
Decoding designations on the map. Military history, weapons, old and military maps. What does "own funds" mean on the map

Buyan field - a smooth sublime place, open from all sides
Sunbeats - a small steep elevation.
Versere - Juniper.
Wolves (Wolf) - Forest or Forest View
Wrinkle - edge of fields, pasture.
Vying (high) is a small village, mainly owned, located near one-faithful villages.
Walking - the greatest, higher, high.
City (G.) - a fortified or wedges of the village. The status of the management assigned for the volost, county or province in relation to the other settlement.
The mane is the oblong hill, which crouched the forest.
The village is a village, without a church, who inhabitants are predominantly peasants of different departments and live without landowner.
Dandy - right hand.
Dresba is a major sand.
Weave - Creek or River Bay.
Foaming (Pub.) - Defensive construction. He was a combination of forest trees, an earthen shaft and a RVA with rudeness and separate fortresses. The strengthening served as defensive lines that were protected from the raids of the goldside people, systematically robbed and destroyed Russian cities and villages and thickened the population in captivity as well as for the protection of roads.
Zybun (Zyb.) - a bog, not passing (lube) place.
Wildlock - woodwood fused on the river.
Brush sands (heap) - clusters of bulk sand around bushes and shrubs ... The height is 30-50 cm, less often up to 1-2 m. Space consist of gravel. It is usually formed in areas with close soil waters - on the salt marshes, the coasts of lakes, seas and rivers.
Lying meadow - unsuitable, bad meadow.
Monastery, Resident (Mont.) - Make up different kinds Self-dormitors from the latter sometimes coincide in their meaning with the Showness or Manads of the Spiritual Office.
Mazz (m. Or Mazz) - if it is owned, then mostly near single-faithful villages or it takes place the value of the manor at the factory and the factory, if belongs to persons of the cost estate.
Milda - Pine.
Novels - cleared, but not a smelling land in the forest.
Dump (d.) - mound from empty rocks, slag formed when developing minerals.
Pillars - dowdow Vlad. Waste, place abandoned by residents; Flute, deposit. Occasions, bruises, survey or oblase, PSK. Tver. The newly populated place, the village, new stalls, casting.
Axillary - Axillary Skill Slice, Earth Land of the Sleepers.
Perekop - ditch.
Treught - weed
The polls (pogs or the graveyard) - has a church and a population consisting of sacred and church. The word graveyard comes from the word Guest. The place where merchants were traded, and was called the graveyard. With the adoption of Christianity, the churches began to put the church. In 15-16VV. Footshops begin to die out, hence the word the word appears the second meaning - the alone behind the church.
Subject (under.) - Cleaning place in the forest.
Disgrace - Review, watch.
Midnight - North.
Posad (P. or Pos.) - Pro order with or a number of houses. A sedentary settlement located outside the city or fortress.
Filters, settlement and farm (so.) - Also evicted too. Farm, however, often in agricultural nature is the meaning of the estates. New settlements arising for the first time raised plot were called the fix. When one or two others arose with the initial yard in the repair, he became a village.
Waste (empty.) - The village turned into a waste if it did not have residential courtyards and arable land was thrown.
Selische is a large village or Sloboda where there is more than one church.
The village (C.) is a village with the church, which has residents mainly from the peasants of various departments.
Selo (villages) - the village of solely owned nature with the Lord's home and various owners, or the village in which the landowner lives with peasants or several landowners. Also may have the name of Selo former earlier as the village.
Sloboda, Forestat (Slob.) - Selion with more than one church, settlement outside the city or fortress.
Turning - Spiny Shrub
Manor (Us.) - They are two births of the manor of the spiritual department in the nature of the population are similar to the passion. Ownership estates vary or in agricultural nature or as landowner location in factory or factory
Shuitsa - left hand.
Church Earth (CZ) - Land held by the owned church parish or monastery

A few days ago, I changed my bank card Sberbank suspended with the expiration of the term. After receiving a freshly added mastercard on the hands, I noticed that it was practically different from the predecessor. But the Wi-Fi icon appeared in the upper right corner. I confess, he was greatly interested. No, I know about contactless payments, but I did not think that they had already reached the usual bank cards. But first things first.

