
What conditions are needed in order to. What conditions are needed in order to successfully develop this program

describe the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to the analysis of specific societies known to you

1. What conditions are necessary in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of a family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name I.

describe the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to analyze specific societies known to you. PLEASE, HELP!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

1. What conditions are necessary in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of a family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name

and characterize the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to analyze specific societies known to you. Please help with what you can !!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

1. What conditions are necessary for that 1. What conditions are needed in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, consists of the role of the family in

human life and society? 3. Call and characterize the main forms of mutual communication of a person and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to analyze specific societies known to you. PLEASE, HELP!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

1. What conditions are necessary in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name I.

ocharazesize the main forms of the relationship of man and society. 4. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and nations? Give an example. 5. Powering on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 6. Whether the approval is that worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain their opinion, confirm it with examples.

1. Select the correct statement:

1. Online division of labor established by the UN

2. Online division of labor developed historically (+)

3. The development of the country's economy cannot be successful without participation in the international division of labor (+)

4. For the number of new factors for the placement of global households, it includes its sources of raw materials, fuel and energy

2. What conditions are needed in order to arise the specialization of a separate state in the production of certain products?

Availability: natural resources (Minerals, wood, etc.), labor resources (For example: Highly qualified for mechanical engineering) for energy-intensive industries, an important condition is the presence of cheap electricity.

3. List the factors affecting the placement of production

Socio-economic, which primarily relate to the peculiarities of the population, the territorial concentration of labor resources and their qualitative characteristic. Natural to which the quantitative stocks and the qualitative composition of natural resources, mining and geological and other conditions for their extraction and use, climatic, hydrogeological, orographic characteristics of the territory are considered. They play a decisive role in placing the production industry and fuel-, energy, raw materials, water-conditioning industries. Material and market and infrastructure conditions and factors include material and technical and technical bases, as well as market infrastructure. Featuring economic factors determine the cost of production and sale of raw materials, materials and finished products.

4. How does the HTR change the role of placement factors?

Dependence is reduced natural conditions and resources

Industries are less dependent on natural raw materials (for example, a binding to mineral resources).

High-tech industries are combined with scientific centers, technoparks are created.

5. Why at the present stage the most important factor Placing production becomes ecological?

In connection with the unfavorable environmental situation, it is important to prevent its deterioration.

6. What are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine export?

Belarus: dairy products, agricultural machinery, appliances. Kazakhstan: Fuel and energy products, metals and products of them, products of the chemical industry, plastics. Ukraine: Wheat, ferroalloys, iron ore, soy.

7. Based on reference books, additional literature, Internet, try to find out how, under the influence of various conditions, the international specialization of countries has changed throughout a certain historical segment.

The agricultural sector of the Great Britain's economy is one of the most highly productive in Foreign Europe. Two thirds of its production gives animal husbandry. It is based on magnificent pastures and haymen, which since ancient times is rich in the UK due to the soft oceanic climate. The history of the breeding of sheep in Yorkshire has more than a thousand years. Second Sheep Road - Wales. The cattle of the meat and dairy baffles is bred in the south of England and Wales. Until the mid-1990s. The United Kingdom was a major supplier of beef to the EU market, but an outbreak of epizootia (cow's frenzy) in 1996. This industry has severely undermined. Northern Ireland is known for his horse breeding. Horse breeds derived here are worldwide glory. Crop production, as well as animal husbandry, is a highly intensity industry. Square of crops here are usually large (from several tens to several thousand hectares), which facilitates mechanization. Landlords have been preserved - large landowners who transmit their own ownership from generation to generation to generation. The main agricultural districts: South and Southeast of England, where wheat yields reach 70 centners with ha (for comparison, a good grain harvest in the Kuban with its fertile soils - 40-45 centners). Traditionally, a lot of oats are grown. In Northern Ireland and Scotland, extensive areas are engaged in crops of barley, which is used for the production of whiskey, for the most part for export. In the 1990s. One of the key directions of modernization agriculture There was a transition to environmentally friendly technologies. The cultivation and production of environmentally friendly food means, first of all, the refusal to apply chemical fertilizers, herbicides, hormones and other modern methods of growing plants and fattening of animals. Amazing, but the "grandfathers" technologies of agriculture were effective in the XXI century. Although environmentally friendly products are 20-30% more expensive than usual, the demand for them is growing steadily, and at the beginning of the century they have already been a quarter of the entire food market in the country. Energy service of the economy is based on both traditional and new energy sectors. In terms of energy resources, the United Kingdom is 1-place in foreign Europe. Since the industrial revolution, the English power engineering worked on the corner, until the middle of the last century, its share in the country's energy balance exceeded 90%. TO at the beginning of XXI in. It fell up to 28%. The main mining of energy coal is traditionally conducted in the Yorkshire coal inland basin, but for several decades, national mining is unprofitable and the need for energy angle is increasingly satisfied due to cheaper imports, in particular from the United States and Canada.

Art be healthy

Viktor Andreevich Polyukhin,

Senior Methodist Department of Education

And additional education


It is impossible to do the body, not doctor's souls. Socrates.

Health is one of the most important life values. And if we want to succeed in life, be able to enjoy all its benefits, each of us sooner or later should not just put a formal task in front of them - learn to take care of the main wealth - health. It is important to master the art itself to be healthy, which includes a whole complex of knowledge. And the first step on this path is to learn not to lose health.

