
The level of state regulation of the industry. State regulation of sectoral structures. State Construction Supervision

Industries and inter-sectoile complexes

V.D. Goncharov, S.V. Koteheev, V.V. Rau.

State regulation in the sectors of the food complex

The article discusses the regulation of market processes in the food complex and its individual industries. Some directions for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of its functioning in modern conditions.

The global crisis phenomena of recent years once again confirmed the relevance and necessity of developing effective mechanisms and models of state regulation of market processes in both world and national economies, as well as in their largest and most significant sectors. The experience of many developed and developing countries leads to an understanding that in the context of globalization, only a rational and scientifically-founded combination and complement of regulatory and market influences can provide high and sustainable socio-economic efficiency and competitiveness of modern production.

The system of economic and organizational impact on the food market should include forms and methods of both direct and indirect state regulation, to ensure the possibility of independent production and commercial activities of all units of the agro-industrial complex, increase their economic activity.

The methods of direct impact involve regulation by the state, in which the economic entities are forced to come to decisions based on an independent economic choice, but on external prescriptions. As an example, we will call tax legislation, legal rules in the field of depreciation deductions, Budget procedures for state investment. Direct methods often have high efficiency due to the operational achievement of the economic result. However, they have a serious disadvantage - the creation of real interference by the market process.

The methods of indirect regulation are manifested in the fact that the state does not affect the economic decisions taken by the subjects. It only creates prerequisites to ensure that when selecting economic decisions Subjects for those options that are consistent with the goals of state economic policy.

Mostly, state impact methods are carried out in relation to industries that are either strategically important or not enough effective in a market environment. In particular, agriculture can be attributed to such industries. For other sectors, demand and proposal form a predominantly market, based on the actual emerging situation, the tax policy of the state, the income of consumers.

A set of measures contributing to the development of the food market and ensuring balanced demand and suggestions should include:

Stimulating the production of domestic products by applying tax regulators, loans, etc.;

Regulation of prices and tariffs;

Establishing a state order for social and significant food products;

Development of wholesale food markets;

Improving the relationship between agricultural and food enterprises with trade;

Regulation of import and export;

Dotations and social protection of low-income groups.

An important place in the economic mechanism of state regulation of the food complex is occupied by long- and medium-term forecasting and planning. However, issues strategic planning And forecasting in the APC RF is not paying enough attention. Before the shortcomings of the planning and distribution system are often automatically transferred to modern planning. In the context of the formation of a civilized food market, forecasting and planning as the functions of management activities not only retain their place in the system of economic mechanism, but also significantly expand their scope of their impact on agro-industrial production. At the same time, there are changes at all levels of management of the food complex. What principles should forecast and planned developments in modern conditions? First of all, it is necessary that they carry mainly a recommendatory (indicative) character in relation to domestic producers. At the same time, the latter should have full law The choice of areas of their activities that are most effective in a specific situation in the food market. As a rule, consent is achieved within the framework of indicative procedures in which the state is developing and presents a comprehensive macro forecast economic Development on the nearest and remote perspective. Indicative planning has long been and successfully applied in Japan, France, the Netherlands and a number of other countries, where it is part of the state socio-economic policy.

In order to approach the practice, it is necessary that the macroeconomic forecast for the development of the AIC, firstly, was a detailed and specific document in which appropriate inter-sectoral and national economic proportions must be recorded, and secondly, became a scientific basis for the development of specific economic agreements between the Government and rural producers.

When developing forward-looking and analytical justifications it is advisable to provide for optimizing the territorial division of labor in the food complex, in which each region, based on the specifics of natural economic conditions, produces mainly the most competitive products intended for implementation in regional and world markets. The transition to an adjustable economy also causes the need to supplement the content of the development and placement of the food complex by the rationale for the volume and dynamics of imports and interregional relations, which will increase overall efficiency Its functioning in the system national economy countries.

The system of regulating economic relations APK includes financial, budgetary, credit, tax and price regulation. An example is France, where a pretty hard mode of state regulation of prices is partially preserved to the present. Methodological aspect of prize

in developed countries, consists in developing by government agencies general principles, methods and price standards. For example, in the state regulation of prices for dairy products in the United States, Congress determines the "fair" level of control prices for milk, oil, cheese. If market prices fall below this level, the products buy the state and uses them for free breakfasts for schoolchildren, supporting poor, food assistance to the underdeveloped countries, as well as export to other states.

Reducing food production in the Russian Federation in the 1990s, along with a significant increase in consumer prices, created favorable conditions for inflows to the domestic domestic market imported goods. It should be noted that permanent growth Prices for domestic products reduces their competitiveness not only on external, but also in the domestic market. It would seem logical that under pressure from competition from foreign commodity producers, the price would have to decline. But they are mostly growing. As a result, the population does not win or ultimately the budget.

Efficiency public Policy Under these conditions, it depends on the substantiated flexible and differentiated approach to the regulation and support of the Food Complex. IN transitional period State support must be selective in nature that does not lead to the unbalance of market mechanisms.

Thus, the state with the help of economic levers has a direct and indirect influence on the formation of economic interests of the APK subjects. The common goal of public policy is to create a favorable economic, social, legal environment and organizational support of efficient and sustainable development.

Consider some issues of state regulation on the example of one of the main spheres of the food complex - the food industry.

Despite the measures taken in recent years, the rehabilitation of the economy of this industry, its position remains tense. The proportion of unprofitable enterprises in the production of food products, including drinks, increased from 19.2% in 1995 to 25.1% in 2008. The profitability of food production decreased over the same period from 16.3 to 10.8%. In terms of capital turnover, a rather complicated situation arose: uncontrolled import growth and a significant reduction in agricultural production led to significant under-use of production facilities. For example, in 2005, production facilities for meat production were used only by 45%, all-milk products - by 48, raw cheeses - by 61, flour - by 44, cereals

On 30, margarine products - by 56, animal oils - by 27% (Table 1).

