
Make a report on the terminal month. How to use the payment terminal. How to read a card with a magnetic stripe without chip

In the article, we will consider how to properly store checks on acquiring. We find out why they need slip checks and how much they need to be stored according to the norms of the law. We have prepared for you a step-by-step instruction on the transfer of checks in the bank and collected recommendations on the correct storage of slips.

Need a check with acquiring

Disputes about whether a fiscal check is needed when paying online, as well as whether it is necessary to maintain it, are conducted since 2003. At this time, Law No. 54-FZ was adopted, which determines the use of cash registers (CCM) when paying for goods or services by bank card or in cash. But this act did not take into account the improvement of technology and the emergence of online payment. Until July 2016 this law It was possible to interpret so:

"The fiscal check is needed in the case of payment for a product or service of a bank card either when paying in cash. Check is not required with direct translation money At the expense of the company. "

To date, this opinion is not true. The Federal Law No. 290 released on July 3, 2016, unambiguously argues that the fiscal document is necessary at any method of payment, including at:

  • sale of goods and services;
  • pay out lottery tickets;
  • electronic payments (for example, to the account mobile phone or for housing and communal services through the application);
  • receiving paid content (applications, games, books, software and so on);
  • other.

Therefore, the answer to the question is whether checks are needed at, unambiguous: yes, we need. At the same time, they must be stored a certain time. Consider how long the checks should be kept in 2018.

How much to store checks on acquiring

All documents that belong to the category of primary cash registers should be maintained for 5 years. This rule approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 470 of June 23, 2007.

However, the law provides an exception for copies of commodity checks and used cash checks. The shelf life of these two documents is 10 days. The storage of checks on acquiring and other similar documents is engaged in a materially responsible person. At the same time, Z-reports with CCM (including POS-terminals) refer to primary documents, whose storage period is 5 years.

According to, as a rule, it is planned to store checks and other documents confirming the fact of making a transaction or expenses. It is equal to three years. In this case, checks (slips) are transmitted to the bank no later than three days from the date of receipt of the request from the bank.

Now let's look at what and how to store checks.

What needs to keep checks

First of all, the presence of preserved checks is due to the need for the enterprise itself:

  • To avoid a fine of tax Inspection (for example, when the Z-report is lost) and for the correct maintenance of accounting (for cash and non-cash payments, different box office sections are allocated, which avoids double taxation).
  • To resolve controversial situations with the client.
  • To refund money.
  • In some cases, to check the status of payment.

In addition to these cases, the Bank concluded with the acquiring treaty, has the right to demand sending all slippers to his office for a certain period or a specific date. With proper storage of checks, the provision of the required information will take less time than the three days established by the contract.

Let's wonder how to properly store checks on acquiring. Modern cash registers Print checks, as a rule, on the thermal. Data applied to such a tape over time completely fade. No special conditions Storage will not affect this process. But checks from acquiring should be stored a certain time. And how to do it, if after a few months all the information will disappear?

Save data of reports or checks will help photocopy of the document. At the same time, the original is applied to the copy (even if it has fallen), and the copy itself is assigned to the person and printing of the organization. To the Z-report, it is also necessary to attach a certificate report in the form of KM-6.

Six checks (slips) to any documents on the box office are not required. Optimally to add them to a certain place, for convenience, divided by bookmarks by day or months. For these purposes, a low box or a cap from the packing of a photocular paper is suitable.

The question arises: where to give unclaimed checks? Slips that have expired storage time, or stored in the archive or disposed.

Transmission of Slip Chek to the Bank

Record by the POS terminal takes place daily. In leaving all information on the operations performed. Evidence of this is the closing report on the terminal. However, sometimes the bank sends a request for the provision of slip-check and refinement of the operation details. This is done in many cases, in particular, for the prevention of fraudulent actions by buyers.

In order to properly provide the Bank all the necessary information, read step by step instructions:

No. p / p Algorithm of action
1. Obtaining a request from a bank for the provision of sliding (s) for a certain period.
2. It is necessary to find checks for the period that the bank indicated.
3. Slip checks (+ their certified photocopies, if the checks fused) and the explanation required by the bank are described, i.e. the document is compiled.
4. Documents are packaged in a package or folder. Inventory is applied to the package.
5. Documents are sent to the bank with a courier (yours or from the bank). You can take the package yourself in the office of the bank.
6. In addition, a mark on the acceptance of documents by a responsible person (by a bank employee or courier) is raised.

