
Account 62 settlements with buyers and customers. Reflection of settlements with buyers in the general order. Debit shows counterparties owed to us

In this material, which continues the series of publications devoted to the new chart of accounts, the analysis of account 61 "Settlements with buyers and customers" of the new chart of accounts was carried out. This commentary was prepared by Ya.V. Sokolov, Doctor of Economics, Deputy. Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on Reform accounting and reporting, a member of the Methodological Council on Accounting under the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the first President of the Institute professional accountants Russia, V.V. Patrov, professor of St. Petersburg state university and N.N. Karzayeva, Ph.D., Deputy. Director of the Audit Service of Balt-Audit-Expert LLC.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is intended to summarize information about settlements with buyers and customers.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is debited in correspondence with accounts 90 "Sales", 91 "Other income and expenses" for the amounts for which settlement documents are presented.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is credited in correspondence with accounting accounts Money, settlements for the amount of payments received (including the amount of advances received), etc. In this case, the amounts of advances received and prepayment are accounted for separately.

If interest is provided on the received promissory note securing the buyer's (customer's) debt, then as this debt is paid off, an entry is made on the debit of account 51 "Current accounts" or 52 "Currency accounts" and the credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" (on the amount of debt repayment) and 91 "Other income and expenses" (by the amount of interest).

Analytical accounting for account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is carried out for each invoice presented to buyers (customers), and when calculating by planned payments - for each buyer and customer. Moreover, the construction analytical accounting should provide the ability to obtain the necessary data on: buyers and customers according to settlement documents, the due date of which has not come; buyers and customers on unpaid settlement documents; advances received; bills of exchange, the date of receipt of funds for which has not come; bills discounted (recorded) in banks; promissory notes for which funds were not received on time.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers within the group of interrelated organizations, about whose activities the consolidated financial statements are drawn up, is kept on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" separately.

In general, we can say that account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", as it were, mirrors the seller's facts of economic life, registered by the buyer on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors."

As soon as this account is debited, i.e. the ownership of the shipped goods passes to the buyer, so immediately the enterprise has a receivable and that is why the account corresponds with accounts 90.1 "Revenue" and / or 91.1 "Other income". If the work was performed under a long-term contract, then account 46 "Completed stages of work in progress" may be credited.

According to established customs, the buyer could deposit money in advance, i.e. could have taken place either the receipt of an advance payment or the crediting of an advance payment. In this case, accounts payable arise on account 62.

All of the above requires an answer to several questions:

  • why do you need account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers";
  • how payment by promissory notes is reflected;
  • how advances received are reflected.

Why do you need account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

First of all, account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is needed to reflect the buyers' debt for the realized values ​​(work, services).

Modern PBUs require the reflection of all transactions related to the implementation at the time of their release, which follows from the assumption of the temporal certainty of the fact economic activity, i.e. ".. regardless of the actual time of receipt or payment of funds" (PBU 1/98, clause 6).

However, we will note other possibilities as well.

The basic option assumes, immediately after the shipment of valuables or the provision of services, the compilation of the following record:

Credit 90.1 "Revenue"

The cycle of operations for the sale of values ​​can be represented by the following example.


Debit 62 Credit 90.1 - 120,000 rubles. - an invoice was issued to the buyer for the shipped values; Debit 90.2 Credit 41 - 90,000 rubles. - valuables shipped.

Profit in the amount of 30,000 rubles. reflected as the difference between the turnover on accounts 90.1 "Revenue" and 90.2 "Cost of sales". At the same time, note that the profit is fixed, you already have to pay taxes, but there is no money, there is nothing to pay with.

In cases where the moment of sale is recognized, in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale and / or the selected accounting policies, payment for values, such paradoxes do not arise.


The goods were shipped to the buyer with a total value of 120,000 rubles, the cost of these valuables is 90,000 rubles.

Debit 45 Credit 41 - 90,000 rubles. - shipped values ​​(statement and provision of invoice to the buyer in this case accounting records is not reflected); Debit 51 Credit 62 - 120,000 rubles. - the buyer has paid the invoice; Debit 62 Credit 90.1 - 120,000 rubles. - reflects the proceeds from the sale of values; Debit 90.2 Credit 45 - 90,000 rubles. - the cost of goods sold has been written off.

The received profit in the amount of 30,000 rubles. was reflected on the same accounts and in the same amount, but only after payment for the goods sold and services rendered.

For tax purposes, this option is more simple and convenient. However, if an agreement is concluded, according to which the risk of destruction of the goods (full or partial) falls on the owner until the payment of the valuables, which, for many reasons, is extremely disadvantageous for him.

The obligations of buyers and customers in accounting should be reflected at the time of their occurrence. Due to the fact that the obligations of the buyer arise at the time the seller fulfills the obligations to transfer the goods, there are two options for reflection in accounting. accounts receivable the buyer, which are determined by the terms of the agreement on the transfer of ownership of tangible assets.

The first option is based on the condition of an agreement on the transfer of ownership at the time of fulfillment of obligations by the supplier or contractor. In this case, the obligations of the buyer or customer arise simultaneously with the fulfillment of the obligations of the supplier or contractor and the transfer of ownership of the products (goods). The fulfillment of obligations by the supplier or contractor under the contract is the basis for reflecting on the accounting accounts of the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, works, services.

