
How to live without money? Is it possible to live without money? Where to get money. Is it possible to live without money and work - downshifting in Russia and the maintenance of natural economy

Of course, life without money can not be called carefree, however, if these difficulties you have temporary, then you will subsequently go for good - you will learn to save and more rational to distribute your budget. As you know, rich people are not always preferred in all of themselves do not refuse and live on a wide leg. Many oligarchs, satisfying their basic needs (housing, cars), are trying to save everything else. It's no secret that in second-hand stores can be found very wealthy people who know about all the most profitable trading points of the city. By the way, many of them are this forever and explain their wealth.

Life without money - Savings or survival

Of course, if you constantly feel the sharp lack of money, this question should be solved. Look for additional sources of earnings - this is the most optimal option. Trying to solve cash difficulties, let yourself aware that there is nothing shameful in your situation if you are trying to find sources of income or you have a low salary. Unfortunately, many countries in last years I came across financial crises, and not all citizens managed to "stay afloat."

Is it possible to live without money, while not working at all

It is quite problematic to achieve such a living, because the food is usually needed. You can live without personal moneywithout working if someone will do for you - the second half, someone from relatives. But it is unlikely that this state of affairs will be tolerated too long. There is only one way to live without money, without working - to settle in the village with your farm. Although it will still have to work a little, but only at home. It means that you need to independently grow vegetables and fruits, care for your landings, collect seeds for the next year, roll banks with various conservation. If you can not live only on vegetables, you will need to make domestic cattle, chickens or geese. From goat or cow milk you can make cheese, fermented dairy products. Nevertheless, even on this all at the initial stage will need money, and not so easy to survive, having only a household, because most often even care for it periodically requires some money infants.

How to live to salaries without money

Do not buy anything superfluous:
    Often a shortage of money is caused by excessive transit, even if it seems to you that you do not really buy anything. Nevertheless, many well-known stories like families with the same income live completely differently, and the reason here is in reasonable savings of one of the parties. After reviewing your diet, you will understand that there are some purchases, without which you could easily do well. As a rule, there are products and purchases that "liquefy" the lion's share of the budget, but at all are not mandatory! Most often we are talking about different sweets. Buying a cake to tea, think about the fact that homemade pastries will cost you cheaper. Of course, this does not apply to any pastry, but look at the network such recipes like "Rusper on the Welding", "Simple Apple Pie", "Napoleon from Puff Dough" and the like. You will be surprised as far as it can be delicious, and significantly cheaper shopping deals! If you do not want to pay extra for the products that, in fact, you do not need, learn to plan your budget in advance. For example, make a domestic diet for a week, including sweet. Write what products are needed for these dishes. If at the end of the week, some purchases still remain (kilo potatoes, 3 eggs, batter milk, etc.), menu next week Plan so that these products can be applied to any recipe. The main rule: the store does not buy anything, except that you pointed out in the list in advance.
Lend from friendsIf you do not at all see another way, it is better to take money from friends or relatives. It is still better than contacting, for example, to a bank for a loan or in Lombard. Usually close people do not require percent percent for their service. However, if you always lend money from friends, this is not a very good sign - such relationships are usually broken down for two reasons. Either, a friend starts to be annoyed from your permanent requests, deciding that you yourself could earn or save this money (often it is also), or the borrower, once received a refusal, offended by a friend, believing that real friends do not come. In fact, many people get tired of what they are constantly counting, not trying to find an alternative. If you have to live for you to live, then it should be urgently changed. So you do not live by means, and you should immediately revise your spending.

How to live without money for a week or month

How to learn to save (promotions, discounts)

Admit whether such that came to the store for the product, which you usually buy regularly, have you seen a share on it: "1 + 1 \u003d 3"? It is these shares very much contribute to the preservation of the budget, but many sorry to pay at once for two things, only this information is recorded in their consciousness, for example, for one pack of tea, and they do not want to pay for two. However, at the same time, it is completely overlooked that in the end, there will be as much three packs in the basket, and the visit to the store behind this product is now postponed for a long time. Of course, it only applies to those products that you always buy, and without which your diet is not. Also, they cannot have a small shelf life, and you must be sure that the price for one unit is not overestimated. In addition, you should not forget that some goods are much more profitable to buy in bulk. In almost every city there is a wholesale base, visiting which you will see that many products you paid unreasonably much, and this can be avoided if they are not bought in a single instance, but a few pieces.