How to fill in the cash report when working with the terminal. It is enough money punched by section 2 (terminal) to show in the report. I'm interested in whether you need to display the amounts of the terminal in the book and cashier. This is not cash, but Z reports and checks of the terminal for cash reports we put in doubt about the filling in the cash book


IN cash book Reflect only cash revenue. When calculating with the use of payment cards, apply the CCT is mandatory, and cash checks must be issued to customers. However, the proceeds from such operations do not enter the cashier, but to the current account. Therefore, in the cash book, the revenue from sales on bank cards does not reflect (paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ). If the amount of cash revenue reflected in the main ticket office differs from the total amount of the Z-report on the amount of non-cash payments included in it, then this means that the money is credited correctly.

At the end of the working day, data on non-cash revenue from z-reports is entered into a cashier-operating officer (form No. CM-4). The information from the cashier-operator magazine on the amount of cash and non-cash revenue is transferred to the form of KM-6 and the form of KM-7. That is, in km-6 and km-7, revenue of cards and cash revenues are reflected in total amount. Revenue entered by cards court ordernor in the cash book should not share.

Is it necessary to reflect the entire final amount of the Z-report at the box office, if part of the revenue came from buyers on plastic cards

There is no need.

After all, in the cash book you need to reflect only cash revenue. Yes, when calculating using payment cards, and cash checks must be issued to customers. However, the proceeds from such operations do not enter the cashier, but to the current account. So it turns out that in the cash book, the revenue from sales on bank cards do not reflect ().

In cash checks, pierced when paying the purchase of a bank card must be marks for receiving non-cash payments. In Z-reports such amounts go on a separate line (See, for example,). If the amount of cash revenue reflected in the main ticket office differs from the total amount of the Z-report on the amount of non-cash payments included in it, then this means that the money is credited correctly.

A similar point of view, in particular, is reflected in.

Receiving payments from tourists by cards

In this regard, the amount of money obtained by non-cash payments using plastic cards, the receipt of the cash order is not compiled.

However, this amount must be reflected in the cashier-operator magazine). At the end of the working day, the cashier when filling the magazine reflects the number of payment cards for which payment was made, and in - revenue from the implementation of services using cards.

Information from the Cashira Operator's Magazine on the amount of revenue received both in cash and using plastic cards, must be transferred to the cashier-operating service certificate. Then the cashier reflects the amount of cash in PKO and with it gives money, as a rule, to the accounting department. Accepted cash accountant reflects in the cash book.

Shops or service providers who accept plastic customer cards must correctly reflect the revenue in tax and accounting. In addition, they need to issue cash documents - For example, when returning money to the client. This article provides detailed recommendations for those who already apply this method of calculations, and for those who are only going to implement it.

How calculations occur with cards

IN lately Suppliers of goods and services are increasingly providing customers with the ability to pay through plastic cards. This species Completely received the name acquiring.

When acquired, the supplier concludes an agreement with the bank, and it establishes an electronic device in the office or store (POS terminal), which allows you to read information from monetary card client. In addition, the Bank opens the account for the supplier to which revenue will be received. At the time of payment, the required amount is written off from the Card Card, and after some time (usually every other day or two) is credited to the seller's bank account.

If trade is carried out via the Internet, buyers are most often calculated directly on the supplier's website without the use of the POS terminal. In this case, the Client fills in a special secure payment form and indicates information about its card. After that, money is written off the card and come to the supplier's account. This method of calculations is conventionally called Internet acquiring.

For acquiring services (including internal acquiring), the Bank charges from the supplier a fee as a percentage of the payment amount. The percentage is held immediately at the time of payment of payment, and the revenue goes to the seller's account already minus the percentage.

Application of CCC with acquiring

Sellers who make payments for bank cards are obliged to apply online cash offices. Indeed, according to paragraph 1 of Article 1.2 of the Federal Law of 05/22/03 No. 54-FZ, cash registers are used in calculations. Under the calculations, among other things, it is understood by the reception and issuance of money in non-cash order (Article 1.1 of Law No. 54-FZ). And the use of a payment card is a kind of cashless payment. Thus, when acquiring is necessary to pierce cash registers and transmit information to the fiscal data operator (OFD).

