
Blocking the account of the Sberbank FinMonitoring. FinMonitoring of banking operations in the Russian Federation Sberbalized did not transfer to the Finmonition

19.09.2014 18:47:30

In early August, the SMS message is received about blocking cards. To find out the reason through Sberbank's support service is not possible. Through the separation in which the cards opened to find out only on the second day. I found out that the cards blocked Finie monitoring. When the employee communicated with the representative of the Sberbank Monitoring Finain in the face of Kovaleva Ilya Alexandrovich. The phone was on a speakerphone. Kovalev I.A. Not shunted in epithets and expressions about my personality. Without seeing configuring documents. On the basis of which cash received cash to the card account. Platinum map. Improves the movement of large monetary sums. When Kovalev I. A. found out that the phone was standing on a speakerphone. I started swearing on Satpanniki branch and pregrocated to dismiss from work. I was called Roguelik and Mackennik. And directly to communicate by phone refused. Bank Prittienia poured. But in response I get formal unsubsions. When in the reglas to pointed his surname. A request was immediately requested to provide all documents related to the conduct of my organization's activities .. Man Kovalev Ilya Alexandrovich is extremely confidential. Apparently using his official position and personal ambitions. I do not see the reason for another reason. Can intimidate employees. Hamit on the phone and donkeys. Yes to me vseravno to be honest on card bills. But the behavior of Kovaleva I. A. indignant his behavior. The bank on Printzia on what basis the point blocking the response card does not give. For all my requests and requirements, I get unsubscribes. And reference occurs to 115 FZ which the same bank is violated.

I demanded that Kovalev Ilya Alexandrovich brought me apologies. And with personal footname. Since I myself am an order officer participated in several armed conflicts and accusations on his part in the awareness of terrorism. And to discharge me with a crook and a fraudster without having confirming documents in my opinion dishonestly.

Establishment of the site of the Arb site

Dear Alim, your complaint is aimed at the bank.

Sergey LLC "Russian-American Company", cEO

This "Sberbank" suggests quietly closing the accounts of organizations to peer that the transactions are dubious and something is violated on their invented 115Pzshny laws, in addition they are blacklisted, platy, the enemies of this office and now where you can only displacing the office of Sberbank, this Not a Sberbank in the labor understanding of the office on the departure of the money from the population, let his services stuck in the ass; Makes cyber criminals ...

I am a long-standing Sberbank client with a good story. I have debit card Visa Gold.which actively use. Today I get a call from my branch of the following content: the Bank refuses you in service and will block your card tomorrow morning, so remove the money quickly from it if they are there. For a long time, I find out what the case: it turns out, I took the money from this my card several times to the account of this my card payment system Yandex.Money (for understanding orders: the amount of translations are calculated tens of thousands of rubles, the monthly turnover of my payments by this card\u003e 100,000 rubles), and the "Financial Monitoring Department" of Sberbank decided that since payments come from JUR. Persons LLC Yandex.Money, then this is, thereby I am illegally cashing the money of a legal entity, and therefore I decided to refuse me in service. I naturally disagreed with this delusional formulation and tried to explain the bank employee that this is my own money from one account to another and I have on it full law. An employee invited me to bring to 17 hours of the same working day (!) the following documents (The call was about 14 hours), clarifying the legality of my operations:
. The offer of Yandex.Money's offer, which was indicated by Yandex.Money in the comments to payments from my account at the expense of my Sberbank card (while accessing the text comments I can not get, there are no them in Sberbank!).
. An extract from my "virtual wallet" (I was due to the extract from Yandex.Money).
. Checks from outlets confirming what the money received was spent by me.
But, as an employee said, it is unlikely that all these documents will help me avoid blocking. However, we agreed that I would bring the documents the next day.

I turned to Yandex.Money, they promised to send me a confirmation that this is my personal account and translated my money personally, and no affairs. Persons do not have a relationship.