In recent years, the use of production facilities in a number of products has improved somewhat, but there are still substantial reserves to increase the production of foods on existing enterprises.

Against the background of Euphoria on the pace of economic growth in 2001-2008. For Russia, saves the problem of food imports. The absence of a clear mechanism for regulating industrial and agricultural industries and product quality problems lead to an increase in wages Consumer demand is often increasingly shifting in favor of imported, more expensive, but quality products. And if the value of the import of food and agricultural raw materials in 2000 amounted to $ 7.4 billion, in 2001. -9.2, in 2005 - 17.4, then in 2008 it increased to 35, $ 2 billion.

Table 1

Use of the average annual capacity of enterprises to produce certain types of food products,%

Food Products 1992 1995 2000 2005, 2008

Sugar sand with sugar beet 86 86 76 86 86

Bread I. bakery products 61 44 40 39 41

Confectionery 61 46 50 62 65

Pasta 89 44 46 63 64

Oil vegetable 71 35 61 70 63

Margarine Products 61 20 42 56 60

Beer 66 51 79 74 74

Non-alcoholic beverages 19 17 37 59 54

Fruit and vegetable canned food 51 21 32 66 54

Meat (in pairweight) 57 32 18 45 58

Sausage products 66 54 52 66 67

Canned meat 61 39 40 45 46

Animal oil 67 35 25 27 32

All-Russian products (in terms of milk) 41 24 32 48 54

Cheese rennet 72 51 49 61 65

Canned dairy 55 48 55 61 58

Flour 79 53 45 44 47

Crup 62 39 24 30 34

A source: .

Imported agricultural products from foreign countries receive significant state subsidies and in connection with this actively competes with domestic food products, the increase in the cost of production of which is catastrophic, and budget subsidies are not chronically enough. Russia's retraction in imported food dependence is fraught with further incontrolled price increase.

Russia is imported to substantial raw sugar, vegetable oil, corn. Especially it should be said about the poultry meat. In the country in some years, more than a million tons will be called. And this is despite the fact that the rich domestic experience of the production of this type of meat has already been accumulated, there are modern poultry farms and with appropriate state support it would be possible to achieve complete self-sufficiency in the near future (Table 2).

During the years of reforms, imports of raw sugar increased dramatically. The increase in the share of the processable raw sugar in the total volume of sugar produced in the country along with the seemingly profitable procurement of imported raw materials (the production cycle of sugar factories) has the following negative effects. First, Russia enters the economic and food dependence on foreign countries. Secondly, uncontrolled imports of raw sugar, leading to a reduction in the production of sand sugar from domestic raw materials, entails economic and social losses (a sharp reduction in jobs in breeding, in seed production, processing, trade, etc.). Thirdly, even relatively low prices for raw sugar are a ghostly advantage. If the rates of increasing product intervention will be destroyed by the beetroot manufacturing of the Russian Federation, exporting countries at any time will sharply increase the prices of sugar-sand and raw sugar.

However, in recent years, some positive shifts occurred in the country's food economy. A positive fact is, in particular, improving the situation with the raw material base of the oil and fat industry. In the second half of the 90s of the last century, from Russia exported to a third of the harvest

sunflower seeds. As a result, from all the leading exporters of Masksubyan, only Russia carried out the subsequent mass import of vegetable oil. The capacity of plant oil production enterprises were loaded, for example, in 1998 by 46%, in 1999 - by 48%. The measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation made it possible to significantly reduce the export of oil heatingan abroad. For example, in 2008, only 85 thousand tons of sunflower seeds were exported from Russia, 48 thousand tons of rapeseed, 53.3 thousand tons of flax seeds. At the same time, imports of only sunflower oil in Russia decreased from 176.3 thousand tons in 2002 to 112 thousand tons in 2008. Consequently, further measures to reduce the export of raw materials and reducing vegetation oil imports.

table 2

Import of basic food products, thousand t *

Products 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008

Fresh and ice cream meat (without poultry meat) 1153 1340 1411 1489 1710

Poultry meat Fresh and ice cream 1383 1329 1283 1295 1224

Fresh and ice cream fish 464 787 686 870 881

Milk and cream Condensed 59.2 146 145 131 160

Butter creamy and other dairy fats 140 133 165 123 140

Potatoes 210 103 376 274 574

Tomatoes 182 355 418 560 685

Onions and garlic 454 543 578 658 503

Grapes 100 291 321 381 407

Apples 367 730 838 935 1064

Tea 166 180 173 182 182

Wheat 265 577 1397 465 179

Barley 171 252 188 273 132

Corn 449 201 295 93,5 362

Oil vegetable 1083 1002 848 956 1121

soya 473 93,6 24,66,6 108

sunflower 176 131 100 132 112

palm 318 600 543 576 688

Sugar-raw 4453 2893 2629 3413 2418

Sugar white 483 625 350 296 165

Cocoa beans 70.7,68,6 68,6 68.6 60.1

Pasta 40.4 79,4,87,8,75,4,65,4

Coffee 25.8 39,7 55,6 64,6 75.5

* According to the Federal Customs Service, taking into account the import of goods from the Republic of Belarus.

A source: .

Along with subproduces, which after 2000 became in more than Focus on the problems of export of food products, in the food industry there are sub-sections that have a pronounced import dependence. A classic example is the meat industry. So, in 2008, imports of meat and meat products increased to 3.2 million tons compared with 2.3 million tons in 1995. As a result, the share of imports in common resources increased in the industry from 25% in 1995 to 38% in 2008

Ensuring the Food Security of Russia involves increasing the volume of domestic production of meat with synchronous import substitution of meat products. However, in practice there is an increase in the import of meat and meat products with increasing meat production in the country. Therefore, as animal husbandry exits, there is no adequate import substitution to the crisis state.

