
Virtual card without a phone number. What is a virtual bank card? In order to start a virtual MasterCard Alfa-Bank card

Operations with electronic money became the usual phenomenon. To protect your funds, applicants want to choose the best virtual debit cards of 2019. To your attention the top eight offers from domestic banks.

MasterCard Webcard from Gazprombank

Debit MasterCard WebCard from Gazprombank - an instance of an international sample without a magnetic strip. The product is designed for secure payment in online stores, online services.

WebCard is drawn up directly in the office or the branch of Gazprombank. At the time of receipt of the WebCard, the citizen is provided requisites.

You can replenish MasterCard WebCard:

  • through the cashier;
  • through payment terminal (restriction for the operation - 15 000 );
  • by transferring funds from the main account.

This is a debit multicurrency card. Features of its use are as follows:

  • act 1-2 years;
  • commission for the release / reissue of the main card - 85 rubles;
  • commission for the release / reissue of an additional copy - 160 rubles.

Paying 50 rublesyou can get an extract on account.

When paying a debit card of purchases on Internet services, the Commission for the operation is not charged. Additionally connects the SMS-alert service.

MasterCard Virtual Offer from Rosselkhozbank

On the material carrier, MasterCard Virtual virtual cards are not available. In Rosselkhozbank, their design is not even developed. All details of the client receives an ATM on the usual check or in the Internet office system. This is a multicurrency option. The card is produced to previously open accounts.

Get the debit option can adult clients of Rosselkhozbank through:

  • aTM;
  • internet office.

Features of use:

  • the validity period - closes automatically on the last day of the month, which follows the month in which the card is open;
  • the ability to keep means in several currencies;
  • the commission for paying online purchases is not charged;
  • security - 3-D password is issued;
  • after blocking, unlock the card can not;
  • available SMS alert service.

The conditioned disadvantage of the banking product from Rosselkhozbank is its validity.

Mastercard from Sberbank

Virtual Debit Card MasterCard Sberbank on the material carrier is not available. Although Sberbank originated its design. This option is suitable for payment for services, goods purchased in online stores. The data is reflected in the Personal Cabinet of the Sberbank Online System.

Bankers give the debit option to their current customers. Before issuing details, the parties sign a contract.

Features of the debit option:

  • validity - 3 years;
  • currency - rubles;
  • cost service - 60 rubles annually;
  • can be tied to the electronic wallet;
  • connecting SMS alerts (optional);
  • management of funds through Sberbank online;
  • available functionality " Mobile Bank».

Each Sberbank Client has the right to place only one virtual debit card.

Prepaid Virtual Map Visa from Promsvyazbank

The bank draws up VIISA virtual cards and persons who are not current Promsvyazbank customers. To do this, they pass simplified registration. The option is suitable for online shopping.

Highlights when used:

  • validity - 3 months;
  • sMS informing - connects if desired;
  • maximum amount financial operations per month - 40 000 For new users, for permanent customers - unlimited;
  • card limit - 300 thousand For regular customers, for new users - 15 thousand;
  • the ability to lock;
  • commission for replenishment - 0% from Promsvyazbank's account, 1,9% with accounts of other banking structures;
  • free use of PSB-Retail functionality.

Offer VTB Bank of Moscow Visa Virtual

Virtual debit card VISA VIRTUAL from VTB Bank of Moscow applies with Internet calculations. It is replenished by any common way, including translations from other banks, as well as postal translations of Russian Post.

Requirements for receiving a card:

  • the presence of the status "Pottal Client";
  • registration of the application for receipt in the department;
  • payment 60 rublesas a commission for registration;
  • binding to the current account.

Terms of Use Visa Virtual:

  • validity - 6 months;
  • service cost - 60 rubles;
  • monthly expenditure limit - 15 000 ;
  • the possibility of free blocking / unlocking;
  • sMS informing - the first two months for free, starting from the third - 49 rubles.

Extend the term Visa Virtual can not yet end the main card action. The validity of the virtual account ends simultaneously with the main, regardless of the date of the last extension.

Mastercard Virtual from Alpha Bank

To secure its customers during online settlement, Alfa-Bank has developed a MasterCard Virtual card.

Get a debit instance can:

  • owner of the active map of Alfa-Bank;
  • registered user of the Alpha-Click system.

Alpha Bank card features:

  • opens to a debit account;
  • payment fee - 49 rubles;
  • replenishment - in any convenient way;
  • management - using the Alfa-Click functional;
  • currency - rubles;
  • sMS notification is free.

