
Innovation in safety in oil mining. General economic efficiency of innovation. Ministry of Education and Science

Despite forecasts that in the near future, the fuel industry allegedly will remain not with cases, experts prevent such minerals such as oil and gas, long-term relevance and not yet fast sunset. However, the change of paradigms in the energy complex will accurately occur - for example, it is assumed that blue fuel (it is natural gas), will become several times more popular in the population than black gold (oil), which is currently a significant impact on the global economy.

And yet now the pace of mining and one, and other fossil remain high, and, therefore, people engaged in this segment will try to do everything possible to detect and obtain their maximum reserves. This will help them with new technologies.

Intelligence and Drilling: Modern Methods

Before proceeding with the production process, oil or gas, it is necessary to find in the depths of the Earth. Companies have to work in the conditions of constantly increasing demand for these resources - so, according to forecasts, the peak of their relevance will have to be 2023. That is why mining organizations are mastering advanced methods that will help ensure sufficient supply of residents of land with valuable stocks, as well as make them the development of the most secure, efficient and environmentally friendly.

The seismic exploration is a study of the main characteristics of rocks in order to identify what kind of breed is in this place, and how deeply it lies in the surface. The main landmarks here are the patterns observed in the earth's crust in the artificial creation of elastic waves. These periodic oscillations are caused by:

  • explosions of Ttrotil charges in shallow 10- or 20 meter depressions;
  • regular renewable and long-term vibrational effects (for example, with the help of special machines).

Today, the seismic exploration has reached qualitatively. new levelAfter all, obtaining information, important from the point of view of engineering geology (volume, age, the state of mineral, etc.), is now possible in 3 measurements due to high-tech receivers. Unlike a 2D method, where devices are placed on one straight line relative to the source, the equipment is placed on the entire perimeter of the presumptive zone of intelligence. This allows you to identify comprehensive value in the context of subsequent production, because there are no insufficient information on the screens of powerful computers, and visual volumetric models of underground layers with exhaustive data.

Sometimes the effectiveness and efficiency of the method increases even more by tracking a promising field in time (4D method). Analysis of continuously changing characteristics is able to help employees not only reduce the costs associated with drilling, but also minimize the number of dry wells (those that turned out to be unproductive and did not give the industrial influx of valuable resources).

Carbon oxide, sand, hydraulic grinding: safe combination

The next new oil and gas production technology first began to be used back in 1947, but it still continues to be considered innovative and highly efficient in terms of breed volumes extracted from underground formations. The basis of the method is the hydraulic rupture of the formation - the process during which a mixture of substances (water, sand and chemical reagents) is supplied to the bored well (water, sand and chemical reagents). As a result of such an impact of the hole, the formation and expansion of cracks occurs, so that the inflow of mineral is becoming more intense, and working with it is easier.

Different materials can be used as a kind of "fillers" for hydraulic materials. If we talk about the working fluid, solanox acid solutions or solutions with high molecular weight polymers are usually used here, as well as in some cases - actually crude oil. The resulting material, as a rule, performs quartz sand or any registration with granules to 1.5 mm.

One of the most productive indicators demonstrates the carbon monoxide mixed with sand introduced into a well according to GPP technology. Subsequently, it evaporates, so that only sand remains in the reservoir, unable to put any devastating effect on the soil. So this method allows not only to make the development of a field much more intense, but also to protect environment, breed I. groundwater From the accumulation of hazardous waste.

In the Russian language, the phrase moved from English, where "Coiled Tubing" is literally translated as "flexible pipe columns". At the moment, the equipment made on this technology is considered the most innovative among the others. Fundamentally new here is the rejection of traditional prefabricated booins in favor of flexible continuous (remedy) pipes. This method allows oil and gas industry:

  • become increasingly dependent on expenses;
  • reduce waste;
  • reducing the operating time of 3-4 times compared with the execution of works within the conventional method!

