
Masonry mortar. Cement-sandy solution: Sand ratio and cement when mixing mixtures. Which solution is needed for brickwork

  1. The sand must be prepared in advance, sift it, only in this case the aggregate will be a homogeneous mass with a binding element.
  2. The more cement is added, the elastic and moving the solution will be. The proportion of the wizard is determined based on the specific situation.
  3. Not only sand can be used as a placeholder, but also clay or lime. The solution of this type is plastic, which seriously facilitates the work, however, it can be applied in certain cases. For example, this solution is categorically not suitable for masonry bricks with cavities. The cavities will absorb the solution, and the wall will lose part of the heat insulating properties.

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Before answering the question, what kind of solution for masonry brick choose to choose what a significant variety of solutions and what are their characteristics. In composition solutions for brick masonry Most often divided into limestone, cement-limestone or cement.

  • Lime solutions Warm and plastic, however, their strength is lower than that of cement. They prepare a solution from the so-called limestone test, sand and a hammer of a negro lime.
  • Cement-lime solution Consists of limestone test and cement. The solution has high plasticity and is very durable, which makes it optimal almost for all types of brickwork.
  • Cement mortar For masonry, bricks are made of a mixture of sand and cement. The solution is cold, low-modular, and, whatever cement brand has been used, is unnecessarily hard.

Masonry solutions brand

The classification of the brand solution is widely used.

  • Grade 0 and 2 are rarely used.
  • Stamps 75, 25, 4, 10, 50 are the most popular.
  • Brands 100, 200, 150 are applied with specific construction work.

The brand is assigned by checking the hardened cubes of the solution on compression.

Mobility of the solution - Another important characteristic. Determine this value by practical testing. The special cone is immersed in the only prepared solution - the below the cone immersed in the material, the higher the mobility. For masonry full brick, a solution with a mobility of 9-10 is optimal, for the hollow brick - 7-8. In hot weather it is recommended to use a solution with mobility 12-14.

Composition and proportion of high-quality solution

The proportions of the solution for masonry bricks are determined on the basis of such indicators as the floors of the building, the type of construction elevated, type of soil, and so on.

For masonry of one-story buildings, a lime solution is used, characterized by ease of laying and excellent "tensile". Optimal sand and lime proportions 4: 1.

The cement solution is used when masoning the walls with a thickness of less than 0.25 meters. The ratio of sand-cement should be from 3: 1 to 6: 1, depending on the characteristics of the construction of the structure and from the cement brand.

The brick laying solution is prepared in two stages: first mix dry components, then poured water. Water should be clean and cold.

An optimal consumption of water for cement-sandy solution is considered to be 0.8 parts of water per part of cement.

Popular Brick Masonry Brand 75 is prepared from cement, lime and sand in the following proportions: 1: 0.8: 7. Special dyes can be added to the solution for masonry bricks to achieve certain design ideas, such as a combination of yellow facing bricks with brown seams.

For designs made of refractory bricks, for which high temperatures are assumed, a special sandy-clay solution is used with the addition of refractory clay or chamotte powder. This solution is perfect for masonry furnaces or fireplaces from chamotte brick.

Preparation of high-quality brick masonry solution

Proper preparing solution for masonry brick is carried out in stages:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to prepare components - cement, sand, water and haired lime.
  2. Mix all dry components. The universal solution is considered material with such proportions: one part of cement, five parts of the sand and one part of the lime. Before adding water, all dry ingredients need to mix well. For greater plasticity, you can add a little washing powder.
  3. Pour water. It should be borne in mind that the solution becomes almost unfastened for use in just one and a half or two hours after the manufacture, so too much material should be prepared. Water must be added gradually, constantly mixing the solution. When the mixture becomes similar to a slightly deciding oil - the solution is ready.

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How to calculate the consumption of a solution on brickwork?

One of the most popular solutions for brickwork - cement-sand, has the following indicators on the consumption of this material. On one square meter Brick masonry thick in one brick is consumed about 75 liters of solution. In case the masonry is carried out in a brick one and a half, about 115 liters of the solution per square meter will be consumed.