Thus, without the modernization of the agricultural sector, the food and processing industry and increasing the competitiveness of food

vehicles consequence of consumer demand growth may be changes in the structure of supply in favor of imported food products. It is necessary clear, financially secured strategy for the development of the Country APC, which would increase the production of food and raise the standard of living of the population.

The demand for food products, in contrast to other consumer goods, is not so closely related to the level of income of the population. With the help of only market mechanisms, the balance of demand and suggestions for certain types of food products cannot be preserved and maintain the stability of food supply of the population. Therefore, at the state level, the question of regulating prices for certain types of food, taking into account the established conjuncture of food markets in the regions of the country. In all developed countries, there are laws on prices that for a certain period and on a limited assortment allow them to effectively regulate them. The second option is possible: to assist the low-income groups of the population in the form of subsidies. At the present stage, this method is also quite logical: the income in the income of various layers of the population is reduced, which should generally contribute to a decrease in social tensions and an increase in demand for food products.

The most important levers of regulating the food industry and the overall food sector are also loans and taxes. Failure current meansProcessing enterprises regularly resort to loans. In the whole of the food industry, accounts payable at the end of 2008 amounted to 511.6 billion rubles, and receivables - 350 billion rubles. The overdue payables of the food industry enterprises for this period amounted to 22 billion rubles, and the overdue receivables - 23 billion rubles. However, only part of the industries can be guaranteed to return loans and pay interest on them.

One of the reasons for the unsatisfactory state of the industry's economy are high tax seizures in commodity producers who do not leave financial resources at their disposal for the development and improvement of production. Loss of part of the enterprises of the industry is largely a consequence of a substantial tax burden.

The idea of \u200b\u200breducing taxes has many adherents in countries with economies in transition. Much depends on the specific situation. In the US, reforming the tax system, ensured the transition from moderate taxation to even more moderate. In Russia, we are talking about the transfer of economic entities from the conditions of severe tax burden in moderate. However, in the agrarian sector and the food industry, it is necessary to approfferiently approach this issue. It is necessary to be guided by the value of the products produced for the population and the economic situation of the industry. It is unlikely to increase production rates, such as beer. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the production of meat and dairy products, croup, feed. About feedback should be said especially. Without solving the problem with them, it is impossible to significantly increase the production of meat and making products in the near future. Consequently, only by selecting priority areas, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the food complex as a whole.

In the transitional period, supporting the enterprises of the agricultural sector and the food industry is predominantly selective. The state supports those enterprises that have a higher return from nested

funds. Criterion of selective support - total sales, profitability, level of material resources.

The important task of state regulation of the APC is also the achievement and maintenance of parity of the relationship between agriculture, processing industry and trade. In the 1990s, the dispensation of prices has led to serious financial implications for most rural producers and enterprises of the processing industry in a number of regions of the country. In this regard, it would be advisable that the main part of additional income generated due to liberalization of food products has moved from trade in the production and processing of agricultural products. Currently, the share of the sphere of treatment, for example, on meat and dairy products ranges from 21 to 31.8% of retail prices (Table 3).

Table 3.

Structure of retail prices for individual types of meat and dairy products in 2008

(at the end of the year),%

Type of products Cost of raw materials and basic materials Costs for pro-urgency, including commercial expenses Full cost of product unit Profit loss (-) Industrial enterprises Value Added Tax (VAT), excise tax and other taxes selling VAT and other taxes Payment delivery to customers carried out by the processing enterprise turnover of the sphere of treatment, including VAT, accrued by retail organizations

Beef (except for no-free meat) 51.7 9.1 60.8 3.1 6.7 70.6 2.5 26.9

Pork (except for uncless meat) 50.9 7.0 57.9 3.8 6.2 67.9 0.3 31.8

Sausage boiled top grade 45.3 14.7 60.0 7.7 7.9 75.6 0.2 24.2

Poultry meat 46.6 23.6 70.2 0.9 5.0 76,1 0.0 23.9

Milk whole pasteurized 41.4 24.8 66.2 4.3 7.1 77.6 0.5 21.9

Sour cream (15-20% fat) 38.9 23.2 62.1 6.7 7, 75.9 0.4 23.7

Cottage cheese (at least 5% fat) 39.2 20.2 59.4 7.1 6.7,73.2 0.3 26.5

Cottage cheese (less than 5% fat) 36.6 209 57.5 6.6 6.3 70.4 0.4 29.2

Creamy butter 60.7 19.3 80.0 -8.4 7.0 78.6 0.2 21.2

Cheese rennet solid and soft 42.1 18.6 60.7 2.8 5,8,69.3 0.0 30.7

In many countries of the world, tourism often turned out to be the lever, the use of which made it possible to improve the entire national economy of the country. Tourism plays a significant role in the formation of gross domestic product, creating additional jobs and ensuring employment of the population, activating foreign trade balance. Tourism affects such key sectors of the economy as transportation and communication, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods and others, i.e. He acts as a kind of catalyst for socio-economic development. Tourism has become one of the most profitable types of business in the world. According to the World Tourist Organization (WTO), it uses about 7% of world capital, each 16th is connected with it. workplaceIt accounts for 11% of world consumer spending and it gives 5% of all tax revenues. These figures characterize the direct economic effect of the functioning of the tourism industry. Developed tourism is called one of the main phenomena of the 20th century.

In our opinion, the prospects for the development of the tourist complex are largely dependent on the strengthening of the state regulation of the tourist sphere at the national level, which should be combined with the modern strategy of promoting regional tour products. State regulation Inbound tourism represents the purposeful impact of the state on the activities of business entities - participants of this type of business and market conditions to ensure favorable conditions for the development of tourism, the implementation of state priorities. It includes the development of public policy in this area and the choice of mechanisms for its implementation.

