
1 banking system. The banking system of Russia. commercial banks, including subsidiaries of foreign banks and financial groups serving corporate and private clients

The concept of "banking system" is one of the key and the study of both banking and economic system generally. This is because commercial banks function in a market economy in isolation, but in interconnection and interdependence with each other and the economy of the country as a whole.
Banking system any country has a strong impact on the processes that occur in all, without exception, segments of the economy. The main roles of banks in modern economy quite fully articulated by Peter S. Rose:
The role of intermediary is the transformation of savings into loans (loans) to manufacturing and other firms that invest the funds received in new buildings, equipment and other means of production.
Role in making payments (for goods and services on behalf of customers).
The role of the guarantor is to support their clients by paying off their debts when clients cannot repay them themselves.
The role of the agency providing agency, property management and protection, issuance and redemption of client securities on behalf of the client.
The political role is the fulfillment of the functions of a conductor of state policy aimed at regulating the development of the economy and achieving social goals.
This classification shows that the banking system has a strong impact on the processes that occur in all, without exception, sectors of the economy. Banking institutions, carrying out their daily activities, closely interact with other sectors of the economy, government authorities and the population.
Accordingly, one can agree that the activities and development of banks and non-bank credit institutions cannot be considered in isolation from both production, circulation of consumption of material and intangible goods, and from politics, law, ideology, science, culture, education, social and moral guidelines. , which are guided by members of the society. Banks are organically woven into the general mechanism for regulating economic life, closely interact with the budget and tax system, the pricing system, price and income policy, with the conditions foreign economic activity.
The main tasks of economic development facing Russia are: scientific and technological development; technological re-equipment basic industries; improving the quality of life of the population. Solving these problems requires a new innovation policy, strengthening the role of the national banking system and its reorientation towards priority financing of basic industries.
In turn, the banking system of the Russian Federation is in the process of reforming with the aim of forming a sector that corresponds to international ideas about modern banking business (focus on meeting customer needs in high-quality banking services, compliance with modern and future goals of Russia's economic development) in
difficult conditions of global competition. In this regard, it is relevant to take into account international experience in managing the banking system, develop theoretical and practical foundations for ensuring it economic security.
It should be noted that the banking system is indeed a "system" (it is characterized by the basic principles of the system of integrity, structure, dependence, etc.). In addition, it has a clear internal organization. in order / yuche 1-І nity of internal and external relations elements that ensure its stability and relative stability. The orderliness of relations is achieved through mechanisms of internal and external regulation of formal (laws and regulations) and informal (established traditions of banking, business ethics, public banking organizations, etc.). These mechanisms strictly regulate the admission of new members to the system, established and consolidated the established rules of relationships with elements of the external environment, clients, financial institutions, other partners that are not part of the banking system, as well as among themselves.
The links between the elements of the banking system, credit institutions, as well as the Central Bank are stable, which is due to the majority of banking operations. The interconnection of banks with each other is manifested in the implementation of interbank settlements, when a bank, on behalf of customers, makes payments and settlements through: the settlement network of the Bank of Russia;
correspondent banks (on the basis of agreements concluded between them);
banks authorized to maintain certain types of accounts and make payments;
clearing centers non-bank credit institutions carrying out settlement operations.
The interconnection of banks is also manifested in borrowing on the interbank loan market. In the event of default by one of the banks, difficulties arise for those associated with
him directly or indirectly from other banks,. e. the so-called "domino effect" occurs. An example is the events in June-July 2004, when several banks failed to fulfill their obligations to depositors.
In the absence of constant interaction between commercial banks, they would turn into isolated credit institutions with an insignificant list of operations. The interconnection of the elements of the banking system arises from the impossibility of their full existence in isolation from each other.
One of the distinguishing features of a system is its integrity and limitation from other systems, since the system can be understood as something whole only in comparison with its environment. The banking system is a man-made system and its boundaries are clearly defined by man. Such boundaries are established legally from the outside, although banking organizations actively influence the legislative process, as well as the system itself - its internal sub \ "objects of management, the main of which is the Central Bank. An example of this is the process of issuing licenses to conduct banking activities, to conduct banking operations in their entire totality by organizations that are not banks.Stable, orderly connections between the elements of the banking system determine the stability of its structure.This also confirms the initial position that in modern conditions banks are not just a random set, but really a banking system, that is, a set of elements with relationships and connections that form a single whole.
The term "banking system" is often used both in oral speech and in various publications. However, the content of this term is not always interpreted convincingly. So, Art. 2 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" states that the banking system of the Russian Federation includes the Bank of Russia, credit institutions, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks. But it is known that branches and representative offices of banks are not legal entities, while the primary link in the banking system can only be
independent organizations. In addition, the representative offices do not conduct any banking operations or transactions at all. Finally, in relation to domestic ones, we mean all credit organizations in the broad sense of the word (apparently, including those that the Bank of Russia has not yet licensed), and in relation to foreign ones, for some reason, only banks.
Obviously, the banking system of the Russian Federation, with a sufficiently detailed consideration of it, could include foreign banks and non-bank credit organizations operating in Russia through their subsidiary banks (other credit organizations) or branches, but only to the extent that they are actually present in our market (while all the above organizations remain also elements of the banking system of the countries of origin). But then it would also be natural to consider the issue of attributing to the Russian banking system similar structures of Russian origin operating abroad. However, the Law is silent about them.
There is a point of view according to which the banking system, as part of the country's economic system, is a collection of banks, banking infrastructure, banking legislation and the banking market, which are in close interaction with each other and with the external environment. However, there are also several obvious weaknesses.
First, not every collection can be called a system. Secondly, among the elements of this aggregate, for some reason, there are no non-bank credit organizations that also fulfill part of the market money relations, including the banking ones themselves. Third, it does not explain what banking infrastructure is and how it relates to the system. Moreover, some authors note that "in addition to banks, the banking system includes special financial institutions that perform banking operations, but do not have the status of banks, which together with them form a banking infrastructure."
The same can be said about banking market, which, in fact, is a set of relations, connected mainly
with the sale of banking products (services) to customers. Fourthly, no reasonable grounds are seen for including banking legislation in the system under consideration (as well as the rules for the functioning of credit institutions set by the regulations of the Bank of Russia and other bodies). Fifthly, it is not explained by what principle all these very heterogeneous elements are “collected in one basket”, and why they could make up a system, or at least a simple aggregate.
Attempts are also being made to change the prevailing view of the elements of the banking system. In particular, it is proposed to include in the banking system associations of commercial banks or specialized financial institutions (insurance, mortgage, savings, etc.), which is perceived by most researchers as clearly superfluous. Here are some more definitions of the concept of "banking system". "The banking system is a set of different interconnected banks and other credit institutions operating within the framework of a single financial and credit mechanism."
“The banking system is a complex, part of a higher-level system, self-organizing and historically formed under the influence of external and internal processes, a system that is an integral set of institutions performing banking activities and performing the function of internal management of banking institutions; characterized by a reactive legislative and adaptive internal orderliness of relations between individual elements and with the external environment, as well as capable of actively influencing it and its regulatory properties. "
Taking into account these and other existing points of view, in order to comprehensively disclose the topic of this study, we consider it expedient to dwell on the following definition:
tions, each of which will perform its own special function(functions), maintains its own list of monetary transactions / transactions, as a result of which the entire volume of society's needs for banking products (services) is fully satisfied and with the highest possible degree of efficiency. "
This definition gives a fairly clear idea of ​​the elements of the banking system and their functions.
The interrelationships between the country's banking system and the national economy are shown in Fig. 1. \ r \ nNATIONAL ECONOMY \ r \ n FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEM \ r \ n NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM \ r \ n BANKING GROUP \ r \ n BANK \ r \ nFigure 1 Relationship between the banking system and the national economy
The banking system, as an integral part, is a large system of the country's financial and credit system, which, in turn, is part of the country's economic system. This means that the activities and development of banks should be considered in close connection with the production, circulation and consumption of material and intangible benefits. In their activities, banks are organically woven into the general mechanism for regulating economic life, closely interact with the budget and tax systems, the pricing system, take into account the conditions of foreign economic activity. At the same time, banks, unlike all other subjects of the economy, specialize in market money relations (transactions).
The banks currently operating in our country have a two-tier organization, which is objectively necessary in a civilized market economy. The first (upper) level is the Central Bank. The second (lower) level is commercial banks and non-bank credit institutions. The need to create a two-tier system of banks is due to the contradictory nature of market relations, which, on the one hand, require freedom of entrepreneurship and the management of private financial resources, which is ensured by elements of the lower tier of commercial banks, and on the other hand, by the need for certain state regulation, which requires the creation of a special institution. in the form of the Central Bank.
The central bank of the country is the main link in the banking system of any state. He is an intermediary between the state and the economy. As in most countries, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the property of the state, operates at the macro level and reflects national interests.
