
Fines traffic police Yandex check. Online checking traffic police fines on Yandex-fines. Data input error

Many drivers due to certain reasons allow traffic rules. This kind of action, in the field of view of the traffic police inspector or automatic fixation cameras, threatens to strike family budgetThat is, you may be fined.

Yandex will help you find out the amount of debt and pay it

In those days, when electronics did not yet entered such widely to our lives, the debts existing in front of the state, including the fines written in connection with traffic violations, was charged with paper receiptsIn which they put the amount to pay. However, the situation has been changed.

Almost the widespread spread of various mobile gadgets that have access to the Internet has significantly eased the life of ordinary people who wish to learn about the sum of their debt to the state. Now for this you do not need to wait until the receipt comes to you, or call the right body yourself. Nowadays, this is enough to use one of several online services.

Mobile applications installed on smartphones or tablets made the process of obtaining information about the fines discharged much more convenient.

In fact, these are interactive traffic police databases, very convenient in use, and even simple and understandable to any user interface.

Yandex also works actively in this direction. She seeks to simplify its users with the ability to access this kind of information, getting well-deserved compliments for it. The main task of the service is the desire to provide people with the option quickly find out whether some fines are following any vehicle, as well as details of the recovery (if any).

To get all the information you are interested in this issue, the user needs to make several simple actions, as well as indicate the number of registration certificate cars and their driver's license. Many have already appreciated the convenience of this service. In addition, the service allows you to pay for a timely fines. After all, in many cases, in many cases, a penalty is charged, that is, because of the inattention from his pocket, you will have to upload an even greater amount.

No less an important point There are also coming notices of new fines. Active russian legislation Allows you to save significantly with timely payment. After all, many traffic violations can be paid with a 50 percent discount, if, of course, to do this in the time established by law.

When updating the mobile and browser version of the Yandex.Money service, the company's specialists paid a fairly serious attention to the section dedicated to fines - the service with which you can not only get information about the traffic police fines, but also pay them online. It opens users access to official base GIS GMP, which made all the debts of Russians, starting in 2013.

Developers note that data on cash transfers made using Yandex applications within 1-2 days fall into the state data system. At the same time, the amount of commission charged here is only 1 percent. In order to use the service, first it is necessary to get to the main page of the Yandex.Money Internet resource. Subsequent actions will be very simple.

In particular, you should click on the section "Pay on time", after which you will be sent to the main page of Yandex services. Here you should choose the "Penalties" section. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the desired page, where after entering the numbers of documents in the respective graphs, get all the necessary information. It is worth noting one moment. Finding best on two documents, as a fine can write on any.

The traffic police tries to meet the drivers and introduces innovation, wanting to provide as many opportunities as possible to eliminate debts before the law. The last innovation was touched by violators who actively use the Internet - traffic police fines now can be paid through the Yandex.Money's Russian payment system.

The Yandex website states that the company cooperates with the state, all information on the payment of fines for violations will be sent to a single information technological database of the traffic police. Now the driver does not need to personally carry the receipt, stand in the queues. This is a truly convenient tool that allows you to quickly, without additional efforts to pay a penalty for violation of traffic rules.

Services for payment

The service that is a division of Yandex, allows the user to perform two functions:

  • check the presence of unpaid fines;
  • pay disorders.

The repayment of the fine is the direct responsibility of the driver. The system provides several ways of paying debt before traffic police. These include:

  • Application Yandex.Thphs - a method provided for the owners of Android smartphones;
  • Utility Yandex. Navigator - for users who own the device on iOS;
  • The official website of Yandex.Money - payment from the personal computer.

Also with the help of the Yandex.Money service, you can receive debts alerts by SMS or email. The user does not even have to go to the system itself. This is really a convenient opportunity, especially if there is no internet connection. To start using this service, it must be connected.

It is noteworthy, but this feature is available not only for registered users of the system. To connect the service it is not necessary to register at Yandex.Money.

How to pay?

