
Minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission form. Social Security Commission Minutes. At the expense of the employer

Minutes No. ______ of the meeting of the social insurance commission ___________________________________________________ (name of organization) "___" ________ ___ year _______________ PRESENTED: Chairman of the commission: ________________________ (full name) Secretary: ________________________ (full name) Commission members : ________________________ (full name) ________________________ (full name) ________________________ (full name) INVITED (A): ________________________________________________________. (position, name of organization, full name) AGENDA: payment of temporary disability benefits __________________________________________________________________________. (position, name of organization, full name) HEARD: application of _____________________ for payment of benefits for temporary (full name) disability _______________________________________________________. (position, name of organization, full name) ESTABLISHED: 1. __________________________, works in __________________________ under (position, full name) (name of organization) employment contract and is subject to state social insurance. 2. "___" ________ ___ _______________________ presented for payment (full name) a certificate of incapacity for work of the series ________ N ____, issued by "___" ________ ___, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. Type of incapacity for work - ___________________. The period of temporary incapacity for work: from "___" ________ ___ to "___" ________ ___ inclusive. 4. Continuous work experience in _________________________________ to the beginning of (name of the organization) incapacity for work was ___ year ___ months ___ days. 5. The total length of service at the beginning of the incapacity for work was ___ year ___ months ___ days. 6. The monthly salary of the employee (s) is ____________________ rubles. 7. The period for temporary incapacity for work payable is calculated from "___" ________ ___ to "___" ________ ___ inclusive. 8. The settlement period for calculating the average daily earnings is set from "___" ________ ___ to "___" ________ ___. 9. The average daily earnings of an employee (s) is _______________ rubles .____ kopecks. DECIDED: Guided by the legislation on social security of the Russian Federation and this protocol: 1. Accounting departments accept a certificate of incapacity for work for payment. 2. Pay no later than ___ days ________________________ allowance for (full name) temporary disability in the amount of 100% of earnings in the amount of ______________ rubles ________ kopecks at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the commission _______________ / __________________ (signature) (full name) Secretary of the commission _______________ / __________________ (signature) (full name)

Source - Kasenov Ye.B.

Employee social security contributions against occupational accidents can be spent on vouchers to sanatoriums for treatment and rehabilitation. The amount of travel expenses is determined as a percentage of the sum of all specified contributions. It is about 20% and is enshrined in the relevant federal law.

Direction of budget expenditures for 2017-18 signs the act "On the budget of the FSS in 2017". Before spending money on these needs, it is necessary to agree on the direction of the expense with a representative of the social insurance fund. To do this, you need to go through a special approval procedure, which is regulated by the Rules for the financing of preventive measures. In particular, they contain the following list of mandatory documents:

  • application for travel vouchers
  • wellness plan
  • financing schedule for the current year
  • act (copy) on the results of the inspection of the state inspection
  • act (copy) of the meeting of the medical board
  • sanatorium or resort license
  • list of insured

To implement these tasks in the field of social insurance of the company, a social insurance commission in the institution must be approved. She will be the guarantor of the observance of workers' rights.

Rules for the establishment of a social insurance commission

An organization of any form of ownership must have a social insurance commission at the enterprise, if the company is registered with the FSS. The members of the body are elected on a voluntary basis. The meeting is held in a conference format with the presence of all staff.

The Commission has the following powers and functions:

  • determining the direction of spending contributions
  • distribution of vouchers in accordance with the established procedure
  • issuance of vouchers to insured persons
  • taking into account the need for spa treatment
  • control of the procedure for financing treatment and rehabilitation
  • verification of the basis for the right to receive a preferential voucher
  • handling complaints from insured employees
  • preparation of reporting documents for the fund

IMPORTANT: members of the commission are elected for 1-3 years, meetings must be held once a month or more often, all decisions must be formalized in minutes.

Minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission sample

The document consists of several mandatory parts:

  • Cap of the minutes of the meeting of the FSS Commission
  • The main part of the protocol

  • Final part of the document

At the end of the protocol, the points are prescribed by the points that the commission decided and the signatures of the responsible persons are affixed.

Regulation on the commission at the enterprise

The social insurance committee of the institution operates on the basis of an internal regulation. It is drawn up in accordance with the rules of law set forth in clause 11 of the Regulation "On the FSS of the Russian Federation", which is designed to ensure timely control over the payment of benefits and the issuance of vouchers.

The full procedure for creating a commission at an enterprise is thoroughly considered in regulation 556a of the social insurance fund of Russia. In particular, it says that the main task of the commission is the spending of funds for recreation and sanatorium-and-spa treatment, financed from the fund.

The Labor Code gives an employee hired under an employment contract a number of social guarantees that he can claim if he loses the opportunity to work for reasons beyond his control. The most common examples of such guarantees include sick pay and childbirth benefits. Most of these payments are paid by the social insurance fund. Initially, however, their source of funding is actually the employers themselves, whose responsibilities include monthly social security contributions for employees. In the same time fulfillment by the employer of obligations related to the payment of employee benefits, can be controlled by more than one FSS.

Regulations on the Social Insurance Commission

Based on clause 11 of the Regulation "On the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 101 dated February 12, 1994, to ensure control over the correct calculation and payment of social insurance benefits in institutions and organizations, regardless of ownership, by labor collectives social insurance commissions should be formed at the enterprise. In companies with fewer than 100 employees, the social insurance commissioner may act as such a social insurance commission.

The very procedure for creating this structure is regulated by the regulation on the commission for social insurance, approved by the decree of the FSS of Russia on July 15, 1994, No. 556a.