And now, attention, questions:
. Why is it translating operations own funds From the account of the Yandex.Money payment system, belonging to Sberbank, at the expense of the same face in Sberbank, they suddenly began to "cash out legal entities"(employee literal formulation)?
. What is all my purchases, checks for which employee requested?
. Why in such a situation the bank easily sacrifices a permanent loyal client with an ideal history and regular revolutions? I did not offer any options to solve the situation, and informed about the blocking as a fact, and it was simply proposed to pick up the balance of funds immediately. Why bank, and his executing employee, absolutely spit into my interests, on problems that I have because of the sudden blocking of my main consumable card, on my attitude to the bank?
. Why an employee who called me (an employee of my home office!) did not even show a minimum of participation and did not try to look at the situation from the client, and stupidly continued to defend, obviously, the decision of the bank? Why my arguments were not heard, but I was clearly made a huge leining that another day will be allowed to use the card for which I paid 3,500 rubles. And if suddenly I do not like, then "the Bank has the right to unilaterally stop service card / account without explanation of the reasons "?
. What is this "Financial Monitoring Department," who takes decisions in it? An employee who called me, said that he was not aware of the responsible person who decided to block the blocking, and that this is simply a corporate distribution, but they are only performers. How can I assess the quality of the work of this department, leave the complaint, are they ready to answer for their mistakes, and how is this responsibility implemented? Telephone service Sberbank support, which I tried to find out these questions, could not answer.
. Who compensates for me the time that tomorrow I will spend on collecting, scanning, printing all these documents, and a trip to the bank, located in a residential area for MKAD "strictly from 10 to 17"? My working time, client with not the most penny turnover, entrepreneur with daily responsibilities, meetings, customers, etc. at least something worth? Why am I obliged to throw everything and rush to the bank on the first time to prove that I am not a camel?

Settlement account - tool required by each company. With it, the company performs all financial transactions and calculates with partners. Temporary deprivation of the instrument becomes an unpleasant event. If Sberbank's FinMonitoring blocked the account, the company can overdue payment or even lose the opportunity to conclude contracts. For this reason, it is important to know in advance how to behave in this situation. To understand what needs to be done will help the study of relevant information.

Possible reasons

Blocked the current account in Sberbank: What to do? To get an answer to this question, it is necessary to find out the reasons that led to a similar result. Most often, the face is deprived of account access due to the following reasons:

  • the means of the face are arrested;
  • the bank doubts the authenticity of the documents submitted during registration;
  • blocking is made at the request of the FNS due to the fact that the company has debt to the budget;
  • the taxpayer failed to provide a tax declaration in a timely manner;
  • a person who has been applied online, did not send a receipt of the receipt of the document in the FTS;
  • in a timely manner, the calculation was not presented.

Blocking can occur and for a number of other reasons. So, the Bank may terminate the service if there is a threat of violation FZ №115. The provisions of the regulatory act relate to the legalization of income received by the illegal way, and the financing of terrorists. If the person performs an operation, the amount of which exceeds 600,000 rubles, then information about the transaction will immediately be transferred to Rosfinmonitoring. In addition, if a representative of one of the interacting parties is detected in the list of persons who were recognized as involved in extremist or terrorist activities, the score and the entire capital contained on it are blocked.

In all other cases, the company has no right to block account. If such an incident has a place to be, the company's actions are considered illegal, and the client may require restore access to the tool for implementation financial operations Or even go to court.

Block period

The current legislation does not set a clear blocking period and return the ability to use the tool. The time to which the bank deprives the client of access to the account, directly depends on the cause of the lock. So, if the action was performed in accordance with the court's decision, then the unlock can be carried out only by permission. If the state body agrees to return to the entrepreneur access to the instrument, it will provide the appropriate decision, documenting documented. Paper is not issued to the hands of an entrepreneur and heads to the bank by mail. Before the moment the company receives the document, the account will be unavailable for use.

If a person is suspected of money laundering, the account will be unavailable until his owner provides documentation confirming the legality of all operations.

If the suspension of access occurred due to the suspicion of suspicion of the inaccuracy of the submitted documentation, the current legislation dismisses a short period to check. The bank must resume access to the account within 7 days from the moment of blocking.

Procedure for unlocking

The lack of the use of the current account may adversely affect the company's state. For this reason, the question: "Blocked the account in Sberbank: what to do?" You need to solve quickly. Among the lawyers there is an opinion that restore access to the account can be very difficult. However, in most cases, the statement is erroneous. In the current situation, it is important to adequately evaluate the occurrence and can not be panic.

