
Man and work in the system of market relations. Questions and tasks

Economic relations, which, throughout life, comes a man, diverse. The person's place in economic relations is primarily characterized by:

1) its position in the property relations;

2) its role in the labor process (production);

3) its participation in business and entrepreneurship;

4) its position in the distribution relationship and consumption produced in the Company's society.

Entering the property relationship, a person implements the rights of ownership (the opportunity to have this or that property), orders (the ability to change the appointment and belonging of property), use (the ability to use the beneficial properties of property). The volume of these rights depends on the ownership: general, private or mixed.

It should be emphasized that the influence of the shape of ownership of the economic behavior of a person is not unambiguous. For example, private property, on the one hand, disconnects people and alienates them from labor, but, on the other - is prerequisite Their economic independence and independence. General (or public) Property, to a certain extent, contributing to overcoming a sharp property and social inequality, according to economists, does not create sufficient incentives for labor and cannot provide sustainable economic growth.

Ownership is recognized as one of the natural and inalienable human rights.

The most important economic role Human - his participation in the process of labor. Objective characteristics labor activity Human are performance, efficiency and place in the system public division Labor.

Its estimate is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements for it: the requirements of professionalism, qualifications, labor, technological and contractual discipline, as well as operational and initiative.

IN modern conditions The scientific and technological revolution has the strongest influence on the nature of labor.

Entrepreneurial activities in modern conditions becomes one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship is considered to be own initiative, on your risk and responsibility, independent, aimed at gaining activities of people.

She presents special requirements for man: ingenuity, deep knowledge, initiative, willpower, readiness for risk, hardness, the ability to independently accept responsible decisions, loyalty to the Word. The inconsistency of these requirements turns activities, externally similar to the entrepreneurial, in its opposite - deception and scam.

Finally, a person is a party to distribution and consumption.

Various forms of distribution of the product produced in society are known: wage, bank interest, land rent., Dividend for purchased shares and others. Income inequality depends on the position of a person in the property relations, the level of its education, qualifications, training and other factors. Inevitable in conditions market economy The gap in the levels of income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is intended to compensate for the state (social programs, benefits).

When entering into relations consumption, the person for the received income acquires the goods and services they need, satisfies the available material and spiritual needs.

When entering into consumption relationships, the person on the received income acquires the goods and services they need, satisfies the existing material and spiritual needs - economic relations in which a person is entering, diverse.

In the relationship of the property, a person implements the rights of ownership (the opportunity to have this or that property), orders (the ability to change the appointment and belonging of property), use (the ability to use the beneficial properties of property). The volume of these rights depends on the ownership: general, private or mixed.

The impact of the ownership of the ownership of the economic behavior of a person is ambiguous. Ownership is recognized as one of the natural and inalienable human rights.

The most important economic role of a person is to participate in the process of labor. The objective characteristics of human labor activity are performance, efficiency and place in the system of public division of labor.

Assessment of the economic role of a person is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements for it: the requirements of professionalism, qualifications, labor, technological and negotiating discipline, as well as operational and initiative. In modern conditions, the strongest influence on the nature of labor is provided by the scientific and technical and technological revolution.

Entrepreneurial activities in modern conditions becomes one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship is considered to be carried out on their own initiative, on their risk and responsibility, independent, aimed at obtaining the activities of people.

Requirements for an entrepreneur: ingenuity, deep knowledge, initiative, willpower, readiness for risk, hardness, the ability to independently make responsible decisions, loyalty to the Word.

Finally, man is a member of the relationship of distribution and consumption. The inequality of income depends on the position of a person in the property relations, the level of its education, qualifications, training and other factors.

Various forms of distribution generated in the Company of the product are known: wages, bank percentage, land rent, dividends for purchased shares, etc. The inequality of income depends on the position of a person in the property relations, the level of its education, qualifications, training and other factors. Inevitable in the conditions of the market economy, the gap in the levels of income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is intended to compensate for the state (social programs, benefits).

