
Sberbank management company asset management private investments. Trust management. What mutual funds does Sberbank have?

Share investment funds are funds of investors that are pooled among themselves and entrusted to management companies. Today, mutual funds are a relatively new, but dynamically gaining popularity financial instrument that allows ordinary Russians to receive stable passive income.

Mutual investment funds of Sberbank are very popular among individuals, making very profitable transactions with deposits of private investors.

Every citizen can become a client of a mutual investment fund and use an affordable financial instrument for the purpose of safe enrichment. Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority.

Today retirees will also be able to entrust asset management to mutual funds from Sberbank, who are allowed to independently form an optimal investment portfolio. To determine which fund to entrust asset management, you need to take a closer look at each proposed project.

(Open-ended) bond funds

Funds of (open-ended) securities

To this group mutual funds(investment), the following financial instruments can be ranked: Dobrynya Nikitich, Active Management Fund, Fund of Securities (Securities) Small Capitalization Companies, etc. To choose the most profitable project, individuals need to study in detail all the conditions created by the management company for investment:

  1. Nikitich... This fund invests the funds of its shareholders in a wide range of Russian economy... UIF Dobrynya Nikitich is heading for long-term and high capital gains. When forming the charter capital of the investment portfolio of Dobrynya Nikitich, only liquid securities (securities) are taken into account. The investment horizon of the UIF Dobrynya Nikitich varies from 1 to 3 years.
  2. Consumer sector... Individuals can entrust asset management to a mutual investment fund for the Consumer Sector for a period of up to 3 years. MC relies on securities (securities) Russian companies(which are not export oriented) specializing in telecommunications, banking sector and other business areas focused on the domestic consumer. Unit Investment Fund The consumer sector accepts private deposits for a period from 1 month to 3 years. Today the cost of a share in the Consumer Sector fund is 1998.99 rubles.
  3. Global internet... The capital funds received from private investors are invested in securities (securities) of enterprises that conduct their business in the field of Internet technologies. The Global Internet Foundation is interested in securities (securities) not only of large companies, but also of virtual stores and even Internet portals. Having made the decision to invest free funds in the Global Internet fund, Russian citizens will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the domestic Internet sector. When forming the investment portfolio of the Global Internet management company, the securities (securities) of companies located in the markets of Russia and China are considered.
  4. Small capitalization (securities) fund... The cost of a share in this financial project is 3,908.63 rubles (deposits are made for a period of 3 years). The portfolio is formed from securities (securities) not only Russian, but also international companies(small and medium capitalization).
  5. Natural resources ... To entrust asset management to this mutual fund, Russian citizens will have to purchase at least one share, the cost of which is 978.57 rubles today. The portfolio is formed from securities (securities) of all companies specializing in the extraction and processing of natural resources.
  6. Power engineering... This mutual investment fund is distinguished by increased profitability. The price for 1 item is 690.09 rubles. The portfolio of securities (securities) is formed through the acquisition of securities (securities) of all companies developing in the infrastructure and electricity sector of the economy.
  7. Telecommunications and technology... This mutual fund has good reviews from private investors who purchase its shares (price of 1 p. RUB 3,271.36). When forming a portfolio Management Company invests funds of shareholders in securities (securities), both Russian and international companies.
  8. Active Governance Fund... The funds of the shareholders are invested not only in financial, but also in production instruments.
  9. Financial sector... Private deposits are invested in securities (securities) of Russian and foreign banks and insurance organizations, as well as companies specializing in finance. The value of the share reaches 850.83 rubles.

The above financial instruments belong to the category of mutual investment funds of the classical type. When forming their portfolios, securities (securities) of companies are used, the capitalization level of which exceeds 10 billion US dollars.

Investment in real estate

At present, Sberbank Asset Management CJSC is dynamically developing and investing the funds of its shareholders in various sectors of the economy. For Russian citizens trusting the domestic real estate market, the following investment projects were developed:

  • Real estate (residential);
  • Business (rental);
  • Real estate (residential) 3;
  • Real estate (commercial);
  • Real estate (residential) 2.

The main goals of these mutual funds can be attributed to the receipt of income from any real estate transactions: the sale of city apartments that were purchased at the construction stage, the acquisition of objects for subsequent lease, etc.

Investment in open-end mutual funds

Considering this group of mutual funds as investments, the following Biotechnology projects should be highlighted, America, Europe, Emerging Markets,

Global debt market. Those wishing to become shareholders of Sberbank Asset Management CJSC should familiarize themselves with the terms of the financial instruments available in this category:

Worth noting Open Fund mixed investments"Balanced Fund". The management company distributes the funds of the shareholders among the bonds and securities (securities) of domestic issuers.

The cost of 1 item is 62,138.86 rubles, which is placed for a period of up to 3 years. The Global Engineering Fund (new) envisages investing money in such a sector of the economy as engineering and technology.

