
Natural conditions and resources. What are the natural conditions and natural resources of Italy? What include Natural Resources of Italy? Minerals Vatican


By geography

Pupils 11 in Class GBOU №45

Shokina Nina

Topic: "Vatican"

I. Introduction

II. Physico-geographical position

III. Economics and geographical position

IV. History

V. Coat of arms and flag

Vi. Natural resources

VII. Transport

VIII. Culture

IX. Population

X. Religion

Xi. Industry

XII. Agriculture

XIII. Tourism and sights

XIV. Foreign policy

XV Interesting Facts

XVI. Output

Physico-geographical position

The miniature state of the Vatican is located in the western part of the capital Italy - Rome, on the Monte Vatican Hill. The territory of the Vatican, almost all over the perimeter surrounded by medieval walls, includes cult and palace complexes, gardens, museums, art galleries and administrative buildings. Formally, the Italian-Vatican border passes through the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Peter, but it is not indicated by the area. On the principles of extraterritoriality, the Vatican belongs to a number of objects and institutions located outside its borders, incl. Basilica San Giovanni-In-laterano in Rome Other famous Churches of Rome, radio station in Santa Maria di Gallery, Summer Residence Pope in Castel Gandolfo. The same status has educational establishments: Papal Gregorian University "Grigoryanum" (founded in 1553), University of Urbana Pope (founded in 1627), Papal Lateran University (founded in 1824), Papene University of St. Foma Aquinas "Angelikum" (founded in 1909) and Papal Salezian University (founded in 1940). In addition, the Vatican has land ownership in Italy and Spain.

Economics and geographical position

The Vatican State is a sovereign state located in the western part of Rome, but completely independent of Italy. Both in the area and by the number of residents Vatican is the smallest independent state in the world. The population of the Vatican is about 800 people, of which over 450 have Vatican citizenship, the main sources of Vatican revenues - tourism and donations of Catholics. Work in the Vatican mainly Italians. Vatican citizens mostly serve the church. Revenues (according to 2003) amounted to $ 252 million, costs - 264 million. Vatican budget - 310 million US dollars.


The latest history of the Vatican begins on February 11, 1929, when Laterian agreements were concluded between the holy throne and the kingdom of Italy, laid out the beginning of Grad Vatican. However, this event was preceded by a century of the political activity of the Roman Church, which noted in fact from the very moment of the legalization of the Christian religion by Emperor Konstantin. Initially, the secular power of the Roman bishop extended to land possessions received as a gift from wealthy Roman families and formed by the so-called. Votchin (Patrimonia) of St. Peter, and was carried out within the framework of the Roman Empire; However, from the VIII century, Dad becomes the head of an independent church state that existed before the unification of Italy in 1870.

The church state (papal region) consisted of territories on which the Pope's power as a secular ruler was recognized for more than 1000 years. The expression "Patrimonium Sancti Petri" ("Holy Peter's patrimony") initially meant land possessions and a different kind of income of the church of St. Peter in Rome. Up to the middle of the VIII century. It consisted exclusively from private possessions, but later this term began to be applied to the church state, and, in a narrower meaning, to Roman Ducato.

Coat of arms and flag

Vatican coat of arms - on a red shield, keys, one gold and one silver, crossed in the form of the Andreevsky Cross, with beards, treated up and outside. The keys are linked to the cord, usually red or blue, two ends of which are descended from the handles. The keys are crowned tiara.

Crossed keys, crowned with Tearla, are also the coat of arms of the Holy See and the background element for the personal coat of arms of Pope (Benedict XVI first refused to use in his own coat of arms of Tiara, replacing it by the Episcopal Mother). The symbolism of the coat of arms is based on the Gospel and is represented by the keys given by the apostle Peter Christ.

The pontali flag of the city of Grada Vatican consists of an equilateral panel, separated into two equal vertical parts - yellow (in the tree) and white, in the center of which are depicted two crossed keys (gold and silver) connected by a red cord and topped with Tiara. The tree ends with the edge, decorated with tapes of the same colors as the flag, and the trimmed golden thread.

