
BPS Bank Home page Internet banking. BPS Bank online - quick payments and translations on the Internet. Registration and data recovery

Internet banking from BPS Sberbank is a special online service, with which you can track the state of your account in remote mode, to carry out certain banking operations and so on. Functioning model of the Internet banking BPS Next - the bank stores all the client data on the server, and the client connects to this melon base using the Internet, enters personal Area And performs all operations that allow the Bank.

What advantages gives Internet banking

Internet banking has the following advantages:

  • To implement most operations, you do not need to visit the bank - it is enough to have access to the Internet. After all, in bank departments there may be a large queue, and the Branch of the Bank may be far from home. With the help of Internet banking, you can carry out a large number of operations (transfer of money, payment of utilities and so on) in several clicks.
  • A large number of services with which you can pay for various services. With the help of Internet banking you can pay for electricity, water, gas, telephone, Internet, and so on.
  • Instant Card Lock. If the client has stolen the card, he can quickly go to your personal account and block it so that the attacker could not use the card.
  • Reliable protection against hacking using the SSL protocol. When using this protocol, Internet fraudsters will not be able to hack your computer and translate your money to your account.

Where and how to connect BPS Internet banking

Connecting the BPS Internet banking looks like this:

  • You contact the nearest BPS-Sberbank branch with a passport and write an application for connecting Internet banking.
  • You are offered an agreement for connecting the service; If you agree with him, then you sign it.
  • You are given a login and password, with which you can go to the site.
  • In some cases, you will also have to contact the Digital Certificate Center of the Bank to obtain and install crypto protection products.

How much is online banking

Connect Internet banking for the following fee:

  • Client connection to Internet banking system with electronic keys carrier - 25 belarusian rubles, without providing a carrier of electronic keys - 12 Belarusian rubles.
  • Monthly fee for the use of service - 12 Belarusian rubles.
  • Connecting SMS alerts during operations with a card - 3 Belarusian ruble.
  • Monthly fee for the use of SMS-alerts - 3 Belarusian rubles and 50 kopecks.


With the help of Internet banking, you can carry out banking operations using the Internet. Among the main advantages of Internet banking are simplicity, a large number of additional services, a high degree of protection against unauthorized access. To connect the service, you must contact the BPS-Sberbank branch and sign the contract, as well as install on a computer special programwhich will protect the computer from unauthorized access. Connect Internet banking worth 12 or 25 Belarusian rubles, and the monthly fee is 12 Belarusian rubles.

With the development of banking activities, the Internet banking service has received great distribution. Sberbank offers its customers comfortable systemallowing payments, transfers and many other operations without leaving home. Those who wish to always have a bank should be bought by Internet banking.

What is the Internet banking service from Sberbank? This feature allows the client to carry out most banking operationswhich used to be performed only through the Bank or ATM department. Internet banking is available today to enter the entry through a personal computer or application in the phone.

Internet banking BPS Sberbank was transformed in 2015 in Sberbank online, which works today.

How to connect the Internet banking BPS Sberbank?

To connect the Sberbank Internet Banking service, you must contact any bank branch. With you, it is worth to have a passport, since when filling out an application for a service connection, you will need to fill out the form in which the client data is specified.

For access to Internet banking, you must:

  1. To come to the branch of Sberbank with a passport.
  2. Contact the cashier or to the employee's responsible for connecting.
  3. An employee of the Bank will make an application for connecting the Internet banking service to the client. It is necessary to sign this statement.
  4. After the application is drawn up, it will come to SMS alert that the Internet banking service is connected.

To gain access to the Internet banking service, you must have a connected service. Mobile Bank To get SMS notifications.

Internet banking connects to one Sberbank map, even if the client has several of them. However, it will be able to receive information about all the cards online.

How to register with BPS Sberbank Internet banking?

For registration in the BPS system, Internet banking Sberbank must simply apply for a connection in the Bank's Office. After all procedures, the user will be automatically registered in the system and will be able to use the Internet banking service. However, the initial login and password are automatically defined and is not considered safe. In order to use the Internet banking to become completely safe, it is better when you first enter your personal account to change the login and set a new user password.

Internet banking BPS Sberbank: Payment for services

Through the BPS Internet banking system, any user can pay for services. To do this, you must log in to your personal account using login and password input, as well as an SMS code. Since 2015, the BPS Internet Banking has been transformed into Sberbank online with the improvement of protection using SMS alert. That is why, when paying each service to the user's phone, an SMS confirmation will be reported.

To pay for services using BPS Internet banking you need:

  1. Log in to your online banking office.
  2. Select the Transfers and Payback tab.
  3. Go to the point of the type of payment for services you need.
  4. Enter the proper details and the amount of payment.
  5. Press the Finish button.
  6. Confirm SMS password correct operation.
  7. Get a receipt for payment online.

It is necessary to correctly enter the details of the payment and be sure to check them before shipping. money.

Thus, connect the Internet banking BPS Sberbank can every client of the bank. To do this, it is enough to have a phone, a card of Sberbank and a passport. Connection is free. The presence of a personal account in such a system allows you to pay for services, transfer money and carry out a lot of banking operations from your own computer or phone.

BPS Sberbank Online is one of the types of remote banking services (DBO) from BPS Sberbank OJSC in the Republic of Belarus. In terms of its functionality and organization of services, BPS Sberbank online is, with the storage of data on the bank server, the entrance to the personal account for the operation, etc.

The main purpose of the BPS Sberbank Online - give the opportunity individuals Manage your own card accounts.

