
When the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya was built. Ostankino Tower. Ostankino Telbashni Observation

Television and broadcasting tower located in Moscow. Currently, the fourth height structure in the world after the Burj Khalif skyscraper (since July 21, 2007, the highest structure in the world, height 828 m), Si-En Tower in Toronto (553.33 m) and television and radio broadcasts Kvly- TV in Blanchar, USA (628 m).
The highest construction in Europe.

The height of 540 m (initially the height of the tower was 533 m, but then the flagpole was completed).
The height of the concrete part 385 m.
The height of the base above sea level is 160 m.
The depth of the foundation does not exceed 4.6 m.
The mass of the tower together with the foundation 51 400 tons.
The conical base of the structure relies on 10 supports; The average diameter between the foot supports is 60 m.
Ring sections of the tower trunk are compressed by 149 ropes.
The total volume of premises and high-altitude junctions of 70,000 m³.
The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of the tower of 15,000 m².
The maximum theoretical deviation of the top of the tower at the maximum estimated wind speeds of 12 m.
The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.
There are 5 cargo and 4 passenger elevators in the tower.
The zone of confident taking a television signal from the tower is 120 km and covers the territory with a population of about 20 million people.

Chief Designer N.V. Nikitin. Engineers MA Skud and B.A. Zlobin. Architects D. Burdin, MA Skud and L.I. Plipquin.

The construction of the tower was conducted from 1963 to 1967. At that time it was the biggest high building in the world. The idea of \u200b\u200busing a prestressed reinforced concrete, compressed by steel cables, made it possible to make the construction of the tower simple and durable. Another progressive idea was to use a relatively small foundation: on the plan Nikitin Tower should have been practically standing on Earth and its stability is ensured by repeatedly exceeding the mass of the base helmet over the mass of the mast structure.

The restaurant "Seventh Heaven" is located at a height of 328-334 m and occupies 3 floors. Ring-shaped restaurant rooms make circular rotations around their axis at a speed of one to three revolutions per hour. Over all the time the viewing platform and the high-alone restaurant "Seventh Sky" visited over 10 million guests.

On August 27, 2000, a strong fire occurred in the tower. The fire focus was at an altitude of 460 m. Fully burned 3 floors. In the process of fire elimination, Vladimir Arsyukov, Lifter Svetlana Losev and Repairman Alexander Shiiliene killed, died in the fire liquidation. During a fire from a high temperature, several dozen cables burst, ensuring the pregnancy of the concrete structure of the tower, but contrary to reasonable concerns, the tower resisted. Subsequently, the cables were restored.

The observation deck on the Ostankino television branch was repaired and reopened for visiting April 7, 2009.

On August 12, 2012, as a result of a false response of a fire extinguishing system, an engineer Lev Shushkevich died in the Ostankino TV Bashne.

Overnight, the tower has become an inverted lily - a flower with strong petals and a thick rod. According to the initial project, the tower had 4 supports, later the allegedly on the advice of P.L. Pasternak, their number for reliability increased to 10. There are also grounds to believe that Nikitin has borrowed the idea.

Today, the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya is fourth in height structurein the world after a skyscraper under construction, Bourges Dubai in Dubai (design height: 818 m), KVLY-TV televisionradomaches in Blanchara, USA (628 m) and Si-En Tower in Toronto (553 m).

This spring observation deck Ostankino Telbashnya Recompresented to visit, it was closed for almost 9 years after the fire in August 2000. By the way, it is characteristic, the repair lasted longer than construction, but about it below.

The basement contains an exposition on the history of the tower and the gallery of its creators.

The construction of the tower was conducted from 1963 to 1967, at that time the tower became the highest structure in the world and held this bar for a long time.

According to the intention of the chief designer, Nikolai Nikitin Tower has become a kind of lotus flower with glass and concrete, pulled by rope reinforcement.

Fragment of cable reinforcement, exposed in the tower base.

The total height of the Tower is 540 m, the height of the concrete part is 385 meters, then the mast is followed.
The observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

Top mast with antennas and other equipment.

middle part

The center is the observation deck. In some segments of the observation deck there are glasses in the floor, allowing to watch smoothly down.

View through glass in the floor

On the right is visible brown "box" with a passage to the tower

In the triangle on Earth installed powerful spotlights for highlighting the tower

Gallery of the observation site

Even "convenience." Perhaps this is "convenience" with the longest sheer sewer pipe in the world.