Bankok from Ak Bars Bank

Virtual Card. Bankok, manufactured by AK BARS Bank, can be used for international calculations, as these are MasterCardworldwide and Visa International cards.

To get Bankok from AK BARS Bank it is necessary:

  • have active map with SMS informing;
  • use the service "Ak Bars Online".

Features of the use of bankok:

  • validity - year;
  • limit for calculations - from 15 thousand;
  • the cost of mini-extract - 10 rubles;
  • commission for registration - 20 rubles;
  • sMS informing - 10 rublesmonthly;
  • free user lock;
  • cash Removal Commission - 2%.

There are two options for bankok:

  • intexonified - with a limit from 15 thousand to 100 thousand;
  • personified - with a limit from 100 thousand.

Fora Virtual from Fora-Bank

This product is available additionally to the user already available at the user's real plastic card in the same currency. Virtual is not required to replenish the virtual, it is attached to the main card account and consumes funds from there. The validity period of the virtual is limited by a period of action of the main card, but it can make up to one year. A one-time real plastic is allowed to produce up to 5 additional virtual cards.

Terms of use of such a virtual payment product are very profitable:

  • Free release and maintenance throughout the term;
  • Free recale due to the expiration of the validity period, and if the main card is lost or hit to fraudsters, for a reissue of a virtual card tied to it, you need to pay only 50 rubles;
  • For SMS informing expendable operations No additional fee is charged.

The map is intended only for non-cash transactions - translations and payment of various purchases. Cash issuing on it is not provided.

Commission and restrictions

Intrabank transfers from this card are free, interbanks are charged in accordance with the terms of maintenance of the main card.

  • The maximum size of one translation is 33,000 rubles;
  • Daily limit on translations - 96,000 rubles;
  • There are no default limits on the payment of goods and services, but the user can define them on their own.


MasterCard Virtual from Promsvyazbank is a prepaid payment instrument. The release application is issued through an online PSB-Retail service ( My bankCards). For clients financial institution MASTERCARD VIRTUAL MASTERCARD VIRTUAL 300 thousand ₽for other potential holders - 15 thousand ₽. You can get acquainted with the rules and tariffs on the Bank's website.

Advantages of a card without material carrier:

  • issue and receiving details to pay instantly
  • payment fee in the Internet bank from the account or on the map of another bank
  • free SMS and 3D-Secure services
  • release card with a necessary limit for each purchase
  • replenishment of the Card Account via the Internet Bank
  • duration of each card 3 months

Virtucard from the Russian Standard Bank

Map Virtu Mastercard

Card validity to 6 months, the possibility of free release

The Russian Standard Bank Virtual Map can be ordered in several ways: on the Bank's website (paid), online bank, mobile bank, self-service devices and partner tickets. Account size must be within 100₽-100 thousand ₽. Holders take part in the program "Club of discounts", the objects of which are hotels and restaurants.

MasterCard Virtual from Alpha Bank

Getting MasterCard Virtual occurs through the Alfa-Click online service. Her release is worth 49₽, and the annual service is free.

It is possible to open with the established limit to make only one transaction, after which payment tool You can deactivate and close. The payment instrument functions on the basis of the same tariff plans as plastic.

Visa and Mastercard from Sberbank

Issued in personal Cabinet Internet service "Sberbank-online". Additional instances are not produced, but it is possible to release two options for one client (one copy from each of the payment visa systems and MasterCard). The tariff plan is a pilot.

Step-by-step instruction for registration of Sberbank card without material carrier:

  1. log in to your Sberbank Personal Account online
  2. follow this link Virtual Card Application
  3. in chapter View of the map Select map
  4. in field Currency - Rubles, dollars or euros
  5. the field with the name is filled automatically.
  6. enter the phone number in the field Mobile phone; The Mobile Bank service will be connected to it, that is, all passwords and notifications will come to him
  7. in field Mobile operator Enter the name of the communication operator by switching by reference Choose from reference
  8. specify the tariff in the section Rate mobile Bank : Full or economical (the monthly subscription fee is not charged, but there are no notifications about operations)
  9. click Send a request
  10. confirm the application and correctly enabled code from SMS

Visa from QIWI

Qiwi Visa Virtual Map

- Common Balance Card and Wallet

- Payment on any site on the Internet

- availability of details for payment in the wallet

The QIWI Visa Card virtual card is created to open. You can arrange it in your personal account. Its details are sent to the holder through an SMS message. Limit for content money15 thousand ₽, for payment of goods in online stores - 40 thousand ₽ For one calendar month.

