
What will be the work without SP. Do I need to pay taxes and contributions if the individual entrepreneur does not operate? IP is registered but activity is ongoing

By Civil Code entrepreneurial activity It is to sell, provide services, rent out property and systematically receive money for it. But the law, as always, keeps silent. From it it is not clear what a systematic profit is - two caps or a hundred.

According to the law, for entrepreneurial activity, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This is a guarantee that the state will receive taxes from the sale of a cake or a knitted hat.

A person cannot but pay taxes to the Tax Code if he does not have an individual entrepreneur. The law says this: if an individual conducts business activities without an individual entrepreneur, in the performance of duties he cannot refer to the fact that he works without an individual entrepreneur. In essence, this means: if you are doing business, then you are an entrepreneur and must pay taxes as an entrepreneur.

Signs of entrepreneurial activity were in the old tax letter from 2010:

  • buy or manufacture property for profit. For example, buy a truck and help people move for money;
  • keep records of transactions, count income and expenses, record debts;
  • related transactions. For example, buy plastic windows from the manufacturer, and then put them to customers;
  • work with sellers, buyers, suppliers, landlords, advertisers, courier services and anyone else who helps run the business.

The tax authorities and the court may provide other evidence that a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Since there is no exact definition, different interpretations can be given.

In general, the position is as follows: selling a hat once or cleaning pipes for money is not an entrepreneurial activity. If you do this all the time, get money, look for clients, advertise, conclude contracts - entrepreneurial, you need at least an individual entrepreneur. Arbitrage practice almost always on the tax side.

What is the punishment

For work without IP threatens administrative, criminal liability and reimbursement of taxes from the income that the entrepreneur received.

The tax office may ask you to pay additional taxes on the income that the entrepreneur has earned. At the same time, she can count taxes, as if the entrepreneur worked all the time for common system taxation. So you have to pay VAT.

In 2015, the Supreme Court heard the case of Vats, who leased companies non-residential premises and land plot. He didn't have an IP.

The court drew attention to the fact that Vats entered into lease agreements. In them, he indicated sanctions for non-compliance with the terms of the contract and took into account the risks. On these grounds, the court found that Vats was engaged in entrepreneurial activity and must pay VAT.

Everything you need for business

The Modulbank case is a publication about business. We talk about everything that a Russian entrepreneur needs to know: what new laws have come out, how to pass inspections in various instances, how not to get fined.

How does the tax office know?

The tax office is the same people who go for manicures, buy cakes and hire animators for a children's party. The inspector can go to Instagram, sign up for a manicure and check that the master does not have registration as an individual entrepreneur.

If you open an IP on a simplified 6%, the costs will be as follows:

  • tax - 6% of the income that comes to the account;
  • contributions - 32,385 rubles per year;
  • bank service — 5880 rubles per year in Modulbank at the Optimal tariff.

insurance premiums RUB 36,238 by 31 December 2019. Late payments will incur penalties for each day of delay.

As a debt collection measure, a ban on leaving the country can be imposed through the court, so be careful, pay your contributions on time in order to avoid unpleasant situations. On the site bailiffs http://fssprus.ru/iss/Ip you can check whether the debt has been awarded to you.

What reporting to submit to the IP if there was no activity

Until 2014, IP had to be submitted to the tax office annually by January 20. This requirement extended even to entrepreneurs without employees. Later, Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation was amended and. If the individual entrepreneur does not have employees, then it is not necessary to submit a report.

In addition, you need file a tax return and certify the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses (KUDiR). The requirement to certify KUDiR has been canceled since 2013.

So, IP on a patent - they do not hand over declarations.

Individual entrepreneurs on UTII report on tax not once a year, but every quarter.

IP does not have zero reporting on UTII. After registering for tax purposes under UTII, the entrepreneur submits a quarterly declaration and pays tax, regardless of the income actually received. The tax is calculated based on imputed income taking into account indicators by type of activity.

If the activity is not carried out, then you need to deregister for UTII, otherwise you will have to pay tax and submit a declaration.

Zero reporting of IP on the simplified tax system

Entrepreneurs do not submit a Declaration on the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system. The annual report must be submitted by April 30th. The declaration can be handed in in person, sent by mail or via the Internet.

