
The main purpose of the labor market regulation policy. State policy in the field of employment of the population. Creating a State Employment Service

State regulation of the labor market and its necessity in Russia

State regulation Labor market - state events aimed at reducing unemployment, job creation and training.

The modern labor market is experiencing a tangible state impact. The legislative activity of the state covers the entire range labor relationship. It not only makes the demand for labor services in the public sector of the economy, but also regulates it in private, defining the main parameters of hiring across the national economy.

State regulation measures for labor market can be differentiated as follows:

  • - on the objects of impact (population and its individual groups, employees and groups of workers, entrepreneurs, elements of labor organization: labor payment, duration, working conditions, etc.);
  • - in the direction of exposure (measures affecting the demand for labor and the proposal of labor);
  • - in the form of impact (direct and indirect);
  • - by nature of the impact on the labor market (incentive, restrictive, prohibitive, protective);
  • - in terms of content (measures of economic, administrative nature or their combination);
  • - in terms of exposure (nationwide, regional, sectoral, intra-industry);
  • - According to sources of financing (state budget, extrabudgetary funds).

In order to promote full, productive and freely elected employment of the population, the state is intended to carry out:

  • * Development of measures of financial and credit, investment and tax policies aimed at the rational placement of productive forces, an increase in mobility labor resources, development of temporary and independent employment, promoting the use of flexible labor regimes;
  • * Legal regulation in employment based on the observance of legal rights and interests of citizens and relevant state guarantees, improving the legislation on employment of the population;
  • * Development and implementation of federal and territorial programs promoting employment of the population;
  • * Creating a state employment service.

From the regulation position general rules and monitoring the observance of employers of labor legislation state should:

  • - monitor compliance with state standards in the field of safety, conditions and safety of labor;
  • - maintain the necessary levels of wages in accordance with the costs of reproduction of labor and recommendations of the International Labor Organization;
  • - ensure the conditions for the civilized resolution of social conflicts and the normal implementation of the encouraging processes of coordination and regulation of socio-labor relations.

The federal executive authority conducted by the state policy and the management of the population, employment and social protection of the population is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

In countries with a developed market economy, there is a system for regulating social and labor relations and coordinating the interests of employees and employers through the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements - social partnership.The subject of the contract is the issues of remuneration, employment, working conditions, social security, social guarantees for employees of a certain profession, industry, the region, set over the minimum guaranteed by the state. Negotiations are conducted with the mediation role of the state, which participates in them directly (through representatives) or indirectly (through arbitration authorities, conciliation commission and legislative acts). Collective-contractual regulation makes it possible on the basis of a compromise to coordinate the interests of employees, employers and the state and is an important addition of the market mechanism for regulating social and labor relations.

Another power affecting the labor market is unions. This is a mass self-governing public Association Workers of a certain industry or related industries, a professional group for protecting and representing their social interests. Functions performed by trade unions can be divided into the following groups:

  • * Ensuring the social protection of the economic and social interests of employees in the process of labor, i.e. Opportunities for employee participation in the production process at the most favorable terms (control over the observance of legislative norms when dismissing and hiring to work, the creation of normal working conditions, promoting the increase in labor productivity, the prevention of violations of the manufacturing process by the employer)
  • - Social protection of the interests of employees outside production.

At the international level, ILO (International Organization of Labor) are engaged at the international level of labor relations. She was created in 1919. The goal of the ILO is to establish and preserve the social world and the regulation of social and labor relations, the protection of human rights. Each country participates in it by representatives of government, workers and entrepreneurs.

The determining ILO's value in the regulation of socio-labor relations has the development, adoption of conventions and recommendations and the control of their implementation.

The main software objectives of the ILO are:

  • - provision for employees of complete employment and raising living standards;
  • - employment workers in the works where they can get satisfaction and show their skills;
  • - guarantees of training and movement of workers, including migration;
  • - the possibilities of fair distribution and wages;
  • - realization of the right to collective bargaining;
  • - expansion of the system of social support;
  • - labor protection;
  • - protection of the welfare of children and mothers;
  • - necessary nutrition and dwellings;
  • - equal opportunities in the field of general and vocational education.

Great influence on the labor market is provided by state social programs (assistance to the poor, unemployment benefits, various social payments, pension provision, etc.). These programs contribute to a certain stabilization of the socio-economic situation of the employees in the zones of increased market risk, soften the painful nephery mechanism. As a result, there is a special element of labor services, really not related to the functioning of the labor market and formed on the shelter principles.

Significant and mediation role of state in the labor market. It partially assumes the function of searching and providing jobs, as well as creating a nationwide employment network. State training systems and retraining workers contribute to the most quick adaptation of the latest to the changing market requirements.

At the end of the XX century, significant changes occurred in the regulation of the labor market. They are associated with the practical embodiment of the theoretical concepts of modern neoclassics in many developed Western countries. The theoretical views of modern representatives of the neoclassical school proceed from the fact that due to the regulation of the labor market, he lost the flexibility so that essentially ceased to be the market. It is inherent in the state of chronic non-equilibrium associated with the large-scale intervention of regulatory subjects into its mechanism.

As a result, according to neoclassics, economic life began to be characterized by a weak increase in production efficiency and sustainable mass unemployment. The situation was also aggravated because new forms and acceleration of scientific and technological progress, structural restructuring of the economy, exacerbation of competition in the domestic and foreign markets presented special requirements for high-quality characteristics of labor, which in new conditions should be distinguished by increased professional, qualifying and regional, and sometimes and international mobility. Such mobility is unthinkable in the conditions of "blocking" the market by the state and trade unions.

The output from the position is, according to neoclassics, well-known deregulation and flexilization of the labor market, i.e. Increasing its flexibility, adaptability to modern requirements, which cannot be achieved without a significant strengthening of the competitive mechanism.

Flexilization of the labor market involves the introduction of much more flexible than before, the work of labor payment systems, which should be based on the method of analytical evaluation of jobs, which was used in the 1960-80s, and on the principles of individualization of payroll rates. The role of lump-sum payments increases, and the latter are often linked not to the current labor contribution of the employee, but with its overall competence, potential capabilities, abilities and differentiation of labor functions, the growth of qualifications. Such forms of material remuneration are used, as participation in the company's profits, and the employee can bear the risk of losses of the enterprise. The role of an employee is increasing in the free choice of forms of wage, social benefits, working hours and employment forms. Non-standard types of employment are distributed, especially in the face of computerization of public life, - gravity, temporary work on individual contracts, part-time employment.

As part of the labor market deregulation, the requirements for the revision and partial elimination of legislative regulations relating to the regulation of this market, as well as the weakening of the social guarantee system in order to restore the competitive market began. The most important form of regulating the labor market should be not labor legislation, but an individual labor agreement.

Nevertheless, the outcome of the flexilization of the labor market cannot be a total dismantling of the system of its regulation and the elimination of social guarantees of workers, which would inevitably lead to a serious exacerbation of social relations. This is a search for such a mechanism for the functioning of the labor market, which would allow the greatest optimality to combine economic efficiency with the social progress of society.

In relation to the market economy, the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic liberalism i.e. The policies of non-interference of the state in the economy most fully substantiated A. Smith in its work "Research on the nature and causes of wealth." According to his interpretation, the market system is capable of self-regulation, which is based on a "invisible hand" - personal interest associated with the desire for profits. As already mentioned, this concept is not a history of history: the modern theories of monetarism and rational expectations are proceed from it.

But in the works of J.M. Keynes This theory has been criticized and significant modification. He challenged the fact of existence in conditions of perfect competition in relation to the labor market of internal mechanisms of adaptation, leading to its equilibrium in full-time employment. Keynes, speaking for the active intervention of the state in labor relations, believed that only a rigid inflexible wage ensures equilibrium condition national income. Although the forced unemployment is preserved, due to the lack of aggregate demand for labor, but the instability is eliminated inherent in the system of perfect competition.

In relation to today's Russian conditions, the policy policy in the labor market should not be closed on the search for the optimal depth of interference in labor relations. The regulatory influence of the state should not impede the implementation of the requirements economic efficiencywhich suggest labor mobility, free of extra workers. A fairly high degree of employment of the population should be ensured not to preserve excessive number of employees, but by creating new jobs, a decrease in the needs of the population in workplaces, etc.

The achievement of optimally high, structurally rational, cost-effective and socio-substantiated employment is an integral part of the process of restoring the Russian economy. Incentives of this process should be market relations and targeted measures of economic policy at all levels. If in developed countries, employment problems can often be solved apart, without fundamental changes. economic StrategyIn Russia, this requires a fundamental transformation of the economy. This can be implemented only with financial stabilization, renewal of economic growth, increasing resources for investment activity and solving social problems. It is necessary for the effective interaction of employees, employers and government agencies to coordinate employment problems.

