
Planning panel house 9 floors. Typical series of residential buildings. Ceiling height in typical projects

The apartment building differs from the individual in that it has several separate exits on the land or an off-site. Also, multi-apartment are recognized at home whose height exceeds 3 floors, including underground, base, mansard, etc.

Classification of floors of buildings

Allocate the following classification of residential buildings, which differ in the number of floors:

  • Low-rise (1 - 3). Most often they include individual residential buildings. The height of the structure, as a rule, does not exceed 12 meters;
  • Middle Funds (3-5). The height of the floors of 15 meters is a standard five-story;
  • Increased floors (6-10). Build up 30 meters in height;
  • Multi-storey (10 - 25):
  • Altitude. From (25 - 30).

The flooding of the building is considered exclusively by the number of floors above ground. When calculating the floors, not only the amount from the floor to the ceiling is taken into account, but also the magnitude of the inter-storey floors.

Apartment houses. Number of floors and height of buildings

In modern projects, the Golden Middle is the height of one floor of 2.8-3.3 m.

Construction multi-storey buildings Only highly qualified specialists are engaged, since this case requires not only high costs, but also has many nuances.

Allocate the following types multi-storey houses:

  • Panel. Refers to a series of budget. It has a high speed of construction, but bad heat and sound insulation. Maximum floors about 25 depends on the design. In the residential room height from the floor to the ceiling 2.5 - 2.8 m, depending on the size of the panels.
  • Brick. The construction rate is quite low, since the construction requires high costs. Heat engineering and sound insulation indicators are much higher than panel. Optimally possible number of floors - 10. The junction of each average is 2.8 - 3 m.
  • Monolithic. These buildings are quite diverse, since everything rests on the carrier's ability of concrete. Have high seismic resistance. To improve heat and sound insulation during construction can use brick masonry. Allows you to build about 160 floors. Height from floor to ceiling 3 - 3.3 m.

How to get permission to ILS? What you need to know the developer?

Permissions follow the procedure for developing and coordinate documents for ILS in RSN 70-88. Thanks to them, it is determined not only the accuracy of the construction of the site, but also the layout of the dwellings and auxiliary buildings. This project needs to be well thought out, because what is not displayed in the plan will be recognized by unauthorized structure And demolish either re-coordination.

Without permission, it is before the approval of the plan and receiving documents to start work should not be, otherwise serious problems may arise. In order to accurately find out which documents will need for the start of development, you should read the "SPE of Rules for Design and Construction of the SP 11-III-99".

In 2010, the SNiwa recognized the rules of rules obligatory to execute. They regulate the activities in the field of urban planning, as well as engineering work, Design and construction.

In order to get permission, you need to contact the BTI or the architectural department of the city to provide:

  • statement on building resolution;
  • documents establishing the right to use the site;
  • certificate of natural definition of borders, placement of buildings, etc.;
  • cadastral plot plan;
  • house project.

After issuing the resolution is really 10 years old.

Individual housing construction

The floors of an individual residential building are calculated on the basis of the number of residents and personal preferences. The minimum height of the room to lower 2.5 m. If the height does not match these parameters and it will be lower, then this room will find unusable for housing.

How many floors can be built on the site? On the individual plot, it is permissible to build three storey house in a height of about 9 meters. At the same time, underground, and overground rooms are also taken into account.

What can be erected in the garden plot?

Many are interested in the question of what can be erected and how many floors can be built on your own on the garden plot? In addition to economic buildings in the garden plot, you can build residential premisesnot suitable for registration. When building buildings in the garden plot, SNIP should be guided.

The height of the 9-storey house in meters is a relative value that depends on which series of residential buildings this construction includes. The construction of residential buildings in certain periods was made according to typical projects, and they had some differences in the layout, height of the floor, the number of sections. Therefore, to determine exact parameters and reliable information about the height of the nine-story building, it is necessary to have specific technical information. If the average height is needed, it is called from 27 to 30 meters. Sometimes to answer the question of how many meters in a 9-storey building, you need to take into account the roof, ground floor and additional architectural decorations.

Construction 9-Stages

A little about the history of the question

Designing houses of various floors is dictated by the need to save space, which arises in the conditions of total urbanization.