An important detail: if the client paid up with the help of the card, the seller is obliged to give him not one, but two checks. The first is the usual cash checkwhich looks just like if the buyer had paid in cash. The second is a check of the cash terminal (Slip). It should contain all the necessary details, in particular, the identifier electronic terminal, date, amount, currency of operation and so on. Also in the slip need a signature of the cashier. The customer's signature is necessary only if it does not enter the PIN code of his card (paragraph 3.3 of the situation of the Central Bank dated December 24, 2004 No. 266-P *).

Revenue by acquiring in tax and accounting

In accounting income in the form of revenues received by plastic cards, formed on the day when the client paid for a product or service. As long as the money written off from the client's maps will not receive a supplier's bank account, they should be reflected in the account 57 "Translations on the way". After enrollment on the bank account, they must be written off in the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts".

In tax accounting, the moment of income formation depends on the Supplier's taxation system. With the main system with the method of accrualing income in the form of proceeds by acquiring is formed per day when the tools are written off from the client map. At the cash management method and the "simplist", income is permissible to show at the time when money entered the bank account. This was confirmed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in a letter from 03.04.09 No. 03-11-06 / 2/58 (see "").

Please note: despite the fact that the revenue arrives at the current account for the minus the percentage, held by the Bank, the income must be formed on the full amount of revenue. Companies and entrepreneurs on USN should show in the book of accounting of income and expenses precisely complete, that is, not reduced on bank interest Revenue.

Next, those who apply ones can include the percentage of the bank to expenses on the basis of subparagraph 25 of paragraph 1 of the Article NC RF. Taxpayers on a simplified system with an object "Revenues minus costs" is also entitled to recognize the costs on the basis of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If the object of taxation of the "simplist" is income, then the bank interest will not be able to write off (the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from; see "").

In accounting, the bank's services fee relates to other costs on the basis of paragraph 11 of PBU 10/99 "organization expenses".


The trading company is on the main tax system and applies the accrual method. The acquiring contract concluded with the bank, the cost of services is 2 percent of the amount received using plastic customer cards. On March 31, customers paid for the goods using cards through a POS terminal, revenue value is 10,000,000 rubles. April 01. this amount Minus the percentage of retained by the bank was credited to the company's account. IN banking extract The percentage is highlighted in a separate string.

Debit 62 credit 90 - 10 000 000 rubles. - reflected sales revenue;

Debit 57 Credit 62 - 10 000 000 rubles. - Received payment through the terminal. In the tax accounting of an income of 10,000,000 rubles.

Debit 91 Credit 57 - 200,000 rubles. (10 000 000 rubles. X 2%) - held the cost of the bank's services;

Debit 51 Credit 57 - 9 800,000 rubles. (10 000 000 - 200,000) - money is credited to the bank account in tax accounting formed costs of 200,000 rubles.

Return of money received through a payment card

If a customer has refused a product or a service paid with a plastic card, the seller is obliged to return money to him. At the same time, the return should happen on the card, return the funds in cash from the cash register.

Listing money for the returned product, the seller must issue a cash receipt with a sign of the calculation of the "Return of the arrival". This check must be issued on the CCT of the organization or the IP, who took the money from the buyer when selling goods. This was reminded of the Ministry of Finance of Russia in a letter from 04.07.17 No. 03-01-15 / 42312 (see "").

In accounting when refunding money on the Customer's card, it is most often used by the string of wiring created at the time of purchase. Simply put, the abolition of revenue is shown by two wiring. The first - on the debit of account 90 and the account of the account 62, the second - on the debit of account 62 and the credit of the account 57. Then after writing off the money with bank account The provider is made on the debit of account 57 and the credit account 51.

This article discusses issues related to regulatory regulation acquiring operations, as well as their accounting and tax accounting and documentary.

Operations related to pay plastic cards have become everyday, as this is a convenient and secure tool. Allows you to accept plastic cards of leading international payment systems to pay for goods and services. Therefore, more and more trade organizations use this form of payment.

The advantages of the acquiring operations are:

  • minimizing risks on cash-related operations (revenue on plastic cards is difficult to steal, and you will not be given fake money);
  • increasing the competitiveness of the organization and an increase in revolutions by attracting new clients of plastic card holders;
  • the transactions on plastic cards does not cover the calculation limit of cash.


Before the modern accountant is the task of competent registration as traditional cash operationsand operations related to calculations by plastic cards. However, to conduct a conversation about acquiring, you must first figure out the specific terms inherent in this operation. Consider the most important of them.