Analysis of the profitability of Sberbank mutual funds and their prospects

Sberbank Asset Management CJSC occupies a leading position in the domestic financial market. Today, the value of his assets exceeds $ 3.9 million. The dynamic development of mutual funds from Sberbank is due to the involvement of the best investment portfolio managers in cooperation.

Before purchasing securities (securities), they carry out a comprehensive check, which makes it possible to determine the credit rating, the presence of risks and assume the level of profitability. At the end of 2015, there are several of the most successful investment projects:

  • Telecommunications;
  • Oil and gas sector;
  • Ilya Muromets.

IN recent times there is an increase in the telecommunications sector. Many companies working in this area of ​​the economy serve the population of the country and they have excellent prospects for the next 3 years.

Such a rapid growth can be explained by the regular increase in the average wages and a decrease in the unemployment rate in Russia.

How to invest in Sberbank mutual funds?

To become private investors and purchase shares in Sberbank mutual funds, individuals need to have at least 15 thousand rubles in their hands. A condition for investing funds in Sberbank mutual funds is an additional purchase of units for an amount exceeding 1.5 thousand rubles. To join a mutual fund, an individual needs to act in a certain sequence:

  1. Choose a mutual investment fund (for this it is worth studying the reviews of private investors).
  2. Visit the nearest bank branch in person.
  3. Submit personal identification documents, fill out a questionnaire and an application required to purchase a share.
  4. After the completion of the registration procedure, transfer the required amount of funds to the current account of Sberbank Asset Management CJSC.

What advantages can private shareholders get from joining Sberbank's mutual funds?

In recent years, mutual funds from Sberbank have become popular among the country's population. Many Russians have already become private investors in these funds, about which they leave positive reviews on thematic Internet resources. By entrusting asset management to mutual funds, shareholders will be able to reap a lot of advantages:

  • Sberbank mutual funds carry out completely transparent activities;
  • MC does not take part in dubious and too risky projects;
  • asset management is carried out by top-class specialists;
  • portfolios of private investors are formed from securities (securities) of various sectors of the national economy, etc.

Sberbank, the largest financial management company in Russia, occupies a leading position in terms of the amount of funds raised in assets. Moreover, more than 1/3 of all capital received from investors falls on the positions of mutual funds. The dynamics and stable growth of the profitability of these services are explained by experts by many facts, most of them have significant advantages in comparison with other types of investments. They provide benefits.

First of all, the mutual fund Sberbank Asset Management, which holds the lead in attracting financial capital, is distinguished by rather reliable indicators in terms of income and easy use for shareholders. After all, it has become very quick and easy to acquire a share in the conditions of modern bank operations. You just need to have access to the LP (personal account) of Sberbank-Online.

Investment in mutual funds is one of the most profitable investments

Unit investment fund - the essence of the concept

Unit investment funds are mutual funds. The most accessible method of investment for a wide range of ordinary citizens. Moreover, in order to buy Sberbank mutual funds for an individual and become a shareholder, certain knowledge is not required. You also don't need to waste your time choosing and making profitable investment decisions.

By purchasing mutual funds from Sberbank, the shareholder gets the opportunity to significantly increase the final income, compared to ordinary, classic deposits.

To understand how mutual funds operate, it is worth considering the following scheme:

  1. The management company creates a specific fund (or unit investment fund).
  2. The future shareholder selects the best offer for himself and invests money (that is, acquires a share). The invested capital is used by the management company for the purpose of generating income.
  3. The funds available in the IF are invested in financial instruments (real estate, gold, stocks, securities).
  4. The shareholder receives personal income from the work of the fund. But it should be borne in mind that Sberbank mutual funds have different returns and, in case of unsuccessful investment, can be zero / negative.

What are mutual funds

Current offers for mutual funds

Sberbank offers its depositors more than 20 active funds with a total account of more than 580 billion rubles. For the choice of future shareholders are presented the most different in their parameters shares:

  1. Stock. Includes industry portfolios that provide active investment management and expanded diversification (expanding the existing market with an emphasis on reorientation to more profitable industries).
  2. Bonds. They differ in average indicators of profitability and reduced risk.
  3. Mixed. They work on the principle of combining stocks and bonds.
  4. Foundations. The base of the portfolio is based on work with ETFs (securities of foreign exchange-traded funds investments).

The work of Sberbank shares is based on a competent approach, the technically competent level of which ensures good profit indicators, as evidenced by numerous reviews of shareholders.

According to the statistics of 2018, only two mutual funds had unprofitable indicators, while others brought shareholders a profit of up to 23.10% per annum. Sberbank offers the following types of investments:

Characteristic Name Type of mutual fund Description Income

moderate income;

reduced risks

Ilya Murometsbondsfunctioning of securities of leading Russian issuers, including corporate and municipal50%
average risk / reward ratesBalancedmixedmaking a profit from the use of bonds / shares of large Russian


increased risk category, high profitabilityNikitichstockthe largest companies of the Russian Federation, distinguished by shares with increased liquidity, take part in the activities68%

Also, future shareholders can choose for themselves the following area of ​​activity (by investment):

Open type mutual funds (for bonds):

  • Monetary;
  • Eurobonds;
  • Perspective;
  • Rental business;
  • Residential Properties;
  • Global debt market.

