
Socially economic groups of countries in the world. "The main types of countries of the modern world. Countries and territories

Typology of countries- allocation of groups of countries with similar type and level of social economic Development. The type of country develops objectively, this is a relatively sustainable complex of development characteristics of it, characterizing its role and place in the world community at this stage of the world history. Determine the type of state - it means to attribute it to a particular socio-economic category.

To highlight types of countries, the indicator is gross domestic product (GDP) - the value of the entire final products of the material production and non-production sphere released on the territory of this country in one year per capita. The criteria for the selection of types of countries are the level of economic development, the country's share in world production, the structure of the economy, the degree of participation in the IHR.

In the UN, are currently accepted two classifications of the passage n. IN first All countries of the world are divided into three type 1) economically highly developed countries; 2) developing countries; 3) countries with economies in transition (from a planned to market). At the same time, the former socialist countries actually relate to the third type that exercise economic transformations on the construction of a market economy.

According to second UN classification highlight two Large groups of countries: 1) economically developed countries and 2) developing. With this division into one group of countries, extremely different states are combined. Therefore, within each type of countries, smaller groups are distinguished - subtypes.

TO economically developed UN countries relate around 60 States: all Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel. For these countries, as a rule, a high level of development of the economy is characterized, the predominance of the manufacturing and services of the manufacturing industry, the high standard of living of the population. But the group includes Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Czech Republic, etc. due to heterogeneity, economically developed countries are divided into several subtypes:

Economically highly developed countries:

but) main countries - USA, Japan, France, Italy, United Kingdom. They give more than 50% of the production of all industrial and more than 25% of the agricultural products of the world. The main countries and Canada are often called "big seven countries." (In 1997, Russia was adopted in a large seven, which turned into a "G8".)

b) economically highly developed european countries - Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Scandinavian countries, etc. These countries are characterized by political stability, a high standard of living of the population, high GDP and the highest exponentials and imports based on per capita. Unlike main countries, they have a significantly narrower specialization in the international division of labor. Their economy is largely depends on the revenues received from banking, tourism, intermediary trading, etc.;

c) countries "Migrating capitalism" - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa - former colonies of Great Britain - and the state of Israel formed in 1948 by decision of the UN General Assembly. A characteristic feature of these countries (except Israeli) is the preservation of international specialization in the export of raw materials and agricultural products. Unlike developing countries This agrarian-raw material specialization is based on high labor productivity and combined with a developed internal economy.

Middle-level countries:

but) medium-Developed countries Europe: Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland. In terms of the development of productive forces, they are somewhat lagging behind the modern world technical progress. Spain and Portugal in the past were the largest colonial empires, played a big role in world history. But the loss of the colonies led to the loss of political influence and the weakening of the economy, which before that kept on the wealth of colonies;

b) countries with economies in transition - CIS countries, countries of Eastern Europe, China. They conduct transformations aimed at developing market relations in the economy instead of centralized planning. This subgroup of countries has been separated in the 1990s due to the collapse of the global socialist system. The subgroup includes countries that significantly differ in each other.

TO developing Countries The UN Classification refers all other countries of the world. Almost all of them are located in Asia, Africa and Latin America. More than 3/4 of the world's population live in them, they occupy more than 1/2 square. The inclusion in the bicked typology of the former socialist countries is rather difficult. The level of their socio-economic development is different: most countries, such as Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine, are economically developed, but other countries occupy an intermediate position between developed and developing.

China also can also be attributed to various criteria, and to developing states. For developing countries, the focus on exports is characterized, which puts the national economy of countries dependent on the global market; Multipleness of the economy; special territorial structure of the economy, scientific and technological dependence on developed countries, sharp social contrasts. Developing countries are very diverse. There are several approaches to highlight subtypes within this group of countries. The place of any country in typology is not constantly and can change over time.

Problems of allocating developed and developing countries.

The border between developed and developing countries, UN experts usually determine the criterion in 6000 dollars per capita per year in the country. However, this indicator does not always allow to objectively classify countries. Some states relating to the UN classification to developing, for a number of indicators (per capita GDP, the level of development of advanced high-tech industries) closely approached economically developed countries or have already surpassed them.