The history of the formation and establishment of the banking system of Russia testifies to the difference between its development from the Western European and, moreover, the American banking system. The development of banking in Europe or America followed a single pattern. Initially, the role of banks was played by medieval money changers, usurers, who eventually turned into private bankers. Then they were replaced by joint-stock commercial banks with issuing functions; then the state took over one of these banks and provided it with a monopoly of the issue business, and other credit institutions, in the struggle for a client, became deposit banks with short-term and speculative lending operations.
The specificity of Russia, which manifested itself in the issues of creating a banking system (apparently this is not accidental), consisted in the fact that at the very initial stage of the development of the banking system, state banks appeared in it, focusing on state and class interests. Thus, the role of the state from the first years of the existence of the Russian banking system was key.
According to MV Klyuchnikov, the main stages in the development of the Russian banking system that affect the modern banking system of the country are as follows.
The first stage of development is attributed to the period before 1988, when the banking system of the USSR, under the conditions of the state monopoly of banking, was a system government agencies... According to Art. 6 of the Constitution of the USSR (1936), banks were the property of the state and were completely dependent on government bodies. Being the largest bank in the world in terms of its total assets, with a developed system of territorial institutions covering the entire country (in 1983 their number reached four and a half thousand), the State Bank was a single centralized system directly subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The reorganization of the banking system in 1987 was of the same administrative nature. Banks continued to be based on a single state form of ownership.
The second stage of the banking reform in the USSR dates back to the period 1988-1990. The system of commercial banks in its modern form began to take shape in August 1988, when the Law on Cooperation in the USSR was adopted, providing for the possibility of creating cooperative banks and limited liability partnership on a share basis. The first banks arose practically in a complete legal vacuum and from scratch. To register a new credit institution, capital of several thousand rubles was enough. The creation of the banking system was not only of great economic, but also political significance. Two years later, about 400 commercial banks were registered. The third stage of banking reform began on December 2, 1990 with the adoption of the RSFSR Law “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR” and the Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. As a result of these actions, in Russia, as in most countries of the world, a two-tier banking system was created, which still exists today.
By 1994, the country's modern banking system could be considered fully established. By this time, there were already 2,517 commercial banks in Russia. The banks' aggregate capital was RUB 968 billion. (in 1994 prices). Gradually, the number of commercial banks increased and reached almost 2,600. The main purpose of the created banking system was to lend to the economy in the person of three economic agents of the population, entrepreneurs, and the state. However, the banks were weakly associated with industrial production mainly engaged in speculative operations.
Thus, over 10 years (from 1988 to 1998) of radical reform of the socio-economic system in our country, a two-tier banking system of the market type was created. During these years, the capital of banks has grown noticeably, a serious material base has been created, international technologies and standards have been introduced, and specialists have been trained. Of course, there were also serious shortcomings in the work of banks: credit policy, in the formation of the stock market, in the selection of managers and work with personnel, etc. But these were mainly the costs of rapid growth, and the banking system was able and ready to eliminate them over time, focusing on international standards and rules.
The period from August 1998 to the present can be attributed to the fourth stage in the development of the country's banking system. The August 1998 crisis dealt a devastating blow, first of all, to the country's banking system and was natural in its own way. By this time, a vicious system of oligarchic banks had developed in Russia, which parasitized on its proximity to the power structures and had almost nothing to do with the real economy. In August-December 1998, losses of the banking system (excluding Sberbank) amounted to about 3-5 billion rubles, capital decreased by 31 billion rubles, or 30%. Literally all banks suffered from the devaluation of the ruble, and more than half of them suffered from the postponement of payments on T-bills. As a result, as well as in connection with the mistakes of the heads and managers of many banks, a third of them, including large ones, began to experience a capital deficit. A group of large banks, which accounted for almost half of the
all settlement and credit operations of the country. Lack of own working capital and equity capital led to bankruptcy of small and medium-sized commercial banks, authorized capital which amounted to less than 1 million ECU. After the crisis, 16.7% of banks left the market.
main reason crisis is the erroneous economic and monetary policy of the Government and the Bank of Russia. She was gee focused on lifting and increasing efficiency real economy, ranged from tight monetarism to artificially supported financial stabilization. At the same time, material production, the basis of any economy, has been shrinking every year. The banking system has become hostage to this policy. A significant part of its capital was used to finance the deficit state budget using the GKO pyramid. Thus, a significant part of banks, including Sberbank of the Russian Federation, “played” on this market in order to obtain clearly inflated incomes, which also exacerbated the situation.
The government's refusal to make payments on GKOs as a whole blocked almost 16% of bank assets, and on large banks- 40-45% of assets considered by banks as the most liquid and reliable. A fundamental conclusion follows from this: in their credit policy, banks should be guided not by promises of large revenues, even if they come from the Government, but by investing in projects that ensure loan repayment and develop the real sector of the economy. And banking policy should be guided by the national interests of the country.
The restructuring of the banking system carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation after the crisis, including taking into account international banking experience, had the following directions:
Application of standards arising from the experience of international banking practice, the requirements of the Basel Committee, and improvement of the methodology for calculating the bank's own funds.
In order to limit possible negative consequences
vii operations with foreign capital, the conditions for entering foreign capital into the banking system of Russia (It was envisaged to increase the requirements for the participation of foreign capital in the banking system of Russia).
3. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has stepped up its work with the Federal Assembly to support economically sound decisions that ensure real protection of the interests of bank depositors in line with world banking practice.
These and a number of other active measures taken by the Government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation made it possible to fully restore the banking system by 2003. The creation of a single pan-European economic space, as well as the upcoming accession of Russia to the WTO, opens up new opportunities for Russian companies... For the banking system, this means increased competition with powerful foreign financial institutions. What is the state of domestic banks, how weak are they in comparison, for example, with European ones? The dynamics of the assets of the banking system of our country is shown in the figure.
5600684 \ r \ n 45279- 1 \ r \ n \ r \ n - \ r \ n \ r \ n766102 \ r \ nп, \ r \ n BS assets 1998-2004 (million rubles)
6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 o
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 \ r \ n 07/01/1998 01/01/2002 01/01/2003 01/01/2004 \ r \ nШ Assets concentration in the Russian banking sector 766102 3159658 4145279 5600684 \ r \ n Figure 2 Banking system assets 1998-2004
The banking systems of European countries can be conditionally divided into three main groups according to the level of development: leaders whose assets consistently exceed 1 trillion. US dollars (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands), "middle peasants" -
from 200 billion to 1 trillion US dollars (Austria, Portugal, Denmark, Greece, Finland) and outsiders less than 200 billion US dollars (Russia as of 01.01.04, about 186 billion US dollars, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc.). Thus, Russia should be formally classified as one of the latter. However, firstly, the Russian Federation has come close to the "middle peasants", and secondly, the Russian banking system in the last three years has been one of the European leaders in terms of the growth rate of banking assets: on average 27.5% in dollar terms per year (in terms of IMF estimate). For comparison: the growth rate of assets of German banks during this period did not exceed 5% on average, France - 7%, and Italy - 8%.
The position of domestic banks is even better compared to European banks in terms of their own funds, which is another important indicator. According to the IMF, in terms of banks' equity capital, Russia confidently belongs to the group of European "middle peasants", more than twice exceeding the indicators of the best representatives of Eastern Europe - Poland and the Czech Republic - ahead of Finland and Greece. At the same time, in terms of the rate of increase in equity capital, Russia is second only to Denmark and Finland, several times ahead of the leaders - Germany, France, Italy.
The general state of our banking system is determined by the fact that the growth of its main indicators, which coincided with the rapid development of the economy, proceeded at a higher rate than the economy as a whole. The ratio of assets to GDP increased from 32.3% in 2001 to 42.1% at the beginning of 2004, loans to the economy to GDP - from I% to 17.9%, respectively. In 2003, the assets of the banking system in real terms increased by 28.1%, capital by 25.3%, credit institutions received 129 billion rubles in profit (in 2002 - 93 billion rubles). The return on equity was 18% per annum, which is slightly higher than in the industry as a whole. The volume of loans to non-financial enterprises and organizations in real terms increased in 2003 by 38.2%. As a result, loans to the economy amounted to almost 2.4 trillion. rubles, and their share in the assets of the banking system exceeded 40%. By-
public confidence in the banking system and the Russian ruble increased. The retail deposit market in 2003 was one of the most dynamic segments of the banking services market. Since the beginning of the year, household deposits have grown by 47.1%. At the same time, competition intensified on the private deposit market, as evidenced by the reduction in the share of Sberbank of the Russian Federation: 63.3% at the beginning of 2004 compared to more than 72% at the beginning of 2002.16 Notable progress has been made.
This trend is likely to continue. An analysis of emerging markets shows that Russia is at the beginning of an accelerated growth curve and could double its total assets over the next five years. RF Central Bank Chairman Ignatiev said that by the end of 2003 Russian banks received about 5.5 billion US dollars in net profit, and the return on equity during this time remained at the level of last year's 18%. Moreover, the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation noted that the actual profitability of the banking business is even higher, "given the tendency of banks to understate profits and overstate capital."
See: G.I. Luntovsky. The general state of the banking sector // Money and credit. No. 5. 2004, C.3.
See T. Fomchenkov. Banks' incomes are declining. Russian business newspaper. No. 17. 05/12/04, C.5.
At the same time, the number of credit institutions operating in the Russian Federation changes insignificantly (data for the last 11 years are presented in Fig. 3).

