
Redevelopment of a five-room apartment in a panel house. Redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house and its features. Development of a project based on TK

Any living space should be cozy and individual. But in panel houses, it is almost impossible to create a cozy, individual, ergonomic space without redevelopment.

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How is redevelopment in panel houses regulated at the legislative level and is it possible to do redevelopment in panel house at all?


By general rule, redevelopment is a set of works on the redevelopment of housing, but with restrictions and features defined by law, for panel houses, since in such buildings all the walls are load-bearing.


All legal relations that affect housing are regulated by the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Redevelopment is no exception, since the specified code contains general provisions on this issue.

A more detailed and narrow regulation of redevelopment issues is contained in a number of laws and by-laws:

The list is not exhaustive.

What do they pay attention to

To approve and start redevelopment work, the development project documentation, in the preparation of which a number of indicators are taken into account:

  • the degree of deterioration of structures that are load-bearing;
  • what is the change in the load on the element (wall) to be converted;
  • characteristics of the house itself (number of storeys, first of all, above the premise that is being replanned; whether there are already replanned premises under the premise and what was their redevelopment, etc.).

In fact, the higher the house and the lower the room is in it, the less manipulations with the walls can be carried out.

Video: Procedure Answers


As a result of redevelopment in a panel house, the law determines what can and cannot be done.

Yes, it is allowed:

  • move walls and partitions, their demolition;
  • equipment of openings for doors;
  • increasing the area of ​​​​the residential part through the re-equipment of storage rooms, a corridor;
  • organization of an additional sanitary unit and (or) kitchen.

Redevelopment in panel houses is strictly prohibited if:

  • load-bearing walls are deformed (destroyed, their condition worsens);
  • damage to the facade;
  • harm is caused to the living conditions of neighbors and the owner of the re-planned housing;
  • lack of consent of all owners of a residential object of shared ownership;
  • work is carried out in facilities that, during 3 years old are subject to demolition.

How to make redevelopment in a panel house

In order to secure the fruit of redevelopment and ongoing work, a certain procedure for coordinating such work is provided.

Ordering a registration certificate at BTI

Many believe that ordering a registration certificate is necessary in order to study the constructive plan of the house and combine the idea of ​​redevelopment with real possibilities for its implementation without creating danger.

The BTI technical passport, as a rule, does not contain information about load-bearing walls, and a non-specialist will not be able to understand from such a plan which of the walls belongs to the load-bearing category. In exceptional cases, a technical passport with a description of all structures is available from the developer.

A constructive plan will answer all your questions, and you can get one at the UKS at the executive committee.

Contacting MNIIETEP

The appeal to the State Unitary Enterprise MPIIETEP aims to conduct an engineering survey at the request of the owner of the housing from the organization that developed the project of the house.

Development of project documents

To development project documents only specialized design organizations with SRO approval are allowed.
During the development of design documents, the goal is to reduce the design hazard to zero.

Obtaining a technical opinion

The technical conclusion is a special document that reflects an objective assessment of the building and the object located in it, subject to redevelopment, in terms of construction and technical safety.

When a technical conclusion is being prepared, both the re-planned object and the premises located directly above and below it are examined.

If defects in the building structure are detected during the entire period of operation, appropriate recommendations are issued for their elimination.

In fact, the technical conclusion should contain:

  • information about the state of the building and its structures;
  • assessment of the possibility of redevelopment of the premises located in it.

Simultaneously with the inspection of the building and its premises, the documentation for this building, which was created at the time of design and construction, is being studied.

This documentation allows you to obtain the necessary information about:

  • building series;
  • year of construction;
  • features of operation;
  • the floor where the redevelopment object is located;
  • condition of load-bearing walls in nearby premises.

Technical conclusions are divided into types:

  • which determines the possibility of carrying out redevelopment work, when a permit for their implementation is obtained before the work;
  • which evaluates the safety and admissibility of work already carried out, when the owners of the apartment are trying to legitimize the redevelopment.

The technical conclusion is the basis for drawing up the BTI act on redevelopment and making changes to the technical passport.

Development of a project based on TK

The norms that provide for the obligation and cases of designing a project are contained in

According to the norms, cases are manipulations with:

  • load-bearing structures of the building;
  • unloading partitions;
  • engineering communications;
  • layered floor construction.

The project consists of a number of parts:

  • content (reflects the installation data of the object, its composition);

    This part includes an explanatory note, and a plan of the apartment, both before and after, etc.