Despite the fact that cases may differ significantly from each other, they all have general order Action you need to adhere to. To unlock an account, you need:

  1. Find out the reason for the suspension of access. To perform actions, you need to contact representatives of the bank, which has suspended access, and ask about the reasons for what happened. Employees of the company must inform the date of receipt of the document, freezing the bill, and its number. If the blocking occurred by the decision of the FTS, it is necessary to go to the branch of the body and the details of the paper clarify, by whom and when the decision was made. Clarification of the cause will help to quickly unlock the account.
  2. Remedy. When an entrepreneur understands, because of which access is temporarily closed, it must eliminate the reasons that led to the emergence of the investigation. For example, it may be necessary to pay off debt to the lender or submit reports that did not receive in time. If the bank has been blocking for verification, it is necessary to wait for its results. In the case when the suspension of access is carried out with reference to the Federal Law No. 115, the entrepreneur will need to collect and provide a package of documentation confirming that there were no violations of the current legislation.
  3. Informing the elimination of reasons. To get the necessary decision, the entrepreneur must prove the authority that the reasons that led to blocking are eliminated. In most cases, access is returned to the entrepreneur automatically. If this does not happen, it may apply to the state body that made a decision, and find out when the company can again use the current account.

Sample account unlock application

Communication with FTS and Other government agencies You can support via email. This will significantly save time.

It should be remembered that by the moment the access to the account is not returned, the entrepreneur will not be able to use the funds that are stored on it. Translate or remove capital is also impossible. The account holder will have to wait until it is dropped.

What is Law No. 115-FZ?

it the federal law From 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On countering legalization (laundering) of revenues obtained by criminal, and financing terrorism". It defines the responsibilities and responsibilities of organizations that work with the money and property of citizens: banks, insurance companies, microfinance organizations, etc.

The purpose of the law is to prevent the legalization of illegal income and the financing of terrorism.

Why banks block cards, referring to 115-ФЗ?

By law 115-ФЗ, all banks are required to analyze cashary of their customers and check them for suspicion. This is done according to the criteria of the Central Bank, which are spelled out in position No. 375-P of March 2, 2012. According to them, any operations are tracked, similar to illegal transfer of cashless money into cash ("cashing"), to confonse the calculation schemes and the concealment of true goals and participants in transactions (transit), to illegal output of money abroad.

If the bank detects operations that cause doubts about legality, it has the right:

  • temporarily block customer bank cards;
  • disable access to the Internet bank (web version and Sberbank online application);
  • refuse to the client in the issuance of cash or translating money on non-cash;
  • refuse to the client in opening an account, release or re-care.

Also banks according to the law are obliged to block customer accounts involved in extremist activities or terrorism. Such people and such organizations, the Federal FinMonitoring Service, includes a special list. No one russian bank It has no right to work with the accounts of those who are in it now.

Why are banks request documents about the origin of money and the economic sense of operations?

It is necessary to decide whether to recognize the client is really involved in doubtful monetary calculations. If you provide documents, according to which incomes are legal, and expenses are explained, access to accounts and cards will be restored. The bank for each occasion is suitable individually and is interested in applying such measures as blocking or refusal to maintain only with justified suspicions.

What threatens the client to refuse banking service By law 115-ФЗ?

If the bank refused maintenance, then:

  • the client will not be able to open new accounts and deposits, receive new bank cards, including re-released;
  • the current maps of the client will remain blocked;
  • the client will not be able to use Sberbank online;
  • all accounts for accounts client will be able to conduct only in the Bank's office;
  • operations for large sums Customer can only be carried out in coordination with the bank;
  • there may be problems when opening accounts and maps in other banks.

If the bank denied service 2 times or more during the calendar year, the score closes.

How not to get under suspicion or prove that operations are legal?

It is enough to adhere to simple rules when using your accounts.

