
Social benefits and payments to pensioners. What benefits have old age pensioners

The legislation of Russia provides for assistance to vulnerable layers, especially the elderly people. IN lately All responsibilities for the provision of benefits and payment benefits are assigned to regional governments.

What privileges for pensioners are approved in Moscow, and where should I see for registration? Details in this material.

Who can get

When free passage was canceled, Moscow retirees have expected further innovations regarding the narrowing of the list of benefits. But in 2019, the previously preserved benefits and benefits are preserved. It is worth considering which groups of citizens with the status of a pensioner can seek support.

Pensioners in the Russian Federation recognized men who have reached the age of 63 years old, and women from 58 years old.

The main document regulating the provision of assistance to the poorly protected groups of the population of Moscow is Law No. 70 of 03.11.204. "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of Moscow."

Pensioners belong to K. separate categoryin need of obtaining benefits due to certain conditions:

  • low level of income;
  • end of work on achieving retirement age.

It should be distinguished by the arrival of the pensioner and resident. There is a person who has not lived officially in the city of 10 years. Then he has no right to design some benefits and benefits.

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Permanent registration for 10 years on the territory of the city or equal to it, localities implies the assignment of a person to the resident.

The pensioner who left the city and issued temporary registration elsewhere has the right to preserve benefits and payments. When it is officially registered in another place of residence, the Moscow benefits are annulled.

List of benefits can be expanded if a person belongs to the following groups:

  • lonely pensioners;
  • disabled;
  • veterans.

Working retirees are also eligible for some benefits. Due to increased income, they are deprived of natural aid, but they can use privileges at work (vacation planning at any time, free advanced training) and continue to accumulate pension points.

What benefits are pensioners in Moscow in 2019

According to 3 Paragraph of Law No. 70, such supports are being taken:

  1. Issuance of housing, if a person had no ownership in life and he is in dire need of it.
  2. Preferential passage when placing a social card.
  3. Medical benefits, uniting the provision of free sanatorium vouchers once a year, in the presence of a profile disease and to obtain dentolded assistance once every 5 years (eliminated the installation of crowns from metals relating to precious).
  4. Reducing the cost of drugs released by prescription.
  5. Refilled conditions for deductions tax debts For existing transport and property.
  6. Quartial Payment and Gasification Procedures .

Payment of transport by pensioners is performed in full. It is allowed to obtain compensation at regular trips to medical institutions. The amount of compensation is 400 rubles.

If a person refuses financial compensation, he receives a social card that gives the right to implement several free trips throughout the year.

It is worth considering popular types of social and other support in detail.

Tax privileges

Tax benefits provide pensioners: they are to be released from paying these obligations in the following situations:

  • the right to frees from the payment of real estate tax, at ownership of the apartment, house, cottage, garage, building, the cost of which does not exceed 2000000 rubles;
  • the right to make a tax deduction when buying real estate for working retirees.

Transport tax benefits are canceled for this category of population.

Persons of the retirement age should pay the land tax, if they do not have the status of a participant in the Second World War, the disabled person, the liquidator of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

Subsidies when paying utilities and phone

The privileges of pensioner payments provide for compensation for some amount. The rule is distributed in cases where paid payments exceed 3-10% of the income of a citizen.

The amount of assistance is established individually when considering the pension and receipts on the rent. All applications are submitted every six months.

Having overlapping the age step in 80 years, citizens of Moscow are exempt from contributions for overhaul Premises when calculating rent.

Pensioners may claim to receive compensatory payments For the use of stationary bond. In Moscow, their size is 190 rubles.

Financial help

In addition to social privileges and decline tax base, Pension ages receive benefits:

  1. Lonely living citizens relies on the payment of natural help, which they can spend on patronage services, hiring room cleaners, implementation of sanitary and hygienic procedures, acquiring consumer basket items.
  2. Buying things if a person occurs acute need.
  3. Monetary payments annually or monthly in the event of preventing the amount of pension provision to the subsistence level.

Relatives of the deceased pays compensation for spending related to the burial of man. It includes not only a mandatory social manual, but also surcharge on the basis of the status of a pensioner during life. If he belonged to the category of the participant of the Great Patriotic War, then the size of the subsidy increases at times.

Luzhkovsky payments

Such aid is to provide extra charge to the level of the social standard installed in the city and subsistence minimum.

It takes into account the life of a person in Moscow:

  • with permanent registration in the territory of the city for more than 10 years, a person issues a surcharge to the amount of social standard 14500 rubles;
  • the period of residence for less than 10 years implies the receipt of the surcharge to the amount of the subsistence minimum, which in 2019 is 11,560 rubles.