Employment prospects are determined by the dynamics and level of economic efficiency of production, therefore, more rational use of employees is a priority direction compared to the preservation of existing jobs. Reduction of extra workers and an increase in the expense of this number of unemployed (with sufficient material support) in many ratios more efficiently than maintaining the workforce at the enterprises.

To solve all these tasks, the state should predict the situation in the labor market, find and maintain, or form "points of growth" in the economy, to conduct relevant structural, regional and investment policies, regulate foreign economic relations, promote the adaptation of workers to the labor market requirements. It should also be borne in mind that the possibilities of the state in the field of creating new jobs less opportunities for private capital. This, however, does not reduce the role of the state as a guarantor of employment, it should stimulate the activity of entrepreneurs. At the same time, the state must be limited to a certain framework by their behavior in the labor market, providing protection for socially vulnerable groups of the population and regulating in difficult situations to free the workforce.

It is very important to avoid such a situation in which the resumption of economic growth will occur with high and stagnant unemployment. The aggravation of employment problems in this case is simply inevitable. First, it may increase the release of labor in enterprises. To solve these problems, it will be necessary for a fundamental fracture in the dynamics of investments, the intensification of work on personnel retraining, stimulating private entrepreneurship, expanding assistance to the unemployed. At the same time, as the economic return from market transformations increases, investment potential will increase, economic growth is stabilized, the need of the national economy in labor will expand.

To ensure economic growth, accompanied by an increase in employment requires:

  • * The emergence of a market-oriented, protected by the state and socially responsible owner of production and financial resources, promoting its entrepreneurial activity;
  • * attraction of domestic and foreign investment;
  • * Ensuring the conditions for the material interest of workers, the development of their needs, infrastructure expansion for their satisfaction, as well as the compliance of the professional level of workers in the level of material technical base.

The implementation of these requirements is possible only on the basis of the use of a developed market economic mechanism in combination with government regulation. First of all, it is necessary to improve the territorial structure of production, namely: overcoming the unevenness of the development of productive forces on regions, excessive specialization of regions, more complete use of local resources and opportunities with personal labor capacity, eliminating the defense of the spheres of the social infrastructure of regions from needs. This requires the territorial mobility of the workforce, requiring certain regulation, because The risk of strengthening differences in ensuring the regions of the workforce, in particular an increase in frame shortage in regions with a complex level of residence.

The possibilities of the federal center in improving the territorial placement of production are limited. The main importance for this has overflow of capital, the interaction of financial and industrial capital, the activities of financial and industrial groups and other economic associations. To ensure employment of the population, the importance of the service sector. However, it is still developing predominantly one rivalry, not production services. This is due to the lack of an effective system for supporting small businesses, the fall in the operating demand of the population, the absence of the necessary skills, limited opportunities to obtain the relevant professions.

Significantly reduce the labor motivation of employees, equalizing trends that are manifested in both old and new forms. This is facilitated by compensatory surcharges, naturalized remuneration. The differences between the payment of the leadership and ordinary workers sharply increased. There was a need to guarantee the payment of earnings, to form in relation to new conditions the price of labor, equivalently pay for increased labor costs, stimulate the growth of its quality. A special problem is the feasibility of linking the earnings of various categories of workers with profitability of production.

The condition for solving these tasks is not only an increase in resource provision based on economic growth, but also the development of legislation and a corresponding change in public relations to these issues.

Led to the need to interfere with the state in the scope of labor. Due to this, it was possible to modify labor relations, to regulate them and limit the freedom of market forces. As an element, a powerful state legal regulation of the labor market was created, with the help of which labor relations are regulated by the procedure for hiring and dismissal, providing weekend days, etc.) at the international and national level.

The state regulation of the labor market is carried out in two forms - active (raising the level of employment, the creation of new jobs, as well as overcoming unemployment due to the retraining and training of employees) and passive (payment of benefits unemployed).

Sets itself to perform the following goals:

· Ensuring complete employment, which will eliminate the development of not disturbing the so-called the usual level of unemployment, which is determined by the dimensions of its structural and frictional forms.

· Creating such a labor market that can adapt to various external and internal changes in the development of the economy.

If we talk about the main direction, then in lately State regulation of the labor market does everything to achieve complete employment. For this, measures are used as the organization of retraining and retraining of the unemployed, stimulating investment in the economy, the development of employment services, assistance in the development of small and family entrepreneurship, organization of public works, international cooperation in order to solve employment problems, consideration of the issue related to international labor migration .

State regulation of the labor market concerns and supporting those faces that have been without work. Such social protection is a passive form of state policy. Persons who for one reason or another can not get a job, the state guarantees free medical care, as well as in the form of material assistance, and some other payments.

How much does state-owned, especially the legal regulation of the labor market? Understand this by analyzing the pros and cons of such state policy. State regulation of the labor market leads to the fact that the conclusion of employment agreements is not in free form, but according to the law. Until recently, the employer in the event that the official could set the amount of wages and working conditions at its discretion. Thanks to the regulation, such an act is limited by the law on working conditions and minimum wages. Of course, this circumstance is a plus of state regulation. However, on the other hand, supporters of such regulation believe that this law leads to an increase in employers' costs, as a result, the latter cannot act flexibly. So the growth of unemployment is so provoked, which is especially high in certain areas of activity. The reason for this is that the established high level of wages and working conditions are organized only by the workers themselves, remaining unprofitable for organizations and firms. As a result, the latter will avoid admission to the work of those people who does not have a good "track record". This should be conclusion: people who have not worked for a long time or do not have the necessary qualifications remain unexproed. Thus, the state regulation of the labor market should not be considered only from the positive side.

Labor market- This is a special type of markets where the interaction between workers and employers is carried out. As in any market, labor distribution is occurring here on the areas of activity, industries, workplaces, the demand and proposal for the types of labor, qualifications are formed, the price of various types of labor activity is determined. The labor market is a competitive market, where the price of labor services is formed under the influence of supply and demand.

Functions of the labor market:

  • - pricing (determining the value of remuneration);
  • - information (demand, offer, labor payment by industry and profession);
  • - distribution (on work sites and professions). The proposal of labor forms all the economically active population (persons aged from 15 to 72 years, which in the period under review (the surveyed week) are considered occupied or unemployed), Table. 8.8.

Table 8.8.

Main indicators of the labor market of the Russian Federation

Population at the end of the year, thousand people

including in working age

The number of labor, thousand people including:

busy in the economy


Employment level,%

Unemployment rate, %

The number of officially registered unemployed (on average per year), thousand people

The average monthly nominal accrued salary of employees of organizations, rub.

Source: work and employment in Russia - 2015

The labor market is in cooperation with other markets. Thus, the consumer goods market and its change set the price of labor services in the labor market. The market of means of production and its size affect the demand in the labor market. This circumstance must be taken into account when determining the measures of state regulation of the labor market. Its development can be stimulated by the support of other markets.

The Russian labor market has its own characteristics:

  • - low population mobility. Labor markets are mainly regional or even local;
  • - significant differentiation of branches of the economy for profitability, as a consequence, the differentiation of prices for single-quality labor;
  • - the presence of shadow employment;
  • - Presence of a phenomenon of overdue wage debt.

The reflection of the differentiation of sectors of income economy is differences in the average monthly wage (Table 8.9).

The main directions of state regulation of the labor market are:

  • - regulation of wages;
  • - regulation of employment;
  • - regulation of the regime and working conditions;
  • - institutional regulation of hiring and dismissal issues;
  • - participation and regulation of relations of social partnership.

The average monthly nominal accrued salary of employees of organizations by economic activity

Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry

Fishing, fish farming


Processing production

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale I. retail; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items

Transport and communication

Financial activities

Public administration and ensuring military security; social insurance


Health and provision of social services

Source: work and employment in Russia. - 2015.

From September 2007, the subjects of the Russian Federation were able to independently establish regional minimum wages (RMPP) based on tripartite agreements between trade unions, employers and executive bodies. This reform has changed the system of minimum wage, significantly increasing the role of negotiation mechanisms at the regional level.

The state legislatively establishes the minimum wage (minimum wage), mandatory for all forms of ownership. His lower limit should not be below the subsistence minimum. This indicator is basic to build wage systems, and also performs some indirect functions. Mrot size is used to calculate certain types of administrative fines and calculating the minimum size of the wage fund for tax purposes.

It should be distinguished by the nominal and real payment of labor (wages).