Psychologists argue that many diseases arise from a person when he is in the authority of the feelings of resentment, malice, fear ... - In this state, the necessary vitality is lost, and there is no longer the former support that would give the energy of the soul and the body. How to regain this support again?

The Bible indicates that the person is created by the Spirit of God. He gives strength to life. And only when a person gets fruits from the Holy Spirit (knowledge, joy, light, wisdom, easy), the soul of man will become clean and light - the spiritual devotees consider it so.

In other words, to gain health spiritual and physical, you need to work a lot on yourself, constantly self-improvement.


The main spiritual properties of the person who lead to the path of improvement:

  • ability to control their thoughts;
  • the ability to control their words and actions;
  • patience;
  • endurance;
  • faith by virtue of the Spirit;
  • equilibrium.

The most difficult task on the path of self-improvement is the ability to control our thoughts, because, we want it or not, it is they who program our lives. It is very important at the beginning of each day to tune in for the best, success.

♦ Waking up in the morning, try to strike out all the unpleasant memories of the last day. Smile to all that you see around. Remember the wise sayings: "The Morning of the Evening Wisely", "New Day, New Food." We are pleased to see each other with a joyful or just calm facial expression. It's nice to hear the "good morning", said with warmth and with the sincere wish of good. Friendly, calm expression of the face always contributes to the accumulation of forces in the body - and then the torch be lit in the soul, capable of lighting people with their positive energy. It is impossible to waste this energy in vain.

♦ Learn to plan each day so that it does not have a place of idle and idleness. Appreciate time. Try to make your life as much as possible to benefit people. And if you suddenly offended you, reinforce this philosophically, do not tait evil. After all, for the evil thought clings a bad word, and behind him - a bad act. Such a chain excommates man, causing irritation, anger, fear. Followed by them - offense, pity for himself, pride. How to cope with these enemies?

First, realize that negative feelings prevent you from living. The power of evil increases when we take it and begin to justify, to analyze, look for the culprit outside. Know that a person who hurt you will first of all suffer from evil that gave rise to. After all, the energy of his evil at first passes through himself, destroying the soul and body. And if we do not accept this evil, I will not respond to it the same, then it is a boomerang returning to the one who called him into the world.

Get rid of "black": the DUM helps switching attention to something pleasant. But there is a volitional effort. Evil has persistence, pressure, because good thoughts next to evolve are excessive modesty, shyness and feel uncertain.

Ideal will - action. Act! Order yourself: "These are not my thoughts, I do not want to take them." As soon as you "curb" your frowning thoughts, you will immediately feel easier.

Our health is in our hands! No matter how difficult it is, do not turn the path of self-improvement. Do everything so that the torch in your soul does not fade. It will be possible when you learn how to develop an antidote of evil. Then all the inputs for ailments will be closed, and the disease will not penetrate your house.

However, do not forget: to become invincible for diseases, except for the psychological attitude, it is important to pay special attention to the prevention and organization of a healthy lifestyle - the load during the day should be distributed evenly, it is impossible to deprive itself one of the main sources of the energy of healthy sleep energy. We work out for yourself the optimal day of the day, taking into account all the factors that you can benefit.

In order for life to be comfortably organized, many busy people have a diary. In the same way, you can also have a special health diary in which the program of your recovery will be played for every day from morning to evening, for every week, month, etc.

"Organize yourself. And you winner! " Yu.P. Lyubimov.

The main thing is not to retreat and believe that thanks to the fulfillment of all the points of the program, you will achieve success in any of the available areas of life and reliably protect yourself from diseases.

What conditions are needed in order to successfully develop this program?

♦ Try to go to bed until 23 hours, as the body needs to restore lost forces.

♦ To strengthen the memory before bedtime, mentally mark back frames of the outgoing day: Load the results (pluses / minuses), put the tasks for the next day. Before bedtime, it is useful to curl poems, or remember famous poems. This training lasts usually 5 - 15 minutes.

♦ Be sure to break in every morning because it is necessary in the morning to "fill" the body with the necessary amount of calories, because Morning food gives energy and physical forces for the whole day.

♦ In the morning, before a strained work day, it is necessary to release the intestine, the best of all this process activates a glass of the maximum warm water, drunk on an empty stomach (internal shower).

♦ During the day, drink (in small gloders) more simple purified water: it not only removes slags from the body, but also is an excellent means of getting rid of negative emotions, stress, unbalanced psychological states.

♦ Try the day and evening to devote to the performance of different exercises - both dynamic and static. Especially important for strengthening the body is the breath of belly (diaphragmal breathing). Such breathing is recommended to perform at least three times a day.

♦ Being at work, do not sit in a stuffy room at lunchtime, do not miss the case of breathing out the fresh air on the street.

♦ For lunch, give preference to food from natural products. Any kind of cheap, fast food, including semi-finished products, soups from bags, try not to use.

♦ During meals, you carefully burn food.

♦ Hold the time to leisure. Aesthetic pleasure restores the lost energy of the body, heals the soul and body. Be sure to do physical culture at least three times a week. Every day it is necessary to perform morning hygienic gymnastics.

♦ Keep a positive attitude until the end of the day, no matter how difficult it is, do not allow negative emotions to own themselves.

♦ Do not eat a lot for dinner. "Heavy" is sharp, smoked, flour - food is better to exclude from the evening diet.

♦ Before bedtime (for an hour - two) it is useful to take walks, jogging, breathing clean air.

Improving himself thanks to a well-thought-out program, you will go on the path of health and active creative longevity.

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