
In what century was the Ostankino tower built. Ostankino tower. The fire in the Ostankino tower is a tragedy in history

The landowner Saltychikha is a common noun in the history of Russia. A columnar noblewoman, "famous" for her sadism, a sophisticated murderer of several dozen of her serfs, she even today terrifies her contemporaries.

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova was born in March 1730 in the family of a columnar nobleman Nikolai Avtonomovich Ivanov and Anna Ivanovna Davydova. In her family there were nobles with sonorous surnames - Davydovs, Musin-Pushkins, Stroganovs and Tolstoy.

Young Daria Saltykova lived in luxury: her grandfather, Avtonom Ivanov, at one time served faithfully and amassed a huge inheritance for descendants. Dasha grew up to the delight of her parents as a clever and beautiful woman, standing out among others for her extreme piety.

Personal life

The beauty married a noble groom: the captain of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment Gleb Alekseevich Saltykov belonged to an even more noble family than the Ivanov family. The life of the young spouses turned out quite well. Soon Daria Saltykova gave her husband two sons - Fedor and Nikolai. As was then customary, the boys were immediately enrolled in the Guards regiment.

The family lived in a huge city house in Moscow, built near the Kuznetsk bridge in the Bolshaya Lubyanka area. Later, the apartment building of Torletsky-Zakharyin and other buildings in which today are located federal Service security of Russia. Another huge estate, Krasnoe, which the family often visited, was located on the banks of the Pakhra River.

Daria Saltykova was not only a high-born columnar noblewoman, but also a highly respected person in society. She regularly made pilgrimages to shrines, donated a lot of money for the needs of the church and generously gave alms. The woman was distinguished by an agreeable character and prudence.

Grief came to the Saltykov family when Daria was only 26 years old: a woman was widowed. After the death of her beloved husband, she remained incredibly rich, because from Gleb Saltykov she got estates in several provinces. The landowner inherited about 600 serf souls in the Moscow, Vologda and Kostroma provinces.

Later, witnesses in the Saltychikha case told the investigators that the young landowner, although she was strict during her husband's life, was not noticed in the assault. Everything changed dramatically when Daria Saltykova became a widow.


As it turned out, in seven years the cruel widow killed more than a hundred serfs. The figure is called 139 people, but it was not possible to establish the exact number of those killed by Saltychikha.

The main reason for the punishment of serfs for Daria Saltykova was poorly washed floors or dishonest, in the mistress's opinion, washing. Therefore, women and girls most often suffered from the cruelty of the landowner. The enraged Saltychikha at first pounced on the guilty with fists or threw objects that came under her arm, but soon Saltykova was not enough: the unfortunate women were flogged, often to death, by the hajduks and grooms on the orders of the lady.

The enraged Saltychikha often took a direct part in torture and torture: she poured boiling water over her victims, tore or set their hair on fire, ordered the unfortunate to be tied naked in the cold and starved them to death.

Daria Saltykova committed most of the murders on the Troitskoye estate in the Moscow region.

Once the grandfather of the famous poet, the nobleman and land surveyor Nikolai Tyutchev, almost died at the hands of a half-mad lady. As it turned out, Nikolai and Daria had a long romance, but the love relationship was not crowned with marriage. For some reason, the young man decided to invite not a rich landowner, but a modest woman down the aisle. The enraged Saltychikha for this almost brought the unfaithful lover out of the world together with his young wife, arranging an attempt on him, which was avoided by accident.

Nikolay Tyutchev and his wife Pelageya

It is noteworthy that, regularly committing murders and bloody atrocities, Daria Saltykova continued to earnestly bow down in monasteries and churches, kiss the holy relics in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, strictly observe fasting, donate money to churches and make pilgrimages.

The first complaints of the injured peasants or relatives of the slain serfs did not yield any results: the influential relatives of the half-mad lady invariably stood up for her. Moreover, coaxing officials with generous bribes, Saltychikha not only escaped punishment, but also learned the names of the complainants, punishing them with incredible cruelty. Therefore, for a long time the crimes of the landowner remained unpunished, and her cruelty became more and more sophisticated.

Two peasants managed to interrupt the chain of atrocities of a high-ranking sadist: Ermolai Ilyin and Savely Martynov in 1762 managed to get through to the young empress, who had just entered the right of succession to the throne. The queen examined the complaint and ordered an honest investigation.

Having learned the true state of affairs, Catherine the Great staged a show trial. Since Saltychikha belonged to a noble family, the case marked a new era of legality. The Moscow Justice College conducted the investigation for six years. The investigation was entrusted to the rootless official Stepan Volkov and his assistant, court adviser Prince Dmitry Tsitsianov. When the investigators studied the landowner's accounting books, they were able to establish the circle of officials whom Saltychikha bribed. After analyzing the records in the books about the movement of serfs, Volkov and Tsitsianov determined which of them were sold and who died.

Investigators were alarmed by records like the one in which it was stated that a twenty-year-old girl who entered the service of a landowner died a few weeks after the start of work. There were many such records. As Ermolai Ilyin established, one of the complainants, the groom, had three wives in a row died. In many cases, Saltychikha stated that she let the girls go home, to stay with their relatives, but these girls were not seen again either at home or in other places.