Nominal wagesit is the amount of money received by the employee for a certain time (hour, month, year).

Real wages- then the number of goods and services that the worker can purchase on this nominal wage. This form of wages depends on the price level and characterizes the purchasing power of the employee. The index of the real accrued wage is calculated by dividing the index of the nominal accrued wage on the index consumer prices For the same time period.

Crisis processes in Russia recent years, especially the crisis of 2014-2015, for various circumstances caused a serious increase in inflation, price increases primarily on food products. Under these conditions, all types of real incomes of the population declined. It applies to real wages, which is presented in Table. 8.10.

Table 8.70

April 2016

January - April 2016 in% by January - April 2015

april 2015

march 2016

Monetary income (on average per capita), rubles

Real disposable cash income

Average monthly accrued salary of one employee:

nominal, rub.


The average size of the appointed pensions, rub.

Real size of appointed pensions

Source: socio-economic situation of Russia. - 2016.

Wage growth depends on a number of factors to which stimulation from business and the state should be sent. Their main factors - an increase in labor productivity. In turn, the productivity of labor affects:

  • - stock repair;
  • - Hi-tech;
  • - quality of labor.

In the conditions of inflation, the minimum wage amount should be constantly indexed, since real labor pay is reduced.

In a number of countries, industry trade unions or employers' associations are accepted after the occurrence of a certain threshold value of inflation growth. In the Russian Federation, such a function is enshrined by the state. Of course, this does not exclude raising the wage in the private sector of the economy based on independent decisions.

In the Russian Federation at the end of 2008, reform was carried out for the organization of remuneration in the budget sector of the economy. Instead of a single tariff system of remuneration for all sectors of the social sphere funded from the state budget, sectoral systems were adopted. Taking into account industry characteristics, groups of posts are allocated to six qualifying levels with an increase in the wage ratio from the minimum wage on each professional qualification group. In addition, up to 30% of the budget of the organization is intended for payments of a stimulating nature.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation 2012. By 2018, it is necessary to carry out payment for the main categories of education and health workers up to magnitude, twice the average salary in the relevant region. In these positions, stimulating surcharges make up 40-60% of wages.

Along with the establishment of the magnitude of the minimum wage, the determination of the wage system in the public sector state regulates labor and other forms:

  • - regulation of taxation of income from remuneration;
  • - ensuring the benefits of wages in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise;
  • - Establishment of the legal responsibility of employers for late payments;
  • - restriction of wages in kind.

Many issues of social and labor relations are governed in the forms of social partnership - the system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), government authorities, local governments aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of workers and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other Directly related relations.

Public authorities and local governments are parties to social partnerships in cases where they act as employers or their representatives authorized by the legislation or employers, as well as in other cases provided for by federal laws.

Social partnership system includes the following levels:

  • - the federal level establishes the basis for regulating relations in the field of labor in the Russian Federation;
  • - regional level establishing the foundations of regulating relations in the field of labor in the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • - industry level establishing the foundations of regulating relations in the field of labor in the industry (industries);
  • - territorial level establishing the basics of regulation of relations in the field of labor in the municipality;
  • - The level of the organization establishing specific mutual commitments in the field of labor between employees and the employer.

Social partnership is carried out in forms:

  • - collective negotiations on the preparation of projects of collective agreements, agreements and their conclusion;
  • - mutual consultations (negotiations) on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations, ensuring guarantees of labor rights of workers and improving labor legislation;
  • - the participation of employees, their representatives in managing the organization;
  • - the participation of representatives of workers and employers in the pre-trial resolution of labor disputes.

The main forms enshrining contractual relations between employees and employers are collective agreements within individual enterprises and agreements establishing general principles Regulation of socio-labor relations and related economic relations concluded between the authorized representatives of employees and employers at the federal, regional, industry (intersectoral) and territorial levels within their competence.

Depending on the sphere of regulated socio-labor relations, agreements may be: general, regional, industry (intersectoral), territorial and other.

The General Agreement establishes general principles for regulating social and labor relations at the federal level.

The Regional Agreement establishes the general principles for regulating social and labor relations at the subject of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The industry (intersectoral) agreement determines the general terms of wages, labor guarantees and benefits of industry workers (industries).

The territorial agreement establishes the overall working conditions, labor guarantees and benefits to employees in the territory of the respective municipality.

The sectoral (intersectoral) agreement may be to federal, regional, territorial levels of social partnership.

In Russia, the private sector of the economy did not have a fairly powerful network of trade union organizations, which are representatives of employees in many issues of social and labor relations. Therefore, social partnership in these forms is absent.

However, the development of intracorporate social programs is developed in the framework of the social responsibility policy.

A serious social phenomenon of a market economy, a factor of economic development is unemployment. Unemployment leads, first of all, to the deviation of the validity of the actual (real) GDP from potential, i.e. To the loss of part of GDP, the loss of potential production of goods and services. According to the assessment on the basis of the mathematical expression of the OUCEN law, the unemployment rate exceeding its "natural level" by 1% of the loss of GDP is about 2%. The total reason for unemployment in a market economy is a decline in production within the business cycle.

There are three main types of unemployment:

  • - friction (related to search or waiting for work);
  • - structural (due to changes in the structure of consumer demand and production technology, which changes the structure of demand for labor);
  • - cyclic (caused by a decline in the economic cycle when cumulative expenses are reduced).

It is believed that complete employment in the conditions of a market economy is achieved in the case when there is no cyclic unemployment, and the amount of frictional and structural unemployment levels is its "natural level" and means complete employment, since these types of unemployment are not related to the reduction in demand for the working The force is, in contrast to cyclic unemployment, temporary phenomenon and do not affect all industries at the same time.

One of the central problems of the economic theory and practice of a market economy is the rationale for the relationship between unemployment and inflation. Despite the existing discrepancies among economists in the interpretation of quantitative parameters of relations, it can be argued that the reduction of unemployment beyond the boundaries of its natural level leads to inflation (chart 8.2).

Graph 8.2. Phillips curve in the interpretation M. Friedman

With each attempt to reduce the percentage of unemployment at first, there is a positive result associated with the fact that people are in captivity of monetary illusions. They are only late notice the influence of inflation on their purchasing power and do not require an increase in wages, which allows enterprises to hire employees (since the percentage of real wages is underestimated).

But then people notice the onset of inflation, and enterprises begin to dismiss the staff to be able to pay wages.

The growth of unemployment affects the price of labor services. Increasing the proposal of labor, unemployment reduces its price in the market both in occupied jobs and vacancies.

The unemployment rate is determined in two ways. First, it is the registration of unemployed in employment services, which, based on public financing, carry out a complex of employment measures and social support for the unemployed. Secondly, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), which determines the potential for the possible replenishment of the employed population. According to this technique, unemployed - persons under the age, established for measuring the economic activity of the population, which in the period under review satisfied simultaneously the following criteria:

  • - did not have work (profitable classes);
  • - We were looking for work, i.e. Applying the state or commercial service of employment, they used or placed ads in the press, directly appealed to the administration of the organization or the employer, used personal connections, etc., or took steps to the organization of their own business;
  • - were ready to start work during the examination of the week.

Students, students, pensioners and people with disabilities are taken into account as unemployed if they are searching for work and are ready to start it.

Persons registered in employment services receive unemployment benefits for one year. Its general parameters in the Russian Federation do not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the subject of the federation. In the second year, the unemployed receive benefits (material assistance) in the amount of not lower than 30% of the subsistence minimum defined in the subject of the Russian Federation.

Unemployment in Russia has some specific featuresthat must be taken into account when developing government regulatory measures (Table 8.11, 8.12).

First, the share of youth unemployment is significant, which involves the development of serious measures to increase the employment of young people.

More than 40% of the unemployed are under the age of 29, which causes the development of measures of target youth policy.

Secondly, the regional unemployment differentiation is significant, which requires special regional job creation programs.

Distribution of the number of unemployed by age groups (% to the result)

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The Russian labor market is a complex structured system under the influence of the inertia of the former planning and centralized system of organizing the organization of labor, the economic crisis and positive processes of transformation of the economic system. The development of this market will be focused on samples of developed countries with Russian specifics and national employment traditions.

The state of the labor market, the expansion of unemployment or personnel deficit is determined primarily by the economy as a whole, as well as the effectiveness of actions in various fields of social economic Policy: in the field of macroeconomic regulation, general and vocational education, pension provision and other social benefits, privatization, investment activity. However, today, macroeconomic policies are not enough to remove all the "bottlenecks" in the labor market. Targeted actions are needed for its correction and "cleaning".