Account Management Services

To freely make operations and control the status of the account, the virtual card must be served in the bank-issuer's online services. These are Internet banking, SMS banking and mobile bank.

Security use

Visa and MasterCard virtual cards possess greater degree Protection in contrast to plastic equivalent. In order to make a payment, you will need to enter, as well as confirm the payment by a disposable password - it will come to the number mobile phone Holder in response to a request for a transaction.

An important role is played by the fact that complete information about details and three-digit code is not available for the view of third parties, as it occurs when calculating at the stationary shopping center. All information is the payment instrument number, the validity period and the three-digit code - only its owner can see. In addition, it can establish restrictions on the amount of expenses, which in the case of "hacking" card will prevent the attackers to write off a large amount of cash.

Additional virtual card protection measure - Special security technologies Verified by Visa and Mastercard Secure Code.

Favorable sides

The virtual card provides its owners a number of advantages:

  • multi-level account protection system from criminal encroachment
  • the validity period and limit on operations is set by the owner.
  • registration without having to attend the banking department
  • universality in comparison with electronic wallets, which not all online shopping takes
  • no need to wait until the bank makes the product and send it to the nearest unit (as it happens with a plastic option) - the virtual card is released instantly

Greetings, friends! Today I will tell you how to create a QIWI virtual card. I got it to pay in online stores: I used to use a plastic version of the VISA on which I kept funds for current costs. But one day, after trying to unauthorized access, I almost shot all the money. Then I put the limits for payment on the network, and for purchases, I got a QiWi card. For this reason, I myself felt "pitfalls": After reading the article, you will learn about everything.

What is the QIWI virtual card: Product Features

The payment remedy for the electronic system is a kind of account on which money is stored. Map is not available on material carrierSo you do not have to go to the bank or office to pick it up. The benefits of options also include the following:

  1. The electronic system offers it for free for each user who registered the wallet.
  2. You will make calculations in any online store if he accepts Visa cards.
  3. The use of the product is completely safe. By shopping on the Internet, you will not contribute to the form details of the payment agent, which you are transferred to the salary.
  4. To replenish the virtual QIWI convenient: at your disposal terminals, ATMs, a map on material carrier, communication salons and even the balance of the mobile operator.
  5. The control is performed in the Personal Account, and you can go to it from a stationary device or mobile gadget. Whether you want to change the PIN code or view the operations, there will be no difficulties.

After I created a virtual card QIWI wallet, began to distinguish between payments for online purchases and current expenses "in Real". It went to benefit the budget and helped save.

Disadvantages of a virtual card

Not without minus because you cannot withdraw money from virtual cards in ATMs. They are only suitable for settlements on the network: to make a purchase in a regular store or pay for the hotel room will not be able, even if you made a reservation via the Internet. The disadvantages include the presence of limits, because after their exceeding the card will be useless.

Types of QIWI cards

Online you can find information about different types Virtual tools, but in 2018 many options are outdated. Even if you used the system in the past, specify the situation at the moment.


Payment system produced QVV but from 02.26.2018 their sale was stopped. To replenish the created cards is also impossible, and this applies to dollar, and ruble options. But the remaining QVV operations are available to the holders: their validity period remains unchanged. True, I will not be able to re-release QIWI VIRTUAL, so technical support advises to go to QIWI Virtual Card.

QIWI Virtual Card: how to use it

Payment tool received name "Virtual Map with Wallet Balance". It will be useful in the following cases:

  1. When purchasing purchases on unverified sites, it is not necessary to indicate the details of the plastic VISA on which you store money. Introduction The QIWI virtual card number will not lead to the loss of your main savings.
  2. If you forget the requisites of plastic and you cannot clarify them, you do not have to refuse to buy. You calculate the virtual payment facility.

The validity period is 2 years, after which you make a reissue in your account. As for the commissions, the money is not written off for the creation and service. If you make acquisitions in Russian online stores, then the percentage of transfers is not charged. But when purchases abroad will have to give 2,5% , and the amount can not be less 30 ₽.. Money for SMS informing is also charged: monthly payment will be 29 ₽; Replenishment is free.

The main disadvantage is that the QVC card is impossible on the plastic carrier.