According to clause 12 of the accounting regulation "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99 in accounting, revenue is reflected in the presence of the following conditions:

  • the organization has the right to receive proceeds arising from a specific contract or otherwise confirmed accordingly;
  • the amount of revenue can be determined;
  • there is confidence that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization. The assurance that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization exists when the organization has received an asset in payment or there is no uncertainty about the receipt of the asset;
  • the ownership (possession, use and disposal) of the product (goods) has passed from the organization to the buyer or the work is accepted by the customer (the service is provided);
  • the costs that are or will be incurred in connection with this operation can be determined.

To reflect the proceeds from sales in the accounting accounts, all conditions must be met simultaneously. If at least one of the above conditions is not met, then cash and other assets received by the organization in payment are recognized in the accounting of the organization as accounts payable, and not as repayment of accounts receivable.

Consequently, the buyer's accounts receivable in the accounting of the organization will be formed simultaneously with the reflection of information on the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, works, services if all the specified conditions are met by making the following entry on the accounting accounts:

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"
Credit 90 "Sales"

The second option for reflecting information about accounts receivable is based on the condition of an agreement on the transfer of ownership at the time of payment for products, goods, or other circumstances. In this case, the obligations arising from the buyer to pay for the products (goods) are not associated with the transfer of ownership and, therefore, the reflection on the accounting accounts of proceeds from the sale of products and goods. In the generally accepted practice in Russia of accounting for the buyer's obligations, neither balance sheet account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" nor off-balance sheet account is applied. However, it seems advisable to keep off-balance sheet records of receivables under contracts, the terms of which provide for the transfer of ownership at the time of payment for the goods or the occurrence of other circumstances. The debit of the off-balance sheet account "Accounts receivable from buyers" reflects the value of the buyer's obligations under the contract for shipped products and goods.

At the time of the transfer of ownership of the product (goods), an entry is made on the accounting accounts:

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"
Credit 90 "Sales"

And at the same time on the credit of the account "Accounts receivable" the amount of accounts receivable is written off, reflected in the balance sheet account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

Accounting for accounts receivable under contracts providing for trade discounts

The contract may not provide for a fixed price for products (goods), but establish a procedure for determining the price depending on the fulfillment of certain conditions by the buyer. These specific conditions include the time of purchase of products or goods (before or after the main sales season), the amount of purchased goods (more than a certain amount in physical and value terms), payment terms for the shipped products (goods).

Reducing the price when the buyer fulfills the conditions specified in the contract is called a trade discount. According to clause 6.5 of PBU 9/99, the amount of receivables is determined taking into account all discounts (capes) provided to the organization according to the agreement.

The form of granting a discount can be both value-based (reduction of the price of the goods) and in kind (delivery of the goods "free of charge"). In the case of a discount in kind, the amount of accounts receivable and, accordingly, the proceeds must be determined as a whole under the contract: taking into account the value of the goods transferred at a set price other than zero and at a price equal to zero.

It should be noted that trade discounts provided to the buyer for the purchase of goods out of season or for the purchase of goods in significant quantities can be taken into account for assessing accounts receivable at the time of shipment of products (goods) to the buyer. Discounts provided to the buyer, subject to payment within a certain period, cannot be taken into account for the assessment of accounts receivable at the time of shipment to the buyer of products (goods). Therefore, the reflection in the accounting of receivables under contracts, subject to the provision of discounts to the buyer, depending on the maturity of the receivables, can be carried out in two ways. The first option assumes the traditional for Russia accounting of accounts receivable without taking into account trade discounts, that is, accounts receivable are recorded in accounting in full, as if the buyer did not use and will not use the system of discounts on the date of payment for the goods. If the buyer observes the terms of payment within the period established by the contract and provides him with a discount, it is necessary to subsequently adjust the receivables for the amount of the discount provided.

If payment by the debtor is made after the balance sheet date, the adjustment of the receivable for the amount of the discount provided for this payment must be made at the balance sheet date. According to paragraph 9 of PBU 7/98, data on the obligations of the organization are reflected in accounting statements taking into account the events after the reporting date, confirming the economic conditions that existed at the reporting date in which the organization conducted its activities, or testifying to the economic conditions that have arisen after the reporting date in which the organization operates.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the specified PBU, an event after the reporting date is recognized as the fact of economic activity that affects the performance of the enterprise: financial condition, cash flow or results of the organization. Events after the reporting date, taken into account in the preparation of financial statements, include only those that took place in the period between the reporting date and the date of signing the financial statements for the reporting year.

The consequences of events after the reporting date can be reflected in the financial statements either by clarifying the data on the corresponding liabilities, or by disclosing the relevant information.


Company wholesale trade 12/20/2002 shipped 2,500 units to the buyer. product A at a price of 200 rubles. (purchase cost - 150 rubles). The total amount under the agreement was RUB 500,000. Value added tax at the rate of 20% was RUB 100,000. 12/29/2002 the buyer paid for the goods. Ownership of the goods passes when the seller transfers the goods to the buyer. Obligations to the budget arise as the buyer pays off the debt.
The system of discounts provided to the buyer provides that when shipping to the buyer more than 1000 units. of the product of the same name, a discount of 10% is provided by reducing selling price goods. When the buyer pays for the goods within 10 days, a 10% discount is provided.

The discount provided for product A will be:

2,500 * 200 * 10% = 50,000 rubles.

The cost of goods A under the contract, taking into account the discount:

2,500 * 200 - 50,000 = 450,000 rubles.

450,000 x 20% = 90,000 rubles.

Total with VAT:

450,000 + 90,000 = 540,000 rubles.

Early payment discount amount:

450,000 * 10% = 45,000 rubles.

VAT discount amount:

90,000 * 10% = 9,000 rubles.

In total, the total amount of the discount is 54,000 rubles.

