
Zurich Insurance Leading International Insurance Company. Insurance company Zurich reliable insurance. Insurance OSAGO: Tariffs and services in Zurich

Insurance Company, Famous Russians called "Zurich", is one of the 170 "daughters" of the Zurich Insurance Group. The network of branches of this world provider of insurance services covers three parts of light - Europe, America and Asia.

Historical milestones

In Russia, the representative office of Zurich arose at the end of the nineteenth century. In 1993, the Swiss insurer again opened his branch under the name "Nasta" here. Since then, the company has survived several rebrants, and its names changed: Nasta-Center, Zurich-Rus, Zurich Retail, Zurich, Zurich Reliable insurance, Zetta Insurance (from April 2015). But most domestic customers continue to call it no other than the "Insurance Company Zurich", invested, probably in this brand its idea of \u200b\u200bSwiss resistance. Today the company has enlisted credit credit from 700 thousand customers. This number includes both private policyholders and business representatives. They are serviced by 3 thousand agents in 150 settlements. Partners Zurich are 30 leading commercial banks and 350 autodiets.

Ranking reliability

Judging by the ratings, Zurich remains faithful to all its obligations. Frequent renames did not affect the accuracy and reliability of the created system, thoughtful and quality of service and products. In 2014, the experts have noted the company a + rating (very high), the forecast is "stable". At the beginning of the crisis 2015, the RAEX agency determined the reliability rating of Zurich's SC as "high" (level A, sublayer III). The forecast in the medium term is "developing". This meant a considerable degree of probability of its conservation and improvement. By March 2015, according to the same agency, the rating fabric rose from III to I (while maintaining the level a), and the forecast has changed to "positive". Such progress is associated with the improvement of a number of financial indicators: liquidity, diversification, investment reliability and solvency.
The company does not give high position in the insurance market, occupying in terms of insurance fees 25th place. By the end of the first quarter of this year, its assets accounted for 7.3 billion rubles, authorized capital - 1.5 billion rubles, own funds - 2.2 billion rubles. An indicative fact is to insure a car and autocarted responsibility in Zurich's SC, it was possible from the first year of the company's foundation. And already in ten years, according to the results of the first half of 2012, the company took the 15th position on the OSAO, and on Casco - 11th.

Popular products

Mainstrim in the company's activities is auto insurance - Osago and Casco. In addition, the company received a license for providing 90 species of policies.

Most often insured here:

  • entrepreneurial and financial risks;
  • life of citizens;
  • property of citizens and legal entities;
  • civil liability;
  • investments;
  • saving;
  • pensions.
Insurance OSAGO: Tariffs and services in Zurich

OSAGO tariffs, as the size of insurance payments on the "autocarty", are regulated by law. However, given the inflation and rise in prices for parts and service services, the amount of the insurance premium is not always able to repay the necessary costs. Therefore, Zurich offers its customers to purchase Osago + insurance. It provides an increase in money compensation Harm inflicted both property and affected health. Osago + includes a free evacuation of transport from the accident site. In the stressful situation, such a service is extremely necessary. The advantages of drugs from Zurich include the calculation of the site, and direct refund, in which the insured, which has fallen into an accident, does not need to contact the company of the culprit of the accident - for it it will make the insurer. So the company provides its ward a rapid return to the road. How to place a site in Zurich? The procedure for entering into an agreement on the acquisition of AUTRITANE TRACK is carried out in online mode and lasts no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, the insurer belongs to understanding financial opportunities Clients, offering them to choose the most profitable insurance programs and excluding additional costs. A round-the-clock calculator Osago Zurich will notify you about the preliminary cost of insurance. Its convenient options allow you to issue an accurate result almost instantly. Pointing in the fields of this automatic online counter necessary information (Type, power and period of use of the vehicle; place of registration, experience and age of his owner; the number of gross violations), you have the opportunity in seconds in SK ZURIH, calculate the OSAGO. And transferring the calculator widget to his blog, get even greater time savings and effort.

Purchase electronic policy

Purchase insurance is as easy as to place an order. First you need to pay its cost. Can take advantage of bank card And buy Osago in Zurich online. His electronic version will come to your email within a few hours. Print the certificate and calmly go to him on the road.

Benefits Zurich:
  • discounts for break-even drivers;
  • preservation of earned discounts when moving from other companies;
  • prompt and fair loss settlement;
  • direct compensation;
  • financial stability.

Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (Zurn) is the well-known insurance company Switzerland, whose headquarters is located in Zurich. It also acts as an international company specializing in the three branches of insurance - life insurance, general and agricultural. This insurance company is very famous, thanks to its wide distribution network. Zurn is very actively working at all attractive world insurance markets and serves buyers in 175 countries. Shares of this company traded at the International Exchange Excchange International Exchange Market, and Zurich itself has a very large share capitalwhich in 2012 amounted to about $ 35 billion.

Founded insurance company Zurich In 1872, it has already known significant changes in the structure already in 2000, when, after the commission of a number of acquisitions, became the United Holding Company Zurich Financial Services. The name that existed now was changed in 2012 in the Russian market, it appeared long ago, in the 80s. The nineteenth century, but after disappeared. Repeated revival occurred in 1996, after acquiring the insurance company "West Crosso". Today B. Russian Federation Two offices of this company operates: Zurich CJSC and Insurance Company LLC Zurich.