So, according to this document, the members of the commission are elected at a general meeting of the labor collective from among the representatives of its administration. These can be employees of the personnel department, accounting and other administrative personnel, as well as trade unions. The decision taken by the meeting of the labor collective must be formalized in a protocol, on the basis of which an order is issued to create a commission for social insurance at the enterprise.

The commission is elected for a term of 1 to 3 years. The members of the commission can be re-elected before the expiration of their term of office by the decision of the general meeting of the labor collective.

The main issues considered by the commission and authorized persons relate to the spending of funds for sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation of employees and their families, distribution of vouchers to the insured for sanatorium-resort treatment, recreation, medical (dietary) food purchased at the expense of the Fund. Also, the duties of the commission or the social insurance commissioner include monitoring the correctness of filling out the certificates of incapacity for work, the accrual and timely payment by the employer of temporary disability benefits, burial benefits. They are also considering other controversial issues related to the provision of workers with social insurance benefits.

Meetings of the commission are held as needed, but at least once a month. The decisions taken are formalized by the minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission.

In the event of violations of the current legislation on social insurance, the commission is obliged to inform the management of the organization, as well as the FSS department. The social insurance fund can interact with this structure, requesting certain materials on insurance issues in the organization directly from the representatives of the commission. The commission on social insurance in the institution is obliged to report on its own work directly to the labor collective and to the administration of the company at least once a year, as well as after the expiration of the term of office of the specific composition of the commission.

Sample minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission in the institution

protocol No. 1

Meetings of the Social Insurance Commission

Alpha »


Attended by:

Members of the Social Insurance Commission:

Chairman: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich;

Secretary: Petrov Petr Petrovich;

Commission members: Nikolay Ivanovich Sidorov,

Smirnova Tatiana Valerievna.

AGENDA: payment of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth to the employee of LLC "Alpha" Konstantinova I.The.

LISTENED: the statement of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich on the payment of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth to an employee of LLC "Alpha" Konstantinova AND.The.


I. V. Konstantinova works at Alpha LLC under an employment contract and is subject to state social insurance.

June 27, 2016 I. V. Konstantinova presented for payment a certificate of incapacity for work in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The beginning of the hospital period in connection with pregnancy and childbirth according to this document is from June 24, 2016, the duration is 140 calendar days.

I. V. Konstantinova has been working at Alpha LLC since February 1, 2012, but in the period from December 09, 2013 to August 17, 2015, this employee was also on maternity leave and subsequent parental leave for up to 1.5 years of age. The employee did not issue a parental leave for a child under 3 years old, and started working on August 18, 2015.

According to Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, if in two calendar years immediately preceding the year of the insured event, or in one of the specified years, the insured person was on maternity leave and (or) on parental leave, the corresponding calendar years (calendar year), at the request of the insured person, may be replaced in order to calculate the average earnings by the previous calendar years (calendar year), provided that this leads to an increase in the amount of the benefit.

The employee's application for the replacement of the 2014-2015 calendar years of the billing period in order to calculate the maternity allowance for 2012-2013 is attached.


Guided by the legislation on social security of the Russian Federation and this protocol:

1. To the personnel department to issue on the basis of the application of the employee Konstantinov I.V. maternity leave.

2. Bookkeeping to accept certificate of incapacity for work to be paid with the replacement of the billing period for 2012-2013 on the basis of the corresponding application of the employee, calculate and pay the amount of temporary disability benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth within the time frame established by law.

Chairman of the Commission __________________ I. I. Ivanov

Secretary of the Commission __________________ P.P. Petrov

Open a document in your system ConsultantPlus:
The absence of regulations adopted at the federal level on the procedure for granting benefits for temporary incapacity for work, for pregnancy and childbirth, etc. puts employers in a difficult position and is the reason for various kinds of errors in this area. So, when studying the organization of work on the provision of benefits at OJSC "Uralelectromed" it became clear that there are certain inaccuracies and contradictions in the regulation of this activity. First of all, the local regulation "Provision of employees of OJSC" Uralelectromed "with social insurance benefits", on the one hand, states that the assignment and payment of benefits is carried out by the bureau of financial and settlement operations of the accounting department. The employee must contact this bureau, submit the necessary documents and write a statement addressed to the director of general affairs. However, below we are talking about the fact that the employee gives the sick leave to the timekeeper, he fills it out, signs it with the head of the unit and transfers it to the personnel department, where the employee's insurance experience is indicated. The issued sick leave is transferred for payment to the accounting department. At the same time, the Regulation provides for a special procedure for granting benefits in cases where the cause of temporary incapacity for work is a domestic injury, as well as in cases of violation of the doctor's prescriptions by employees. In these cases, after issuing a sick leave in the personnel department, it is transferred to the social insurance commission, which makes the appropriate decision. Moreover, as evidenced by the study of the minutes of the meeting of the commission for social insurance of OJSC "Uralelectromed", a significant part of their agendas is devoted to the appointment of benefits for temporary disability. At the same time, it is not taken into account that according to the Regulations on the Social Insurance Fund in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994, social insurance commissions are created not to assign benefits, but to control the correct calculation and timely payment of social insurance benefits. employers, resolving issues of spending social insurance funds, as well as considering disputes between employees and employers regarding the provision of social insurance benefits (clause 11). The commission's powers to assign benefits also do not follow from the Model Regulations on the Commission (Commissioner) for Social Insurance, approved by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of Russia on July 15, 1994. (clauses 2.1 - 2.2). Therefore, one cannot but agree with the statement of R.S. Garipov that the assignment and payment of benefits are completely the prerogative of the employer, who determines the right to benefits, decides on the withdrawal of benefits, lists its amount and determines the payment of benefits.

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