The twenty-first century offers many all kinds of dry mixes for brickwork. However, a simple cement-sand solution is still out of competition. When planning a construction work, it should be remembered that it is best to spend them in summer, then nature itself will help you.

The question of how to properly prepare for brickwork, a solution based on cement over the years does not lose its relevance. With the apparent simplicity of the process, it possesses the nuances whose knowledge will help to avoid mistakes. Evidence of the multifaceted theme studied is the undeclined secret of the preparation of the compositions used in the construction of ancient temples, which retained their integrity to our time.

Types of compositions

Building solutions are used to create durable masonry from bricks different species. Their cooking technology has a certain similarity. Any composition for brickwork has three key components: a filler, which most often serves sand, binder and water. The key difference is in a binding element. Additional substances in the form of clay, plow glue and other additives help to achieve greater viscosity or plasticity.

Cement mixture is the main binding component when cooking for brickwork construction solution. In addition to it, these functions perform:

  • lime;
  • clay;
  • cement-limestone mixture.

Based on the technological properties, you can prepare the following cement formulations for brickwork:

  • Skinny. Have a small amount of binder. It is characterized by low plasticity and durability, which will lead to cracking material. Positive Moment is the lowest mixture.
  • Fat. Contain an increased binding component. Plasticity and high strength in this case is guaranteed, however, a tendency to cracking and the risk of shrinkage during clarification appears.
  • Optimally prepare a normal cement solution, where compliance with proportions contributes to the preservation of all positive qualities when laying bricks.

Description of the main components

Careful selection of the main components of the cement mortar will make it possible to prepare a high-quality mass that will provide a solid brickwork. For this you need:

  • Water to mix clean, without impurities, dirt and foreign substances. Ideally gain it from the well. The fluid temperature depends on the season when it is required to prepare a cement mass: cold water is suitable in the summer period, in winter it needs additional heating.
  • Sand - an integral component of the cement composition. Lack of clay traces and other impurities - required conditionOtherwise, the weathering period of the masonry solution will accelerate.

    Tip! Determine the quality of sand directly when purchased easily. Intensively yellow color indicates the presence of additional impurities, so the solution can be prepared exclusively for the undercut masonry.

  • The main component that determines the properties of the future composition is cement. In order to competently prepare the solution and comply with the correct proportions, a cable mixture has a key value. There is a pattern: the higher the brand of the binder component - the smaller volume is needed to prepare the solution. If you wish to prepare the composition of a darker shade, it is enough to add graphite or soot to it or get a higher cement brand. At the same time, monitor the compliance of the established proportions.
  • Cementing a cement mass without purchasing expensive plasticizers will help detergents. For this role, shampoo, washing powder or liquid for washing dishes are suitable. The exception is the cleaning agent due to the probability of cracking on the brick laying.

Characteristics and proportions of various solutions

In addition to the cement mortar in its pure form, a lime and cement-lime mixture periodically use for masonry of bricks. Properties, proportions and in what cases it is better to prepare each of the species, consider in detail.


A limestrum for brickwork is rarely applied, this is due to the deterioration of the indicators of strength. The main scope of its operation is chimney pipes from bricks or laying the foundation for the furnace. The proportions of the solution for these purposes vary based on the fat content of lime. To prepare the optimal composition, one part of the binder component is added from 2 to 5 pieces of sand.

Cement and cement-limestone

When laying bricks, cement mortar uses constant popularity among builders. His distinctive features:

  • increased rigidity;
  • the coldest composition among all kinds;
  • however, these characteristics simultaneously provide its increased strength.

The plasticity of the composition is directly related to the proportions of the components made. Stripping from the brand of dry cement mixture and the requirements for brick laying, the solution is formed in proportions similar to the lime composition: one share of the binder component is added from 2 to 5 sides.

Note! Professional masts for fixing bricks are recommended to prepare cement-limestone.

Lime milk increases the plasticity of the composition compared to a purely cement option. It becomes warmer, while maintaining the necessary strength, which provides a wide range of applications. The only condition is the impossibility of use, if the level of humidity is higher than the norm. The optimal proportions of the binding components (in the form of cement and lime) and fillers are:

  • for solution M25 - 1/1/4;
  • for solution M50 - 1 / 0.5 / 4.5.

