
According to the average salary in the region. Calculation of the average wage for the company: formula. Average income in rubles, thousand, rounded

Average wage (AVER) is one of the macroeconomic indicators... It is used in statistical forecasts and is calculated for the calculation of benefits, pensions, various indexations, the development of business concepts, etc.

Average salary calculations are determined by legislation for each country. The settlement procedure is approved by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and is baseline to assess the well-being of the population.

Legislative calculations on wages

Legislation Russian Federation it is provided to use the parameters of the average wages for various operations related:

  • with payroll;
  • social benefits;
  • business trips, etc.

The AVER for statistical national purposes is calculated as the arithmetic average of the salaries of a certain group of workers and is the basis for calculating the average national income.

Average salary does not reflect real income average worker because absolutely all income levels are taken into account.

The SRP is determined by the relevant articles of the Labor Code, the Family Code and other legislative acts. For each category there is the legislative framework, which determines the methodology for applying the average wage parameter. In addition, the average salary of an individual employee for a certain period of time is determined.


Calculation of the average wage is regulated by Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law RF No. 90, Resolution of the Government of the RF No. 922.

In accordance with the norms described in legislative acts, follows:

  • Calculate total amount the employee's salary for 12 or 24 months preceding the moment of accrual. The total amount includes the actual earned amounts and material remuneration, regulated by the internal regulations of the enterprise. Material remuneration should be of a permanent nature of payments.
  • For calculations do not take into account social payments and disposable. In addition, the amount does not include payments for sick leave and any kind of compensation.
  • The amount received is divided by the number of months worked and the number of working days per year, which corresponds to 12 or 24 and 29.4.
  • To calculate benefits, the result is multiplied by the number of days for which the payment is made. Important: If the employee's experience does not exceed 6 months, then the calculation is made based on the minimum wage ( minimum size wages). For employees who work at the enterprise from 6 to 24 months, the average salary is calculated based on the number of days actually worked (how many working days according to the time sheet), but the amount of earnings cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

In line with Labor Code In the Russian Federation, there are several types of calculating the SRR. The law reflects the specifics of accruals when accounting for compensations for unused planned leave, excludes the accounting of gifts and fully describes all types of accounted payments.


Raising the level of the average salary in the Russian Federation is the primary task of the entire state apparatus. With the observed long-term trend of a decrease in the number of qualified personnel and a steady aging of the population, for 2019 the Government forecasts to set this indicator at the level of 75,000 rubles in the country, excluding categories.

To speed up the economy and stimulate the growth of wages in the framework of improving the general welfare of citizens, it is planned to increase the level of wages and salaries by 25 to 120 thousand rubles.

The project is based on the innovative development of the country, and an increase in wages will be observed, under favorable conditions in all sectors economic activity.

Increase of salaries for officials, judges and employees budgetary sphere produced periodically on the basis of federal laws published specifically for the implementation of such events. But Article 134 of the Labor Code provides for an increase in wages at all, without exception, enterprises in connection with the rise in prices for services and goods.


The indexation of the salary is regulated by Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which indicates that state and local authorities, when calculating such payments, are guided by regulations in labor legislation.

Other enterprises of all forms of ownership take internal (local) regulations and conclude a collective agreement (agreement) describing this procedure.

It should be understood that teachers of private schools do not belong to the category of public servants and receive salary indexation in accordance with the regulations established at the enterprise. Internal regulations for establishing the level of compensation should not contradict Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Pension and alimony

The most important thing for most workers is the calculation of the average wage at retirement. Based on the size of this parameter, the part of the pension for the period of work until 2002 is calculated, which takes into account the salary for any 60 months of continuous work. The state has established conversion ratios for average wages for the period from 1960 to 1990, from 1991 to 1997, from 1998 to 2001.

The higher the average salary for the periods indicated above, the higher the actual pension that will be accrued at the moment.

To calculate the pension by years, the average salary for the periods indicated above and the average salary for the period from 2002 to the current moment are calculated and the final amount is established by applying the methodology.