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 1547 credit institutions were registered as of October 1, 2004, of which 1496 are banks. In September 2004, the number of credit institutions decreased by 12, including 11 banks. The number of operating credit institutions as of October 1, 2004 was 1314, of which 1263 were banks. Thus, for 9 months of 2004 the number of operating credit institutions decreased by 15. At the same time, 33 operating credit institutions had 100% foreign participation, and 8 had more than 50% foreign shareholders. When considering the development trends of the banking system, it is important to understand that the reduction in the number of credit institutions at a certain stage is caused not only by the growth of their bankruptcies, but also by the steady fading of the process of creating new banks.
Thus, comparative analysis the dynamics of the main indicators of banking activity in Russia and other European countries indicates that our country occupies a place between the countries that have retained large national banks (for example, Finland), and countries where foreigners rule the show (for example, Poland). At the same time, Russia is confidently moving towards the former. This increases the chances of Russian banks to maintain their independence in the future.
In addition, foreign banking capital, although willingly lending to the Russian economy, is nevertheless in no hurry to increase its presence in our banking system (the share in the assets of the BS of Russia is about 11%).
Thus, we have good chances to keep our banking system predominantly national, which will significantly increase the level of economic security of the country. First, non-residents themselves will perceive Russia for a long time as a country with a relatively high investment risk (the financial system is opaque and unreliable). Secondly, foreign banks do not yet consider business in Russia so profitable as to invest heavily in the development of the banking sector. Thirdly, the largest Russian banks have quite strong support from either the state (Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Vneshtorgbank), or affiliated financial and industrial groups, the owners
who are unlikely to give up the ability to control their financial flows.
The state of the banking system of the Russian Federation is largely determined by the state of the national economy and, first of all, by the strength of the banks' ties with the real sector.
The main economic factors affecting the state of the BS are considered to be:
the general level and trends of the country's economic development;
the sectoral structure of the country's economy; the even distribution of production throughout the country;
the degree of integration of the national economy into the international regional and world economy;
ownership structure in the national economy; monetary policy, tax policy of the state, the level and dynamics of inflation in the country, the structure of the country's external balance of payments.
According to experts, the catalysts for the development of the banking system will be work with individuals and the activation of operations with securities. Amid a slowdown in lending growth real sector, it is these operations that will allow the banking system to grow faster than most other sectors Russian economy and, accordingly, increase its share in GDP, which by the end of 2004 may amount to about 41%. At the same time, the competition in this area is significantly exacerbated both between banks and other market participants. In particular, the pension reform will give a new impetus to the development of financial companies, and the assignment of an investment rating to Russia will attract large non-resident investors.
Nevertheless, with a moderately favorable development of events, the assets of the banking system by the end of 2005 will reach 47-48% of GDP (including loans to the economy - 23-24% of GDP), and capital - 7-7.5% of GDP.
Indeed, as large borrowers cease to be the main source of profitability growth and capital creation
the banking system, there are only two ways of development, the creation of new products and the attraction of customers for pear services, which are still insufficiently covered by banking services, namely, small and medium-sized businesses and the population.
Banks have already begun to actively pursue a similar strategy; By different assessments the real growth rate of lending to medium and small businesses is about 20% per year, while large business is more than half as much, and the accumulated lending to medium and small businesses has already reached the level of lending to large businesses.
At the same time, the savings of the population are increasingly participating in the formation of the resource base of the banking system. The ratio of private deposits to total banking assets reached 26% against 19% at the beginning of 2001. Nevertheless, Russia is still far from world norms in developed countries the average is 70-80%. Currently, thanks to the growth of up-; moves of the population and stability, individuals have already put in banks $ 50 billion. The growth rate of this source banking resources twice as high as the growth rate of funds in the accounts of enterprises, despite the large incomes of export-oriented industries, the real annual growth rate is 37 and 18%, respectively. The long-awaited Law on state insurance deposits of the population will further accelerate this process.
The surge in private deposits may solve one problem of ensuring the flow of private savings to enterprises. However, this would not be enough for the full development of the banking system and the economy - retail deposits are expensive and only exacerbate the problem of reducing profitability and the rate of capital accumulation of banks. One of the key factors of economic growth is an increase in consumer demand, largely associated with consumer and mortgage lending.
In search of new sources of income, Russian banks were actively engaged in retail lending, whose powerful growth of 4-5% per month became the main event of banking retail in 2003. Which is not surprising: according to experts, gross lending
In September 2003, the interest margin on lending to individuals was 16% (for ruble loans and deposits), while the margin on transactions with enterprises was only 6%. At the same time, the share of overdue debt on these loans decreased in 2002-2003. from 1.8% to 1.1%, although its total weight increased from 1.6 to 3.4 billion rubles.
The potential for further growth in the retail lending market is significant: in Russia, the share of such loans in GDP has so far reached only 2%, while in Eastern Europe it is 30%, and in developed economies it can reach 130%. At the moment and in the short term, Sberbank of the Russian Federation remains the key player - 40% of the market, thanks to its wide regional network and one of the most competitive rates on the market (19% in rubles and 12% in foreign currency for untied consumer loans).
However, the banking system remains a weak link in the country's economy. If the total assets of the US banking system are 1900 billion dollars, in England 5332 billion, in Germany 2712 billion. According to experts, the assets of the banking system of the Russian Federation in 2004 amounted to about 6 trillion. rubles (about 200 billion US dollars). In developed and in the majority developing countries banks lend to the economy, at least in the amount of GDP. Lending risks are high, an acute shortage of medium and long-term liabilities remains, and competition with foreign banks, the legal framework is insufficient, etc.
By international standards, the Russian banking system is not yet comparable to similar systems in developed countries. First of all, domestic credit institutions are significantly inferior to foreign ones in terms of capital and accumulated assets. According to experts, the aggregate equity capital of the 200 largest Russian banks is less than the capital of any of the world's leading banks. And in terms of total assets, the entire Russian banking system (excluding Sberbank) is equivalent to the leading US banks.