  1. Do not agree to the requests of friends, relatives, friends, etc. Translate through your accounts and cards money to which you do not have a relationship, especially if we are talking about large sums. Especially do not agree to shoot this money in cash.
  2. Do not transfer your bank cards to anyone, even close to relatives, - cards can use for "cash" and "transit".
  3. Remove cash from your accounts, deposits and cards, only when it is really necessary, especially if the money is credited to accounts, deposits and cards by non-cash. Try to use non-cash form calculations.
  4. Do not use your bank cards for illegal entrepreneurial activities - register as individual entrepreneur And make a business card.
  5. Do not agree to the requests of friends, relatives, friends, etc. To make you as director of the organization or as an individual entrepreneur if you are not going to actually participate in business.
  6. If you are an individual entrepreneur and you have bank cards that you received as a private person, do not use them to accept buyers payments or pay suppliers and contractors. Subscribe for these purposes a business card;
  7. Take care that the operations on your accounts can be confirmed documented. Keep all the papers in order (contracts, accounts, overhead, wards, etc.).
  8. Collaborate with the Bank: If you do not answer his questions about the legality of certain operations, the conclusions may not be in your favor.
  9. If the bank requests you to confirm the legality of the origin of money on your accounts and the economic meaning of the operations carried out, be sure to send the Bank to the information specified in the query and at the specified address specified in the request. Than more you explain everything, and the faster the data goes to the bank, the higher the likelihood that the question decides favorably for you.

How the Bank informs the Client about doubts about legality monetary operations?

If the bank has questions, he notifies the client about this anyhow available methods: Usually by phone via SMS, less often - e-mail. In such messages, the Bank may:

  • to write about the locking of the cards and disconnect Sberbank online in accordance with the requirements of the Law 115-FZ;
  • request information and documents confirming the legality of the origin of funds in the accounts and the economic meaning of the operations carried out;
  • notify that the documents are taken to work, indicate the timing of their consideration, and if necessary, to write about the possible extension of the deadlines;
  • inform about what decision is made - when will (and whether they will be unlocked accounts and maps and whether access to Sberbank will be restored.

In some cases, the Bank sends a request to its office at the place of opening of the account, contribution or issuing a map. In Nim, the Bank requests information and documents confirming that the money on the client's accounts have a legitimate origin, and the operations conducted are economic meaning.

How to transfer the requested information and documents to the bank?

When the bank requests information from the client and documents about the legality of the origin of money and the economic sense of operations carried out, it necessarily reports how to convey them. You need to send documents to the bank exactly the method and on the address that is specified in the request. Usually the bank offers to send scan copies of documents by email. Also, the client may ask to bring documents to the Bank's office at the place of opening the account or issue a map or send copies with paper mail.

If you send documents by email, be sure to specify your F. I. O. Files in the subject of the letter to PDF format. The total volume of the letter should not exceed 12 MB. If you need to send more, break into a few letters.

If you decide to send documents with paper mail, remember that such a letter may be late. Then the bank will not receive it in deadlines, And this may affect his decision. If possible, send documents by email or, if specified in the request, bring them to the bank office.

If you can not provide required documents Or you do not have them, as soon as possible, please inform the bank specified in the query method, why such a situation has developed. Than more and faster you explain everything, the better. This can be a determining factor when the Bank will decide.

What confirmation documents should be provided to the bank?

These can be any documents that confirm the legality of the origin of funds on your accounts and the economic meaning of the operations. Full List There is no reason because the bases may be the most different.

For example, it may be contracts of purchase and sale, contract agreements, loan agreements, contracts for hiring premises, property lease agreements, accounts for paying goods and services, payment receipts, settlement sheets of accrual wages, debt receipts, accounts for accounts in other banks, certificates from tax, etc.

What if the bank refused to maintain (does not open an account, does not give a map, including overwhelmed)?

If the bank requested documents and information from you, referring to 115-ФЗ, but you did not send anything, just do it in the way that is specified in the query, and wait for the solution.

If you sent all the documents, but the bank took a negative decision, nothing can be done. After a while, you can try again to open a score or map - the bank can reconsider your question after the expiration of a certain period.

The bank contains restrictions on the basis of information received from Rosfinmonitoring. What does it mean? Can I get my money?

This means that the bank received information from Federal Service According to financial monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring) about your possible involvement in extremist activities or terrorism. According to the Law 115-FZ, the Bank must limit the operations on your accounts. You have the right to dispose of funds in the form of and in the sizes provided for by paragraph 2.4 of Art. 6, clause 4 of Article 7.4 of the Law 115-FZ. You will not be able to use bank cards And Sberbank online, carrying out operations will be possible in the office of the bank.

What kind of Rosfinmonitoring organization?

The Federal Financial Monitoring Service is the executive body, whose task is to counteract the legalization (laundering) of the income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism. Rosfinmonitoring leads a list of organizations and individuals involved in extremist activities or terrorism. The grounds for inclusion in the list are listed in paragraph 2.1 of Art. 6 of the Law 115-FZ. You can get acquainted with him on the official website of Rosfinmonitoring. If you think that they are included in the error list, or there are grounds for eliminating you from the list, in accordance with paragraph 2.3 of Art. 6 of the Law 115-FZ You have the right to contact Rosfinmonitoring with a written statement to exclude you from the list.