Where can you earn an extra penny

1. Pledge. You can go to Lombard and secured by some valuable thing (Golden Ring, Phone, Laptop) Get some amount of money, which is usually significantly inferior real value given property. If you do not return the money to sent deadlines, with a certain percentage, the thing goes to the ownership of Lombard, and now you can buy it only on general conditions, like any other buyer. 2. Sale. Going to the largest advertising portal, you will make sure that in our time, people sell whatever, almost any trash! And the most remarkable thing is that even the most strange and non-fulfilling goods are buyers. Old unnecessary chair, table, sofa, sewing machine, Trellier - Many in the apartment have things that are sorry to throw away, but they are not needed for many years! This can be attributed to old books, soft toys, a clock, and the like - post an ad with all things in which you have not needed for a long time, and you will be surprised by learning that many of these items may have demand.

Where can I go live without money

The least money is guaranteed to you in life in the province. If you understand that the big city requires the costs that you can master, then a small town or even the village will become a good option for you. If in the metropolis you live in your apartment, then you can hand over it, removing in the provincial area of \u200b\u200bthe accommodation almost twice cheaper. At the same time, you will still have money "for life" if you immediately do not find the job. We prefer to solve our problems with seasonal work - Many resorts require maids, chefs, waiters who are provided with housing. There are companies that offer a contract work abroad (Canada, Poland), but, as a rule, in these cases you need a ticket money. It can be pretty simple work - Growing mushrooms, a kitchen worker and the like, but at the same time the salary is proposed quite high. It is worth noting that a similar option is escorted by risk, and it is worth using the services of already proven organizations that have been used by your acquaintances.

Where and how to live, if there is no housing and work

First of all, it is necessary to find a job, and in your position, for you the most favorable option - work with accommodation! If you enter the Internet, and in the search begin to study such vacancies, you can make sure that such jobs have a lot. By the way, you are not at all necessary in this case to try to find such a proposal in your own item - you are also suitable for the nearest cities.

What to do if there is no main work

If you have no basic work, this problem is solved by an additional earnings. For example, you can, without leaving home, start working on the Internet. Many fear such a kind of activity, although it is quite real. In the network you can find a lot of stock exchanges, and if you consider yourself a little less a competent person, examine information about such a way of earnings - it is possible that it will be a way out for you! Also you can go to any budgetary hairdressers or Examine makeup basics, if you feel that you have a thrust for this case. Subsequently, you can work in the salons of the hometown. If you cook well, pay attention to the ads from families and organizations that need a home cook service. Do not have to forget that in every city for poor citizens there are social benefits. If you do not have a job, go wrong with the work of Labor - the state will provide you workplaceor will pay compensation until it happened.

How to live if the husband threw and no help

In case you have minor children, then you can get help from the spouse who betrayed you through the court. If the child is still completely small, then ex-husband It is obliged to pay alimony not only to the baby, but also on you. To begin with, go to the consultation to the state lawyer who will tell you what kind of help you can count from the state, and how can you recover cash from her husband.