Open-ended mutual funds, working with shares:

  • Financial sector;
  • Power engineering;
  • Natural resources;
  • Active management;
  • Global Internet;
  • Consumer sector;
  • Global Engineering;
  • Small-cap company;
  • Telecommunications and technology.

Open-ended mutual funds in cooperation with international funds:

  • Europe;
  • Gold;
  • America;
  • Biotechnology;
  • Developing markets.

You can get acquainted with the proposals for mutual funds on the Sberbank website

Investment features

In order to become a full-fledged shareholder and choose an offer that is profitable for yourself, you should be able to understand the nuances of the conditions that relate to the participation of a shareholder in mutual funds. Sberbank offers rules of participation that are quite loyal to its customers. For example:

  1. The purchase of a share, as well as the exchange / sale is carried out on the day of submission and registration of the application. Except for the Monetary Fund - in this case, the exchange time of the unit increases.
  2. Minimum amount for the initial purchase of the share: 15,000 rubles. But, if the procedure is drawn up using the official website of Sberbank Investments, the required amount is reduced to 1,000 rubles.
  3. Amount of re-purchase of units: 1,000 rubles (regardless of the transaction method).
  4. The existing surcharge for the redemption of the next share: 1 or 0.5% (depending on the value).
  5. Available discount (when selling shares): up to 2% (depending on the duration of ownership).

Sberbank has not established a strict, mandatory period for holding a unit investment fund, but the developed strategy of each fund presents its own rules that relate to the duration of holding units.

Investment selection criteria

Experts advise, when choosing the best investment method for yourself, to consider the proposed options from several positions. This approach will allow the future shareholder to form a more profitable portfolio for himself.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a mutual fund, it is worth analyzing the situation in terms of stability and levels of profitability with existing investments.

Assessment of the fund's profitability

Worth spending comparative analysis income level investment companies by three last years... It should be understood that even consistently high income indicators are a 100% guarantee of success. this fund and in the future. But as one of the selection criteria, the dynamics of profitability should be considered and taken into account.

To make things easier, you can take advantage of the observed stock returns for the period from 2015 to 2018. The indicators are as follows:

Investment funds with positive dynamics of income growth
Direction Indicators (in%)
Financial sector 100,15
Power engineering 99,50
Natural resources 74,20
Ilya Muromets 68,10
Consumer sector 67,05
Balanced 67,05
Perspective 66,55
Investment funds with negative income indicators
Gold -23,55
Global debt market -6,25

Experts advise using the following rules when assessing the profitability of mutual funds under the auspices of Sberbank:

  1. When analyzing the level of profitability for the previous three years, the indicators should show stable growth. If there are fluctuations in the value of shares, this indicates the volatility and lack of stability of investments.
  2. Operate when studying potential profit and benchmarking (an indicator of assessing the state of a specific market segment). It will be better if the benchmark lags behind the mutual fund by several points, but its dynamics go in parallel and repeat the outlines of the chart for the shares (it should be borne in mind that the unit investment fund and the benchmark are influenced by uniform market laws). If both curves on the graph have too much difference, such a picture indicates existing problems in the IF management system.
  3. It is necessary to compare the indicators of profitability and NAV (cost net assets). With an increase in the dynamics of income, the NAV should also increase (if its decline is observed, then the profitability indicators will be in doubt). But here it is worth considering the presence of active additional injections (they can provoke an increase in income indicators).

Asset analysis

In addition to indicators of profitability, it is necessary to subject close attention to the composition of assets. For example, if the funds include shares of companies representing a steadily developing industry, then the value of mutual funds will rise commensurately. In particular, such indicators are distinguished by the Global Internet (IF Sberbank-Asset Management). It includes securities of leading IT companies. In particular:

Experts predict a stable growth in the stock quotes of these companies, which will also affect the valuation of the mutual fund. The future investor needs to carefully study and analyze the situation and realize whether the growth of securities quotes is expected. Changes in the structure of existing assets should also be taken into account.

Existing conditions investing

Additional selection criteria

When assessing the future profitability of investments, the existing strategy should also be taken into account. It should be understood that a risk-based strategy potentially carries with it quite a high percent income, but in this case there is a great risk of massive "drawdowns" (falling profitability).

According to experts, the most predicted profit comes from the use of conservative strategic IF plans (for example, ETFs, deposits or bonds). True, and the income for such objects will be small.

In the analysis and final assessment, it is worth using various analytical materials. Experts advise to master ready-made online analytics (investfunds website). Separately, you should study the success of other mutual funds, which are managed by specialists from the same team. A thorough and complete analysis of profitability helps to calculate the most favorable time for investment.