The purchase cost of the goods sold is:

2,500 * 150 = 375,000 rubles.

The following entries will be made in accounting:


Debit 62 Credit 90.1 - 540,000 rubles. - the goods were shipped to the buyer;


Debit 90.3 Credit 76 - 90,000 rubles. - VAT payable by the buyer is included;


Debit 51 Credit 62 - 486,000 rubles. - the goods were paid for by the buyer;


Debit 62 Credit 90.1 - (54,000) rubles. - discounts (reversal) provided by the payment date have been taken into account;


Debit 90.3 Credit 76 - (9,000) rubles. - VAT discount (cancellation) has been taken into account;


Debit 90.2 Credit 41 - 375,000 rubles. - sold goods are written off;


Debit 90.9 Credit 99 - 30,000 rubles. - the financial result from the sale of goods has been determined.

According to clause 6.2. PBU 9/99 when selling products and goods, performing work, providing services on terms commercial loan, provided in the form of a deferral and payment by installments, accounts receivable are accepted for accounting in the full amount under the agreement.

Upon receipt of a claim for payment of the cost of low-quality products (goods), work performed, services rendered or a reduction in the price of the contract, the enterprise either agrees with the requirements of the buyer (customer), or resolves the dispute in judicial procedure... In the first case, in agreement with the requirements of the buyer (customer), an entry must be made on the accounting accounts, reducing the amount of the buyer's receivables. Such an entry should be made by the method of reversing a previously made entry to increase the buyer's (customer's) receivables:

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"
Credit 90 "Sales"

Accounting for accounts receivable under non-cash contracts

As a rule, settlements between counterparties are carried out by means of funds in cash or cashless forms... but The Civil Code RF also provides for other, non-monetary forms of fulfillment of the buyer's obligations under the contract.

Firstly, in accordance with Article 410 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation can be terminated in whole or in part by offsetting a similar counterclaim, the deadline for which has come, or the deadline for which is not specified or is determined by the moment of demand. A statement by one party is sufficient for offset.

Set-off of claims is not allowed, "if, at the request of the other party, the term limitation period and this period has expired "(Article 411 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Secondly, according to article 413 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation is also terminated by the coincidence of the debtor and the creditor in one person.

Thirdly, the obligation may terminate if the parties come to an agreement to replace the original obligation that existed between them with another obligation between the same counterparties, providing for a different subject or method of performance (novation) (Article 414 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Fourthly, the obligation is terminated if the obligee releases the debtor from his obligations (Article 415 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The debtor can be released from obligations if the rights of other persons in relation to the creditor's property are not violated.

Fifth, according to Article 409 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an obligation can be terminated by agreement of the parties by submitting a compensation.

One of the forms of fulfillment of obligations not in cash is the fulfillment of obligations under an exchange agreement. According to article 567 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, each of the parties undertakes to transfer the goods to the other party and, accordingly, receive the goods from the other party. The rules on sale and purchase are applied to exchange agreements (Article 567 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It follows from this rule that each of the parties is both a seller and a buyer. The enterprise, performing the functions of the seller, must determine the price at which it will sell the goods, and, performing the functions of the buyer, must decide whether it agrees to purchase the goods at the price offered by the counterparty. When concluding an exchange agreement, two situations are possible. In the first case, the goods to be exchanged are recognized as equivalent. In the second case, the goods to be exchanged are not recognized as equivalent, in which case one of the parties must pay the other party a certain amount.

It should be emphasized once again that the prices for the goods at which the goods are sold are recognized as equal under the barter agreement. It does not follow from this that the estimates should be equal material values, for which they are accounted for in the accounting of enterprises.

According to clause 6.3. PBU 9/99, the amount of accounts receivable under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-cash is accepted for accounting at the cost of goods (values) received or to be received by the organization. The cost of goods (values) received or to be received by an organization is established on the basis of the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines the cost of similar goods (values).

Disclosure of the concepts of "comparable circumstances" and "similar goods" is not provided in regulations regulating accounting in Russian Federation... V this case it seems appropriate to use the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to paragraph 2 of Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax authorities, when exercising control over the completeness of tax calculation, have the right to check the correctness of the application of prices for commodity exchange transactions. Tax authority has the right to make a reasoned decision on the additional assessment of tax and penalties, calculated in such a way as if the results of this transaction were evaluated based on the application of market prices for the relevant goods, works or services.

At the same time, under the market price of goods (work, services), according to Tax Code, we mean the price that has developed during the interaction of supply and demand in the market of identical (and, in their absence, homogeneous) goods (works, services) in comparable economic (commercial) conditions.

The market of goods (works, services) is the sphere of circulation of these goods (works, services), determined based on the ability of the buyer (seller) to actually purchase (sell) the goods (work, service) at the closest to the buyer ( seller) territory.

Products that have the same characteristic basic features (physical characteristics, quality and reputation in the market, country of origin and manufacturer, etc.) are recognized as identical.

However, it should be noted that for tax purposes, the price of goods, works or services specified by the parties to the transaction is accepted, unless otherwise provided by article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Until proven otherwise, it is assumed that the price quoted by the parties to the transaction corresponds to the level of market prices.

If the price of the exchanged goods is not indicated directly in the exchange agreement, then information on prices in mandatory will be contained in the invoice received from or issued to the counterparty.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to establish the value of the goods (values) received by the organization, then the amount of accounts receivable in accordance with clause 6.3. PBU 9/99 is determined by the cost of products (goods) transferred or to be transferred by the organization. The cost of products (goods) transferred or to be transferred by an organization is established on the basis of the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines revenue in relation to similar products (goods).