The benefit payment function itself was introduced to the system for a long time, but not all motorists are familiar with the system and can independently repay the penalty through Yandex.Money. The service allows you to work with debts for violations from any city, it does not matter in what area the traffic police officer discharged a protocol (speed violation, parking in forbidden place, there is no other). At the same time, the payment mechanism is quite simple, familiar with him once, in the future the user will not have problems with unpaid debts.

The process includes several steps:

  • It is necessary to login or register in the system.
  • Find "Fines" in the menu "Goods and Services".
  • Specify information for checking the availability of debts.
  • Select "Pay according to data from the decision" if the fines are not automatically displayed.
  • Fill out all forms in the menu that appears in which the following items include:
    • the area in which the decision was issued;
    • division of the traffic police;
    • details of the Resolution (number and date);
    • personal data of the motorist (name and address);
    • the volume of payment.
  • Press "pay."

Conduct payment is allowed both from an e-bill account and from a map tied to Yandex. Also in terms of using the service specified maximum limitLimiting one-time translation:

  • When transactions from the card - 10 thousand rubles;
  • When transferring from the account - 15 thousand rubles.

If the amount of the fine exceeds the specified limits, then the payment will have to crash into several separate operations. The system also establishes the transfer commission. This is a collection of 1% of the entire amount, but not less than 30 rubles. In the database of the traffic police, information about debt repayment for a violation will appear within 24 hours.

The history of all fines is stored in the Yandex system. The user will be able to familiarize himself with it at any time by opening the "My Operations" section. Also on electronic address Additionally, confirmation is sent in the form of a receipt. It is allowed to print if there is a need.

Similarly, payment of fines are made by mobile phone. You need to pre-download the application from Google Play or Apple Store. Further, everything occurs according to the scheme described above.

Payment without internet

The service provides the SMS newsletter notification to the user's phone (payment code and the amount of the fine). The debt is repaid automatically if the account holder will send a response message confirming the operation (free regardless of the mobile network operator).

Currently, drivers have many ways to pay traffic police fines. Vehicle owners sometimes appear on the list of debtors, even if they paid a fine timely. Such a situation may arise when an organization through which the payment was made was not connected to one State systemconcerning state and municipal payments. That is why it is important to know where and how to pay off the existing debt.

First actions when dischargeing fine

Most often, the fines are discharged using a special protocol compiled by the traffic police officer. It is obliged to indicate in the protocol not only the amount of sanction, but also the details required to pay fine. Before the owner of the car will put a signature in copies of the protocol or court decision, he must carefully read the documents and see if all the requisites needed and how elected they are written. In other words, the driver must prevent all possible causes due to which payment delays occur, since there is all the necessary data and details, then there should be no problems with payment.

Currently, there are many ways to pay the traffic police fine, so everyone can choose the one that will be most convenient in one way or another. Further payment options will be painted in more detail.

Payment of traffic police fines in online

To pay a fine through the Internet, you need to visit one of the following sites:

To pay a fine, which was discharged by the traffic police, it is necessary to fill in a special small shape, which is usually available on the site. Next, it will only be necessary to transfer the desired amount of money. One of the main advantages of the payment of the traffic police fine in online mode is the lack of infinite queues.

Important! Do not forget that some services have a little more service than in the case of payment of the fine in the bank, so this method is not suitable for those who wish to pay without commission. All information about the available commission and its amount must be recognized in each particular bank.

Payment of a fine traffic police through Yandex.Money

To pay traffic police fines with payment system Yandex.Money, you need to know the driver's license number and the number of certificate of registration of the vehicle. Yandex will handle the entered data and show which fines you need to pay.

If the ruling is in hand, then you can pay for its number and date. To do this, it is necessary to know the region and the area where the protocol was issued, the name of the traffic police unit, the number of the resolution and the personal data of the owner of the car.

Yandex.Money takes a commission in the amount of 1% of the amount of the fine, but not less than 30 rubles.

Payment through QIWI Wallet

To pay through Qiwi wallet, it is necessary to know the date of the resolution, its number and the amount of the fine or use the finding of the fine for the driver's license and the TC certificate.

Commission's size when paying through QIWI is 3% of the amount of payment, but not less than 30 rubles.

So as not to doubt whether cash At the payment of the fine, it is important to carefully and as you can carefully recheck all the details of the recipient.