After all, it is quite unprofitable to buy shares with the highest possible price, in the near future a certain correction will definitely follow (a fall in value and equalization). And the acquisition of shares in the maximum amount will not bring a good profit, it may not even recoup the investment... It is noticed that:

  • IF Ilya Muromets shares are best purchased in the spring-summer season (after all dividends have been issued on them);
  • bonds on mutual funds fall significantly in value at the very beginning of the year (at this time the portfolio is being rebalanced / adjusted);
  • but you can invest index IFs at any time, these shares are characterized by long-term stability.

How to issue a share

One of the main advantages of Sberbank is a well-thought-out and well-designed strategy for servicing clients. Every year, the time that a client has to spend on visiting the office decreases - programs implemented in use are gaining popularity, such as Mobile bank and Sberbank-Online. Using Internet banking, you can successfully issue shares for yourself. But, of course, you can buy a mutual fund in the old fashioned way, by visiting a bank.

Purchase directly

To purchase a share, you should contact a manager who works in this direction and draw up a corresponding application. But it should be borne in mind that the minimum amount that will have to be spent on a share is 15,000 rubles. The share is paid immediately, at an ATM or at the cash desk of Sberbank.

Sberbank regularly provides detailed reports on the profitability of mutual funds

Through Sberbank-Online

When registering a mutual fund through a personal account, it should be borne in mind that this procedure does not take place on the Sberbank-Online website itself, but on its separately operating online portal - MC Asset Management (). If there is a registration on the State Services, then the registration takes place in real time. Otherwise, you will have to first visit the Sberbank office.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Log in to the portal.
  2. While on the main page, click on the "Mutual Fund" option.
  3. Select the desired share from the list of existing shares and click on the "Select / buy share" button.
  4. Indicate the amount to be invested (through online access, the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles). It is worth considering the size of the commission.
  5. Fill in all the points of the application and mark the "Proceed to payment" function.
  6. Automatically generated payment order(it must be paid in the Sberbank-Online mode). You should log in to Internet banking, go to the option "Payments and transfers: mutual funds". Mark the name of the selected unit, the date of payment and the ID number of the payment. Then confirm the transaction.

Money when paying via the Internet is credited to the IF up to 6 banking days... Interest is accrued already on the next day after the transaction.

New offers from Sberbank

One of the proposed new products, successful in terms of profitability, in the field of mutual funds from Sberbank is the Monetary Fund, created in January 2018. Its dynamic growth rates are already 0.45%... The strategic direction in which this IF works is aimed at making a profit from investments in deposits of banks in the Russian Federation and bonds that are rigorously selected according to the criteria of reliability and stability.


Investing cash in mutual funds is a profitable transaction aimed at future stability. The only thing that is required of a future shareholder is to be able to correctly choose the IF that is most suitable for oneself, taking into account the projected quotations. And do not forget that the most in a convenient way the purchase of units becomes the execution of the transaction through the online mode. Mutual funds from Sberbank-Asset Management are guaranteed to promise shareholders a real opportunity to make good money on investment stock markets without personal participation.

In contact with

I invested my first funds in the securities market in 2004. Unfortunately, I stepped on every rake I could. Among other things, I started to choose funds after they showed the highest profitability. Naturally, the next year, insane growth was usually followed by major disappointment.

Fortunately, I did not use the services of companies that lost all their funds. But the management result was extremely disappointing. This once again shows that it is better to start understanding the market yourself than to invest through mutual funds or trust management. As an alternative, the main mass of people should only be considered index funds with low costs. Unfortunately, in Russia on the stock exchange, of course, you can buy ETFs from Finex. For the rest, you have to go to the western sites.

I first encountered the management company Sberbank Asset Management at the time when it was Troika Dialog. Their presentations were beautiful. They said all the time that everyone in the West invests, so in old age they have the opportunity to travel and afford a lot. The yield of 15% per annum, taking into account the magic percentage, easily doubled the amount of investment in just 5 years.

Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be rather sad. Deposit money would bring more income than equity funds. The Electricity Fund in general brought me about 40% of the loss. And this despite the fact that the profitability for the year was 67%. And this is after the recent fall. Without it, one could count on 90%. Fortunately, the shares were sold just before the fall.

If I had listened to Elvis Marlamov last year, I would have easily increased the value of energy shares by 2-3 times a year, simply by purchasing InterRAO, FGC and Lenenergo Pref. And this despite the fact that even after such growth, these securities remain attractive in terms of dividends.

If you look at the structure of the Electric Power Fund from Sberbank Asset Management, it becomes clear why the results are not impressive. The portfolio is, of course, diversified, but it is completely unclear why RusHydro should be kept, especially on such a scale.

Even more surprising is the presence in the portfolio of Globaltrans and Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. Even though these securities may be very promising, there is simply no reason to keep them in the Electricity Fund.

And this is the worst thing that a management company can sell.

If we look at the small-cap fund, we will be just as surprised. The promotions in it are fine with me.

