
HMS 1 planning of apartments with dimensions. Plastic windows in the equipment

HMS.-2001 - One of the series of panel houses from isolated block sections. Year of construction from 2003 to the present. At home this type Widely distributed in Moscow, as well as in other cities of Russia.

Housing of the GMS-1 series It is built from prefabricated elements and decorative details. As a rule, it is 17-storey houses from three-layer panels (concrete-insulation concrete). Inner walls and floors of the building are made from reinforced concrete.

GMS-1. - This is a new generation of residential buildings using full-blooded industrial home-building technology. All decisions are based on a certain number of prefabricated elements and the use of good decorative details. The design makes it possible to build 25-storey houses.

Typical houses GMS-1 Earl from a standard set of building elements called "MS-1", which allows you to design each house with regard to the relief, affordable area, build buildings by multi-speaking or vice versa, tower type, with a single entrance. In addition, there are ramps for disabled, concierge room. Some apartments meet Erkers.

In the GMS-1 series provided: Spacious halls, concierge rooms, electrical, wheelchair, ramps for low-spirited populations, spacious elevator halls. All apartments, except for apartments located on the first floor, are provided by loggias. The GMS-1 system contains a base that allows you to solve any tasks for planning apartments. In particular, the bathrooms are designed in such a way that they do not adjoin the walls of neighboring apartments.

It is worth noting high manufacturability of the GMS-1 series: constructive decisions Provide the stability of the building not only from a possible earthquake, but also from the so-called chain collapse (when one section collapses in the house, and after it is all the others).

Houses of the GMS-1 series (Head of Head Mason-2001) Externally recognizable by narrow pair windows in many rooms, according to characteristic only for this series of the texture of external panels

If you look at the square, then smaller refer to the municipal version of the GMS-1 (GMS-2001), large - to the commercial version

Experts consider the GMS-1 of the real find for consumers, because the series is practically devoid of technical deficiencies, and the architectural and color variety of facades allows you to create unique buildings entering into the environment.

Externally at home of the GMS-2001 Allocated with characteristic narrow pair windows. Panels are painted at the production stage. Buildings can be white, beige, brown, turquoise, yellow, orange or pink.

External differences: Houses of the GMS-1 series are externally recognizable by narrow pair windows in many rooms and software characteristic only for this series of external panels. The section block was built on the steps of transverse bearing walls of 3.3x6.3 m. The introduction of a step of 6.3 m made it possible to create the most comfortable apartments in which the bathrooms do not adjoin the walls of neighboring apartments.

Features of the GMS-2001 series

  • Comfortable and spacious apartments
  • High ceilings (2.8 square meters)
  • Increased noise insulation (thickened partitions, bathrooms do not come into contact with the walls of neighboring apartments)
  • Increased thermal insulation due to the design of window blocks and modern materials
  • Single Hall of the first floor with ramps
  • Concierge room and wheelchair
  • Wardrobe (except for one-bedroom apartments)
  • Additional bathroom in three- and four-bedroom apartments

The area of \u200b\u200bone-bedroom apartments in the houses of the GMS-2001 series can be from 38 to 43 squares, two-room - from 53 to 78 square meters. m. The most spacious four-room options reach 120 square meters. m. Kitchen size from 9 to 12 square meters. m.


  • Narrow corridors
  • Refrigerant restrictions

Location in Moscow and the Moscow region

In Moscow, the houses of the GMS-1 series were built in the districts of Maryinsky Park, a new leather, South Butovo (including the Moscow part of Shcherbinka), Mitino, Zelenograd, Postevier, Lublin, Marfino, Lyuberetsky Fields, Biryulyo-Zagory, so on the site of the demolished houses In Kuntsevo, Perovo, Coptevo, Ochakovo, Tushino, Hovrino and other areas.

Homes of the GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) in Zelenograd( )


340, 414, 417, 418, 419, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2018, 2024, 2028, 2033, 2034, 2043

In the Moscow region of the house of this series were built / built in Krasnogorsk (microdistrict antenna fields) and Krasnogorsk district (Putylkovo), as well as in Lyubertsy, Railway and Podolsk.

Square of apartments

Room General, m². Residential, m² Kitchen, m².
1-room apartment 38-43 17-19 9-10
2-bedroom apartment 53-78 29-43 9-11
3-room apartment 72-106 40-61 9-12
4-room apartment 95-120 64-72 11-12

Detailed features

Number of sections (entrances) 1 or more
Number of floors 9-18, the most common option - 17
Ceiling height 2.80
Lifts passenger 400kg, cargo-passenger 630 kg.
Balconies glazed loggias in all apartments
Number of apartments on the floor 3, 4
Years of construction from 2003 to the present
Perspective demolition Demolition are not subject to, overhaul do not require
What and where it can be clarified
Bathrooms separate in all apartments, except for one-bedrooms in the municipal sections. IN three-bedroom apartments Commercial version 2 bathrooms. Baths: standard, length 170 cm. In some apartments there is a window between the kitchen and the bathroom
Stairs unclear, with access to the common balcony
Garbage chute with a loading valve on each floor
Ventilation natural exhaust in Santechkabina (bathroom) and in the corridor
Walls and facing

Outdoor walls: hinged three-layer panels (concrete-insulation concrete). The inner walls are reinforced concrete thickness 18 cm. Overlapping - 25 cm thick reinforced concrete plates.