  • act-obligation of the parties;

    Reflects an agreement between the customer (the owner of the re-planned object) and the contractor (engineer), that the first undertakes to comply with the design decision, participate in the acceptance of work, etc.

  • mark of the project manager;

    The chief engineer thus confirms that the project meets all requirements and standards.

  • common data;

    The legal acts that formed the basis of the project are listed.

  • architectural and construction solutions;

    The characteristics of the dwelling are described (area, number of rooms and other premises, etc.), it is indicated what will be done as part of the redevelopment with the appropriate conclusions.

  • fire fighting measures;

    Issues of an organizational nature are being resolved, the person responsible for fire safety when carrying out redevelopment work, etc.

  • object plans before redevelopment;

    BTI documents are taken as a basis.

  • dismantling and assembly plan;

    Elements to be dismantled are marked in red, elements that are being installed are reflected on the plan in green.

  • floor plan and its explication;

    It is noted where what kind of flooring.

  • plan of the premises after redevelopment;
  • location of sanitary equipment;
  • water supply and sewerage scheme;
  • waterproofing unit;
  • reinforcement of openings with metal structures and instructions for carrying out these works;
  • SRO approval (certificate that the design organization is listed in the register of self-regulatory organizations);
  • contract for architectural supervision;

    The design organization controls the work of builders in order to avoid project evasion.

  • scheme for the reconstruction of plasterboard partitions;
  • instructions for the production of works.

May be offered typical options redevelopment.

Coordination of redevelopment

Coordination of the received documents and redevelopment is carried out in the administrative bodies (BTI).

Collection of documents

The next step is to collect documents before directly contacting the housing inspectorate.

From the applicant intending to carry out redevelopment in accordance with the requirements of the law, you need to collect:

  • registration certificate of the premises from the BTI (references different forms, floor plan, etc.);
  • a redevelopment project that was developed by an organization licensed to manufacture projects;
  • technical conclusion;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • conclusion of the SES (subdivisions of Rospotrebnadzor);
  • approval of the author who designed the house;
  • the consent of each of the owners of the premises subject to redevelopment;
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of housing certified by a notary;
  • single housing document;
  • coordination with the balance holder of the house (management company, HOA, etc.);
  • agreement on supervision of construction works.

Carrying out redevelopment in an apartment is a labor-intensive event, especially if the apartment is located in a panel house. The design features of such houses are that most of the internal walls act as load-bearing walls and cannot be completely or partially dismantled. For redevelopment in a panel house, you need to know all the stages and nuances of its implementation and clearly follow them.

What is redevelopment

Remodeling is a combination construction works, during which there is a change in the existing configuration of a residential or non-residential premises and deviation from the original design documentation approved by BTI.

These works include:

  • transfer or dismantling of walls and partitions for the redistribution of space in the apartment;
  • dismantling of premises that act as utility rooms (corridors) to increase the area of ​​the main premises;
  • change in location and shape doorways;
  • when a room and a balcony (loggia, hallway) are combined;
  • association of adjacent apartments (not only along the staircase, but also along the floors)

There is no ban on redevelopment in a panel house in the legislation, but there are a number of requirements that must be met.

Before the beginning repair work, including redevelopment, you need to order the appropriate project documentation (design solution) according to a standard form (for such common cases as redevelopment of a corridor in a panel house) or an individual plan. In order to reduce this item of expenditure, it is necessary to know which solutions should be abandoned immediately, and which ones can be implemented.

What does the law say? At the legislative level, the answer to the question “is it possible to do redevelopment in a panel house” is contained in Housing Code RF, federal laws, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Rescheduling ban

A complete list of works in which redevelopment is prohibited is given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 508.

These include:

  • violation of the integrity of load-bearing walls and other main structures of the building;
  • work in which the load on the floors increases;
  • making changes to appearance the facade of the building and its damage;
  • worsening living conditions co-owners of the premises in which changes are made, and housemates;
  • work affecting common house property, for which the consent of the other residents of the house has not been obtained;
  • making changes to public communications;
  • transfer of a bathroom and a bathroom to rooms located above the living rooms of the lower floors;
  • redevelopment option with the combination of a living room and a kitchen where there is a gas stove;
  • construction of loggias on the floors above the first;
  • restructuring of premises located in houses to be demolished within three years.

After excluding the above works, it is necessary to take into account other important points associated with the preparation of project documentation.