How can I create a virtual QIWI card

The advantages of the payment agent include its availability. You do not have to think how to get a QIWI virtual card, because it is created automatically when registering a wallet. Discupisites you will learn from SMS delivered to the phone number to which you tie the bill.

To view the details of the card, step bypass follow the instructions:

If you need details, and you did not get them in SMS, click on icon next to QVC icon. In the drop-down menu, select "Get details": 1 times a day they are sent for free. Click "Send", and the message will come to the number of a tied phone: it contains the card number and 3-digit code.

How much is the creation of a virtual card

The payment facility is created free of charge and operates for 2 years, after which you will make a reissue. It is important that the wallet is allowed to bind 1 active card.

What limits are installed on the created QVC

The payment system introduces restrictions depending on the status of the wallet, to which the QVC is tied. Immediately after registering in the system, you will come across the following limitations:

  • you can store no more 15 000 ₽;
  • total amount payments should not exceed 40 000 ₽.

If you have been identified on the network, the status will increase to the "main". You will keep account until 60 000 ₽, and the permissible amount of payments will increase to 200 000 ₽ per month.

According to the information on the site, the owner of the wallet with the status "Professional" will get the most profitable terms:

  • maximum storage amount - 600 000 ₽;
  • there are no limits for payment and transaction.

But is everything so tempting as described on the official website? The problem is that the security service blocks even identified wallets with the status "Professional". Naturally, a virtual tool attached to them becomes useless. The situation is described in detail in the revocation of the client, which will serve as a warning.

Experience using a QVC virtual card

The electronic system used 5 years, passed full-time verification, started a virtual and plastic card. The negative feedback on the network did not pay attention, received a salary on Qiwi (I freelancer), I took and paid loans, even accumulated on the car kept on the bill!

09.07.2018 The wallet was blocked, and after communicating with technical support, I was informed about the termination of the contract. The amount of the account remained rather big, it would be better if I kept her under the pillow! Technical support stated that to obtain the balance you need to provide a package of documents, and without them you will not give me money. I had to take from friends to snatch my blood from scammers.

What I do not understand with this attitude to customers, so these are the limits. According to the rules, I can hold on a virtual map to 600 000 ₽. It turns out that the service administration can pick up such an amount if the owner of the wallet for reasons will not provide them with a package of documents?

How to pay for purchases of the QIWI virtual card

Although storing large sums On the virtual medium is not recommended due to unreasonable locks, it will be suitable for shopping on the network. How to pay for your virtual card QIWI products? Follow the instructions:

The process does not differ from the use of plastic payment instruments: it is enough to store SMS with the received requisites or write them in a safe place. If you have any questions, how to create a virtual map in the QIWI system and pay for purchases, watch the video:

Problems when paying purchases by QIWI card

When using a virtual payment agent, the following difficulties arise:

  1. Some online stores are asked to enter the authorization code. It goes in a message to the phone number to which the wallet is tied. To get an SMS, first enter the details of the map on the website of the store.
  2. It happens that the online store rejects the payment. In this case, check the following: the presence of the desired amount on the account and correctness of the data introduction. Sometimes the problem is that the site does not take transfers from Visa. But practice shows that the reason for most cases becomes exceeding the limits or blocking the wallet, which was made by the security system QIWI.
  3. You forgot the details and requested SMS, but it was not delivered? Repeat the procedure later.
  4. You are offered to schedule regular payment, but you are thinking what will happen if money will end on QVC. There will be no problems as you get an SMS with a notification that you need to replenish the wallet. If the account does not appear, the autoplace will cancel.

The main difficulties begin if the store cancels the order for its reasons. The QIWI website informs that in this case the payment goes into the status of HOLD and remains 30 days in it. But practice shows another, and users have to wait for the return of funds within 5-6 weeks. To avoid a similar perspective, contact the owners of the trading platform asking you to write a letter to the address [Email Protected] And notify that the reservation of the amount is canceled. If the online store has bad technical support, then set up for prolonged expectation: QIWI employees are inactive even after stated 30 days.

Feedback on using QIWI payment

I used QIWI for more than one year, and no problems arose. No negative reviews in the network did not pay attention until the troubles have occurred with my virtual card.

07/28/2018 I decided to make a purchase in a foreign online store. Calculated Virtual QIWI Visa and received confirmation of the payment from the seller. But after 20 minutes. A new cancellation message has come. Checked the bill - the money did not return. The technical support QIWI reported that the payment is in the status of Hold. Advised to write the administration of the store; she did not answer.

