank has been the Bank of Russia. A temporary administration was appointed to the bank, which included employees of the Central Bank and the Management Company “Fund for Consolidation of the Banking Sector”.

As of October 2, 2018, FC Otkritie Bank owned 85.40% of the shares of RGS Bank. The shareholder of another 14.60% of the bank’s shares was PJSC SK Rosgosstrakh, in which 57.36% of the shares were controlled by FC Otkritie Bank, and the remaining part of the shares was in public circulation. Thus, the total share of FC Otkritie Bank (directly and through PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh) in the capital of RGS Bank reached 93.77%. Bank FC Otkritie, in turn, is currently completely controlled by the Bank of Russia.

The head office of RGS Bank is located in Moscow; as of July 1, 2018, the credit institution’s service network consisted of eight branches, 301 additional and 743 operational offices in 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The network of its own ATMs was represented by 200 devices.

At the end of 2017, the credit institution served more than 2.3 million individuals who were offered deposits, loans, payments and transfers (Western Union, MoneyGram, Zolotaya Korona, instant transfers of RGS Bank), investments (IIS accounts, trust management, Mutual funds, depository), insurance products (investment and savings life insurance), remote services, etc.

In the corporate segment, the bank’s clients at the end of 2017 included over 17 thousand enterprises and organizations, including about 2 thousand within the framework of salary projects. Corporate clients are offered settlement and cash services, lending programs, placement of temporarily free funds on deposits and bank bills, bank guarantees, documentary transactions, payroll projects, collection services, etc. The number of bank clients at various periods included organizations such as OJSC Inter RAO UES, OJSC Gortopsbyt, CJSC TD Uraltrubsnab, LLC PKF ElTOS, OJSC Tovarkovsky Plant of High-Voltage Armatures, LLC TrubNik, OJSC Nevinnomyssky Azot, as well as structures included in the group Rosgosstrakh companies.

Since the beginning of 2018, the volume of net assets of the credit institution has decreased by almost a quarter, amounting to 93.3 billion rubles by October 1. During this period, the main reduction in the passive part of the bank’s balance sheet was accounted for by deposits of individuals, which lost 16.8 billion rubles, or 23.1%. There was also a reduction in other items of liabilities (capital, attracted interbank loans, funds from corporate clients), although not as significant in absolute terms as the outflow of deposits from individuals. In assets, the main reduction occurred in the balances of highly liquid funds, which lost 30.6 billion rubles, or 87.2%. A significant reduction in relative terms (-27.8%) also occurred in the loan portfolio. At the same time, interbank loans issued (+3.0 billion rubles, or +49.3%) and investments in securities (+2.5 billion rubles, or +4.4%) demonstrated positive dynamics.

The bank's resource base remains concentrated on private deposits: despite a noticeable decrease in household deposits since the beginning of 2018 (-23.1%), their share in liabilities did not change due to the negative dynamics of other items and amounted to almost 60% as of the reporting date. A significant part of the outflow of funds from individuals fell within the maturity range of 6-12 months, as a result of which by the reporting date the bulk of funds from the population were raised for periods from one to three years. As of the reporting date, funds of enterprises and organizations formed 11.9% of liabilities, although at the beginning of 2017 their share reached 20%. A significant part of the funds of legal entities is formed by balances on current accounts, deposits for a period of six months to a year and resources over three years, including subordinated loans. As of October 1, 2018, the bank’s capital included subordinated loans with a total residual value of 8.4 billion rubles.

Attracted interbank loans as of the reporting date accounted for 6.4% of the bank's liabilities and were mainly attracted on the domestic market from commercial banks for periods of more than six months. According to IFRS reporting, almost all interbank loans were attracted from one counterparty.

The credit institution's capital adequacy ratio was met as of the reporting date with a large margin - 33.2% (with a minimum of 8%). The adequacy of fixed capital, which did not take into account a significant part of the attracted “subords,” was approximately half as low as the overall adequacy, but in general it was also met with a significant margin to the minimum established by the regulator.

The bank's corporate client base is large, mainly represented by companies in the insurance industry, services, investments and finance (to a lesser extent - companies and enterprises from manufacturing and mining, construction, trade). The payment dynamics of clients has recently decreased compared to previous years, but in general it has been stable since the beginning of 2018; intramonth turnover was about 50-65 billion rubles.

The structure of assets is dominated by investments in securities, which as of October 1, 2018 accounted for 64% of the volume of net assets, while the loan portfolio occupied only 10.6%. During the period under study, the share of highly liquid funds (cash, correspondent account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) decreased significantly - from 28.6% to 4.8% of net assets. Other assets (including fixed assets and rights of claim under agreements for the provision of funds, the fulfillment of obligations under which is secured by a mortgage) accounted for about another 10%, and a slightly smaller share (9.6%) was occupied by issued interbank credits.

The securities portfolio - 59.7 billion rubles, is almost entirely formed by bonds. As of the reporting date, Russian government securities dominated the bond portfolio with a share of 9.3%. Another 18.5% were bonds of domestic corporate issuers. The share of securities pledged under repo transactions was minimal as of the reporting date, while in general, activity in attracting liquidity secured by securities has recently decreased to small volumes (for example, turnover in September 2018 did not exceed 6.5 billion rubles).