So, in 1997 Singapore, Taiwanand The Republic of Korea were officially translated from the group of developing countries to the group developed. But the other indicators socio-economic and political Development these countries - the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy, dependence on foreign capital - nevertheless remain more characteristic of developing states. Russia With this classification, having an indicator of shower GDP about 2500 dollars a yearFormally falls into a group of developing countries.

Considering such difficulties with the classification of the countries of the world on GDP, others are now trying to allocate other, more objective criteria for determining the level of socio-economic development of countries.

For example, based on the average life expectancy, the level of education, the real magnitude of the average income of the population is determined human Development Index (IRCH). Applying this criterion, UN experts share the countries of the world into three groups - with high, medium and low irr. Then the first ten of the most developed countries of the world turns out to be another than, when considering GDP per capita per year, and Russia and the CIS countries fall into the second group, Russia is in 67th place between Suriname and Brazil.

Abstract lesson "The main types of countries modern Mira» .

The global economy is a complex system from various national farms that are interconnected. These national farms Participate in the global division of labor. World economy The characteristics are distinguished as: wholeness - specialists emphasize that only the holistic structure of economic relationships (if it is stable) will be able to ensure continuous development, dynamics and, which is important, the regulation of the system.

In other words, if global leaders in macroeconomics issues will come to consensus and unite their own efforts, economic system Worldwide will develop independently.

The next aspect inherent in the global economic system is a hierarchy. It is between different states, formed taking into account political trends and social, economic and human Development. Highly developed countries have a higher influence on the structure of the global economy and therefore occupy dominant positions in the global market system.

Self-regulation is the last aspect that must be emphasized in the properties of the global economy. The fact is that the adaptation of the economic system to variable values \u200b\u200boccurs with the help of market mechanisms (engaged in supply and demand), as well as with the participation of public and international regulation. The main trend that leads to the adaptive form of the economic system is the globalization of global national economic relations.

The components of the global economy are national economic models, and in order to study the peculiarities of the socio-economic development of countries, they will need to be inserted into the economic development model of Europe, Asia and the whole world.

Each country, each economic system has its own model of organizing economy and economy. This is primarily due to the fact that countries differ on various features:

  • geographical position (island mentality does not allow residents of island states to build the same economic models as citizens of continental countries);
  • historical and cultural development - stages of historical development imposed special prints not only on the development model, but also on ways of thinking, as well as on production facilities and the economic potential of different states;
  • national features.

Contemporary market structure Considers various models - Western European, American, Japanese. However, there are others.

The American economy development model is based on large-scale promotion of small and medium-sized businesses, which allows you to enrich most of the adult capabilities. There are low-income people, but at the same time they have an adequate standard of living due to various benefits, benefits, tax relief.

There was an economic model of the FRG - the so-called market social economy. This model was very highly efficient, but politically heal itself by the end of the twentieth century.

The Swedish model of social and economic development is based on a powerful social policy. Adherents of this model are focused on a gradual reduction of various property disputes and inequalities due to the relative redistribution of nationwide income in favor of those social layers that are less secured and protected. What is noteworthy, this model does not have significant state pressure - the state is less than 5% of the Fund, but the 2000 statistics demonstrates that public spending Make up more than half of GDP.

Thus, most of the finance covers social needs. This is realized by high tax fees and deductions - in particular, for individuals. The current power distributed duties as follows - the main production of almost all areas is given in the hands of private enterprises that work on the basis of traditional market competitionWhile the state occupies the actual provision of social functions of society - insurance, medicine, education, housing, employment and much more.

The economic development model adopted in Japan is characterized by a slow motion of conformity between performance and standard. Thus, performance and efficiency grows, while the standard of living remains at the same level for several decades. This model is implemented only if there is a high level of national awareness when society is able to put the interests of the nation in the head of the corner, and not the interests of individual citizens. Another characteristic of the Japanese economic model is the modernization of the economy.