Payment through Sberbank Online

Sberbank online represents Internet banking, thanks to which card holders can easily pay any services, including the traffic police fine. To pay a fine, you need to register by creating your account, after which make payment through the bank account on the map.

For payment you need to enter personal Area, Go to the "Translations and Payments" tab and click on the traffic police. Going to payment of fines, you need to enter the number of the resolution or the Win or find a penalty at a driver's license and a certificate of registration of the vehicle.

If there is no such section for any reason, then you can pay through the "Payment on arbitrary details" item. To do this, you need to copy details from the official traffic police site and make payment.

Important! Payment can be carried out only when the name of the card holder coincides with the personal owner's personal data. vehicle.

If the data enrolled in the Central Branch of the traffic police will be incorrect, then the car owner will continue to be listed as a debtor. The fact is that in Sberbank online can not be corrected the surname, name and patronymic.

When paying through Sberbank Online, the Commission will be equal to 3%.

For the convenience of Sberbank online added such a feature as "auto plane". The car owner can connect such a service by specifying the driver's license number and TC evidence and choosing the frequency of checking the traffic police bases. According to the specified parameters, the Autoplating service will check the presence of fines and notify about the existing debt. To pay for debt, you need to send a short number 900 code sent in a message about the fine.

Payment using terminals

This payment method is carried out through QIWI and Sberbank terminals. The payment process will depend on what terminal it was chosen.

In order to pay a fine with the Sberbank Terminal, you must have a bank card, whose name matches the name of the owner of the car. The payment process will be as follows:

  • The map is inserted into the terminal and introduce its PIN code;
  • Enter the section "Payment administrative fines"And from the entire list choose the necessary Division of the traffic police;
  • Enter the series and the number of the order issued in the hands and indicate total amount fine;
  • Click on "Pay".

Important! After the operation is fully completed, it is necessary to maintain the check. In addition, carefully check all the data you entered.

With this payment method, you do not need to prescribe personal data. During the preparation of the Protocol, the traffic police officer introduces all data into a special electronic base, according to the form provided by the Program. In such a database in obligatory The name of the violator is indicated. When the penalty is fully paid, the data of the traffic police receive data and a record of payment is made.

Some Sberbank Terminals have special sensors that read the barcode. Thus, you can save time, as it will not be necessary to enter all the data on your own. Barcode is carried out in front of the device, all data is processed and removed in automatic mode. In addition, it is possible to avoid any errors that may appear when manually entering.

You can pay through the Sberbank terminal not only by the card, but also in cash. The payment process in this case changes only by the fact that you do not need to insert the card into the terminal, after specifying all the data it is necessary to make cash.

When paying the traffic police fine through the QIWI terminal, the bank card is not required. You just need to go to the menu, select the "Payment of traffic police fines" item, enter all the necessary data, throw the amount of payment to the terminal, click on the "Pay" button and pick up the check.

With this payment method, the Commission is 3.5%.

Receipt for payment of a fine traffic police

In the event that you need to pay the traffic police fine in the bank, and with minimal cash costs, it is recommended to get a special receipt for payment in advance. You can get such a receipt in any department of the traffic police.

Let's summarize

If you do not trust the payment systems listed above or you do not use them if you do not want to pay through the terminals, it is worth contacting the bank. Before visiting the bank, you must fill out a receipt for payment. Find the nearest required bank You can via the Internet.

Important! Choosing any payment option, it is necessary to maintain the receipt, since it can be a guarantee of repayment of debt when any controversial situations occur.

Regardless of which payment method was chosen, the owner of the car should adhere to the following rules:

  • Always keep a check or a special receipt confirming that the traffic police fine was paid.
  • Carefully fill in all the details, carefully checking them.

Simple rules are able to help insure themselves from various unpleasant situations associated with the fact that the money did not receive, as a result of which the score continues to be considered unpaid.

Today, many people know that in order to pay a fine traffic police, it is not necessary even to go out of the house, you can simply transfer money through online services. There are a lot of such methods today:

  • using the bank's office;
  • SMS messages;
  • through payment systems in online banking;
  • through electronic payment systems - WebMoney, Kiwi, Yandex.Money and others.