Regulation of tourism development is a multi-level system, which includes:

  • · Coordination and promotion of tourism development on a global scale, which is carried out through the worldwide tourist organization with the participation of international financial organizations;
  • · Consistency of tourist policies at the interstate level, which is achieved through regional tourist organizations and special bodies of interstate associations (for example, the European Community);
  • · Consistency of tourism policies at the national and regional levels, which is carried out through specially created state bodies and public associations of tourist organizations.

State regulation of tourism development is the impact of the state on the activities of business entities and market conditions to ensure normal conditions for the functioning of the market mechanism, the implementation of state socio-economic priorities and the development of a unified concept of the development of the tourist sphere. This is a complex process that includes the procedure for developing a state policy of regulating the development of tourism, justifying its goal, tasks, key directions, the choice of tools and its methods (Fig. 4.).

IN international Practice There were three approaches to state regulation of inbound tourism.

The first approach involves resolving issues of tourism development in places (independent entities of the business) based on the principles of a market economy.

Such an approach is effective in developed countries where private companies are dominated by different magnitude and specialization. The underlying condition for this approach: the country should be attractive for foreign tourists in all respects and do not need special advertising of its tourist product in the global market. In this case, you can do without special bodies of state regulation of tourism.

The second approach involves the creation of a special state body, endowed with significant powers and financial resources. This approach Effective in the case when the interests of inbound tourism require significant funds to create and maintain high-level national tourist product and tourist infrastructure, attracting foreign direct investment, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring the safety of foreign tourists.

There is a third approach when the functions of state regulation of tourism are entrusted to the multifunctional ministry. The ministry creates a specialized division, which is developing and improving regulatory framework, coordinates ministries, departments and regional authorities on the development of international tourism; establishes communications with other countries and international organizations on the development of tourism, engaged in promoting the national tourist product abroad; Carriages tourist business information.

Regulation of activities in tourism in most foreign countries occurs with the participation of public and private sectors.

Figure 4 - Methods of state regulation of tourism

The results of studies conducted by the World Tourist Organization (WTO) showed the growing participation of private structures in the process of developing international tourism in case of their support from the state.

It is assumed necessary for state regulation in a global procedure for two main generalized areas.

The first direction is associated with the correction of the market self-regulation by drawing up plans (forecasts) and state programs, taking into account the ratio of the "demand - proposal" of the Systems "for many important types of products and the services provided now.

The second direction ensures the exercise of social programs and social oriented market economy. Market self-regulation without proper state intervention leads: to the growth of monopolization, accelerating the country's stratification on the rich and poor, reducing those industries that are not sources of acquisition of instant profit (science, culture, art, health care, education, etc.).

Thus, government regulation in the field of tourism can be carried out by impact on the expansion of the tourism market and the implementation of the relevant social policy.

The impact on the expansion of the tourist market requires the development of a market strategy to promote a tourist product. The strategy is the choice of a long-term optimal behavior model on the tourist market, based on its features. With any strategic approach, appropriate impacts on the part of the public and private sectors are required.

Impact on the part government agencies Different levels are determining in the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the management of the domestic sphere of tourism.

The main tasks of state regulation are:

ѕ Decisions on the development of organizational and economic and social policy in the field of tourism development, as well as the preparation and adoption of a plan of such development;

ѕ Creating conditions for solving problems of social, address tourism;

ѕ Development of public and private sectors development programs, taking into account the listed directions only;

ѕ ensuring effective investment of public and private sectors;

ѕ Ensuring constant control over the course and direction of tourism development, given its prospects, both in the economy and in social Life societies.

The state regulates the tourist sector directly through the Tourism Ministry or National Tourist Organizations (NTO), as well as indirectly with the help of legal levers, supporting their infrastructure and international politics. The state affects tourism in two ways: managing demand and income or managing proposal and prices. To manage demand, the state uses the following tools: marketing and promotion, pricing and access restriction. Part of Marketing are activities to promote tourism held by the state and pursue the purpose of the awakening of demand from potential customers. According to the recommendations of the WTO, these activities should be aimed at creating a qualitative image of a country based on its attractive symbolic characteristics. There are different ways to create a qualitative image of the country - these are meetings of specialists with journalists invited to the country, business trips of domestic specialists abroad, speeches on television and radio, free distribution of brochures, slides and video materials, as well as participation in various exhibition fairs, for which it is purchased stand. Since the number of organizations included in the promotion of tourism, the coordination of actions is usually engaged in an important role. state organizations abroad. The funds allocated from the budget to carry out activities to promote the tourist image of the country may exceed half of the budget of state organizations, and most of the budget goes to finance public relations (from one third to two thirds). The effectiveness of promotion activities may increase with the help of international cooperation agreements between the tourism ministries or organizations responsible for tourism. The purpose of these actions is to exchange or combine promotion efforts (spread of posters, audio and visual materials, sharing of representative offices, etc.). There are different means by which the state can regulate prices for tourist products. First, many attractions in the country are in the sphere of influence of the public sector, most airlines are controlled by the state, and in many developing countries, even the hotels belong to the state. As a rule, social infrastructure and transport networks are considered natural monopolies, and if they do not belong to the state, they must at least control them. Indirectly, the state may affect the price using economic levers (for example, using currency control, which can lead to a limitation of currency exchange, as a result of which tourists will be forced to change the currency at an inflated price and thereby increase the real travel price); Using sales taxes, opening stores in customs zones, etc. The state, in addition to the above levers, may affect the demand by licensing or graduation in service quality. This measure is particularly often used in the hotel business, when the number of rooms offered exceeds the demand and by regulating prices the government cannot eliminate this imbalance. Price regulation is very unpopular in market economy The measure at which the governments of some countries are still going to restrain domestic companies from the temptation of obtaining momentary benefits to the detriment of the long-term interests of the country's tourism business. In addition, the government, controlling prices, can protect the interests of tourists, protect them from over-rise and, thus, support the reputation of the country.

Figure 5 - System of state regulation of tourism development

The priority areas of state regulation of tourist activity are the support and development of internal, inbound, social and amateur tourism.