Some of the murders, the terrible details of which surfaced during the investigation, chilled the blood with their prohibitive cruelty. For example, Saltychikha, famous for her remarkable strength, killed the serf Larionova with her own hands. She tore out all the hair on her head and forced her accomplices to put the coffin with the body of the murdered young woman out in the cold. An infant Larionova was placed on her body, which froze to death.

According to the testimony of the peasants, Daria Saltykova enjoyed the torture and torment of her victims. She amused herself by dragging the unfortunate by the ears with hot hair tongs. Among those killed by the landowner were several young girls who were preparing for the wedding, pregnant women and two 12-year-old girls.

Having thoroughly studied the archives of the offices of the Moscow governor, the police chief and the Search Order, the investigators found more than twenty complaints against the landowner, which had been filed by the serfs. But the bribed officials told the names of all of them to Saltychikha, who made her own judgment over the unfortunate truth-seekers.

Daria Saltykova was taken into custody and interrogated with the use of torture, although no one gave permission for them. But the fierce lady did not confess to anything. The persuasions of priest Dmitry Vasilyev did not have any effect on the "devout" murderer: the accused did not lighten her soul with repentance.

In 1768, Saltychikha was sentenced to death: investigators were able to prove 38 murders. But soon the execution was replaced by deprivation of the nobility and life imprisonment. In the text of the verdict, it was indicated to call "this monster Muschinoya".

Before being imprisoned in the Ivanovo Maiden Monastery, Saltychikha was chained to a pillory erected on Red Square for one hour. At the same time, a sign was hung on her with the inscription "torturer and murderer."

Modern criminologists and psychiatrists claim that Daria Saltykova was a mentally ill person - she suffered from epileptoid psychopathy. Some historians, referring to the text of the verdict ("call this monster Muschina") and the testimony of peasants interviewed by investigators, argue that Saltychikha was a latent homosexual.

In February 2017, compatriots again remembered the terrible landowner after the release of director Dmitry Iosifov, in which the role of Saltychikha went to.


A year later, in February 2018, the screens were released, in which the main role played by the actress.


Daria Saltykova was kept in a solitary dugout cell without windows: she saw the light of a candle only when food was brought to her. Saltychikha spent 33 years in prison, the first 11 years in a cell without light. The rest of the years she was kept in a cell with a tiny window, and people were allowed to see the killer, as a rare and terrible animal. According to some testimonies, in custody, Saltychikha became pregnant from the guard and gave birth to a child.

Daria Saltykova died in December (old style November) 1801. Death came to the serial killer at the age of 71. They buried her in the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery, where all the relatives of Saltykova had previously reposed. The tombstone has survived to this day.

Ostankino TV tower, Ostankino TV tower wikipedia
Coordinates: 55 ° 49'11 ″ s. NS. 37 ° 36'42 "in. d. / 55.81972 ° N NS. 37.61167 ° E d. / 55.81972; 37.61167 (G) (O) The tallest TV towers in the world Comparison of a tower with a 22-storey building

A television and radio broadcasting tower located in Moscow. Height 540.1 m En The tower(Toronto) and Liberty Towers (New York). The first name is “All-Union Radio and Television Transmitting Station named after 50th Anniversary of October ". The Ostankino TV Tower is the tallest building in Europe. TV Tower is a full member World Federation high-rise towers.

At the time of the completion of construction, about 10 million people lived in the coverage area of ​​the transmitters, today the tower covers an area with a population of over 15 million people. The TV tower belongs to the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network - the Moscow Regional Center.

  • 1. History
    • 1.1 Fire
  • 2 Construction
  • 3 Lift systems
  • 4 Restaurant
  • 5 Observation deck
  • 6 Sports
  • 7 Concert hall
  • 8 TV channels, multiplexes and radio stations broadcast by the tower
    • 8.1 TV channels and multiplexes
    • 8.2 Radio stations
  • 9 philately
  • 10 See also
  • 11 Interesting facts
  • 12 Notes
  • 13 Literature
  • 14 References


During 1956-1959, a number of Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Executive Committee of the Moscow Council were issued, defining specific tasks for creating a new television complex instead of Shabolovka: location, technical parameters, design and construction timeframes, performers. The new tower is planned to be built not from metal, but from reinforced concrete. By the order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the general design organization developing the technological part was appointed Ministry communications of the USSR in the person of the State Union Design Institute (GSPI), the architectural and construction part was instructed to develop - the institute "Mosproekt". Glavmosstroy was appointed general contractor. On January 30, 1956, the Moscow City Council allocated for construction television tower plot in the South-West of Moscow in the Cheryomushki area. At the site, surveys were carried out, a construction passport was drawn up and planning work was done. March 1959 construction site was moved to Ostankino, first to the territory of the park. Dzerzhinsky, and then - to the territory of the Ostankino nursery of the City Improvement Department.

In July 1960, the SU-60 of the Stroitel trust began work on the construction site. September 27, 1960 - the first reinforced concrete blocks were laid in the base of the TV tower. The final design of the tower was released and approved on March 22, 1963. Chief Designer - N. V. Nikitin. Engineers - M. A. Shkud and B. A. Zlobin. The chief architect is L.I.Batalov. Architects - D.I.Burdin, M.A.Shkud and L.I.Schipakin. at that time it was the tallest building in the world.