Natural resources

The Vatican is located in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula and is surrounded by the territory of Rome from all sides. This location does not allow the city-state its own natural resources.
The source of the country's revenues - donations of Catholics from around the world, revenue from fees for visiting museums, shopping for tourists souvenirs, postage stamps, Vatican euro coins. The Vatican citizens serve as a Catholic Church, and the Italians work in museums.


You will not be surprised if you find out that the main transport of the country is a hiking. For obvious reasons, the airport is missing here, but there is a helicopter platform. There is also a railway, 600 meters long, connected to railways Italy and railway station.


The culture of the Vatican has a large self-meaning. Such buildings like the Cathedral of St. Peter and the Sistine Chapel are the birthplace of the most famous art in the world, which includes the works of such artists as Botticelli, Bernini and Michelangelo. The Vatican Library and Collections of the Vatican Museums have the highest historical, scientific and cultural importance. In 1984, the Vatican was introduced by UNESCO to the list of World Heritage sites.

The Vatican is the actual keeper of the Latin language through the Papal Academy of Latin. An important result of its predecessor's activities, the Latinitas Foundation Foundation is the regular release of the Latin dictionary of recent neologisms, Lexicon Lethinitethisse.

Tourism and pilgrimage - important factor in everyday life Vatican. Pope has weekly audiences on Wednesdays at 10.30 (local time), serves public masses, for Christmas and Easter drawn with a solemn message "Grada and the Mire", (the first appeal of this kind occurs immediately after the elections of the great phatech). Public papal masses are held in the Basilica of St. Peter or on St. Peter's Square in front of the cathedral.


The population of the Vatican is about 800 people, of which over 450 have Vatican citizenship, while the rest have permission to temporary or permanent accommodation In the state without providing them with citizenship.

About half of the Vatican citizens live not in the state, but in other countries, primarily on official motives (this applies especially diplomatic personnel). Acquisition and loss of Vatican citizenship, permission to stay in the territory of the Vatican and formalities relating to access to this territory are governed by special norms adopted in accordance with Lateran agreements.
Vatican citizenship is provided, persons whose activities are related to civil service in the Vatican. At the end of this service, citizenship is usually lost, it is not hereditary. In accordance with Lateran Agreements, if the person who has lost Vatican citizenship, according to Italian laws, cannot be considered as having some other citizenship, it is seen as having Italian citizenship.

Citizens of the Vatican can also be equated to the Vatican citizens, as well as his children, provided that they live together with the Vatican citizen and received permission (authorization) to stay in the Vatican. Such authorization is lost by the spouse (s) in case the marriage was canceled or dispensed, or there was a formal declared separation of spouses, and by children - at the achievement of 25 years of age, if they are able-bodied; And in the case of daughters - after getting married.

Unlike other states, the Vatican, or rather, the Holy See gives only diplomatic and official passports necessary, first of all, to carry out activities abroad. Hosting by the diplomatic passport of the Holy See does not mean automatic right to free access to the city of Grad Vatican, staying in it or Vatican citizenship.

The Vatican does not implement formal passport control. Since access to the state is possible only through the territory of Italy, immigration requirements coincide with Italian.


Vatican - the residence of the highest leadership of the Roman Catholic Church and the spiritual center of Catholicism. Under his leadership and control, numerous educational institutions, radio and television, catholic seal, church and secular organizations in many countries of the world are functioning. It is no coincidence in the Vatican, even art is subordinate to a single topic - religion. All in this state-town is impregnated by the sacred sacraments. This is a center, source and basis for creativity of all masters and artists who worked here.

In antique times in the territory of the Vatican it was forbidden to settle, as this place was considered sacred in ancient Rome. After the arrival of Christianity, in 326, the Basilica of Constantine was erected over the intended place of the burial of St. Peter, since then this place has become settled.

The Papal State formed in the middle of the 8th century included a significant part of the Apennine Peninsula in its composition, but in 1870 it was liquidated by the Italian kingdom.