State regulation of tourist activity is carried out by the following way:

ѕ the creation of regulatory legal acts aimed at improving relations in the field of the tourism industry;

ѕ Assistance in promoting a tourist product in the domestic and world tourist markets;

ѕ protect the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;

* Standardization in the tourist industry, certification of the tourist product;

* establishing rules of entry in the Russian Federation, departure from her and staying on its territory, taking into account the interests of the development of tourism;

ѕ direct budget allocations for the development and implementation of federal targeted tourism development programs;

ѕ tax and customs regulation; submission of preferential loans, establish tax and customs benefits to tour operators and travel agents engaged in tourist activities in the territory of the Russian Federation and attracting foreign citizens to occupy tourism;

ѕ facilitating personnel support of tourist activities;

ѕ Development of scientific research in the field of the tourism industry;

assistance to the participation of tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations in international tourist programs; providing cartographic products.

Thus, the scale and importance of tourism indicate its belonging to the strategic sectors of the country's economy, which requires direct state regulation, in order to ensure the proportionality of the development of territorial and sectoral national economic complexes, justifying employment policies, ensure the growth of budget revenues and management of the balance of payments.

The effective development of tourism is in many ways the lack of clear state regulation of tourism development, the underdevelopment of infrastructure, as well as the insufficiency of studying tourism from a scientific point of view.

The experience of various countries shows that the success of tourism development directly depends on how this industry is perceived at the state level, as far as it enjoys state support. Any civilized state in order to receive income from the tourism industry to the budget should invest in the study of its territories to assess the tourism potential, training programs for the development of the turbines, projects of the necessary infrastructure of resort regions and tourist centers, and information support, and advertising.

Explanatory note to checkpoint number 3

Determination of the characteristic features of a market and planned economy in economic system

(establishing the current interest ratio between the market and plan)

The answer to this question should be reduced to the completion of Table 1.

Table 1.

Primary data to determine the characteristic features of a market and planned economy in the economic system

Industry Industry share in the management system,% of GDP The share of employed in the industry from the total number of employed in the economy,% Availability of industry regulation by the state yes / no Description of the current competition in the industry
Agro-industrial complex
Light industry
Fuel and energy complex
Chemical forest and metallurgical complex
Machine-building complex
Military-industrial complex
Transport and communication
Other sectors of services


The list of industries is formed, based on the structure of the national economy of a particular economy. The presented list may not be complete. In the course of execution test work You will need to form your own list by industry based on the data on the economy.

The share of the industry in the management system

The industry assessment is in this case on the basis of the indicator of "GDP in the sectors (sectors) of the economy". General logic: Data data in volume GDP Countries (We accept as common to all sectors) ® Each industry produces a certain amount of products (also given in monetary terms) ® Further define what percentage is this part in the total volume of the country's GDP, that is,% of GDP. This will determine which place (on-scale) is occupied by the industry in the country's economy.

Presentation of property

Since it is about an assessment of the ratio between the market and the plan, that is, as far as the system is self-regulatory (decentralized) or centralized, we establish a relation to two forms of ownership: private and state. Only on them !!! Nick personal, intellectual and even public should not be in the presentation, even if you can identify them along the description of the system (just leave them without attention).

How to identify the ratio? Perhaps the industry will be initially given the percentage of private and state owned. Also, an option, indications of the percentage of state-owned enterprises are possible (they function on the basis of state ownership) in the total volume of industry enterprises (also adopted for the equivalent percentage of state ownership).

The share of employed in the industry from the total number of employed in the economy

Most likely, the number of people employed to absolute numbers will be indicated (that is, in thousands of people). In this case, the algorithm is: if the total number of people employed in the economy is not initially not given, then they summarize all absolute values \u200b\u200bby industry, that is, 100% employed ® are counting on what percentage (share) in the total number is the number of employed in a particular industry after filling the entire table You will be able to understand what sector of the economy there is one industry, therefore be able to find which one of those engaged in the private and public sectors ® one of the characteristics for the desired ratio of the market is a plan.

The presence of regulation of the industry from the state

It is important to remember that state regulation can be divided into two types: direct and indirect. When answering this question in the "Yes" table in brackets, you must specify the type of regulation with clarification. For example, yes (direct, 63% of the demand in this industry is formed at the expense of a state order).

Methods of direct impact Support such regulation by the state, in which the behavior of economic entities is not based on an independent choice, but on clear state prescriptions. They suggest direct submission to enterprises to the state. Direct methods include: state order (if\u003e 25% of the state order in the demand system, the industry is already regulated), targeted programs, the nationalization of the economy (expansion of state ownership), state property management and lawmaking.

Know the features of state regulation of the construction industry needed against the background of a developing construction market Russian Federation. Recent years, there is a change in the economy and expanding the capabilities of the subjects working in this sector. The state of the construction sector depends on the working capacity of other areas of the economy and the standard of living of the population. Its control is a system of managing this type of activity with the obligatory participation of state bodies.

State regulation of the construction sector guarantees the improvement of the system, the association of personal and public interests for the development of the economy, an increase in competition, as well as the creation of a balance between the accumulation and investment activities based different species planning and financing industry from the country's budget. Let us consider below what the essence of state regulation, which is its features, and which authorities do these issues

Regulation of the construction sector at the state level is the type of management activities of the state in which authorized bodies take part to optimize economic relations in construction to protect the private and public interests of the participants in relationships.

State regulation is formed from:

  • Creation of a single policy in the field of construction, housing and urban planning sector.
  • Regulatory regulation - urban planning and technical.
  • State supervision and construction control.

The state regulation feature is to create legal norms that are mandatory for all participants in the construction market.