When resolving disputes over the repayment of debt or the calculation of alimony, they are guided by the Family Code of the Russian Federation Article 113, Federal Law No. 223, as well as Article 102 of the Federal Law No. 229. В regulatory framework it is indicated that if the alimony payer does not work at the time of collection or did not work before, then the average salary is used in the calculations, depending on the region of residence of the defendant.

Average salary in Russia in 2019

SRZP in the Russian Federation this year, as in previous periods calculated depending on the branch of economic activity, professional orientation of employees and regional basis.

This approach reflects the most complete picture of economic development and allows government organizations to make decisions aimed at improving the welfare of the country's population. In addition, these indicators are monitored by world organizations and can show the prospects for the development of countries or maturing crisis situations, both in individual regions and in the world.

The size of the average wage is officially determined by the statistical authorities on the basis of information provided by enterprises and organizations.

In addition, there is a possibility of alternative calculations based on published vacancies and opinions of employees of the respective categories. Such indicators usually differ, as it was indicated above, are not intended to reflect real level income of the average worker.

The average salary in the Russian Federation is currently set at 32,000 rubles. For selected categories it differs to varying degrees and is due to various factors. In addition, there is an average growth of up to 11% per year and trends in the data during the calendar year.

By industry

One of the indicators reflecting the growth of sectors of the economy is the dynamics of changes in average wages on an annualized basis for individual sectors of economic activity. Guided by 10% growth in average wages by industry during recent years a similar growth can be predicted in 2019.

This trend can be visually analyzed by looking at the graphic materials.

By profession

The trend of changes in salaries by profession in 2019 will provide for a sharp change in the course national currency in relation to foreign money. First of all, this applies to the areas of the extractive industry, the IT industry and the financial sector, in which salaries are pegged to foreign currencies.

At the same time, there will be a significant difference in relation to professions that are not related to foreign economic activity.

At the moment (before the publication of the semi-annual report of official statistical data), you can navigate in the indicators of average salaries in popular specialties, using the publications of vacancies on information resources.


Salary, thousand rubles,

Moscow Ivanovo Kazan Chelyabinsk
Drivers 53 31 29 29
Servant, nani, governess 51 24 27 26
Sales Manager 51 28 26 27
Sellers 33 24 23 22
Turn 32 20 22 23

By region

Average wages by regions of the Russian Federation calculated by the State Statistics Service in 2019. Regional average wages indicate average earnings of the entire working population, taking into account the lowest and highest wages and is calculated as the arithmetic mean.

Comparative analysis

The indicator of the level of average wages makes it possible to analyze the well-being of the population in different countries peace and predict the development of economies, establishing ties in various directions, focusing on the sale and purchase of goods and services.

Average salaries in some countries of the world are presented below (USD).

European level

In Europe, the average salary is significantly higher than all CIS countries, but given the amount of insurance payments and the high cost utilities it is not possible to give an accurate assessment of the level of well-being of the population by analyzing only this parameter.

The UN in its report “on poverty” makes an assessment based on maximum number statistical data such as prices, consumption levels, market availability for an investor, etc. elements to bring the comparative assessment closer to the real state of affairs.

But from the diagram we can conclude that the crisis affects the situation with wages. An example is Greece, which has been in a severe economic downturn for several years now. The average salary level in this country is almost 2.5 times lower than in Germany and France. Not significant salaries and new members of the European Union.

In European countries, the practice of hourly wages has been introduced at the legislative level, and average wages are calculated based on this indicator.

The average hourly wage in the EU is € 21, and the top three in the European Community is made up of:

  • Belgium (39 Euro per hour),
  • France (34.2 Euro per hour),
  • Luxembourg (33.7 Euro per hour).

Most low salaries in Bulgaria (3.5 Euro per hour), Romania (4.2 Euro per hour), in the Baltic countries (5.5) and Poland (7.1).

By profession, the level of salaries has a similar ratio in the context of countries. Based on the level of salaries of popular professions in Germany, one can understand the amount of income of similar workers in other EU countries.

Average salaries by specialties were distributed as follows:

  • IT technology sphere - 52,000 - 58,000 euros per year;
  • technical engineers and technicians - 50,000 - 55,000 euros per year;
  • accounting and financial management - 51,000 - 59,500 euros per year;
  • medical industry - 53,000 - 65,000 euros per year.