True, it should be borne in mind that the very first commercial banks in our country appeared only ten years ago, and the growth rates of Russian banks can be considered quite high. In fact, the Russian banking system was formed in 2-3 years, during which more than 2.5 thousand commercial credit institutions appeared. The world experience does not know such grandiose transformations, and, given the scale of our country, it is unlikely to know. The reasons for this growth, given the serious problems in the country's economy during this period, require a separate discussion. The assignment of international ratings, as well as the constant attention of Western business circles, indicate that Russian banks have already become part of the global system.
At the same time, K. XX-n. XXI century. is a rather difficult period for all sectors of the Russian economy. In particular, the long recession and stagnation in the economy, as well as the global financial crisis, affected the condition of banks, their resource base, the direction of funds and, ultimately, the stability of the entire banking system.
Macroeconomic indicators of the state of the RF BS
Table 1. \ r \ n Indicator 1.01.99 1.01.00 1.01.01 1.01.02 1.01.03 1.01.04 \ r \ n1. BS assets (liabilities), RUB bln in% of GDP 1046.6 39.8 1586.4 39.8 2362.5 32.3 3159.7 35.3 4145.3 38.3 5600.7 42.2 \ r \ n2. Own funds(nourished) \ r \ nBS, billion rubles 76.5 168.2 286.4 453.9 581.3 814.9 10.6 12.1 14.4 14.0 14.6 \ r \ n3. Loans and other \ r \ n allocated funds. \ r \ nprovided to \ r \ nnon-financial \ r \ nenterprises and \ r \ nresident organizations, \ r \ nincluding arrears, billion rubles. as% of GDP 28.5 298.6
444.2 9.2 28.0 756.3 10.4 32.1 1176.8 13.2 37.2 1591.4 14.7 38.4 2266.9 17.1 40.5 \ r \ nв% to BS assets \ r \ n
\ r \ n3.1. Bank loans in investments of enterprises of all forms of ownership in fixed assets (excluding small businesses), billion rubles
in% to investments of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership in fixed assets (excluding small businesses) 15.2 4.8 24.2 4.3 29.5 2.9 48.7 3.5 65.1 4.8 94 , 0 5,3 \ r \ n4. Securities purchased by banks, billion rubles in% of GDP in% of BS assets 271.3 10.3 25.9 325.7 6.8 20.5 473.2 6.5 20.0 562.0 6.3 17.8 779.9 7, 2 18.8 1002.2 7.5 17.9 \ r \ n5. Deposits and other funds raised from individuals, RUB bln in% of GDP in% of BS liabilities in% of the population's monetary income 199.8 7.6 19.1
11,3 297,1 6,2 18,7
10,2 445,7 6,1 18,9
11,2 677,9 7,6 21,5
12,8 1029,6 9,5 24,8
15,2 1514,4 11,4 27,0
17.3 \ r \ n6. Funds raised from enterprises and organizations, billion rubles * in% of GDP in% of BS liabilities 281.4 10.7 26.9 468.4 9.7 29.5 722.1 9.9 30.6 902 , 6
yud 28.6 1091.4 10.1 26.3 1384.8 10.4 24.7 \ r \ nReference indicators \ r \ nGross domestic product, billion rubles 2629.6 4823.2 7305.6 8943.6 10834.2 13285.2 \ r \ n Investments of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership in fixed capital (excluding small businesses) 318.8 565.6 1012.5 1375.1 1360 , 3 1774.9 \ r \ n Cash income of the population 1774.3 2899.1 3968.3 5293.5 6790.7 8749.2 \ r \ n
The current banking system in Russia is represented mainly by small and medium-sized banks with an authorized capital of up to 5 million euros, the number of which is constantly CO-! is growing. So, in 2000 there were about 85% of such banks, and in! 2004 about 64%, with 95% of them profitable.
The start-up capital of domestic banks (due to the insufficient exactingness of the Bank of Russia) is often formed! from low-liquid assets (real estate, real market; the value of which does not correspond to the declared one), doubtful! assets, etc. In addition, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation believes that about 60% of all! Russian banks use one or another scheme to increase capital. If you force every sixth bank in the country to reduce the capital assessment to the one that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation considers to be true! howl, this may well provoke a new crisis in the banking system,
The ratio of banking system assets to GDP in Russia \ "changes very slowly and amounts to about 42% as of 01.01.04, while in most leading countries (Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc.) 200-300%. this indicator for credit institutions is at the level of 350%.
The weak link in the Russian banking system was and remains; a large share of external borrowings in the total amount of borrowed funds. Until 1999, this figure reached 200%, while in Eastern European and Latin American countries it did not exceed 50% on average. In 2003, “the strengthening ruble became, firstly, an expensive borrowed resource, and secondly, the object of a speculative game, just as in the year preceding the crisis, funds from abroad were attracted by banks to invest in GKOs. Therefore, foreign loans have become the most profitable source of funds for banks (just like a year earlier for non-financial enterprises). In addition, such forms of capital inflows as foreign borrowing are obviously less subject to political risks than direct and portfolio investments. "
Thus, to the main complex problems of the banking system of Russia in last years can be attributed:
insignificant amount of equity capital in most Russian banks and its poor quality; high centralization of banking capital with insufficient (on average) concentration and underdevelopment of the regional banking system;
¦ unbalanced structure of assets and low efficiency of their management, as well as low quality of liabilities.
The main reasons for the systemic banking crisis in Russia (the way out of which has been outlined in the last few years) lie within the banking system itself. Macroeconomic factors played the role of a detonator and accelerated the external manifestation of internal problems. In particular, until 1995 in Russia there was virtually no banking supervision adopted in developed countries. The formation of the banking system, in essence, took place spontaneously. By the beginning of 1996, there were about 2,600 registered credit institutions in the country, which clearly did not correspond to either economic potential Russia, the level of professional training of the newly minted "bankers".
In addition, in the context of the integration of the Russian economy into the economies of other countries and the globalization of the world economy, at the present stage, there is a serious aggravation of the competition in the banking sector.
Russian banks entered the band of global competition with international financial institutions at their local Russian market... Competitors dictate their price parameters in terms of active operations. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce internal costs and minimize costs. Removing the restrictions on the admission of foreign financial institutions to your market, you cannot compromise the interests of the national banking system, creating at least equal competitive conditions.
One of the serious problems facing the country's economy until recently was that the relatively unstable banking system that had spontaneously formed over the years of reforms seriously hampered the country's economic development. In fact, she blocked attempts to effectively
using available investment funds, “pumping” funds abroad, was determined to create speculative capital that had no connection with production.
The main problem for the banking system of the Russian Federation is that neither the state nor the business community can develop it alone. At the same time, the field of opportunities for the state in the field of strengthening the banking system is much wider: from increasing the income of the population to reducing risks when lending to the real sector of the economy. ;
Russian banks have NOT COMPLETED CBO- until recently! her main function: they did not serve as channels for the flow of capital from one industry to another. They remained opaque; structures, some of which were occupied by dubious orie- | walkie-talkies for illegal VAT refund or fictitious capital inflation. The main task for the coming years is to increase the role of the banking system as the main financial intermediary in the transformation of savings into loans and investments.