Loan portfolio - 9.9 billion rubles. By the reporting date, retail loans prevailed in its structure with a share of 71.7%, although a few years ago the “preponderance” was very small. The share of overdue debt under RAS has been reflected at a high level in recent years; since the beginning of 2018, it has increased from 46.6% to 49.6% of the total portfolio. The reserve level remained almost unchanged over the corresponding period, but fully covers the overdue amount, amounting to 51.1% of the portfolio. It is worth noting the low collateral for issued loans with property as collateral - 53.1% (although at the beginning of the study period the figure did not exceed 40%). According to IFRS reporting, at the end of the first half of 2018, the retail portfolio was equally represented by consumer loans and other loans measured at amortized cost; In the industry structure of loans to legal entities, almost the same segments prevailed as in the structure of customer obligations: services, trade, production, construction, transport and communications. At the same time, the share of the investment and finance segment in the portfolio fell to zero more than a year ago.

In the interbank lending market, the credit institution has traditionally been highly active, working in both directions, but in recent years acting primarily as a net borrower. However, in the last months of the period under study, fundraising activity decreased noticeably (if in the first half of 2018 the bank attracted about 0.5-0.8 trillion rubles within a month, then in July - September turnover decreased to 6-39 billion rubles). As a result, the bank changed its position to a lender, placing about 40-180 billion rubles per month since the beginning of 2018. Over the past year, the bank has not attracted funds from the Central Bank. Activity on the Forex market in the last months of the period under study was also reduced to insignificant levels, although previously the turnover in foreign exchange transactions was about 70-140 billion rubles.

For January - September 2018, the credit institution recorded a significant loss under RAS in the amount of 5.3 billion rubles against a profit for the same period in 2017 in the amount of 186.2 million rubles. For the entire 2017, the bank's net loss amounted to 473.7 million rubles. The bank's negative financial result in 2018 was due to a noticeable decrease in net income from core activities, losses from securities transactions and an increase in reserve expenses.

Board of Directors: Alexander Pakhomov (chairman), Alla Maslennikova, Vyacheslav Rodnishchev, Yana Timofeeva, Dmitry Orlov.

Governing body: Alexey Tokarev (chairman), Alla Maslennikova, Irina Tarakanova, Larisa Pavlova.

* The Rosgosstrakh group of companies was founded in 1992 as the legal successor of Gosstrakh of the RSFSR. According to consolidated data according to IFRS, as of June 30, 2018, in addition to the parent company PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh, the group also included subsidiaries: OJSC Capital Insurance, CJSC Capital Reinsurance, LLC RGS-Med (Syktyvkar), CJSC KS-Holding, LLC SK RGS Life Insurance.

Until recently, the ultimate shareholder who controlled the group was Danil Khachaturov, a member of the Russian Forbes list. In August 2017, the group came under the control of the structure of PJSC Bank FC Otkritie, whose main investor since the end of August of the same year has been the Bank of Russia. As of June 30, 2018, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was the ultimate shareholder controlling the Rosgosstrakh group of companies.

The group of companies PJSC SK Rosgosstrakh has more than 2 thousand offices throughout Russia and serves over 17 million clients in 85 regions of presence. The group's workforce was 60 thousand employees (including insurance agents).

According to the consolidated financial statements under IFRS, the total assets of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh as of June 30, 2018 amounted to 142.9 billion rubles (-7.0% from the beginning of 2018), own funds - 41.3 billion rubles (+6. 7% since the beginning of 2018), the net volume of earned insurance premiums for the first half of 2018 amounted to 36.3 billion rubles (50.6 billion rubles for the same period of the previous year), net profit for the half year - 2.6 billion rubles (15 .4 billion rubles of loss a year earlier).

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Help with issues with Rosgosstrakh

A large number of banks are ready to offer a variety of services. However, no matter how well-functioning the system is, sometimes there are failures. In order to solve some issues, it was created Rosgosstrakh hotline.

Various bank services allow you to carry out financial transactions. Sometimes there is a need to find out what deposit offers are available. In addition, banks offer lending services. And in order to find out what the next payment or interest that is accrued is, you need to contact specialists. Often you need to go to the bank. But this is not always possible.

There is another way to find out all the necessary information - just call from your cell phone. But you don’t always have the desire or time to listen to everything the answering machine says. It exists in order to get closer to its clients. Rosgosstrakh hotline. This is what allows bank clients to feel calmer.

By calling a phone number that starts with 8800, you can be sure that the call is absolutely free. Operators who are always happy to help will answer all your questions. Sometimes such a call to a toll-free number is enough to resolve many issues.

And if a situation arises in which it is necessary to contact the bank in person, then Rosgosstrakh hotline This will allow you to clarify in advance which documents you should take with you. This will help significantly reduce time. And it’s easier to come to the bank already prepared than to spend several days collecting documents.

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