In the North American continent, as seen from the diagram average level salaries practically do not differ from the advanced European powers, but do not exceed it either.

The advantage of the American economy is energy prices, which are significantly lower than in Europe.


Forecast for the near future

Average salaries in the Russian Federation against the background of the current events will have a slow and unstable growth. The main player influencing this growth at present is the state, but in the face of opposition, it is impossible to predict a significant increase in the well-being of Russians.

The indicator of average wages by industry is of interest not only to workers, but also to employers. He is the first to provide information on the correspondence of their salary level to the average level in a particular professional field. Employers, on the other hand, can conclude that it is necessary to index wages if they are below the industry average.

Of course, the average wage indicator should be used with some convention. After all, the average indicator does not take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular employer. Namely, the amount of remuneration of an individual employee actually depends on these specific conditions and factors.

Where to see the average salary in Russia in 2018-2019.

The average indicators across the country are calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat). These indicators are calculated based on the processing of static reports submitted by organizations and individual entrepreneurs... Official statistics are posted on the Rosstat website at www.gks.ru.

As of the end of 2018, of the most up-to-date information on wages by industry, Rosstat has officially published information on the average nominal accrued wages of employees for a full range of organizations by type economic activity in the Russian Federation for October 2018. At the same time, it is indicated that the average salary in all industries in October 2018 amounted to 42,332 rubles.

The first information on the average monthly salary in 2019 will appear on the Rosstat website no earlier than the end of February.

We talked about what nominal wages are in.

Average wages in the industry

We present data on the average salary of organizations by type of economic activity for October 2018 in the form of a table:

Type of economic activity Average salary (rub.)
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 29 295
Mining 77 382
Manufacturing industries 40 462
Electricity, gas and steam supply, air conditioning 44 901
Water supply, sewerage, waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities 32 192
Building 38 750
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 34 424
Transport and storage 46 993
Hotel and business activities Catering 26 356
Information and communication activities 60 969
Financial and insurance activities 83 353
Activities for transactions with real estate 32 034
Professional, scientific and technical activities 65 471
Public administration and military security, social Security 43 591
Education 34 082
Activities in the field of health and social services 39 088
Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment 43 061

There are certain statistics that indicate in what year was the average monthly and average annual earnings of a Russian in the national and foreign most popular currency. Such statistics are needed in order to track the growth of the country's economy and the dynamics of development.

There are data on the average salary in Russia over the years, starting from the time of the Soviet Union and ending with the current year. Such statistics are interesting, first of all, to historians studying chronological aspects of the field of economics, to economists themselves and to potential migrants who are going to earn money in the future in the Russian Federation.

To study this issue in detail, you should inquire about the historical statistics on wages over the past decades and past centuries. And also such data will help employees to approximately calculate pension accruals for the Pension Fund. There are calculation schemes by which you can find out your profit on accruals in the future.

To correctly calculate the coefficient of the average monthly income, you need to calculate the ratio of wages for a specific period of time, for example, for 2001 and 2002 or the last 5 years before January 1, 2002, to the average monthly wages in Russia for the selected period on years. From the above, it becomes clear that the coefficient of the average salary for 30 days is equal to the salary of a person divided by the average salary per month.

Formula: KSZ = ZR / ZP.

The resulting figure is used to calculate the estimated pension, a part of the amount from future payments that are earned for the entire 2002. The estimated pension is equal to the SK, multiplied by KSZ and again multiplied by 1671 - 450. So, it is clear that the higher the average salary ratio, the greater the indicators of calculations in terms of money.

For the majority of residents of Russia for the periods of 2000 and 2001, the size of the average wage is listed in the data of the Pension Fund, and there is no need to prove this in documentary form. When choosing to calculate the average wage rate per month for 2000-2001, KSZ is calculated by dividing the average wage salary for this entire time period by 1,495 rubles - this is the average wage in Russia for the specified number of years.

Formula: KZS = ZR / ZP = ZR / 1495.

