
What does reserved on the Raiffeisen map. "Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? The amount of the operation reserved this payment has not yet been carried out. "Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out

"Reserved amount On the map "- What is it? Where did you come from and how to find out? And got the best answer

Answer from Evgeny Smirnov [Master]
Anton, in the chain of mutual settlements by cards is present: Bank Issuer (who issued you a map) - payment system (Visa, MasterCard) - Bank Encavier (with which payment is made in outlets, for example).
If the first and last concept belong to different banksthen the amount with card account It is not immediately written off, but is reserved until the issuer's issuer mutual settlements with the payment system.
In any case, the presence of a reserved amount suggests that the request for payment to your bank came. Perhaps 3`557 is the sum of several payments on the map, and not one-time. And perhaps this is a fact of fraud, such a time does not rarely happen. If this is an erroneous transaction, do not worry, after a certain time these funds will be "smoothly".
In any case, it is worth calling the Customer Support Center and find out what is the basis of the reservation of this amount on the map.
Good luck!

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: "reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out?

Answer from Alexey Komolov.[newcomer]
This means that according to your account, an operation (AI) was performed on account consumption. If you have not committed no operations within 2 days then you need to urgently contact your bank. It is possible that you have become an object of crossbathing or in a bank of production. the technical error. If you made operations, it is possible that this is the amount you spent in the morning Friday. In this case, the dega will be written off from your account on Monday.

Answer from Ozonepro.[newcomer]
I have another situation. conducted a payment through Facebook on credit card. But Facebook blocked me, linking to the fact that my account was hacked. But money is still in reserve. And I do not understand how to return them.

Answer from Mikhail Afonin.[guru]
Almost as Alexey wrote. Only such a blocking on trading operations is usually set for up to 14 days. It is removed in the case of the complete completion of the calculations on the day of completion of the calculations of all banks involved in the transaction, it decreases to the same blocking amount and the amount own funds. If the calculations were not carried out for any reason, for example, the blocking was erroneous, then on the end of the blocking day the amount of blocked tools decreases, and the amount of own remains the same. For you, this situation means that the amount of funds available for use increases by the amount of "superfluous" blocking. Finally, some hotels, car rental companies, etc. do not write off amounts from your card at all, but only block them for up to 2 months. For example, you book a hotel abroad. The hotel blocks the amount of accommodation for the day (the key to your solvency), you come and calculate the accommodation, even with the help of the same card, at least another card (here already trading operation, money is completely written off after a few days), at least in cash - the amount blocked for the booking returns to you on the map - blocking is removed. If you do not come, the hotel writes a blocked amount as a penalty for refusal to book.

Answer from Natalia Ilyina[newcomer]
Contact customer support service, working around the clock, phone number on PC

This question often comes to us on our website, but in fact this question is a bit not correct and in general the reserve at the debit card and the account does not have. We will try to tell you in more detail what properties have a debit card and at the bank itself. Reserve for the debit on the map What is it for what is it necessary for?

What is a reserve for debit card?

How is the reserve for the debit on the map correctly called?

Plastic, with a certain number of details that are directly tied to your debit account in the bank. This account can be how to have funds and not have, and usually consists only of your money.

The concept of the reserve for the debt in the bank does not exist and it can only mean two concepts. Either this is the balance card itself, that is, those tools that exist on the account at this time.

The second option is permanent overdraft. - This is an opportunity on the debit card to go on a bill in minus. When your funds are running out, then in the further overdraft, the funds of the bank with certain percentages and fines are used.

The reserve itself overdraft or the size of the permitted overdraft will depend on the amount you indicated when making a map. If you have, then the size of the reserve in this case will be equal to half of your wages.

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Holding (from English Words Hold - Hold) - banking termdenoting the following procedure: a credit institution at the time of authorization of the bank card reserves the amount of the operation for a certain period during which it expects calculations from the Equiler. Often this operation is also called temporary locking, reservation or freezing amount on the card account.

In other words, when payment on the card is paid by the client, the purchase / service amount is freezed by the Issuer Bank, i.e., is pressed for subsequent write-off. At this point, the credit organization reduces the amount of available balance on the map by the amount spent by the client, but does not write off it from the account. In fact, funds from the card will be written off only when financial confirmation of the operation will come to the bank - the so-called clearing files from the efficiency will arrive.

If these files do not arrive, the amount of the operation remains reserved for a certain amount of time, after which it automatically flashes and becomes available to the card holder. The holding time in banks is different and is usually from 9 to 30 days. For example, in Alpha Bank, funds are reserved for up to 9 days.

It is worth noting some important momentsassociated with holding. For example, in the case when the currency of the account differs from the currency of the operation, the write-off of the means from the card occurs at the rate set on the day of write-off, and not on the day of reservation of funds. In such a situation, it is difficult to predict how the currency rate will change during this time and what amount will eventually be written off by the bank from the card, so it is not worth spending all your funds so as not to obtain a negative balance.

The situation is enough when the funds are written off from the cards without the amount reserved earlier. This is due to the fact that the write-off of funds is produced credit Organization Automatically according to the details specified in the clearing files. If they do not coincide with the props of authorization, the reserved amount continues to "hang", there is a new write-off from the card. At the same time, the card holder makes the impression that the amount of the operation is written off from the card twice.

Rarely, but still it happens that files confirming the operation comes after unlocking funds on the account. In this case, the amount is written off the card, and if it is not enough tools, the technical overdraft is formed.

Often with a double write-off problem face when booking hotels. For example, when booking a room, the hotel blocked a certain amount on the map, however, at the entrance to the hotel he wrote off, but made a new write-off.

In such a situation, a blocked amount will be available to a client after the end of the holding time set at the bank. If the card holder reserved means It is necessary earlier than this period, he must contact his bank with the abolition of authorization with confirming financial documents on the operation.

It is worth noting that if the seller has been canceled by authorization on the map in a timely manner, the reserved amount is unlocked quite quickly. For example, the buyer on the day of purchase of the goods decided to return it to the store. Cashier, provided that the accuiler bank has not yet received information about the payment, will cancel perfect operation, and the reserved amount will become an affordable card holder.

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