Cooking technology

The secret to how to prepare a high-quality cement solution intended for masonry bricks is extremely simple - correctly select the proportion. Tools should be prepared in advance - clean buckets, a volumetric container for mixing, a scooping shovel and trowel.

The use of concrete mixtures (with the builders brigade) will be able to speed up the entire brick masonry process), for small volumes, the cement mixture is better to be mounted manually. This follows:

If you prepare a cement mass turned out correctly, and all the proportions were observed, in their consistency it will remind a homemade thick sour cream.

Requirements for the Ready

In order for the brickwork not disappointed in the near future, the prepared cement mass must comply with the established requirements:

  1. Plasticity composition. It affects the filling of emptiness and irregularities in brickwork.
  2. High level of adhesion with brick.
  3. Optimal time gripping. Fast frozen makes it impossible to normal work process. Cement formulations must save plasticity for one and a half or two hours. When adding lime, the period is extended for another 3 hours.
  4. The high-quality solution ensures the formation of a thin uniform layer.
  5. After the frozen, the mixture should maintain strength, otherwise the laying of the brick will be exposed to deformation.
  6. It has sufficient insulating properties.

Tip! When laying bricks under summer heat, it is better to prepare a mixture with high mobility.

Prepare a solution for masonry brick is not a challenging task, anyone can cope with this work even without experience. But the error correction takes a lot of time so that this is not, you need to clearly observe all the proportions.

What should be a solution for masonry brick?

The brick laying solution must comply with the requirements. The composition should be plastic, since this will depend on the filling of all defects and emptiness in the brick.
Also, the solution should not be quickly captured because the masonry will be performed very difficult. Cement-based solution can save plastic ability of about two hours, and when lime is added, this indicator rises to 5 hours.
When the solution completely freezes, its strength should be maintained. If the composition loses strength, this will lead to the deformation of the entire brick laying.

Cement and Sand Proportions for Brick Masonry

To fix bricks when laying, you can use of various types Solutions, but they prepare them almost one rule. Any mixture consists of a binder, filler, and liquids. Solutions may differ only with a binder that the mixture is more viscous, and the plastic can be used PVA glue, clay or other means. A binding substance can serve as lime, cement or both components.

Typically, the lime-based solution is not used, since the mixture does not have sufficient strength. Bricks are placed on such a composition only for the foundation, furnaces or chimney pipes.

The most common, and reliable is a mixture based on cement, even considering that this is the toughest material, it is characterized by high strength. The plasticity of the composition will depend on how much cement is added. The proportions of cement and sand may vary from 1 to 2, to 1 to 5.

Professional workers perform laying on cement-lime formulations, they are considered warmer, and plastic, and also differ in high strength. These factors allow you to use such mixes for laying any kind of brick. But this solution cannot be operated with high humidity. The proportions of cement, lime, and sand are 1 to 1 to 4 for 25 brand, and 1 to 0.5 to 4.5 for 50 brand.

How to make a quality solution correctly?

To prepare a high-quality solution, it is necessary to observe the exact proportions of all components of the materials. It is also necessary to prepare a large container for mixing, a scooping shovel, buckets, and a trowel.
When cooking large volumes of the mixture, use the concrete mixer, then the work will be performed faster and easier. If the work is performed in stages and does not require a large amount of solution, then you can prepare a mixture manually. The solution is captured up to two hours if you cook a whole concrete mixer, and work alone, then for the allotted time it is not possible to use it. At the same time, only in vain will spend the materials and time.

Before making a solution, all components must be prepared, sand is sieved to clean it from garbage. Sand usually take career or river, small up to 2.5 millimeters.

After that, sand, and cement with a bucket or other subject, in the required quantities, fall asleep in the prepared container. If there is no information about the exact number of components, it is better to take the most common indicators 1 to 4. You cannot consider components in liters, they are added only by weight.

After four sand buckets, and the cement bucket will be covered, it turns out 40 liters of composition. And then the plasticity can be resolved with the addition of sand or cement.