You can prepare a report free of charge in the Elba system or in special program on the tax website. You can print the declaration and hand it in in person or by mail. To send via the Internet, you need to issue a cloud signature in the service. After that, the declaration can be submitted electronically. You will receive receipts for sending the declaration, which are also legally significant, like the declaration marked by the Federal Tax Service.

Zero reporting IP on OSNO

Individual entrepreneurs on the general taxation system submit VAT returns every quarter and an annual 3-NDFL return. However, the VAT return can only be submitted electronically.

IP on general mode taxation can exercise the right to exemption from VAT under article 145 of the Tax Code, if the amount of proceeds for the three previous months in a row, excluding tax, did not exceed two million rubles in aggregate. In this case, the individual entrepreneur will be able to deduct VAT on purchases and issue invoices to buyers, because. will not be a VAT payer.

A notice for VAT exemption is submitted to the tax office by the 20th day of the month from which the right to exemption will be valid.

If there was no activity, instead of a VAT declaration, you can submit single (simplified) tax return (see clause 2 of article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Unlike the VAT return, this report can be submitted on paper. At the same time, no payments should be made on the IP accounts, i.e. there should be no signs of activity. If an individual entrepreneur had expenses, but no income, then in this case will have to submit regular reports.

The deadline for submitting a single declaration is at the end of each quarter until the 20th day:

  • for the 1st quarter until April 20
  • for the 2nd quarter until July 20
  • for the 3rd quarter until October 20
  • one year before 20 January.

Penalty for non-delivery of the declaration for individual entrepreneurs

Responsibility for failure to submit a zero tax return is provided for in Art. 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and is equal to 1,000 rubles. The penalty for failure to submit other documents is 200 rubles for each document (clause 1, article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At worst tax office may decide to suspend operations on bank accounts and block the business account.

Even if the individual entrepreneur did not conduct business in the current period or received a loss, he is still obliged to pay taxes to the FIU (). The obligation to pay contributions arises for an individual entrepreneur immediately after registration (although the tax is recalculated in proportion to the time elapsed from the moment of registration).

In 2014, the minimum amount that must be paid to the FIU is 20,727.53 rubles. Moreover, if the individual entrepreneur works officially in parallel and the employer transfers contributions for him, this also does not exempt him from paying a fixed payment. And even if the individual entrepreneur is himself a pensioner or disabled person, the legislation does not provide for any benefits or tax exemptions.
This is the difference between an IP and an LLC, within which, for example, you can send CEO on administrative leave for the period of absence commercial activities. Thus, salaries are not calculated for the employees of the LLC and the obligation to pay contributions to the funds disappears.

Many entrepreneurs make mistakes, not individual entrepreneurs on time, but after several years they receive a notification demanding to pay off the debt to the PFR, taking into account the accrued penalties for the entire period.

The legislation does not provide for obtaining a deferment in the payment of contributions. The amounts must be transferred before the end of the year, otherwise the entrepreneur faces fines and penalties.

When an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay income tax, even if there is no income

Naturally, an individual entrepreneur with zero income is exempt from paying income tax, but he must not forget to file a "zero" declaration, otherwise he will have to pay a fine to the tax and FIU.
If the individual entrepreneur does not submit a tax return on time, the PFR will calculate the contributions based on the calculation of 8 minimum wages, i.e. in the amount of 138,627.84 rubles.

But if an individual entrepreneur applies UTII, then he will be required to pay tax on "imputed" income. For example, if an entrepreneur has his own store retail, then he pays taxes not on the basis of the actual profit received, but on the basis of the footage retail space. In order not to pay tax, an individual entrepreneur who does not conduct business must be deregistered as a UTII payer.

In what cases may an individual entrepreneur not pay taxes

An individual entrepreneur is exempted from the obligation to pay taxes to the FIU only in a number of cases (this list is strictly fixed and not subject to free interpretation):
- for the period of passage military service on call;
- for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years;
- for the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years.

It is important to note that individual entrepreneurs have the right not to pay contributions only after submitting to the FIU all required documents. And only on the condition that

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