
A series of houses E 93. Typical series of residential buildings in Novosibirsk (redevelopment options, planning). Typical planning of apartments: Brezhnev, Stalinka and Khrushchevka

So, 1-room apartments here - 36-41 sq.m. (planning of 41 sq.m. appeared only since 1990), 2-room - 53 sq. M.; 3-room - 66-69 sq.m., 4-room - 77-83 sq.m., 5-room, which were built until the end of the 1980s, had a total area of \u200b\u200b93 sq.m. This series was used for the construction of Malossamek ("Superiments"), which was built until 1990. it nine-story housesconsisting, as a rule, from one go of two entrances. One-room apartments here are three varieties: 28/12/6; 31/15,5 / 6; 39/19/6 sq.m., and two-bedrooms were built only in one embodiment - 42/27/6 sq.m., separate rooms. The buildings of this series, built until 2001, do not comply with the current requirements of SNiP in terms of the underestimated value of the calculated heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structures: outer walls, windows, doors, attic overlap, floor of the 1st floor.

93m series (111-93m)

The latter are mainly present in the market of secondary housing, built in the Soviet era and presented by standard planks of 2-room apartments. Return to the table of contents

  • 1 features of the layout of two room apartments in a panel house
  • 2 Disadvantages of modern layouts of two-bedroom apartments
  • 3 Advantages of modern apartment planning
  • 4 Optimal layout of a two-bedroom apartment
  • 5 Elimposes of redevelopment of a two-bedroom apartment

Features of the planning of a two-bedroom apartment in a panel house The main problems that are associated with the layout of two-bedroom apartments arise from the windows.

Typical residential building series 93m (111-93m)


As a rule, they resort to the combination of the bathroom (or on the contrary to the separation), an increase in the kitchen space (in lately In Trend, creating a living room by combining the kitchen and hall), the division of one large room for two, as well as the inclusion of a loggia (balcony) in a residential area or a complete disassembly of the walls (apartment - Studio). Consider more of the most popular types of standard planning planners subjected to reconstruction: panel houses The layout of 2-room apartments P44T with a total area of \u200b\u200b50 - 58 m2 is presented.


The room has two living rooms and a kitchen by a metro station 8-10 squares. There is a balcony and a storage room, a separate bathroom.

Most often, the reconstruction is reduced to the joining of the bathroom and the renovation of the balcony to expand the living area of \u200b\u200bthe room. New buildings of type I-155 and Cope-M have a more successful inner location.

93 M layout square which 2 ki

Their planning can be envied: high ceilings, large sizes of rooms, convenient location. ATTENTION As a rule, carrier walls are only external, and this opens up great opportunities when choosing a design.
Often the layout of 2-room apartments in such houses allows without any damage to modify the room, for example, divide one large bedroom for two smaller. This decision will give the opportunity to equip a nursery or office.

Brezhnevka at home, built during the reign of L. Brezhnev, in comparison with Stalin's times slightly decreased in size. 93 V Planning Square What 2 Ki Return to the table of contents of modern planning apartments Many developers, understanding the current competition conditions, try to plan apartments more convenient and functional for their potential buyers.

Purely kitchen

In 2000, the series has undergone significant upgrades. Exterior wall panels, slabs of overlappings, roofing panels were significantly processed, linse of the attic and other elements.
As a result, gray buildings received new, individual facades, a large number planning solutions and increased floors. Currently, houses based on this series are built in large quantities.


The buildings were more diverse and more spectacular outside, more comfortable inside. There was a wide variety of 1-3 room planning planners.

But, unfortunately, some developers refused to build 4-room apartments, and now, when there are 2 or more children in many families, there is a clear deficit of such apartments in the Krasnoyarsk real estate market. Characteristics of Series 111-97 Residential buildings based on the 97th series from the mid-1970s until the end of the 1990s have a small and limited number of layouts.

Typical planning of apartments: Brezhnev, Stalinka and Khrushchevka

Cold water supply, hot water supply and sewage - centralized. Apartments in the houses of early buildings are equipped with a gas stove, in later electrical.
Ventilation Natural exhaust in the kitchen and bathroom. The house is equipped with two elevators - passenger and cargo-massage - and garbage chute. Apartments [edit | Edit code] In the most common modifications on the floor site there are 7 apartments.

The set of apartments is not typical for most high-rise buildings: there are no on the ground three-bedroom apartmentsBut there is a four-room. Standard set of apartments 1-1-1-2-2-2-4 (E-93) or 1-1-2-2-2-4 (E-93-1).

The area of \u200b\u200bone-bedroom apartments is 36-37 m2, two-room 44-50 m2, four-room 75 m2. In multickery apartments all rooms isolated. Separate bathrooms with a transversely located bathroom and place to install a washing machine.