The authors of the project were: Nikitin N. V. - chief designer, Batalov L. I. and Burdin D. I. - architects. The project of the tower was invented by Nikitin overnight, the image of the tower became an inverted lily - a flower with strong petals and a thick stem. According to the initial design, the tower had 4 supports, later - on the advice of the world famous German civil engineer Fritz Leonhardt, the author of the world's first concrete TV tower in Stuttgart - their number was increased to 10. The tower height was increased to 520 m, increased number of television and radio programs. The tower adds equipment for radio relay lines, mobile television stations, radiotelephone communications, special services facilities, and a meteorological complex. The idea of ​​using prestressed reinforced concrete compressed with steel cables made the tower structure simple and strong. Another progressive idea was the use of a relatively shallow foundation: according to Nikitin's plan, the tower was supposed to practically stand on the ground and its stability was ensured due to the multiple excess of the mass of the cone-shaped base over the mass of the mast structure.

Construction was carried out from 1960 to 1967. On November 5, 1967, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution, the Act was signed State Commission on the acceptance into operation of the first stage of the tower construction. The Ostankino TV Tower began broadcasting four television and three radio programs at a distance of 120 km. Until that day, for almost two months, two stations worked simultaneously on Shabolovka and in Ostankino until all the receiving antennas on the roofs of Moscow houses were turned to the side Ostankino tower... In connection with the successful completion of the construction of the TV tower, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on awarding the radio and television transmitting station with the honorary title "named after the 50th anniversary of October". Many participants received high government awards.

Thanks to the tower, the Main Meteorological Center of the country received a high-altitude meteorological observatory with the most modern set of measuring instruments for the simultaneous measurement of atmospheric phenomena in a zone of half a kilometer height. Previously operating since high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment the radiotelephone communication system for the main ministries and departments made a sharp leap in the volume and quality of communication after the transition to the Ostankino tower. Laid back in the project, radio special communications for the head of state, government and operational agencies showed excellent practical results, which led to its expansion in the very first years of operation several times and even building up the tower with an additional antenna to a height of 540 m. 1982 next to the tower was a modern building with a volume of 40 thousand cubic meters was built, with rooms for excursion activities and a conference hall for 800 seats.

In years economic crisis associated with the restructuring and entry market relations in the country, the ORPS managed to maintain the stability of its economy through timely measures to expand the production base and the deployment of new activities. during 1992-1998 the number of programs broadcast has increased: on television from 5 to 15, on VHF FM radio broadcasting from 6 to 14. Three more new television transmitters 43, 46, 38, TV channels are put into operation, and it is planned to install (replace the existing low-power) new powerful TV transmitters 24 , 49, 51 channels, the issue of using new frequencies allocated for Moscow is being considered. The high-rise restaurant "Seventh Heaven" has been completely transformed. In addition to the complete replacement of the interior of the halls and systems technical support, the service system and restaurant menu have been radically changed. 1991 ORPS was transferred to the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR and on August 24, 1991 by the decree of the President of Russia it was renamed into the Main Center for Radio Broadcasting and Television Russian Federation... The top of the tower was dismantled and a superstructure with transmitting antennas for three new broadcasting transmitters operating in the new FM band for Russia was installed at the top with the help of a helicopter. 2001 the federal state unitary enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), which is the legal successor of the former FSUE GTsRT, FSUE GTsURS and organizations spun off from the VGTRK.


Fire 27 August 2000 Main article: Fire at the Ostankino TV tower

On August 27, 2000, a massive fire broke out in the tower. The fire was located at an altitude of 460 m. 3 floors were completely burnt out.

Construction and repair work was carried out to improve the territory and premises of the excursion route of the Ostankino TV tower, and by 14.02.2008 everything was restored and improved. After a month of pilot excursions, it was allowed to lead excursion groups of no more than 40 people.


Vertical panorama of the Ostankino TV Tower Ostankino TV Tower at night
  • Height - 540 meters (originally the height of the tower was 533 meters, but then the flag was completed).
  • The height of the concrete part is 385 meters.
  • The base height above sea level is 160 meters.
  • The depth of the foundation does not exceed 4.6 meters.
  • The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 55,000 tons.
  • The conical base of the structure rests on 10 supports; the average diameter between the support legs is 65 meters.
  • The annular sections of the tower barrel are compressed with 149 ropes.
  • The total volume of premises and high-rise buildings is 70,000 m³.
  • The useful area of ​​the tower is 15,000 m².
  • The maximum theoretical deflection of the tower top at the maximum design wind speeds is 12 meters.
  • The glazed observation deck is located at a height of 337 meters.
  • The open observation deck is slightly higher - 340 meters.
  • The supporting area of ​​the foundation is 2037 m².

Elevator systems

Elevator gateway entrance

On this moment 5 out of 7 elevators operate in the TV tower. 4 high-speed elevators of the ThyssenKrupp concern and one service elevator of the Shcherbinsky elevator plant. ShchLZ also designed one of two elevators, which should be located in the antenna part of the TV tower.

High-speed elevators have the following characteristics: Two passenger:

  • Speed ​​- 7 m / s.
  • Carrying capacity - 1050 kg.
  • The number of stops is 13.


  • Speed ​​- 7 m / s.
  • Carrying capacity - 1050 kg.
  • The number of stops is 47.


  • Speed ​​- 4 m / s.
  • Carrying capacity - 500 kg.
  • The number of stops is 9.

The high-speed elevator machine units are installed at 360 and 364 meters. The speed of the elevators can be automatically reduced by signals from sensors that control the swinging amplitude of the tower. Also, the elevators are equipped with a unique system, in which the contactless transmission of electricity to the elevator car is carried out due to the inductive transmission of energy, according to the principle of a transformer. For this, inductive energy transmission elements are placed in the mine, and current collectors are fixed on the cabin.