Is it possible to live on one salary, while relaxing abroad

In fact, traveling to other countries not only very wealthy people - such a pleasure has already been available for a long time ago and the middle class! If you will postpone the fourth part monthly from your salary, planning your budget for the remaining money, then, of course, by the end of the year you can choose a sufficient amount for some interesting round. Conservers who want to see the world, or at least - Europe, but at the same time they have insufficient means for this, they have long found an optimal solution for themselves! We are talking about bus tours! Now for a very modest amount, according to the current standards, you can go on vacation in Prague, Poland, Germany and many other European countries. You can choose a tour without night crossings. Also note that if you even know a little a little language on which the citizens of the country you want to visit, then you can organize a self-bus trip, booking a hotel in advance. However, if it is your first trip of this kind, it is advisable to start it in the company with a tourist operator to avoid unwanted surprises. If the bus tour seems to you torture, then you can pick up a trip with an air flight, but wishing to save money will be saved to order Such a warrant for many months before departure, or - "catch" hot tours, which are usually sold with excellent discounts. Of course, in the latter case, you should be ready to take a vacation practically any day. You can believe that while the abroad is still excluded for you, and you cannot afford anything like that. In this case, think - whether you have been in the most beautiful corners of your own country. For these species, many tourists arrive from other states, and you may not even know about their existence! On the Internet you will easily find articles describing the most beautiful places of the native country, and maybe your area. Carefully learn this information, and highlight the days and finances to study a new stunning area!

Money today in our society is an integral part of Life. Most of us believe that without their sufficient quantity it is impossible to achieve happiness. We get salary, pensions, income from doing business, spend money for the necessary and unnecessary objects and pleasures. At this stage of its development, I can not imagine how to live without money And at the same time still be happy. However, there are people who consider this attribute modern life Completely unnecessary and even superfluous. How do they manage to do without money?

Suelo - life without false illusions

It happens that some vital tests lead a person to a spiritual crisis or even to suicide attempts. It was this that happened to the American Daniel James Shellabarger (for the nicknamed Suelo), who one finely decided to completely change his life.

Suelo quit from work, wandered in India, traveled by the hitchhiker, decided to accept Buddhism. With Daniel's money broke up in 2000, when he left everything that he had at that time, in the telephone booth. Since then, he did not spend and did not earn any money.

What does this person live? Daniel Suelo does not encourage people to live like him, but the phrigan philosophy, which he adheres to, promotes. The chief postulate of phrigan philosophy - take what people and nature give. He talks about his life in a personal blog, and on the site. Money calls false illusion. The followers of this unusual person a lot. In 2012, a book was published in which Daniel Sualee will tell about himself, she is called "the man who threw money."

Now Daniel for 50, wives and children he has no, but there are parents, the friends with whom he communicates. A lot of time, Suelo spends on travels, he drives in the company by hitchhiker or bicycles. From time to time looks after familiar houses when they are in departure. He has a permanent residence: cave next to the city of Moab in Utah.

Daniel eats what "God will send." These are plants, insects, fish, poultry, small animals. In addition, it can be treated, it does not disappear and the residues of food in restaurants, and sometimes even waste in trash containers. This man perfectly costs without money and lives in his pleasure.

How to live without money, Hydemary Schvermer

Hydemari Schvermer worked in Germany in Germany twenty years, raised two daughters. The woman received psychological education and opened a private practice.

The beginning of the model of the life of Heidemary, in which it costs without money, put the exchange network. This network called "Let's And Take" was invented by Heidemary in 1994. A woman calls people to share each other with all possible.

Heidemary in 1996 distributed all his property, leaving himself a little thing in a small suitcase on the wheels. It was an experiment, Schvermer wanted to try to live a year without money. It leads the nomadic lifestyle since then. Sit back from friends, acquaintances or those who need to look after the empty house.

She herself says that he lives "like Jesus." People give a woman everything that can be needed: clothes, cell phones, glasses. She herself also tries to be useful: where lecture will read where the psychological consultation gives, and where it will simply wash the window. The pension that Heidemary gets, she distributes to people. In her opinion, money is absolutely not needed. She believes that you need to do in life what I want and like, after all, someone needs it.

The universe will take care

The experiment of Finn Tomi Astustina liked so much young manthat outgrow in lifestyle.

Tom was engaged in training and seminars in the field of management, and in 2009, when he was 28 years old, decided to deal with no money.

How to live without money? The universe will take care. Tomi Astustain.

Since then, Tomi with his girlfriend hitchhiking travels different countries And talks about adventures in books, leads a blog.