E-93 (a series of houses)

This article lacks references to sources of information. Information should be checked, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can edit this article by adding links to authoritative sources. This mark is set on May 23, 2017.

E-93 is a public-union project re-applying apartment brick houses in the USSR. The House of the E-93 project was developed by TsNIIEP dwelling in 1967 to build the city of Tolyatti. Later, modifications were developed for construction in other cities. The houses of the E-93 project were erected from the 1970s to the 2000s. E-93 can be attributed to the breeches of the late period ("Improved" or "New Layout"). Content

  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 Construction
    • 1.2 Communication
    • 1.3 Apartments
  • 2 modifications
  • 3 Benefits and Disadvantages
  • 4 cm.

An important condition for the purchase of housing is its layout, which depends on the convenience of living in it all family members. When buying, as a rule, the functional location of the rooms is taken into account, a spacious kitchen, a sufficient number of window openings.

Consider the popular ideas of 2-room apartments, the most sought-after consumers. Features planning two-room rooms Apartments consisting of two residential rooms - the most accessible option in the housing market, as its total area and cost allows you to equip everything you need for comfortable accommodation premises.

As a rule, each owner wishes to make their home cozy and multifunctional, resorting to redevelopment of space, regardless of which the apartment, secondary or primary market, was purchased. This is not easy and fast.

93 V layout quadrature which 2 ki

Kitchens have an area of \u200b\u200b6 m2 to 10-11 m2. All apartments are equipped with 6 m wide loggias.

  • E-93 - 12-storey 1-section house for 83 apartments (one-bedroom - 35, two-room - 36, four-room - 12) for Tolyatti;
  • E-93-1 - a 12-storey 1-section house for 83 apartments (one-bedroom - 23, two-room - 48, four-room - 12);
  • E-93-2 - 14-storey 1-section house for 94 apartments (one-bedroom - 26, two-room - 41, three-room - 14, four-room - 13);
  • E-93-3 - 14-storey 1-section house for Tolyatti;
  • E-93-4 - 14-storey 1-section house for 94 apartments for Tolyatti.

The advantages of the E-93 project houses are due to the application brick technology: High thermal insulation, good sound insulation due to carrier brick walls between apartments. Inside the apartments of the bearing walls are not, it allows you to redecessing.

To do this, prepare the following package of documents:

  • apartment passport (technical or cadastral);
  • certificate of property registration;
  • project plan for reconstruction;
  • a detailed description of the planning of space is decorated in the form of an application on a special form.

These requirements are the same for all citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation without exception. The disadvantages and advantages of planning distinguish between the residential premises of the secondary and primary (modern) market. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter are mainly present in the market of secondary housing, built in the Soviet era and presented by standard planks of 2-room apartments.

Five-story panel houses Series 1-464.

Large-pointed 4-5-storey residential houses of a series of typical projects 1-464 are the most common half-blooded buildings of the first generation. The solution of the houses of the series under consideration is the cross-wall structural system.

The main bearing core buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls, located with a pitch of 3.2 and 2.6 m, thanks to which the house of this type was called the name of houses with a "narrow" step of transverse bearing walls. They are based on reinforced concrete slabs of overlapping "on the room". They are also based on the outer and inner longitudinal walls that perceive a part of the vertical load, while ensuring the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

Overlapping plates, laid in step 3,2m, are designed and operated as relying along the contour. Since all separating rooms internal walls are loaded from overlapping and overlying floors, move these walls and thereby change the width of the room is impossible. For the same reason, the removal of outer walls in step 3,2m is eliminated, without ensuring the opening of the ceiling slab on the short outer wall.
The outer walls are made of three-layer panels consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (from light concrete). The internal bearing walls with a thickness of 12 cm and plates of overlappings with a thickness of 10 cm are reinforced concrete flooring of a solid section. The roof is combined with a rolled soft roof or an attic rafter with a roof asbestos cement.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, there is a need for a new or expansion of existing openings in the transverse walls. For limited limits, this is possible, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing the building, the plates of intermediate floors cannot be dismantled. However, during the superstructure of the ceiling slab buildings over the existing fifth floor, partially can be dismantled. The device in their new openings is possible, but at large sizes of such openings, the overlap may be required.

In the series under consideration, the balconies are placed in step 3.2m. Balcony reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 10cm and 90cm width are mounted in two schemes. In the initial period of construction, they relied on the outer wall and held in the project with two metal traction, which, passing through the junction between the outer walls, was attached to the end of the internal wall panel. In later projects, such a decision was abandoned, and, calculating the balcony slab as a console, fed to the outer wall, combined it with a slab overlap using the welded mortgage elements.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-468

Typical projects of residential buildings of the 1-468 series were originally developed at the GRUTROPROEKT Institution, since 1961 - in TsNIIepliga.