The amount of accounts receivable is determined only by the price of the goods, established by agreement of the parties. An increase in receivables by the amount of the costs of transferring the goods should not be made, since in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 568 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "the costs of their transfer and acceptance are carried out in each case by the party that bears the corresponding obligations." Therefore, the costs of transferring the goods should be taken into account when forming the selling price of the goods.

The volume of receivables under the exchange agreement is increased by the amount of funds to be transferred by the second party if the goods are not equivalent and the value of the goods transferred is greater than the value of the goods received in exchange.

How is payment by a bill reflected

Quite often in practice, enterprises are used to pay off obligations under a purchase and sale agreement, supply, contract, repayable rendering services of promissory notes of third parties.

The most difficult moment in this case is the following: Is it possible to consider the payment by the bill of exchange as the final payment and the transaction completed, or are we just dealing with a delay in the repayment of the debt?

The following sections of analytical accounting are new (compared to the old chart of accounts):

  • according to settlement documents, the due date of which has not come;
  • on unpaid settlement documents;
  • advances received.

The last analytical section was a consequence of the liquidation of the former account 64 "Calculations of advances received."

62 the accounting account is a separate item that is intended to summarize all available information regarding the settlements between customers and buyers. Such settlements are debited in correspondence together with accounts 91 and 90 for the amounts for which the settlement documents were provided.

What is this account?

In correspondence 62, the accounting account is an item that is credited with accounting accounts material resources, as well as various calculations for the amount of payments received (including also the amount of advances provided), etc. It is worth noting the fact that the above amounts should be accounted for separately.

In the event that certain interest is provided for on some promissory note, with the help of which the consumer's debt is secured, in the process of paying off such debt, debit entries are made in accordance with accounts 51 or 52, as well as the credit of accounts 62 and 91.

Analytical accounting for 62 accounts

Analytical accounting, for which account 62 is used, is a procedure that is carried out for each invoice provided to customers, and in the case of settlement through budget payments, it is carried out for each customer or customer. It should be noted that the construction of analytical accounting should provide an opportunity to obtain the necessary information on:

  • settlement documents, which have this moment the juice of payment has not yet arrived;
  • not past due bills;
  • discounted bills;
  • buyers and customers;
  • advances received;
  • promissory notes for which funds were not provided on time.

What is such an account for?

In general, it can be said that account 62 is a reflection of the facts of the seller's economic life, which are registered by the consumer on account 60. After debiting this account, that is, transferring ownership of the shipped goods to the side of the buyer, the company immediately has a receivable indebtedness, as a result of which 62 article and corresponds together with 90.1, as well as 91.1. In the event that the work was carried out in accordance with a long-term agreement, crediting of account 46 is also provided.

According to established traditions, buyers can often make a certain amount of funds in advance, that is, they provide an advance or credit an advance payment. In this case, account 62 in accounting already provides for accounts payable. In this regard, many people ask questions about why such an account needs to be compiled.

First of all, account 62 in accounting is required to reflect the debt of consumers for any realized values, which can be services or works. Today, in the overwhelming majority of cases, PBUs require mandatory reflection of any transactions that relate to the implementation, immediately at the time of their release, which is a consequence of the assumption of a temporary certainty of business activities, that is, regardless of any dependence on the payment or the time of receipt Money.

The obligations of customers and buyers in the accounting prepared must necessarily be reflected immediately at the time of their occurrence, but it is worth noting: due to the fact that customer obligations appear at the time of direct fulfillment by the seller of its obligations in terms of transfer of goods, there are two options reflection of receivables from consumers, the definition of which is carried out in accordance with the individual terms of the contract.

First option

The first option of how the buyers' receivables are presented through account 62 in the balance sheet provides for the use of the terms of the agreement on the transfer of ownership of a certain product in the process of fulfilling obligations by the contractor or supplier. In this case, the obligations of the customer or consumer arise together with the fulfillment of the supplier's obligations, as well as the transfer of ownership of certain products. At the same time, the fulfillment of the contractor's obligations in accordance with the contract is the basis for the proceeds from the sale of services, goods, works or certain products to be reflected in 62 accounting accounts. In this case, sub-accounts can also be drawn up.

When should revenue be reported?

In accordance with applicable law, the display of revenue is carried out subject to the following conditions:

  • the amount of revenue cannot be determined;
  • the organization has the right to receive its own revenue, which arises from the terms of the drawn up contract or is confirmed in some other way;
  • there is a firm belief that after a certain transaction there may be an increase in economic benefit for the company (this happens if the organization receives a certain asset in payment or there is no uncertainty about the receipt of the asset at all);
  • after the completion of the work or the provision of a certain product to the customer, the ownership was transferred to him from the company;
  • the costs that have been or will be carried out for this operation can be determined in advance.

It should be noted that there is a certain peculiarity of how 62 accounting accounts are compiled. What it is? To reflect the proceeds from the sale, all of the above conditions must be met at once, and if at least one of them is not met, in this case, any assets or monetary funds that have been received in payment for their services or goods this organization will be recognized in the company's accounting as accounts payable and not in the form of settlement of the present receivables.

The consumer's accounts receivable in the company's accounting should be formed together with the reflection of complete information regarding the proceeds from the sale of certain goods or services if all these conditions are met by means of an entry on the accounts.