At the moment, there is only one service elevator, number 5, located in the tower's stylobate. Elevators No. 6 and 7, located above the lookout and going up to a mark of approximately 450 meters, are currently not working, and it is possible that their restoration is not planned due to the fact that the elevator shafts are clogged with cables and feeders.

In December 2006, the high-speed elevator No. 4 was put into operation.

A restaurant

Main article: Restaurant "Seventh Heaven"

Before the fire of 2000, the Seventh Heaven high-rise restaurant was located at an altitude of 328-334 m and occupied 3 floors (gold, silver and bronze). The ring-shaped premises of the restaurant performed circular rotations around their axis at a speed of one to two revolutions per 40 minutes. After the fire, the renovation of the restaurant began. the restaurant is currently closed. Estimated opening date: 2015.

Observation deck

View through the glass floor of the observation deck (height ~ 337m)

Over the 30 years of the tower's existence, the observation deck and the Seventh Heaven restaurant have been visited by over 10 million guests. By January 2008, the observation deck was completely renovated. On March 27, it opened for pilot excursions.

From December 2010, one-hour guided tours are available daily. There are two observation decks, one closed and one open, with a height of 337 m and 340 m, respectively. The open observation deck is open only during the warm season - from May to October. Tour groups are currently limited to 70 visitors.

360 ° panorama from the observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower


  • Until 2000, races to a height of 337 meters were held along the stairs of the Ostankino TV tower.
  • In 2003, the tower hosted the 1st base jumping festival Moscow BASE Open Air, Ostankino. A world record was set: 26 people jumped at the same time (26 way)
  • In 2004, at the next festival, an accident occurred: one of the participants, Christina Grubelnik, caught the dome of the protruding parts of the tower and hit, losing consciousness, on a concrete wall
  • A few days later, last year's record was updated: 30 people jumped from the tower at the same time

Concert hall

The concert hall of the Korolevsky Ostankino television tower is located in the building of the excursion building, which houses the directorate of the Moscow regional center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network. During the operation of the observation deck, the concert hall was used as a cinema to show videos about the Ostankino tower, Ostankino and television. Now the Korolevsky Concert Hall hosts various concerts, theatrical performances, conferences, seminars and other events.

  • Number of seats in the hall: 750
parterre: 358 amphitheater: 392

Scene size: 18 × 9 × 8.5. Equipped with: intermission - sliding curtain, 7 mechanical lifts, three stage lighting trusses, "Starry sky" on the stage backdrop and 3 wings plans.

TV channels, multiplexes and radio stations broadcast by the tower

Every week on the night from Monday to Tuesday, from 1:45 am to 6:00 am, the broadcast is suspended. Maintenance work is being carried out on the tower. In addition, each channel has an additional periodic shutdown for preventive maintenance according to the established schedule.

TV channels and multiplexes

See also: Television in Moscow

Television transmitters are located on the fifth floor of the base of the TV tower. Television transmitting antennas are located at a tower height of 350 to 400 meters. Antennas are polarized horizontally.

TV channels and multiplexes broadcast by the tower
TV channel or multiplex Frequency channel Transmitter power, kW Coverage radius, km * Note
First channel 1 40 130 Stereo NICAM, teletext. Since June 1, 2011, in connection with the transition of the channel broadcasting in digital networks to the 16: 9 FHA (Full Height Anamorphic) format, the analog broadcasting network is converting the 16: 9 FHA format to 4: 3 using the 14: 9 letterbox method.
TV Center 3 40 120 Stereo NICAM, teletext, radio program for the blind through frequency division multiplexing of the 78.125 MHz subcarrier in the audio spectrum
Russia 2 6 6 80
NTV 8 40 105 Teletext, subtitles
Russia 1 11 60 120 Teletext, subtitles
Pepper 23 10 100
The second multiplex of digital television in Russia 24 10 90 DVB-T2. There is no coding. Broadcasting with a capacity of 10 kW started on 11.12.2013 at 10.10.
360 ° Moscow region 25 10 110
STS 27 5 100
Disney Channel 29 10 100
The first digital television multiplex in Russia 30 10 90 DVB-T2. There is no coding. Broadcasting with a power of 10 kW started on 19.03.2012 at 8.50.
Home 31 20 115
Car multiplex 32 1,3 25 DVB-T. Coded.
The culture 33 20 115 Teletext, subtitles
Additional multiplex 34 5 100 DVB-T2. It has been broadcasting since 15.01.2015. There is no coding (except for Our football).
TNT 35 5 95
Friday! 38 10 110 Stereo NICAM
Fifth channel 44 5 105 Teletext
TV-3 46 5 100
REN TV 49 20 95
NS 51 20 100
Star 57 5 85
2x2 60 5 95
* The area of ​​stable reception is marked, the total reception area is even larger, it is an approximate value, it depends on the used TV receiver, antenna and suspension height of the latter.

Radio stations

All radio stations are broadcast in two VHF bands with FM: 65.90-74.00 MHz (VHF OIRT) and 87.5-108.0 MHz (VHF CCIR). VHF broadcasting transmitters are located on the sixth floor of the base of the TV tower. The broadcasting transmitting antennas are located at a tower height of 430-440 meters. Antennas are polarized horizontally. All CCIR stations except Orpheus transmit RDS signals (basically just the station name, frequency and PTY identifier).