Such subsidies are relying persons with income not exceeding the indicated numbers. All pensioners can take advantage of the right regardless of employment.

Benefits for other categories of pensioners

Lonely pensioners are primarily provided by social assistance in the form of domestic services, extraordinary service in clinics, the provision of satieties.

Pensioners disabled are exempt from all taxes and receive special medical support.

Veterans of labor and hostilities have an expanded list of privileges, ranging from increased compensation for the payment of housing and communal services and ending with the monetization of discounts. In more detail, you can learn when contacting the service of social support.

In a separate group, military pensioners were allocated, in which the list of benefits form:

  1. Compensatory surcharges for the use of housing and communal services appear upon reaching the retirement age.
  2. Lack of tax liabilities.
  3. The priority device of children in preschool institutions.
  4. Passage on Mezhgord is free of charge.

The remaining benefits are common in the usual order.

How to issue

Registration of the imposed benefits for non-working retirees involves obtaining a pension certificate. This is done in the PF office at the place of registration. In the presence of a document, a citizen starts up the procedure for typing privileges and subsidies.

In relation to the type of help, the bodies are distinguished:

  • subsidies and social assistance involves the appeal to the organs of social support;
  • tax breaks Given after writing a statement in tax Inspection;
  • discounts for paying housing and communal services are considered in the management companies or compensation through the social support department.

Sample application for the provision of benefits:

During the design of Luzhkov, payments should be applied to the Department of Pension Fund. Financing such assistance is carried out by accrualing pension provision.

Working citizens in the retirement age claim the privileges at the place of work. The tax deduction they receive when applying for the FTS.

What documents do you need

When visiting social support authorities, the documentation package is presented:

  1. Passport with a valid registration in Moscow.
  2. Certificate of a pensioner.
  3. Help on the prescribed pension.
  4. Certificates of receipt of income if there are other types of income.
  5. Help about the composition of the family.
  6. Receipts about paying housing housing and communal services.
  7. Medical direction for treatment.
  8. Bank account for transfer benefits.

When submitting an application for Luzhkovsky privileges should be presented:
  1. The passport of the pensioner, where the date of registration is indicated, confirming the long-term accommodation in Moscow.
  2. Insurance certificate (green card).
  3. Certificate of awarded pensioner status.
  4. Copy labor book and Help 2-NDFL for working people.
  5. Statement of the established sample.

Every pensioner living in Moscow can get any benefit. When contacting social bodies, he will be prompted for his rights and help arrange assistance. And also when visiting the Pension Fund or FNS, reliable information on pension privileges will be obtained.

To date, people in retirement age are not so many benefits established at the federal level. But in order to take advantage of the "bonuses" from the state, they need to be clear about them clearly, as you can get them only when you add to them.

In other words, the "Applicant principle" works here, and if you yourself do not ask putted benefit, I won't get it. In this article we will focus on topical issues related to the issue what benefits are pensioners provided at the level of federal legislation.

Among them:

  1. Reimbursement for travel to the place of recreation of citizens-pensioners living in the northern regions of the country.
  2. Some relaxation in the tax sphere.
  3. Additional vacation for continuing retirees.

Benefits of retirees on property tax

In Russia, the release of pensioners from property tax saves them a significant "penny". This is a good help for citizens who stirred by the retirement age.

What category of pensioners this property benefit is relied

This benefit is laid:

  • Pensioners who have ceased to engage in labor activity.
  • citizens who have worked out to retirement holiday that are still working. If you contact the Tax Code, in particular to PP. 10 p. 1, clause 4, then it is said that if the pensioner receives a pension appointed in the procedure established by pension legislation, it is exempt from property tax in the event that property has been fixed.

Pensioner to obtain property tax deductions should be applied to the tax inspection at the place of residence.

What you need to get a tax break

The tax will be "zero" if the pensioner has the following types of real estate:

  • House.
  • Room.
  • Flat.
  • Premises that are used as studios, libraries, workshops for creativity, galleries, atelier, non-state format museums.
  • Garage or place for cars in the general garage.
  • Economic buildings having an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 50 square meters. M, located on land, which were highlighted for conducting personal subsidiary farms, individual housing construction, country houses.

Benefits will be provided for one object of taxation of each mentioned view. For example, if a citizen who retired is owned by a garage, an apartment and a residential building, then property tax For him will be "reset" - that is, he will be completely freed from his payment. If his property has two residential buildings and a room, he will be released from paying a room tax, and can take advantage of tax benefits, only one house. For the second house, he will have to pay property tax.

According to Article.407 p. 6 Tax Code Russia, the application for the provision of tax deductions should be provided to the Department of the Tax Authority, located at the place of residence. With you, it is necessary to have a document confirming the right to receive tax breaks for the pensioner. That is, the pension certificate.