In addition, the interdepartmental coordination body, opposing the financing of terrorism, can decide on freezing (blocking) money or other property of the organization or individual In accordance with Art. 7.4 of the Law 115-FZ.

What if you still have any questions?

Contact your bank for consultation in any way convenient for you:

  • to an employee in any office of the bank;
  • by phone in the contact center;
  • direct the message through the on-screen form on the bank's website or through Sberbank online.

People began to receive such SMS from Sberbank:

Name Patronymic, Action Map and Access to Sberbank Online (if available) suspended in the framework of the execution of the Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 07.08.2001. If you need funds, you can contact the Bank's office within the region where the card is open, with a person certifying a person. You can get acquainted with the list of documents necessary to consider the possibility of unlocking the map, you can on the website of the bank http://sber.me/?p\u003d61l.

Name Patronymic, To consider the possibility of unlocking the card for 7 days, send by email [Email Protected] or by letter at ****, documents confirming the economic meaning of the operation (s) on the map.

By law 115-ФЗ, all banks are required to analyze cashary of their customers and check them for suspicion. This is done according to the criteria of the Central Bank, which are spelled out in position No. 375-P of March 2, 2012. According to them, any operations are tracked, similar to illegal transfer of cashless money into cash ("cashing"), to confonse the calculation schemes and the concealment of true goals and participants in transactions (transit), to illegal output of money abroad.

If the bank detects operations that cause doubts about legality, it has the right:

  • temporarily block customer bank cards;
  • disable access to the Internet bank (web version and Sberbank online application);
  • refuse to the client in the issuance of cash or translating money on non-cash;
  • refuse to the client in opening an account, release or re-care.

The Bank requests documents on the origin of money and the economic sense of operations to decide whether the client is really involved in doubtful monetary calculations. If you provide documents, according to which incomes are legal, and expenses are explained, access to accounts and cards will be restored. The bank for each occasion is suitable individually and is interested in applying such measures as blocking or refusal to maintain only with justified suspicions.

Refusal of banking services under the Law 115-FZ threatens to the Client by the fact that he will not be able to open new accounts and deposits, receive new bank cards, including re-released; The current maps of the client will remain blocked; The client will not be able to use Sberbank online; All accounts for accounts client will be able to conduct only in the Bank's office; Operations for large sums Customer can only be carried out in coordination with the bank; there may be problems when opening accounts and maps in other banks. If the bank denied service 2 times or more during the calendar year, the score closes.

How not to get under suspicion or prove that operations are legal?

Sberbank advises: do not agree to the requests of friends, relatives, friends, etc. Translate through your accounts and cards money to which you do not have a relationship, especially if we are talking about large amounts. Do not agree to shoot this money in cash. Do not transfer your bank cards to anyone, even close to relatives, - cards can use for "cash" and "transit".
Remove cash from your accounts, deposits and cards, only when it is really necessary, especially if the money is credited to accounts, deposits and cards by non-cash. Try to use the cashless form of calculations.
Do not use your bank cards for illegal entrepreneurial activities - register as an individual entrepreneur and make a business card.
Do not agree to the requests of friends, relatives, friends, etc. To make you as director of the organization or as an individual entrepreneur if you are not going to actually participate in business.
If you are an individual entrepreneur and you have bank cards that you received as a private person, do not use them to accept buyers payments or pay suppliers and contractors. Subscribe for these purposes a business card;
Take care that the operations on your accounts can be confirmed documented. Keep all the papers in order (contracts, accounts, overhead, wards, etc.).
Collaborate with the Bank: If you do not answer his questions about the legality of certain operations, the conclusions may not be in your favor.
If the bank requests you to confirm the legality of the origin of money on your accounts and the economic meaning of the operations carried out, be sure to send the Bank to the information specified in the query and at the specified address specified in the request. Than more you explain everything, and the faster the data goes to the bank, the higher the likelihood that the question decides favorably for you.
How does the bank tell the client about doubts about the legality of monetary operations?
If the bank has questions, he notifies the client about this by any available ways: usually by phone via SMS, less often by email. In such messages, the Bank may:

  • to write about the locking of the cards and disconnect Sberbank online in accordance with the requirements of the Law 115-FZ;
    request information and documents confirming the legality of the origin of funds in the accounts and the economic meaning of the operations carried out;
  • notify that the documents are taken to work, indicate the timing of their consideration, and if necessary, to write about the possible extension of the deadlines;
  • inform about what decision is made - when will (and whether they will be unlocked accounts and maps and whether access to Sberbank will be restored.