IN modern video The Vatican arose February 11, 1929 on the basis of prisoners of Mussolini and Pope of the Roman Lateran agreements.


The Vatican lives at the expense of contributions coming from Catholic churches different countries The world donations from believers, tax fees to the church flock into the Vatican from around the world, but mostly from the United States. The pilgrims arriving in the Vatican group from various countries of the world and tourists contribute their contribution ("Grock of St. Peter") to the Budget of the Holy See. For coordination financial activities Vatican In 1968, a special prefecture on economic affairs was created (the semblance of the Ministry of Finance).

Financial I. economic activities Vatican's own enterprises is to implement extensive printing products made by the printing industry, as well as obtaining significant income from tourism. In addition, the Vatican coins his own coins and produces its own brands (in 2005 the papal state earned an extraordinarily large amount on sale of its postage stamps - 4.5 million euros.).

Traditionally, the most rare and most expensive are brands with the inscription "Vacant throne" - they are produced after the death of one dad and before the election of the new and valid only during this period.

Postage stamps of the city-state Vatican are mainly bought by collectors, they rarely glue into envelopes and postcards. In addition to the brands, the holy throne produces their own coins (before it was the lira, and now euro). This money is also hardly used as payment products - almost all coins become extraction of numismatics.

In addition to the property and huge donations to believers, the source of income of the Catholic Church are and receipts from the budgets of those countries with which the Vatican concluded concordate is an agreement on the special status of Catholicism. Such agreements were at the Vatican with fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Only in 1943, Kirchensteuer, or church tax, brought $ 100 million to the treasury Vatican, and Dad at that time quite loyally referred to Hitler's aggression against the rest of the world.


The main sources of Vatican revenue - tourism and donations of Catholics. Work in the Vatican mainly Italians. Vatican citizens mostly serve the church. Thus, agricultural production is absent as such in the Vatican.

Tourism and sights

The Vatican is the birthplace of the most famous art world around the world, the sights of this mini state have a huge historical and cultural value for the whole world.

Sicstinskaya Capella - the main place of attraction of the Vatican. Great Michelangelo is the author of the famous ceiling frescoes. Initially, no one was going to turn the Sistine Chapel into a world attraction, Michelangelo was invited only with the hope that he would fail in his work, and Rafael and Bramptant will again become the main genius-painters at the court. Thanks to the recent restoration, the frescoes managed to completely return to the former beauty. From the end of the 15th century, cardinals are collected here to elect a new dad.

St. Peter's Cathedral is the second largest christian church in the world. In the time of Nero, there was a circus at the scene of the cathedral, where in favor of the public they threw the first Christians to be confused by wild beasts, among them was the apostle Peter. When you see the cathedral for the first time, the thought arises not who built it, but how. To fully realize the scale of construction does not even help the rise on the dome. Several generations of great Italian masters worked on its creation: Michelangelo, Rafael, Bernini, Bramte. If you want to go inside the cathedral, you need to be apparently dressed: they are not allowed here in mini skirts, shorts and neckline. St. Peter's Square has long been the main decoration of Rome, even before the official recognition of the Vatican. From the labyrinth of narrow medieval streets, you can get into the majestic space around the cathedral. Vatican Museums In the Museum of Modern Religious Arts, you can see not only famous canvas on religious themes, but also painting Chagal, Kandinsky or Monet. The whole collection of the museum is collected as directed by Paul VI / Dad believed that the path to the hearts of believers lies through modern art. The result of this work was a good collection of European sculpture and painting from Roda to Dali. Pinakotek - a place where the most famous canvas of Raphael ("Transfiguration", "Annunciation", "Welcome"), such a big meeting of the master is no longer any museum of the world. The museum building is relatively new, the need to store altar images separately from churches appeared only after Napoleonic invasion. The Egyptian Museum is a modest assembly of artifacts of ancient Egypt and Meternrachia by the standards of world museums, and gigantic by the measurements of the Vatican. Mummy, Fayum portraits, painted covers from sarcophagus, burial masks and a lot of interesting things. The museum collection is more and more interesting than in the Hermitage.