The carrying casual houses of this series are transverse bearing walls, located in terms of 3 and 6m increments, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this constructive system were called the name of houses with a "mixed" step of transverse bearing walls.
The most common representative of the houses of this series is a five-story four-piece residential building. In it, the outer wall panels are made of cellular autoclave hardening concrete or from light concrete, and multi-console reinforced concrete floors are based on transverse bearing reinforced concrete walls. Longitudinal walls of the building - self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were built in two versions: combined with a rolled coating and an attic stage with roofing of wavy asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses under consideration is that the overlap panels do not rely on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, in addition to individual sections of the inner wall, adjacent to stair cells and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in separate places. This circumstance opens up with the modernization of such buildings with ample opportunities to eliminate deficiencies in the planning of existing apartments by extending to the building of additional volumes. The device of the new and expansion of existing openings in the bearing transverse walls is possible only when confirming the calculation and strengthening of the "contours" of the openings.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-335

The five-storey residential buildings of the series of typical projects 1-335 are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were originally designed by the author's team of the Leningrad Design Bureau, and then were continued at the LenziEEP Institute.

The design scheme of the house is the so-called "incomplete" frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the average longitudinal axis of the building with a step of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete rheglels located across the building and resting on one side to reinforced concrete columns And on the other hand, on metal supporting tables, sealed in the body of the carrier of outer wall panels. The reinforced concrete plates of overlapping the size of "on the room", designed for supporting on two long sides. Columns with each other are connected by runs that provide longitudinal stiffness of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, the bearing outer walls were used mainly layered. They have an outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed "shell" and internal (insulated) from foam concrete with a thickness of 26cm, the surface of which from the premises side is plastered. There are no inland bearing walls in these homes, with the exception of the hardness diaphragms, which serve as intersection walls of the staircase cells.

With the same sizes and steps of houses of different series in the houses of a frame-panel system, the "Free Planning" principle can be fully implemented. The presence of riggers under the plates of floors can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of residential rooms.

The modification of this constructive system was the introduction of a two-rank columns into it - in the outer walls of the building for the restructuring of rhegiels. Such houses were called "houses with full frame." In them, the outer walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-storey brick houses 1-447 series

The 1-447 series includes typical projects of 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal carrier walls. The carrying casual houses of the series under consideration are three longitudinal bearing walls and transverse brick walls - external end and internal, between which staircases are located. Transverse brick walls make the role of hardness diaphragms. All other walls (intra-quarter and intercardic) are nonsense.

The floors are made in the form of reinforced concrete crowded plates, opened by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the overlap panels are based on both sides. In the outer longitudinal walls, the openings can be increased only by eliminating the sub-circuit part when saving existing simpleness. Jumpers above windows should also be saved. In the end walls of the building during reconstruction, the opening device is possible.

Possible dismantling of partitions in the series 1-447

In addition, the new premises obtained should not remain without natural lighting. An example of a small cabinet equipment for working after redevelopment of a 2-room apartment by another redevelopment option that allows you to win a few additional square metersis the union of the bathroom. When carrying out these works, remember that any action accompanied by the transfer of the toilet and the bathroom must be accompanied by applying waterproofing coatings, which will delay the spread of wet air and moisture outside the apartment. Reliable option - to entrust the design of the project by qualified professionals. It will help completely avoid typical mistakes. Below will look at four types of the most common planning of two-room apartments. Stalinka at home, which was built in the 40-50s., The name "Stalinky" are called.

93m series (111-93m)

  • 5 Links
  • 6 Notes

The E-93 project was developed on the basis of Leningrad typical project Sh-5416 and very similar to it by appearance. Like Shh-5416, the houses of the E-93 project have three loggia in a row on the facade, but do not have corner balconies, and at the end of the house there are two recessed loggias. Design [edit | Edit code] House single-line tower type.


Design flooring at home - 12 or 14 floors. However, 9-storey versions of houses were built, as well as 5-storey without elevators. Wall material - ceramic or silicate brick. The overlap of the precast concrete systems from multi-retaining plates with a thickness of 220 mm. Unlike Sh-5416, the E-93 project houses have one staircase separated from the floor site with a unseasonable balcony.

Communication [edit | Edit Code] Heating - Central Water.

Typical residential building series 93m (111-93m)

Developers offer buyers 2-3 layout options. The optimal option of housing planning among the standard requirements of modern ideas of planning a two-bedroom apartment with the most optimal are considered:

  • the number of residential premises should be proportionally common Square Apartments (about 70 m2);
  • non-residential premises (halls, corridors, dressing rooms) should not exceed 20% of the total quadrature;
  • functional is considered kitchen 12-14 m2;
  • the presence of a speaker part of the visit (Erker) with large window openings;
  • the presence of a balcony / loggia;
  • ceilings height from 2.8 m;
  • leaving on different sides window;
  • the presence of storerooms or other necessary utility rooms.
  • the presence of bathrooms equal to the number of bedrooms.