The Ostankino Tower is held by the Second place after Canadian in the list of the World Fighters of High-rise Testers

Height - 540 m (initially the height of the tower was 533 m, but then the flagpole was completed).
Based on:

2. Walking in Moscow

The tower whose weight is more than 32 thousand tons, erected on a monolithic ring reinforced concrete foundation 9.5 meters wide, 3 meters high and diameter (described circle) 74 meters. In a decidagona reinforced concrete ribbon of the foundation using a ring intense reinforced reinforcement (it consists of 104 beams, each bunch of 24 wires with a diameter of 5 millimeters each) The pre-voltage was created - each bundle is stretched by hydraulic jacks with a force of about 60 tons.

The foundation is laid in the ground to a depth of 4.65 meters. It was assumed that it would fall at 3-3.5 centimeters. Nikitin offered the pit under the tower to fill in sand. Small well-sized sand is so much so that it flows almost like water. And its surface remains horizontal regardless of what happens with a pit. Put on the sand reinforced concrete ring A diameter of 65 meters - and on it, 533-meter Ostankino television bashne. And it stands to this day perfectly right. The stability of the tilting tower has a six-time reserve. It strongly helped her resist the fire.

Actually, the tower is a thin-walled conic shell, based on ten reinforced concrete "legs" on the basement banquet. The diameter of the lower base of this shell is 60.6 meters, and at an altitude of 63 meters it is 18 meters. The upper part of the reinforced concrete barrel, starting from the height of 321 meters, is made in the form of a cylinder with an outer diameter of 8.1 meters. The thickness of the walls at the base of the tower is 500 millimeters.

In the center of the conical base on an independent foundation (round reinforced concrete plate with a diameter of 12 meters and a thickness of 1 meter) erected reinforced concrete glass 63 meters high and a diameter of 7.5 meters. In this cup there are high-speed elevators, power cables, communication cables, shaft with water and sewer rims and an emergency steel staircase. The ends of the beams of fifteen interhesive floors are based on the glass, the staircase passes between the glass and the conical base. The construction of separate foundations for two independent structures - towers and glasses - allows you to transfer various pressure to the soil when they are uneven sediment.

Under the influence of wind load, the upper part of the tower can fluctuate, and the deviation of its vertices with strong wind can reach 10 meters. In the winds, which are in Moscow, quite often, on average once a week, visitors of the viewing sites and restaurants will feel the oscillations of the tower approximately as well as the ships with an amplitude of 8 centimeters with a period of fluctuations in 10 seconds.

There is another "enemy" tower. This is the Sun. Due to one-sided heating, the trunk is moved (from curvature) at the vertex of 2.25 meters, at at the level of viewing sites - by 0.72 meters. To reduce the deformations from wind loads and from one-sided heating at a distance of 50 millimeters, 150 steel cables are stretched from the inner surface of the barrel. The total effort of their tension is 10,400 tons, this is the weight of the ocean steamer. Cables will take on tensile efforts and protect concrete from cracks, and, therefore, the reinforcement is from corrosion.

On the reinforced concrete part of the tower there are several metal antennas with a total height of 148 meters. The antennas are made in the form of steel pipes. Inside pipes there are hard diaphragms. To maintain antennas to a height of 470 meters, a special elevator is used. To inspect and dismantle the vibrators, and also periodically paint steel structures Antennas, installed 6 platforms with railings and lullets are suspended.

During the construction of the tower, the most recent achievements of construction equipment were widely used. A unique tower crane BC-1000 with a carrying capacity of 16 tons (when the arrows of 45 meters) were collected and metal structures were assembled. The trunk of the tower was constructed using the only self-lifting unit weighing about 300 tons. Concrete this unit delivered elevators.

In a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe Crawler Crane SCG-100 (100 tons of 100 tons), the sections of the metal antennas were collected. It was a control assembly. At the same time, the equipment was mounted on the antennas and vibrators were installed. Then the antenna sections again disassembled, and their individual parts are the Tsargi - fed to a tap for a transshipment to a height of 63 meters. Then a special crane installed on the tower trunk, the first kings rose to the top of the tower and were mounted so that they were incorporated inside her trunk 10 meters. And after that, the installation was carried out with a creeping crane.

Project of architectural and construction part television tower Developed TNNIP of spectacular buildings and sports facilities. Author's team: Design Engineer N. Nikitin, Architects D. Burdin, L. Batalov, V. Milashevsky, Design Engineer B. Zlobin, Engineer Plumber T. Melik-Arakelian. Separate parts of the project developed "Mosproekt-1" and 19 other project organizations. General project organization - Gspi of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR. The technological part of the project is carried out by the author's team under the direction of the engineer I. Ostrovsky.