Another example, we choose a time interval not for 2000 and 2001, but we take an earlier period, in aggregate for the last 5 years (60 months). In this case, a number of such computational actions should be carried out:

  • you must first find out the average wages for a specific period;
  • find statistical data (will be given below) for the specified period on average wages;
  • then we calculate the value of the KZS;
  • during the period of registration of the pension must be submitted to the department pension fund salary data for the last 5 years.

Country salary tables by year

Tables of average monthly salaries established by the government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of conversion pension rights to calculate the correct pension capital.

Average statistical data on wages from 1960 to 1990
the datePayment in rublesthe datePayment in rublesthe datePayment in rublesthe datePayment in rubles
1960 74,0 1968 111,8 1976 152,1 1984 192,1
1961 76,0 1969 114,7 1977 158,0 1985 198,3
1962 81,8 1970 120,1 1978 165,3 1986 205,2
1963 83,5 1971 124,5 1979 169,3 1987 213,6
1964 87 1972 131,3 1980 173 1988 232,7
1965 93,0 1973 135,1 1981 176,4 1989 261
1966 95,1 1974 142,1 1982 183 1990 305
1967 100,4 1975 147,8 1983 189,4
Average statistical data from 1991 to 1997
Periods (by month)Dates
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Payment for labor in rubles
January305 1425 15,0 133,6 300,5 634,7 809,1
February293 2000 19,3 145,9 317 675,3 837,1
March336 2700 23,6 162,5 358,4 768 900,5
April368 3049 30,9 170,3 383,1 743,4 900,8
May429 3684 37,1 180,2 427,7 774,2 906,4
June491 5099 47,7 205,9 468,4 829,1 962,1
July539 5423 59 230 487,4 826,5 1000
August568 5893 65,3 236,4 518,5 837 980
September620 7356 80,8 249,1 558,4 856,0 1038
October700 8823 94 270 590,4 839,2 750
November827 10496 100,1 281,6 608,5 817,9 764
December1180 16154 140,8 357,1 729,2 1027 770
Average statistics from 1998 to 2001
1998 1999 2000 2001
MonthPayment for labor in rubles
January750 923 1194 1523
February762 795 1300 1517
March768 800 1281 1517
April763 843 1290 1700
May770 855 1295 1691
June772 860 1300 1658
July775 900 1400 1800
August777 750 1407 1500
September780 1000 1315 1512
October783 1132 1500 1675
November786 1295 1428 1680
December790 1042 1563 1690

Some notes:

  1. There are limiting amendments created by the PF at the legislative level - the value of the average income ratio cannot be more than 1.2.
  2. For example, presumably the average salary of an individual in the period from 2000 to 2001 is 2,500 rubles, and the employee did not stay in working conditions Far north, up to the beginning of 2002. Then, if you calculate by the formula, you get - KZS = ZR / ZP = 2500/1495 = 1.67. Taking into account the fact that a person does not have any benefits, the coefficient will automatically drop to the maximum possible value - 1.2.
  3. The second example is based on a coefficient calculation, below the indicator 1.2: if we carry out such calculations, but already with an average wage of 1,000 rubles, it turns out that the coefficient will be equal to 0.67. In this case, the numerical calculations do not change anywhere, but are taken as a basis.
  4. Exceptions for the maximum possible coefficient bar are only for workers staying in the Far North. Depending on the specific area, the maximum value ranges from 1.4 to 1.9.

Numerical value average wages in the RF used to determine the amount of alimony. This is due to the fact that the unit of wages calculated in this way determines the average level of wages for a certain group of the average population. Accordingly, the resulting numerical value can be used to calculate the average amount of alimony payments, the final amount of which should partially or completely satisfy the financial needs of the recipient of the amounts.

However, there are many nuances and peculiarities associated with the calculation of alimony based on the average salary. This is due to the fact that these calculations can be applied both by attracting “high” and “low” indicators. Of course, for populations with minimum income, the national average salary can be overstated, which can provoke an increase in debt. As well as for regions where the average wage level is very high, the average value is the optimal profitable amount.