Man in the system of economic relations. Economy of Russia.

I. Man and property relationship.

When entering into economic relations, a person has the opportunity to experience all their varieties throughout life. In the relationship of the property, a person implements the rights of ownership, orders, use. The volume of these rights depends on the forms of ownership: common, private or mixed.

It should be emphasized that the influence of ownership for the economic behavior of a person is not unambiguous. For example, private property, on the one hand, disconnects people and alienates them from labor, but, on the other, it is a prerequisite for their economic independence and independence. The total (or public) property, to a certain extent, contributes to overcoming the sharp property and social inequality, according to economists, does not create sufficient incentives for labor and cannot be sustainable economic growth.

The right of ownership is recognized as one of the natural and non-alienated human rights.

II. Man and work.

The most important economic role of a person is his participation in the labor process. The objective characteristics of human labor activity is productivity, efficiency and place in the system of public division of labor.

Its estimate is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements for it: the requirements of professionalism, labor, technological, negotiable discipline, as well as executive and initiative.

In modern times, N.T.R. is influenced for character there.

III Man and business.

Entrepreneurial activities in modern conditions becomes one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship or business is considered to be carried out on its own initiative, on their risk and responsibility, independent, aimed at profit activities of people.

She places special requirements for a person: ingenuity, deep knowledge, risk readiness, hardness, the ability to independently accept responsible decisions, the faithfulness of the Word. The inconsistency of these requirements turns activities, externally similar to entrepreneurial - deception and scam.

IV Man - income and expenses.

Finally, man is a member of the relationship of distribution and consumption.

There are various forms of distribution of the product produced in society: wages, bank percentage, land rent, dividends. The inequality of income depends on the position of a person in the property relations, the level of its education, qualifications, profession and other factors. The reserve inevitable in the conditions of the market economy in the conditions of income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is intended to compensate for the state (social program, benefits).

When entering into relations consumption, the person for the received income acquires the goods and services they need, satisfies the available material and spiritual needs.

V. Russia on the path of the market economy.

The transition to a market economy in Russia began in October 1991. Then the first radical program was prepared economic reforms. The main directions were: the transition to free pricing, the denationalization and privatization of state-owned enterprises in industry, trade, service sector. With the help of these measures, the authors of the program were calculated, on the one hand, weaken the existing economic crisis, eliminate the deficit, and on the other, create a new class in Russia - class of owners.

The results of economic reforms are controversial with the most serious problem with which the government had to face at the beginning of the reforms, the problem of mastering the population new system Values \u200b\u200band formation of citizens of the qualities necessary for the entrepreneur.

In addition, with the transition to free pricing led to a sharp decrease in the standard of living. Depriving population accumulated money led to certain consequences for privatization - the transfer process state owned In private hands.

Privatization can be carried out:

free Distribution

rent with subsequent redemption

transformation of state-owned enterprises in joint Stock Company

buying enterprises on a competitive basis.

The purpose of privatization is to create a wide layer of private owners in the country - has not yet been reached.

The positive outcome of the ongoing reforms can be considered:

1) Formation of market infrastructure. ( commercial banks, stock and commodity exchanges, auctions.)

2) regulation legal system Market economy.

3) A number of strategic tasks have been solved. (Inflation has been stopped, financial stabilization is reached, etc.)

Family budget: income and expenses.

Family budgetcall a combination of income and family spending. When the family's budget characteristic is significantly, what volume and which sources have income, and what goals are spent money.

Like any other family budget It has profitable and consumables. The income part is those tools that the family has to meet their needs. The consuming part is all spending that the family commits.

Naturally, the family budget can be balanced, deficit Or include excessive means. IN balanced budget Revenues are equal to expenses, in scarce costs exceed income (that is, there is a lack of funds). As for excess funds, this situation with everyday, and from an economic point of view, it is difficult to imagine. The fact is that most people are forced to consolidate their needs with their capabilities to one degree or another. If they appear funds that exceed the number of primary expenses, it is immediately an expense article on them (for example, the acquisition of expensive and prestigious household appliances, real estate, luxury goods, investment in production, savings). This is due primarily to the fact that the family is quite mobile and able to make adjustments to the family budget depending on the circumstances.