Scroll day when I decided to create a Qiwi Visa virtual map, I continued to write and call them to support. The result was waiting for 4 days, during which heard the template phrases. As a result, the money was returned, but ... 46 days! I am sure that they were used for their own purposes.

How to replenish a virtual card and make money

QVC is not intended to withdraw funds: If you want to receive them in an ATM, order a payment instrument on a plastic carrier. But questions, how to replenish the QIWI virtual card, will not arise. It is enough to put money on the wallet in the payment system:

  • in the terminal without commission;
  • with a plastic card;
  • in an ATM;
  • bank transaction;
  • from the account of the mobile operator.

The amount on the created map and the wallet is always the same; To find out, check the account in the usual way.

How to find out the QVC virtual card number

It often happens that the user turns the Virtual QIWI wallet, not knowing the automatic opening of the QVC. SMS with the details of the map, delivered to the tied phone number, it does not save, and subsequently can not pay for purchases. In this case, go to your personal account, find the section "Bank cards"; Select subparagraph "My Maps".

You will see a list of available billing facilities, including a QIWI virtual card. But the details are visible only in part: this is done for security purposes so that, with unauthorized access, the attackers did not spend your money on the network.

QIWI virtual card holders are asked how to find out the number completely. To do this, click on the icon near the payment processing icon and select "Get details". In the SMS delivered, the figures will be contained that the site is hidden by asterisks.

How to re-care a QIWI virtual card

To reassure payment Tool, follow this link .

In the left side of the monitor you will see the QVC icon and the list of available actions. Click "Re-release".

Confirm the action and get SMS with new details. The old payment instrument is blocked.

Alternative to QIWI Visa Card: Plastic Cards

Virtual media use those who make purchases online. For users who intend to make money in ATMs or pay in ordinary stores, the electronic system offers plastic cards.

To see the list of available options, go to your personal account. In the "Bank cards", select "Catalog". The monitor will appear the list of options:

  1. Name Qiwi PayWave.manufactured for 3 years will cost $ 18. Pluses include free service and replenishment. It is important that when paying for rubles in foreign online stores, you pay the Commission (2.5%). If you decide to remove cash in an ATM, then give 2% + 50 ₽.
  2. Qiwi Team Play. Offered in similar conditions. The difference will be an interesting design and the ability to specify non-name, but nickname.
  3. If you need a nonienary payable, get an usual QIWI card. For it will have to give 149 ₽.
  4. Do not want to reverse the card often? Order QIWI PayWave +.: It acts 5 years. It features a stylish design.
  5. Name QIWI VISA PREMIUM + Available to identified customers connected by Premium package. The service will cost $ 799 per year: you will receive advanced cash removal limits, free SMS notification and fast service in technical support. True, practice shows that the responses of consultants, with all the operational, will not please meanness. Users of the system who paid for the "premium", as well as ordinary customers face blocking. Waiting for the responses of security service accounts for 3-4 days.
  6. Department installment "Conscience" Designed for interest-free calculations in stores, restaurants and other affiliate network institutions. You will not remove the money from it: "Conscience" is released to stimulate you shopping.

You will order a payment instrument on the site, specifying the name and address. Then you will be offered to choose convenient way Delivery. For sending mail to pay no, but courier services will cost $ 300. You can pay for the release from the wallet in the system or from any card.

My personal use of QVC

I used the electronic wallet of 10 years and did not understand why so much on the forums negative reviews. Later began to pay for purchases on the QVC network and did not think about the bad.

The first "bell" in real life sounded when a friend disappeared from an account 35 000 ₽. He had 2 wallets, and with both attackers removed the money. At the same time, he noticed that 15 000 ₽ from one account, and began to call technical support. He was offered to make a written appeal, and until a friend spoke on the phone, from the second wallet there was a balance of funds! SMS did not come, and the security service, blocking accounts about and without, did nothing. Later he was offered to write a statement to the police. Do you think the police will return the money that after 10 qiwi accounts already brought out of the system?

I made conclusions and removed almost all the means, leaving 700 ₽ into minor costs. A month later I tried to buy a game in the online store and pay QVC online. Money translated difficulties, so I contacted support. It turned out that the verified wallet with a 10-year term of use and frequent QVC transactions were blocked. When attackers removed tens of thousands, the security service was calm, but the purchase of the game seemed suspicious to her.