Equiphering - Activities credit organizationwhich includes the implementation of settlements with trade enterprises (services) on operations performed using bank cards.

Payment card (Banking) - plastic card, tied to one or several settlement (facial) bank accounts. Used to pay for goods (works, services), including through the Internet, as well as for cash withdrawal.

Under electronic payment system It is understood as a complex of specialized software, providing transactions (translation) of cash from the consumer to a supplier of goods, where the seller has its own account (the most common types of payment systems: Visa and MasterCard).

Bank-accreede - a credit institution, which makes settlements with trade in transactions on transactions performed using payment cards, and (or) issues cash to pay certificates that are not customers of the specified credit institution. The Equiler Bank is needed to implement financial transactions by interacting with payment systems.

POS terminal - This is an electronic software and technical device for receiving payment on plastic cards, it can take cards with a chip module, a magnetic strip and contactless cardsAs well as other devices having a contactless interface. Also, the POS terminal often implies the entire software and hardware complex, which is installed at the workplace of the cashier.

To date, many banks provide a similar service, just choose that bank, the conditions of which are beneficial. For your service, the bank will take commissions, and each bank has different percentage. The Bank provides all the necessary equipment and conducts employee training.

When using the Acquiring service, you must have an account of the bank account. Many have no current account - in this case, you should choose a suitable bank in which the accuming contract must be concluded. Simple definition of the principle of operation using acquiring - through special equipment from the buyer's plastic card, the organization removes the amount for the purchase, and then the Bank-the accumulation translates it to the organization's current account while holding the commission for its service.

What should pay attention to regulatory documents?

Currently, money transfer is regulated Federal law from 27.06.2011 No. 161-FZ "On National payment system" The transfer of funds is carried out within a period of no more than three business days from the date of writing off funds from the payer's bank account (paragraph 5 of Art. 5 of Law No. 161-FZ).

If the funds go to the organization's current account for more than one day, then in accounting to control the movement of money, the account 57 "Translations on the way" is used (subaccount 57-3 sales on payment cards) in accordance with the instructions for the application of the accounts plan accounting (approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 31.10.2000 No. 94n). Calculations with the Equiler Bank can also be taken into account on account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors".

Revenue from the sale of goods is an income from the usual activities of the trade organization and is recognized as a date of transfer of goods to the buyer, regardless of the date and order of payment for the goods (). The actual cost of the implemented product is recognized by the costs of ordinary species Activities and write off from account 41 "Goods" in debt account 90 subaccount "Cost of sales" (clause 5, 7, 9, 10 PBU 10/99 "organization expenses" (hereinafter -)).

It's important to know

Cartrol order for revenue cashless payment Not prescribed.

Expenses for payment of the Equiler Bank, carrying out calculations for transactions using payment cards, are taken into account as part of other expenses and are reflected in the account 91 subaccount "Other expenses" at the date of revenue enrollment on the organization's current account (paragraph 11, 14.1 of PBU 10/99 ). Enrollment on the settlement account of the organization of revenues from the sale of goods using bank cards is made, as a rule, minus the bank's remuneration.

Organizations retail It is entitled to take into account the goods purchased and sold by them at the cost of their acquisition or at prior prices with a separate account of surcharge (discounts) ().

Selected product accounting options should be enshrined in accounting policies.


To begin with, establish a sequence of execution of the acquiring operations:

  • the cashier activates the buyer's card using the terminal, the card information is instantly transmitted to the processing center;
  • after checking the current balance in the account in two copies, the slip is printed in which the buyer and the seller must be written;
  • the instance of the slip, signed by the seller, is issued to the buyer. The second instance (with the subscription of the buyer) remains the seller. The seller must check the sample signature on the map submitted on the map.
  • the seller is obliged to apply with such operations KKM and give a cash receipt to the buyer.

Calculations made by payment cards make their way to a separate section of the KKM and are reflected separately in the Z-report as the amount of non-cash revenue. At the same time, in the cash journal, the form by column 12 reflects the number of plastic cards on which calculations were carried out, and in column 13 indicates the amount obtained when paying by these cards. Information from the cashier's journal about the amount of revenue received both in cash and through plastic cards is transferred to the certificate of the cashier-operator's certificate ().


The services of the Accuator Bank are not subject to taxation of VAT (). Consequently, the cost of the bank's services does not contain "input" VAT.