Foreign policy

Holy See supports diplomatic relations with 174 countries of the world, in which it is represented by papal ambassadors (nunches). The Vatican also supports diplomatic relations with the EU and with the organization of the liberation of Palestine and is a member of 15 international organizations, including WHO, WTO, UNESCO, OSCE and FAO.

In 1989, during the meeting of the President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev with John Pavlom II, an agreement was reached on establishing relations between the USSR and the Vatican at the level of official representative offices. Such relations were established on March 15, 1990, Yu. E. Karlov became the first representative of the USSR with the Holy Prestole in the rank of emergency and authorized ambassador, and the Apostolic Nuntsu with special powers arrived in Moscow. After the collapse of the USSR, the Vatican has established relations with Russian Federation As the successor of the USSR at the level of permanent missions, and from December 2009 - at the embassy level.

In the early 1990s, the Vatican established diplomatic relations with the countries of Eastern and Central Europe.

The Vatican actively advocates the preservation of peace and resolve international conflicts. In 1991, he warned against the war in the Persian Gulf. The Catholic Church played a prominent role in the termination of civil wars in Central America. During trips to this region, Dad urged to stop civil war in Guatemala, reconciliation in Nicaragua, approval of the "New Culture of Solidarity and Love".

Holy See - the oldest (1942) diplomatic ally of the Republic of China and now is the only sovereign subject of international law in Europe, formally recognizing the Chinese Republic.

In 1971, the Holy See declared his decision to adhere to a non-proliferation agreement nuclear weaponsIn order to "provide moral support to the principles that serve as the basis of the contract itself."
In 2007, diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia were established by the Holy See.

Interesting Facts

Do not be surprised if the local ATM will suggest the language of the interface to choose Latin. This is the official language of the state on a par with Italian. - The level of crime of the Vatican is surprisingly high. According to statistics, for each citizen of the country accounts for one crime per year. Of course, these crimes take tourists or someone from hired personnel.
- Vatican is the only country in the world with zero birth.


The Vatican, undoubtedly, is a remarkable and interesting object for research and study, since it is a state effectively functioning without tax system.

Despite the small area of \u200b\u200bthe occupied territory, the Vatican played in the past and continues to play an important role in the international political and economic LifeSince it has a significant impact on the Catholic population of the world, concentrates enormous financial resources and participates in solving important global problems, is, in turn, reveals the historical aspect of its functioning.

The state has no own industry, the population is not engaged in agriculture, its participation in the global economy is noticeable, since it is a major capital owner, land and has well-established connections with international organizations and banks, the economic activity of the state is manifested.

In conclusion, it can be said that, despite the lack of a tax system, the gains of the Vatican constitute a rather significant amount. This is a consequence of the state of donations to believers in the budget; money from the sale of tourists of their own printed products; Income from investment in large companies, Concern, banks.

In this way, economic Fundament Vatican states are: own entrepreneurial activities, donations from Catholics and relations with international financial organizationsthat ensures the development of the state without taxes.

Area - 301.3 thousand km2. Population - 58.1 million people

Unitary Republic - 20 regions. Capital -. Rome


Italy is one of the seven major highly developed countries of the world. On the political map. Europe it occupies a profitable geographical and geopolitical position. Italy consists of three parts: mainland (more than. Zo% of the country's territory), peninsular (50%) and island (more than 17 %%).

Mediterranean accommodation. Italy and the extensive marine border (3/4 of the total length of the boundaries) very positively affect it. EGP. Ground borders in the north. Italy delimit its territory with. FR Rancieta,. Switzerland,. Austria and. Slovenia. Through the territory. Italy undergo important land routes from the sea coast to the countries of the central part. Western. Europe. Inside the country there are two enclaves:. Vatican and. San Marryrino.