The relevance and significance of this problem is due to the fact that today there is no consensus on the issue of solving employment issues by no country or in a separate region in particular. As long as effective mechanisms for the use of labor resources are created, new and sharpening the old problems of society will occur, the main of which is unemployment. Mass poverty and social vulnerability of wide segments of the population - our reality, so the problems of the labor market refer to the most important state issues And often the subject of political discussions.

The object of this course work is the labor market of Russia, and the subject is the peculiarities of the labor market in Russia.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the characteristics of the labor market in Russia.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

1. Examine the essence of the labor market;

2. Consider the concept and types of employment of the population;

3. Analyze the state regulation of the labor market and its necessity in Russia;

4. To study the peculiarities of the mechanism of state regulation of the labor market;

5. Consider the problems of the labor market in Russia;

6. Analyze the statistics of the labor market in Russia.

The following methods were applied during the study: theoretical analysis of the problem, an analysis of objective economic and statistical information.

World economic science has accumulated rich experience both in the field of theoretical studies of the labor market and in practical questions His regulation. The scientific methodological basis of the labor market theory is the ideas of founders of economic thought: A. Smith, D. Mile, K. Marx, J. Keynes, A. Marshall, A. Pig, etc.

Modern trends and problems of labor market development in countries with a developed market economy were covered in the works of A. Ouken, A. Riza, J. Saksa, E. Felps, S. Fisher and other foreign economists.

In the domestic science, various aspects of the methodology and the theory of labor market were reflected in the works of a number of authors, such as A. Ananyev, N. Vishnevskaya, A. Dadashev, S. Dyatlov, I. Zaslavsky, A. Kaspov, L. Kiyan, A. Kotlyar , S. Kuzmin, I. Maslova, V. Radaev, A. Rohef, etc.

1. General concepts of labor market

1.1 Essence of the labor market

The labor market is an aggregate demand and supply of labor, ensuring the interaction of these two components by placing relative to the workplaces of the economically active population on various areas of economic activity.

In the most general form, under the labor market, they understand the "system of public relations related to hiring and supply of labor, or with its purchase and sale."

The labor market is the most important element of the market economy and is a system of social relations designed to ensure reproduction and efficient use of the goods, that is, "labor force." The labor market as any other is a mechanism for the distribution and redistribution of goods on the areas and sectors of the economy, activities based on the criterion for the effectiveness of its use in accordance with the structure of social needs. The main elements of this mechanism:

1. The supply of labor, which allows to determine the number and composition of various categories of citizens entering the labor market (on the floor, age, education, professions, qualifications and other characteristics). These include:

· Elevated employees (the group is formed by falling the volume of production, reduce funding from the state budget, transformation of the public sector).

· Young people who do not continue to study or not admitted after graduation educational institutions.

· Persons released from imprisonment places.

· Fired by the cause of personnel turnover.

· Fields-bodied migrants.

· The number of unemployed population applying to jobs.

2. Another indicator characterizing the labor market is the demand for labor. The stability of labor demand will depend:

· From performance when creating a product.

· OT market value produced goods.

3. The following indicator characterizing the labor market is the ratio of supply and supply of labor. When considering this indicator, the trend of exceeding the supply of supply over demand, the imbalance of supply and supply as a whole on the region and the main socio-demographic groups caused, above all in violation household connections, contractual obligations and financial difficulties.

The importance of the labor market is difficult to overestimate, it, as a locomotive, moves all other markets, all other resources, as it is here that it is formed and distributed by professions, enterprises, regions and sectors and is included in the most important national resource - labor.

The market for its essence through competition motivates employees to increase their professionalism, skill, competence. It provides the distribution and redistribution of the economically active population due to structural changes in the economy.

An analysis of the dynamic market changes in the labor market is based on an assessment of the movement of the population between the three states of the labor market: employment, unemployment and economic inactivity. Consider the generally accepted classification of a busy and unemployed population, which is based on the ILO methodology. The entire population of the Russian Federation can be divided into two groups /

1. The economically active population is the part of the population, which ensures the supply of labor for the production of goods and services. In turn, it is divided into the following categories:


· Perform work on hiring for remuneration under conditions of complete or incomplete working time;

· Temporarily absent at work due to illness, vacation, work on special schedule, maternity leave, learning, strikes, for other reasons;

· Independently provide themselves with work


· Do not work (income);

· Discussion work (employed employment services, used ads, appealed to the employer, etc.)

· Ready to start work

2. Economically inactive population - people who are not part of the workforce:

· Students and students visiting day educational institutions

· Persons receiving old-age pensions, on preferential conditions, disability

· Persons engaged in housekeeping, child care

· Desperate to find a job and stopping it

· Other persons who do not need to work

The borders of the labor market are determined by the following part of the economically active population of Russia:

· Unoccasiated but seekers workplace

· Busy, but unsatisfied work and looking for another job or an additional workplace

· Busy, but risking losing workplace

1.2 Concept and types of employment

market Labor Regulation Employment

In accordance with the legislation current in Russia, it is understood by the activities of citizens associated with the satisfaction of personal and social needs, not contrary to the legislation and bringing them, as a rule, their earnings, labor income.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of employment: complete and efficient. Full-time is characterized by such a condition in which everything in need and those who want to work are provided, which indicates a balance between supply and supply of labor. Effective employment is considered from both an economic point of view and from the point of view of the rational use of human resources, as well as socially as the most complete conformity of labor to the interests of a person. Thus, if complete employment reflects employment from a quantitative side, then effective with high-quality.

One of the types of structuring of the labor market is its separation on demographic and professional features. So, distinguish:

· The labor market of young people. (To date, the situation in the Russian youth labor market is quite tense. The scale of the registered and hidden unemployment among young people increases, its duration increases. The struggle for the survival of Russian enterprises leads to tightening the conditions for the entry of young people to the labor market. Meanwhile the possibilities of young people Limited due to their lower competitiveness compared to other categories of the population).

· The labor market of persons of pre-age and retirees (this market

· Low economic activity is characterized, low labor productivity, lack or limitation of opportunities for retraining).

· Women's labor market. (A feature of such a market is possible prolonged breaks in the work related to the birth and raising children, a decline in the same reason for professional abilities, labor productivity and economic efficiency).

Professional labor markets are segments of the National Labor Market, in which employees are united by professional interests. The labor markets of teachers, doctors, miners, scientists, agricultural producers, etc. may be markets.

Finding ways to solve employment problems led to the formation of non-standard forms, which go beyond the regulatory duration of working time and year-round employment. Their use makes it possible to reduce the total number of unemployed population, seeking work, and first of all, from among the weakly protected categories of citizens. In addition, increasing employment goes, as a rule, without increasing the number of jobs by dividing them between employees and reduce working time.

Under flexible extension forms are understood:

· Employment with various part-time modes. (workers are not fully engaged, the duration of the working time of which is lower than the state established by the state, including those engaged in seasonal work).

· Employment in the working day or abbreviated work week, as well as administrative leave without maintaining content or with partial payment. It is customary to distinguish between two forms of incomplete employment: visible and invisible. Invisible part-time employment is a greater extent analytical concept, this phenomenon with great difficulty is amenable to formalization and measurement. Symptoms of incomplete employment can be low incomes and incomplete use of the qualifying potential of an employee or low performance there are two opposite views on this phenomenon: part-time, the form of hidden unemployment.

· Employment using non-standard organizational forms of working time (it means employment on short-term contracts). In many countries, this type of employment is carried out by concluding trilateral agreements between employment service, entrepreneur and temporary employee;

· Self-employment of citizens. (carried out without the establishment of formal labor relations with the employer) - as a rule, small entrepreneurship in the field of production or services. Independent workers include those who work at their own expense, organize their work, own produced by production, are responsible for their products and implement it themselves. This category employs and helping them family members.

In addition to the previously reviewed types of employment in the public and private sector of the economy, the new phenomenon in the field of employment of the population of recent years is the activity in the informal sector of the economy. Under this implies the economic activity of citizens who do not pay taxes and who work in unregistered economic structures. The International Labor Organization considers the informal sector as a set of very small units producing and distributing goods and services and consistent mainly from independent, independently occupied manufacturers. Many of them use families of family members, several employees or students. Inside informally, the sectors can be distinguished by the following, the most famous types of professional employment: private lessons, medical services, construction work, repair of household appliances, tailoring, "shuttle" business, small trade.

2. State regulation of the labor market

2.1 State regulation of the labor market and its necessity in Russia

State regulation of the labor market - state events aimed at reducing unemployment, job creation and training.