Second option

The second option for reflecting data on accounts receivable is based on the condition of the contract, which refers to the transfer of ownership immediately at the time of payment for products, goods or the occurrence of any other obligations. In this case, any obligations to pay for products on the part of the buyer have nothing to do with the transfer of ownership, as well as reflection on the accounts. In the generally accepted practice of Russia, in this case, no off-balance sheet accounts or 62 posting accounting accounts are used. An active or passive off-balance sheet account can be drawn up in accordance with contracts, under the terms of which the transfer of ownership is provided, and its debit will already reflect the total amount of the consumer's obligations under the contract for the goods or products received.

How is accounting for contracts with trade discounts carried out?

In accordance with the drawn up agreement, a not clearly established price for the goods or products may be provided, but the procedure for determining the price may be determined depending on whether the buyer fulfills certain conditions. In particular, we are talking about the time of purchase of goods or products, their quantity, as well as the timing of payment for products already shipped. All this provides for 62 accounting accounts, the transactions of which include such elements.

Reducing the price after the buyer fulfills any conditions specified in the contract, it is customary to call a trade discount. The form of its provision can be in kind or in value, that is, the goods can be released absolutely free of charge or at a reduced price. In the event that we are talking specifically about the in-kind form of granting a discount, then in this case, the revenue and the total amount of receivables are determined under the contract as a whole, taking into account the value of the goods transferred in accordance with the established price, which is equal to zero or other than zero. ...

It is worth noting the fact that the various trade discounts that are provided to consumers for the purchase of goods not in seasonal time or in sufficiently large quantities, can be taken into account in order to determine the receivable even at the stage of shipment of the goods to the consumer. It should be noted that account 62 (active or passive) does not provide for the ability to take into account the discounts provided to the consumer in case of payment for the goods within a certain period, at the time of shipment of the goods to the buyer. In this regard, the reflection of receivables in the accounting prepared can be carried out in two ways.

What to use?

The first option is quite traditional for Russia and the CIS countries and proposes to take into account receivables without specifying trade discounts, that is, initially they are taken into account in full in such a way as if the buyer does not use the system of granting discounts on the payment date and is not going to do so in the future. Moreover, in the event that the buyer complies with the terms of payment in set time, and he is still given a discount, subsequently the compiled receivables are simply edited for the amount of the discount provided.

If the debtor pays after the balance sheet date, then the adjustment is made at the balance sheet date in accordance with the amount of the discount provided. In accordance with paragraph 9 of PBU 7/98, all information about the company's obligations must be reflected in the financial statements, taking into account events that occurred after the reporting date, which confirm the economic conditions that existed at that time under which the organization conducted its own activities, or indicating that such conditions have appeared after the specified reporting date.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the specified PBU, 62.02, the accounting account provides as a fact of economic activity that affects the performance of the company, its financial condition, as well as the movement cash flows or any results of the enterprise. At the same time, events after the reporting date, which should be taken into account in the process of drawing up financial statements, will include only those that occurred in the period between the stated reporting date and the date of signing the statements for the year.

The consequences of events after such a date can already be expressed in the financial statements by clarifying information about the corresponding obligations or by disclosing the relevant information.

What should be considered?

It is worth noting the fact that, in accordance with clause 6.2 of PBU 9/99, 62.01, the accounting account compiled in the process of performing work, as well as when selling any goods on the terms of a commercial loan in the form of an installment plan or a deferred payment, must include in itself accounts receivable in full amount under the drawn up contract.

If the company receives claims regarding the payment of the cost of products or services of inadequate quality, as well as a reduction in the price of the contract, in this case the company must agree with the requirements received from the customer or resolve this issue in court. If everything is resolved peacefully, then, in agreement with the requirements of the consumer, an entry should be made on all accounting accounts, which reduces total amount customer receivables.

How should advances received be reflected?

Buyers provide advances so that the seller company has the opportunity to fulfill the terms of the concluded contract. Various research or construction works are carried out in accordance with work contracts, and after receiving an advance, the contractor begins to perform work, and subsequently begins to hand over them in parts, at the end of each established stage, issuing an interim invoice. In this case, the amount or a certain part of the advance received earlier is deducted from the total cost of the stage, which is usually called a set-off, and it must also include 62 accounting accounts (postings). Examples of such transactions can be as follows:

Company X ordered company Y to construct a building worth 2.1 million rubles. To carry out all the work, 3 stages are envisaged, the cost of each of which is 700 thousand rubles. To start the work, company X pays an advance in the amount of 420,000 rubles. Thus, company X's accounting records include:

  • Debit 60 Credit 51. 420,000 rubles. - advance payment to the contractor.

At the same time, company Y writes in the report:

  • Debit 51 Credit 62. 420,000 rubles. - the received amount of the advance has been credited.

After the first stage of the work is handed over, company X has the following records:

  • Debit 60 Credit 51. 420,000 rubles.
  • Debit 60 Credit 51. 560,000 rubles. The cost of the work performed is 700,000 rubles. but at the same time, 20% of the indicated value was paid off against the previously issued advance, that is, the amount of the invoice that was issued for payment is reduced by 140,000 rubles.

At the same time, firm Y has the following record:

  • Debit 51 Credit 62. 420,000 rubles.
  • Debit 51 Credit 62. 560,000 rubles. payment for the completed and completed stage of work is credited.

At the same time, in the process of compiling account 60 and 62 in accounting, such points as the types of incoming property that can be considered in the form of advances, as well as determining the assessment of these obligations in the balance sheet, should be taken into account.

Special account 62 in accounting is designed to reflect information on relationships with counterparties purchasing goods, services or works from the company. How is the accounting structured? On the basis of what documents are postings made to account 62? Let's understand the features in detail.