Classification of the countries of the world on socio-economic development

World countries can be divided into three groups:

  • High Development Countries and market economy - These include almost all states Western Europe and the United States of America, as well as Israel, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Japan. These states have a high level of development both in the social environment and in the economic.
  • Transitional economy is peculiar Russian Federation and Eastern European countries, these are some Asian states - for example, China, Vietnam, Mongolia and former countries that are part of the USSR.
  • Developing countries differ from developed states The fact that their total GDP does not reach a quarter of GDP, which is habit for developed states. This is Asia, Africa, Latin America, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, as well as the state of Oceania.
  • Developed countries are occupied by the post-industrial production stage, which means that they are dominant environments. If you evaluate GDP per person, then according to the PPP, the GDP size is at least 12,000 US dollars.

Region high technologies Develop rapidly, science and research organizations are supported by the state and private business structures, also flourishes the Software industry - the area of \u200b\u200bservices that is close to high-tech. It can be consulting, maintenance and software development. Such an economic model allows us to talk about new circuits of the economy for developed countries.

Classification Group Countries / Republic
Republic Bulgarian
Republics with the most advanced economies in the world USA
United Kingdom
the Russian Federation
Developing republics There are more than 150 developing countries in the world, that is, states that gradually achieve socio-economic development and increase their GDP. These countries include Pakistan, Mongolia, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Albania, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, Guiana and others.

The proportion of developed states in the global gross domestic product:

  • FRG- 3.45%.
  • RF- 3.29%.
  • The Federal Republic of Brazil is 3.01%.
  • Indonesia - 2.47%.
  • French Republic - 2.38%.
  • United Kingdom - 2.36%.
  • Mexican United States - 1.98%.
  • Italian Republic - 1.96%.
  • South Korea - 1.64%.
  • Saudi Arabia – 1.48%.
  • Canada - 1.47%.
  • The rest of the states are 30.75%.

The most influential highly developed countries enter the greater seven - Canada, Japan, USA, France, Germany, England and Italy.

Countries that develop on the transitional economy model are gradually moving from administrative and teamwork to market relations. This process began more than 30 years ago, during the destruction of the socialist system.

Developing countries (also they are often called third world countries) are low social and economic level development. These countries are most of all, their population is 4/5 from the entire population of the globe, and they account for less than 1/3 of the world gross product. However, it is possible to identify developing countries by other features.

Most often, in the past, such a state there are any problems with colonization. The economy is directed to the raw material and agrarian bed, which allows us to talk about seasonality and the absence of profits regulation. The structure of the society is heterogeneous, there are catastrophic gaps between social layers - for example, someone can acquire multi-million villas, and someone dying from thirst, as in the time of apartheid. The quality of work is frankly low, lacking moral and material motivation for workers. Mostly such a situation in Africa, Asia and La.

This problem solves geographic typologies that take into account all countries of the world. Geographical typologies take into account both quantitative indicators and level of development and similar features of the territorial structure of the economy, economic and political history:

  • the scale of the country (area, population);
  • economic potential of the country (GDP, GNI, LED structure);
  • level of economic development and quality of life;
  • urbanization of the country;
  • features of historical development;
  • features of the country's participation in the international division of labor;
  • feature of the territorial structure of the economy and society;
  • ethnic population;
  • the nature of the political organization of the Company.

These countries are characterized by high per capita rates of the GNI, energy consumption, highly expected lifespan, the predominance of the service sector "\u003e services of services in the economic structure of the economy, low shares agriculture. All of them are members of organizing economic cooperation and development.

Main capitalist countries - This is the USA "\u003e United States, Japan, Germany, France"\u003e France, Italy and the United Kingdom. They occupy leading places in the world in terms of GDP. They are called "big seven" countries and Canada. They account for more than half of all industrial products of the world, the main share of foreign investment. They form three main economic "poles" of the modern world: Western European with the "core" in Germany, American (USA) and Asian (Japan).

Over the past decades, the role of these states in the global economy has changed significantly. The role of Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and in the world in general, in recent decades, the share of Japan in the global GDP has grown almost 2 times, Japanese high-tech goods conquer markets in other regions.

Economically highly developed small countries in Western Europe (Belgium, Netherlands "\u003e Netherlands, Luxembourg"\u003e Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland "\u003e Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra) are characterized by a high level of income per capita, High quality of life, political stability.