The colttubing is inextricably linked with the metallurgical industry, because at first it requires the production of flexible mechanisms of light, medium or heavy class, then the correct assembly of the designers, and at the very end - installation of software for maintaining the hardware complex and the competent transformation of the information received. The main disadvantage of technology is the absence of rotation possibilities, in view of which mining companies still prefer to drill basic wells using traditional installations. Only after that they connect to the development of a deposit Equipment for Koltubiga, where not only flexible metal pipes can relate, but also cutting tools, pumps, techniques for heating fluids, a variety of nozzles and much more.

This new technology in the oil and gas industry, which is the name "Measurement While Drilling" ("Measurements in the drilling process), is again inextricably linked with methodic-mathematical hardware and computerization. The case is that to prevent errors, accidents and emergencies, employees need to monitor the key indicators of the process, and, in particular, behind the position of the well axis in space. To do this, a special category that considers the measurement of angles was also developed - an inclinometer, within which the development of various telemetry control systems occurs. Some of their sensors are located underground, while the other is above the surface. Communication between them is carried out on the following channels:

  • hydraulic;
  • acoustic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • electrically conductive and many others.

Today, the functionality of these automated installations is expanding almost every day. For example, the most advanced mechanisms called "modular" allow not only to monitor the main technological and navigation characteristics, but also to carry out partial geophysical surveys and explore;

  • vibrometry;
  • rock resistance;
  • natural gamma radiation of mined minerals, etc.

Other directions: Transportation and storage

It is also important to transport oil and gas and their further operation. So, today all mining organizations have moved to the technology of using universal tank containers according to ISO standard, which do not contaminate the atmosphere due to the lack of slightest holes and cracks even at the butt places. However, some companies decided to go even further and turn them ... into independent long-term storage facilities for valuable resources! First, it really can avoid accidents, because there is simply no need to carry out several drain and bulk operations. The consumer draws up a sales contract and receives blue fuel or black gold all in the same container or using a logistics service from the Customer, or by self-transporting cargo. Such a method can significantly save on investment, because it does not require pumping equipment for pumping, nor interact with mediation oil and gas bases. Useful fossil is actually delivered to the client's hands directly from the mining plant.

One of the currently mastered methods of storage of oil and gas is also the premises of them into underground reservoirs of multi-neurm model dispersed breeds. They do not affect the quality of stored products, even with prolonged contact and meet the requirements for stable stability. The future "capacity" is poured, after which it is cleaned of the water-grant mixture, is filled and thereby it is hermetically cleaned.

Let for such a repository and must be constantly monitored, because Theoretically, at any time, signs of deformation of surrounding reservoirs or a decrease in temperature can be shot down, and this is the optimal solution for a long-term resource savings. Unlike ground steel packaging, underground multi-member arrays are extremely pure from an ecological point of view and practically unprofitable, because they are regulated by natural conditions.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 4 minutes


The most productive new oil production technologies

The importance of minerals mined in the country in general and oil in particular for russian economy It is difficult to overestimate. Most of the revenue part of the budget of the country is formed from tax and other revenues that brings oil industry and a large number of petroleum processing enterprises.

However, at the moment, the main Russian oil fields have been developed for a long time, their residual reserves are constantly decreasing, their structure deteriorates. The influence of these objective factors leads to a decrease in oil production volumes, the level of watering the resulting raw materials increases, which worsens its quality and makes it difficult to recycling.

In the prevailing this moment Conditions The main reserve of domestic oil production is the so-called difficult reserves. Specialists have long understood that in the future the amount of residual hydrocarbon raw materials in the formation with a high level of factory will only grow, and the return of oil from such formations, if they are developed by traditional methods, will be low (no more than 20 - 30 percent) .

Suffice it to say that in the Russian Federation, the proportion of active oil reserves located on the mainland of our country, in the general balance of most of the oil-producing companies - less than 45 percent.