Features of state regulation of the construction industry

The investment and construction sector includes the following "elements":

  • Investors (customers, construction companies). In this category, private organizations, states, enterprises of various forms of ownership and individualswhich invest money in creating or maintaining construction objects.
  • Contracting and design and reserving construction companies, building materials industry enterprises or construction industry, as well as other organization of the construction sector, ensuring incarnation investment projects. They carry out the design, creation of building materials, products, structures and other elements of the building market.
  • Companies of various sectors of the national economy, which are delivered by goods, materials and services for other participants.
  • Commercial I. central bankswhich are made calculations.
  • Information or mediation companies.

The production and housing sector of construction creates a powerful network of state regulation and control. To date, the following forms of this process are allocated.

Technical Regulation (TR)

The task of construction regulation is to organize standards in the security and quality sector, which would create obstacles to the creators of goods and services in the construction market. This is an important point, because changes in this area lead to the adjustment of pricing, cost of production, the level of costs of subjects of activity, certification.

From the legal position of the technical regulation problem are as follows:

  • Control of the implementation of technical regulations. The identification of violations in this sector requires the adoption of urgent effects.
  • Supervision of the spheres of production and housing construction.
  • Protection of the health and life of people, including the preservation of the environment.

The State TR in the construction sector has the type of accreditation, organizing registration activities, receiving finished structures, commissioning and solving other tasks. In addition, technical regulation ensures the creation and maintenance of the register of already implemented works in relation to objects of the production and housing sector.

The task of state structures is to stimulate the participants in the construction market for the fulfillment of current regulations. As a result, it is possible to improve the quality of the erected structures, reduce the level of danger to the life / health of people using construction objects.

The monitoring of the state in the field of trial and GSN has a lot of common, including in relation to the functions performed:

  • Observation. Control bodies use different organizations from the production or housing sector as "wards". They assume the function of regulation and control.
  • Collection of information. This category includes data on a controlled object and implementing the existing technician and the requirements of the law.
  • Taking action. If controlled organs violated technicallylant or existing norms, measures are applied to them, and the perpetrators are punishable. In particular, the regulatory authorities have the right to create a register of violators and attract such stakes to justice.
  • Determination of the reasons that led and the emergence of such a situation, as well as the adoption of measures that exclude violations in the future. The implementation of the tasks assumes the State Statistics Service, in which the reports of which are reflected in the construction (housing and industrial) sector.

State Construction Supervision

An equally important element is the construction supervision by the government, which is assigned to the executive bodies and public services. In some cases, the powers are transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. If the object does not fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe influence of the said organ and Rostechnadzor, the tasks of Trop are assigned to the executive power.

There is an opinion that the industrial sector is self-regulatory. This is an erroneous view, because there are generally accepted principles. In the process of verification, attention is paid to the legality of the construction of an object. In other words, the actions are controlled. construction company. In the process of verification, attention is drawn to the technical and legal sector of the verification. The authorized body performs the following tasks - controls the fulfillment of current norms, determines the offense and penalties.

The main goal is to ensure the transparency of all stages of activity, ensuring the positive dynamics in the development of the construction sector, the acceleration of the process of implementing common goals. Supervisory measures also imply the following tasks:

  • Construction organization.
  • Implementation of the rules for the implementation of various activities (installation or reinforcement).
  • Controlling the correctness of coatings protecting against corrosion, as well as the solution of other issues.

In order to improve the quality of work, the current regulations identified the period for carrying out inspections, the objects of supervision are indicated, grounds for conducting various events, as well as the criteria for inclusion in the registry. A number of issues concern self-regulatory authorities, which also requires the fulfillment of current norms.

Issuing permits

The issues of issuing construction permits are considered in the Land Code, the GRK of the Russian Federation, as well as the legal and number of other acts. The powers of issuing such papers lie on the local (executive) or federal government. Here a lot depends on the object of verification. After the end of construction work, the object is entered into the registry. It is worth considering that some facilities do not require permission (Art. 36 of the RF GDC) - these are areas that are busy with linear objects or areas of common use, monuments of the Kullenciyia and others.

Previously, the acceptance of structures included in the housing sector was carried out with the involvement of a special state commission. At the present stage, permission to enter the same structure as the construction permit. In the legal sector, the question is regulated extremely rigidly - the registry is formed and filled out, responsible persons are appointed. But the auditory authorities are entitled to refuse to be permitted to enter or construction. The developer, in turn, has the right to submit to court.

Formation of prices and estimates

State regulation implies control in the field of prices and the preparation of estimated documentation. The practice is such that in the construction of (housing and industrial) are permitted in the process of calculating the labor force and the construction material used. The task of legal regulation is as follows:

  • Reducing the deviations of the calculated parameters from real data.
  • Register of disorders.
  • The delimitation of the power between state and local authorities.
  • Establishing a system of standards at the federal level.

In Russia, the federal center is maintained by the federal center, which is specifically created to solve such tasks. He is subordinate to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Existing impact measures allow the design organization to accurately determine the financing limit, and on the basis of the amount received, to make a decision.

What industries are regulated?

As noted above, state regulation refers to the main construction sectors - industrial and housing. The essence of such activities is to systematize the work of authorized structures and the protection of participants in the construction market.

The composition of state regulation includes the following types of regulation - urban planning, regulatory, technical and construction control. In each direction of activity, there are individual nuances in the development of legal norms. For example, state regulation in the field of urban planning is focused on the RF GDC. Here all processes are associated with the development of suburban and urban areas, including the work of people in this territory.

The construction regulation also includes territorial planning, engineering surveys, urban planning zoning, design, including construction, reconstruction and repair of facilities of caption. State regulation in the city planning sector involves obtaining a construction status of SRO, as well as control of the activities of the general contractor.

In addition, in the industrial and housing sector of construction, relations are controlled that are related to the prevention of emergencies, taking measures to ensure construction security, as well as actions to eliminate consequences.

What bodies conduct adjustment?