But not the Ishare Russel 2000 ETF. There is nothing wrong with the ETF itself. But any Russian management company charges equity funds at 3.5-4.5% per year for management, regardless of the results. Such a seemingly small percentage year after year eats up your capital very well. Moreover, in the market there is not only growth, but also a fall, and you have to pay for management. And it would be fine if the investment results were very decent.

Unfortunately, the majority of potential clients will fall for the bait of the management company with a beautiful presentation. Some will even invest in trust management, where they will have to pay not only for management, but also 20% of the profit. All these expenses are absolutely unnecessary. Better read people like Oleg Klochenok, Larisa Morozova, Elvis Marlamov and Sergey Spirin.

As for the choice of the Electricity Fund, it was justified by the fact that analysts at Troika Dialog (now Sberbank KIB) believed this industry the most underrated. Later I learned that analysts make forecasts, but most of them do not invest according to these forecasts. I was also unaware that analysts, after a rise or fall in stocks, adjust their forecasts (fortunately, in the same discounting method cash flows you can shaman with the coefficients as you like). And, of course, I didn't realize that large investment companies are bought and then release analytical reviews to close about retail investors.

In addition to problems with profitability, Sberbank's structures, unfortunately, differ in service for the worse.

Some of the shares were bought by me on the stock exchange, because in the mid-2000s, it was not yet possible to buy shares remotely via the Internet. One could only dream about it. The shares of Troika Dialog Asset Management were acquired through Troika Dialog broker. There were no problems selling them, although the liquidity on the exchange was low. Troika Dialog was sold to Sberbank and the broker became Sberbank KIB, and the management company became Sberbank Asset Management. And even the registrar was changed to the "Special Depository of Sberbank".

They could not tell me what to do with the shares. Moreover, for the first time, Sberbank did not even find the shares acquired through an agent. Unfortunately, there were no notifications from the depository about the transactions with me, so the Sberbank employee refused to do anything.

When I came to the broker, I was sent to Sberbank Premier with the shares purchased on the stock exchange. In the latter, I was told that they do not see such shares, you need to contact a broker. I had to go to the broker "Sberbank KIB" 4 times. It turned out that the day was over, and it was impossible to order the preparation of papers for the next day. Then it turned out that the required employee took time off. Then the employee was found, but did not know what to do with the shares bought on the stock exchange. And with them it was necessary to do something, tk. Sberbank KIB was closed, and the papers had to be transferred either to Sberbank or to another broker. Transferring to another broker was easy. But "Sberbank Asset Management" withdrew shares from the auction several years ago, so it was pointless to pay a commission for the transfer.

When I came again, it turned out that the broker had prepared documents for writing off the shares to the register. Although it was a whole song about the fact that no one had done such a thing in Rostov-on-Don in 16 years of work, and it is not clear how to do it. Then it turned out that they still misunderstood me, so the documents for enrollment in the register were not prepared. The management company said that the shares need to be transferred to the register, a broker is engaged in this in agreement with the registrar "Special Depository of Sberbank". The latter company stated that they need to be credited with the securities released by NSD (National Settlement Depository). I called the last one, but he does not work with individuals... The calls had to be made on their own, because the broker allegedly did not even have access to the Internet in order to look at the phones of the Sberbank Special Depository and NSD. In the end, after long trips, it turned out that there were no problems with entering the registry. You just need to make the usual order for the withdrawal of shares in the register. Unlike stocks, no counter instruction for crediting is required.

By the way, the broker also excelled. On December 30, in the middle of the day, a message was received that the account was closed, although trading on that day went on the exchange until the evening. At the same time, no one guessed to send any notifications about the closure in advance. Such is the service provided by a "reliable" company.

Online service for accessing shares with Sberbank Asset Management is also a "wonderful" thing. After visiting Sberbank Premier, I was given online access. At the same time, I was told that it does not matter which phone number is indicated, tk. it will not receive messages. Fortunately, I first familiarized myself with the service a little, it turned out that SMS will come, and this is important. They didn’t change the client's questionnaire either. supposedly, when withdrawing, the questionnaire needs to be filled out anew. Online access was only for viewing. I had to visit Sberbank Premier again. To buy, sell and exchange shares, a so-called active operations service is required, which is connected separately. For it to work, you need a computer with Windows, while the browser needs ActiveX support. Obtaining passwords and certificates is an adventure. Honestly, I don't even know how an ordinary computer user should handle it. Even I, although a programmer and an advanced user, was somewhat surprised by the complexity. And I cannot say that this leads to great security, since the Windows operating system, in principle, I do not consider safe (unlike GNU / Linux and Mac OS).

I set up online access, everything worked. But it turned out that the personal data were outdated, and new ones could not be entered online. And you won't even be able to choose a new account with Sberbank. I had to go to Sberbank Premier again to make changes to my personal data. By the way, Sberbank Premier is designed to work with wealthy clients. But, unfortunately, this does not guarantee that the employees will be competent, and will also comply with the rules of conduct with the client (although such things are very clearly and in detail spelled out in Sberbank). In particular, once I was surprised by the phrase that I had not called in advance, and they would not be able to perform an unfamiliar operation, because it takes a long time to sort it out (despite the absence of other clients and more than half an hour before the office closes).