Contactless payment system

Technical progress does not stand still and for the convenience of users today is actively implemented - the system of contactless payments. Most likely in the future it will be extremely popular! Now the holding of payment operations does not require to insert a card into the reading device - it will be enough to simply bring it to the ATM card reader or the terminal at the checkout and the payment will be "like oil"!

The whole system is built on the use of NFC chips, which are now embedded even in plastic cards of Visa, MasterCard banks and peace. The exception is only Maestro and Visa Electron. The Waifa icon on the map of the visa is usually located in the upper left corner, and on the maps mastercard - in the right. According to this sign, WiFi can recognize whether the option is supported or not.

Main advantages Contactless payments are as follows:

  • Convenience! This is the main plus. No need to insert the card into the reader and enter the pinkode! Just bring it to the terminal and the money flew!
  • Safety! Your card is always in your hands. Its details also no one will see! Data transfer is done on very short Distance And it is almost impossible to intercept the process.
  • Speed! Due to the fact that part of the action during payment disappear, the rate of payment operations is reduced by at least a third!

How to use Sberbank card with WiFi sign?!

In order to perform contactless payment, I must first make sure whether the terminal supports contactless payments or not. For this, one of these logos should be present on them (or several immediately):

We are waiting for a couple of seconds while the data shall go. As soon as a message appears that the operation has passed successfully - you can remove the card with the Wi-Fi icon back into the wallet or purse.


What is CVV / CVC (CVV2) / (CVC2) code

CVV (CVV2) / CVC (CVC2) code is Special security code bank cardwhich is included in account and displayed on the back of the actual map.

What is CVV or CVC code on a bank card - simple words.

Simple words CVV or CVC codes are Special numbers consisting of three (sometimes 4) numbers that provide additional security when purchases via the Internet. CVV / CVC numbers is the provision of an additional level of protection for the cardholder, which makes it difficult to use the map by unauthorized persons. Of course, this is not an absolute guarantee of security, but not having physical card Or photo of her back side, a fraudster is much more difficult to transfer money over the Internet. Moreover, now practically all transactions are accompanied by the introduction of a special confirmation code, which comes to the phone in SMS from the bank.

Where is CVV or CVC on the bank card.

As a rule, CVV (CVV2) / CVC (CVC2) code is located on the back of the card immediately after the four last digits of the number of the bank card itself. This number consists of three digits. More about where CVV (CVV2) or CVC (CVC2), code can be seen in the figure below.

It is worth noting that far from all maps, the codes are located on the back. There are bank cards where this code is imprinted on the front side, but in most cases this practice is distributed in the United States.

What is the difference between CVV (CVV2) and CVC (CVC2) codes?

In fact, there is no difference between these codes in practice, the differences are concluded only in the definitions themselves and payment cards that are used. For example, cards Visa. Use definition CVV. (C.ard. V.erification V.alue) what is translated as " value Verification card" And maps Mastercard Use definition CVC. (C.ard. V.erification C.oDE) that translated: " the code Verification card" So as we see all the differences consist only in the names, but they have the same function.

Why in practice you need CVV or CVC codes.

As mentioned earlier, these codes are necessary only during transactions that are performed via the Internet. The fact is that by producing payment in the terminal of the offline store, the client introduces the PIN-known code known only to him, which in principle confirms the fact that it is the owner of the card. When paying on the Internet, the ability to enter your PIN code does not exist for security purposes. Thus, for the procedure for verifying that the client has enveloped the order on the site really has a credit or debit card, you must enter a CVV or CVC code from a physical card. Of course, that if the bank card was physically stolen and is not blocked in a timely manner, then the probability of removal from it is very large. Especially if it was kidnapped with the phone to which it is tied.

We are accustomed to the fact that by requesting the balance of the card through an ATM or Internet bank, we expect to see one line - "Balance". Customers of VTB 24 can see three lines at once, whose importance is not easy to understand.

Now we will tell you what the lines "affordable residue" mean, " own funds"And" credit limit" Moreover, not paying attention to them, you can become a debtor of the bank.

What does "affordable residue" mean on the map

it total amount available to you this moment, including own funds and funds of the bank, which includes a credit limit or overdraft, if available.