Account characteristics 62

62 accounting account is an analytical account that summarizes information on all customers of the organization, including legal entities and physical. With the help of count. 62 the accountant of the enterprise at any time and on the required reporting date can, on the one hand, form the amount of debt for the products and services sold, and on the other hand, reveal the amount for which shipments are planned.

Thus, we can say that account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is a mirror copy of the account. 60. And the turnover and balance generated by the seller duplicate the buyer's data. The information received is clearly used by the parties to the transaction when conducting reconciliations by drawing up acts. For the convenience of direct users (managers, managers, accountants) 62 accounts in the accounting department have analytics on counterparties, documents (invoices, acts), contracts. Additionally, if necessary, you can classify mutual settlements:

  1. By the method of calculation - upon shipment, prepayment, mutual settlement, etc.
  2. By the timing of settlements - overdue debt or not.
  3. By the presence of a promissory note - discounted (recorded) at the bank, overdue or the maturity date has not yet come.

The accounting service of the organization has the right to decide independently how exactly to use account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", taking into account legislative norms Order No. 94n of 31.10.00. The main thing is to provide external and internal users with reliable and timely information. If the activity is carried out by a group of related enterprises account 62, the postings are given below, it is conducted separately in terms of such transactions.

Account 62 - active or passive

If you analyze account 62, it becomes clear that this is an active-passive account, that is, the balance of payments can fall into both the asset of the balance and the liability - the data is entered in expanded form. In this case, the debit 62 of the account shows how much the shipments were made for the period. Correspondence is posted with income accounts -,. A 62 credit account shows how much the buyers have paid off their obligations to the organization - correspondence with cash accounts 50, 51, 55, 52, 57.

A detailed account card 62 allows you to get detailed information on the relationship with the client - all shipments and payments are displayed in the document in chronological order. Retailers have the right not to use account 62 in accounting - the sale is recognized immediately on the account. 90 with wiring D 50 K 90. But you can work in the usual way - the choice is made by the company independently.

Sub-accounts 62 accounts:

  • Account 62 01 - used to reflect data on general rules, with payment in the current mode.
  • Account 62 02 - used to reflect data on received advances.
  • Account 62 03 - used when paying for shipments with promissory notes.

Also, enterprises can open other sub-accounts to the account. 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" depending on the specifics of the specifics of the activity.

Account 62 - transactions:

  • D 51 K account 62.2 - an advance payment has been received from the buyer to the bank account.
  • Д 76.АВ К 68 - VAT was charged to the budget from the amount of the received prepayment.
  • D 62.1 To 90.1 - the shipment of goods to the buying firm is reflected.
  • D 62.2 To 62.1 - an advance payment for the goods is credited.
  • D 68 К 76.АВ - the amount of previously charged VAT has been restored.
  • D 62.1 To 08 - the amount of accounts receivable of the acquired organization was capitalized.
  • D 50, 51, 52, 55, 57 K 62.1 - arrived at the cashier, to the ruble account, to the currency account, to a special account, by transferring payment from buyers.
  • D 62.2 K 50, 51, 52 - the advance payment previously received from the buyer was returned.
  • D 60 K 62 - the settlement with the buying company is reflected.
  • D 62 K 91.1 - reflected in other income are receipts from the sale of goods and materials, fixed assets.
  • D 63 K 62 - the uncollectible receivables were written off to the account of the available reserve for doubtful debts companies.
  • Д 91.2 К 62 - the written-off receivables are charged to other expenses.

Conclusion - in this article we examined what account 62 means in accounting, postings are given according to typical situations. When reflecting the facts of economic activity, the accountant should be guided, first of all, by legal requirements, and then by the sectoral specifics of the enterprise, with the consolidation of all the nuances in the accounting policy.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is intended to summarize information about settlements with buyers and customers.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is debited in correspondence with accounts 90"Sales", "Other income and expenses" for the amounts for which the settlement documents are presented.

Account 62 "Settlements with Buyers and Customers" is credited in correspondence with accounts for accounting monetary funds, settlements for the amount of payments received (including the amount of advances received), etc. In this case, the amounts of advances received and prepayment are accounted for separately.

If interest is provided on the received promissory note securing the buyer's (customer's) debt, then as this debt is repaid, a debit entry is made accounts 51"Settlement accounts" or "Currency accounts" and the credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" (for the amount of debt repayment) and "Other income and expenses" (for the amount of interest).

Analytical accounting for account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is carried out for each invoice presented to buyers (customers), and when calculating by planned payments - for each buyer and customer. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should ensure the possibility of obtaining the necessary data on: buyers and customers according to settlement documents, the due date of which has not come; buyers and customers on unpaid settlement documents; advances received; bills of exchange, the date of receipt of funds for which has not come; bills discounted (recorded) in banks; promissory notes for which funds were not received on time.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers within the group of interrelated organizations, about whose activities the consolidated financial statements are drawn up, is kept on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" separately.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on a loan

46 Completed stages of work in progress
50 Cashier
51 Settlement accounts
52 Foreign exchange accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way

90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses

50 Cashier
51 Settlement accounts
52 Foreign exchange accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors
62 Settlements with buyers and customers
63 Provisions for doubtful debts
66 Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings
67 Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings
73 Payments to personnel for other transactions
75 Settlements with founders
76 Settlements with different debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements

Application of the chart of accounts: account 62

  • How to detect and stop hotel theft?

    Account) of a legal entity. This kind of fraud is difficult to implement in hotels with a correctly and ... safely delivered analytical and synthetic accounting on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" (in more detail ... for each buyer (customer) who has been invoiced for payment. In organizations with a large and permanent ..., in particular on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Therefore, we recommend that all accountants and business owners carefully ...