Bearing walls - interior and interconnectable longitudinal and transverse. Punching additional openings is allowed only by agreement with the relevant instances

Coloring at the stage of production of panels. Colors: White, Beige, Brown, Turquoise, Yellow, Orange, Pink

Type of roof Roof type: flat; Coating - rolled
Dignity The ceiling height is 2.80 m., Squares of rooms and apartments have increased significantly, there are second bathrooms in three- and four-room apartments. On the first floor there are premises for concierge, ramps. Ladial elevator node is designed to take into account the easy access of wheelchair disabled from the street to mark the floor of the 1st floor
disadvantages Narrow corridors in many apartments limited option Redevelopment of apartments
Manufacturer Combine of reinforced concrete structures №2 (KZHBK-2, is part of the Glavstroy Corporation)
Designers JSC "Central Research and Design Institute of Residents and public buildings"(TsNIIEP Housing), Project Bureau of OJSC" Glavmosstroy ". Head of the author's team: Yu. Grigoriev

All rooms in the apartments of houses of the GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) isolated. Many apartments have dark rooms / storerooms.

  • The height of the ceilings is 2.80 m.
  • Walls: outer walls: hinged three-layer panels (concrete-insulation concrete). The inner walls are reinforced concrete thickness of 180 mm. Overlapping is 250 mm thick reinforced concrete plates. Bearing walls - interior and interconnectable longitudinal and transverse. Punching additional openings is allowed only by agreement with the relevant instances

    Coloring at the stage of production of panels. Colors: White, Beige, Brown, Turquoise, Yellow, Orange, Pink

  • 2 elevator-passenger capacity of 400 kg and cargo-passenger carrying capacity of 630 kg.
  • Glazed loggias in all apartments
  • Heating is central.
  • 3-4 apartments on the floor.
  • Ventilation natural exhaust in Santechkabina (bathroom) and in the corridor.
  • Hot and cold water from the city network.
  • Garbage chute with a loading valve on each floor
  • Technical and technical floor to accommodate engineering communications.
  • Type of kitchen plate: electric.

All apartments are presented in two versions: commercial (total area of \u200b\u200b1-room apartment 42.5 sq. M. m, 2-room - 57.9 square meters. M, 3-room - 86 sq. M.) and municipalities (39.5 / 55 , 5/78 square meters. M).

GMS-1 is a new generation of residential buildings using full-blood industrial home-building technology. All decisions are based on a certain number of prefabricated elements and the use of good decorative details. The design makes it possible to build 25-storey houses.

In the GMS-1 series, it is provided for: spacious halls, concierge rooms, electrical, wheelchairs, ramps for low-friendly populations, spacious lift halls. All apartments, except for apartments located on the first floor, are provided by loggias. The GMS-1 system contains a base that allows you to solve any tasks for planning apartments. In particular, the bathrooms are designed in such a way that they do not adjoin the walls of neighboring apartments.

It is worth noting the high manufacturability of the GMS-1 series: constructive solutions ensure the stability of the building not only from a possible earthquake, but also from the so-called chain collapse (when one section collapses in the house, and after it is all the rest).

Houses Series GMS-1 (Chief Chiefsterstroy-2001) Externally recognizable by narrow pair windows in many rooms, according to characteristic only for this series of texture of external panels.

Experts consider the GMS-1 of the real find for consumers, because the series is practically devoid of technical deficiencies, and the architectural and color variety of facades allows you to create unique buildings entering into the environment.

Location in Moscow and the Moscow region

In Moscow, the HMS-1 series has been built in the Maryinsky Park areas, new leather, South Butovo (including the Moscow part of Shcherbinka), Mitino, Possevier, Lublin, Marfino, Lyuberetsk Fields, Biryulyo-Zagor, and on the site of the demolished houses in Kuntsevo , Perovo, Coptevo, Ochakovo, Tushino, Hovrino and other areas.

In the Moscow region of the house of this series were built / built in Krasnogorsk (microdistrict antenna fields) and Krasnogorsk district (Putylkovo), as well as in Lyubertsy, Railway and Podolsk.

Construction of the series since 2003

Modern series large panel houses Height from 9 to 18 floors. Facades are characterized by design wall panels with rectangular relief, strict window openings and straight balconies. The structure of the GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) is erected with a variety of residential sections with different configurations, as well as single-purpose towers.

Window openings are originally distinguished by the GMS-1 series. On the facades there are paired single-handed and standard two-dimensional windows. Single windows in GMS-1 homes, if possible, are installed with maximum dimensions to increase the glass area. A variant with two narrow windows in the room - reduces natural illumination.