Initially, cement with sand is well stirred by a shovel so as to obtain a homogeneous composition, and then water is added, one kilogram of cement 800 grams of water. Such proportions cannot be considered accurate, since the amount of water is added such to obtain a mixture of the required consistency, so the portion of the fluid is determined during the preparation of the solution.
Water should be clean, and preferably room temperature from 15 to 20 degrees. During the addition of liquid, the composition is well mixed, this action is mandatory, since the sand will constantly settle on the bottom because of its severity. In this case, the water will rise to the top, the correct composition must have a consistency of thick sour cream.

Types of solution and its proportions

  1. To build walls with large loads, a solution of cement and sand is used. Also, such a mixture is used for the construction of buildings located on water or movable soils. Components can add different quantities, it depends on the direct purpose of the building, the proportions may vary from four to six parts of the sand, and one part of the cement. The mixture is ideal for warehouse, basements, and other wet premises.
  2. To perform insulation, use the composition based on lime, but the strength of such a mixture is much lower compared to cement. Therefore, such a composition is used mainly for partition walls indoors. Perform a solution from the lime of the left-hand, clay, and sand. To make a weak consistency, take two sand, and one lime, and for a fatty mixture of sand should be five parts. Lime solution has antibacterial, and antiseptic effect.
  3. Experienced professionals prefer to use a combined solution, that is, on the basis of cement, and lime. When prepared, one part of the sand is added, and three cement, and instead of water, lime lime milk. To obtain it is divorced lime. Thus, the composition becomes plastic, high quality connects bricks, and closes all the slots, emptiness, and holes. Therefore, through the erected walls does not penetrate the draft.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that various solutions are made for different bricks, for example, one composition is prepared for full-scale materials, and for the hollow - the other. Water should only be clean, without debris, and dirt, and its temperature is from 15 to 20 degrees. If the elements of mold or garbage are present in the liquid, it will later be on the walls. The sand should not be more than 2.5 millimeters, and all components for cement-sandy solution are taken in a ratio of from 0.5 to 0.8 to 1 part of the cement.
The cement is added to a different amount that depends on the material brand. With an increase in the brand, the viscosity of the mixture increases, if 500 cement is used, then it takes one part, and the sand is three parts. When 400 brand is used, it is necessary 2.5 sand, and 1 part of the cement material. The amount of sand depends on the cement brand, it can be much more up to 8 parts.

Benefits of a brick masonry solution

Brick masonry solution has direct purposeIt is used to fill all the free space between bricks, that is, fix them. The solution should be high-quality, and durable, then the building will have a long service life.
In addition, the composition has a water-retaining function, and its mobility allows you to close all empties in connections between the material. The solution has high adhesion with the surface of a brick material.

The solution for laying a brick material based on cement, and sand has high strength, and does not forms cracks. Also, prepare a mixture yourself, you can save costs, there is no need to purchase expensive materials.
When laying the material, a certain thickness of the compound is observed, it should be about 10 to 12 millimeters. Bricks are put on top of the applied solution so that the connections have been slightly shifted. After that, applying force, it quickly moves to the previous brick, during such actions, a solution for a lateral connection is squeezed.

With a proper solution, brick wall There will be a long service life, and is not deformed. To avoid errors, it is necessary to comply with the proportions, and add all recommended components to the composition. Before starting cooking, first prepared all the necessary tools, and components to be subsequently not distracted from the main work. If there are doubts about execution independent work, it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

Residential I. industrial buildingMade of bricks differ in high strength and durability, have good thermal insulation properties. Some buildings stood before one hundred years, allowed to preserve the architectural style of past centuries. To improve the quality and durability of the supporting structures, you need to know how to prepare a solution for brickwork. In our article, you will get acquainted with the technology of manufacturing a building mixture, we learn the proportions of the raw materials and the sequence of mixing the solution.

Kneading solution manually

To obtain strong and reliable brick masonry, different types of building mixtures are applied. The technology of preparation of different solutions is approximately the same, the raw material used is also similar. The main materials for the mixture is considered to be a binding agent (cement), a small aggregate (sample sand) and water.

Note! The quality and properties of the finished material will depend on the type and brand of the binder. Instead of cement, lime, clay, PVA glue and other components may be present in the mixture.