Radio stations transmitted by the tower
Name Frequency, MHz power, kWt Note
"Radio Russia", "Our Podmoskovye" 66,44 2,5
"Lighthouse" 67,22 2,5
"Our Podmoskovye" 68,84 2,5
"Russian radio" 71,30 2,5
"Business FM" 87,50 5,0 RDS


"Retro FM" 88,30 1,0
"Radio Jazz" 89,10 5,0
Echo of Moscow 91,20 5,0 RDS-CT (time)
"Radio Culture" 91,60 5,0 RDS composer
"Kommersant FM" 93,60 5,0
"Moscow Speaks" 94,80 5,0 RDS-CT
"Rock FM" 95,20 5,0 RDS-CT
"Road Radio" 96,0 5,0
"Vesti FM" 97,60 5,0
"Radio Chocolate" 98,0 10
"Orpheus" 99,20 5,0
"Capital FM" 99,60 10
"Radio Vera" 100,90 5,0
"DFM" 101,20 10,0
"Monte Carlo" 102,10 5,0
"Radio Maximum" 103,70 10,0
"Russian radio" 105,70 10,0
"Europa Plus" 106,20 10,0

In philately

  • Postage stamps of the USSR
  • 1962: Communication. Rice. V. Zavyalov and A. Schmidstein
    CFA No. 2777

    1963: Television tower. Spaceships. Artist Y. Rikhovsky
    CFA No. 2967

    1965: Technical improvement of all types of transport and communications. Artist V. Pimenov, V. Shmidstein
    CFA No. 3244

    1966: Modern means of communication. Artist V. Zavyalov
    CFA No. 3418

    1966: Ostankino transmitting radio and television tower. Lessegri painter
    CFA No. 3441

    1966: Modern Moscow. Artist Y. Ryakhovsky
    CFA No. 3444

    1967: Ostankino transmitting radio and television tower in Moscow. Artist B. Trifonov
    CFA No. 3526

    1967: Same. Lessegri painter
    CFA No. 3563

    1969: Ostankino transmitting radio and television tower in Moscow. Design by A. Ryazantsev
    CFA No. 3841

    1971: Space exploration - national economy... Artist R. Strelnikov
    CFA No. 3993

    1978: Ostankino transmitting radio and television tower. Artist E. Aniskin
    CFA No. 4860

    1978: Ostankino transmitting radio and television tower. Artist I. Martynov
    CFA No. 4891

    1981: Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. Artist A. Kalashnikov
    CFA No. 5165

    1981: Satellite TV broadcasting system. Artist T. Panchenko
    CFA No. 5239

    1983: World Communication Year. Artist I. Kozlov
    CFA No. 5376

    1983: Ostankino radio and television tower. Artist N. Shevtsov
    CFA No. 5424

    1986: International Exhibition "Svyaz-86". Artist Yu. Kosorukov
    CFA No. 5732

see also

  • Nikolay Vasilievich Nikitin
  • Delibash, Boris Apostolovich
  • Nikitin-Travush Tower 4000
  • Moscow radio system
  • Shukhov tower
  • CN Tower
  • Tokyo skytree
  • Warsaw radio mast
  • List of tallest television towers
  • List of tallest television towers and radio masts in Russia
  • List of tallest structures of the former Soviet Union
  • Fire at the Ostankino TV tower
  • In the cartoon Well, wait a minute! (issue 9) the action takes place in the Ostankino television center; the Ostankino TV tower is shown.
  • In Yeralash, in the 175th issue in the series "Rivals", the Ostankino TV tower is also shown at the very beginning

Notes (edit)

  1. 1 2 3 Victor Pestrikov. Radio and TV towers
  2. Before the collapse in 1991, the tallest structure in Europe was the Warsaw radio mast
  3. M.I.Krivosheev. The work of my life
  4. 1 2 Of. Tower site - History
  5. Of. tower site - Observation deck
  6. Old Moscow 3D :: A unique open-air exhibition of volumetric images of old Moscow
  7. On June 22, 26 people jumped from the Ostankino TV tower at the same time. Retrieved March 10, 2013. Archived from the original on March 11, 2013.
  8. The girl jumps from the Ostankino tower - YouTube. Retrieved March 10, 2013.
  9. Unofficial BASE Jumping Records | BASEjumper.com. Retrieved March 10, 2013. Archived from the original on March 11, 2013.
  10. Victor. Guest book. Branch of FSUE RTRS "Moscow Regional Center"(June 9, 2015). - 10:40. Retrieved June 22, 2015.


  • Ostankino television tower. / Ed. N. V. Nikitina. - M., 1972.
  • Grif A. Ya. The highest television tower. - M .: "Svyazizdat", 1975.
  • Yurin A. V. The tallest television tower in Europe. - M., 1997.


  • Official site of the branch of FSUE "RTRS" "Moscow Regional Center"
  • Ostankino tower. Fire history
  • Nikitin Tower
  • Tower page at SkyscraperPage.com
  • Report on the resumption of excursions to the Ostankino tower in 2009
  • Excursion to the tower. Photo report


Ostankinskaya TV tower, Ostankinskaya TV tower wikipedia, Ostankinskaya TV tower buy a ticket, Ostankinskaya TV tower metro station, Ostankinskaya TV tower photo

Ostankino TV Tower Information About

Address: st. Academician Korolev, 15

How to get to the Ostankino TV tower: st. metro Alekseevskaya, then trol. 9, 37 or march. taxi 61 to the stop Akademika Koroleva Street or st. metro VDNKh, then trol. 13, 69 to the stop of the Excursion building of the TV tower or trol. 36, 73 to the stop Akademika Koroleva Street.