  • Personal account at home

    MKD bill? Is the management company obliged to keep a housekeeping record of income, expenses, settlements with consumers and ... an MKD account? Is the management company obliged to keep records of income, expenses, settlements with consumers and ... and without such "analytics"? At the same time, it is obligatory to carry out analytical accounting of settlements with ... consumers in the context of not only each consumer, but also each issued invoice ... Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts (see the commentary to account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"). Often, the Criminal Code leads ...

  • Debt Assignment: Accounting Entries

    The accounting transactions under consideration are reflected using accounts 62 (60) and 76. Justification of the position: Civil ... in the obligation is carried out using account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" ... accounts owed to the customer (supplier) account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers "(account 60" Settlements with suppliers and contractors ... instead of accounts 62 (60), the corresponding sub-accounts of account 76 can be used. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with ...

  • Product promotion by third-party contractors

    Subsequent sales to retail customers. Therefore, in the calculations of the supplier of products, account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is used. Promotion of products ... for a fee and at the expense of the organization to perform legal and actual actions related to the sale ... to promote products and conclude contracts with buyers, the actual control of the customer. It turns out that all ... them tax reporting and paid taxes from their checking accounts. What was said was confirmed ...

  • How to form the cost of an object during construction on your own

    62 CREDIT 90 subaccount "Revenue" - 2,000,000 rubles. - the apartment was handed over to the buyer ..., according to the author, account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" can be used. Tax accounting Profit tax ... of the level "Operations subject to VAT") CREDIT 62 subaccount "Settlements with customers" - 2,000,000 rubles .... - advance payment is credited; DEBIT 62 subaccount "Advances received ..." Operations not subject to VAT ") CREDIT 62 subaccount" Settlements with customers "- 300,000 rubles. - credited ...

  • Accounting for waste vegetable oil

    The debit of account 20 in correspondence with the credit of the accounting account for settlements with the supplier - account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and ... 1" Other income ", in correspondence with the debit of account 62" Settlements with buyers and customers ". PBU 9/99 "Income ... the use of the Chart of Accounts To summarize information about settlements with buyers and customers, account 62 is intended. This account is debited in ... correspondence with accounts 90" Sales ...

  • Logistics costs: accounting and taxation

    Account 41 "Goods" / subconto Coffee maker 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" 1 002 593 Account ... account 44 by posting: Debit of account 44 "Sales expenses" To 60 "Settlements with suppliers and ... on account 15" Procurement and the acquisition of material assets "(with subsequent attribution to account 16 ... an entry is made on the debit of account 68" Settlements with the budget "and credit 19. Consider the following ... Amount, rubles. The sale of goods 62" Settlements with buyers and customers " 90 "Sales" / subaccount 1 "Revenue ...

  • Problems in the application of PBU 2/2008, recognition of construction in progress

    They are presented for payment to the customer until the completion of the work ... proceeds not presented to the customer; total amount recognized expenses and recognized profit (... on acceptance of work for December, the customers were not signed. Contract No. 1 ... rubles. balance sheet account 20 "Main production" for ... postings: accrual of revenue for work not accepted by the customer debit 46 "Completed ... accrued revenue is posting debit 62" Settlements with buyers and customers "credit 46" Completed stages ...

  • Sales of food products, discounts, VAT: new rules

    Transfers by the supplier of food products to their buyer of remuneration for achieving a certain ... The supplier entered into an agreement with the buyer for the supply of baby food and additional ... rub. The supplier issued a correction invoice to the buyer and reflected the named amount of VAT ... was presented as follows: Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Credit 90 "Sales", subaccount ... for VAT by the seller of goods (and applied by their buyer tax deductions) price...

  • The moment of recognition of revenue when paying from cards (USN)

    ... (payment) cards are classified as non-cash settlements with buyers (clause 5.3 of the Standard Rules ... as funds are received from buyers (customers) subject to the conditions specified in ... funds to the account of the seller (executor) and the actual payment by the buyer (client) for the purchased goods ... may look as follows: Debit 62 Credit 90, subaccount "Revenue ..., services); Debit 57 Credit 62 - the client made a payment by means of a payment card; Debit ...

  • Retail Customer Rewards

    The condition that the buyer keeps his bank account in the bank open - ... funds received at the time of settlements with the buyer. In accounting and reporting, the proceeds ... check indicates the sign of settlements - the receipt of funds from the buyer and the expenditure of funds in ... this, if the contract provides for the provision of a discount to the buyer (customer), subject to them ... "Proceeds under contracts with buyers" ( hereinafter - IFRS 15) and the dates of voluntary application ... Дt 51 Кt 62 10,000 rubles. Dt 62 Kt 90 10 ...

  • Calculations in foreign currency: VAT nuances

    Reflected negative exchange rate difference for settlements with the customer * (17,700 euros x ..., 71 rubles / euro) 52 62 1 198 467 Reflected positive ... - 67.22) rubles / euro) 62 91 -1 8 673 Paid by ... the customer. After calculating the "advance" VAT from the received prepayment, the contractor will issue an "advance" invoice and ... currency on that day - 62.32 rubles / euro). The deed of delivery ... on account of the subsequent execution of construction work (17,700 euros x 62, ...

  • We issue the return of the marriage from the buyer

    The goods are accepted for accounting by the buyer. In accordance with item ° 2 Art. ° ... 16-15 / [email protected]). Documentation The customer is obliged to document the fact of detection ... including the cost of products returned by the buyer and recognized as irreparable defects. At the same time ... in production "(Chart of Accounts and Instruction). Taking into account the above, we believe that ... to make the following entries on accounting accounts: Debit 62, Credit 90, ...", Credit 68, subaccount "Calculations for VAT "(reversal) - ...