These documents are a pension certificate and a corresponding statement. This is stated in part 4 of Art. 3 of Law No. 284-FZ dated 04.10.2014.

If the pensioner is owned by several objects of taxation of one species (for example, three residential buildings), it until November 1, a calendar year, in which the right to relevant benefit was granted, must submit an application to tax authority With an indication, from which object of real estate (from 3 houses) should not be charged.

Thus, the pensioner owner independently chooses an object of real estate to take advantage of the right to receive benefits. It is natural to judge that the pensioner will benefit from federal benefits on the most expensive property object, but another choice also takes place for personal reasons.

It should be clearly understood what benefits are pensioners, and most importantly, most of the federal benefits are "applicable". To use them, you must personally contact the appropriate institution and write a statement.

There are situations where the pensioner owner does not submit to the tax inspectorate the necessary statement, then officers They are obliged independently "machine" to produce a "zero" tax, but only on the object of real estate, for which the pensioner would have to pay the most. This moment is stipulated in paragraph 7 of Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

This benefit can only use those pensioners who continue to work, get for their work monetary remuneration And with them held income tax.

As you know, in Russia with pension payments, income tax is not held.

Pensioners also have the right to take advantage of this benefit, which at the moment they have stopped working, but they retired relatively recently.

That is, the mentioned category of citizens had wages (that is, they worked) in previous years before the property was acquired. What is the benefit express? Its essence is that the pensioner has the right to transfer the remnant of personal income tax on previous tax periods.

Who of the pensioners has the right to benefit when buying real estate

For example, a citizen who retired, bought or built a house, acquired an apartment or other real estate. After he registers the right of ownership, part of the Istracted funds can be returned by property tax deduction.

Speaking more simple language, the pensioner will partially return the amount of income tax, which was paid before the moment he became the owner of the real estate.

Conditions on which real estate benefits will be provided with a pensioner

The pensioner can get a property deduction in the following cases:

  • Was acquired land plotwhere the apartment building is bought or share in it.
  • A residential building, room, apartment was purchased or built.
  • Bought one or more share in these types of real estate.
  • Purchased land with target appointment - individual housing construction. In this area, the pensioner will cost the house.

In addition to the fact that property payments apply to the expenditure part, having a relation to construction or, the benefit "works" and on the payment of interest on loans (loans) taken for relevant goals.

If the pensioner is owned by a garage, an apartment, a room and a house, then it will be released from property tax for each of these real estate objects. According to, it is possible to get a property deduction for three years.

In other words, it is three tax periodspreceding the period in which the portable balance of property deductions was formed.

What a money amount will be returned to a pensioner when buying real estate

Based on the cost of the costs associated with the construction or purchase of real estate, the size will depend property deduction. This principle also works in relation to the amount of interest on the loan, which was taken to build or buy housing.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of the Law of 23.07. 2013 No. 212-FZ, a restriction of 3 million rubles of property deduction on the cost of repayment of interest on a loan, taken on the construction or purchase of real estate, applies only to those loans that were obtained from 1.01. 2014.

It should be known that, according to PP. 1 p. 3, paragraph 4 of Art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum deduction amount may not exceed 2 million rubles. and 3 million rubles, respectively.

Income tax benefits for pensioners

NDFL is not charged with a certain type of retirement revenues, which continues to carry out labor activity.

Not taxed:

  • Supplements to pensions paid in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the legislation of Russia as a whole, which are social in nature. This is stated in paragraph 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Insurance pensions.
  • Accumulative pension.
  • Pension amounts for state support of the pension.
  • Fixed payment to the insurance pension after its increase (indexation).
  • The amounts of monetary help, gifts that employed retirees in the past in the enterprise.
  • Payment amounts due to own funds Organization of the cost of treatment and medical Services, trips to a sanatorium to citizens who had previously worked at the enterprise, but retired old-age or disability. This rule of law is prescribed in P.P. 9, 10 tbsp. 217 NK RF.
  • The amount of payment (compensation) costs for the purchase of drugs by employers to their former employees who are currently pensioners by age.

The amount of income that is not taxed cannot be more than 4,000 rubles per calendar year. And the benefits of each of the above grounds are operating. This norm is spelled out in paragraph 28 of Art. 217 NK RF.

Additional vacation to working retirees

The conversation is about vacation, which is given by a working pensioner and for which the company does not pay money.

In other words, this is unpaid leave.

Who from pensioners is an additional vacation

According to the employee's application, the employer in obligatory Must provide a vacation without salary salary to the following categories of pensioners:

  • Working pensioners with disabilities. Delivery time is up to 60 calendar days per year.
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War. The stay on vacation is up to 35 calendar days a year.
  • Citizens who came to (old age) who continue to work. They are relying up to 14 calendar days a year.