As a rule, the arithmetic value of the average salary is most often used when it is necessary to determine the amount of debt for the payment of alimony for the past period. This option is optimal due to the fact that the final amount of debt is determined based on the annual indicators of the average salary in the period when payments were not made.

According to the RF IC, debt collection for the payment of alimony can be made over the past 3 years, or from the moment when the debt was formed. The first option applies if the plaintiff is the direct culprit of the debt. For example, if the writ of execution was not presented for execution. The second option is used when the debtor is the direct culprit.

To make the final calculations of the amount of the alimony debt, the following aspects are applied:

  • First of all, the amount of alimony, which was determined initially, is taken into account. IN this case it is not important that the moment in which the specified amount was established: by means of an amicable agreement, or when a court decision is made.
  • In addition to salaries, the amount of alimony arrears also includes shares from other types of earnings or income received by the defendant.
  • If the defendant does not have an officially registered income during the period of formation of the debt, the average salary is used to determine its final size. which was adopted by the region and by the country.

Accordingly, the average indicator is used only in cases where the debtor cannot document his own income.

Useful video: Average salary in Russia. Modal and median salaries

Online calculator for calculating alimony

Number of common minor children: 1
3 or more
Second parent's salary: rub.


Subtract personal income tax from salary: Yes
Other income of the second parent: rub.



Family legal relations, including the procedure for deducting alimony, determining debts, methods of payment, are regulated by several basic regulatory legal acts. So, the Family Code of the Russian Federation is called as the main ones. In carrying out any calculations of alimony, Article 113 is mainly applied.

Carrying out the procedure for collecting debts, its norms, rules, the procedure for the final calculation of alimony by the executive authorities implies the use of the Federal Law “On the Executive Power”.

Useful video: what is the amount of child support established by law?

Average salary table by regions of Russia in 2018

The average level of wages in the country in 2018 was about 42,115 rubles. However, these indicators are rather arbitrary. Each of the regions of the Russian Federation has its own average indicators, which may differ significantly from those indicated above.

The table below shows the average salary in Russia in 2018 according to Rosstat data for alimony by regions of the Russian Federation. You can always look at the most up-to-date information on the official website of Rosstat.

Average pay labor by regions in January, August 2018

Region January 2018, RUB August 2018, RUB Growth,%
Central federal district, including: 47 453 51 383 8,28
-Ivanovo region 23 300 24 941 7,04
–Lipetsk region 28 966 31 107 7,39
- Moscow region 46 410 47 837 3,07
- Moscow city 70 251 77 618 10,49
Northwestern Federal District, including: 46 775 46 757 -0,04
- Pskov region 23 175 26 075 12,51
- Republic of Karelia 34 733 36 305 4,53
- Nenets auth. district 80 362 83 628 4,06
- St. Petersburg 58 598 56 100 –4,26
Southern Federal District, including: 28 686 30 769 7,26
- Republic of Kalmykia 23 635 24 802 4,94
- Rostov region 27 594 29 480 6,83
- Astrakhan region 29 138 34 133 17,14
North Caucasian Federal District, including: 24 389 25 878 6,11
- The Republic of Dagestan 21 699 22 886 5,47
- Karachay-Cherkess Republic 23 653 23 947 1,24
- Stavropol region 26 343 29 001 10,09
Volga Federal District, including: 28 758 31 209 8,52
- Saratov region 25 275 26 075 3,17
- Orenburg region 27 499 30 452 10,74
- Perm Territory 32 009 34 257 7,02
Ural Federal District, including: 43 099 45 192 4,86
- Kurgan region 25 548 26 981 5,61
- Tyumen region without author. constituencies 40 176 42 635 6,12
- Yamalo-Nenets auth. district 88 232 90 869 2,99
Siberian Federal District, including: 33 910 35 334 4,20
- Altai region 22 546 25 091 11,29
- Zabaykalsky Krai 35 272 35 681 1,16
- Krasnoyarsk region 40 617 41 219 1,48
Far Eastern Federal District, including: 49 341 50 781 2,92
- Jewish Auth. region 35 292 36 889 4,53
- The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 60 825 57 252 -5,87
- Chukotka Aut. district 90 105 91 654 1,72