Many of them are neutral states with the world's minimal defense costs. The high-tech industry of these countries works primarily on imported raw materials, and most of the products manufactured are exported. In GDP, the share of revenues received from the service sector - banking activities and tourism.

Countries of migrating capitalism - This is mostly former colony "\u003e Colony of Great Britain, some of them still recognize the head of their state the English Queen, Australia, Canada, South Africa. The population of these countries has been formed under the determining role of migrations from the metropolis. The indigenous population was placed in the reservation and has significantly The lower income and quality of life. In the economy of these countries, the company is played by the company's former metropolis or neighboring countries - economic giants. Compared to other developed countries, the mining industry has great importance in their economy.

Mid-Economic Development Countries Possed in the past huge colonial empires and lived through the operation of overseas colonies and non-equivalent exchanges with them. The loss of the colonies led to the weakening of their economic relics and the loss of political influence in Europe. For the twentieth century In almost all these countries, military and fascist dictatorship ruled, which also affected their lags from other economically developed countries. Entry into the European Union, the signing of Schengen agreements and entering the euro area contributed to an increase in economic growth and lifting level in these countries. This group includes Greece and Ireland, which has long been depending on the UK, Spain and Portugal.

Developing countries

This type includes states with market economies and low socio-economic development. The differences between industrialized countries and developing countries lie not so much in the field of economics, as in the peculiarities of the territorial structure of the economy.

Some states belonging to the category adopted today to the category of developing, for a number of indicators (GDP per capita, the development of pioneering industries), not only approach developed countries, but sometimes they are superior to them. Nevertheless, the main characteristics of the socially economic development of developing countries - dependence on foreign capital, the size of external debt, the territorial structure of the economy allows them to be attributed to the type of developing countries.

In the boundaries of the territory of developing countries, as a rule, aroles with various socio-economic devices coexist - from a primitive assignment economy, natural economy To modern industrial. Moreover, natural and semi-natural accumulations occupy significant on the territory area, but are practically excluded from the general economic life. Commodities are connected mainly with an external market. Many of the developing countries have not yet identified their "face" in international economics and politics.

Key countries (large potential countries). This group includes China, India, Brazil, Mexico, respectively, the second, fourth, ninth and fourteenth places in the world in terms of GDP. They possess the most significant human potential in the developing world, cheap labor, various reserves of minerals of world importance; A number of manufacturing industries produces high-tech and high-quality products. India and China are world leaders in population; These countries are characterized by low per capita rates of GNI, low shares of urban population, low quality quality.

Brazil and Mexico are politically independent states from the first quarter of the XIX century. They achieved a high level of development through the use of foreign investment "\u003e Investments. In the territory of these countries there are sharp contrasts between the poor and rich districts, between the poor and rich groups of the population.

Highly banomed migrating countries With rich agroresours and a high standard of living - Argentina and Uruguay stand out in a separate group of countries. The lack of serious mineral reserves prevented the development of those industries from which industrialization usually began, and the prohibitions of the European Union on imports of cheap agricultural products in order to support farmers introduced in the 1970s, began to restrain the development of their agricultural sector.

Countries of enclavement. The main distinguishing feature of the economy of many countries of this type is the existence of export-oriented enclaves mining industrywhich are controlled by foreign capital and are poorly related to national economy. Venezuela, Chile, Iran, Iraq receive major revenues from the development of deposits and exports of minerals (oil in Venezuela, Iran and Iraq; copper and Selitras - in Chile).

Production of phosphates in desert areas of Tunisia

Countries of foreign-oriented development. This type includes average population and resource potentials of the country - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay (in Latin America), Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia\u003e Tunisia (in Africa), Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Malaysia, Philippines , Thailand "\u003e Thailand (in Asia).

The economy of these countries is focused on exporting minerals, products light industry, agricultural agricultural products. For some countries - Colombia and Bolivia - important It has production and illegal drug transactions, illegal political movements and labor immigration in richer countries.