The presence of a large number of load-bearing walls - main feature panel houses. Improperly made structural changes, even in one apartment, pose a big risk to the entire building, as they violate building codes.

Important! A separate group includes old-style panel houses - Khrushchev. There are not many load-bearing walls.

Among the indicators that should be taken into account when developing project documentation are:

  1. The service life of the building from the moment of construction and the level of wear of load-bearing structures.
  2. The current load on structural elements and its predicted change after repair work.
  3. The height of the building and the number of floors, including above the changing room. Quantity possible changes in apartments on the lower floors is much less than on the upper ones.
  4. Have there been redevelopments in the rooms located floors below.

Project documentation is prepared by special organizations that are part of the SRO. In the event that the planned redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house will be carried out according to a standard form, specialists can do without the initial project of the entire building, limiting themselves to developing a project for changes. However, if it is done, the risks of refusal to approve the state project will decrease. services and save time on going to services.

Approval procedure

Coordination of redevelopment consists of several stages, during which it is necessary to collect a number of permits.

Permits for redevelopment

The redevelopment project should be submitted to the BTI for the preparation of a technical opinion, and only after that you can apply for the appropriate permit.

The package of documents, in addition to the two above, will also consist of:

  • applications for redevelopment;
  • documents confirming the ownership of real estate;
  • technical and cadastral passports;
  • extracts from unified register rights to real estate.

The term for consideration of documents is no more than 45 days.

Construction works

In the case of redevelopment, these works should not be done on their own, it is better to involve a specialized team. New layout should be accepted not only by the owner himself, but also by a commission consisting of representatives of the city administration, BTI, housing inspection (in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the composition of the commission may vary).

In the absence of comments and the compliance of the result of the design documentation, an act is issued on the acceptance of work and the facility for operation.

Obtaining documents at the BTI and the Cadastral Chamber

The next step is to obtain a new technical and cadastral passport for the redesigned premises. To do this, the entire previously designated package of documents, plus a permit for redevelopment and an act of acceptance of work, are transferred first to the BTI, and then to the cadastral chamber.

Making changes to the USRR

The final procedure is fixing the changes that have taken place in the unified state register of rights to real estate. The corresponding application can be submitted through the nearest MFC and there you can get the finished document.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at each of the above stages, in response to the application, the answer may come that redevelopment is prohibited. The reasons for this are:

  • the presence of inaccuracies and typos in the documents (in the data about the house, a series of certificates);
  • inconsistency of project documentation building codes;
  • the admission of violations in the course of construction work (assembly, dismantling) and their failure to eliminate them within the specified period.

If the authorized services prohibit carrying out these works without justification, then their decision can be appealed in court.

Failure to comply with the procedure established by law in any case will entail a number of negative consequences.


Unauthorized restructuring can be very expensive for the owner, since in addition to fines, which amount to up to 5 thousand rubles, he has the right to be obliged to restore original view apartments. Failure to comply with this requirement is fraught with implementation real estate through auctions by court order with payment of compensation to the owner. That's just the amount of this compensation is unlikely to correspond to the market value of the apartment.

Important! If unauthorized reorganization is detected and it did not create emergency situations, it is necessary to urgently receive technical documentation(conclusions, projects, etc.) in order to legitimize redevelopment in judicial order after the fact.

In the event that, as a result of redevelopment, harm was caused to the life and health of other people, then this is the basis for applying criminal liability.

Everyone wants to make their home as comfortable and cozy as possible, but in some cases, such an arrangement must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the law. This fully applies to redevelopment in premises located in panel houses, since not only the comfort of residents, but also their health and life depends on it.

Architectural and design bureau No. 1 develops projects for the redevelopment of apartments in panel houses of all series! We also advise on any issues related to the redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in panel houses and help with the Moscow Housing Inspection and BTI.

Prevalence typical houses from reinforced concrete slabs due to the cheapness and speed of their construction. But from the point of view of implementation, panel houses are the most problematic: be prepared that not all of your wishes can be realized. The fact is that most of the internal transverse walls in a typical panel are load-bearing, therefore, their complete or partial dismantling is strictly prohibited, and the maximum that can be counted on is the construction of openings, and even then not always. Therefore, the redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house rarely follows a simplified scheme - as a rule, you have to order the development of a project with a technical report.