Average salary table for different specialties in 2018

Profession average salary
Scope of sales
Sales Representative 33,000 rubles
Cashier 26,000 rubles
Salesman 26,000 rubles
Merchandiser 33,000 rubles
Courier 24,000 rubles
Trading floor administrator 27,000 rubles
Construction sphere
Foreman 43,000 rubles
Handyman 24,000 rubles
Painter-plasterer 30,000 rubles
Mason 33,000 rubles
Concrete worker 30,000 rubles
Crane operator 40,000 rubles
Industry and "blue-collar" professions
Welder 40,000 rubles
Loader driver 35,000 rubles
Special equipment driver 37,000 rubles
An electrician 32,000 rubles
Plumber 32,000 rubles
Locksmith 30,000 rubles
Apparatchik 35,000 rubles
Loader 25,000 rubles
Carpenter 35,000 rubles
Office specialties
Secretary 30,000 rubles
Accountant 33,000 rubles
Manager 35,000 rubles
PR manager 35,000 rubles
Marketer 33,000 rubles
HR specialist 33,000 rubles
Service industry, beauty
Cosmetologist 35,000 rubles
Visagiste 33,000 rubles
Hairdresser 33,000 rubles
Masseur 33,000 rubles
Waiter 25,000 rubles
Manicurist 33,000 rubles
Cook 35,000 rubles
Transport, logistics
Driver 27,000 rubles
Trolleybus, electric train driver 32,000 rubles
Metro driver 46,000 rubles
Train driver 52,000 rubles
Taxi dispatcher 30,000 rubles
Bus (minibus) driver 30,000 rubles
Truck driver 50,000 rubles
Truck driver 35,000 rubles
Healthcare sector
Nurse, nurse 25,000 rubles
Pediatrician 37,000 rubles
Surgeon 47,000 rubles
ENT 45,000 rubles
Ultrasound specialist 40,000 rubles
Venereologist, dermatologist 50,000 rubles
Gynecologist 45,000 rubles
Urologist 40,000 rubles
Dentist 50,000 rubles
Therapist 40,000 rubles
The sphere of education
High school teacher 32,000 rubles
Teacher at the school 28,000 rubles
Lecturer at the Institute 45,000 rubles
Kindergarten teacher 26,000 rubles

Average salary table, dynamics by year

Year Average salary in the Russian Federation, thousand rubles Dollar equivalent at the exchange rate for the same year
1999 1523 56
2000 2220 79
2001 3250 107
2002 4350 137
2003 5500 185
2004 6750 243
2005 8550 300
2006 10600 404
2007 13600 554
2008 17300 590
2009 18650 615
2010 20900 687
2011 23400 725
2012 27000 885
2013 30000 915
2014 32600 827
2015 33900 550
2016 36703 605
2017 39085 678
2018 42115 687

World average salary table

To compare the data, below we give the average values ​​of salaries around the world (selectively), the data are indicated in US dollars, relevant for 2018.

In general, child support in Russia in accordance with Art. 81 of the Family Code are paid in shares of actual earnings parent (salary, monetary allowance, additional remuneration, allowances and surcharges, bonuses, etc.) or his other income specified in the Government Decree of 18.07.1996 No. 841.

If the alimony payer (as a rule, ex-husband or the father of the child) has an irregular income or he does not have it at all, alimony can also be assigned in a fixed amount.

If, for some reason, the payment of the prescribed alimony was not made (including within 3 years preceding the presentation of the bailiffs for collection writ of execution or an agreement on the payment of alimony certified by notaries, or for the entire period, if the payment of alimony is not made through the fault of the payer), then a debt is formed, the amount of which, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 113 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation can be defined:

  • also based on the actual wages of the person liable for support and other recorded income;
  • based on the size of the average salary in Russia at the moment, corresponding to the date of debt collection:
    • if the payer of the alimony did not work during the period of formation of the debt;
    • if no documents can be submitted that can confirm the amount of his earnings for this period.