Installation of antennas.

After the control assembly and the antenna settings on the stand, individual mounting elements (CARGs) weighing up to 25 tons with a caterpillar crane to be transferred to the zone of action of the ring crane. It raises the king on the transshipment site for a height of 63 m. The bridge crane, located at an altitude of 385 and raises the kings to another transshipment site located on a 370-meter height. Then the self-lifting crane, moving along the mounted tsargam, sets the newly incoming kings on each other.

The latter, the most upper link the crane raises for its middle. To preserve the vertical position of the link, its lower end is artificially pulled.

From the height of 385 m, the annular paths of ground cranes are visible. In the foreground, the picture is visible to the tarpaulin "skirt" with a rope frame for it there are suspension scaffolding, from which work is underway to fix the outer formwork and inspection of the outer surface of the concrete.

Inside the tower.

During the fire of 2000, many ropes flew out of overheating, but the tower survived and did not work out in sections.

  • The height of the concrete part is 385 m.

  • The height of the base above sea level is 160 m.

  • The depth of the foundation does not exceed 4.6 m.

  • The mass of the tower together with the foundation - 51,400 tons.

  • The conical base of the structure relies on 10 supports; The average diameter between feet supports is 65 m.

  • Ring sections of the tower trunk are compressed by 149 ropes.

  • The total volume of premises and high-altitude adhesives - 70,000 m³.

  • Useful area of \u200b\u200bthe tower premises - 15,000 m².

  • The maximum theoretical deviation of the tower vertex at the maximum estimated wind speeds is 12 m.

  • The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

The Ostankin Telbashnya is one of the most important architectural attractions of Moscow and the symbol of Russian television. Thanks to this grand construction, there is a broadcast of telecast for almost the entire country. The technical equipment, broadcast power and some other characteristics of the television has no equal. In addition, it is considered the highest construction in Europe.

general characteristics

The area in Ostankino is more than 15 thousand square meters. meters. There is a whole complex of television studios, ring sites and balconies. The volume of the tower is about 70 thousand meters of cubic. The building consists of 45 floors. The height of the Ostankino Telebashni is 540 meters. It takes the eighth place in the world in the height of free buildings in this moment Is the Dubai Skyscraper Burj Khalifa). The first name of the tower is "the Union-Union Transmitting Radiotelevision Station named after the 50th anniversary of October."

History buildings

Permanent television in the Soviet Union began in 1939. Initially, the signal transmission was carried out using the equipment that was in (shablovka). However, the increase in the volume and quality of broadcasting after World War II caused the need to build another computer. At first it was built near Shukhovskaya, but soon it still took the construction of a more modern television bashney.

The development of the television and share station in Ostankino was engaged in the organization "Mosproekt". The construction of the Ostankino television has begun in 1960. True, in a very soon, it was stopped due to the uncertainty that the foundation of the structure was quite reliably constructed. In the future, the design of the television tower was entrusted to the Central Research Institute for the design of sports buildings and spectacular structures.

The Tower project in Ostankino was invented by the designer Nikitin in just one night. The prototype of the design, he chose an inverted lily - a flower with thick stem and strong petals. At the initial idea, the tower was supposed to have 4 supports, but later, on the recommendation of the German engineer of Fritz Leonhard (the creator of the first on the planet of the concrete television), their number raised to ten. The chief architect of the Ostankino TV Bashni - Leonid Ilyich Batalov - also supported the idea of \u200b\u200bincreasing the number of supports.

The final project of the construction was approved in 1963. His authors were architects Burdin and Batalov, as well as a designer Nikitin. Experts decided to significantly finalize the previous project, in particular, the number of equipment placed in the tower and its height was increased. The construction of the Ostankino TV Tower was conducted from 1963 to 1967. In general, 40 diverse organizations participated in the construction of the television station. At that time, the television of Ostankino became the most high building Not only in Europe, but in the whole world.

Getting started by television bashney

The first broadcast of television programs with Ostankino Tower was produced in 1967. Despite the fact that this year the construction of the Ostankin Tower was completed and the construction was officially taken into operation, his refinement was carried out for another year. As a result, the first broadcast of the color image took place in 1968. The tower also created a 3-storey restaurant with the symbolic name "Seventh Sky". Most engineers who participated in the creation of this grand television center were awarded the Lenin Prize.