We remind you that these types of vacation are unpaid.

There is federal benefits expressed in the form of compensation for the cost of paying the cost of travel to the place of recreation and back

Which pensioners can claim to pay for the place of rest?

If you turn to federal law On guarantees to citizens of the northern regions of Russia, compensation can receive pensioners who no longer work and get insurance pension for disability or in old age.

In addition, this category citizens should be accommodated in the extreme north or territories that climatic conditions It is equated to it. This moment stated in Law No. 4520-1 of 19.02.1993 No. 4520-1.

What are the conditions for providing payment for retirees

Compensation for travel tickets is issued once every two years and only within the Russian regions.

How to get pensioners payment of travel and where to turn

This benefit is provided by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For compensation, it is necessary to go to the Department of Pension Fund at the place of residence, where your pension case is located.

You can use two options for obtaining compensation:

  • Get ready-made tickets immediately.
  • To buy tickets for your own funds, and in the future return spent the funds. This point is stipulated in PP 2,36 rules for compensation for expenses for the cost of travel by pensioners approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 176 of 01. 04. 2005.

Contact B. Pension Fund You can via MFC (multifunctional center) of your region.

How compensation for retirees payment to the place of recreation

When it was decided to receive advanced tickets, before leaving the sanatorium, it is necessary to document the stay in this institution. It may be a turbase, recreation center or another place of improvement and recreation. The document can perform coursing, a ticket, a residence agreement, and so on.

If the tickets were purchased for their own funds, then compensation can be obtained by returning from rest. To do this, in addition to the application for refunds for travel, you will need to attach rail or air tickets.

The state did not provide any restrictions on carriers, so you can use the services of both public and private companies. Payment of travel tickets is carried out only within Russia, including the Crimea, which became part of the Russian Federation in 2014.

This is said in PP 7, 9 Rules No. 176, p.p. 13, 19. Administrative regulations, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 331n from 22. 10. 2012.

Social assistance to pensioners from the state

On behalf of state social assistance is provided to pensioners, average income which does not overcome the rate of the subsistence minimum established in the region where they live here general rule: Social surcharge to the pension, paid once a month should "reach" to the subsistence minimum if a citizen-pensioner is no longer working. In addition, the law stipulated a number of categories of citizens who are entitled to receive the mentioned social assistance. The moment is registered in Art. 7 of Law No. 178-FZ of 17. 07. 1999.

To obtain social assistance from the state, the pensioner needs to write a corresponding statement. After his consideration, it will be decided to appoint benefits by the body of social protection of the population located at the applicant's place. Otherwise, the pensioner addresses this body at the place where he is. Certain types of social assistance can be appointed by the territorial bodies of the FIU. This moment is stipulated in Part 1, 2 Art. 8 of the Law of 17.07. 1999 № 178-FZ.

Regional benefits of pensioners

Among other state "promotions" there are still "real" and tax breaks for people who have come to the well-deserved retirement vacation. For example, this is:

  • Benefit for payment transport tax. This is stated in Art. 356 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Benefit for travel in public transport.
  • Benefit for the payment of tax on the land plot. This moment is stipulated in paragraph 2 of Art. 387 NK RF.
  • Benefits for payment of utility services.
  • Other benefits.

Information about what benefits are made by the pensioner was prepared on materials of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, FIU, FTS. These benefits can be installed at the level of local or regional laws. For a detailed study of regional benefits, contact local social protection authorities.

Benefits on rest

1) compensation of expenses for travel to the place of recreation and back

Compensation can get non-working retirees-northery receiving labor pension in old age and disability. Pensioners living in the districts of the Far North and the territories equal to them (Article 34 of the Law of 19.02.1993 N4520-1), such compensation is provided once every two years. There are two compensation options: the territorial body of the FIU can pay for the purchase of travel tickets or compensate them the cost when they are bought by a citizen. (Rules for compensation for expenses for the cost of travel to pensioners, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.04.2005 N 176.)

Privacy benefits

2) Transfer of the remnant of property tax deductions on personal income tax on previous tax periods

The pensioner who bought any real estate can compensate for some of the expenses incurred. It has the right to get property deductions on the cost of acquiring (or construction) of a residential building, apartments, rooms. Deduction applies to the payment of interest on target loans And loans that the pensioner took for these purposes. The deduction is provided for three tax periods preceding the period in which the transferred residue of property deductions was formed (paragraph 10 of Art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The tax deduction can be obtained in the event that the house (apartment) was bought along with another owner. That is, the pensioner has a share.