Ostankino TV Tower is a television and radio broadcasting tower, which ranks fourth in the world in terms of height among free-standing structures. The height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters. At first it was called the "All-Union Radio and Television Transmitting Station named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR". The Ostankino Tower today covers an area with a population of more than 15 million people.

The TV tower was built by order of the USSR Ministry of Communications. The decision to build the tower was made in 1957, construction began in 1963, and it was completed in 1967. Soviet builders had to build a structure of an unprecedented height. Initially, it was planned to build a steel tower on the principle of a power line mast, but the architect and designer Nikolai Nikitin proposed a different solution. His version was a prestressed concrete monolith. The project of the Ostankino tower, architect N.V. Nikitin invented in one night, taking as a sample an inverted lily flower - a thick stem that turns into powerful petals-support. In the first version, the building had only four supports, and then their number was increased to 10.

The weight of the Ostankino tower was distributed between the base and the barrel in a strict ratio of 1: 3. The center of gravity is located at a height of 110 meters, the diameter of the foundation is 63 meters. A trunk of this height should be stable and flexible, but even during strong gusts of wind, it should not deviate from the central axis by more than one meter. Such conditions could provide a reliable, sturdy base, which was achieved by tightening the base and the boom of the trunk with many steel ropes.

The construction of the tower was attended by: chief designer N. V. Nikitin, engineers M. A. Shkud and B. A. Zlobin, chief architect L. I. Batalov, as well as architects D. I. Burdin, M. A. Shkud and L.I.Schipakin. The artistic embodiment of the tower project is the architect Leonid Batalov, who headed the workshop No. 7 of Mosproekt.

During the construction of the Ostankino tower, another innovative find was used - a relatively shallow foundation. Usually, in the construction of such high-rise structures, a deep foundation was used as a counterweight, and at the Ostankino tower it had a depth of 3.5 to 4.6 m, which is less than that of an ordinary factory chimney. The structure was supposed to rest mainly on the ground, gaining stability due to the multiple excess of the mass of the base over the mass of the mast structure.

Preliminary calculations showed that in a strong wind, such a structure has practically no chance to withstand. According to Canadian builders who built a similar tower at home, the foundation must be at least 40 meters. But Nikitin and his associates managed to successfully solve this problem.

True, it took him ten years to defend his project. Moreover, the critics were stopped not so much by the height of the future tower as by the absence of the usual powerful foundation. The designer proved that the balanced tension of the ropes located inside the tower would tie the entire structure in such a reliable system that she will not be afraid of even the strongest wind. Nikitin said: "A person has an even smaller footprint, but he doesn't fall."

As a result, the project was still approved, and on September 27, 1960, the construction of the Ostankino tower began. The construction was completed by lifting a multi-ton base of a metal antenna similar to an ear, its size was equal to 148 meters, this event took place on February 12, 1967. The safety margin of the Ostankino TV tower allows it to withstand an earthquake of 8 on the Richter scale and a hurricane wind at a speed of 44 meters per second. At the time of construction, the Ostankino TV tower became the most tall building in the world. In 1970, the main participants in the construction of the TV tower in Moscow were awarded various high government awards.

Nikolai Nikitin (Doctor of Technical Sciences, the author of the tower structure), Dmitry Burdin (chief architect of the project), Moisey Shkud (chief engineer of GSPI), Boris Zlobin - chief engineer of the TsNIIEP project, Lev Shchipakin - director of the research enterprise Proektpromstalkonstruktsiya were awarded the title of Leninist Laureates awards.

The technical characteristics of the Ostankino tower are as follows: height - 522 m (with a flagpole - 540 m), base height above sea level - 160 m, foundation depth - 4.6 m, tower weight with foundation - 51 400 tons. The conical base of the tower has 10 supports , the average distance between the supports is 65 m. The maximum theoretical deviation of the top of the tower is 12 m. The main observation deck of the Ostankino tower is at 337 meters. The supporting area of ​​the foundation is 2,037 sq. M, and the total usable area of ​​the premises located in the tower is 15,000 sq. M.

Let's talk a little more about the structure of the Ostankino tower. It is built of prestressed concrete up to a height of 385 meters. At the 63-meter mark, the diameter narrows to 18 meters, and the upper edge of the concrete part is 7.5 meters thick. Inside the trunk, steel ropes are stretched from top to bottom along the circumference, each of which is stretched with a force of 70 tons. The body of the Ostankino tower is compressed with a force of 10,500 tons, which reliably protects it from destructive external influences.

In total, the tower has seven elevators, now only five are in operation. The speed of the elevators is automatically changed depending on the signals of the sensors that control the amplitude of the tower deflection. Electricity is supplied to the elevator car in a non-contact inductive way on the principle of a transformer. For this purpose, current collectors are fixed on the elevator car, and inductive energy transfer elements are located in the shaft.