The main task, standing in such conditions in front of oil-producing enterprises, is to the maximum possible increase in oil recovery from developed productive reservoirs. This is possible only with the use of the most modern technique and the most advanced technologies aimed at increasing the volume of raw materials.

Some new oil production technologies we will consider in this article.

Technology of crosslinked polymer systems (ATP)

Temporary tamponation using crosslinked polymeric or visco-elastic systems (abbreviated-efficiency) of the propellars of a developed incision with high permeability allows to reduce water consumption through washed high-pixed layers with an abnormally high rates of oil reserves, as well as reduce fluid flow and increase pressure on the reservoir in operational wells.

As a result of these effects, the pressure gradient between the selection and injection zones increases, the direction of filtration streams changes in the reservoir, in active workings are involved in the oil-rich propellars with a reduced level of watering and permeability, which before that were not covered by the factory, or it affected them weakly.

The result of the use of such technology is a significant increase in the coverage area of \u200b\u200boil-beeps, which, of course, makes it possible to increase the volume of oil produced.

GOS-1 technology (using composite fillers)

This technology is highly efficient and fairly productive.

In the process of its use by means of injection wells, polymer composites are first pumped first, and then the dispersed phase, followed by melting them into the productive reservoir with the help of fitting water.

In the process of this injection, each individual component of the applied solution enters that layer of the formation, which most corresponds to its selectivity. The result is the blockage of different layers, taking into account their permeability and according to the dimensions of the agent particles.

The use of such technology allows you to be involved in the extraction of previously used propellars, which allows access to hard-to-remove reserves.

It implies the use of special visco-elastic compositions (VUS) by adding them to a solution and a liquid for pushing.

The result of adding these substances is the formation of a special gel permeability in water intervals with a wide range of insulating and strength properties.

This allows you to make it possible to make oil from these washed water intervals in a film state, as well as wash oil from the interlayers with low level permeability. Of course, as a result, the productivity of the developed reservoir increases.

LNG technology

The essence of this technique is as follows: an aqueous solution of sodium silicate, to which polymers, and either - hydrochloric acid, or CaCl2 are added, is sequentially poured into the well, subsequently by the melting of these mortar into the developed water. From sodium silicate, a gel is formed when it comes into a sour medium, and its formation occurs only in the washed water intervals.

This allows you to redistribute injected water streams and connect to the production of stagnant oil reservoirs and productive zones that were not previously drained. When adding polyacrylomides (PAA), the level of gel resistance and its stabilization is increased inside the reservoir.

The physico-chemical essence of this technology is to use gel-forming systems based on aluminum hydroxide, which allow you to isolate in an oil layer free from liquid hydrocarbons. Plots with high permeability.

As a result of such isolation, the sections of the developed formation are connected to the work and the contingence of permeability. In addition, ammonium salts formed as a result of chemical processes react with oil components, destroying asphaltene structures. It also contributes to the increase in oil production.

The application of the above-described technology is most effectively in the development of high-temperature reservoirs located in the sediments of the Jurassic period.

ES - technology (application of emulsion systems)

This technology implies an increase in oil recovery by using emulsion compositions.

Its essence is that special emulsifiers are injected into the reservoir through discharge wells or block-bush pumping stations.

They partially clog the most permeable layers and redistribute water flows injected into low-permeable groovers, thereby engaging them into development or increasing their share of participation. In addition, some components that are part of the emulsifier are absorbed on the surface of rock.

This contributes to their hydrophobization, which reduces the level of phase water permeability in the oil collector cladded areas, as a result of which there is also a redistribution of the injected water flow and, accordingly, the inflow of water in the reservoir trunk is limited. Return of oil - rises.

Technology using fibrous dispersed polymer composition (FND)

This method of exposure to the DVPE is applicable to any layer temperature values. The most optimal temperature range in the reservoir with the highest permeability is considered to be the gap from 15 to 85 degrees (with an indicator of the intake of the well, more than 600 cubic meters per day).