What does "own funds" mean on the map

This line is written the amount of your funds on the map made or translated into it in any way.

Here are displayed, including funds, blocked and inaccessible to spent. For example, blocked in the account of a monthly payment on a Credit card VTB 24 or in the account of paying to the online store.

What does "Credit Limit" mean on the map

This is the amount that the bank is ready to give you as an unspent loan limit if you are looking for an extract on credit card and overdraft size if you are looking for a debit mAP VTB 24.

Always control the balance of the card and if you do not want to take the money of the bank under high percentDo not go beyond the scope of the available, that is, do not use the credit limit. Many remove all the money from the card, not suspecting that they have an overdraft and return money will have to be percent.

Many say that bank VTB 24 considers the amounts in these lines in a kind of way and this may lead to what you get into overdraft, even if there will be a big amount in the "own means" string than you shot from the card.

We believe that this is due to the fact that the Bank shows and already blocked money. Money that was blocked by the Bank for your purchase, payment on the Internet, etc. There is a confusion, since it is not clear how many own funds can be removed at the moment.

If you want to abandon overdraft by debit card, refer to the appropriate statement in the bank branch.

For calculation plastic card On the Internet sometimes uses application CVV2 / CVC2 / CID, that is, a bank card code. What is the bank card code, in which case it is used, where is on the map, what does it mean?

So, depending on the technologies used by Internet stores or other service providers on the Internet, during payment, the client is invited to enter the main details of the card (card number, validity, embossed name), as well as additionally confirm its powers by one of the following ways:

  • using a bank card code - CVV2, CVC2 or CID;
  • using technology: 3-D Secure; Verified by Visa (VBV), MasterCard Secure Code (MSC)
  • using Miraccept Technology (Miraccept), which allows you to go through full-fledged 3D secure authentication (Map "World").
Attention - Payment of purchase or services on the Internet using CVV2 / CVC2 code is carried out only in cases where the Internet store or another service provider does not support 3 D-Secure technology.

Each payment system that releases bank cards has its own card code name, except Maestro cards that do not have the code. Leading payment systems operating in the Russian market have the following bank card codes:

  • w. payment system Visa - code CVV2. (full name - Card Verification Value 2);
  • at the MasterCard payment system - code CVC2. (Full name - Card Verification Code 2);
  • american Express system has a code CID (Full name - Card Identification);
  • the world's payment system has a Miraccept technology code (Miraccept).
And if there is no code on the bank card? This may mean that such a map is not initially intended for payments on the Internet. In this case, for payments on the Internet, you must arrange another card. And in general, for security reasons - to pay online shopping on the Internet, it is best to have a separate card, and only the amount on which the specific payment will be issued on it will be taken to it.

On the World Maps, Internet payments are protected by my own Miracept (Miraccept) technology, which allows you to go through full-fledged 3D secure authentication. In addition, in the Mir payment system, the technology of mobile and Internet payments will be implemented in a short time - the 3D Secure version 2.0 protocol (which will be replaced by 3D Secure 1.0) the copyright holder of the new protocol 3D Secure version 2.0 is EMVCO (International Association for standards in the field of electronic payment technologies), the partner of which since 2015 is NSPK ( National System payment cards Russia)

The list of Maestro / Maestro cards are missing, this means that this payment system does not support online payments.

What is CVV2, CVC2, CID code, myiracheste

Code CVV2, CVC2, CID is an additional digital protective code that is also called the security code printed on the map, or the card sent in details (for example, for virtual maps is transmitted via an SMS code). Code printed on the map, replace or restore without reissue map is impossible.

CVV2, CVC2 or CID is a special bank card code that is used to authenticate the card issued by the Bank. In the event that there is no such code on your map, it is impossible to carry out operations on the payment of goods and services on the Internet.

The code CVV2 / CVC2. Printed on the back of the card, on the signature band, immediately after the card number, or after the last 4 digits of the card number. It always consists of three digits, and is not a continuation of the number of the bank card, i.e. This is an independent security element.

The code CID - Means the Card Identification Code. The code on the American Express map is applied to the front side and consists of a four-digit number on the right side of the card.