Section plan of modern panel house: Almost all walls are load-bearing. The bulk of the panel apartment buildings has a similar design

Only Khrushchevs and some early panel high-rise buildings based on Khrushchevs have a minimum of load-bearing walls in the apartment, which greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of designing and coordinating redevelopments:

Plan of the ordinary section of the old panel series: all walls except for inter-apartment walls are partitions

Features of redevelopment of apartments in panel houses

Thinking about redevelopment in a panel house with a combination of premises, first of all. The easiest way to do this is to measure their width: if it exceeds 12-14 cm, then most likely the wall is capital, if less - a partition.

When bearing walls are affected, you will have to order an engineering survey with registration in the organization involved in the development of the house project. Most likely, this will be an institute, although a certain percentage of panel houses were also developed by other institutes - Mosproekt, TsNIIEP Housing, and others.

In addition to the current state of the building and its design features, the possibility of redevelopment in a panel house is also influenced by other factors, for example, the floor. The higher the apartment is located, the less load falls on the walls and floors, and accordingly, it is easier to organize an opening in the load-bearing wall. At the same time, on the lower floors, a similar opening may not be allowed, or they will “cut” it to minimum size. Another an important factor, which may interfere with you, is the presence of similar redevelopment of neighbors from above or below.

By the way, GUP MNIITEP prohibits making any openings in the load-bearing walls of some of its houses built after 2007, with the exception of project niches specially marked during construction (in the so-called “transformer walls”).

In addition to the development of project documentation, in order to agree on redevelopment in a panel house, you will need to collect a set of documents (see the list in paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11) and submit it to the Moscow Housing Inspection. If there are no complaints about the documents and the project, you will be given an order with permission to redevelop your panel apartment.

Having received this document in your hands, you can begin the work that must be performed Building company with the approval of SRO in construction. This will guarantee that no violations of SNiPs and SanPiNs will be committed during the production process, and no deviations from the agreed project will occur. In addition, only certified contractors have the right to issue post-installation reinforcement of openings or laying waterproofing. These acts must be signed by representatives of the contractor and the design bureau. The latter also carry out, i.e. control the compliance of the ongoing work with the redevelopment project.

The finished repair is handed over to the acceptance committee of the Moscow Housing Inspection. If all the work done corresponds to what was indicated in the project, and all the necessary documentation is present, which was filled out according to all the rules throughout the entire reconstruction process, then the commission will sign an act on the completed redevelopment. On its basis, BTI will issue a new registration certificate for the apartment, on the plan of which all changes in the layout will be recorded. Only after that, redevelopment in a panel house, as well as in any other, will be considered completely legal. This procedure is the same for all types of residential apartment buildings.

Redevelopment of panel Khrushchev

As we noted above, not all interior walls in all panel houses are load-bearing. There are series where rooms are separated from each other by thin partitions that can be painlessly demolished or openings made in them. These houses include, first of all, Khrushchev houses, for example, the common series, II-32 and others. The bearing function in them is performed by the facade walls and one longitudinal wall in the center of the house, and the inter-apartment walls play the role of stiffening diaphragms. Most interior walls are excluded from the power scheme and are made of lightweight materials. Their dismantling can be coordinated according to the sketch, without technical conclusion and project.

The project of redevelopment of a panel Khrushchev, 3 rooms (series 1605AM):

apartment 56 sq.m

Remodeling the kitchen in a panel house

Almost in all Khrushchevs, as well as in many later series of panel houses, there are gas stoves in the kitchens. This circumstance does not allow the owners to fully combine such kitchens with rooms. Even when it is possible to break the wall separating the premises or arrange an opening in it, you still have to install a sliding partition instead of the demolished wall, and put a door on the opening. This is required by housing legislation (see paragraphs 11.17 and 11.18 of Appendix 1). Also, do not forget about the ban on moving the kitchen over the living rooms of the neighbors below (PP RF 2006 No. 47).

There is also a restriction for “odnushki”: the kitchen cannot be completely connected to the room, since the only living space in the apartment will lose its status and will be considered non-residential. When redevelopment three-room apartment panel house, as well as a two-room, kitchen can be connected to a room - but subject to all conditions and restrictions regarding load-bearing walls, gas stoves and other things. Regarding “other things”, let's give the following example: it happens that in the wall between the kitchen and the room there may be heating and (rarely) ventilation systems - in this case, the opening in it is either not allowed, or the author of the house introduces many conditions into the project according to the dimensions of the opening and complex reinforcement of piers with metal profiles.