The philosophy of Tomi Ateinen is love. He believes that the more you give to people, the more the universe takes care of you. You just need to trust her. Tomy gives his books for free, and his main desire is to come close to the creation of a perfect society, where everything will be built on love and selflessness.

How to live without money? As you can see people, it turns out not just to live without money, but also to enjoy life, everything is only depends on our perception. A person is truly a unique being, which is able to adjust the reality and adjust the reality for itself. So always believe in what you do and you will succeed!

In connection with the recent occurrence of the crisis, many residents of our country remained without a permanent job and therefore began to think about how to survive without money. In this article I will tell you how to get out of such a situation.

How to find money?

In order to find money, there are not so many ways, however, it is clearly not worth a resort. Optimal options are to take it from loved ones, friends, acquaintances, take long-term credit, work out in small works. Immediately it is worth noting that the banks of the banks are true, you are unlikely to give out without a permanent job, as it is not so easy to live without money and pay a loan. The most unwanted option is short-term loans. Such methods, few people brought good results, as it would have to live without money, perhaps a long time, and they need to pay as quickly as possible, and the interest on such loans are simply incredible.


In order to understand how to live without money, you need to learn how to save them. There are several basic ways of savings:

  • Plan your expenses. Determine all unnecessary things for yourself and cross them from the list of purchases. Then carefully compare all your current and previous waste and determine whether it is possible to replace any more things with more economical options.
  • You can start the most ordinary piggy bank in which you will drop the whole trifle accumulating in your pockets for a month. You will be amazed when you find the resulting amount in the piggy bank later, and such a reception can protect you from completely unnecessary small purchases.
  • Keep your money on the credit card. The constant availability of money in your pocket will tempt you to commit all sorts of purchases. If the money is on the map, you can't waste them so carefully, because you will be several obstacles. By the way, for even more effect credit card It is necessary to issue a bank that does not have a large number of ATMs to reach the nearest of them it was even harder to you.
  • Instantly throw all your bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol, slot machines and other habits - Now incredible luxury in your position. It is worth only to imagine that in previous times, perhaps you smoked your current budget for the month. Now you must maximize your money. Throw smoking, drink, stop there is fast food, as it is difficult to live without money, but in such a way you will not just save, but also the coast your health. You can even replace travel trips easy walk on foot.
  • Use discounts. To buy something to try to use for various discounts. If you do not have them, ask your friends or friends, perhaps they will be provided to you for temporary use.

How to save work economically?

Many after dismissal begins to think about opening their own business, but it is worth up for this, because it is almost impossible to start your business without money.

In order to economically find their work, there are several ways:

  • Apply ads to newspapers, download resume on job search sites. This can be done completely free. Write about all your talents and abilities.
  • Do not ride transport for every interview. During the crisis, the interview is a very strict check, so you will pass them, most likely quite a lot.
  • Work in temporary work. Who knows, perhaps you will once be able to offer constant cooperation.

Do not lose faith in yourself, and then the potential employer will believe in you, and the money will decide safely.

If your expenses do not fit into your budget, it is obvious that they need to somehow cut them. But it is desirable to do this without much damage to the usual life. One of the exits is more reasonable management of the economy. Try to cook more at home, and not in cafes, snack bars and restaurants. Here you will find a pleasant bonus: the homemade food is tastier, natural and more useful than those cooked by unknown by anyone.

When buying clothes and shoes, prefer not to trendy models, but classical options. Moreover, it is not worth saving on the basic items. Let the foundation of all your items make up quality products. They will serve you longer, and you will always look great. This is important, because if you feel like a person stirred in everything, for a long time to hold out in economical mode, it is unlikely to succeed.

Do not miss the opportunity to save with coupons for a discount. Take advantage of collective purchases sites, purchase a coupon in a beauty salon, a restaurant, theater, bowling, on the master, for various courses. Such programs help live a full life and at the same time save significantly.

Some people trying to fix their financial position, find the second job. This may be a way out only for a while. For example, if someone from family members got sick, and urgently need to collect a certain amount of money. It is not necessary to work on two jobs. You just have no time to live. In addition, mad regime can cause great damage to your health. And then all earned extra money will go to restore.