Natural population growth in. Italy from the mid-1990s has negative values. Now it is about (-0,6) per 1000 person. Mortality - less than 10 per 1000 people, and the average life expectancy - 79 Rocky her. Important role in a change in population. Italy constantly played external migration. BUT B. last years A significant part of the Italians is returned. The balance of migrations has positive values, fully to MP recensive losses from natural growth.

The national composition of the population is noted by homogeneity 98% of citizens of the state - Italiansromance language group. The same share is the Catholics Christian. Slovenians, Greeks, Albanians, French live in border areas with neighboring states

The country is characterized by a high population density (190 people per 1 km2). In the middle of the country there are substantial regional differences in population disposal. Northern developed areas are much thickened. IT Waist (200-1000 people per 1 km2) time in the south. Italy and on the islands population density ranges from 40 to 70 people per 1 km2. This is due to the permanent domestic migrations of the population, persons lily in the direction. South North. The reason for this is significant differences in the standard of living and opportunities to receive. The average size. GNP per capita in the south of the country is about 60% of this on the journal to the Severvnocha.

The share of the urban population is estimated at about 70%. Higher level of urbanization in. Italy is within. Padan lowland. The largest millionaire cities is. Rome,. Milan,. Naples and. Turin. In the south to the country prevails rural population. There are quite large in the population of the village, which are sometimes called rural cities. In the north. Italy, where the farm form of agriculture is dominated by the Farmery form, the decisions of the population of the population. In the mountains, small villages prevail in the population.

The share of economically active population is somewhat reduced, which is partly due to the aging processes of the nation. The structure of the employment prevails the sphere of services - 57%, industry - 38%, the rural gentleman is 5%. Among countries included in. EU,. Italy recently performed as a supplier of relatively cheap labor for. France and. Germany. The number of unemployed reaches more than 2 million people annually (10%%).

Natural conditions and resources

Italy is rich in mineral resources, minor reserves of individuals do not provide needs national Economy. From the fuel and energy resources in the country there are small deposits of coal and oil, to the floor of the night-oriental part. Italy has several large natural gas fields. They allow. Italy produce up to 17 billion m3 of gas per year and by 15% satisfy its needs in it.

Italy almost does not have manganese, iron and chromite ores, as a result of which its ferrous metallurgy works on imported raw materials. In structure mineral resources The reserves of polymetallic (primarily from lead, zinc) and mercury ores (one of the largest in the world).

From non-metallic minerals in the depths of the country there are large stocks of potash and cook salt. Rich country for building materials, its marble and granite stocks are world importance

On water resources. Italy is a small river and small in summer. The largest river -. The software that flows in the north and flows into. Adriatic Sea. Since most countries of the countries are mountain, they are significant potential hydroresources. Especially rich rivers, originating from. Alalp.

Only 20% of the territory. Italy is covered with forests, their main arrays are located in the north of the country. Wood deficit limits the development of individual industries

Italy, in general, is a mountainous country, more than 3/4 areas of which are occupied by mountains that have exceptional importance in climate formation. Italy, since it is a natural barrier to penetrate wet air masses from the north of the mainland. The economic development of the country makes it difficult to the high level of seismicity of territory.

Plains and lowlands are located on the coast. Apennine Peninsula and Northeast. Italy, where in the river basin. According to the largest Italian plain -. Pandan lowland is all mastered by a man Yu and the most populated.

Climatic resources. Italy is fairly favorable for the development of agriculture. In the north, the climate is moderately continental, and south. Italy is characterized by a Mediterranean subtropical climate and with a dry summer.

Generally. Italy has poor agricultural land and especially for arable land. One person accounts for about 0.2 hectares of Pashnya. A significant amount of arable land is irrigated. What is prerequisite Getting you sophisticated crops. The soil is generally quite fertile.