1. Banking system of the state, classifications and functions

Banking system of the state- a set of monetary, financial institutions, through which monetary and credit circulation is carried out in the economy. Banking institutions attract savings economic actors, forming deposit accounts, whereby it becomes possible to issue loans. The main body of any banking system is the Central Bank, in some countries its name is somewhat transformed, for example, in the USA it is called the Federal Reserve System.

Classification of banking systems can be represented as follows.

1. By the number of levels all banking systems are divided into two-tier, three-tier and four-tier. The Central Bank of the country must be at the first level. Further, as a rule, there are commercial banks and their branches. Subsequent levels are dealt with in accordance with the national financial characteristics of the country. In some states, it is a network of specialized banks that are out of the control of commercial banks. Another type of banking system - one-level, existed in the planned economy of the USSR, when there was only one bank that concentrated the functions of a monopolist.

2. By the degree of the level: macro-, microbanking systems. Micro is usually represented by banking structures in individual subjects of the country: regions, oblasts, etc. Macrobanking system of the country as a whole, or the national banking system.

3. By the degree of development banking structures are divided into developed and developing ones.

4. Depending on the degree of interaction with the external environment it is customary to distinguish between closed and integrated banking systems. The latter are, as it were, built into the system of international financial relations.

In order to determine the role and place of the Central Bank in the banking system, it is necessary to highlight its main functions. First of all, this is the possibility of issuing national currency. In addition, the Central Bank is entrusted with an important function of control over other credit and financial institutions, in accordance with which, by regulating the dynamics of the refinancing rate and the reserve ratio, it pursues either a stimulating or restraining monetary policy. The Central Bank through its policy instruments (changes in the reserve ratio, refinancing rates, open market operations) qualitatively affects the country's monetary base and the supply of money. Reservation rate- This is part of the funds of commercial banks, which they are required to keep in the Central Bank in case of unforeseen circumstances. central bank- this is the lender of last resort to commercial banks, at the established discount rate (refinancing rate), he supplies them with the necessary amount of cash. Among other things, the Central Bank can act as a subject of the international money market.

Thus, the main objectives of the Central Bank are the following: protection and stability of the national currency, its exchange rate against foreign currencies, control over the development of the banking system as a whole, as well as ensuring the effective functioning of the settlement system and its improvement.