Free joy

Do not pay for some things if you can get free. When you absolutely do not have extra money on entertainment, it does not mean that you cannot afford some free joys. If you like to read, you can change books with like-minded people. Then you do not have to buy new ones. Some museums and galleries are arranged free entrance from time to time. Just follow the news to take advantage of this offer.

Order free probes and samples on the Internet. So you will try some product before buying and do not spend money on an inappropriate product. Also girls can be used free services Vizazhista B. shopping centers. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to try new cosmetics and try on an unusual image completely free.

You can visit some concerts, open festivals, fairs for free. Do not sit at home, do not be sad about your financial position, walk and have fun. Subscribe to special sites of sites that collect information about various cultural events.

No money at all

In a person's life, a real crisis may come when there is no money at all. This can happen due to the sudden loss of work for example. While you find a new place, you need to somehow get out. Unfortunately, not all people accumulate some savings. If you feel about their number, you will have to look for borrowed funds.

You can take money from relatives or take a loan. But the main thing is not to lower your hands and do not deoxinate. If the problem with finance is the only trouble, can not be desirable. Believe me, after a few weeks or months, the situation is leveled. But only provided that you take yourself in your hands and will look for work, and you will not begin to force the situation and panic.

Think that the worst can happen to you without money. Some people strongly exaggerate the situation and are most afraid of staying without money. And when they begin to understand, they understand that the exit always exists. For example, if you do not have money for the next loan fee or, you warn the bank and pay a fine or penalty. Yes, it is unpleasant. It beats in family budget. But this is not fatal.

"Article in which I will ask a fundamental question:" Why suddenly there was such a question? Well, on the one hand, because in mind something like a crisis is missing. And it would be nice to learn to live without them. Well, on the other hand - exist interesting examplesWhen people really manage to do so. And today we will look at an example from life on this topic. And also a little reflect if you can eliminate money from life.

How to live without money? Well, such a historical phenomenon as socialism, in general, was designed for this: so that people could take everything they like, without money. Unfortunately, everything lasted with the help of executions and concentration camps, and then sterling died. Well, wonderful!

So, socialism as an example of life without money we do not like. Because he envisages among other things, the lack of property - when "everything is common." Including slippers of a neighbor and his wife. Are you laughing? And in the twenties, he tried to manifest themselves the current that was for the "common wives". But nothing came out of this. Fortunately πŸ™‚

So, Socialism as a life without money we discard. What other options are there? Well, you can go into the forest. Become a hermit. Get meals with hunting and agriculture. Rise children in accordance with the laws of the forest. Well, if you need something that it is impossible to produce yourself (for example, surgeon services), you can always make an exchange. For example, on the skins of fur animals. Or ton of grown potatoes.

As you can see, the prospect of life in the forest is not very joyful. In fact, she left Socialism near socialism. Only there are no executions πŸ™‚ But this scheme has an interesting nuance - there is an exchange in it. Only not money for services, but services / products for services. That is, barter exchange.

Thus, you can live without money if you use a barter exchange.

Please note: we do not even consider the situation when there is a desire and live without money, and do nothing. This is an important nuance, as only when a person provides a product / service, he can get something in return. Otherwise, it's just robbery and theft. And this is not our area πŸ™‚

Well, without questions, it would be easier for money. But after all, the topic of the article is " Is it possible to live without money?"πŸ™‚ Therefore, this question is correct, but not now. Accordingly, we will continue.

So, we came to the conclusion that you can live without money if you use a barter exchange. But in view of the fact that this path is more difficult than exchanging with the help of money, now Barter is not very common. However, is there any interesting moments in exchange without the participation of money, which would have done it more attractive in the present conditions?

These moments are. So, did you think about the fact that give the state as taxes about 50% of their income? That is, did you think about half the time spent time not on yourself, but on oligarchs? And it would be nice

See for yourself: about 15% you pay in all kinds of funds from your salary. Approximately 15% pay the company to which you work. Well, 20% is a value added tax. In total, the most almost 50% are obtained. Well, here we add that this money goes to completely unnecessary to you nor others, goals (for example, on the helicopters).