When redeeming the shares, the management company asked to provide documents confirming the purchase. Troika Dialog's brokerage reports had to be shoveled very well. But they were not enough, tk. in the opinion of the management company, the transactions could have been made after. Additional papers were required. And it's good that the broker hasn't closed down over the years, otherwise taxes would have to be paid on the full amount.

By the way, our government does not support long-term investors at all. For my investments in 2005-2008, I could not get the personal income tax benefit at all. It is valid for shares and units purchased only after 2011.

The interface for online access to shares leaves much to be desired. The feedback form was especially helpful. When you fill it out, the authorization period expires almost instantly, so when you click on the "Submit" button, we get a page for entering your login and password. The typed message, of course, is not saved at all. Even the copied message sometimes could not be sent without having to re-authorize. At the same time, investments in the management company came, apparently, through time. The management company itself may well not respond to the receipt of the documents, so one can only guess what they received.

For shares purchased in 2005-2006, I had to pay a 2% discount, because the discount is not charged only if the shares were not only purchased more than 2 years ago, but also transferred to the registrar more than 2 years ago. It turned out that in order not to pay this discount, the shares could be sold through a broker if he submitted an order for redemption. But such an option was simply not offered when asked about how to redeem shares purchased on the exchange. I was told that you can only open an account with a management company and transfer them to a registrar, and then repay them through an agent or a management company. The question that I was misled and forced to pay an extra commission remained unanswered. It's shocking that they didn't even apologize!

In this situation, Sberbank Asset Management, Sberbank KIB, and Sberbank Premier also excelled. The more I come across Sberbank, the more I understand that the competence of employees, service and even good online service there is no need to wait here.

And I repeat once again that trusting the money to the management company as a whole is simply not worth it, it does not matter through mutual investment funds (mutual funds) or through trust management. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. But in general, it is better to study this topic yourself and create a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, including

Rating of mutual funds by the amount of funds raised (net inflow) as of 31.10.2017. Rating of management companies by the net asset value of open-ended mutual funds and individual investment funds as of 31.10.2017. Source: Investfunds.ru.
Sberbank Asset Management JSC was registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber on 01.04.1996. License of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia for the management of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00010 dated 12.09.1996. License of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia No. 045-06044-001000 dated June 7, 2002 to carry out securities management activities. Get acquainted with the terms of asset management, obtain information about Sberbank Asset Management JSC and other information that must be provided in accordance with the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as obtain detailed information about mutual investment funds (hereinafter referred to as unit investment funds) and familiarize yourself with the rules of trust management of unit investment funds (hereinafter referred to as unit investment funds) and other documents provided for Federal law dated November 29, 2001 No. 156-FZ "On Investment Funds" and regulations in the field of financial markets, you can at the address: 123317, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 10, on the website http: // www .. Information to be published in the printed edition is published in the "Supplement to the Bulletin Federal Service on financial markets". The value of investment shares can increase and decrease, the results of investment in the past do not determine income in the future, the state does not guarantee the profitability of investments in mutual funds. Before purchasing an investment share, you should carefully read the Mutual Fund's PDU. The PDU of the mutual fund provides for allowances (discounts) to (c) the estimated value of investment shares when they are issued (redeemed). Charging surcharges (discounts) will reduce the profitability of investments in investment units of mutual funds. The past performance of the securities administrator does not determine the future income of the founder of the securities office. In relation to unit investment funds, the Risk / Income levels are indicated based on the generally accepted understanding of how the specified investment objects are located on the risk-return scale. “Risk” and “Income” in relation to mutual funds do not mean the acceptable risk and expected profitability stipulated by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 03.08.2015 No. 482-P. OPIF RFI “Sberbank - Bond Fund“ Ilya Muromets ”- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on December 18, 1996 under No. 0007-45141428. OPIF RFI “Sberbank - Equity Fund“ Dobrynya Nikitich ”- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on April 14, 1997 under No. 0011-46360962. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Balanced Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 21, 2001 under No. 0051-56540197. OPIF RFI “Sberbank - Small Capitalization Equity Fund” - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 03/02/2005 under No. 0328-76077318. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Prospective Bond Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 03/02/2005 under No. 0327-76077399. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Natural Resources" rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 31, 2006 under No. 0597-94120779. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Telecommunications and Technologies" rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 31.08.2006 under No. 0596-94120696. The rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 31.08.2006 under No. 0598-94120851 for the open-ended investment fund of the RFI “Sberbank - Electric Power Engineering”. ZPIF real estate " Commercial real estate »- the rules of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 25.08.2004 under No. 0252-74113866. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - America" ​​- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on December 26, 2006 under No. 0716-94122086. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Consumer Sector" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 01.03.2007 under No. 0757-94127221. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Financial Sector" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 16, 2007 under No. 0913-94127681. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Active Management Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 11.10.2007 under No. 1023-94137171. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Emerging Markets" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 28, 2010 under No. 1924-94168958. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Europe" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on February 17, 2011 under No. 2058-94172687. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Global Internet" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on June 28, 2011 under No. 2161-94175705. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Global Debt Market" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on November 30, 2010 under No. 1991-94172500. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Gold" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on July 14, 2011 under No. 2168-94176260. Open-end fund RFI "Sberbank - Eurobonds" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 26, 2013 under No. 2569. Closed-end real estate investment fund "Sberbank - Residential Real Estate 2" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on 05/07/2014 under No. 2788. Open-end fund RFI "Sberbank - Biotechnology "- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on April 23, 2015 under No. 2974. ZPIF real estate" Sberbank - Residential Real Estate 3 "- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on August 27, 2015 under No. 3030. ZPIF real estate" Sberbank - Rental Business " - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on February 25, 2016 under No. 3120. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Global Engineering" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on July 5, 2016 under No. 3171. ZPIF real estate "Sberbank - Lease Business 2" - rules trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on September 29, 2016 under No. 3219. " For the open-ended investment fund RFI “Sberbank - Monetary”, the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on November 23, 2017 under No. 3428. Until 12:00 Moscow time, the website publishes preliminary data on the value of assets of mutual investment funds managed by Sberbank Asset Management JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Funds) and the value of investment units of the Funds. The preliminary data are NOT official information on the value of the net assets of the Funds and the estimated value of the investment units of the Funds and are for informational purposes only. The preliminary data may differ from the officially published net asset value of the Funds and the estimated value of the investment units of the Funds. After 12:00 Moscow time, the website publishes official information on the net asset value of the Funds and the estimated value of the investment units of the Funds, determined in accordance with the Ordinance of the Bank of Russia dated 25.08.2015 N 3758-U.Please send your comments and suggestions regarding this site to.