A few days later I received a letter in which I was notified of the termination of the contract. Do you imagine that a similar step allow for yourself a bank? And to obtain the remainder, notarized documents requested. It is clear that the notary services will cost more than 700 ₽. This means that Qiwi just takes my money. For myself, I concluded that it is better to go to the nearest bank and get a reliable means of payment. Whether you want to use QIWI Visa Card, solve yourself.

QIWI Virtual Map: Video


QIWI offers payment instruments released on virtual and physical media. My experience has shown that the option on plastic loses the usual banking products. The security system often produces blocking, and resume access is problematic, and the percentage is taken for removing cash. But the virtual tool is convenient for payments on the network. The minuses include all the same risk of chaotic locks and the disgusting work of technical support. But if you do not want to go to the bank and receive ordinary plastic, you can give Qiwi chance. Just listen to my advice: keep the amount on QVC that is not sorry to lose.

QIWI wallet of electronic payment systems is becoming more and more. Popularity electronic money Explained

What you need to make payment for kindergarten, offer several options, incl.

Methods of blocking a bank card Sberbank if the map visited other people's hands: in the worship, the steal,

Bank cards received widespread distribution among consumers, as they have many advantages that beneficially distinguish them from cash. Finding out how to create a virtual map of one of the payment systems, the user will be able to make purchases on the Internet without using the props of their main card.

Virtual cards - what is it

On the this momentMost financial organizations offer their customers to issue virtual credit cards or debit products. Virtual name Card. It is a traditional plastic that has no physical media. It is attached to the existing account and has a small validity period, and the client instead of traditional plastic receives only its details.

As a rule, virtual cards are used to make one-time shopping, which allows maximum safety.

There are similar products not only by bank institutions, but also by electronic payment systems. For example, QIWI offers all customers to issue virtual plastic from Visa, and Yandex.Money allows you to instantly create a card from MasterCard.

Planning to create credit card Visa, it should be noted that a similar service is usually available from banking organizations - Sberbank of the Russian Federation and others. Electronic money systems most often provide debit products to their customers.

Virtual cards have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of payment instrument

When planning to create a virtual visa map online, the user needs to be familiar with the main advantages and disadvantages of this product. The main function of such a card is to make secure purchases, as it allows you to not use the details of the main account and, therefore, do not transfer them to online stores.

In addition, she has many other obvious advantages:

  • instant output. The product is instantly manufactured that it eliminates the need to visit a branch of a financial organization for its receipt and expectation of manufacture;
  • the ability to make a single purchase card, after which, it can be immediately reassured and used to use with updated details;
  • preferential conditions of service. A similar type of plastic allows the client to save money, since the monthly payment for the use of the product is either completely absent or its size is minimal.

Such an option is ideal for those consumers who fear fraudulent actions by intruders, as well as transfer data on the product by trading online fields. However, he has a number of flaws that need to be mentioned. First of all, this is a shorter period of validity, which makes it uncomfortable long-term use of the same card.

In addition, the virtual version of the plastic cannot be used in ordinary shops to pay for purchases, as it does not have physical media. Some financial institutions often establish certain restrictions on transactions using such cards, which reduces their functionality.

Since the terms of the use and release of the product vary considerably and depend on the issuer, it is advisable to study the nuances of its receipt and use on the example of cards from QIWI.

Virtual card qiwi

Wanting to start a Visa virtual map, most users prefer to take advantage of the QIWI electronic money system. The standard version of the product is available free of charge, which makes it available to a wide circle of consumers.

Such a card may be reissued by an unlimited number of times, and its validity period, as a rule, does not exceed 1 year. In this case, the virtual plastic is tied to the wallet and does not have a separate balance, which allows you to calculate with online stores even in cases if they do not accept electronic money of this system.

Card protection level this type Fully complies with Visa standards and no different from similar products having physical media.

To register a virtual map of Kiwi, you need to log in or create a new wallet

Prepaid card

Many consumers do not want to use a classic virtual card from Kiwi, as its balance is tied to the electronic wallet. This is hazardous cash in the account, in case of receipt of access to the card from the intruders. Wanting to avoid a similar threat, this payment system produces special prepaid products that provide for special conditions use.

The user can create several cards of this type at once, but it is possible to re-release every 2 times in a month. For the release of the card, a commission of 2.5% is charged, but not less than 25 rubles or $ 1. Throughout the term of the product, the client will be able to spend no more than 30,000 rubles or 1 thousand dollars.