Commercial banks are usually located at the second level of the banking system. Their main goals can be called profitability and solvency. The first is carried out through the dynamics of interest rates on loans and deposits. The higher it is, the more profitable it is for the bank. this operation... At the same time, any bank must be solvent, that is, if necessary, return to the depositor his "deposit" with interest. In order for this to be possible, banks keep part of the money as mandatory and excess (optional) reserves in the Central Bank of the country. As for the functions of commercial banks, there are only two of them: raising funds for deposits and issuing loans. In addition, CBs are able to create their own credit money, whereby they also affect the value of the money supply.

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2. Banking system The banking system is a set of banks serving the corresponding credit relations. The banking system of the Russian Federation consists of two levels: 1) Bank of Russia (Central Bank of the Russian Federation - Central Bank of the Russian Federation); 2) commercial banks: a)

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2. Modern banking system of the Russian Federation In the planned economy of the USSR, there was a one-tier banking system based on the following principles: state monopoly on banking; merger of all credit institutions into a single national bank,

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Topic 1. Banking system (BS) BS is a form of organization of functioning in the country of specialized credit institutions that have developed historically and are enshrined in laws. The concept of a BS assumes the definition of its components: banks and the system. Banks represent

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13. Modern banking system 13.1. The structure of the banking system of the Russian Federation The banking system of the Russian Federation has a two-tier structure. At the first level is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at the second - various credit institutions (Fig. 6). Rice. 6. The structure of the banking

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17. The essence of the state budget in a market economy, its role, place and function in fin. - credit. system. State Budget Code. The budgetary structure of the state and its principles It should be noted that the most important task of any state is the economic

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Topic 5. Credit and banking system 29. Essence and functions of credit Credit - a form of movement of loan capital. Conditions of existence and principles of credit relations In a market economy, money must be in constant circulation, make continuous circulation.

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34. Banking system of the Russian Federation Banks are one of the central links of the system market structure... The development of their activities is a necessary condition for the creation of real market mechanism... The stability of banks significantly affects the efficiency of the country's economy. Two-tier

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1. The banking system in modern conditions The banking system plays an important role in modern economic relations. Firstly, banks allow you to effectively save and, therefore, accumulate funds, the accumulation of which is key

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6. Banking system of the Russian Federation At present, in the Russian Federation, as in most countries of the world, there is a two-tier banking system. Part 1 of Art. 2 of the Banking Law contains a provision stating that the banking system of the Russian Federation

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Question 93 Banking system

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6. Modern banking system in Russia The modern banking system in Russia has a two-tier structure. It includes the Bank of Russia, which is the upper level of the banking system, and credit institutions, branches and representative offices

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5. Modern banking system in Russia The modern banking system in Russia has a two-tier structure. It includes the Bank of Russia, which is the upper level of the banking system, and credit institutions, branches and representative offices

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From the author's book

124. Banking System of Japan Japan has one of the youngest banking legislation, which is modeled on the American model. First banks modern type appeared after 1872 as private; "National banks". The Central Bank of Japan, was created in 1882 on

From the author's book

3.5 Banking system - a breakthrough site The current banking system is very weak and does not meet the objectives of modernization and economic growth, nor the requirements for a base on which to build stock markets... Credit investments in the real sphere are not

Introduction 3

1. Banking system:
its functions, mechanism of functioning, structure 5

1.1 Essence and main functions of banks 5

1.2 The concept of the banking system, its structure and mechanism of functioning 6

2. Banking system of the Russian Federation 13

2.1. The history of the development of the banking system of the Russian Federation 13

2.2. The modern banking system of Russia. Features of operation 15

2.2.1. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation 17

2.2.2 Commercial banks of the Russian Federation 20

3. State, problems and prospects of banking development 23

RF systems 23

Conclusion 28

List of used literature 30


Banks are an integral part of the modern monetary economy, their activities are closely related to the needs of reproduction. Being in the center of economic life, serving the interests of producers, banks mediate links between industry and trade, agriculture and the population. Banks are not an attribute of a single economic region or any one country, their sphere of activity has no geographic or national borders, it is a planetary phenomenon with colossal financial power and significant monetary capital.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the banking system is one of the most important components of the market economy, which acts as a kind of generator that supplies the state and all members of society with financial resources. Another integral element of the market economy, which more and more penetrates into all spheres of our economic life, are settlement and credit legal relations, which constitute a significant volume of relations between entrepreneurs - individuals and legal entities. At the same time, the leading form of credit relations in a market economy is bank credit, which, as an economic category, is one of the ways of movement of loan capital.

The purpose of this work is to consider the banking system, the functions of the central bank and credit banks, and the peculiarities of the development of the banking sector in the Russian Federation.

The first chapter examines the banking system, its functions, structure and functioning mechanism. The second chapter of the work examines the functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and commercial banks. The last, third chapter, shows based on the consideration of the main problems of the development of the banking system in Russia and ways to solve them.

1. Banking system:
its functions, mechanism of functioning, structure

1.1 Essence and main functions of banks

A bank is a financial enterprise that concentrates temporarily free funds (deposits), provides them for temporary use in the form of loans (loans, loans), mediates mutual payments and settlements between enterprises, institutions or individuals, regulates money circulation in the country, including issue (emission) of new money.

The essence of the bank reveals its functions more fully. The main function of banks is the function of collecting or accumulating temporarily free funds and converting them into capital. In performing this function, banks accumulate cash income and savings in the form of deposits. The depositor receives remuneration in the form of interest or services provided by the bank. Savings concentrated in deposits are converted into loan capital used by banks to provide loans to enterprises to entrepreneurs.

The next function of banks can be called lending to enterprises, the state and the population. In modern conditions of development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, this is a very important and relevant function. Since the development of private business in a developing market economy requires significant financial investments, which can be obtained either through a bank or by obtaining foreign investment. The bank acts as a financial intermediary, receiving funds from end creditors and giving them to end borrowers. Bank loans finance industry, agriculture, trade, and expand production.

The third function of banks is the function of regulating money turnover. Banks act as centers through which the payment turnover of various economic entities passes. Thanks to the settlement system, banks create an opportunity for their clients to make an exchange, turnover of funds and capital. The turnover of both an individual person and the country's economy as a whole passes through banks. Through them, the flow of funds and capital is carried out from one subject to another, from one branch of the national economy to another.

The next function of banks is an intermediary function, according to which the activities of banks are understood as an intermediary in payments. Payments of enterprises, organizations and the population go through banks.

Also, having a license from the Central Bank to carry out banking operations, banks are entitled to issue, purchase, sell, record, store and other operations with securities confirming the attraction of funds to deposits and bank accounts.

Banks also perform an information and advisory function. They provide consulting services to their clients on the issue and circulation of securities, quotation of currencies and shares. Banks inform clients and the public about changes in the financial situation in the country's economy, changes in interest rates and problems in the foreign exchange market.