In most cases, the solution for masonry brick is performed on the basis of cement. Depending on the number of initial raw materials, such solutions can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  1. Skinny with a small amount of binder. Such material is distinguished by low coefficients of strength and plasticity, which will lead to cracking of the masonry during operation. The positive property of this composition is the low price.
  2. In the composition of fatty mixtures there are elevated doses of cement. Such a solution is characterized by high strength and plasticity, but can crack during a shrinkage when hardening.
  3. The cement-sandy solution for masonry of the optimal brick is the correct ratio of raw materials, which guarantees the absence of cracks during shrinkage and good performance.

The main ingredients of the mixture

Basic composition of the construction mixture

Only the right selection of raw material components allows manufacturing a high-quality building mixture that can be used to obtain a solid brickwork. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to take the following ingredients:

  1. Clean water without harmful impurities and foreign bodies. When performing masonry in the summer period, cold liquid will need, for mounting enclosing structures from bricks in winter, it is necessary to fit water.
  2. Small aggregate or sand is considered one of the main components of the cement mortar. The composition of this ingredient should no harmful impurities and clay. The presence of such components will lead to a quick weathering of the mixture. The yellow sand color indicates the presence of additional additives. Such a mixture is recommended to use for the shelter.
  3. The main component of any composition for brickwork is considered a binder (mainly cement). In the manufacture of any solution, pay attention to the material brand than it is higher, the smaller the substance will be required for the knead.

Important! Prepare a high-quality solution for brick masonry without expensive plasticizing additives will help conventional tools, such as washing powder, shampoo, liquid soap or special solution for cleaning dishes.

Proportions and specifications of different types of compositions

In addition to the classic variant of the cement-sand solution for laying the enclosing structures of a brick house, a cement-lime mixture can be prepared, a solution of clay and lime, as well as the composition based on lime. Let's get acquainted with such materials in more detail.


The so-called lime solution is almost not used to masonry bricks through small strength indicators. This mixture is recommended to apply for styling the foundation of the furnace or chimney. The proportions of raw components depend on the fat content of clay. In the standard version, 1 part of the binder is added from 2 to 5 volume fractions.

Cement and cement-lime

Building formulations based on the main binder, cement and cement-limestrova are particularly popular among builders. Such formulations differ from similar materials by increased quality, rigidity and strength indicators, but have a cold seam. The plasticity of the solution depends on the composition. In the standard version on 1 part of the cement take from 2 to 5 parts of the fine aggregate, sand.

Another option is considered to be more warm while maintaining the same strength indicators. Attention should be paid to the fact that the lime is afraid of water, so this mixture is not desirable to use for masonry bricks in the bathroom and toilet. The basic proportions of the raw materials in recalculation of cement \\ lime \\ sand for the M25 brand are 1: 1: 4; For M50 - 1: 0.5: 4.5.

Solution with the additive of lime and clay

To reduce the stiffness of the binder in the base composition of the raw material components, clay is added, which allows you to get a stew resistant. The component in question is added in the proportion of 1k3 to the finished solution. It should be noted that the strength indicators of such a material are slightly lower from the standard mixture on the base of the cement, and it grasps it much slower.

How to intervene the solution

Brick laying on solution

The quality of the brick masonry will depend on the correct selection of the ratios of the raw materials. To carry out the work, it will take a container for mixing the mixture, shoulder, as well as Kelma and the Soviet shovel. Accelerate the process will help the concrete mixer, but with small laying, the solution can be mounted manually. The entire workflow consists of several simple operations:

  • We clean sand from third-party impurities by sieving through a special lattice.
  • We fall asleep in the capacity of cement and fine aggregate in the necessary proportions. When grade cement M400 takes 1 bucket of binder and 4 parts of the sand.
  • To prepare a high-quality solution, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the raw materials to a homogeneous consistency, then add water from the calculation of 800 milliliters of the liquid to each liter of the cement used.

During the installation of brick walls, the composition is mixed several times, which will prevent the sedimentation of the sand at the bottom of the capacity and extrusion of water. The mixture should have the necessary mobility and plasticity for the convenience of laying bricks.