SK Zurich It is engaged in three business segments. Within general insurance It is envisaged to draw up contracts with individuals, as well as all types of business (small, medium, large), acceptable to international class corporations. Under the influence of this segment, auto insurance, insurance services, buildings and commercial goods is included. Global life insurance provides people with applicable to secure their lives, savings, pension solutions and investments, and also insure against critical diseases. As for the agricultural, it is classified according to insurance facilities:


    Insurance of perennial plantations.

    Insurance of agricultural crops.

    Animal insurance.

It also includes insurance of non-payments that do not belong to Zurihu, agricultural exchanges and functioning Farmers Re.

Starting from October 2009, insurancecompanyZurich Began the process of integration into a single organization in Russia and it is called after the reorganization will be LLC Zurich. Already today, this company is widely represented on russian market. It has over 200 points, which sells services and 4,600 agents operating in 160 settlements. Based on these recent verbs, more than 600 thousand individuals of Russia and the largest international, and russian companies. Zurich rating is officially confirmed and evaluated for A +. Such an estimation was taking into account the reputation, development of the brand, voluminous indicators, the impact of the owner on the subsidiaries included in the Zurich Insurance Group.

It will not be further noted that LLC Zurich LLC consists in the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the Association of European Businesses in the Russian Federation, the National Union of Insurers of Responsibility, the Russian Union of Motorovshchists and another number of other influential associations.

Zurich Financial Services (Zurich) Group is one of the leading providers of insurance services with a global network of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in Europe, North and Latin America, the Asia-Pacific region, in the Middle East and in other regions. The company offers a wide range of products and services in the field of overall life insurance, both for individuals and for small, medium and large business, as well as for international corporations. The state of Zurich is about 60,000 employees in more than 170 countries. The Zurich Financial Services group founded in 1872. Its headquarters is located in Zurich, Switzerland. Zurich Financial Services Ltd (Zurn) shares are traded on the Six Swiss Exchange Exchange. In addition, there is a program of American depositary receipts of the 1st level (ZFSVY) involved in the OTCQX Outdoor Trade System. In Russia, ZURICH FINANCIAL SERVICES (Zurich) is represented by the company Zurich LLC and Zurich Reliable Insurance CJSC.
In October 2009, the integration of Zurich business in a single structure - LLC Zurich, which will become a single Zurich company on the Russian market serving as individualsand commercial and corporate clients.
LLC Zurich (Zurich) is one of the leading universal insurance companies in the Russian market. The Zurich Financial Services group has been working in Russia since 1996. Previously, Zurich successfully led business in Russian Empire In the 80s. XIX century
Today, the company has over 280 points of sales and 4000 agents in about 200 settlements of Russia. Customers LLC Zurich are over 700,000 Russians, as well as the largest international and Russian companies.
Rating agency "Expert RA" confirmed the zurich reliability rating at a + level. The agency experts took into account the high voluminous performance indicators and the impact of the owner - the Zurich Financial Services group. High reputation and a fairly developed brand of the insurer is also positively evaluated.
Rating of the reliability of insurance companies - A + (very high level of reliability).
LLC IC "Zurich" is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the Russian Union of Motorovshchikov, Association of European Businesses in the Russian Federation, as well as a number of other professional and industry associations.
License FSSN from № 1083 77
License FSSN n № 1083 77
CJSC Zurich Reliable Insurance will continue to serve the global corporate clients of Zurich before the completion of integration processes.
License FSSN from № 0212 77 for insurance;
License FSSN P № 0212 77 For reinsurance.

From February 1, 2015, Zurich renamed Zetta Insurance. Rebranding is connected with the change of the owner of the insurer. Investment company "Alma" completed a transaction for the acquisition of retail and commercial business SC "Zurich" at the Swiss Insurance Company

Zhenya (Guest)

Representative SC.

Dear Zhenya, hello.

We carefully studied your feedback and we are very sorry that you have had such an impression about the company. We would like to clarify the situation and actions of the company.

In the contract concluded between us it is indicated that when an event that has signs insurance caseThe policyholder is obliged at the request of the insurer to provide all the documents necessary for making a decision on recognizing or not recognizing the event that has occurred by the Insurance case and payments insurance compensation, inc.: Original insured certificate and document confirming payment of the insurance premium; Document certifying property interest (passport / original cash and commodity checks that allow you to identify the insured device (brand and model, IMEI / serial number, as well as the cost of the device at the date of purchase), manufacturer's warranty card).

Also in the contract established the obligation to circulate the insured to the service center, in the direction of the insurer and payment by the insured part of the cost of repair.

We got all the documents and recognized your case insurance, the repair of the device was produced in the relevant service center. Under the terms of insurance and Civil Code The Russian Federation is not provided for the issuance of the original documents of the payment case, but to obtain a copy of the certificate, check and the laptop documents, you can contact a written application to the company's branch in Yekaterinburg. We will follow you all you get.

It should be noted that there is no violations from the insurer, we acted strictly according to the rules of the contract. Hope for your understanding.

Sincerely, Elena,
Business Analyst of Quality Control Center
LLC "Zetta Insurance"

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