1.2 The concept of the banking system, its structure and functioning mechanism

Banking system - a set of different types of national banks and credit institutions operating within the framework of the general monetary mechanism. It includes the Central Bank, a network of commercial banks and other credit and settlement centers. The Central Bank conducts the state emission and exchange rate policy, is the core of the reserve system. Commercial banks carry out all types of banking operations.

Banks operating in the country may have one-tier or two-tier organization or banking system.

One-tier system can be applied when in the country or not central bank, or there are only one central bank. However, in this case, it is still too early to talk about the banking system. As an element of a civilized market economy, the banking system can only be two-tier.

Therefore, all countries with developed market economies have developed two-tier banking systems. The upper level of the system is represented by the central (issuing) bank. At the lower level, there are commercial banks, subdivided into universal and specialized banks(investment banks, savings banks, mortgage banks, consumer credit banks, industrial banks, intra-industrial banks), and non-bank financial institutions.

Rice. 1. The scheme of the banking system of any country

Central bank

Banking System Upper Level Institution

central bank

Lower-level institutions of the banking system

Figure 1 shows the organizational system of a two-tier banking system in any country.

Let us consider in more detail the functions, structure, and services of the presented banks.

Issuing banks

As a rule, the state endows only one bank with the right to issue money, since granting the right to issue money to all banks would upset the country's money circulation. The bank of issue has such large funds that none of the other banks can have, since its liabilities are budget funds and cash in circulation. This circumstance gives him the opportunity to provide support to all other banks and manage their activities. Such transactions are usually entrusted to the Central Bank. In countries with market economies central bank is a bank through which settlement operations are carried out throughout the country. The Central Bank establishes the rules for making settlements between banks and customers, and these rules are mandatory for all business entities: credit institutions, enterprises, organizations and even the population. The Central Bank also controls commercial banks and supervises and regulates their activities. Commercial banks in all countries were created and are being created both on the basis of former state banks and with the participation of capital from local budgets, enterprises, organizations, and individuals.

Another task assigned to the Central Bank is to conduct monetary policy. Thus, although the Central Bank does not directly determine it, it has a significant impact on the size of effective demand in the economy and influences the formation of the inflation rate.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate and highlight the main functions of the central bank:

Emission and control money circulation,

Settlement and reserve center of banks,

State Dog Management and State Budget Execution;

Acting as "lender of last resort", "bank of banks";

Establishing economically justified limits and standards for banks' activities, including the official rate of the Central Bank on loans;

Determination of priority goals of monetary and foreign exchange policy and their implementation,

Conducting scientific research,

Determination of the legal framework and principles of functioning of credit and financial institutions, markets for short-term and long-term credit transactions, as well as types of payment documents circulating in the country;

Formation of an effective mechanism for monetary regulation of the economy.

The organizational structure of the Central Bank is represented by its main governing bodies, as well as services and divisions, each of which is endowed with appropriate powers and performs strictly defined functions. In the case of organizing a bank in the form of a joint stock company, specific management bodies are created (for example, an audit commission, a supervisory board, etc.)

Non-issuing banks

Commercial banks

The lower link of the banking system consists of a network of independent banking institutions that directly perform the functions of credit and settlement services to the clientele on commercial principles. Its main component is commercial banks, whose activities are comprehensive. They are engaged in almost all types of credit, settlement and financial transactions related to servicing the economic activities of their clients. Their most important functions are traditionally.

Hello friends, I am with you again - Ivan Grishin, and today we will talk about the specifics of the banking systems. The banking system consists of national banks, banking and credit institutions that operate in a common legislative and legal field under a single monetary mechanism.

Additionally, the banking system includes various organizations and enterprises that ensure the smooth operation of financial institutions:
- clearing companies;
- bank auditors;
- dealers working with bank securities;
- all kinds of organizations and manufacturers that provide banks with various equipment (furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc.);
- recruitment agencies;
- real estate agency;
- transport companies;
- collection and security firms.

The banking system is a complex multi-structural element of the country's economic system, which is directly related to all spheres of life of a modern person.

Properties of the banking system!

1. It acts as a single mechanism. The banking system is an interaction between various elements subject to uniform laws. For example, in the event of liquidation of one bank, it is replaced by another, which assumes its obligations.

2. It is a controlled closed system (the existence of "banking secrecy"). The central bank is subordinate to the government or parliament, and the entire system is governed by state legislation.

3. It is a dynamic, self-regulating structure and is in close interaction with other systems and organizations of the state. Changes in the political or economic situation in the country invariably lead to the correction of banking priorities in an adequate manner to the current situation.

Priority tasks of the banking system!

The essence of the banking system, as parts credit system- This is the accumulation of temporarily free funds of the population and enterprises and the extraction of profit from them through loans, investments and other types of capital investments.

Tasks include:
1. Ensuring economic growth in the country;
2. Regulation of the inflation rate;
3. Maintaining the balance of payments.

Types of banking system!

In the modern economy, the following types of the banking system are distinguished:

The structure of the banking system!

There are two levels in the modern banking system.

1.At the top level is the Central Bank.
The Central Bank performs the following functions:

Control over banking and financial institutions of the state;
- management of the settlement system;
- development and implementation of monetary systems;
- emission of national currency;
- management of government accounts;
- performance of foreign financial transactions;
- regulation of banks' liquidity;
- collection of statistical information on all financial institutions of the state (size of financial transactions, data on depositors, credited sectors of the economy).

The central bank is in financial relations only with those banking and credit structures that are legal entities, and it cannot compete with participants in the banking services market.
The central bank is a kind of "overseer" and manager from the side of the government over all financial structures.

2.The bottom level is banking and credit structures.
They cooperate with legal and individuals through credit and investment transactions, deposits, settlement and cash services.

The Bank is a financial and credit organization that conducts operations with capital and valuables of legal entities and individuals.
The bank is created to make a profit through various operations and services.

The intermediaries of the lower level of the banking system are obliged to comply in their work with all the rules and requirements of the upper level - the Central Bank. It sets the required amounts of capitalization, reserves, interest rates, inflation rates, etc.
All banks in the country have universal capabilities - they can carry out all financial operations stipulated by laws.

Functions of banking institutions:

Open and maintain bank accounts of the population and organizations;
- issuance of loans;
- raising free capital for placement as deposits;
- all kinds of operations with stocks, securities and banking metals;
- acceptance for paid storage in bank cells of various material values;
- trust operations - management of the client's capital and property by power of attorney.

Classification according to various criteria of the elements of the banking system!

The banking system is the coordinated work of the totality of all its elements. These elements include banks, specialized financial institutions, as well as auxiliary organizations that support the functioning of the banking system at the proper level.