Scheme documentary Acquiring operations looks like this:

  • at the end of the working day, the acquiring obliges an organization to report to the bank for each transaction conducted on plastic cards. For this purpose, an electronic magazine is sent to the bank formed by the POS terminal;
  • the bank checks the documents submitted to it;
  • the bank translates the trade in cash paid by payment cards.

The acquiring contract, as a rule, implies that the bank lists the organization's money to the settlement account already minus its remuneration.

However, the organization acts as a seller and is obliged to reflect the revenue in full, including the agreed remuneration to the bank. In this case, the Bank's commission and accounting, and tax accounting reflects as "other expenses" with the use of account 91 "Other expenses". Organizations using UPN (with the object of taxation income reduced by the amount of expenses) can also take into account the services of the bank in expenditures.

There are two main options for reflecting such accounting operations:

  • money transfer is carried out by the Bank on the day of payment of plastic cards (see Example 1);
  • the transfer of money by the Bank does not occur on the day of payment by cards (see example 2).

Example 1.

On September 13, 2014, using bank cards through the electronic payment system in Rhythm LLC received payment from buyers for goods in the amount of 46,830 rubles (including 18% VAT - 7,143.56 rubles.). FROM serving bank The acquiring treaty was concluded, on the basis of which the amount of revenue for sold goods was listed on the settlement account of the Organization. The amount of remuneration is 1.2 percent of the amount of revenue received. Cash translation is carried out by the Bank on the day of payment of plastic cards.

IN accounting LLC The following wiring will be made "rhythm":

- 46 830 rubles. - reflected revenue from the provision of services using plastic cards;

- 7143,56 rubles. (46 830 rubles. X 18/118) - VAT is accrued on the amount of revenue using in the calculations of plastic cards;

Debit 51 Credit 62
- 46 830 rubles. - they entered the current account of cash written off from customer accounts;

Debit 91 subaccount "Other expenses" Credit 51
- 561.96 rubles. (46 830 rubles. X 1.2%) - the costs of paying commissions can be recognized.

Example 2.

Over September 14, 2014, the revenue of Trio LLC amounted to 64,900 rubles, including using plastic cards - 47,200 rubles. The agreement with the Bank provides that funds come to the organization's current account the day after receiving an electronic journal (a POS-terminal is established), the Bank's Commission is two percent of the payment of the plastic card. The transfer of funds by the bank comes the day after the payment of the card.

The following wiring will be made in the Trio's accounting LLC:

Debit 62 Credit 90 subaccount "Revenue"
- 47 200 rubles. - reflected revenue from the provision of services using plastic cards;

Debit 90 subaccount "VAT" Credit 68
- 2700 rubles. (17 700 rubles. X 18/118) - VAT accrued on the amount of revenue for cash;

Debit 90 subaccount "VAT" Credit 68
- 7200 rubles. (47,200 rubles. X 18/118) - VAT accrued on the amount of revenue using plastic cards;

Debit 50 Credit 90 subaccount "Revenue"
- 17 700 rubles. (64 900 - 47,200) - recruited at arrival cassovoy order revenue from providing services for cash;

Debit 57 subaccount "Sales on payment cards" Credit 62
- 47 200 rubles. - sent e-magazine to the bank;

Debit 57 subaccount "Collection of cash" Credit 50
- 17 700 rubles. - the cash funds into the bank are invised (the expendable cash order is discharged);

Debit 51 credit 57 subaccount "Sales on payment cards"
- 46 256 rubles. (47,200 rubles. - 47,200 rubles. X 2%) - Received money recorded with customer accounts (minus commission);

Debit 91 subaccount "Other expenses" Credit 57 subaccount "Sales on payment cards"
- 944 rubles. (47,200 rubles. X 2%) - the costs of paying commission bank were recognized;

Debit 51 Credit 57 subaccount "Collection of cash"
- 17 700 rubles. - Cash are credited to the current account.

And now consider the acquiring operation from the tax accounting.

Value added tax

Recall that the sale of goods in Russia is the object of taxation. The tax base is determined at the date of the transition of ownership of the goods to the buyer as the cost of the goods (minus VAT) (,). Taxation is made at a rate of 18 percent ().

Equiler Remuneration is recognized by trade organizations nonealization expenses ().