The higher the house, the greater the number of apartments in it you can build more families.

Sample 9-Stage Plan

The growing of large cities and megalopolises in width leads to the exciting of areas that could serve as agricultural land. Therefore, an urgent need for the design and construction of multi-storey houses arose. Here are some examples:

  • the first 4-storey frame-panel house in the Soviet state was built in Moscow in the post-war time (1948);
  • at the same time, and a little later in Moscow, a residential quarter of houses in 10 floors was built up;
  • the first frameless panel house height in 7 floors was built in 1954, and also in the capital;
  • the construction of 5-storey houses was chosen for reasons of savings - this is the maximum stroke, allowing the construction without an elevator;
  • for the first time the construction of 9-storey panel house It began in 1960.

Without a consistent project with all parameters it is impossible to start construction

Determine with accuracy, what height is a 9-storey house , it is possible according to the standard cipher, which in the USSR denoted typical projects. The index was indicated by the type of building and wall material (panel, carrying frame, blocks, brick, etc.), number number and sequence number of the project. Sometimes there are two more digits, 1 or 2, denoting the period when it was adjusted.

Read also Distance from Septica to a residential building: minimum and maximum stands

Raising the documents on the series, you can accurately calculate, what is the height of the 9-year-olds in meters in one or another development of a typical type of construction. The designation also included data on the alleged climatic conditions (seismic, eternal, emergencies, and so on.), as well as the degree of durability of the 9-storey, which was calculated by the project creators (digit 1 meant - up to one hundred).

Viewing plan provides for knowledge of numerical and letter designations according to GOST

Architectural solutions

Considerations from which the architects came, choosing for the construction of 9, and not 10 and not 8 floors, - the estimated, with a rare exception, height in 28 or a little more m. The vertical size of the 9-storey house in meters usually allows you to get to the top floor With the help of a standard fire staircase, the length of which is exactly the same - 28 m.

The standard height of the ceilings was even less than 3 meters, but taking into account the foundation or base was a little more.

In the absence of a plan on the hands of a plan, this document is easily requested from the developer

If you build an additional number of floors, special stairs are required to ensure evacuation in the fire, which means a significant increase in the cost of the project. Even if the height of the ceilings was 3 meters (which panel houses It was extremely rare, even with the foundation and basement), the height of the 9-storey house did not exceed 30 m. It turned out that the fire staircase could have been getting until the last floor. At the same time, additional security measures leading to the appreciation of the quadratic meters obtained were not required.

The photo shows a 9-storey.

The ratio of the height of 9-stores and the fire stairs

Approximate flood height

TO apartment houses There are any buildings that have several outlets on the construction site, or those houses whose height is more than 3 floors. There is a classification of the floors of buildings, by number of floors or the number of meters in height.

Table of calculation of parameters depending on the level of the ceiling

This classification includes all modern buildings, except for skyscrapers, and looking into it, you can find out that residential buildings are:

  • low-rise (up to 3 floors or up to 12 m: the possible non-standard ceilings height is taken into account);
  • middle-edged with 3 to 5 floor, standard five-story buildings with a height of about 15 meters;
  • from 6 to 10th, increased floors are considered to be an approximate height of the maximum building - 30 m;
  • all others are considered to categories up to 50, 75 or more than 50 meters.

Read also At what distance from the house you can build a garage: the minimum rate of SNiP and the law

The number of floors does not always mean the achievement of a certain level. Building 6-storey houses in Moscow, where 1 floor was intended for shops, it could be alight almost like a typical nine-statement. The average elevation parameters of one floor is the level of 2.6-2.8 m.

Classification of houses on SNiP

BUT B. typical projects She could be 2.50, 2.64, 2.7 m. In the panel houses, it depended on the size of the panel, and they were from 2.5 to 2.8 meters. In the brick house overlap height - from 2.8 to 3 m. In the monolithic structure, much depends on the concrete used, but the ceilings usually reach the size in the range from 3 to 3 m 30 cm.

Modern standards

In modern individual construction, any room with ceilings is visible for housing is considered, and all that lower can already consider unsuitable for living. At the same time, the maximum floors of the ILS is 3 floors and 9 m.