  • Refunds to the buyer when using the online checkout

    Cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means... making cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means ... Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for financial and economic accounting ... 62, subaccount "Advances received" Credit 50 - the advance (prepayment) to the buyer is returned .. only after the actual provision of them to the customer (clauses 12, ... of the services rendered before the termination of the contract with the buyer (subscriber). That is, ...

  • Contracts in foreign currency and c. e. e .: VAT tax base

    This article is devoted to comparison. Calculation procedure tax base under contracts, payment ... we will talk about an agreement with a foreign counterparty - the customer of works, services, place ... Received an advance to the organization's foreign currency account 52 62-av 772 900 ... "advance" VAT 76-av (62-av ) 68-VAT 117 900 ... revenue received from services rendered 62 90 - 1 772 900 * ... 76-av (62-av) 117 900 * Prepayment received from the buyer (advance payment ... the buyer records the received goods and will deduct the VAT indicated on the invoice ...

Account 62 in accounting accumulates data on settlements with buyers and customers. The features of its use are described in this article.

Accounting for accounts receivable on account 62

The rules that need to be borne in mind when working with account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" are indicated in the chart of accounts of accounting and instructions to it, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 31.10.2000 No. 94n. Account 62 is used to reflect:

  • accounts receivable (hereinafter referred to as DZ) of buyers and customers for the sold goods, works, services (hereinafter referred to as TRU);
  • accounts payable in the form of advances received.

The turnover on the debit of the 62nd account takes place when reflecting the debt of buyers, when the TRU is being sold. The second side of the posting will be income accounts 90.1, 91.1 or account 46 with the phased reflection of income from long-term work. Thus, DZ is recorded at the same time as revenue. In accordance with the rules of accounting, revenue is shown in the accounting if a number of conditions are met (clause 12 of PBU 9/99 "Income of an organization", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.05.1999 No. 32n):

  • availability of a legally justified right to receive proceeds;
  • the presence of the sum value of the proceeds;
  • the presence of confidence in receiving payment;
  • the transfer of ownership was made, i.e. the buyer accepted the TRU;
  • the presence of the sum of the related costs incurred to generate this revenue.

If at least one condition is not met, then the payment received by the organization should be recorded as payables, and not repay the receivables.

Upon receipt of payment from the buyer, account 62 is credited, and a debit entry is made on the accounts of funds.

Analytics 62 accounts should allow you to check its balances for the presence of overdue debts, that is, be conducted in the context of counterparties, invoices, payment terms. To ensure transparency of reporting, overdue debts should be reserved by posting Дт 91.2 Кт 63 (clause 70 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 07.29.1998 No. 34n). In the balance sheet, the receivable is shown minus the reserve. Debts that cannot be repaid, and debts with expired the limitation period must be written off (clause 77 of PBU) at the expense of the reserve by posting Dt 63 Kt 62, and if they were not reserved, then they are written off to financial results Dt 91.2 Kt 62. At the same time, for another 5 years, the written-off DZ is reflected in the balance sheet (account 007) in order to track the change in the financial condition of the debtor and the possibility of returning the debt.

Accounting for advances received

Payment for TRU before shipment or transfer is accounted for on account 62 separately, usually subaccount 62.2 "Advances received" is used, while subaccount 62.1 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is used to account for DZ from buyers. In the balance sheet, received advances are included in accounts payable, that is, they are shown in liabilities, it is not possible to show advances minimized from DZ. In addition, upon receipt of an advance payment, the supplier must charge VAT (clause 1 of article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


In July LLC Pchelka (buyer) and LLC Vasilek (seller) signed an agreement for the purchase of paving slabs worth 944,590 rubles. In the same month, Pchelka LLC made a full prepayment. The following entries are made in the accounting of LLC "Vasilek":

Dt 51 Kt 62.2 - 944 590 rubles. - an advance payment has been received on the current account from Pchelka LLC;

Дт 76 subaccount "VAT from advances received" Кт 68 subaccount "VAT" 144,090 rubles. (944 590 × 18/118) - VAT was charged upon receipt of an advance payment.

In August, LLC "Vasilek" shipped all the paving slabs to the buyer and reflected the following records:

Dt 62.1 Kt 90 - 1 944 590 rubles. - accrued revenue;

Dt 90.3 Kt 68 subaccount "VAT" - 144,090 rubles. - VAT charged on sales;

Дт 68 subaccount "VAT" Кт 76 subaccount "VAT from advances received" 144,090 rubles. - previously charged VAT from the received prepayment is accepted for deduction;

Dt 62.2 Kt 62.1 - 944 590 rubles. - the previously received prepayment was offset.

Settlements by promissory note

In the instructions for the chart of accounts, attention is also paid to the peculiarities of settlements by promissory notes. If the buyer issues his own bill of exchange to the supplier, then the debt is not repaid, but by this action a deferred payment is issued and a payment guarantee is issued. To account for bills received, it is recommended to separate a separate sub-account, for example, 62.3 "Bills received". The following entries are made in the seller's accounting:

Another situation arises if the payment of a debt is made by a bill of exchange of third parties. Such a bill is recognized financial investment and is recorded on account 58. In the supplier's accounting, the records indicated in the table are made:


For different types DZ chart of accounts provides for special accounts. One of them is account 62, which can be both active and passive, since it is used to account for both DZ from buyers and customers, and creditors in the form of advances and prepayments received.

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