The modern labor market is experiencing a tangible state impact. The legislative activity of the state covers the entire gamma of labor relations. It not only makes the demand for labor services in the public sector of the economy, but also regulates it in private, defining the main parameters of hiring across the national economy.

State regulation measures for labor market can be differentiated as follows:

- on the objects of impact (population and its individual groups, employees and groups of workers, entrepreneurs, elements of labor organization: labor payment, duration, working conditions, etc.);

- in the direction of exposure (measures affecting the demand for labor and the proposal of labor);

- in the form of impact (direct and indirect);

- by nature of the impact on the labor market (incentive, restrictive, prohibitive, protective);

- in terms of content (measures of economic, administrative nature or their combination);

- in terms of exposure (nationwide, regional, sectoral, intra-industry);

- According to sources of financing (state budget, extrabudgetary funds).

In order to promote full, productive and freely elected employment of the population, the state is intended to carry out:

* Development of financial and credit, investment and tax policy measures aimed at the rational placement of productive forces, an increase in the mobility of labor resources, the development of temporary and independent employment, promoting the use of flexible labor regimes;

* Legal regulation in employment based on the observance of legal rights and interests of citizens and relevant state guarantees, improving the legislation on employment of the population;

* the development and implementation of federal and territorial programs for promoting employment;

* Creating a state employment service.

From the position of regulating the general rules and control over the employers of labor legislation, the state should:

- monitor compliance with state standards in the field of safety, conditions and safety of labor;

- maintain the necessary levels of wages in accordance with the costs of reproduction of labor and recommendations of the International Labor Organization;

- ensure the conditions for the civilized resolution of social conflicts and the normal implementation of the encouraging processes of coordination and regulation of socio-labor relations.

The federal executive authority conducted by the state policy and the management of the population, employment and social protection of the population is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

In countries with a developed market economy, there is a system for regulating social and labor relations and coordinating the interests of employees and employers through the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements - social partnership.The subject of the contract is the issues of remuneration, employment, working conditions, social security, social guarantees for employees of a certain profession, industry, the region, set over the minimum guaranteed by the state. Negotiations are conducted with the mediation role of the state, which is involved in them directly (through representatives) or indirectly (through arbitration bodies, conciliation commissions and legislative acts). Collective-contractual regulation makes it possible on the basis of a compromise to coordinate the interests of employees, employers and the state and is an important addition of the market mechanism for regulating social and labor relations.

Another power affecting the labor market is unions. This is a mass-governing public association of the working people of a certain industry or related industries, a professional group for the protection and representation of their social interests. Functions performed by trade unions can be divided into the following groups:

* Ensuring the social protection of the economic and social interests of employees in the process of labor, i.e. Opportunities for employee participation in the production process at the most favorable terms (control over the observance of legislative norms when dismissing and hiring to work, the creation of normal working conditions, promoting the increase in labor productivity, the prevention of violations of the manufacturing process by the employer)

- Social protection of the interests of employees outside production.

At the international level, ILO (International Organization of Labor) are engaged at the international level of labor relations. She was created in 1919. The goal of the ILO is to establish and preserve the social world and the regulation of social and labor relations, the protection of human rights. Each country participates in it by representatives of government, workers and entrepreneurs.

The determining ILO's value in the regulation of socio-labor relations has the development, adoption of conventions and recommendations and the control of their implementation.

The main software objectives of the ILO are:

- provision for employees of complete employment and raising living standards;

- employment workers in the works where they can get satisfaction and show their skills;

- guarantees of training and movement of workers, including migration;

- the possibilities of fair distribution and wages;

- realization of the right to collective bargaining;

- expansion of the system of social support;

- labor protection;

- protection of the welfare of children and mothers;

- necessary nutrition and dwellings;

- equal opportunities in the field of general and vocational education.

Great influence on the labor market is provided by state social programs (assistance to the poor, unemployment benefits, various social payments, pension provision, etc.). These programs contribute to a certain stabilization of the socio-economic situation of the employees in the zones of increased market risk, soften the painful nephery mechanism. As a result, there is a special element of labor services, really not related to the functioning of the labor market and formed on the shelter principles.

Significant and mediation role of state in the labor market. It partially assumes the function of searching and providing jobs, as well as creating a nationwide employment network. State training systems and retraining workers contribute to the most quick adaptation of the latest to the changing market requirements.

At the end of the XX century, significant changes occurred in the regulation of the labor market. They are associated with the practical embodiment of the theoretical concepts of modern neoclassics in many developed Western countries. The theoretical views of modern representatives of the neoclassical school proceed from the fact that due to the regulation of the labor market, he lost the flexibility so that essentially ceased to be the market. It is inherent in the state of chronic non-equilibrium associated with the large-scale intervention of regulatory subjects into its mechanism.

As a result, according to neoclassics, economic life began to be characterized by a weak increase in production efficiency and sustainable mass unemployment. The situation was also aggravated because new forms and acceleration of scientific and technological progress, structural restructuring of the economy, exacerbation of competition in the domestic and foreign markets presented special requirements for high-quality characteristics of labor, which in new conditions should be distinguished by increased professional, qualifying and regional, and sometimes and international mobility. Such mobility is unthinkable in the conditions of "blocking" the market by the state and trade unions.

The output from the position is, according to neoclassics, well-known deregulation and flexilization of the labor market, i.e. Increasing its flexibility, adaptability to modern requirements, which cannot be achieved without a significant strengthening of the competitive mechanism.

Flexilization of the labor market involves the introduction of much more flexible than before, the work of labor payment systems, which should be based on the method of analytical evaluation of jobs, which was used in the 1960-80s, and on the principles of individualization of payroll rates. The role of lump-sum payments increases, and the latter are often linked not to the current labor contribution of the employee, but with its overall competence, potential capabilities, abilities and differentiation of labor functions, the growth of qualifications. Such forms of material remuneration are used, as participation in the company's profits, and the employee can bear the risk of losses of the enterprise. The role of an employee is increasing in the free choice of forms of wage, social benefits, working hours and employment forms. Non-standard types of employment are distributed, especially in the face of computerization of public life, - gravity, temporary work on individual contracts, part-time employment.

As part of the labor market deregulation, the requirements for the revision and partial elimination of legislative regulations relating to the regulation of this market, as well as the weakening of the social guarantee system in order to restore the competitive market began. The most important form of regulating the labor market should be not labor legislation, but an individual labor agreement.

Nevertheless, the outcome of the flexilization of the labor market cannot be a total dismantling of the system of its regulation and the elimination of social guarantees of workers, which would inevitably lead to a serious exacerbation of social relations. This is a search for such a mechanism for the functioning of the labor market, which would allow the greatest optimality to combine economic efficiency with the social progress of society.

In relation to the market economy, the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic liberalism i.e. The policies of non-interference of the state in the economy most fully substantiated A. Smith in its work "Research on the nature and causes of wealth." According to his interpretation, the market system is capable of self-regulation, which is based on a "invisible hand" - personal interest associated with the desire for profits. As already mentioned, this concept is not a history of history: the modern theories of monetarism and rational expectations are proceed from it.

But in the works of J.M. Keynes This theory has been criticized and significant modification. He challenged the fact of existence in conditions of perfect competition in relation to the labor market of internal mechanisms of adaptation, leading to its equilibrium in full-time employment. Keynes, speaking for the active state intervention in labor relations, believed that only a rigid inflexible wage ensures the state of equilibrium national income. Although the forced unemployment is preserved, due to the lack of aggregate demand for labor, but the instability is eliminated inherent in the system of perfect competition.

In relation to today's Russian conditions, the policy policy in the labor market should not be closed on the search for the optimal depth of interference in labor relations. The regulatory influence of the state should not prevent the implementation of the requirements of economic efficiency, which involve the mobility of the labor force, the release of extra workers. A fairly high degree of employment of the population should be ensured not to preserve excessive number of employees, but by creating new jobs, a decrease in the needs of the population in workplaces, etc.

The achievement of optimally high, structurally rational, cost-effective and socio-substantiated employment is an integral part of the process of restoring the Russian economy. Incentives of this process should be market relations and targeted measures of economic policy at all levels. If in developed countries, employment problems may often be solved separately, without fundamental changes in the economic strategy, in Russia this requires a fundamental transformation of the economy. This can be implemented only with financial stabilization, renewal of economic growth, increasing resources for investment activity and solving social problems. It is necessary for the effective interaction of employees, employers and government agencies to coordinate employment problems.

Employment prospects are determined by the dynamics and level of economic efficiency of production, therefore, more rational use of employees is a priority direction compared to the preservation of existing jobs. Reduction of extra workers and an increase in the expense of this number of unemployed (with sufficient material support) in many ratios more efficiently than maintaining the workforce at the enterprises.