The average salary is, as is clear from the very phrase itself, average value paid wages of the working population as a whole in the Russian Federation. At the beginning of 2018, according to Rosstat, the average monthly wage in the country as a whole was RUB 36,900

Thus, in essence, the average monthly wage is a theoretical value, but bailiffs widely use it in practical application, in particular, when calculating alimony arrears.

When is alimony calculated from the average wage in Russia?

As you know, there are much more alimony debtors than bona fide payers, and the reasons for the alimony debt can also be very different: from a real absence of a job to concealment of income by the debtor. However, such factors do not relieve the "deviators" from the assigned duty and do not bring any particular difficulty to the bailiff-executor: in relation to the debtor, alimony arrears are formed and are growing every month.

The debt on payments is formed from the person liable for alimony, regardless of what form of collection of funds is not performed by the "evader":

  1. alimony voluntary notarial agreement between the payer and the recipient;
  2. the court's decision;
  3. court order.

Alimony debt is determined by the authorized official FSSP based on the size of the average wage in the Russian Federation, if during the period of formation of the debt the payer:

  • was unemployed;
  • did not provide documents confirming earnings or other income;
  • was not registered at the employment center.

Calculation of alimony arrears from the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation

When a voluntary notarial agreement or a court decision on the recovery of alimony is not fulfilled by the debtor, the bailiff is obliged to calculate the accumulated debt for payments for this person. This is done in order to:

  1. in the event of the subsequent employment of the debtor or revealing his other income, collect the accumulated debt in favor of the recipient of the alimony;
  2. on the basis of the decision on the calculation of debt, apply measures to the debtor to attract him to different types responsibility (administrative, civil, criminal).

The main value used by the bailiff-executor in calculating the debt is the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation. The use of this particular indicator for Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP) regulated three regulations:

  • paragraph 4 of Art. 113 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation;
  • clause 3 of Art. 102 of Law No. 229-FZ "On enforcement proceedings";
  • "Methodological recommendations on the procedure for fulfilling the requirements executive documents on the recovery of alimony "(approved by the FSSP of Russia 06.2012 No. 01-16).
  1. Information on the current average salary in the Russian Federation must be requested monthly from Rosstat or confirmed on its official website.
  2. Income tax individuals(Personal income tax), equal to 13%, when calculating debt not withheld.
  3. The date of the actual repayment of the debt is considered to be the moment of debt collection.
  4. The calculation of the alimony debt must be made by an employee of the FSSP quarterly.

The debtor should remember that the alimony debt will be calculated not by region of residence payer or claimant, and according to the indicator of the Russian Federation in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors, in favor of whom maintenance payments are charged.

Since the "statistical" average monthly wage in the country as a whole is often much higher than the real income of a working citizen in most constituent entities of the Federation, then become a debtor in alimony in this case extremely unprofitable, first of all, for the payer himself(and vice versa - this is often more beneficial for the recipient of the alimony).

An example of calculating debt bailiffs from the average salary

Payer Petrenko N.N. received a monthly salary at the enterprise in the amount of 20,000 rubles, his alimony obligations for 1 child in accordance with court order accounted for 1/4 of all types of income. Since other income Petrenko N.E. did not have, the monthly payment for child support was 5,000 rubles.

Wanting to avoid payment obligations and hide his income, on July 1, 2016, Petrenko quit his job and got a job in private company informally (without an employment contract). In October 2016, he received from bailiff resolution on the calculation of alimony arrears for 4 months from the value of the average monthly wage (MW) in Russia in the amount of 35843 rubles. for September 2016:

  • July 2016 - 8960.75 rubles. (1/4 of the NWP);
  • August 2016 - 8960.75 rubles. (1/4 of the NWP);
  • September 2016 - 8960.75 rubles. (1/4 of the NWP).

Total debt gr. Petrenko N.N. from 01.07.2016 to 01.10.2017 amounted to RUB 26,882.25 It turns out if this citizen continued to work officially at this or another enterprise and paid alimony in good faith, the amount of alimony payments for the same period would have amounted to only 15,000 rubles. - which is almost 2 times lower.