It is advisable to distinguish nominal and real family income.Nominal calls income that all family members receive in accordance with labor contracts and other documents. The actual family income is always somewhat lower; It is equal to the real purchasing power of the family budget. Under real purchasing power The family budget understand the amount of income received by the family, less taxes and losses from inflation.

Family revenuesit is customary to divide mobile(literally "mobile") and immobilic (that is, "fixed").

In fact, family incomes are formed not only by the real amounts that it receives in the form of wages or other revenues. They are formed and at the expense of a variety of benefits that the family receives, as well as through the services it receives free (for example, in the form of compulsory health insurance).

Immobiles are called money that are at the disposal of the family only nominally, since the family cannot use them at their discretion. They include a variety of benefits. And indeed, most people use numerous services, for example, attend libraries, but for this usually no one pays. If these services were paid, then the money would be distinguished from the family budget. Since these spending takes over the state, it turns out that the family actually possesses them and even spends them on the appropriate service, but can not spend them on something else.

Mobile calls such income that the family can spend at its own discretion. These include:

1) salary;

2) revenues from property (for example, dividends with shares, rent for rental in housing);

3) income from entrepreneurial activity;

4) social payments, that is, scholarships, pensions and benefits;

5) bank loans, loans, as well as money taken into debt;

6) Other revenues that usually include all other income (for example, inheritance, winnings in the lottery).

Family expenses You can also divide into a number of groups. It is customary to allocate:

1) consumer expenses:

- food costs, as well as nutrition outside the house;

- expenses for the purchase of non-food products;

- Mandatory payments (diverse taxes and fees, loan payment, contributions to Pension Fund), as well as voluntary payments ( voluntary insurance property and life, membership fees in public organizations, etc.);

- expenses for housing, services (household, utilities, transport, medical), holiday expenses and entertainment;

2) non-food costs:

- banking and other savings and acquisition valuable papers;

- acquisition of foreign currency.

The distribution of expenses also allows you to judge the level of real income of the population. The greater the part of the costs, which falls on the purchase of essential goods, the less real income of the population. And indeed, people first spend money on the most important needs (food, payment communal services), Whereas the rest of the family budget go to the rest of the needs.

Family budgetmake up in order to make the most efficiently ordered by the means. Unfortunately, people are not always suitable rational to spending money. And budget planning often helps to find the money that is necessary to meet some needs and which simply disappear due to rampant spending.

Before any family is the need to satisfy certain needs. Some of them are current; Here you can mention the purchase of food, clothing, payment of utilities. Current spending are the main cost of expenses.

However, other tasks are also in front of the family, for example, the acquisition of expensive goods or paying expensive services. It is much more difficult to find money for this. For example, the overwhelming majority of families cannot afford to buy a car at once: it is necessary to accumulate enough money for this. The same applies to the acquisition of an apartment or home, as well as organizing their own business or tourist trips. To satisfy these needs, the family should make savings.

Family budget planning includes three tasks:

1) accurate determination of sources and sizes of family income;

2) identifying the needs of the family to be satisfied;

3) coordination of income with alleged expenses (both by increasing income and by reducing costs).

Since family revenues are limited, it is necessary to coordinate their needs with their capabilities. This is the main goal when planning a family budget.

First of all, it should be as accurate as possible determine the sources and size of income(Salary, social benefits, random training). Thanks to this, you can more clearly imagine how much cash is available at the disposal of the family.

The next stage is determination. At first, you can write all the more or less real expenses that the family can afford. Then you need to calculate how much money will be required to satisfy all the specified needs.