The value of television center

The Ostankinskaya Telbashnyh has become a unique building of that time that does not have analogues. Except that for a long time she remained the highest building in the world, her specifications really impressive. After completing the construction of the tower in the zone of the functioning of transmitters, approximately 10 million inhabitants lived, now the television center covers the area with a population of more than 15 million people.

The station equipment allowed simultaneously to record from several different objects and broadcast. A special mission fell out the Tower in Ostankino during the 1980 Olympics. Here even placed special equipment of the CNN news channel.

Meanwhile, the TV can also have other functions, no less important. In her building, there was a meteorological observatory, which was headed by the main meteorological center of the Soviet Union. The Ostankino station also provided television and radio communication between the main state structures countries.

Tourist attraction

Very soon, the television center turned into one of the most popular tourist attractions of the capital. In 1982, a building that provided excursion activities was built near the tower. The modern meeting room for 800 persons was also equipped here. Restaurant "Seventh Sky". It is worth noting that it is located at an altitude of 334 meters (and this is approximately the 112th floor of a residential building) and occupies as many as three floors. From its windows offers an amazing view of Moscow. The feature of the institution is that it makes slow movements around its axis at a speed of one or three turns over 40-50 minutes. True, now the "seventh heaven" is closed for reconstruction, nothing is unknown about the deadlines for its completion.

Unique panoramic field

Meanwhile, the most tourists are attracted by the observation deck of the Ostankino television. In particular, there are four of them in telecentra: open at an altitude of 337 meters and closed - 340 meters, as well as two lower at 147 and 269 meters. They work only in the warm season - from May to October. The excursion group is usually limited to 70 visitors. There are 7 levels on the TV. Panoramic site is located on the mostst. To better see all interesting objects in the vicinity of Teletozer, tourists can use binoculars. With good weather, you can consider not only the capital, but also the near Moscow region. It is worth noting that the floor on the observation platform is absolutely transparent (made of durable glass), which uniquely stimulates the admission of an impressive dose of adrenaline into the blood of visitors. Excursion to the Ostankino Tenerbashnya is a really impressive and spectacular event. It is noteworthy that over 30 years of the functioning of the tower, more than 10,000,000 guests have time to visit her.

Rules of visiting

From July 2013, the excursions in the Ostankinsky television center were temporarily not carried out in connection with the work on reconstruction. But at the moment two viewing platforms (337 and 340 meters) are reopened for tourists! Notice: Only tourists from 7 to 70 years old are allowed on the tour. Pregnant women in late dates are also unwanted to visit the tower. The tower management also prohibits climbing the viewing platforms with disabilities in vision or if the person moves on a wheelchair or crutches.

Telology design

The observation deck of the Ostankino television, undoubtedly, deserves increased attention, but I would like to separately mention the construction of the tower. This is essentially a huge elongated cone, the walls of which are made of metal-reinforced monolithic concrete. The roof of the television center is supported using 149 ropes that are attached to the wall of the tower. In the center of this cone placed mines for cables, stairs, elevators and pipelines. By the way, there are seven elevators in the construction, four of them are high-speed. If not counting the foundation, the weight of the designs of the television bash is approximately 32 thousand tons. Mass of construction along with the foundation - 55 thousand tons. The useful area of \u200b\u200bpremises in the tower is 15,000 square meters. M. At the maximum settlement Ostankinskaya Telbashnya (Moscow), or rather, its vertex (spire), theoretically can deviate by 12 meters.

Technical premises from visitors are insulated, they have a hotel input. The hall where all the main transmitters are located, located on the fifth floor. On the floor above settle technical buildings. From powerful electromagnetic radiation, television reserves protect with screens made of special materials.

Modern elevators

The telecentra contains four high-speed elevators that can develop speeds up to 7 m per second. The last one was launched in 2006. In particular, to the observation platform, which is located at an altitude of 337 meters, can be reached in 58 seconds.

Fire on the Ostankino Telbashne

in 2000, Telbashnya survived a strong fire, which took the lives of three people. After the catastrophe, Moscow and the Moscow region remained for several days without a television broadcasting. Initially, the fire occurred at an altitude of 460 meters. As a result of the elements, three floors were completely burned. Due to the high temperature of the flame, several dozen cables, which provided the pregnancy of concrete structures, burst, but, contrary to fears, the design still resisted. This was another indisputable proof that the architect of the Ostankino TV Tower and all other specialists who worked on the project of the building were real geniuses. Later all these cables were successfully restored.