How to connect BPS Sberbank online and what is required for this?

Become a user of the BPS Sberbank Service Online can any account of the account in OJSC BPS Sberbank. Most often by customer service becomes payment card BPS Sberbank. Usually they have salary map And enjoy it for household payments.

To access the service, the owner of the card must conclude a corresponding contract with the bank In one of the branches of OJSC BPS Sberbank. But it is possible to register without a personal visit, through the site https://i.bps-sberbank.by.

To work with the BPS Sberbank service, it is necessary to have a computer and minimal skills to work with it. Special programs for obtaining services are not required. But the version of the Internet browser must be relevant for the current moment. For example, Internet Explorer is not "older" of the 9th issue.

Functionality BPS-Sberbank Online

With the help of BPS-Sberbank online possible:

Financial operations:

  • Payments in the system - utilities, communication, Internet, etc.;
  • Other payments to the address of physical and legal entities;
  • Transfer of funds from the BPS Sberbank card to another card;
  • Repayment of loans;

Receive information about cash balances on the account, operations, receipts and payments.

Form bank statements.

Browse reference information (currency rates, the location of ATMs, etc.).

Activate some banking services:

  • Alert for SMS to conduct operations with a card account;
  • "Payment by one button" - committing one click of periodic payments according to the BPS-Sberbank service online form;
  • "Automatic payment" - permission to make payments without a separate assignment of the client to a specific transaction. The list of such payments and their recipients is predetermined by the client.
  • "Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode" is a way to ensure additional security of payments input of additional, disposable, obtained by SMS password.

Work with deposits:

  • Open bank deposits and replenish them;
  • Translate funds for impersonal metal accounts (exclusive BPS Sberbank service).

Control the security card security system:

  • Change password entry into the personal account;
  • Block and remove blocking with bank card;
  • Choose the method of additional confirmation of operations by passwords;

Adjust the visibility of certain services.

How much is the BPS-Sberbank service?

You can use the BPS Sberbank service online or free or for 7.5 rubles (BYN) per year.

Choosing free service The client significantly limits its capabilities. It turns out only:

  • Obtaining reference information;
  • "Automatic payment" service ";
  • SMS alert;
  • Verified by Visa and Mastercard Securecode.

The last two points refer to the security system. Payment options are limited to automatic write-off of funds. This option seems convenient only for periodic payments for utilities etc.

Customers who have concluded a complex agreement banking service Access access to all the possibilities of the service.

It seems obvious that 7 rubles 50 kopecks acceptable fee for freedom of payments and other operations during the year.

You can learn more about the service of OJSC BPS Sberbank or on the Bank's website, the section "individuals", subsection "Payment for services using remote channels", Item "Sberbank online". On the same page, on the right, you can find the form of the contract, instructions for working with the service and answers to some questions.

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Operational interaction of the client with Bank No. 1 in Russia promotes the new subsystem of the BPS Sberbank - entrance to Internet banking. Timely document flow is used to make important banking operations with a remote method. These include:

  • tracking cash flow on deposit and card accounts;
  • transfers from one card to another;
  • registration / re-registration of agreements;
  • 24-hour payment of fixed, mobile services, Internet, television;
  • connection additional services: SMS banking, SMS notification;
  • performing operations with letters of credit;
  • making payments for loans;
  • implementation of depository translations of valuable documents;
  • loans;
  • sale / acquisition of precious metal;
  • blocking card;
  • discovery of deposits;
  • change password to access the system;
  • enrollment wages employees;
  • transmission of payment requirements;
  • reviews of securities transferred to the financial institution;
  • booking money;
  • receiving statements on current accounts;
  • purchase / sale, converting foreign currency.

Advantages of Internet banking BPS Sberbank personal bank:

  • a convenient documentary interface that is understandable at an intuitive level;
  • modern web technologies contribute to simplicity in use;
  • it is possible to work from any computing device in the presence of an electronic medium containing electronic keys. digital signature with proper software;
  • supports import / exports of documents used accounting program and banking institution;
  • when transferring files over the Internet there is no possibility of their opening, since the cryptographic protocol is used, which ensures the complete confidentiality and integrity of the information;
  • the probability of error assumptions in preparing documents is minimized by software control using various reference books;
  • security of cash settlements ensured due to the use of unique protection technologies.

Connect to system

Each client financial institution Gets the opportunity to open an entrance to the BPS Sberbank Internet Banking system. To this end, the user is obliged with a package of documents certifying his personality and containing personal data to contact one of the representative offices of the institution. It will be needed to make an application for registration of the service. An employee of the organization will give a login and password to use the system. Additionally, a technical configuration service is provided.

Before this, it is possible on the official Internet resource of the company to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Agreement on the provision of the necessary services.

It is worth remembering:

  • It is important to get a digital bank certificate in the certifying center
  • Holding financial operations It is possible only if there are session keys
  • At the entrance to the Internet banking BPS Sberbank Card number is prescribed only by large Latin characters
  • Properly entered password helps immediately get to the main page
  • Incorrect password introduction blocks the login for a couple of hours

Using session keys

Entrance to the BPS Sberbank Internet Banking system is carried out using session keys or MobiPass technology. The set of keys is issued in the financial institution division in which the card account is opened. If the number enter incorrectly three times, the key is blocked.

Using MobiPass technology on a mobile device, you can generate a new session key.

Provides its customers a huge set of services. Among them, and many others. Having become acquainted with them, you can use the services of Sberbank of Russia with great comfort.

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