Mountain relief. Apennine and. Alps with many small lakes of volcanic origin, forest arrays, the Mediterranean type of climate, the coast of the seas play a significant role in the formation of rich recreation of the Eating

resources. Italy. The second important component of their component is a large number of historical and architectural monuments of world importance

Vatican - State city, located in southern Europe. The Vatican is the only state in the world, which is completely inside the capital of another state. The country is included in one International Organization - the UN, and then on the rights of the observer. For residents of the EU countries, entry into the territory of the Vatican is visa-free, for residents of the rest of the countries need a Schengen visa issued by the Italian Embassy.

The Vatican is considered the highest residence of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope is living here - the head of the Roman Catholic Church and his cardinals. It is in the Vatican that the elections of the new phanton on the secret council of Cardinals occur. The Vatican is actually a single city-city in Europe. The population of the country is 842 people. Capital - . The city of Vatican covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole country.The Vatican is an enclave state, it is surrounded by the territory of Italy from all sides, in particular, its capital - Rome. The country is located in one time zone. The difference with worldwide time is one hour.

Exit to the sea Vatican has no.

There are no forests in the country, half of the square occupies a large park.

The Vatican is located in the center of Rome on the Vatican Hill. Relief - hilly. The highest point of the Vatican is at an altitude of 75 meters above sea level.

There are no rivers and lakes in the Vatican. The nearest major river - Tiber - is located a few hundred meters in Rome.

The Vatican has no administrative-territorial division.



The Vatican has its own railway station. It is used as cargo. There is no passenger movement. Sometimes a personal train of Pope Roman is sent from the station when he goes on the journey.

There are no autobahn in the Vatican. There is one highwaywhich is in excellent condition and which leads to the residence of Pope.


The Vatican is about two thousand years. It has a story that is directly related to the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church:

a) Prehistoric Vatican (before the start of our era) - in those Territory of the modern Vatican, there was an urban feature of ancient Rome, it was a wetland, where the garden and Villa Mother of the Roman emperor Caliguly - Agrippines were located, and then appeared by the racetrack;

b) the formation of the Vatican and Papal Region - from 326 years - the construction of the first Catholic Basilica;

c) Vatican during the papal state (up to 1870) - the flourishing of church authorities, the education of the Inquisition, participation in the crusades and the conquests of new lands;

d) the Vatican during the reign of Italy Benito Mussolini - confirmation of the ITALY of the independence of the Vatican (1929, Lateran Agreements);

e) Vatican during the Second World War (1939-1945) - the secret support for the ruling fascist regime of Mussolini;

(e) Vatican in post-war and modern time - since 1945, strengthening the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the world.


There are no minerals in the country.


The climate of the Vatican is Mediterranean. Here is very roast and dry summer, and warm winter. The average temperature in winter is 5 degrees of heat, although there are days when snow falls out and is a small frost. In winter, it is often raining. In summer, the usual temperature is 30 degrees of heat in the shade. Summer rains is little. The greatest amount of rain falls in autumn.

Features of the relief of Latin America are due to the tectonic structure. The territory on which it is located, consists of an ancient South American platform and relatively young folding. The first corresponds to the plateau, the plateau (Brazilian, Patagonian and Guiangsky) in the places of raising the platform and lowland and the plains (Amazonian, La Plati et al.) In the places of deflection. The second form Cordillera, who in South America are called Andami. This is the world's longest chain of mountain ranges and arrays, stretching at 11,000 km and reaching the height of 6960 m (Mount Akonkagua).


Latin America is rich mineral raw materials. It accounts for 18% of oil reserves, 30% of black and alloying metals, 25% - non-ferrous metals and 55% - rare and scattered elements of the capitalist world. According to the reserves of some minerals, individual countries of the region occupy the first place among capitalist states: for example, by iron ore, niobium, beryllium and mining crystal - Brazil; on the medium; According to graphite - Mexico; According to antimony and lithium - Bolivia. The presence of promising, but even poorly explored geological structures makes it possible to count in the coming years to new mineral deposits. It is from here that the United States receive up to 70% of the strategic raw materials they need, including more than 90% of tin concentrate and bauxite, about 50% of copper and iron ore. Such their diversity is a consequence of a variety of tectonic structures.

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