To solve all these tasks, the state should predict the situation in the labor market, find and maintain, or form "points of growth" in the economy, to conduct relevant structural, regional and investment policies, regulate foreign economic relations, promote the adaptation of workers to the labor market requirements. It should also be borne in mind that the possibilities of the state in the field of creating new jobs less opportunities for private capital. This, however, does not reduce the role of the state as a guarantor of employment, it should stimulate the activity of entrepreneurs. At the same time, the state must be limited to a certain framework by their behavior in the labor market, providing protection for socially vulnerable groups of the population and regulating in difficult situations to free the workforce.

It is very important to avoid such a situation in which the resumption of economic growth will occur with high and stagnant unemployment. The aggravation of employment problems in this case is simply inevitable. First, it may increase the release of labor in enterprises. To solve these problems, it will be necessary for a fundamental fracture in the dynamics of investments, the intensification of work on personnel retraining, stimulating private entrepreneurship, expanding assistance to the unemployed. At the same time, as the economic return from market transformations increases, investment potential will increase, economic growth is stabilized, the need of the national economy in labor will expand.

To ensure economic growth, accompanied by an increase in employment requires:

* The emergence of a market-oriented, protected by the state and socially responsible owner of production and financial resources, promoting its entrepreneurial activity;

* attraction of domestic and foreign investment;

* Ensuring the conditions for the material interest of workers, the development of their needs, infrastructure expansion for their satisfaction, as well as the compliance of the professional level of workers in the level of material technical base.

The implementation of these requirements is possible only on the basis of the use of a developed market economic mechanism in combination with government regulation. First of all, it is necessary to improve the territorial structure of production, namely: overcoming the unevenness of the development of productive forces on regions, excessive specialization of regions, more complete use of local resources and opportunities with personal labor capacity, eliminating the defense of the spheres of the social infrastructure of regions from needs. This requires the territorial mobility of the workforce, requiring certain regulation, because The risk of strengthening differences in ensuring the regions of the workforce, in particular an increase in frame shortage in regions with a complex level of residence.

The possibilities of the federal center in improving the territorial placement of production are limited. The main importance for this has overflow of capital, the interaction of financial and industrial capital, the activities of financial and industrial groups and other economic associations. To ensure employment of the population, the importance of the service sector. However, it is still developing predominantly one rivalry, not production services. This is due to the lack of an effective system for supporting small businesses, the fall in the operating demand of the population, the absence of the necessary skills, limited opportunities to obtain the relevant professions.

Significantly reduce the labor motivation of employees, equalizing trends that are manifested in both old and new forms. This is facilitated by compensatory surcharges, naturalized remuneration. The differences between the payment of the leadership and ordinary workers sharply increased. There was a need to guarantee the payment of earnings, to form in relation to new conditions the price of labor, equivalently pay for increased labor costs, stimulate the growth of its quality. A special problem is the feasibility of linking the earnings of various categories of workers with profitability of production.

The condition for solving these tasks is not only an increase in resource provision based on economic growth, but also the development of legislation and a corresponding change in public relations to these issues.

Fig. 1. State regulation of the labor market

2.2 Features of the mechanism of state regulation of the labor market

The analysis of the domestic practice of state regulation of the labor market allowed to allocate three main stages of its development: I - 1991-1995, II - 1996-1998. and III - 1999 - to the present.

At the first stage, the labor market regulation model was socially oriented, but was ineffective due to the lack of sufficient experience and means to solve the tasks. The second stage was distinguished, first of all, the inability of the state to restrain a sharp drop in demand for labor. Only in the late 90s. There were signs of revitalizing the Russian labor market, and the formation of state regulation of labor relations has entered into its effective phase (third stage), but the effectiveness of the methods used and measures remains relatively low. In general, the main employment rates (its structure, dynamics, etc.) indicate the presence in the past and maintaining the low efficiency of the use of the cumulative labor resource. On the one hand, as the economy is revived, a shortage of qualified personnel is growing for a number of specialties, on the other - the problem of the employment of young people is exacerbated.

Evaluation of the methods and effectiveness of state regulation of the domestic labor market allowed to distinguish the three main directions of its improvement: ensuring the optimal level and structure of employment, improving the quality of labor resource and the rise in the standard of living of the population. A significant aspect of state regulation in this regard is to reorient the carriers of the work resource with the traditional job search in large enterprises for employment in the field of small businesses. In our opinion, a relatively small number of small enterprises in the country is one of the main problems of the Russian economy, which has a negative impact on the labor market. According to experts, it is potentially a small business sector in Russia can provide approximately 1/3 of the total increase in employed in 2006-2008.

When conducting national employment policies, targeted programs containing specific measures to create efficient jobs in promising sectors of the economy are of great importance. The transition to a fundamentally new employment policy is becoming increasingly relevant, as part of the holistic state social and labor policy, which corresponds to the stage of deepening market reforms. It should be aimed at regulating the labor market using the immanent mechanisms to him, for the provision of sufficient social guarantees forcedly unemployed, taking into account the regional peculiarities of employment restructuring, which will achieve the necessary proportions in the labor market, come close to the balance of the demand and supply of labor resource on the basis of the development of an effective structure Employment. In part, the decision of this task will be promoted by December 31, 2005. Federal Law No. 1999-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the delimitation of powers", including changes to the Federal Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation " In the process of further reforming the socio-labor sphere, it is also important to proceed from the fact that a prerequisite for achieving the balance of demand and supply of the work resource is to strengthen the labor mobility of the majority of the country's population, which is associated with the need to solve at the state level of the complex of interrelated tasks justified by the author in work.

Of great importance in the aspect of state regulation of the National Labor Market has to stimulate the growth of the quality of the proposed labor resource. The most important primary measures to improve its quality and competitiveness are allocated: the creation of a system for assessing the quality of labor resource, flexibly responding to continuous changes in qualification requirements and professional training of workers in accordance with standards; developing a mechanism for the adaptation of the market for educational services to the labor market and the adequacy of the professional structure of workers with the requirements of the latter; Taking measures to stimulate employers to the development of intraproductive personnel training and others.

Assessing the current modernization of education, as a process affecting the quality of labor resource (its promising, youth part), should be recognized by almost current orientation of the training system for scientific forecasts of the sectoral and professional employment structure. Improving the professional qualification level of workers in modern conditions can be provided by the balanced development of three structure-forming components of the national training system: teaching young people in institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education; internal training staff of enterprises and institutions; Professional retraining, training and affiliation of unemployed, as well as citizens under threat of release. In the light of this, the coordination of target plants and activities of the State Employment Policy and Education Policy is becoming especially relevant. There is a need to take measures to facilitate the employment of graduates of professional educational institutions, which should be qualitatively different, effective.

As for such acute problems for Russia, as relatively low level wages, then its decision is seen primarily on the way of gradually bringing the minimum wage (minimum wage) to the subsistence minimum. To avoid bankruptcies and release employees in enterprises due to improving the minimum wage, this problem can be mitigated, for example, a decrease in the border with which the unified social tax (ESN) acquires a regressive nature.

The implementation of these areas requires an integrated approach from the state to the use of methods and tools of economic policy based on the priority goals and objectives of economic development.

2.3 Problems of the labor market in Russia

Currently, the unemployment rate is quite difficult to evaluate definitely, although its scale is obvious. Along with the registered, there is a hidden unemployment (forced vacation and incomplete working week). But the greatest problem is hidden, officially not fixed "shadow" employment on hiring and individual labor activity. The impossibility of its accounting creates a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bdecreasing employment. A significant part of workers who do not have official labor income or has a "shadow income", or the temporarily not functioning workplace is preserved. Unemployment really did not really become an acute social problem in a social scale (although the situation differs significantly in various regions of the country).

Until now, the dismissal of workers at their own request prevails, and not as a result of reducing the needs of enterprises in labor. At the same time, the process of moving the workforce from the "legal" sector of the economy in the "shadow" (even with the tendency to its slowdown) as a whole is negative, although ambiguous in consequences. On the one hand, it allows you to save or even increase employee income, soften social consequences crisis phenomena in the official economy and ensure the satisfaction of the needs of society, which it cannot be satisfied for any other reasons. On the other hand, the labor resources of the country as a whole are depleted, imbalances in the economy increase, tax collection is reduced.

To date, the main problem of employment is not unemployment, but ineffective use of employed labor, primarily located in forced simple. In this regard, a significant part of the population is concerned about the threat of loss of work.