Yandex.Money remains one of the popular payment systems. Today, in addition to accessing from a PC, you can download an adapted application for iOS or Android. It is worth sorting out in more detail that they represent these applications and how to use them correctly, so that there are no problems.

Yandex.Money: I paid or not

Using the Yandex.Money service is quite convenient and comfortable, because at the same time the user can operate several functions at once, for example, check the presence of traffic police fines and, if necessary, pay them at the same time. Also, your mailbox specified in the account will receive a receipt that in the future actually print and submit traffic police as proof of payment made. To check the availability of debt, just go to the search engine's main page from your laptop or stationary computer and find the widget of the service of the same name to further click on it and go.

You will need to have your own wallet, but you will not take it a lot of time, and the procedure is quite simple, therefore it is necessary to describe the process in detail. After hitting the main page of Yandex.Money, you will need to go to the section "Products and Services", you will see the inscription "PTBDA" penalties. After pressing the appropriate icon, you will fall on the required page, where you will need to fill out two fields: Certificate of registration of the vehicle and the driver's license.

The data is filled only once, and then all the fines that are available on your data are displayed on the screen. If you want to automatically receive alerts about the presence of fines, you can put a tick in the column "to receive notifications about fines", and after violations, the corresponding reminders will come to you by mail or phone. In other words, about the presence of a fine traffic police you will even earlier than get in the mailbox "LETTER OF HAPPINESS".

The big advantage is that when monitoring the debts you can immediately see the receipt number of the ruling. To use it really when payment in a bank, through the terminal and other methods. Of course, paying the debt will be able through the Yandex.Money service itself, which will speed you up.

SERVICE Yandex.Shphs: I paid and forgot

In the summer of 2014, the world saw a special application called Yandex.Shphs. In general, it is fully identified under standard payment on Yandex.Money, one difference only - takes less memory on your device. The principle of work remained unchanged - you will need to enter the numbers of the STS and Wu, and then information on the debts will be displayed on the monitor. You can also familiarize yourself with the number of the ruling.

Pay the fine is allowed using a bank card or immediately in the form of an application. Just enter the amount and card number, and then confirm the payment of payment. Enrollment of funds to the account of the traffic police, which was discharged by the Protocol, is carried out for two working days. Take care in advance that all Yandex services are withdrawn by a commission of 1%, but the amount should not be less than thirty rubles. In general, applications are quite comfortable, but there are some drawbacks, to find out about which you can, reading custom feedback.

Yandex Services, in particular, fines received more than six thousand reviews on Google Play, and the rating is four stars. The appStore appeared later than in analogue, and has three stars, as well as a little more than five hundred reviews.

A sufficient number of negative reviews users are devoted to the fact that the traffic police fine for some reason suddenly disappears from the base, and then it may appear again, for example, a person paid, but the fine is hanging. The developers themselves respond to the user that there are certain problems in the treasury, and therefore failures occur, but in the end the fines are still listed. The main thing is not to delete the received receipts. Try not to tighten with the terms of payment, each vehicle owner has seventy-day per bill, but consider that money enrollment occurs within two working days.

In iTunes. App Store. Negative application reviews Most. Users scold developers for not the ability to maintain their own data so that later it never had to enter the CTC number and Wu. Part of the drivers complains that the money simply disappear is incomprehensible where, but with more detailed clarification of the circumstances, it is indicated that this is due to their fault, namely because of the incorrect introduction of the receipt number or bank card.

What threatens for non-payment of the fine through time

After familiarization with the COAP, it becomes clear that if you do not expect a penalty for sixty days after receiving the ruling, it will be considered unpaid in accordance with Article 20.25. Another ten days is given to the perpetrator to appeal the penalty in such a necessity. Full administrative responsibility for non-payment of the fine occurs after seventy days after the decree is discharged. As a punishment for non-payment of a fine traffic police, you will receive a new penalty, the amount of which will be twice the previous one, but at least thousand rubles.