At the level of 337 meters, there is a circular observation room, fenced with glass - a breathtaking panorama of Moscow opens from here. Before a fire broke out in the tower in 2000, the famous Seventh Heaven restaurant was located at an altitude of 328-334 m. It was located on three floors (gold, silver and bronze), each of which made circular rotations around its axis at a speed of one to two revolutions in 40 minutes. Over the course of 30 years, more than 10 million people have visited this restaurant and the observation deck.

The building of the excursion building houses the Korolevsky concert hall, as well as the directorate of the Moscow regional center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network". As a rule, the hall hosts concerts, various theatrical performances, conferences and seminars. The total number of seats in the hall is 750, of which 385 are in the stalls and 392 are in the amphitheater.

The creators of the Ostankino TV tower predicted 300 years of life for it, and indeed, it withstood two strongest hurricanes, but the fire that began on August 27, 2000, caused enormous damage to it. The hearth was located at the level of 460 meters, three floors of the tower were completely burnt out. During the liquidation of the disaster, three people died: the commander of the fire brigade Vladimir Arsyukov, who decided to personally rise to the height of the fire, the elevator operator Svetlana Loseva, whom he ordered to go with him, and the mechanic-repairman Alexander Shipilin.

Feeders (transmission line, transmission line, electrical device through which the directed propagation of electromagnetic waves from the source to the consumer), which had external polyethylene shells, burned with great intensity. The burning drops of polyethylene falling to the bottom contributed to the emergence of fire centers at other levels. When the temperature rose to about 1000 degrees Celsius, the burning parts of the feeders began to fall down. Firefighters tried to isolate the lower sections with asbestos sheets, but the protruding structures of the Ostankino tower left gaps in them, through which the molten mass would still fall down.

The general damage to the structure was as follows: 121 out of 150 ropes of prestressed reinforcement were damaged, the elevator system was completely out of order, power supply, ventilation, air conditioning, heat and water supply, communications and signaling systems were disrupted.

The restoration of the Ostankino tower took place for seven years. As a result, the structure was reinforced with cables again, non-combustible cables were laid inside, elevators capable of withstanding very high temperatures were installed, as well as other modern equipment.

In January 2009, the observation deck was finally renovated and in March it was opened for pilot excursions. Now one-hour tours of the Ostankino TV tower are held daily. On weekends, ticket prices are higher than on weekdays. According to the requirements put forward by the Ministry of Emergencies, there can be more than 30 people in excursion groups. So far, only one of the three restaurants is open.

In the future, it is planned to increase the height of the Ostankino TV tower to 560 meters, thereby making it the tallest body in the world.

A lot is connected with the Ostankino tower interesting facts... Races are held on its stairs to a height of 337 meters. And on the 40th anniversary of the tower, base jumpers made their dizzying jumps from it. Base jumping is one of the most dangerous extreme sports. Its name comes from the English abbreviation B.A.S.E - the first letters of the words building (building), antenna (antenna), span (bridge), earth (in in this case- natural relief). It is from these four types of objects that basers jump. Jumping from buildings in danger is in second place. The Ostankino TV tower is also mentioned in literary works.

In one night, an inverted lily became the image of the tower - a flower with strong petals and a thick stem. According to the initial design, the tower had 4 supports, later allegedly on the advice of P.L. Pasternak, their number was increased to 10 for reliability. There is also reason to believe that Nikitin borrowed the idea.

Today the Ostankino TV tower is the fourth tallest structure in the world after the Burj Dubai skyscraper under construction in Dubai (design height: 818 m), the KVLY-TV tower in Blanchard, USA (628 m) and the CN Tower in Toronto (553 m).

This spring, the observation deck Ostankino TV tower reopened to the public, it was closed for almost 9 years after a fire in August 2000. By the way, which is typical, the repair lasted longer than construction, but more on that below.

The basement contains an exhibition on the history of the tower and a gallery of its creators.

The construction of the tower was carried out from 1963 to 1967, at that time the tower became the tallest structure in the world and held this bar for a long time.

According to the idea of ​​the chief designer Nikolai Nikitin, the tower became a kind of lotus flower made of glass and concrete put on a bud, tied with rope fittings.

Fragment of rope fittings displayed in the base of the tower.

The total height of the tower is 540 m, the height of the concrete part is 385 meters, followed by the mast.
The observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

Upper mast with antennas and other equipment.

middle part

An observation deck protrudes in the center. Some segments of the viewing platform have glass in the floor that allows you to look straight down.

View through the glass in the floor

On the right you can see a brown "box" with a passage to the tower

In a triangle on the ground, powerful floodlights are installed to illuminate the tower.

Observation deck gallery

Even "convenience". Perhaps it is the "convenience" with the longest vertical sewer pipe in the world.

The Ostankino Tower takes an honorable second place after the Canadian one in the list of the World Federation of High-Rise Towers

Height - 540 m (originally the height of the tower was 533 m, but then the flagpole was completed).
Based on materials:

2. Walks in Moscow

The tower, weighing more than 32 thousand tons, was erected on a monolithic ring reinforced concrete foundation 9.5 meters wide, 3 meters high and 74 meters in diameter (circumscribed circle). In the decagonal reinforced concrete strip of the foundation, using a system of annular stressed reinforcement (it consists of 104 bundles, each bundle contains 24 wires with a diameter of 5 millimeters each), a prestress is created - each bundle is tensioned by hydraulic jacks with a force of about 60 tons.