Indoors modern type The number of bathrooms should be equal to the number of bedrooms.

93 M layout square which 2 ki


How it is not difficult to guess, the main reason for such a planning is ignoring the builders of housing the requirements of future tenants regarding places common use. The plan of a small 2-room small-bedroom apartment is one of the richest mistakes, which is found in the construction of houses - the location of the lift cargo mine, bordering the wall of the largest apartment. Also, the most unpleasant mistakes include the location of the bathrooms opposite each other, the unsuccessful ratio of space, kitchen premises without windows. It is mainly or long, but narrow, or almost completely absent.

Of course, it becomes an unbearable task in it. In order to try to change the corridor, it is necessary to repel from the possibilities that the initial layout of 2-room apartments gives. For example, the location of the bathroom, kitchen, living room, as well as their size.

Purely kitchen


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Typical planning of apartments: Brezhnev, Stalinka and Khrushchevka

therefore modern apartments often have spacious cuisines, ventilation issued beyond the kitchen, lots of bathrooms and utility rooms, as well as a spacious balcony or loggia. Take the design of the apartment's design. An example of a modern layout of a 2-room apartment. In addition, the presence of laundries and dressing rooms are increasingly popular. Only in elite houses, but also in business class homes. Many developers offer their customers several apartment design projects, which allows you to immediately change the inner space, after which get source documents For housing with a new layout. So 1-room apartments here - 36-41 sq.m. (planning of 41 sq.m. appeared only since 1990), 2-room - 53 sq. M.; 3-room - 66-69 sq.m., 4-room - 77-83 sq.m., 5-room, which were built until the end of the 1980s, had a total area of \u200b\u200b93 sq.m.

E-93 (a series of houses)

Since the 2000s, the variety of apartments of this series has increased. In some kitchen layouts, up to 16 sq. M., Big and wide balconies have appeared. Living and total area also increased: 1-room - up to 46 sq. M.; 2-bedrooms - up to 72 sq. M.; 3-room - up to 93 sq. M.; 4-room - up to 86 sq.m.

Most homes designed a large technical floor. Because of this, the elevator goes on the last floor. In some buildings of the 97th series on the streets of the takeoff, Menzhinsky, Novosibirsk, 3-5 room apartments ranging from 103 to 145 sq.m. The disadvantages of the 111-97 series: the internal wall reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 160 mm do not allow redevelopment with an increase in the areas of rooms, kitchens without punching and amplifying openings in the bearing wall panels.

Bad soundproofing walls, overlap. Reinforced concrete structures are well conducted sound.
Planning 2-room apartments: photo, M-464 and M-335 series scheme | Series MK-9 and 3-OPB typical or standard planning of apartments are the following (after the Khrushchev-Brezhnev time) generation. 9-storey houses with garbage disposal and elevators. The bulk of these houses is built from reinforced concrete panels. The parameters of the apartments in these houses meet the standard of mass housing: the kitchen area is at least 7 sq.m, the bathrooms, as a rule, separate, in the bathroom there is a place for a washing machine, hallways and corridors are equipped with built-in cabinets and meresers.
The height of the ceilings from 2.6 m to 2.75 m, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartments from 33 sq.m. one-bedroom to 81 sq.m. Model layout Apartments in Barnaul: Apartment layout 97 series However, in the process of redevelopment, it should be remembered that, for example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room should be at least 9 square meters. m.

93 V layout quadrature which 2 ki

Often, in the process of designing beautiful buildings, because of some architectural excesses, the so-called "deep" or "blind" apartments can be formed. For lack of windows in them, it is extremely difficult to equip the desired amount of bedrooms, living rooms and other rooms that require lighting. Planning a two-bedroom apartment True, even such objects are not devoid of minuses. The first and most important is not good noise insulation due to the use of special materials during construction.
Another minus - constructive features Do not allow re-planning to increase the number of rooms. And finally, the third drawback is the cost. So, the price of 2 bedroom apartments can exceed a similar offer in Khrushchev at 20-30%. However, the solution of this issue is for buyers.
The varieties of layout of two-room apartments are the most common options subjected to reconstruction, premises are considered in panel houses and so-called Khrushchev, which are model planning 2-room apartments. Standard Planning Residential Premises (more Options can be considered in the photo planning of the two-room apartment, presented below) reduces to an increase in the total area by eliminating utility rooms or a reduction in kitchen quadrature, corridor, balcony, pantry. Such a distribution of space is often not satisfied with the tenant and requires redevelopment of standard rooms regardless of the type of structure (panel or monolithic) in which they are located.

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