The code Miraccept (Miraccept) - This is a technology that ensures the security of payments on the Internet's Internet system. It consists of three digits, and is an independent element of protecting payments.

Digital protection code, which is sore (affixed) on a bank card, unlike a PIN code, can only be changed when the card reissue.

The table shows the security codes of individual payroll systems operating on russian market Financial services:

In some online stores in the customer filled, the payment form often costs a double filling value - CSC / CVV2. CSC (Card Security Code) is also the name of the Card Security Code, which is considered as a generalized name of all applicable codes. In other words, each payment system that releases bank cards has its own name CSC code (Card Security Code), so if you need to enter CSC, the code is entered, which is specified on your card. And yet, if there is a CSC / CVV2 record, you do not need to enter a personal PIN. CSC and PIN code are different codes. PIN code, this is a secret card code that cannot be filling out in the forms of open access outside of banking systems.

As determined by the presence of CVV2 / CVC2 / CID code, etc. on the bank card

The presence of CVV2 / CVC2 / CID code (security code) is determined as follows:

  • on the classic Map - Three-digit digital code (CVV2 / CVC2, etc.) is on the back of the map, four-digit (CID) - on the front side. If there is no code on the map - it means that the operation on the Internet is impossible on this map.
  • by virtual Map which has no material carrier - the 3-digit code is transmitted to the client on it mobile phone In the form of an SMS or reported on a special phone. The client needs to be remembered and maintained in an inaccessible place for third parties.
Code accommodation on the map:

  • CVV2 / CVC2 codes on maps visa systems And MasterCard is a code set of 3 digits, which is placed on the back of the map on the signature lane or next to it. Sometimes this code is found on the front side of the card. So, for example, on the MC Virtual Alpha Bank cards, this code is placed on the front side of the card.
  • CID Code on Americanexpress System Maps is a code set of 4 digits, which is placed on the front side of the card next to the map number, and is specified with small font. It is usually located above the last or first two digits of the card number (with the displacement of the other digits to the left or right).
  • The code on the Mir payment system cards is a code set of 3 digits, which is placed on the back of the card below the magnetic strip.

About the location of the CVV2 / CVC2 code on the Visa and MasterCard bank card, very intelligibly depicted bank24.ru for its customers. (shown below). Such an explanation is acceptable for all bank cards of any bank.

Location secret Code. On bank cards of individual payment systems:

The bank card code is used:

  • To make payments on the Internet as a protective element during CNP transactions, when neither the card nor the holder is present during the operation. The code is used as an addition to the map number and the card validity period.
  • When purchases not only on the Internet, but in other cases, when the magnetic bandwidth is not read (for example, when paying for purchases by phone, when you design an Imprintrier operation).

In addition, when working with online stores, you must remember that the field for entering this code on the site may be called differently:

  • CVV2 / CVC2 / CID codes
  • "Security code"
  • credit Card Identification Code
  • etc.
It should also be noted that in lately theft of this number increased, in connection with which, individual payment systems Began to use other technologies for the protection of CNP operations.

The procedure for payment of payment for purchases / services on the Internet using CVV2 / CVC2 code

CNP transaction using CVV2 / CVC2 code is carried out in the following order:

  • Come on the website of the online store or other service provider on the Internet, choose a purchase or service;
  • Make up payment, introducing the details of the cards that the online store requests;
  • If the store requests CVV2 or CVC2 security code - enter this code specified on your card or communicated to you SMS message. If there is no CVV2 or CVC2 code on the classic card - the operation is impossible;
  • Loading the result of the operation.
  • Possible result on operation:

    • If the code is entered correctly - the operation will be approved or rejected depending on the result of checking the rest of the conditions that are checked when performing the operation of the card (adequacy of funds on the account, status and validity of the card, available limits carrying out operations, etc.).
    • If the code is entered incorrectly, on the online store page, it is not requested or the online store does not transmit code to the bank CVV2 / CVC2, the payment will be rejected. The correctness of the information entered includes a code entry requirement, the adequacy of the card account, the status of the map and the compliance of the payment carried out by the restrictions established by the Internet store or another service provider on the Internet.

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