In some cases, the Bank sends a request to its office at the place of opening of the account, contribution or issuing a map. In Nim, the Bank requests information and documents confirming that the money on the client's accounts have a legitimate origin, and the operations conducted are economic meaning.

How to transfer the requested information and documents to the bank?
When the bank requests information from the client and documents about the legality of the origin of money and the economic sense of operations carried out, it necessarily reports how to convey them. You need to send documents to the bank exactly the method and on the address that is specified in the request. Usually the bank offers to send scan copies of documents by email. Also, the client may ask to bring documents to the Bank's office at the place of opening the account or issue a map or send copies with paper mail.

If you send documents by email, be sure to specify your F. I. O. Files in the subject of the letter to PDF format. The total volume of the letter should not exceed 12 MB. If you need to send more, break into a few letters.

If you decide to send documents with paper mail, remember that such a letter may be late. Then the bank will not receive it on time, and this may affect its decision. If possible, send documents by email or, if specified in the request, bring them to the bank office.

If you can not provide the necessary documents in time or you do not have them, as soon as possible, report as it as possible to the bank specified in the query method, why this situation has developed. Than more and faster you explain everything, the better. This can be a determining factor when the Bank will decide.

What confirmation documents should be provided to the bank?
These can be any documents that confirm the legality of the origin of funds on your accounts and the economic meaning of the operations. The complete list does not exist, because the bases can be the most different.

For example, it can be purchase and sale agreements, contract agreements, loan agreements, facilities hiring contracts, property lease agreements, accounts for paying goods and services, payment receipts, settlement sheets about salary accrual, debt receipts, accounts for accounts in other banks, certificates from tax, etc.

What if the bank refused to maintain (does not open an account, does not give a map, including overwhelmed)?
If the bank requested documents and information from you, referring to 115-ФЗ, but you did not send anything, just do it in the way that is specified in the query, and wait for the solution.

If you sent all the documents, but the bank took a negative decision, nothing can be done. After a while, you can try again to open a score or map - the bank can reconsider your question after the expiration of a certain period.

Also banks according to the law are obliged to block customer accounts involved in extremist activities or terrorism. Such people and such organizations the Federal Financial Monitoring Service includes a special list. No Russian bank has the right to work with the accounts of those who are in the list.

The Federal Financial Monitoring Service is the executive body, whose task is to counteract the legalization (laundering) of the income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism. Rosfinmonitoring leads a list of organizations and individuals involved in extremist activities or terrorism. The grounds for inclusion in the list are listed in paragraph 2.1 of Art. 6 of the Law 115-FZ. You can get acquainted with him on the official website of Rosfinmonitoring.

If the Bank includes restrictions on the basis of information received from Rosfinmonitoring, this means that the Bank received information from the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) about your possible involvement in extremist activities or terrorism. According to the Law 115-FZ, the Bank must limit the operations on your accounts. You have the right to dispose of funds in the form of and in the sizes provided for by paragraph 2.4 of Art. 6, clause 4 of Article 7.4 of the Law 115-FZ. You will not be able to use bank cards and Sberbank online, operations will be possible in the Bank's office.

If you think that they are included in the error list, or there are grounds for eliminating you from the list, in accordance with paragraph 2.3 of Art. 6 of the Law 115-FZ You have the right to contact Rosfinmonitoring with a written statement to exclude you from the list.

In addition, the interdepartmental coordination authority opposes the financing of terrorism may decide on freezing (blocking) of cash or other property of an organization or an individual in accordance with Art. 7.4 of the Law 115-FZ.

The full name of the Law 115-FZ: Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues received by criminal, and financing terrorism".

It defines the responsibilities and responsibilities of organizations that work with the money and property of citizens: banks, insurance companies, microfinance organizations, etc. The purpose of the law is to prevent the legalization of illegal income and the financing of terrorism.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state