The benefits also extends to the purchase of a land plot, however, not any, but decorated under individual housing construction. Garden plot or block of land used under the garden, under this rule of law do not fall. But the land plot on which the purchased residential building is located (or share in them) is quite possible to declare and get part of the money spent back.

The size of the property deduction on costs for the purchase (construction) of housing and deduction of expenses on the payment of interest on the loan taken to acquire (construction) of housing cannot exceed 2 million rubles, and 3 million rubles, respectively (PP. 1 of paragraph 3, p. 4 Art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It's important to know!"Planck" in 3 million rubles. Property tax deductions for the payment of interest on the housing (construction) loan is established only for loans received from the beginning of this year - from January 1, 2014 (clause 4 of Article 2 of the Law of July 23, 2013 N 212-FZ).

3) Pensioners are exempt from paying property tax

Not all know all this, and, reaching the retirement age and make a pension, continue to fulfill the convictions for property taxes sent by the tax inspectorate. In fact, by law, the state from pensioners such payments no longer takes.

Pensioners receive pensioners (even working), which have a residential building, an apartment, a room, a cottage, a garage, a different building, a room and a structure. As in the case of tax deduction, zero property tax is established in the event that the citizen has a share in the right common property (paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of the Law of 09.12.1991 N 2003-1).

Early the obligation to make a property tax every year: a document on the right to benefits (in other words, a pension certificate) must be personally submitted to the Tax Inspectorate (paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Law of 09.12.1991 N2003-1). Departing B. tax service, take with you not only a passport and pension certificate, but also a copy of the document.

It's important to know! If the pensioner presented required documents In the tax service, later the moment of retirement, the tax authorities should recalculate him a paid tax and return the money.

Other tax reliefs

4) Release of income from income tax (NDFL)

NDFLs are not subject:

The amounts of pension on state pension provision and labor pensions, as well as all social surcharges, regardless of whether federal or regional (that is, they are paid in accordance with the legislation of Russia or on regional laws (paragraph 2 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Amounts of payment at the expense of own funds for organizing the value of sanatorium-resort vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care former employeeswho fired in connection with a retirement retirement or in old age (paragraph 9, 10 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Amount material assistancenot exceeding 4000 rubles. For the year rendered by employers to the former employees who quarreled in connection with a retirement retirement or by age (paragraph 28 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It's important to know! Benefits for payment of certain taxes for pensioners can be established by regional or local law. We are talking about "local" taxes, a tax rate (whether the exemption from paying full or reduced rate) Approve regional and local authorities.

It's important to know! What taxes it applies to :

Benefits on the payment of transport tax (Art. 356 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Benefits by payment land tax (paragraph 2 of Art. 387 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Work after pension

5) vacation without salary salary

Working retirees also have some advantages.

For example, the employer is obliged on the basis of an employee's statement to give him a vacation without salary salary (Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Size of such a vacation ( maximum amount Provided days during the year) depends on the category of the pensioner :

Participants in the Great Patriotic War have the right to receive up to 35 calendar days a year;

Working pensioners in old age (by age) should be up to 14 calendar days a year;

Working retirees - disabled - up to 60 calendar days a year.

6) Free training or advanced training in the employment service

Since last year, citizens who have reached the retirement age, but not wanting to interrupt active life, can contact the employment service and pass the advanced training in their field. You can also master another profession: passing retraining and retraining. The service is provided free of charge.

If trouble happened and need help

7) Address Help - Not only money

Address material assistance is provided to citizens, including pensioners in a difficult life situation. The law provides that such assistance can be obtained not only in the form of money. You can get food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing, shoes and other essential items. The law also provides for the provision of fuel as well as special vehicle, technical means of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and persons in need of unauthorized care (paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the Law of 10.12.1995 N 195-FZ).

Regions are responsible for such assistance. At the local level, depending on the available features, they are stipulated by special documents and types, and the size of support, and the conditions for its receipt. Therefore, referring to help, you need to first ask the regulatory act that regulates the provision of address assistance where you live.

The grounds and procedure for providing targeted material assistance are provided for by the legislation of the subjects of Russia (that is, each region takes its own law) (paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the Law of 10.12.1995 N 195-FZ).

For example, in Moscow there is a provision on the procedure for providing by the bodies and institutions of social protection of the population of targeted social assistance to citizens in a difficult life situation (approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 24.03.2009 N 215-PP). According to this document, Moscow provides for a one-time material (monetary) payment for elderly citizens who are in a difficult life situation and in dire need of social support (paragraph 2, 3 of the provisions). In addition, on the basis of the situation it is possible to provide food and dyeing assistance, the provision of sanitary and patronage and social services (p. 4, 5, 6 of the provisions).