Banks are classified in different ways depending on the chosen criterion. Based on the forms of ownership, banks are state, joint-stock, cooperative, private, mixed.

In accordance with the legal framework of many countries, domestic markets work of foreign banking institutions is allowed.

Depending on the legal form of registration, banks are divided into open and closed type with limited liability.

Banks are divided according to their functions:

1.Emission - cash is released into circulation.
2. Deposit - accumulate deposits of the population.
A deposit is one of the most common types of capital investment among the population, although, in modern realities, it often does not even cover the annual inflation rate. There are a number of much more attractive investment methods that can grow your capital much faster. If you are interested, you can familiarize yourself with the most promising of them at this link:.
3. Commercial - they deal with the entire range of banking operations and form the basis of the lower part of the structural system of banks.

Also, banks are divided according to the characteristics of the operations performed:

1.Universal - provide complete list banking services permitted by law;
2.Specialized, in which attention is focused on one direction. These banks include mortgage banks specializing in foreign economic activity, etc.

There is a classification of banks depending on the service sector: municipal, regional, national, interregional, international.

In terms of the scale of their activities, banks are small, medium, large, interbank associations, banking consortia.
Auxiliary organizations in relation to the banking system include enterprises and companies engaged in information, scientific, methodological, analytical, staffing.

Factors influencing the development of banking systems!

These systems are influenced by a number of economic and political factors:
- the legislation of the country;
- development of domestic and foreign markets;
- general ideas of the population about the essence and role of banks;
- economic crises and military actions;
- the presence of competition;
- tax rates at a profit;
- availability of qualified personnel.

Earning opportunities in the existing banking system!

As mentioned above, any adult citizen can make a deposit and receive income from it in the form of interest. But I consider this to be an earnings for lazy and narrow-minded people, and now I will explain why.

For example, you want to have monthly income of $ 1000 from a bank deposit. Even if you have a bank with a fantastic offer of 10% per annum on a deposit in foreign currency, you need to put $ 120,000 in your deposit account! 10% of $ 120,000 is $ 12,000 per year, $ 1,000 per month. Can't you invest less and earn more? Can! I tell you this with complete confidence. If you are interested in the Top 5 Legal Earning Ways for Today, you can familiarize yourself with them in this article:.

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Dear friends, remember that the banking system is not only a scheme for increasing bank capital. It is also an opportunity for every person to make money if used wisely. I wish everyone profitable investment with smart financial mentors.
Yours sincerely, Ivan Grishin.

Banks and other financial institutions provide assistance to households, firms, and government agencies in obtaining the necessary funds or leveraging surplus money. They act as intermediaries between the owners of the savings and the borrowers.

Banking system- a set of banks and other credit institutions and organizations operating in the country.

The bank is a financial institution that is engaged in attracting free money and their subsequent provision on credit, carrying out monetary settlements between citizens and organizations. The bank pays us an additional amount of money for the deposit received from us, or we pay the bank for the loan. These additional amounts represent interest rates, that is, fees for the use of money. It is set as a percentage of the amount of the deposit or loan, calculated for the time of using the funds. For example, you take 10 thousand rubles from the bank. for a year at 25% per annum. You will have to return 12.5 thousand rubles, that is, the payment for using the loan will be 2.5 thousand rubles. The main principle of the bank's activities is to keep depositors' money and lend most of it to other persons, receiving income for this.

The modern banking system in all countries has a two-tier organization. The upper level is the central bank, the lower level is commercial banks and others financial and credit organizations(investment and financial companies, Insurance companies and pension funds, etc.). The banking system diagram can be presented as follows:

What is the role and main difference between the central bank and other banks?

In some countries the central bank is subordinate to the government, in others it is independent, but everywhere it is of great importance for the functioning of a market economy. In Russia, the Central Bank is considered an economically independent institution and even has the right to propose new laws for parliamentary consideration.

Only the central bank can issue (issue) banknotes in the country, which are the national currency. It has the largest monetary resources, it has international reserves (mainly the currency of other countries, gold) and internal reserves (required reserves of commercial banks) at its disposal. As a result, the central bank can provide support to all other banks and control their activities. In all countries, he acts as a "government banker", that is, he serves financial activities the state and thus participates in the performance of part of the state functions to regulate the economy. (Remember what mechanisms of financial regulation the government uses.)

The main functions of the central bank: implementation of the monetary policy of the state, lending to commercial banks, ensuring the stable operation of the banking and financial systems, maintaining the stability of the national monetary unit, storing reserves of cash and gold.

Another level of the banking system - commercial banks... They are often called "workhorses" financial system... In a market economy commercial Bank is a business enterprise organizing its own business. It directly serves enterprises, organizations and the population, selling services to clients (accepting deposits and issuing loans) in order to make a profit. Commercial banks charge more money from borrowers (interest rate higher) than they pay depositors (interest rate lower). The difference between these percentages is the bank profit. At the same time, commercial banks play an important role as financial intermediaries in the area of ​​redistribution of temporarily free funds of the main participants in economic activity, making payments between them.

The first banks in Russia appeared in the middle of the 18th century. - Moscow Noble Bank, Petersburg Merchant Bank, in 1860 the State Bank was created. Their goal was to facilitate trade and regulate monetary circulation in the country. In the second half of the XIX century. commercial banks arose. Since that time, banks have occupied a dominant position in the financial market. What caused this situation? The banks were well known and reputable in the business community. The risk of investing in banking operations was considered to be lower compared to investments in other credit institutions and even large enterprises (for example, investments in the shares of a single enterprise). Banks typically served a variety of clients from different industries and provided a wide range of services.

In modern Russia, commercial banks have been developing since 1988 and, having laid the foundation for the elimination of the state monopoly on banking, played an important role in market reforms. Their diversity makes it possible to judge the importance and place in the field of finance: sectoral banks (serve certain sectors of the economy, for example Gazprombank); intersectoral (serving all sectors of the economy, for example, the Russian National Bank), regional banks(they serve certain regions of the country, for example, Mosbusinessbank), the Savings Bank (it has branches in all regions of the country and specializes in accepting and storing deposits from the population), etc.

The traditional operations of a commercial bank are passive and active operations.

Bank passive operations- these are operations to mobilize monetary resources: accepting deposits (deposits); obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issue of own securities. These borrowed funds are the basis of the commercial bank's activities.

Active bank operations- operations for the placement of funds: the provision of loans of various terms and sizes. You already know that banks receive interest payments from borrowers for a loan provided. Lending operations are the most profitable item in the banking business, but at the same time they are also risky. There is a possibility of non-repayment of a loan, non-payment of interest, violation of the terms of loan repayment. This risk forces commercial banks to search for effective methods for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers.

Modern large commercial banks carry out up to 300 types of operations and services for their clients, in addition to those already mentioned: buying and selling securities and currency, storing valuables in safes, etc.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state