Currently, the situation in the labor market acquires new features. First, a long-term hidden unemployment, which is accompanied by the same labor deficit, continues. The fall in production, on the one hand, and the low efficiency of the organization of production and labor on the other, increase the scale of under-use employees.

Secondly, significant failures in the reproduction of the professional qualification structure occupied. The natural disposal of working senior ages is not replenished in many vocational qualifications. Thus, it is threatened by the development of leading sectors of the national economy, first of all mechanical engineering. In general, the scale and level of professional training of working mass professions do not meet future requirements. The redistribution of employed by industry (primarily an increase in the specific weight of the non-productive sphere), in general, the necessary and progressive, not only exceeds the current possibilities of the national economy, but also is often carried out in irrational (exorbitantly high proportion of security structures, lack of teachers and medical workers).

In general, the main characteristics of employment (its structure, dynamics, etc.) to the greater extent indicate the preservation of the former unsatisfactory situation using labor, than about its market transformations.

Of particular interest is the analysis of the situation of young people in the Russian labor market. Its necessity is caused by two most important circumstances: first, young people make up about 35% of the working-age population of Russia, secondly, they are the future of the country. Young people are already largely determined by political, economic and social processes in society. At the same time, it is one of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market.

The major social and demographic events in the human life cycle fall on the youth age: the completion of general education, the choice and receipt of the profession, marriage, the birth of children. This category of the population is divided into a number of groups determining the situation in the labor market.

The teenage group (youth under 18) is mainly secondary school students and professional schools. Mostly they are not involved in labor activity. However, a significant reduction in the living level of most of the population has changed the vital position of this youth category. Many of them seek to make money by any way. Most often it is the employment itself, like car wash of cars and trade in newspapers or work in the "shadow" sector of the economy. The legal market of unskilled child labor is extremely narrow. Therefore, if you do not solve the problem of state control for children's employment, the danger of increasing the criminal potential of society will arise.

Youth aged 18-24 years are students and young people who are completing or completing professional training. They are the most vulnerable group entering into the labor market, as they do not have sufficient professional and social experience, and, by virtue of this, less competitive.

In 25-29 years, young people already basically have a certain qualifications, some life and professional experience. They know what they want, most often already have their own family and make enough high demands for the proposed work.

A decrease in the overall standard of living of the population led to ultra-employment among young people, forced to work in free time. The number of proposals at the expense of graduates of educational institutions is also increasing. The lack of a mechanism regulating the employment of graduates of educational institutions leads to serious problems. A special anxiety causes the loss of youth of the values \u200b\u200bof professionalism. A clear trend towards the lumenization of young people is manifested that in the near future will affect social structure societies.

Despite the crisis, the economy is increasingly an increase in the need to increase the general education level of employees, the demand for vocational education is increasing. If current trends in the reproduction of qualified personnel will not change, then in the near future, we can expect unemployment among the unskilled population, and above all young people who do not continue further education that have no profession or due qualifications. Therefore, a rational organization of the vocational education of young people, coordinated both with the development of the domestic economy and trends in the global labor market. Recently, an increasing number of young people consider to obtain full-fledged education with a prerequisite for achieving the desired social status and a higher material situation. Vocational training becomes an essential element of market infrastructure. That is why when reducing the set in PTU and the average special educational institutions, the admission of students in universities from year to year increases.

Thus, as market relations and competition, acceleration of restructuring industry Structure Employment The value of vocational training of an employee will inevitably increase. It will contribute to an increase in the employment of young people at school. World and domestic experience confirms the tendency to increase the duration of the training of youth and later its entry into active labor activity. At the same time, the requirements of the employers to the labor force are changed. The entrepreneur goes to the long-term strategy for obtaining sustainable income in terms of competition, so in consequences, they will have a need to increase the hiring of a young labor force.

2.4 Labor Market Statistics in Russia

The number of unemployed citizens registered in the employment service bodies increased by 0.7% and amounted to 056 thousand people, reports the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The ministry received information on the release of employees of more than 67,000 organizations from all subjects of the Russian Federation, ITAR-TASS reports.

Since October 2008, since the start of the active phase of the crisis, the total number of dismissed workers reached 839.6 thousand people, from which 231.7 thousand people were employed, including 132.3 thousand - in their Former organizations.

The total number of employees who were in a simple fault of the administration who worked for an incomplete working time, as well as employees who were given leave on the initiative of the administration, amounted to 1 million 620 thousand 278 people.

Meanwhile, the economic crisis both in Russia and in European countries has hit the youth.

According to the Federation of Independent Trade Unions, about a third of young people in Russia until 25 years cannot find work, while the overall level of unemployment is at a relatively low level even compared to the European Union. The high level of congestive unemployment among young people faces Russia by the emergence of a new "lost generation", which does not fall under state-of-state measures to maintain employment in the context of the crisis, writes "Independent Gazeta".

For up to 25 years old, young people constitute a large proportion - 29% - from the total number of unemployed in Russia.

Sociologists of the Independent Institute of Social Policy (NEKS) indicate that in Russia, unlike Europe, measures are not established to increase the adaptive potential of young people. Young people have too high expectations. In Russian universities there is no technology of friendly relations to a combination of work and student's study. And the Higher Education System itself does not prepare young people to enter the labor market. All these factors together with the inability to find work can entail negative social consequences: alcoholism, drug addiction, depression among young people. So "the" lost generation "effect is possible in Russia than in Europe," said Ovcharov's scientific programs director of scientific programs.

From November 25 to December 2, the increase in the number of unemployed registered in the employment service authorities was observed in 67 Russian regions, including Astrakhan, Sakhalin, Amur, Murmansk Region, Republic of Karelia and the Altai Territory. At the same time, the number of unemployed in St. Petersburg and the Kaliningrad region has not changed, and in 13 subjects of Russia (for example, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Buryatia) unemployment and went to the decline at all.

So, the registered unemployment in Russia should be 65% higher than the current indicators. Due to the sharp decline in production, Russian enterprises at any time are ready to further dismiss 1.3 million people, but the government does not allow such a sharp increase in unemployment, paying them symbolic money for the formal preservation of unnecessary jobs. The head of Rostrud reported that federal program To reduce tensions in the labor market, he helped to suspend mass dismissal of citizens and attract the unemployed to rabbit-growing. However, experts rather skeptically evaluate the achievements of the government to maintain employment.

The head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud), Yuri Gthri, said that the main result of regional programs to reduce tensions in the labor market was the suspension of mass layoffs - approximately 1.3 million citizens. In total, by the end of 2009, Rostrud will be saved from unemployment about 2.5 million people, which will cost the federal budget of 35.5 billion rubles. In other words, paying an average of about 2000 rubles. A month for each "saved", Rostrud was able to convince businessmen not to dismiss unnecessary workers, but to take them something in the framework of the so-called public works.

Artificial employment 1.3 million people means that the number of registered unemployed in Russia could be 65% higher than the current level of 2 million people. The Ministry of Health and Social Development announced that the number of officially registered unemployed in Russia increased by 0.4% in Russia, that is, up to 2.042 million on December 2. The head of Rostruda said yesterday that "there will be an increase in the appeals of citizens to the public employment service, there will be an increase in the number of registered unemployed citizens." According to him, in the percentage of the number of unemployed, maybe increase somewhere by 10% or a little less. "But a higher increase in the number of unemployed citizens, we now do not predict," the gerces summarized. Moreover, according to him, on most enterprises that are covered by the monitoring of Rostrud, a large release of employees is not expected.

SUPERJOB.RU search site posted data: Some unemployment faces the least, employers' request rating for personnel search (% of all requests):

1. Sales Manager (9.03%)

2. Engineer (4.98%)

3. Qualified worker (4.57%)

4. Accountant (3.88%)

5. Seller (3.37%)

6. Sales Representative (3.23%)

7. Unqualified Worker (2.49%)

8. Driver (2.09%)

9. Secretary (1.98%)

10. Lawyer (1.68%)

11. Regional Representative (1.67%)

12. Customer Service Manager (1.56%)

13. Doctor (1.54%)

14. Programmer (1.52%)

15. Medical Representative (1.52%)

16. Logistics Manager (0.83%)

17. Designer (0.79%)

18. PC Operator / Call Center Operator (0.75%)

19. Supervisor (0.72%)

20. Purchasing Manager (0.70%)

The crisis not only led to mass dismissals and unemployment in Russia, but also gave rise to the demand for a number of professions, previously not too popular: collector. A lawyer specializing in bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, an innovative manager, a personnel reduction specialist, security specialists (including information), an anti-crisis manager, a specialist in financial monitoring and credit risks, etc.