In the Moscow region there is another document: the procedure for granting the budget of the Moscow region of material assistance to citizens in a difficult life situation and having a place of residence in the Moscow region (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 10.03.2005 N162 / 7). In the Moscow region, according to this document, one-time material assistance in monetary and natural form (p. 7, 8 of the Procedure) is provided for in dire need.

We led the names of these documents for example. Similar regulations There are also in other regions of the country.

It's important to know! Address support is not easy. Not in vain B. regulatory documents There is a reservation about the "difficult life situation". What is understood by this? The appeal to help can be caused, in particular, such extraordinary circumstances as a natural disaster (flooding, earthquake, landslide), fire, flooding of the apartment, theft of property, the death of close relatives, etc. (paragraph 3 of the provisions; p. 1 of the order; p. 9 rules).

8) Gas and heat benefits

The rules of financial support for social programs in the regions (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2011 N 456) provides for the financing of expenses (provision of one-time material assistance) to compensate for a retired spending on the gasification of its housing. Benefit concerns non-working pensioners who have a residential building. It's important to know! This house should be the only place of their residence (paragraph 9 of the Rules).

Such assistance is provided disabled pensionerswho receive an old-age labor retirement and disability authorities of the region. This may be the Ministry, the Department or the Committee of Social Protection of the population of the subject of the Russian Federation. Help is provided at the expense of subsidies from the budget of the FIU in the event that the region adopted a social program for gasification on the village. For example, in the suburbs, this assistance is provided for by the program approved by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of August 22, 2013 No. 636/36.

As a rule, the total amount of the cost of connecting gas to the house is not returned: part of the cost is the pensioner itself. What share of payment he can be refunded - decides each region.

9) free medicines and vaccinations

Older people have the right to receive medical care Not only in the total network, the polyclinic and hospitals, but also in gerontological centers and geriatric cabinets. The procedure for the direction of patients to these organizations establish regions.

In addition, the elderly people who have disability and not refunded from a set of social services are eligible for preferential drugs. The acting list of drugs includes 360 names of drugs provided within outpatient care, Of which 228 items (63%) refer to vital and most important drugs (see Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of September 18, 2006 N 665 and December 29, 2004 N 328).

Disabled veterans are also entitled to free sanatorium vouchers. Target and rehabilitation in sanatoriums and patients within territorial programs After high-tech treatment.

Since 2013, senior citizens (from 60 to 99 years old) must undergo cliserization (see Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of December 3, 2012 N 1006n). Dispensarization is carried out 1 time in 3 years, with the exception of the disabled of the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the "resident of the Blockade Leningrad" and recognized as disabled due to the overall disease, labor injury and other reasons. These groups undergo dispensarization annually regardless of age.

In the national calendar vaccinations it is indicated that citizens of 60 years can annually make influenza vaccination. The start time of vaccination is declared each fall depending on the epiditational in the region. To make vaccination for free, you need to contact your local doctor to the clinic at the place of residence.

How to get targeted help

Step 1.Specify the location (address) of your body of social protection (at the place of registration) or the center for the provision of state and municipal services. There you will take the necessary documents.

Step 2.Write a statement. Specify the method of obtaining material assistance.

Money can be listed on the personal account open in any russian bank. You can also receive money at the expense of the federal post office at the place of residence or in cash, through the cashier of the territorial division of the social protection body (p. 3 of the Procedure; p. 3, 4 of the provisions).

Step 3. Prepare originals and copies of documents (p. 3, 4 of the Procedure; p. 3, 4 of the provisions).

You will need to submit :

Passport or other document certifying;

A document confirming registration at the place of residence (certificate from the passport table at the place of registration);

Pensioner's ID;

Documents confirming the difficult life situation, the presence of emergency circumstances. This may be an extract from the household or house books, certificate of internal affairs bodies about the loss of documents and money, a certificate of fire, natural disaster, and so on.

Step 4. Submit an application and documents in a dilateption or a multifunctional center can be personally sent by regular mail or email with electronically digital signature (through a single portal of state and municipal services).

The decision to assist the Mattheck (or about the refusal) officials are accepted in the time set in a particular region. For example, in Moscow, this is given to this month (paragraph 3, 4 of the provisions), and in the Moscow region - 10 working days from the date of the appeal of the pensioner, but this period may be extended by decision of the head of the territorial unit to 25 working days (p. 6 order).

The day of appeal is the day of reception by a territorial division or a multifunctional statement center and documents. If the documents went by mail, the bill begins from the date of their receipt to the body of social protection.

Step 5.Get material assistance.