The foundation was laid in the ground to a depth of 4.65 meters. It was assumed that it would settle by 3–3.5 centimeters. Nikitin suggested filling the pit under the tower with sand. Fine, well-sifted sand is so loose that it flows almost like water. And its surface remains horizontal regardless of what happens to the pit. Put on the sand reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 65 meters - and a 533-meter Ostankino TV tower... And to this day she stands perfectly straight. The overturning stability of the tower has a sixfold margin. This greatly helped her to resist after the fire.

The tower itself is a thin-walled conical shell resting with ten reinforced concrete “legs” on the foundation banquettes. The diameter of the lower base of this shell is 60.6 meters, and at a height of 63 meters it is equal to 18 meters. The upper part of the reinforced concrete shaft, starting from a height of 321 meters, is made in the form of a cylinder with an outer diameter of 8.1 meters. The thickness of the walls at the base of the tower is 500 millimeters.

In the center of the conical base on an independent foundation (a round reinforced concrete slab with a diameter of 12 meters and a thickness of 1 meter), a reinforced concrete glass with a height of 63 meters and a diameter of 7.5 meters was erected. High-speed elevators, power cables, communication cables, a shaft with plumbing and sewer risers and an emergency steel staircase pass through this glass. The ends of the beams of fifteen interfloor floors rest on the glass; a staircase runs between the glass and the conical base. The construction of separate foundations for two independent structures - a tower and a glass - allows different pressures to be transferred to the ground with their uneven settlement.

Under the influence of wind load, the top of the tower can oscillate, and the deflection of its top in strong winds can reach 10 meters. With the winds that happen in Moscow quite often, on average once a week, visitors to the observation decks and the restaurant will feel the vibrations of the tower in approximately the same way as the pitching of a ship with an amplitude of 8 centimeters with an oscillation period of 10 seconds.

The tower has one more "enemy". This is the Sun. Due to one-sided heating, the trunk moves (from the curvature) at the top by 2.25 meters, at the level of observation platforms - by 0.72 meters. To reduce deformations from wind loads and from one-sided heating, 150 steel cables are stretched at a distance of 50 millimeters from the inner surface of the barrel. Their total tension is 10,400 tons — this is the weight of an ocean-going steamer. The ropes will take on tensile forces and protect the concrete from cracks, and, consequently, the reinforcement from corrosion.

Several metal antennas with a total height of 148 meters are installed on the reinforced concrete part of the tower. The antennas are made in the form of steel pipes. There are rigid diaphragms inside the pipes. A special elevator is used to service antennas up to a height of 470 meters. To inspect and disassemble vibrators, and periodically paint steel structures antennas, 6 platforms with handrails are installed and cradles are suspended.

During the construction of the tower, the latest achievements of construction technology were widely used. The unique tower crane BK-1000 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons (with an outreach of 45 meters) was used to assemble and install metal structures. The tower barrel was constructed using the world's only self-lifting unit weighing about 300 tons. The concrete was delivered to this unit by elevators.

On a separate site, sections of metal antennas were assembled by an SKG-100 crawler crane (with a lifting capacity of 100 tons). This was a control build. At the same time, equipment was mounted on the antennas and vibrators were installed. Then the antenna sections were dismantled again, and their individual parts - tsars - were fed by a crane to the loading platform at a height of 63 meters. Then, using a special crane installed on the tower's trunk, the first tsars were raised to the top of the tower and mounted so that they went 10 meters inside its trunk. And after that, the installation was carried out using a creeping crane.

The design of the architectural and construction part of the television tower was developed by TsNIEP for entertainment buildings and sports facilities. The team of authors: design engineer N. Nikitin, architects D. Burdin, L. Batalov, V. Milashevsky, design engineer B. Zlobin, plumbing engineer T. Melik-Arakelyan. Some parts of the project were developed by "Mosproekt-1" and 19 other design organizations. General project organization- GSPI of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR. The technological part of the project is carried out by a team of authors led by engineer I. Ostrovsky.

Installation of antennas.

After the control assembly and tuning of the antennas at the stand, individual mounting elements (drawers) weighing up to 25 tons are transported by a crawler crane to the operating area of ​​the ring crane. It lifts the tsarga to the loading dock at a height of 63 m. The overhead crane, located at a height of 385 and, lifts the tsargs to another loading dock, located at a 370-meter height. Then the self-lifting crane, moving along the mounted sidebars, sets the newly arriving sidebars on top of each other.

The last, uppermost link is lifted by the crane by its middle. To maintain the vertical position of the link, its lower end is artificially weighted.

From a height of 385 m, the ring tracks of the ground cranes are visible. In the foreground of the picture, a tarpaulin “skirt” with a rope frame is visible. Behind it are suspended scaffolds, from which work is carried out to secure the outer formwork and inspect the outer surface of the concrete.

Inside the tower.

During a fire in 2000, many ropes snapped from overheating, but the tower survived and did not fold in sections.

  • The height of the concrete part is 385 m.

  • Base height above sea level - 160 m.

  • The depth of the foundation does not exceed 4.6 m.

  • The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons.

  • The conical base of the structure rests on 10 supports; the average diameter between the support legs is 65 m.

  • The annular sections of the tower barrel are compressed with 149 ropes.

  • The total volume of premises and high-rise buildings is 70,000 m³.

  • The useful area of ​​the tower is 15,000 m².

  • The maximum theoretical deflection of the tower top at the maximum design wind speeds is 12 m.

  • The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

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