Construction control functions lie on federal authorities. At the present stage, this is the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, which checks and implements state decisions in the construction industry. In addition, the following bodies participate in state regulation:

  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Service for Atomic, Technological and Environmental Supervision.
  • Federal Protection Service of the Russian Federation.
  • FSB RF.
  • Goslasti authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Features of the functioning of some industries give rise to the need for direct state regulation of their activities. At the same time, the main argument of regulation is the public significance of the industry or products. However, most of the regulated industries have naturally monopoly segments.

The toolkit of the new institutional theory allows us to consider state regulation of firms from two positions: as the erosion of property rights and as a long-term specific contract between the state and the firm engaged in a special type of activity.

Through the control of pricing for most regulated enterprises, unilateral and compulsory, the state implies restrictions on the permissible amount of the company's profits, that is, it is limited to its right to assign residual income. Thus, there is a blur of property rights, which rebuilds the expectations of the economic agent, reduces the value of the resource for it, changes the conditions of exchange. Radaptable firms are forced to generate adaptive behaviors, minimizing costs or lost profits arising from state regulation. Consequently, the actions of the state for regulating pricing private firms cannot comply with the criterion of efficiency and reduce the well-being of society.

However, the criterion of effectiveness does not contradict the splitting (differentiation) of property rights, which is voluntary and bilateral. The main winnings of the lawsurance of the theoretics of property rights seems that economic agents are able to specialize in implementing whether other partial empower (for example, in the right of management or in the right of disposal overhaul of the resource). Redistribution of rights in accordance with the relative advantages that each of the participants of the economic process in a kind of activity increases the overall efficiency of the economy.

At the same time, economists recognize that in reality to separate the processes of splitting from the processes of erosion of property rights is very difficult.Therefore, regulation can simultaneously be interpreted as a contract between the state and the firm that is voluntary and corresponds to the interests of both parties. Through such a contract, the state implements public interest: and the mining profit, which can be obtained in some industries due to the natural conditions of their organization, must come to consumers in the form of income from price reduction. And the firm, in accordance with the contract, receives access to specific resources or a special type of activity, and the main thing is complete or partial protection against competitors.

To explore the Russian situation, we adopted a contractual theory of regulation relationships. All regulated firms before the country's transition to market relations were in state ownership. The transfer of part of ownership from the state to private ownership can be considered as one of the terms of the contract in exchange for a partial limitation of the right to assign the new residual income owner.

In this case, the problems of contract efficiency and control of its observance occur.Adjustable firms in the conditions of Russian reality should be adapted not only to the costs that they carry in connection with the regulation, but also to sustainable non-fulfillment of contract conditions by the state. However, the behavior of regulated firms as a whole is placed in traditional types: unjustified overestimation of costs, research of rent and various forms of opportunistic behavior.

The theory of interested groups also explains the emergence of cross-subsidies in many regulated industries. As a result of cross-subsidies, it often turns out that the dominant group of consumers receives advantages over other groups through the decisions of regulatory authorities on the need for subsidies. The hypothesis that regulatory bodies generate cross-forming, was tested on the basis of statistical data for periods in the history of electric power industry regulation, when several unregulated states remained. Industrial consumers buy large amounts of electricity than households, their number is relatively small, so they can more effectively lobby regulators. Thus, according to this hypothesis, the ratio of tariffs for the population to tariffs for industrial consumers should be higher in regulated states, despite the fact that differences in the costs of providing services to both groups are not significant. Statistical studies have confirmed this hypothesis, regulation forced the population to subsidize industrial consumers.

However, the possibility of "capture" of the regulated authority can be weakened if the industry is regulated by several commissions. In this case, the pressure from the dominant group on several regulatory entities is difficult. The same effect is observed when the industry regulation is carried out at different levels, and federal, and regional bodies at the same time. However, in this case, the costs of influence increase along with increasing regulation.

The inefficiency of regulation is manifested in sharply differing results of influence on prices. In a number of studies, American scientists empirically proved that in such industries as electric power industry and telecommunications regulation contributed to the establishment of prices 10-20% lower in comparison with an unregulated monopoly. But these markets represent the case of a steady natural monopoly. On the contrary, in the transport branches, where the natural monopoly is not sustainable, and where, in the past, competition was officially suppressed through the entry and minimum price limit, empirical studies show opposite results. Regulation in these industries of the American economy contributed to higher prices. For the period 1969-1974, regulation, margins of T. Cyler, contributed to the increasing cost of air tickets on average by 22 - 52%. Every year, it was from $ 1.4 to $ 1.8 billion dollars of public losses. The main causes of these exorbitant tariffs are various forms of X-inefficiency, which appeared as a result of unjustified regulation of these industries.

A vivid example of the inefficiency of regulation is a comparison of unregulated intrastate and regulated federal tariffs for flights in California and Texas. In 1975, on the routes of the same cities and the same cities connecting the same cities, internal tariffs were significantly lower. The deregulation of airlines and freight transportation in the end of the 1970s and early1980s led to a decrease in prices, mainly due to the emergence of new competitors. For example, the cost of air tickets in the markets servedPeople Express decreased by 40 - 50%. For the period from 1976 to 1983, freight and average distance prices fell by 12-14%.

However, many of these achievements were subsequently lost. The cause, according to most economists and politicians, served as an indulgent antimonopoly policy during the reign of Reagan administration, allowing mergers of companies and unfair competition. Thus, deregulation is welcomed only to the extent that the regulation of competition replaces.

Opportunist behavior . A characteristic feature of regulated firms is the presence of opportunistic behavior in the forms of concealment of information from the regulatory body; abuse of monopoly position; Reduced product quality and services.

The overestimate costs are closely related to the desire of regulated firms to information closedness.In the Russian economy, monopolist cases is, as a rule, carefully hidden information, the regulatory authority does not always deeper with reliable and reliable data. Thus, the difficulties of creating an effective system for regulating socially significant industries in the Russian economy are also aggravated by the opacity of financial flows in regulated industries.