Clients who want to get a higher return on their investments than they offer bank deposits should consider investing in stock market... Naturally, without proper experience, it is not recommended to engage in independent investments, since instead of the expected profitability of hundreds of percent per year, you can get an equally large loss. It is recommended to invest in mutual funds of a professional management company, for example, Sberbank Asset Management, whose mutual funds regularly yield up to 20% per annum.

Terms of investment in mutual funds of Sberbank

Sberbank Asset Management confidently ranks first in the market of domestic open-ended mutual funds in terms of the number of assets under management. Created back in 1996 under the name Troika Dialog, Sberbank Management Company currently works with 20 open-ended and 11 closed-end funds.

Sberbank's investment company has repeatedly been recognized as the best in its field by independent agencies, for example, Expert RA and Kommersant. In 2016, most of the mutual funds (except for 3) showed positive dynamics, the average annual profitability of Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds - 15%.

Note: Past profitability does not guarantee the same profit in the future. Moreover, you can get a loss in a profitable mutual fund if you make a purchase and sale transaction of a share at the wrong time, so it is important to properly plan any transactions with securities.

Currently, the management company puts forward the following investment requirements:

  • the minimum investment amount is 15 thousand rubles for the initial purchase of shares;
  • the minimum amount for a repeat purchase is 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • 1% commission for the purchase of a share (remuneration of the management company);
  • 0-2% commission for the sale of a share (the longer the share is owned, the lower the commission).

The purchase, exchange and sale of shares is carried out both in person and by phone. Also in your personal account Sberbank Asset Management Mutual funds online can be purchased and sold from minimum commission.

There are two ways to legally avoid paying this tax:

  • hold shares in their ownership for at least 3 years;
  • open an investment account and apply for withdrawal of profits tax deduction type B.

The investor can carry out any operations with shares of open funds Sberbank Asset Management. To obtain admission to closed venture capital funds and real estate mutual funds, you must receive a special invitation. Investments in these funds start at 500 thousand rubles.

How to become a client of Sberbank Asset Management

There are two ways to become a client of the Sberbank management company. The first is to personally go to any office of the Asset Management company itself or to any central office of Sberbank. It is recommended to leave a request by phone to open a brokerage account in advance, so that the staff will prepare all the documents before your arrival, and the visit will take you less time. The general algorithm for opening an account for investing in mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management is as follows:

  • you contact the office of the company and sign an agreement brokerage service(if desired, a regular brokerage account or IIS is opened);
  • determine in which mutual funds in what volume you would like to invest;
  • leave a request for the purchase of mutual funds in person or by phone;
  • make payment for shares remotely through the Sberbank online system.

The second option to invest in mutual funds of Sberbank is to register remotely through Personal Area UIF Sberbank Asset Management. Since this is done through the site for providing State services, you must have a fully verified account on this portal. In general, the algorithm is as follows:

  • go to the page https://my.sberbank-am.ru/webmvc/login/login;
  • click on the Gosuslugi symbol - Continue;
  • log in to the portal and give permission to the system to integrate with the Asset Management service;
  • in your personal account, select the required unit investment fund and the number of shares;
  • pay the invoice using your Personal Account or mobile application Sberbank.