In this group of countries are allocated, the economy of which in recent decades has developed and new Industrial Countries (NIS) Exceptionally high rates at the expense of foreign investment, import technologies and the availability of cheap and relatively qualified labor. The development of high-tech industries (electronics, electrical engineering) brought these countries to the number of world leaders in the export of consumer goods (clothing, consumer electronics) in developed countries. NIS first wave - Republic of Korea, Singapore, Xiangan (Sar China) and Taiwan Island have been able to reduce their lag from economically developed countries. The classification of the International Monetary Fund since 1997 refers them to the number of economically developed countries.

New industrialized countries also include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines ( NIS second wave). New industrial countries play an ever-increasing role in exporting high-tech industrial goods to developed countries.

Oil & Sporting Countries Own modern development They are obliged to influx of petrodollar "\u003e petrodollars. The export of oil, the fountains of which were scored in desert areas previously known to nomads, radically transformed the economy of these countries, allowed to create modern cities, develop education and health care. It is interesting that economic growth has changed little traditional public institutions of states Oil Exporters: Most preserved monarchy "\u003e Monarchic system, norms everyday life And even laws are based on the commandments of Islam. This type includes oil-producing monarchies of the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain), over the past decades, turned out of the backward nomadic periphery of the Arab world in the largest oil exporters. Some of these countries began at the expense of petrodollars the formation of "Funds of Future Generations", the means of which are spent on the creation of industries and irrigated agriculture.

Plantational economy countries ("Banana republics") are not distinguished by major human and resource potential. This type includes Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba\u003e Cuba (in Latin America), Sri Lanka (in Asia), Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya (in Africa).

The ethnic composition of the population of Latin American countries was formed under the influence of the slave trade. The political life of all countries, with the exception of Costa Rica, where the Creole population prevails, is characterized by political instability, frequent military coups and partisan movements.

The low standard of living of the population, the domination of foreign capital, dependent national policies contribute to the growth of social contrasts, which in turn generate frequent military coups and revolution.

Countries of concession development. This is Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Gabon, Botswana, Papua - New Guinea. These countries recently received political independence, possess the reserves of minerals of world importance. Mining and exporting of minerals, on the one hand, provides the main part of foreign exchange earnings, on the other, it puts the economy of these countries dependent on price fluctuations in world markets.

Countries- "Lowestators" - small island and seaside independent states and colonial possessions located at the intersection of the most important international transport paths. The profitability of the geographical situation, the preferential tax policy turned their territory to the placement of the headquarters of the largest transnational corporations, banks. Some countries thanks to extremely favorable conditions Freight and insurance of ships have become "" "ports of the attribution" of huge fleets, gathered shopping ships from all countries of the world (Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Panama, Bahamas, Liberia).

Malta, Cyprus, Barbados turned into world centers of tourist businesses.

Large S. low income countries. This group includes Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Vietnam. These countries occupy the leading countries in the population "\u003e leading places in the world in terms of population (with the exception of Vietnam). The structure of the economically active population is dominated by rural residents.

Scientific I. practical task The typology of countries - the allocation of groups of countries with similar type and the level of socio-economic development in different ways was solved by economic scientists and geographers.

The scientific apparatus of the economy allows us to successfully take into account quantitative indicators, and first of all, GDP is the most important comprehensive indicator reflecting the level of socio-economic development.

The creation of economic and geographic typologies requires accounting not only quantitative indicators and the achieved level of development, but also similar traits of the territorial structure of the economy. Geographical typology, it is primarily typology, where the most significant features of socio-economic development are taken as the basis.

The highest recognition was the typology of countries developed at the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The scientific and practical task of the type of countries - that is, the allocation of groups of countries with similar type and the level of socio-economic development was solved in different ways by scientists - economists and geographers.

The scientific apparatus of the economy allows us to successfully take into account quantitative indicators, and primarily GDP the most important comprehensive indicator reflecting the level of socio-economic development. But the volume of GDP from Argentina, Hong Kong and Kazakhstan (countries with obviously different types socio-economic development) is about the same.

The creation of economic and geographic typologies requires accounting not only quantitative indicators and the achieved level of development, but also similar traits of the territorial structure of the economy. Geographical typology, this is, first of all, typology is complex, where the most significant features of socio-economic development are taken as the basis.

As a rule, work with statistical indicators necessarily implies an expert analysis of the results obtained.