An example of redevelopment of a kitchen in a panel one-room apartment 35 sq. m:

Remodeling a bathroom in a panel house

Usually associated with the unification or expansion of these premises. This is achieved by demolishing the partition or sanitary cabin separating them, as well as by joining the area of ​​the adjacent non-residential premises (corridor, hall, dark room, wardrobe). It is impossible to expand "wet spots" with entry into the living area or move them so that they are above the living rooms and kitchens of neighbors. This is prohibited by the regulations - SaNPiN2.1.2.2645-10 and SNiP 31-03-2003. In addition, the expansion of the bathroom and lavatory requires the mandatory installation of waterproofing, which is an intervention in the floor structure and is consistent with the project, as well as openings in load-bearing walls, affecting engineering communications and other complex and potentially dangerous jobs.

Despite the modest amount of a fine for citizens when changing load-bearing structures or changing their functional purpose, but it is still necessary to coordinate the redevelopment. What features are associated with the reconstruction of premises in a panel house, how to obtain a permit and what work cannot be done in apartments, in detail in the publication.


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The main danger and at the same time a feature is the panel structure of the house, in which the room to be redevelopment is located. This is due to the fact that building elements are interconnected panel blocks.

In case of violation of the integrity of one of them, the destruction of several floors or the entire building is possible. Such actions can cause harm to property, health and even lives of citizens.

The difference from a monolithic structure lies in the fact that only load-bearing blocks cannot be demolished in it, otherwise brickwork is equipped, which can be partially demolished or expanded in the openings laid out in it, taking into account the pressure of the upper floors on the structure in order to prevent the resolution of the wall and building.

What can be changed

In general, all actions related to redevelopment are prohibited if they are contrary to current building codes and legislation. It is important that some types of work are assessed as reconstruction, and this is considered a reorganization of the premises and for its implementation it is required to obtain approval from the authorized authorities.

In the process of redevelopment, you can perform the following actions:

  • move the kitchen or increase the area due to non-residential additional premises (pantry, corridor);
  • expansion of the bathroom at the expense of premises not used for residential purposes, taking into account the peculiarities of laying waterproofing;
  • change the design of partitions, including non-bearing ones, for example, made of plasterboard or chipboard, equipped in corridors, dressing rooms, storerooms and other auxiliary premises;
  • to dismantle the window sill of a door or loggia, combined with a living area in monolithic houses or panel houses built according to projects before 2007;
  • equip window openings in monolithic type houses without preliminary research and reinforcement with metal structures;
  • make openings in walls with structures until 2007, it is allowed to perform such work in houses with late structures if MNIITEP was not involved in their development;
  • carry out the installation of air conditioners and glazing of balconies - coordination is not required for this;
  • reinstall plumbing fixtures in wet areas;
  • connect kitchens with an electric stove to living quarters;
  • dismantle and transfer batteries to other rooms not intended for heating - corridors, dressing rooms, etc .;
  • combine neighboring apartments on one site, upper or lower on floors, if they are registered in the ownership of one citizen or legal entity;
  • install balconies on the ground floors on adjoining territory- allowed only with consent general meeting owners.

Popular Options

Often, owners and tenants in practice use the following types of redevelopment:

  • expansion of the kitchen at the expense of residential and auxiliary premises (corridor, dressing room);
  • increase in the area of ​​​​the corridor during the demolition of built-in wardrobes;
  • combining a bathroom and a toilet, replacing a bathtub with a shower cabin in order to save space;
  • dismantling of window blocks;
  • expansion of doorways, installation of an arch;
  • change of engineering structures, water supply, sewer lines, etc.

When performing redevelopment in a panel house, take into account:

  • the percentage of deterioration of load-bearing structures, the year the house was built;
  • load on a wall or other structural element that is subject to conversion;
  • the number of storeys of the building, where the room itself is located, whether there are others above it, whether redevelopment was carried out in relation to it, in fact, the higher the floor, the more actions are allowed to re-equip the housing.

When allowed:

  • transfer of walls and partitions or their complete demolition;
  • expansion of openings for doors and windows;
  • increase in living space due to auxiliary premises - a corridor and storage rooms;
  • allocation of space for a kitchen or an additional bathroom.