In this restriction, the underground part of the building is also included, so that the averaged value of the floor can be considered about 3 m in any option. Therefore, to the question of height nine-story house A stable response, obtained in the information network - from 27 to 30 m.

Each of the stages of work is strictly provided by the project documentation.

If you need more accurate data, you should find out the residential building index and see the parameters provided for in the Type of Project.

Ceiling height in typical projects

Since the 70s of the last century, a single catalog of construction details began to operate in the Soviet Union, therefore, the construction of typical projects has entered the construction practice. Of the most common series of homes with nine floors, you can call:

  • 1-515 / 9sh - house of several sections, panel, maximum amount Rooms in the apartment - 3, floor-to-ceiling size - 2.60 m;
  • 1605/9 - one-, two- and three-bedroom apartmentsbut the ceilings are already 2.64 m, it is possible to distinguish the presence of end and ordinary sections;
  • 11-18 / 9 - a brick house, but to the ceiling in the apartment - the same 2.64 m;
  • 11-49 - also provided 4-room apartments, but the size of the floor to the ceiling remained generally accepted - 2.64 m;
  • in later series (606 and P-44K), the vertical to the ceiling could reach 2.70 m;
  • in the modern 137th, in long houses built - also 2.70 m, in newer - even 2.8 m.

Surely many people familiarize the situation when you wake up at night and you can not fall asleep. At this point, various thoughts climb into the head, and sometimes there are rather strange questions for which I want to find an answer.

Today we decided to tell about the question that, as it turned out, is interested in a huge number of people in the open spaces: why do we have so many residential buildings in which there are 9 floors? After all, it was possible to build, for example, 10 for round numbers! Plowing in various sources referring to information from builders, we found the answer and ready to report it ...

Initially, let's talk about less high buildings, namely 5-storey. Everything is very simple here. According to regulations, the building, the number of floors in which exceeds 5 (height more than 15 m), it is necessary to equip elevators. So they saved as they could.

In general, much can be explained by savings, given that most of the 9-storey buildings were erected during the USSR. Houses with a height of more than 28 m should be equipped with unseasonable N1 type stairs with a pass through an open balcony. And this greatly appreciates the final cost square meter And only pays off in houses with a height of 14-18 floors.

In addition, in homes where there are more than 9 floors, it was necessary to install 2 elevators, and only until the 9th floor could be used by gas plates.

But if you wish, all these prohibitions could be circumvented (install the high-speed elevator, as well as fire alarms with sensors and smoke removal system). The main reason for architects call the fact that fire vehicles were most often equipped with standard mechanized ladders with a length of 28 m.

This is the distance to regulatory documents It is allowed from the fire fare to the upper floor window. In most cases, with rare exceptions, under such conditions, the fire staircase is reached by the 9th floor.

Of course, of all the rules there are exceptions, because you can find, for example, 10-storey buildings built in those days, but there are very few of them. If this material seemed interesting to you, you certainly share them with your friends and acquaintances!

Multi-story houses - good decisionTo place a large number of people in a limited area in full convenience. But the high buildings "Press" on people, they become cut off from the ground. And instead of being content with sunlight, you have to live in the shadow of multi-storey houses.

How many years are building high-rise buildings

If the organizers of construction do not pursue such goals how to beat any record when building, or if you do not push the time, then the building is built about 10 months. Also, the timelines depend on how the height of the 9-storey house. There are still such nuances as a lack of labor due to sudden epidemics, materials, weather popsicles. And in addition to the height, the house may occupy a certain area. It can be a whole complex or a house with one entrance, and for the construction of everyone is required.

To this you need to add the time required to shrink the foundation. This is the necessary and natural process. By time it takes about a year or more. Shrinkage occurs depending on natural conditions Areas (weather, soil) and materials used in the construction of materials. Naturally, the building pursues the land and sets a little in it. Specialists before the construction are obliged to study the structure of the soil, after which they make a construction plan - what to select materials, what the height of the 9-storey building in meters should be, the foundation and so on. It is also important to eliminate the flooding of under- and the near-earth part, since groundwater Have a negative impact on any building materials.

The highest buildings in the world

If you think that the height of the 9-storey house is too big, then you are mistaken. Compared to the highest buildings in the world, this is just a fungus under the tree. In New York, there is a tower on the name "Sirs Tower", and its height is 443.2 meters! And this skyscraper is far from the highest in the world. But His heights observation deck Will be seen the whole city.