"The gross national product is one of the great inventions of the twentieth century., Almost equal to the value of the car and only a bit inflowing television. The effect of material inventions, but also social inventions, similar GNP, change the world almost to the same extent" - K. BOUDING

Indicators of the level of socio-economic development of countries

Statistical (quantitative) Indicators are the basis of each objective scientific research .. What are the indicators for which it is possible to judge the level of socio-economic development of the country? First of all, these are absolute indicators characterizing the economic power: the gross domestic product (GDP) The sum of all products produced in the territory of a given country for the year, and the gross national product (GNP) - the volume of manufactured goods on the national principle: GDP minus foreign profits companies translated abroad and wages Foreign workers, plus similar arrivals from abroad. As a rule, the difference between these indicators does not exceed the percentage shares, but there are countries where this share is significant (for example, Singapore).

In the countries of the world, various methods for calculating GDP and GNP are used, therefore, the data given by national statistics and the international is almost always different. Thus, in the national statistics of Russia, unlike other countries, the GDP does not include the industries of intangible production - the profits of banks, services.

To ensure the possibility of intercountry comparisons, in international statistics, GDP data is given in a single monetary dimension - US dollars. They are calculated by UN experts on special methods - on official exchange rates or parity purchasing power currencies. Therefore, these data, depending on the calculation technique, differ significantly from each other.

An important indicator is a per capita GDP, reflecting the distribution of produced wealth between the population of the country.

The structure of the economy (the ratio of the "primary" agriculture and forestry sectors, the manufacturing industry, fisheries; "secondary" industry; "tertiary" - services and management) is reflected in the structure of GDP and the structure of employment of the economically active population.

Dynamics of GDP over a number of years gives an idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth rates.

Important indicators for intercountry comparisons are demographic indicators - the average duration of the upcoming life of men and women, fertility coefficients and mortality (respectively, the number of born and died per thousand residents), the growth rate of the population, the number and share of the economically active population, the share of the urban population.

Indicators reflecting the social aspects of the life of the population and "quality of life": the number of patients per doctor, the level of literacy (the proportion of the competent population in the population of the country), the number of cars for 100 families, etc., are also important in economic and geographical analysis.

For all these indicators there are very tangible differences between the three groups of countries.

Typology Methodology: Multiple Classifications

We have a task: from 6 countries to identify countries with a similar type of socio-economic development. The source data is presented in the table.

Obviously, to compare countries in one indicator simply enough. If we are worth the task to compare these countries in several indicators immediately and reveal "similar", the task is significantly complicated. How can I compare, let's say, the share of urban population with fertility and mortality rate, the duration of the upcoming life with the shares of agriculture in GDP?

For comparison of the diversified indicators, the ranking method is used - i.e. Finding ranks of all indicators and comparison not by the indicators themselves, but their ranks.

Suppose we need to break off the proposed countries into 3 groups. This means that we will rank each indicator on a 3-point scale. The intervals in which each of their countries should fall into the formula:

where Mach is the maximum value of the indicator;

min - minimum value indicator;

X - interval.

Thus, the countries, depending on which the scope of them is characterizing the indicator, receive the corresponding rank and belong to the following groups:

1. From min to (min + x) \u003d y; 2. From y to y + x \u003d z; 3. From Z to Max.

It is very important to adhere to the selected logical basis of the classification - to the group 1 (rank 1) should include a country with the "best" indicators, and they are not always the highest. For example, countries with greatest GDP indicators should receive rank 1, and with the greatest mortality rates - rank 3.

Thus, our statistical matrix turns into a grades matrix that we can already compare.

The next stage of the processing of the matrix is \u200b\u200bcounting the amount of ranks and the difference between the amount of ranks of each of the countries with each other. Countries that have a minimum difference in the amount of ranks will refer to one type.

Adopted by the UN Classification - division of countries of the world on "industrialized", "developing" and countries with a "centralized planned economy" unites extremely different countries in one group. Obviously, such countries, such as the United States and Switzerland, attributed to the category "economically developed countries", or Kuywait and Papua New Guinea (who fell into a group of developing) have, of course, the general features, but even more between them differences.