According to firefighters, it was very difficult to glorify the fire. In the process of fire elimination, the commander of the fire department Vladimir Arsyukov was killed. He decided to climb himself to the hearth and gave the team Lifther Svetlana Loseva to go to a height of 460 meters with him. As a result, they both died. Another dead was a locksmith Alexander Shipial.

According to experts, the reason for the ignition was overloading networks. However, the equipment was established in the shortest possible time, the broadcast was also resumed in the same volume. After the fire, there was a large-scale construction and repair work on improving the territory and premises where excursions were carried out. By February 2008, everything was restored and improved. Excursion to the Ostankino TV Bashney after the catastrophe has now become conducted in compliance with the special requirements: the number of participating in it should not exceed 40 people.

Sports events

Concert hall

In the building of the excursion corps of the Ostankin Tetrzentra is the Royal Concert Hall. Within the framework of the excursion program, this room is used as a cinema to demonstrate films about television bash and Russian television. There are also many concerts, conferences, ideas and other events now in the Royal.

An incredible monument of the era

Ostankinskaya Telbashnya and its entire equipment is constantly improving. Due to the installation of several additional antennas, its height is now more than 560 meters (we note that at the initial idea of \u200b\u200bits height was 520 meters). Used in our time the television center for its primary purpose is to receive and transmit a variety of radio signals and as a place to accommodate television studios of a large number of programs.

In addition, the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya (the photo of this structure is admiration for admiration) is the most important tourist facility of the capital. Tourlet tour is something really unforgettable. Overview of Moscow and its surroundings from the observation deck will be remembered for a lifetime.

The television center in Ostankino is rightfully considered a symbol of Russian television and one of the most delightful buildings on the planet.

Ostankinskaya Telbashnya (Russia) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Ostankinskaya TVBashnya is not just a business card of the capital, this is a monument of the grandeur of the Soviet era and at the same time a look into the future of Russian television. From his very construction, the television in Ostankino became one of the symbols of Moscow. It contains two viewing platforms: open and closed, where from May to October, excursions are organized for residents and guests of the capital.

Panorama of daylights and evening Moscow from a bird's eye view - a truly impressive spectacle, and it will again become affordable after graduation repair work. Reconstruction will also expand the diversity of excursions.

Created a "technical route" with the inspection of the tower from the inside, ropes that attach the strength of the structure, engineering halls, etc.


The birth of Soviet television is considered to be on December 31, 1938, and the Ostankino television and broadcasting tower consists of almost half a century. It was built in 1967 by the team of Soviet engineers and architects: N. V. Nikitin, B. A. Zlobin, L. I. Batalov, etc.

For that time it was the highest construction in the world (540 meters). Even now the tower takes the sixth place in height among the free structures of the planet.

The simplicity and strength of the structure is achieved by using reinforced concrete compressed by steel cables. An equally progressive idea is associated with the foundation of the tower. It is practically no! According to the plan of the chief designer Nikitin, the stability of the tower, standing almost without foundation on Earth, is implemented due to the strong superiority of the mass of the cone-shaped base over the mass of the mast structure. The base is built with 10 supports. The prototype of the tower was an inverted lily.

Ostankino Tower

The building was built with the aim of expanding the Russian television and radio broadcasting network (the first television branch was on Shabolovka), as well as to dating people with the capital - as an observation deck at an altitude of 337 meters.

More than 10 million people visited the viewing platform during its existence.

Earlier, films about the construction of television equipment were broadcast in the concert hall, and now there are theatrical productions, seminars and various conferences. also in soviet time Muscovites and guest guests had the opportunity in the literal sense to visit the seventh heaven.

One of the main attractions of the Ostankino Tenerbashni is the restaurant "Seventh Sky".

It is located at an altitude of 334 meters (approximately the level of the 112th floor of a residential building) directly under the observation platform and occupies three floors, each of which makes circular movements around its axis at a speed of one or two turns in 40 minutes.

Excursion to the Ostankino Tower

Route number 1.

The route includes a visit to the spectacular viewing site, where you will see the Moscow Panorama of 360 degrees at an altitude of 337 m.

Route number 2.

Ostankinskaya Tenerbashnya is the key landmark of Moscow, a grand construction that has not been equal in the world for a long time. The tower has become a real symbol of the capital, its image can be seen on postcards, souvenirs, T-shirts.