Payment by credit card actually implies a prepayment buyer. This must be considered when calculating the amount of VAT. Happy VAT calculus for the seller will be the date of receipt of funds from the buyer, which is provided for by subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 167 Tax Code. As the point of definition tax base VAT is the earliest of the following dates: the day of shipment (transmission) of goods (works, services), property rights or payment of payment, partial payment on the account of the upcoming supplies of goods (work, providing services), transfer of property rights.

Profit Tax

At the date of the transition of ownership of the goods to the buyer, the revenue received (minus VAT) is recognized as an income from sales (sub. 3 of paragraph 1 of Art. 264,).

To check the accuracy of the acquiring operation correctly, you need to check the separation of the amount from the Z-report on accounts 50 and 57 subaccount "Sales on payment cards" daily. Moreover, it is necessary to compare not only arrivals per day, but also the growing outcome allocated in the Z-report separate line. This will allow you to track the completeness of revenue.

In order to track the receipt of revenue to the bank and the correct separation of the Bank's commission, it is necessary to compare the turnover on the loan 57 every day. Sales on payment cards and the amount of revolutions on the debit of accounts 91 subaccount "Other expenses" (Bank's commission) and 51 subaccount " By payment cards. " If everything is separated correctly, they must coincide.

And, of course, the account 57 should not have a balance at the end of day, provided that the transfer on payment cards comes from the bank to the current account on the same day. If this condition is not performed, then in the amount of the balance in the account there should be only the debit turnover of the last day (or the two previous days, it directly depends on how often the bank lists money on acquiring operations to the company's current account).

You can still check yourself for the following typical errors:

  • the accountant can reflect in accounting revenue from the sale of goods not at the time of the transfer of goods to the buyer, but at the time of the coming of cash from the bank. This error leads to distortion of accounting and tax reporting when payment for goods payment card and transfer by the cash bank to the current account, fall on different reporting (tax) periods;
  • it is also possible to be mistaken if reflected in accounting revenue from the sale of goods for the minus commission held by the Bank under the acquiring agreement. This error leads to inclination not only revenue from sales, but also expenses, as a result, the accounting and tax reporting. At the organization being on the USN with the object of taxation "Revenues", this error leads to inclination of the taxable base single tax on the amount of the banking committee;
  • other violations can be the sale of goods on payment cards without the use of the CCT, the lack of information on the revenue received using bank cards in the cashier-operating officer magazine, a certificate of cashier-operationalist and information about the testimony of control and cash car counters.

Tatyana Lesain, accountant, for the magazine "Practical Accounting"

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Payment terminal - a functional and convenient device for holding payments. An increase in the number of people who want to hold cashless payment Promotes the spread of terminals. And the device itself is a legitimate and effective method of attracting new customers.

Instructions of payment terminals are almost always similar to each other. Differences may occur only if there are differences in the functional characteristics of devices (the presence of a contactless reader, battery, level and presence of installed software).

Complete set of payment terminals

Depending on the cashier model, the equipment may vary, but mainly includes:

  • payment terminal or pin pad;
  • charger (in battery models);
  • power Supply;
  • user manual
  • license installed by

Operation "Payment" in the terminal

Before, how to pay through the payment terminalYou must connect the device to the network or click on the power button (for the battery devices).
Modern checkouts are equipped with all possible devices for reading information from the map: Magnet, Chip and contactless payment. The payment function is always the same for each type of plastic medium and includes a number of basic actions:

  • Make a bank card with any convenient method (through a magnetic tape, chip reader or contactless payment module).

  • If a list of proposed actions appears in the menu - select "Payment" (for some payment payment models).
  • The terminal display shows a window in which you need to designate the amount of payment. To adjust the amount, use the arrow to the left or yellow button.
  • After checking the correctness of the data entered - click on the "Confirm" or "OK" button (most models are implemented in green).
  • If the terminal requests the Introduction of PIN code, you should ask the owner bank card Enter information, after which you need to press the "OK" key.
  • In order to print a check, you should arbitrarily press any button for printing duplicate it is possible to repeat.

After the operation on the terminal, you need to give one instance of the check to the buyer, attaching it to the plastic card. Duplicate must be left for reporting.