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Collection output:

State mechanism for regulating the labor market

Gorbacheva Galina Pavlovna

senior Lecturer FGBOU VPO "Ogim", Orenburg

E.- mail: [Email Protected] Mail.ru.

State Mechanism of Labour Market Regulation

Gorbacheva Galina.

senior Lecturer Of The Orenburg State Institute Of Management, Orenburg


The article substantiates the theoretical aspects of the state mechanism for regulating the labor market, proposed a classification of basic methods and tools of state regulation.


The Academic Aspects of State Mechanism of Labour Market Regulation Are Revealed in This Article, The Classification of Principal Methods and Instruments of State Regulation Are Proposed in this article.

Keywords:state regulatory mechanism; Methods and tools for regulating the labor market.

Keywords: State Mechanism of Regulation; Methods and Instruments of Labour Market Regulation.

Regulation of the labor market is a complex system of measures and events covering not only the scope of employment, but also all elements of the economic system of society.

The mechanism of state regulation on the effective functioning of the labor market involves the implementation of general economic laws, methods and tools that can have a significant impact on the level of employment, as well as to determine the decisions taken at different levels aimed at stabilization. Labor market regulation must be considered as a set of control functions that carry out state bodies authorities, with the aim of balance of demand and supply of labor.

The labor market regulation mechanism can be viewed as a subsystem of the general mechanism for regulating the economic system as a whole, this is a kind of "equilibrium mechanism". The state initiatively affects the labor market, the functioning of all markets and in general on the economic system. As a central regulator in the Russian labor market, the state determines the rules for regulating the relationship between workers and employers. The mechanism of state regulation in the field of labor relations should be a transparent and open system caused by objects, subjects and the nature of the relationship between them.

The question of the degree of state presence in the labor market today is a discussion. Some Russian researchers believe that the need for state regulation of the regional labor market is due to the presence of situations and factors in which the operation of the market mechanism is ineffective, and noted that the participation of the state in regulating the labor market is required.

There is another point of view: the constant intervention of the state in the functioning of the regional labor market does not always lead to positive results. By the judgment of supporters of this position " russian market Labor was and remains extremely regulated. This conclusion is confirmed by the integral assessments of stiffness (flexibility) of labor legislation, which are developed and published by various international organizations (such as the World Bank, the International Organization of Labor, etc.). All of them indicate that from a legal point of view, the labor market formed in Russia relates to the most regulated and rigid among all countries with a market economy, and perhaps among all countries of the world in general. "

According to the author, the most reasoned is the point of view of researchers, indicating the need to combine state regulation and market self-regulation of the labor market. Since the most important task of state regulation of the labor market is the effective employment of the population, achieved on the basis of improving and improving the level and quality of life, the growth of the competitiveness of institutional units of the labor market, stimulating the rational distribution of labor resources by type of economic activity, as well as ensuring guarantees in the field of labor relations . The implementation of this purpose, of course, does not mean that the state interferes with the development economic processes. Its effect is mainly focused on promoting employment, prevent or reduce unemployment through the main government mechanisms and regulatory tools.

At this stage of development, there is a need to develop and implement such a policy that will be sent to an increase in employment and reducing unemployment, both in the country and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is competently coordinated by federal and regional authorities, employers, trade unions.

The State Employment Regulatory Mechanism, according to the author of the article, should include the entire spectrum of methods and tools used by state power bodies of different levels to achieve the state of efficient employment and ensuring the effective functioning of the labor market.

This article proposes a classification of the main methods and tools of the state mechanism for regulating the labor market (Fig. 1).

Administrative methods are based on the strength of state power and contain prohibition measures, permits or coercion (to them: regulation of demographic and migration processes; licensing of enterprises and organizations; job creation). Administrative methods are an integral part of economic activities.

Figure 1. Classification of the main methods and tools of the state mechanism for regulating the labor market

In turn economic methods There should be economic incentives from the participants of the labor market, and thus correct their behavior to achieve effective employment. The state using such tools as: taxation of the wage fund; Provision tax benefits enterprises creating and preserving jobs; government expenses for financing activities in the field of employment assistance; state investment; state orders to enterprises; employment subsidies, encouraging self-employment; Dotations, subventions and subsidies of the subjects of the federation, etc., has a direct impact on the vector of labor market development. These tools are both direct and indirect. Impacting the labor market, they influence other markets (commodity, financial, real estate markets, etc.). For example, financing enterprises of various types of economic activity to increase production facilities, automation and mechanization of the production process, the introduction of new production technologies, environmental activities, etc., the state stimulates job creation in the most economic sector. Thus, through the system of state consumption and public procurement increases demand for work, especially in those types of economic activities that government orders receive. The state can increase the employment of labor resources in the country's economy using monetary and credit tools and fiscal policy, affects the increase in business activity in society.

Organizational methods are applied by the state with the aim of creating socio-economic conditions for all participants in the labor market. The main tools of this group include: the preparation of territorial development schemes, the forecasting of the labor market, the organization of the work of employment services; Professional guidance work, etc. Development and implementation of these tools is assigned to the state authorities of each subject of the Russian Federation.

A significant role in the state mechanism for regulating the labor market are legislative methods. State policy is always traditionally based on legislation and has a legal execution, since for the effective functioning of the market, of course, legislative acts, norms, rules that would regulate the relationship between the subjects of the labor market, clearly established their rights, formed equal opportunities for Implementation of your abilities to the work of participants in market relations.

Legislation on the labor market and employment of the Russian Federation represents a set of regulations. It is based primarily on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. With the help of basic instruments of legislation, legal, economic, administrative, organizational and social foundations of the state policy of promoting employment, including state guarantees for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation for labor and social protection against unemployment. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On a comprehensive program of measures to create and preserve jobs", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Task Force Program for Employment Affairs of the Russian Federation", other regulatory acts are also carried out by legal regulation in the labor market.

Regulation of labor relations directly related to relations in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, by federal constitutional laws is carried out by regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities; charters, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; Acts of local self-government bodies and local regulatory acts containing labor law norms. Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, containing labor law standards, should not contradict this Code, other federal laws, decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies.

The effective functioning of the labor market is impossible without creating relevant economic conditions, conducting an active employment policy, developing and implementing effective federal and regional employment promotion programs, training and retraining programs released workers and much more. Existence regulationsAdopted by the Federal Employment Service, which is in the system of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, including acts explaining the application of the Employment Act. Regulation O. Federal Service Employment obliges these bodies to act on the basis of this provision.

In Russian legislation on employment, international legal acts on this issue approved by Russia are also located. In conventions and ILO recommendations, attention is paid to employment issues. Thus, the ILO Convention No. 122 (1964) "On Employment Policy"; The Convention and the recommendation of the International Labor Organization (1948) "On Employment Service" are used by Russian legislation in the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation" in the formulation of the state policy in the field of employment and its other provisions.

Thus, the regulatory regulation of the labor market, both in the country as a whole and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is socially and economically significant. Clear regulation of the rules of behavior in the labor market is an important condition for the effective functioning of this market, but not sufficient to achieve the state of effective employment, especially at the regional level. The reason is that the development of one regulatory framework in the subject entity is not enough to solve problems in the field of employment of the population, it is necessary to take into account the situation in the field of employment, taking into account the conditions and factors of the development of the region in combination with other components of regional development. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop schemes (route maps) of territorial development, and the program of comprehensive socio-economic development of economic territories, in which the problems of placement of production facilities, communal infrastructure, the economy and the social sphere should be resolved, the use of resources for various purposes. Legislative regulation of regional labor markets should only complement these schemes and regional development programs. The choice of the method and tool of the state mechanism for practical use and solving specific tasks is due to the situation in this period in the labor market. The legislative framework and economic programs form a base for the modern action of another mechanism - market.

The information method, in our opinion, is an independent element of the state mechanism, since in relation to the labor market, an informational message is the necessary tool for organizing the work of any institution (subject). Unlike other methods of the work of the labor market regulation, this method has a goal - providing impact on the behavior of the subjects of this market by informing them about the conjuncture, the ratio of supply and demand, business activity of enterprises, the market price of labor; availability of necessary information about the availability of vacancies and the backup labor; Lighting adopted regulatory legal acts and other information relating to the labor market, federal and regional government bodies. That is, this mechanism allows you to inform all institutional units on the situation in the labor market in the Russian Federation or its subjects, rights and guarantees in the field of employment and unemployment protection, share information with other participants in the labor market and the media.

Thus, summarizing the foregoing, it should be noted that the modern state mechanism for regulating the labor market is a complex of administrative, economic, legislative, information, organizational methods. All methods are interconnected and interdepend each other. The main thing is that the content of these methods in practice does not contradict each other.


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