Since in many cases, regulated firms turn out to be monopolists in the market, the practice reveals many facts of the abuse of a monopoly position. Almost once a month, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy of Russia initiates the case of violation of antitrust laws against the MPS of Russia, and annually with antitrust authorities is considered about 200 applications for violations of antitrust laws by railways. This statistic is fairly stable for a number of recent years. Among typical examples is the expansion of the list approved by MPS and the Ministry of Economy, works and services paid by contractual tariffs. Instead of adjustable tariffs, consumers are often imposed unreasonably high contractual tariffs or additional services not provided for by the price list, the volumes of actually carried out works and services rendered are often overestimated. As a rule, such situations occur in areas where railways are almost the only type of transport. Also observes discrimination of cargo owners with their own rolling stock. For the transportation of its own fleet, even by official rates, they have to pay more than for the carriage of the railway fleet.

Another form of opportunistic behavior of regulated firms is to reduce the quality of products or services. In many regulated industries, there are high costs of measuring the quality of products or services, so the regulated firm has the opportunity to reduce quality in the conditions established by the state.

Contracts between the state and regulated firms are mostly formal. At the same time, implicit contracts are widely used in this area. In the existing conditions of uncertainty, regulatory contracts cannot be complete.

The Russian situation is characterized by low formalization of contractual relations. This serves as a source of contradictory of state regulation. So, many regulated sectors during the transition to the market the state identified mutually exclusive roles - to ensure the economic growth and development of the economy and at the same time serve as the main source of income state budget all levels, as well as ensure the performance of social functions . At the same time, a fiscal and social function prioritized.

The ineffectiveness of existing contracts between the state and regulatory authorities in Russia is reflected in the presence of cross-subsidization practice. Buyers of regulated enterprises are divided into three groups: population, budget organizations and commercial consumers. As a rule, regulatory authorities establish the smallest tariffs for the population, often at the level or even below the cost. Tariffs for budget organizations Above, but this group of consumers is distinguished by an extremely low discipline of payments. The highest rates are tariffs for commercial consumers. Thus, in most cases the problem of income falling out by the first two groups of consumers is solved. But the demand of commercial consumers is the most elastic, they show greater activity in the search for alternative service providers where possible. Many enterprises build their own electrical energy generators and water intakes with high production costs, prefer to use cellular communication For long-distance and international negotiations, instead of telecommunications, etc., the costs of enterprises are comparable to regulated tariffs, and the quality of services and delivery reliability are much higher. Thus, adjustable firms lose the most profitable customers, and therefore a significant part of income. If these trends are sustainable, then in the near future the main consumers of products and services of regulated companies will remain poorly and insolvent budget organizations.

It is especially necessary to say about the debt of budgetary organizations, which constitutes a significant share in the total amount of receivables of regulated firms. After all, the state itself, as the owner of these enterprises, ultimately turns out to be a debtor of regulated companies. Thus, non-payment from budgetary organizations is a manifestation of a violation of the contract of state and regulated firms. The accuracy of the promises and the discipline of fulfilling the obligations by the state, as the institution that determines the rules of the game as a whole is essential to improve the effectiveness of contractual relations.

The feature of the relationship of the parties is the situation when one of the parties to the contract (state) acts at the same time as an arbitrator in resolving controversial issues. Therefore, the improvement of regulatory contracts should be aimed at improving their formalization, completeness and efficiency.

Improving industry regulation in Russia is associated with the following essential directions. It is necessary to determine the criteria for the expediency of regulation for various industries: under what conditions the industry or production of certain types of products should be regulated and, which is especially important when and under what conditions it is possible to deregulate and what is its mechanism. In the same cases, when regulation is really necessary, it will be most effective when creating mechanisms that ensure effective contractual relations between all parties, as well as in the conditions of the relevant institutional environment.

The largest Russian multi-product companies of OAO Gazprom, RAO "UES of Russia", the Railways under the control of the MPS are in their composition natural-monopoly core and, therefore, are subjects of natural monopoly at the federal level, their activities are subject to direct state-speaking. The importance of state regulation of these facilities is sharpened by the macroeconomic effect of their activities.

During the transition from the command economy to market methods of management, the activities of subjects of natural monopoly on the federal and local levels the most important factor as macro-suite and microeconomic stability. The absence of an adequate mechanism of sectoral regulation led to the situation, as a result of which the tariff and commodity and credit policy of the most important infrastructure sectors became one of the reasons for the costs of costs, the serious financial situation of most enterprises. It is impossible to overestimate the role of natural monopolies in the formation of "institutional traps" on the basis of the universal crisis of non-payment, by the side effects of which turned out to be the mobility of the property of most Russian enterprises, obstacles to the demonopolization of the economy and the development of competition.

There is an implicit contract between a weak state and strong stakeholders. The state provides the subjects of infrastructure branches the opportunity to receive a monopoly rent in exchange for ensuring the minimum level of social stability in the country and the financial consistency of the state budget and budgetary organizations.

Therefore, artificial deterrence of tariffs for products and services of natural monopolies cannot solve the problems of the country and the regulated companies themselves. The effectiveness of reforming the economy of naturally monopoly structures, the creation of a mechanism for the effective state regulation of the pricing of natural monopolies, the organization of competition deregulation of potentially competitive segments of these industries can be the basis of a real reduction in tariffs, create growth prerequisites in other sectors of the Russian industry.

The success of the above-mentioned actions depends on the elimination of the possibility of obtaining the subjects of natural monopolies of natural and monopoly rent and the introduction of institutions that weaken the impact of industry stakeholders. The most real way - the formation of a sufficiently strong coalition of antitrust forces in a person is not associated with a TEC of large industries and public organizations representing the interests of small businesses and households.

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According to the specialists of these organizations, the level of "seizure" of state bodies is determined by the ability of individuals or companies to pay for regulationsAccording to their personal interests. (Ibid, p.6)

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Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state