Card owners are available for SMS-informing service at a price of 19 rubles per month.

Procedure for creating

In order for the consumer to successfully create a similar product, it must be registered by the QIWI system, as well as have the necessary amount of funds to pay the commission for the issue.

Taking over how to make virtual plastic in QIWI, you need to stick to a simple instruction:

  1. Authorized on the official QIWI website.
  2. Go to the section "Bank cards".
  3. Among the actions available to the user, you should select "Create a Virtual Card". In this case, the client can choose - create a Visa Card virtual map or release Visa Virtual.
  4. After pressing the desired button, the system will automatically generate card payment details - the number, CVC code.
  5. To familiarize yourself with the terms of the product, the size of the commission and the timing of the action, after which, click the "Buy Map" button.
  6. Specify the phone number to which the card will be tied, as well as choose a payment method.
  7. Wait for completion of payment and appearance new card In a personal account.

The maximum amount of payment when paying by such a product is 15 thousand rubles, and no more than 30 thousand are allowed for a month. If desired, the product owner may activate the SMS-informing option about 19 rubles per month. The requisites of the created card are always available to the user in the Personal Account, and the product service is carried out free of charge.

How to use

Users who only have recently issued a similar product, wish to learn the rules and features of its use. First of all, it is necessary to remember that you cannot pay for purchases using a similar tool in a regular store, even if the terminal has in it for payment.

Such a limitation is compensated by wide product features for use on the Internet. With it, the user will be able to:

  • pay for housing and communal services, mobile and Internet;
  • acquire goods on online venues;
  • make various transfers.

Virtual card can be both debit and credit

Virtual credit card

However, virtual payment instruments may not only be debit, but also credit type. The most popular product of this kind is issued by the largest financial institution of the Russian Federation - Sberbank. In order to electronic map. Visa was successfully framed, it will be necessary to meet certain requirements. Among them:

  • the candidate must be the owner of one of the other products of this financial organization;
  • the client map must be registered in the Mobile Bank or Sberbank online services;
  • between the client I. financial Organization Maintenance agreement must be concluded.

One of the reasons for the popularity of this credit card can be considered a low cost of service - 60 rubles, which are charged annually. The term of the product is 3 years from the date of release. A credit card is drawn up for free, and only the domestic currency can be used for calculations.

The user can arrange only 2 cards of this type - 1 Visa and 1 MasterCard.

The reissue procedure takes no more than a day, while only the verification code changes, and the credit card is saved. The confirmation code is sent to the attached phone number of the product owner, after which it begins the countdown of its action.

The closing procedure of the credit card will also not cause inconvenience, but its owner needs to take care to translate the remains own funds To your own account in advance.

After it was done, you should call the support service number 88005555550 and inform the operator about the desire to close the product. In this case, the client will need to inform the Bank's specialist control information to confirm the person.

Create a virtual map Online on the website of the bank, providing similar products, can almost every client - the owner of debit or credit plastic, which is sufficient to write off the fee for this service.

Although the finching is practically not costly, generating a set of details for the client for calculations on the Internet, the manufacture of the card is not subject to the Commission extremely rare. For example, in a nosos-bank, a virtual card can be issued for free only within the framework of the action, valid until the end of November, - through the service "NOMOS-LINK" for a maximum of six months and with a limit of up to 50 thousand.

Below we will look at how to create a virtual map on the example of the products of those few institutions that are not charged for its release - a loan of Europe Bank and Ubrir.

How to create a virtual credit card europe bank

Free Virtual Card Credit Europe Bank is available as an additional to the main "plastic" of the clients of this finachery. When it is created in the Internet bank, the currency, limits and the validity period of the map are indicated, and the score to which it is tied.

After ordering a map, the user is sent to the user (on the phone number specified as a contact) message with the details required to calculate the network.

A credit card or "plastic" with overdraft from credit Europe bank can order only one free virtual card.

Free Virtual Map Ubrir

Uclira clients can create a Visa Virtuon virtual map using a special online service called Telebank. When ordering a map, you can define its limit and the number of operations permissible.

Unlike a loan, Europe Bank Ubrir allows you to produce up to 2 free virtual cards per day. After confirming the order of the map, the system displays its details: promo code, number, CVV-2 and validity. The received information must be recorded, since after leaving the "Telebank" details of the cards will not be saved.

A SMS banking can also be connected to the virtual map for free in the Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

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