You can not only punish you financially, but also impose an arrest or attract to social work (up to fifty hours). The penalty for the culprit chooses the court. If, after eighty days after the decree on the fine, payment is not made, then all materials on the case will go to bailiffswhich, in turn, will already be forcibly forced to pay for debt. Consider the fact that if you have unpaid fine Traffic police, then you will not be able to change either get a new driver's license.

That pay the traffic police fines are the most different waysWe have already written on our website site.

There are really many ways:

  • ordinary payment through the bank's cashier;
  • using SMS;
  • through Internet banking payment systems;
  • through electronic payment systems - QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex.Money and others.

Yandex.Money is one of the popular payment systems that recently released convenient applications For smartphones on Android and iOS. Let's figure out what applications are it and how to use them.

Yandex money

Yandex.Money is convenient enough, because it allows you to perform several functions at once:

  • check the presence of fines;
  • pay them.

In addition, a receipt comes to your email box, which can be printed and present in the traffic police as proof.

To check the debt, it is enough to go from the computer to the main page of the search engine, find the service icon and enter it. Previously, you need to start a wallet - it is simple enough, so we will not describe in detail.

On the main page The service is chosen section "Products and Services", and at the very top I will see the "traffic police fines". Clicking on this badge, we get to the appropriate page and see two empty fields:

  • driver's license;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle.

They need to fill out once and you will automatically show all the fines that are listed for you. It is also enough to put a tick in the square "receive notifications about fines" and select the method of information delivery - SMS or E-mail. That is, you will know about violations you will be earlier than you will come "a letter of happiness."

The most important thing is that when checking existing debts, the receipt number will appear. This number can be used to pay through terminals, banks, SMS, etc.

In the same way, the search and payment of fines through the Yandex.Money application is carried out.


In the summer of 2014, a special application appeared - Yandex.Thrafa. In principle, this application completely repeats the same function as payment through Yandex.Money. The only difference - takes less memory on the device.

The work algorithm is the same - enter the number of Wu and STS and you show you if you have debts, in parallel the number of the ruling is displayed. Payment is made through a bank card immediately in the appropriate form of the application: Enter the card number and the amount, then you need to confirm the payment. Money is credited to the account of the traffic police unit who wrote the protocol within 2 days.

Please note that the commission is removed in all Yandex services - 1%, but not less than 30 rubles.

It is worth saying that the applications are really comfortable, although there are some points about which users mention in their reviews.

Yandex Services Reviews

  • The application on Google Play received almost 6 thousand reviews and solid 4 stars.
  • On the AppStore it appeared quite recently, so we had time to gain only 3 stars and just over 300 reviews.

What do people write?

Positive reviews

There are a lot of positive feedback.

Misha writes:

"I am very glad that this application downloaded. I will promptly learn about the fines, and immediately pay them. Everything comes on time, there were no problems yet. "


"I paid a fine at half an hour later, and by midnight he was disappeared from the GIS GIS base. The receipt immediately appeared in history, and I immediately printed it. "

Anton shares his considerations:

"I put five stars, but there is one" but ": the maximum amount of payment is 15 thousand, and I had a fine of 20 thousand. I had to break it into two parts and pay a double commission. "

From which we conclude that Anton - executive and violated one of the parts of Article 12.21. Part 1 Administrative Code on the transport of large and dangerous goods. Yandex developers responded that he would take into account this annoying oversight. Whether they corrected this problem, we cannot say, because:

  • we try not to disturb traffic rules;
  • we try to pay fines without commission.

Negative feedback

Many reviews are devoted to the fact that for some reason the penalty disappears from the traffic police base, it appears again. This fact developers explain the fact that there are certain overlays in the work of the Treasury and it sometimes gives failures, but fines are eventually paid.

The most important thing is not to delete receipts from the mail. You also do not need to pull with payment - Recall that you have 70 days for its commission, but note that the money is credited within 2 days.

Most of all negative reviews on iTunes AppStore.. Users annoying the fact that it is not possible to save your data and constantly have to enter the number Wu and CTC. Some drivers write that money was disappeared in an unknown direction, although with a more thorough analysis it turns out that they made errors when specifying the receipt number or their bank card.

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