Tourists Ostankino Tenerbashnya will be interested in unique architectural features, stunning history, viewing platforms at an incredible height. In addition, guests will visit the most highly located restaurant of Moscow, will examine the exhibition of the Telbashni Museum, will fit into the technical premises.

The height of the Ostankino Tower is 540 m.: This is the sixth result in the world, and the first in Europe. The main observation platform of the tower is at a height of 337 m. Visitors here delivers a high-speed elevator. When a person first enters the platform, he captures the spirit from an incredible panorama, which opens before his eyes. Moscow appears in all its glory. It seems that the huge city fit at the visitor to the palm. VDNH, MSU, Kremlin, Church of Christ the Savior, Moscow-City, Stadium "Luzhniki" - All major sights of Belokamennaya are visible from the observation deck of the Ostankin Telbashni.

See the city from the height on which the clouds are formed, it is possible in the day, and at night - both excursions will leave an indelible impression.

The "Technical Route" is also available, during which the tourists will see the "filling" of the towers: ropes, engineering halls, elevator shaft, etc.

The construction of the Ostankino TV Bashni has become a real triumph of Soviet architecture and engineering. The tremendous structure began to be erected in 1960, ended in 1967. The Tower Project has developed outstanding Soviet architects N. Nikitin, L. Batalov, B. Zlobin, M. Skud.

Up until 1976, when the CN Tower telebash (Toronto, Canada) was introduced into operation, the Ostankino tower was the highest construction in the world.

During construction, a preframed reinforced concrete was used, which over the years it becomes harder (immediately after entering the tower into operation, the hardness coefficient reached 4 units, now - 7). The structural strength of the construction provided a unique system of steel cables, which are located inside the tower.

Another advanced idea of \u200b\u200bSoviet engineers was associated with the foundation of the Tower. In essence, the construction does not have a concrete base, and its stability is achieved due to 10 supports, evenly distributing the load.

The construction of the Ostankino Tower was associated with the desire of state power to expand the coverage of the television network. Initially, the project provided and the creation of the observation deck was provided. From the moment of opening on the observation site, more than 10 million tourists visited.

Nowadays, 20 television and 24 radio channels are broadcast from the Ostankino Tower.

Attractions of the Ostankino Telbashnya


On the first floor there is a museum, the collections of which will tell about the interesting pages of the history of the Ostankino television, its device, legends and myths that have developed around this unique construction.

In addition, here guests will learn about the development of television in the USSR, ranging from its origin and ending with our time. Among the exhibits of the museum are the mocks of the Ostankino and Shukhov Tower, parts of the structures, antennas, cables, elevator equipment, sensors of the meteorological service.

Separate exhibitions are dedicated to the designers of the Ostankin Telbashni. One of the most interesting exhibits - the flag of the USSR, which was walked on the tower until 1992

The museum has an interactive-multimedia complex: on large LCD screens, visitors will independently receive many interesting information about the tower.

Next to the museum is a souvenir shop in which you can buy icons, postcards, knobs in the form of Ostankino television, notepads, plates and much more.

Restaurant "Seventh Sky"

In 2016, after a 16-year reconstruction, a restaurant "Seventh Heaven" opened - the most high-altitude institution catering in the world. The complex takes three floors of the tower, visitors to get to the restaurant, you need to purchase a ticket for the observation platform.

The restaurant menu is desserts, salads, pastries, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, ice cream, variety of drinks. The main feature "Seventh Heaven" is a fantastic bar stand-panorama. Having lunch, visitors look at Moscow from 334-meter heights.

The restaurant is located on a rotating platform that makes a turnover of 360 degrees in 40 minutes. Thus, guests who delayed the restaurant a little more than half an hour can look at the capital from all sides.

Restaurant "Seventh Heaven" has become a cult destination for lovers. Young people consider this place perfect for recognition in love or suggestions of hands and hearts.


Tourists are invited to take part in the excursion one of two routes. The first route involves visiting the observation deck at a mark at 337 m. The second route is more complete, it includes an inspection with the guide of the inner premises of the tower up to 85 m. Then the tourists are immersed in the elevator and rise to the viewing platform 337 m.

The highlight of the second route is the exit to the open area located at an altitude of 340 m. This part of the excursion is possible only in good weather. Maximum amount People in the excursion group - 10 people.

After the excursion, guests can go down to the Seventh Sky Restaurant.

Video on the history of the creation of broadcasting in Russia:

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