You can be useful

Each pensioner, registered in Moscow and the Moscow Region, should clearly represent what benefits are pensioners. This is necessary in order to make all the measures of social support from the state in full.

Old-age pension is appointed a citizen who has a certain work experience (25 years and more in men, 20 years in women), which has reached a certain age (60-year-old men, women of 55 years of age).

The size of social payments in old age pensioners varies depending on the city and the area in which the pensioner lives. This is due to the different levels of prices and, accordingly, the cost of living is different in different cities.

To take advantage of a particular benefit of the pensioner must apply for deduction. That is, they are not automatically assigned. Before that, you need to know what type of deduction (federal, regional, municipal, discount or something else) interests you.

All benefits, depending on the departments of them provided, can be divided into several groups:

  • Property tax breaks;
  • Benefits on tax plates by income;
  • Regional benefits;
  • Benefits for working retirees.

Tax breaks

  1. Old-age pensioners have the right not to pay property taxes. This concerns real Estatewho owns a pensioner under property rights. To objects to which the deduction applies:
    • living space (house or part of the house, apartment, room);
    • cottage (also country or land);
    • garage or place on the car parking;
    • other buildings not used to extract profits (studios, private museums).

In order to take advantage of social support, you need to write a statement or in free form, or in a certain form. All these are obliged to clarify in the tax inspectorate at the place of residence. The right not to pay tax is provided for anything one of each type of real estate.

  1. Old-age pensioners are exempt from income tax payments with moneyobtained as:
    • old-age pensions, social surcharges to pensions;
    • payment of the cost of resort and sanatorium trips;
    • payment of medical care or the treatment of a pensioner;
    • return funds for drugs;
    • material assistance paid by the former employer to a pensioner not exceeding four thousand rubles.

Regional benefits

In addition to federal social support measures, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have the right to take advantage of an additional package of measures established by the Government of the Moscow Region. They concern both sending as liberation from various payments and directly social payments of old-age pension.

  1. Benefits Pensioners on payment of utilities are provided in the following volume:
    • liberation from making fees for garbage collection;
    • compensation of part of the cost of payment of telephone urban services (in the amount of 190 rubles per month).

The right to issue a subsidy is provided to those pensioners who have the cost of paying utilities of utilities 10 or more percent of the income amount. This species measures can be obtained in the center housing subsidies Moscow city.

  1. The following measure also has a variable character and concerns those citizens, the amount of pension payments of which does not reach the level of the subsistence minimum established for the inhabitants. For registration of this benefits, you need to contact the regional department of social protection at the place of residence.
  2. Pensioners in old age are available beneficiaries for drugs. The conditions under which the pensioner can take advantage of the benefits are as follows:
    • the citizen was appointed minimum pension;
    • citizen passes outpatient treatment;
    • the medicine is acquired by a doctor's prescription.

When these conditions are met, the citizen has the opportunity to receive a fifty-percent discount on medication. In some diseases (diabetes, all types of cancer), the size of the discount is 100%.

Social card

It is especially worth noting the social measures to support the pensioners, provided by the so-called social map. As you follow from the name, only maps data holders can use it.

On the map you can get:

  • transport benefit. The pensioner card holder can use the services of the Moscow Metro, urban public transport, suburban railway;
  • discounts for payments and services in stores and institutions involved in the program;
  • it is convenient to come to your clinic without having a policy of health insurance.

Benefits working pensioners

Working retirees can count on fringe benefits. In particular:

  • If it works according to an officially prisoner employment contract, its pension is recalculated annually;
  • If you wish, you can go to an additional vacation duration up to two weeks. Wage During this time is paid;
  • May be asked on vacation at a time convenient for them at will. The employer is not entitled to prevent this.

Old-strike pensioners living in Moscow and the Moscow region should clearly submit any benefits to them. It is necessary to be aware of federal and regional legislation, as well as to know the rules for providing benefits.

Pensioners and the elderly in Russia can be called one of the most unprotected categories of the population. That is why, within the framework of social assistance and social support measures, retirees are provided with benefits taken not only on federal, but also at the regional level.

In this article, we will consider those privileges and benefits that the elderly residents and pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to take advantage of the Moscow region in 2017, as well as raise last changes in social sphereassociated with a variety of social programs.