It is often that the amount of alleged expenses is more available in the presence of money. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether it is possible to refuse to refuse, and the satisfaction of what needs can be postponed. In other words, if the estimated costs exceed the level of income, then the most simple and natural way to solve this problem is reduced costs. At the same time, the primary and secondary needs are determined. For example, for a specific family at a certain point, the acquisition of warm clothes may be more important, as winter is approaching, and the old clothes wear out; Buying a new TV - as a minor need - for this reason is postponed. And this does not mean that for this family, buying a new TV is absolutely not important. It will be bought, but later, due to savings on other expenses.

Another way to overcome the gap between income and expenses is an increase in income. In this case, the family seeks the possibilities of additional earnings. If there is no money for the purchase of something vital, then the family can get a bank loan or simply take money from relatives or friends. This increases the family's income, however, has an impact on the budget in the future, since its part for some time will go on debt repayment.

Questions and tasks

1. What is called family budget? What parts does it consist of? What could be?

2. List the main types of income and family spending articles.

3. What is mobile and immobile family expenses? What is the difference between them? Give examples of mobile and immobilic expenses.

4. How are household income and expenses related to the economic situation in the country?

5. How best to plan a family budget? What needs to know for this?

6. Make up your family budget for the next month. What should be done to ensure the well-being of his own family?

7. Install the correspondence between the concepts and their definitions:

1) income; a) the costs expressed in cash;

2) consumption; b) the state established by the state, paid by citizens and enterprises;

3) tax; c) monetary assistance to states in severe economic;

4) benefits; d) cash and other values \u200b\u200bobtained as a result of activities.

Topic 26. World Economy

1. International division of labor and international trade.

2. Economic cooperation and integration.

3. The degree of industrial development of the state. Russia in the system of international economic relations.

Economic relations, which, throughout life, comes a man, diverse. The person's place in economic relations is primarily characterized by:

1) its position in the property relations;

2) its role in the labor process (production);

3) its participation in business and entrepreneurship;

4) its position in the distribution relationship and consumption produced in the Company's society.

Entering the property relationship, a person implements the rights of ownership (the opportunity to have this or that property), orders (the ability to change the appointment and belonging of property), use (the ability to use the beneficial properties of property). The volume of these rights depends on the ownership: general, private or mixed.

It should be emphasized that the influence of the shape of ownership of the economic behavior of a person is not unambiguous. For example, private property, on the one hand, disconnects people and alienates them from labor, but, on the other, it is a prerequisite for their economic independence and independence. General (or public) Property, to a certain extent, contributing to overcoming a sharp property and social inequality, according to economists, does not create sufficient incentives for labor and cannot provide sustainable economic growth.

Ownership is recognized as one of the natural and inalienable human rights.

The most important economic role of a person is his participation in the labor process. The objective characteristics of human labor activity are performance, efficiency and place in the system of public division of labor.

Its estimate is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements for it: the requirements of professionalism, qualifications, labor, technological and contractual discipline, as well as operational and initiative.

In modern conditions, the strongest influence on the nature of labor is provided by the scientific and technical and technological revolution.

Entrepreneurial activities in modern conditions becomes one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship is considered to be carried out on their own initiative, on their risk and responsibility, independent, aimed at obtaining the activities of people.

She presents special requirements for man: ingenuity, deep knowledge, initiative, willpower, readiness for risk, hardness, the ability to independently accept responsible decisions, loyalty to the Word. The inconsistency of these requirements turns activities, externally similar to the entrepreneurial, in its opposite - deception and scam.

Finally, man is a member of the relationship of distribution and consumption.

Various forms of distribution generated in the Company of the product are known: wages, bank percentage, land rent, dividends for purchased shares, etc. The inequality of income depends on the position of a person in the property relations, the level of its education, qualifications, training and other factors. Inevitable in the conditions of the market economy, the gap in the levels of income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is intended to compensate for the state (social programs, benefits).

When entering into relations consumption, the person for the received income acquires the goods and services they need, satisfies the available material and spiritual needs.

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