How to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house

The algorithm of procedures for the reconstruction of residential premises includes:

  1. Ordering a registration certificate at the BTI with a plan of the house. The need to collect such documents is dictated by the fact that when coordinating changes in load-bearing structures, it is necessary to assess the load on the walls after the demolition or expansion of doorways, the installation of arches or window blocks on building elements, upper and lower floors. For these purposes, a constructive plan is used, which can be obtained in the management capital construction at the city administration.
  2. The appeal to the State Unitary Enterprise MNIIETEP aims to check the project for compliance with the technical standards used in the construction apartment building a certain series to reduce the risk of collapse or violation of the integrity of the structure to zero.
  3. The technical conclusion reflects the current state of the house at the time of the redevelopment work at the time of construction and technical safety. The survey is subject to both the renovated premises and the apartments or offices located above and below the floor, and other objects. When defects are identified, the state of the building and its structures, the possibility of redevelopment are indicated, the documentation for the building is studied in detail and design declaration developed at the time of construction of the building. The technical conclusion is the basis for drawing up an act on the redevelopment of the BTI.

The redevelopment agreement includes several stages:

  1. Collection and analysis of documents in the BTI.
  2. Appeal of the owner of the premises to the housing inspection for obtaining a permit. Provided technical certificate, BTI certificates, including a floor plan and certificates, a redevelopment project, conclusions of a technical service, SES, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the author of the project, approval of the owners of neighboring houses, a certificate of ownership in a copy certified by a notary, approval of the balance holder of the house - HOA, ZhEK, ZhEU or management company and etc.

The visit and inspection of the premises by representatives of the Housing Inspectorate takes place last. The application indicates the need for a commission inspection. In the absence of violations, an act on the completed redevelopment work is signed.

Otherwise, a notice of non-approval of the construction installation work. The document lists violations with a description of the defect. If possible, a deadline is set for their elimination, after completion, an examination is scheduled again.

Despite the difficulties of coordinating the redevelopment in a residential panel house, it is necessary to carry out such actions, since upon agreement and inspection, difficult and unacceptable moments will be identified during the redevelopment.

This will avoid the collapse of the building, which can result not only in damage to the property of other citizens and organizations, but also in the worst possible outcome - the death of people.

Required documents

Before contacting the housing inspection and the registration authority, you should collect a package of documents:

  • technical passport BTI with floor plan buildings and explication of the premises;

  • a redevelopment project developed by an organization that has a license to carry out this type of work;

  • technical opinion on the safety of the conversion;
  • the conclusion of the fire inspection - department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • coordination of Rospotrebnadozor;
  • the consent of the owners of neighboring premises, if the work touches the structural elements connecting the apartments;
  • certificate of ownership, certified by a notary;

  • permission from the management company of the house or service organization;
  • contract for supervision of construction and installation works.

In some cases, additional documents are required, which will be required at the request of the housing inspectorate.

When they can refuse

  • deform load-bearing walls, perform any actions to resolve them;
  • change the facade of the building or spoil it;
  • make alterations that harm the owners of the lower apartment;
  • lack of consent to the use of objects in common house use or adjacent territory;
  • carrying out construction and installation works in facilities for which demolition is planned within the next 3 years;
  • arrangement using common communications of additional premises in the absence of an individual output in order to strengthen intra-apartment structures, for example, the output of electrical wiring or a heating system;
  • changing the ventilation or gasification system, taps on risers with water supply without obtaining the appropriate permits from the authorized bodies;
  • it is forbidden to equip a bathroom above the living quarters of the lower floors.

If these grounds exist, the administration refuses to carry out redevelopment and notifies the owner of the premises. If the owner of the apartment disagrees, he can file a complaint with the court and agree on the redevelopment forcibly after paying a fine.

With the decision that has entered into force, you must contact the authorities cadastral registration for the production of a new passport, which reflects the changes made. Next, you need to contact the Rosreestr to obtain a new certificate, if required.

Refusal may also follow:

  • if there are misprints, errors, inconsistencies in the information in the submitted documentation, including the application;
  • in case of non-compliance of the project with the requirements of technical and building codes;
  • in case of violation of the technology for carrying out installation work upon the fact and the absence of their elimination in a timely manner, etc.

When performing unauthorized redevelopment, sanctions may be imposed:

  • a fine for citizens in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles, for organizations - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • bringing the premises to the primary state at their own expense on the basis of a legalized project declaration;
  • putting real estate up for auction with eviction in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, use of housing for other purposes;
  • when performing work in a municipal property, the social tenancy agreement will be terminated with the eviction of citizens registered on the basis of a social tenancy agreement;

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