Basic requirements for cooked solo

To build high-quality, solid and durable masonry, check the composition for compliance with the following requirements:

  • The solution must have the necessary mobility (plasticity), which allows the composition to spread over the surface of the masonry and fill out all empties.
  • Good level of adhesion in relation to brick.
  • Standard cement setting period for 1.5-2 hours. Increase the hardening period of about 3 hours will help add to lime. This component improves the plasticity of the finished material.
  • Properly prepared solution is able to form durable and thin seams.
  • After grappling, the mixture should remain durable. If you do not comply with this requirement, the laying will be deformed during operation.

Note! During the holding mounting work At high temperatures, it is recommended to use a more liquid, plastic solution.

Mobility and plasticity of the prepared mixture can be changed by introducing plasticizers to the basic composition. These substances can be replaced by a standard set of detergents.

Be sure to watch the video:

The most common building material is brick. This traditional material does not lose its relevance even today. Constructs built of bricks have a number of properties. He found the use of residential buildings in the construction of residential buildings, interior partitions, fences, basement rooms. Some varieties of bricks withstand large temperatures, they are used in melting furnaces, others have high strength, carrying bearing walls or foundations. But for the construction of brickwork, one important component is needed, fastening every brick in one. The reliability and external attractiveness of masonry will depend on its quality. So how to properly choose the proportion of the solution for masonry brick?

Any solution for brickwork consists of aggregate with a binder. The main components of all solutions are the three components:

  • Cement (binder);
  • Quartz sand (filler);
  • Purified water.

The proportion of these components changes the properties of the mixture. The quality is greater importance, for example, the quality of water often does not pay attention, but to knead the high-quality solution, the necessary clean water, without foreign components, without mud, oils or emulsions. In practice, it is better to use water from a well or a sparkling pipeline water. It matters the water temperature. In summer, it is possible to use water "room temperature", and in winter it should be heated.

What does the quality of the solution depends on

The quality of the mixture depends even more on the properties of the sand. Sand need to rinse, pass through the sieve. Additional impurities, such as clay, organic components, can give it more plasticity, but in the future will lead to the appearance of white spots on the surface of the brick, to reduce the strength of the grabbing mixture and cracking the masonry. The origin of the sand is also important, career sand is suitable for cement mortar, not a river or marine. Sea sand grains have a rounded shape, because of which they are poorly associated with each other. However, the washing of sand does not always give high quality sand. The mixture mixed on the washed sand is often stratified and highlights water on the brick. Such a mixture requires the introduction of additional plasticizing components, for example, liquid soap or shampoo. If you can choose the sand fraction (gradation size), then you need to choose an average size (no more than 2.5 mm).

Prepare a cement solution is better from Portland cement or a slag-node cementable binder starting with 300 brands (M300) and more. If the wall will bear not significant loads (for example, a shed wall), then the cement grade 200 can be used. However, there is a dependence between the cement brand and the final amount of the finished mixture. The higher the brand, the more you get the material. Saving on the brand, you can get a cement mortar for brick laying in a smaller volume than planned.

Changing the properties of the solution

To prepare a solution for masonry and change its properties, additional substances are often added to the composition. They allow you to change not only the external decorative type of seams, but also the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the whole masonry. Such additives include:

  • Slaked lime;
  • Various plasticizers;
  • Dyes;
  • Clay;
  • Shamot, etc.

The introduction of harated lime is practiced both for the brick masonry of the outer walls and internal partitions. This species has high plasticity, in comparison with cement-sand, because of which it is easier to work with it and easier to carry out masonry. It is more resistant to the temperature difference and poorly absorbs moisture, due to which the frost resistance rates increase. The cement-limestrine has good adhesion (grip between solid and liquid surfaces) with bricks.

Slaked lime

How to make color seam? Sometimes it is necessary that the laying seams would be a specific color. To do this, various coloring substances are added to it, but they often change the quality of the mixture for the worse, so you need to carefully monitor the ratio. Whatever the seam is dark color, ash adds ash or graphite. Lime gives a light shade of the seam. You can make seam with dark and increasing the cement brand.