So, barter exchange (in particular and under certain conditions) allows you to fully work on yourself.

And do not give 50% of their work to unauthorized people.

Why is it so? Everything is very simple - you worked and produced a service or product. And you do not sell them, but exchange for the necessary products or services. No money - no taxes.

Naturally, not everything is so simple. And even with a barter exchange, you acquire the goods according to 20% of the prices (due to the value added tax). However, you acquire this without paying any money to the state.

Accordingly, what more people Go to a barter exchange, forming a group within which this exchange occurs, and the smaller this group needs in VDD products and services from outside, the more efficient the work of each of the members of the group itself.

But without organizing a group of barter exchange possible.

What is in confirmation - the promised example of life without money for more than 15 years.

On May 1, 1996, a successful and wealthy 54-year-old resident of Dortmund, a teacher and psychotherapist by profession,

  • eliminated your bank account
  • distributed money and property in need
  • and left home in " free swimming"With one suitcase, which put several personal items and photos.

Initially, she planned to hold out without a wallet and bank account One year, but the experience turned out to be so successful that Hydemary decided to never return to the previous "normal" life.

Since then, it has been in Europe, moving from place to place, writes books, reads lectures, tells everyone about their experience, and for everything you need for life pays for your work, " on barter" For example:

  1. For the roof over the head, it pays the work on the housework.
  2. On the food earn, doing cleaning in supermarkets.
  3. Hairdressers pays, walking their dogs or providing other services you need - etc.
  4. When some European University or Public Association invite it to tell about their unique experience, together with the invitation, she is sent to transport tickets.
  5. She also gets clothes on the barter.

Actually, from the organization of a barter club In her native Dortmund, everything began: looking at how this social initiative develops, Hydemary realized that he could live quite without money.

The government broadcasts Hydemari monthly pension 800 euros as a former teacher, but a pensioner disabled This money is familiar and unfamiliar people who need more than her. The fee received from the publishing house for his first book, Schvermer also distribution in need. Single insurance emergencywhich this bold lady has enabled, - the bill of 200 euros, which she stores in a handbag. According to Frau Schvermer, for all more than 15 years she has never had the needs of these money.

Calcalist Correspondent Itaty Lahat found a heroine in the city of Gamelne, where she lived last summer, working on her new book and paying the inhabitants to their "faith." The journalist made sure that there is nothing in the guise of Heidemary, at least remotely resembling the homelessness and poverty: a healthy, elegant and well-groomed woman with a standing smile on his face. She is not worried about anything and nothing is afraid: to the question of a journalist, how she will meet old age without savings and insurance, Schvermer replied that he hoped to stay in the form until the end of life, but if the strength would still leave her, and it would be difficult for her Ride from place to place, she will be able to get a gentle of her two children who love the mother and respectfully treat her views. Children, like everyone else, a woman is going to pay for her work.

What is the meaning of this radical experiment on himself? Hydemari explains that her question was always tormented: why in modern society the money began to play a role chief Merila All other values? Why is the money measured by human dignity and life itself? The woman sees perfectly like a lot of good money economics, how great is its creative potential, and does not believe that everyone needs to give up money for her. However, Hyidemary is convinced that the experience of life without money, a temporary return to a natural exchange can expand the consciousness of people, free them from irrational fears and deep deformations in the value system that have accumulated in the depths of modern capitalist civilization.

Before the crisis, the sources were told about Heidemary as a European "curiosity", an eccentric eccentric, who found an unusual medicine from boredom. But with the beginning of the financial crisis in Europe and the growing social protest movement, Heidemary appears more interested listeners and followers who are ready to "expand consciousness" by temporary refusal of money.

As you can see, you can live without money. It is only necessary to continue to provide high-quality products / services for which people will want to make an exchange.

So, if you provide high-quality goods or service, and exchange them on other products / services without the use of money, you can live without money!

What, in particular, proves an example in his article.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state