Double-sided window - from 8900 rubles

Double glass double-chamber

Additional options:

Price "turnkey" 19000 rubles

Single window - from 6200 rubles

Rehau Blitz Profile System
Double glass double-chamber

Additional options:

Window Sill, Sweeping, Finishing, Delivery, Delivery, Installation

Price "turnkey" 12900 rubles

Balcony block small - from 12500 rubles

Rehau Blitz Profile System
Double glass double-chamber

Additional options:

Sill, Sweeping, Finishing of slopes, Railings, Delivery, Installation

Price "turnkey" 23300 rubles

Plastic windows in the equipment

The price of plastic windows depends on the type of profile system, the quality of components and related work. For various price offers - we picked up the optimal configuration based on Reheha's specialized systems.

Options to plastic windows:

Window sills

Important detail arrangement and decoration of the lower part of the window opening. Used for domestic purposes.

GMS-1 series (GMS-2001, Glavmostroy-2001)
Wall Material: Panel
Number of sections (entrances): from 1
Number of floors: 10-18 (provided up to 25), the most common option - 17. The first floor is most often non-residential
Ceiling height: 2.84 m.
Elevators: Framesazhires 630 kg. and passenger 400 kg.
Balconies: Loggia in all apartments (glazed by the developer in aluminum structures)
Number of apartments on the floor: 3, 4, 5
Year of construction: from 2002 in the present. time
In Moscow, the GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) has been built as in new areas: Maryinsky Park, new Kozhukhovo, Biryulyo-Zagorie, Marfino, South Butovo (including Moscow part of the Shcherbinka), Lyubertsy fields, pos. North, Lublino, so on the site of the demolished Fund: Kuntsevo, Perovo, Ochakovo, South Tushino, Coptevo, Hovrino, etc.
In the suburbs of new buildings typical series GMS-2001 (GMS-1) was erected and erected in Krasnogorsk (ICR. Antenna fields) and Krasnogorsk district (Putylkovo), as well as in Lyubertsy, Rail and Podolsk. Number of houses: in Moscow - about 40, in the Moscow region - about 30 (including under construction)
Square of 1-room apartments: total: 38-43 square meters. m., Living: 17-19 square meters. m., Cuisine: 9-10 sq. M. m.
Square 2-room apartments: total: 53-78 square meters. m., living: 29-43 square meters. m., Cuisine: 9-11 square meters. m.
Square of 3-room apartments: total: 72-106 square meters. m., Living: 40-61 square meters. m., Cuisine: 9-12 sq. M. m.
4-room apartment: total: 95-120 square meters. m., living: 64-72 sq. M. m., Cuisine: 11-12 sq. M. m.
In the GMS-2001 system, apartments have been developed for municipal needs and for selling apartments on the primary housing market of Moscow and Moscow region (in commercial block sections).
All rooms in the flat houses of the Typical GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) series isolated. In many apartments in the hallway there are pantry (dark rooms). Bathrooms: separate (in some 1-bedroom combined), in some 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments for 2 bathrooms, baths: standard, 170 cm long.
Ladders: Unclear, with access to a common balcony. Garbage: with a loading valve on each floor
Type of kitchen plate: electric
Walls in new buildings typical series GMS-2001 (GMS-1): external hinged 3-layer panels (concrete-insulation concrete). All internal walls are 18 cm reinforced concrete thickness.
Carrier Walls: Internal Emerquarters and Interior Longitudinal and Transverse
Section type (entrances): Tower, row (ordinary), swivel (angular), row-end (deaf end), end. In total there are 18 basic variants of block sections, and their total number in the Moscow territorial construction catalog (MTCK) - more than 100
The number of steps in the section (entrance): 6, 7, 8, 10. Step width (the distance between two adjacent transverse bearing walls, the width of the overlap span): 330 cm, 420 cm, 630 cm, the width of the case: 11.4 m., 14.1 m ., 15.3 m.
Facing, plaster outdoor walls: painting at the stage of production of the progress. Outdoor wall colors: White, Beige, Brown, Turquoise, Yellow, Orange, Pink
Roof type: flat with rolled coating
Features: HMS-1 series (GMS-2001) at the time of appearance were the innovation of the real estate market: for the first time in typical house-building, the ceiling height was more than 2.80 m., Significantly increased rooms general Square apartments. The second bathrooms in 3- and 4-room apartments also appeared.
Other advantages: in new buildings of the GMS-1 series (GMS-2001) on the ground floor there are premises for concierge, ramps for disabled. In some embodiments, erkers are provided. The bathrooms do not adjoin the walls of neighboring apartments. The ladder-lift node is designed to take into account the unimpeded access of the disabled from the street to mark the floor of the 1st floor. There is the possibility of making outdoor walls as from reinforced concrete panelsand from concrete blocks and bricks.
Disadvantages: limited renovation of apartments
Manufacturer: Kuskovsky ZBBK №2 (enters the Glavstroy Corporation)
Designer: TsNIIEP Housing

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