After the first purchase, it will take some time for the management company to process the application, but later you will be able to buy and redeem shares without delay through your Personal Account.

Which mutual funds to choose

In your Personal Account, you can independently compose an investment portfolio, which in the future will determine the level of your profitability. How to correctly combine mutual funds of the Consumer Sector with Biotechnology and Electricity or others, we will learn further.

Growth dynamics

When the question arises of what is the profitability of mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management, it is necessary to note several features of investing in this financial instrument:

  • The recommended investment period in mutual funds is from 1 year in aggressive funds and from 3 years in conservative ones. During such a time, even a losing fund will surely turn into profit, and you will have a suitable moment to buy back your share.
  • The investor's profit is generated only after the sale of the share. His goal is to buy security fund is cheaper and sell it more expensive. If you are chaotically engaged in buying and selling shares, you can lose your savings.
  • Investing in the most profitable mutual funds should be done with caution. The market is cyclical, and after a rise, a recession follows. It is better to buy shares of cheaper funds and sell them after growth. Often a situation arises when an investor buys a share of the most profitable mutual fund, and subsequently suffers losses, is disappointed in this financial instrument and leaves the market.
  • Consider your expenses and income carefully. Consider commissions and taxes.

Thus, be sure to take into account the growth dynamics of individual units when investing in mutual funds Sberbank Asset Management. Buying the most expensive shares does not always guarantee income growth, as their price may decrease.

Be sure to analyze the instruments in which the mutual fund invests. The dynamics of their growth or decline will tell you how profitable or unprofitable the fund will be in the near future.

To date (June 2017), the most profitable funds are:

  • The Eurobond Fund, profitability for 3 years - 90.36%, but recently it has been unprofitable;
  • Sberbank Asset management mutual funds Consumer sector, profitability for 3 years - 81.23%, but since the beginning of the year - unprofitable;
  • Fund Financial sector, profitability for 3 years - 72.11%, profit for six months - 8.08%;
  • The Suitable Resources Fund brought in 69.69% income in 3 years, but lost 14.84% in 2017;
  • Global Internet - for 3 years the mutual fund has brought profit in the amount of 67.85%, for the current year - already 26.90%, while in 2016 the fund showed negative dynamics.

Thus, it is profitable to invest in mutual funds when the share price falls. It is optimal to choose funds with large income at a distance, but which temporarily lose their positions. For example, in 2016 a good investment idea was to invest in Sberbank Asset Management UIF Global Internet, this year - in the Eurobond Fund, the Consumer Sector or Natural Resources.

How to build a portfolio

Naturally, profitability is only one of the criteria for selecting mutual funds. When forming an investment portfolio, it is necessary to proceed from a variety of parameters, one of which is the rate of profit generation. If you are interested in quick income, you should choose funds that use high-yield, but high-risk assets, for example, Sberbank Asset Management UIF Biotechnology. If you look at the scale of its profitability, then it is characterized by large ups and downs, so it is recommended to often sell and buy its shares.

For long-term investment more suitable are conservative mutual funds (main instruments - bonds, blue-chip stocks, Eurobonds) or funds of a balanced segment (main instruments - stocks, real estate, gold). You can invest in them on a “buy and hold” basis until the value of the share reaches the target level.

These funds are characterized by small but stable and predictable returns. For example, managed by Sberbank Asset Management UIF Ilya Muromets. It provides a stable profit of about 6% per annum, the basis of its portfolio is made up of reliable corporate and federal bonds.

Depending on your goals and risk appetite, you can choose an investment portfolio of the following profiles:

  • conservative, intended solely to preserve funds: target yield - 10% per year, shares of Ilya Muromets mutual funds, the Global Debt Market and Eurobonds will be used (shares are purchased in equal proportions);
  • moderate: target yield - 20% per year, shares of unit investment funds are purchased in equal shares Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Balanced, if desired, you can include a unit investment fund of Eurobonds or Active management
  • aggressive: target profitability - 25% per year, shares of mutual funds are acquired Sberbank Asset management unit investment funds Electric power industry, Natural resources, Consumer sector, Active management, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Of course, the composition of the portfolios is approximate, if necessary, it needs to be adjusted based on the history of the mutual fund's profitability and the economic situation.

Important: you do not need to strive to acquire shares of all mutual funds in one day. It is optimal to proceed as follows: decide which Sberbank mutual funds you want to invest in, and wait for the right moment to enter. Thus, the value of a share in Dobrynya Nikitich (Russian shares) usually falls in the summer, when shareholders receive their payments and share prices fall.


Thus, a competent investment in mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management can give up to 25% profit per year. You can become the owner of shares at the branch of the management company or online. The income is formed due to the growth of the share price, therefore general rule investing in mutual funds is as follows: entering aggressive funds is optimal when their prices fall, but conservative funds can be invested at almost any time. The final portfolio is formed depending on your financial goals and risk appetite.

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