Traditional plasticizers are liquid soap, shampoos, detergents. They are added at the stage of kneading, they give it a plasticity and uniformity. But this method of giving softness is already outdated. The fact is that the detergents contain many additional components that adversely affect the final result of brickwork. Special plasticizing additives are sold in construction stores that are better suited for these purposes. It is best to add air-dye plasticizers, as they allow you to evenly stirrerium, distributing air bubbles, thereby reducing the possibility of bundling the masonry. As a rule, all plasticizers have a number of additional properties. But some of them performs only its narrow task, for example, the frost resistance increases. It is better to use components with complex characteristics.

Clay is extremely rarely used for conventional structures. It is cheap, but has low strength. Furnaces are constructed from clay solutions. Often, cement is not added to such a mixture, but sometimes when it is necessary to increase the strength of the masonry, it is mixed with clay to give a cement-clay solution. Cline gives plasticity, and is also a refractory material. But it also has a temperature limit, therefore, for the construction of blast furnaces or melted, shaft is added to the cement-clay mixture. A mixture with shamot can be used at temperatures of more than 1300 degrees Celsius.

The proportionality of the components of the masonry solution

From the appointment or place of use, the solution for masonry bricks proportions in the mixture will change. For masonry of bearing walls and partitions, the cement-sand mixture is most often used. The main criterion of its quality is the proportions of sand and cement. It is easy to prepare and can be used without additional additives. The cement-sand mix can be called a universal solution for masonry. Brickwork, laid on this solution, withstands both horizontal and vertical loads. The seams are resistant to temperature differences, the action of a wet environment and atmospheric precipitation. In the Internet, you can find many tables in which the ratios of sand and cement are indicated.

Consider examples of how to prepare a solution.

Common options:

  1. Brand 75. Such a solution is used for brickwork of full-scale brick or wild stone. This is a solution for masonry of slag block and foam concrete blocks. Apply it for coupler of floors with a small layer. It is used both for outdoor masonry and for the inner. It is used in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, shower I.T.P.). Used in industrial premises, in which equipment issuing strong vibrations constantly works. Most often, the proportions of cement and sand are 1 part M400, 4 parts of the sand.
  2. Brand 100. Found its use in filling the seams in panel houses. Used for floors of floors, mounting jumpers up to 2 meters. The hundredth brand is used to plaster walls. Suitable for masonry full-scale brick or heavy natural stone. It can be used to build brick foundation. Good strength characteristics Allow it to be used in carcass monolithic construction. When used in humid, it is recommended to use additional moisture-repellent substances in the mixture. For the preparation of 100 stamps, the cement M400 is used into four parts of the sand.
  3. Brand 150-200. This brand has greater strength. In the manufacture of 150, the brand does not allow impurities in the form of clay or lime. Such components reduce the strength characteristics. For brickwork, almost not used, as it is relatively expensive. He found an application in the construction of foundations, as well as in plastering works in wet structures and buildings (pools, aquariums I.T.P.). Solutions of 200 stamps are used to fill the seams in prefabricated homes or in the form of waterproofing. For the manufacture of 200 stamps, the ratio of two sand parts with one part of Portland cement M400 is used.

Proper preparing solution

In order to make a good masonry solution, the masonry solution must be chosen correct, high-quality components, and to properly disperse it. For the manufacture you will need:
  • Measuring buckets;
  • Shovels;
  • Master OK;
  • Corto (tank for kneading).

You can use special building mixers. With them to knead much easier. If large volumes of work are planned construction sites, it is better to use the concrete mixer.

The main task, when mixing, is the balance of the balance between liquid and excessively dry. It should not be spread in the process of masonry, but it is enough liquid, for clutch with bricks. To check, you can simply carry a finger with a reconciliation of it, the mixture should remain in the mixture, which does not swim along the edges not filled with water at the bottom.

Sand sieves through the sieve before the start of kneading, so it is cleaned from lumps or impurities, as well as high fractions. Sieve can be made by himself.

To begin with, water is added to the container or concrete mixer (approximately half of the planned ratio). After the binder (portland cement), mixing it with water, gradually introduced the filler (quartz sand).

The key to the well-cooked mixture is the right choice of building components, additives and the correct kneading. The slightest change in the components changes the basic properties of the mixture. Properly mixed solution will allow brickwork stand for many years.

In this video, you can see how to make a solid for masonry brick:

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