Average salary in Russia according to Rosstat

The very large spread of the average monthly wage across the regions of the Russian Federation makes it unprofitable for payers to be able to calculate alimony arrears by bailiffs based on the average wage in the country for most regions of Russia.

So, according to the official data of Rosstat:

  • the average salary in Russia in 2017 was RUB 36,746;
  • the maximum average monthly wage was registered in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - RUB 85678;
  • the minimum wage was paid in the Republic of Dagestan - 19953 RUB on average for 2017.

Thus, the difference in income levels between residents of regions with the highest and lowest monthly average wages according to data for the last 2017 was 85678 - 19953 = 65725 rubles.

Moreover, out of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • Total 17 regions have a salary higher than the national average (in these regions, the calculation of the alimony debt from the average Russian salary of 36,746 rubles may be more profitable for payers and unprofitable for recipients of alimony payments);
  • in the rest 68 regions the level of wages is lower than the national average (here, the use of the average wage for calculating alimony is more beneficial to the recipient and unprofitable for most payers).

Full data on the average salary in Russia in 2017 according to Rosstat data are given in the table below.

Name of the subject of the federation Average monthly
salary, rub.
1 Chukotka Autonomous District 85678
2 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) 83832
3 Nenets Autonomous District (NAO) 71908
4 Moscow city 71220
5 Magadan Region 68584
6 Sakhalin Region 66239
7 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (KhMAO) 63622
8 Kamchatka Krai 59923
9 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 58504
10 Murmansk region 48715
11 St. Petersburg 48684
12 Moscow region 43467
13 Komi Republic 43427
14 Khabarovsk region 41401
15 Tyumen region 38370
16 Krasnoyarsk region 38361
17 Arhangelsk region 38351
Average across the Russian Federation(used to calculate alimony in all regions of the country) 36746
18 Primorsky Krai 36106
19 Leningrad region 35816
20 Tomsk region 35459
21 Irkutsk region 34907
22 Amur region 33131
23 Zabaykalsky Krai 32785
24 Sverdlovsk region 32759
25 Republic of Karelia 32591
26 The Republic of Khakassia 32310
27 Jewish Autonomous Region 31963
28 Kaluga region 31504
29 Chelyabinsk region 31005
30 Perm Territory 30713
31 Republic of Tatarstan 30410
32 The Republic of Buryatia 30221
33 Novosibirsk region 29868
34 Kaliningrad region 29832
35 Kemerovo region 29828
36 Tyva Republic 29716
37 Vologodskaya Oblast 29324
38 Tula region 29080
39 Krasnodar region 28586
40 Yaroslavskaya oblast 28515
41 Samara Region 28504
42 Omsk region 28465
43 Nizhny Novgorod Region 28172
44 Novgorod region 27901
45 Republic of Bashkortostan 27820
46 Ryazan Oblast 27495
47 Astrakhan region 27423
48 Sevastopol 26895
49 Belgorod region 26873
50 Voronezh region 26758
51 Rostov region 26661
52 Udmurt republic 26544
53 Orenburg region 26109
54 Tver region 26087
55 Lipetsk region 26075
56 Vladimir region 25780
57 Volgograd region 25739
58 Stavropol region 25387
59 Kursk region 25334
60 Penza region 25334
61 Republic of Crimea 25245
62 Smolensk region 25091
63 Ulyanovsk region 24369
64 Altai Republic 23976
65 Kirov region 23625
66 Saratov region 23492
67 Kurgan region 23381
68 The Republic of Mordovia 23379
69 Mari El Republic 23232
70 Kostroma region 22996
71 Republic of Adygea 22982
72 Oryol Region 22890
73 Bryansk region 22819
74 Tambov Region 22762
75 Chuvash Republic 22736
76 Chechen Republic 22520
77 Pskov region 22264
78 Ivanovo region 22067
79 Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 22063
80 The Republic of Ingushetia 21569
81 Kabardino-Balkar Republic 21489
82 Karachay-Cherkess Republic 21465
83 Altai region 21185
84 Republic of Kalmykia 21133
85 The Republic of Dagestan 19953

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