A group of industrialized countries includes about 30 states. They are distinguished by a high level of economic development, the predominance of manufacturing industries and services in GDP, high quality and standard of living of the population. In these countries, the main share of the world industrial production. They account for more than 70% of global foreign trade turnover, including about 90% of the export of machinery and equipment. Economically developed countries include: all countries of Western Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Israel. All of them are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The group of developing countries includes the largest number of world states (about 150). These countries are extremely different - this group includes Brazil and Tuvalu, India and South Korea, Somalia and Burkina Faso, etc. However, all of them are inherent in such common features of socio-economic development, as: the colonial past, predetermined territorial structure and mainly agrarian-commodity specialization of the economy; Features of participation in the international division of labor; unequal position in the world economy, dependence on foreign capital; huge external debt; The presence of acute problems - demographic, environmental and food, as well as the low standard of living of most of the population and others.

Nevertheless, among developing countries and territories, in terms of socio-economic development, have already approached the level of industrialized. This, for example, Turkey, officially applied in 1987 with an application for joining the European Economic Community, arguing the request close economic connections with European countries. These are the largest developing countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, India, as well as "New Industrial Countries": Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Shangan.

The group of countries with a centralized planned economy includes former socialist countries, in the 1990s transferred to the creation of a market economy (republic former USSR, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Union Republic of Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Mongolia) and actually Socialist countries (China, Cuba, DPRK, Vietnam).

The role of industrialized, developing states and countries with the central planned economy in the world economy, the mid-90s.


Groups of countries

Share in (%):


prom. Product

c / x products

Developed countries, including

Developing countries

Countries of exploration and planned economics, incl.

Countries differ from themselves not only by geographical location, the size of the territory, forms state Device, but also in the levels of socio-economic development. Our world is extremely diverse, and in order to group countries on this basis, we must consider many factors. These include: the economic potential of the country, the country's share in global production, the structure of the economy, the degree of its involvement in international, territorial, demographic indicators, etc.

The most common quantitative indicators reflecting the level of socio-economic development:

  • the gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of all the benefits produced in the territory of a given country for the year (in monetary terms);
  • the gross national product (GNP) is GDP minus the profits of foreign companies in a given country, but with the addition of profits received by citizens of the country beyond.

In order to be able to compare these indicators for different countriesThe data on GDP GDP is fixed in a single monetary dimension - dollars. An important indicators There are GDP and GNP per capita, testifying to the level of development of countries. With the highest and lowest GDP figures per capita are shown in the table.

For a long time, the development of society was measured economic indicators and, above all, per capita income; At the same time, the main thing of the country's economy was intended to be the rapid growth of industry. Currently, social development factors are increasingly taken into account:

  • availability of education and medical care,
  • the level of development of science and transport,
  • state ambient and etc.

UN International Organizations calculated the integral indicator of human development in which you can compare and compare the level and quality of life of the population. This indicator (index) includes many elements, but the main are:

  • average;
  • literacy and education level;
  • the standard of living (the GDP per capita and the purchasing power of the population is taken into account).

For example: the average life expectancy in Afghanistan 42 years, in Japan - 82; literacy rate in 12%, in about 100%; GDP per capita in Zaire - 220 dollars, and in Denmark - 33300.

Given the many indicators, in statistical publications of specialized UN organizations adhere to the classification, according to which countries of the world are divided into a market economy and. However, due to the rapidly changing socio-political situation in the world, it is harder to carry out a clear boundary between them. We offer one of the classifications adopted by the UN.

Economically developed countries. This group includes countries of foreign, and, United States, (in lately Increasingly began to attribute Turkey).

The countries "" - the United States, Japan, Canada - have high economic potential and influence on political and economic life Planets.

Highly developed small countries in Europe:, etc. It is characterized by high GDP indicators per capita, stability, the management of the Services plays a leading role.

Mid-Developed Countries: ,. Loan from developed countries in terms of size and structure of GDP, as well as in terms of income of the population.

Countries of migrating capitalism. It is -, South Africa, Canada - practically not known feudalism and distinguished by the originality of economic development.

Postsocialist countries. Developing in the past on the socialist path, these countries on the collective sector, centralized planning of the economy and the priority development of basic industries.

In a special group, post-socialist countries are allocated in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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