Operation "Cancel" by terminal

In the case of an error during payment, on any terminal there is a function capable of canceling the action. To spend application for cancellation of the operation of the terminalOne should comply with a simple algorithm:

  • Insert plastic card In the terminal of any in a convenient way (Chip reader, magnetic reader or indicator of contactless payments).
  • Using the keyboard, enter the check number of the canceled operation.
  • The display will appear on the payment information.
  • For partial cancellation, change the amount using the adjustment keys (Left or Yellow Arrow). And click "OK".
  • In case of complete cancellation on the payment terminal, press the "OK" button without adjusting the amount.
  • Leave your signature on the check, and if there is a place to sign the client, ask him to sign. Check with both signatures should remain at the cashier for reporting.

IMPORTANT! To carry out the "Cancel" operation, the shift on the terminal should not be closed.

How to make recalculation of outcomes on the terminal

Timp Terminal - the necessary daily process that matches the bank data with information on the payment on the terminal.
Before removing the verification of the outcome on the terminal, go to the administrative menu by pressing the special key (in some models, press the button must be twice). In the drop-down menu, select the "Record" item. After performing these simple actions, the printer prints the check, and the following actions will occur in the terminal:

  • Detailed verification and comparison of the terminal data with information in the bank.
  • A structured report with marking on operations and cards is presented.
  • All data from the magazine, accumulated from the last reconciliation of the results.

Also happens re-reciprocal results on the payment terminal when closing a shift. It may be updated on the terminal software. Do not turn off the terminal until the update process is completed.

How to connect the payment terminal to the computer

The integration of the terminal with a personal computer is the need for current realities. Connecting the device to the PC opens up ample opportunities for prompt and convenient customer service.
Before, how to connect a payable terminalYou must install or update the software, and purchase an optional cable for connecting devices.
The process of conducting the procedure is quite laborious and complex, it requires a certain experience and availability of information. That is why a specialist who can be invited to connect the terminal to the payment system. Main steps:

  • Installing the Terminal Drivers.
  • Connecting the terminal to a computer.

How to close the shift of the payment terminal

In most models, there is a function that allows you to set the operation "Closing a shift" automatically at a certain time. In case you need before close shift, payable terminal Allows you to make a few simple actions:

  • Open an administrative menu by pressing a special key.
  • In the menu that opens, select the "Change Closure" section.
  • Save printer check check for reporting.

Instruction. How to make a refund over the terminal

Before how to make a refund on the chartIt is necessary to make a shift closure. Consider in detail how to make a refund through the terminal on a specific model.

How to make a refund on the Ingenico terminal

Return Operation Terminal Possible on all modifications of Ingenico. For this it is necessary to make some simple actions:

  • Enter the card into the terminal by any convenient method (magnetic tape, chip reader or contactless reader).
  • In the field that opens, specify the number of reference numbers from the Payment Check.
  • Determine the amount of returned funds. (Before how to make a refund over the terminal, check with the buyer, what amount he wants to return. In the terminal, you can specify both full and partial quantity).
  • Press the "OK" key.
  • If the process is approved by the bank, the terminal prints two checks, put on one of its own signature and give the card holder.

IMPORTANT! Instructions for returning funds in the terminal is simpleBut requires concentration and proper data. Therefore, check the return amount before pressing the "OK" button.

Terminal operation. General requirements

For the correct work, the terminal requires careful care and conduct of the procedures for maintaining activities.

Paper for checks

Basic requirements for the material:

  • Paper must be high quality, without defects and stains.
  • It is necessary to comply with the rules for the storage of rolls to prevent moisture, damp or contact paper with heat.
  • For proper work, it is recommended to use only paper from verified manufacturers.

Cleaning device

Before starting work on clearing the terminal from dust and other contaminants, you must completely disconnect the device from the network and disable.
To clean, you need to follow certain rules:

  • It is forbidden to use abrasive and aggressive detergents.
  • To purification, a soft fabric (microfiber) is used, moistened in a weak solution of a special.
  • During wiping, it is forbidden to touch the contacts or card readers.
  • After the procedure, it is impossible to leave the terminal under direct sunlight.

Where to place the device

In order to ensure the safety of the terminal and comfortable work with it, you must install the device on a flat surface with access to an electrical outlet. It is unacceptable to place terminals in the places of free access of unauthorized persons, as well as where there is a contact with water, high air temperature and electromagnetic radiation.

How to transport terminal

To transport the terminal only the original cardboard packaging. Pre-device must be turned off from the cords and carefully pack them separately.
With a deliberate and correct operation with the terminal of any model, the device will correctly perform operations and serves a long time.

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