Benefits to pensioners provided at the federal level:

Federal social benefits of pensioners are provided absolutely in all regions. Russian Federation. These benefits are divided into three important categories:

  1. Advantages when paying property tax. This benefit implies the complete liberation of pensioners from tax deductions for real estate available. It is important to know that the benefits are provided only for one object relating to a specific category of real estate. In other words, if the pensioner is the owner of an apartment, a private house, any economic structure and a garage at the same time, he will be released from taxes at all. This is due to the fact that each of the objects listed by us belongs to different types real estate.
  2. Exemption from the payment of income tax. In this case, income tax is not charged with any kinds of pension payments, as well as with material assistance provided by a pensioner once during the year, as well as from the funds allocated for the sanitary treatment of the pensioner, the acquisition of drugs (in the event that money is provided Former employer). Any payments, in addition to pension, are not subject to taxes in the amount of not more than 4,000 (four thousand) rubles.
  3. Benefits to pensioners who, after entering a well-deserved rest, continue to carry out work. These include the opportunity to issue an additional annual leave (at their own expense), as well as the lack of the need to work out 14 days after submitting an application for dismissal.

Benefits to pensioners when paying utilities services in Moscow and Moscow region:

Pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow Region have a number of advantages and benefits when paying for housing and communal services. It should be noted that the disputes in this topic are not silent and the measures of social support for the elderly citizens are constantly adjusted. So, this year the Government and the Ministry of Housing Policy approved the following measures to support pensioners:

  • monthly cash compensation for telephone communication within the city (the amount of preferences is currently 190 rubles);
  • pensioners, residents of the capital of the retirement age are exempt from paying for the export and disposal of garbage.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are subsidies for those pensioners who pay for utilities more than 3-10% (accurate interest rate Depending on the income received) from the total family income. Compensation is paid after the design of the relevant documents and obtain a positive decision.

Benefits to pensioners for the purchase of drugs:

Acquisition of drugs and spending on drugs is a topical topic for each elderly pensioner of our country. However, as providing social support, a system of benefits for the acquisition of medicines has been developed. Take advantage of this pensioner support measure, if:

  • citizen gets minimal pension paymentsprovided for in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • the drug has a prescription, discharged by the attending physician;
  • the pensioner acquires medicines for passing outpatient treatment.

The discount on the overwhelming majority of drugs is 50%, but there are exceptions. For example, if medicines are needed for the treatment of diabetes or oncological diseases, they are provided free of charge.

Other privileges provided by the Pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow Region:

Among other things, for the elderly citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region there are additional social benefits and measures of social support for the elderly:

  • every year, every pensioner is provided with the opportunity to receive a ticket to spa treatment for free. This privilege provided only on the basis of the relevant medical conclusion;
  • each pensioner has the right to social service during the daytime, to help in the form of the purchase of food and drugs;
  • each pensioner is given the right to patronage services, constant sanitary and hygienic care;
  • the right to free dental teeth. This privilege does not apply to expensive modern designs;
  • the right to a 50% discount (persons after 70 years) or for complete liberation (from 80 years) from paying fees for the overhaul of a residential building. This benefit is provided on the fault conditions. That is, the pensioner first contributes, and then receives compensation in the established amount to a special bank account or on a social card;
  • relatives of the pensioner on preferential terms are provided services for the organization of funerals and the burial of the elderly.

Benefits of pensioners with limited physical abilities:

For pensioners who under medical testimony and according to the results of the medical and social expertise, one of three groups of disability was awarded, there is a whole program of social support and providing benefits:

  • compensation for housing and utilities services, electricity, gas supply, hot and cold water supply;
  • free travel on city public transport, which, at the request of a pensioner, a disabled person can be replaced by monetary compensationpaid monthly;
  • the right to receive a 50% discount when paying land tax and transport tax (but it applies to a unit of technology, the capacity of which does not exceed 150 horsepower);
  • the opportunity to serve free claims In courts of various instances in the event that the amount of the claim is no more than 1.000.000 (one million) rubles;
  • 50% discount on tax pay for notarial institutions;
  • the ability to buy on preferential conditions of rehabilitation means - wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, auditory devices, etc.;
  • free or 50% discount are provided with medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, oncological and other serious diseases;
  • free travel in suburban trains and electricians if the pensioner is treated in another settlement.

Benefits provided by the owners of a social card:

Relatively recently in Moscow for older retirees began to operate special social cardwhich gives the right to receive a number additional advantages Socially. Their list was established by the regional authorities, and in 2017 it looks like this:

  • the possibility of pensioners is free to use the services of public urban transport of Moscow (including the metro), as well as to ride without making payment on suburban electric trains. Today, rumors are stubbornly run that this preference is replaced by monetary compensation for the passage of 400 rubles per month;
  • the ability to use the services of a polyclinic without presenting a personal insurance medical policy;
  • providing discounts for a variety of goods purchased in those trading points where you can use to pay for the Sberbank Mare "Social" card.

Such a social card of the pensioner has another important and indisputable advantage - an income of 3.5% per annum is accrued to the rest of its own funds, thanks to payment tool You can use as a savings book.

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