There is a skyscraper, which is the name "Empire State Building", and has height of 381 meters. The location is the same New York. With its construction, a huge amount of materials were used. Floors in it 102 and 6.5 thousand windows!

Completes the top three examples of Shun Hing Square, and this is already located in Shenzhen, which is located in China. Its height is 384 meters (69 floors). Construction took 3 years. It was built up to 4 floors a day. Despite the fact that the height of the 9-storey house is small in comparison with skyscrapers, few companies can complete work in such a period.

But if every construction company Could fit in such times, then in the years of the city could turn into Megalopolis. Many cities would lose their historical titles, and would acquire new due to the fact that the agglomeration. But we will not scare yourself fantasies.

Is it difficult to build a high-rise building?

If you are looking for a master class, how to build a multi-storey house with your own hands, then you'd better throw this idea. Since without special calculations your home does not last long. Often people do not cope with the complexity and volume of work, even when building a one-story private house.

We give the number of basic materials needed during construction. To build one floor it is required from 4500 bricks, from 10 kg of plaster, from 10 slabs of overlapping and much more. And the height of the 9-storey house is not just abstract numbers. There are costs for the foundation, roof and so on. In addition, a large working force is needed and a special technique for lifting to the height of building materials.

Responsibilities for construction multi-storey house divided between a large number of people. Professions involved in this matter, a lot: from the architect to the builders. Is it difficult for them to cope with their responsibilities? Sure!

The first high buildings

Back in ancient times, people knew how to build structures of huge sizes. Unfortunately, technology has not reached the present day. But the dimensions are amazed! How do people, not having modern tools, could create such complex buildings? The most famous facilities are the temples and the pyramids of Aztecs, Maya, Egyptians, as well as the Greek palaces. Already then the person knew how to create buildings, difficult not only in their dimensions, but also in forms and beauty.

Disadvantages of 9-storey houses

To live in high Building Not always convenient. There are many minuses of accommodation in 9-storey houses. For example, if you live on the last floors, the elevator is faulty. Yes, and the probability itself is stuck in the elevator does not insert. The height of the 9-storey house opens up beautiful views of the city, but the likelihood that your children can break from the windowsill, admiring them, are very high if you do not forbid them to play and rely on the window. Explain to children, what are the consequences of these fun.

And in the event of an emergency, if you live on the highest floor - you will be harder to leave your apartment. An elevator is dangerous to use the elevator, but to run along the stairs to the first floor for a long time, unforeseen circumstances may happen during the descent. The length of the fire staircase is not enough to reach the 9th floor. However, help can come from air. But there are floors to which it is impossible to get from the air, and with the help of the stairs.

So better in advance with your family to develop a plan for evacuation in any kind emergency situations. Keep the first-need first needed first need, and most importantly - remember that security depends first of all from you. Observe the rules of safe behavior yourself and do not forget to teach them your children.

Sometimes, we ask yourself questions, the answers to which we know in general is completely optional.

"Wait, after all, they built not only 9-storey" - you will objected, and you will be undoubtedly right. There were also five-storey "Khrushchevki" and candles on 14-16 floors. But, in the sleeping areas of large cities, it was 9-story houses prevailed, and it is difficult to argue with this.

The answer, as it turned out, is very simple: "The height of the mechanized staircase of the fire truck was 28 meters ". And if you consider that the height of each floor is 2.8-3 meters + height of the base, then it turns out that the fire truck can only get to the 9th floor. This number is spelled out in all regulatory construction documents of the USSR State Building.

During the construction of the house above 9 floors, that is, above 28 meters, for all the rules and norms, a device was required to be an unfair staircase, the construction of which was economically inappropriate.

Plus, for the house above 9 floors, an additional elevator was required in the stairwell, while for 9-hours it was enough one. This undoubtedly also won the final cost of a square meter.

In addition, the smoke removal systems and additional evacuation paths were not required for the home height of 9 floors.

Summing up, it is possible to say with confidence that the construction of 9-storey houses was due to economic necessity. After all, the state had to provide housing for all their citizens as soon as possible.

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