Water injected into the layer can be:

  • low-mineralized (up to 20 grams per liter);
  • fresh (according to the requirements of GOST-A number 2874 - 82, the concentration of potassium ions in it should be less than 40 grams per cubic centimeter, magnesium ions - less than 10 g / cm3, density - at the level of 1 thousand g / cm3, and PH hydrogen indicator - range from 7 to 8).


The use of the SCS composition can be directed to various goals to which the increase in oil recovery of mining wells. In addition, this technique has proven itself in the restoration of the productivity of the developed reservoir after any repair work, as well as in the process of running into operation of those wells, which have been idle in idle for a long time.

Ministry of Education and Science


State educational institution

Higher professional education

Ufa State Petroleum


Department of Economics and Management at Enterprises

Petroleum and Gas Industry


by discipline

Enterprise economy

on the topic

Innovative activity

In the oil and gas complex


Markayanova S.S.



Pozdeeva N.R.

Ufa 2006.

Introduction 3
1. Innovative enterprise activities 5
1.1 Basic concepts of innovation 5
2. Sources of innovation in the oil and gas complex 11
2.3 Innovative development 14

3. Features of organizational forms of innovation

in the oil and gas industry

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation 29
Conclusion 40
List of used literature 42


There was already a lot of difficulties in the development of innovation activities in our country. Indeed, there are legal, financial, organizational and other flaws in ensuring the process of creating new products based on research and development results. It should be noted that much is done, above all, the efforts and initiative of the Ministry of Industry of Russia for the development of innovative infrastructure.

At the same time, the experience of countries in which, from our point of view, these issues have been solved incomparable, shows that there is constantly the need to improve legislation and invent more and more effective ways of state support of innovation activities. The development of the institutional environment is constant process.

From an institutional point of view, the environment is a certain totality of political, social and legal ruleswithin which production and exchange processes flow. Of particular importance are such institutions as traditions, customs, and not just legal norms.

In high-root innovation activity, much is determined by the construction of the balance of interests of the participants in the process, which is not only the result of contractual relations, but also the result of the exemplary expectations that have developed an understanding of justice with the distribution of future income. Whatever arguments from experts, but if the participants in the process do not believe these explanations, then cooperation will not work out. Therefore, the cultural aspect of an adequate understanding of its own interests by the participants of the innovation process.

You can allocate six main groups of the participants in the innovation process: the authors of the developments; leaders of scientific and technical organizations; Managers who form a business offer and project managers; officials that make decisions on state support; Strategic partners, including innovations in their strategy and investors, rising real means.

In our country, the culture of innovation is at the initial stage of its development, and, unfortunately, almost about each of the participants can be said that they often inadequately understand their true interests. It is not only about incompetence, but also about real contradictions, which carries the process of commercialization of research results.

1. Innovative enterprise activities

1.1 Basic concepts of innovation

In the world economic literature "Innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into a real, embodiment in new products and technologies. Problems of innovations in our country for many years was developed as part of the economic research of NTP.

The term "innovation" began to be actively used in transition economy Russia, both independently and to designate a number of related concepts: "Innovative activity", "innovation process", "innovative solution", etc.

Innovative activity of the enterprise is a system of measures for the use of scientific, scientific and technical and intellectual Potential In order to obtain a new or improved product or service, a new way of their production to meet both individual demand and society's needs in the innovations in general.

The feasibility of choosing a method and version of the technical and technological update depends on the specific situation, the nature of the innovation, its compliance with the profile, the resource and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, the requirements of the market, the stages of the life cycle of technology and technology, the peculiarities of industry affiliation.

Innovative activities of the enterprise for the development, introduction, development and commercialization of innovations include:

- conducting research and design work on the development of innovation ideas, laboratory research, the manufacture of laboratory samples of new products, types of new equipment, new designs and products;

- selection of the necessary types of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of new types of products;

- development of the technological process of manufacturing new products;

- design, manufacture, testing and development of samples of the new technique necessary for the manufacture of products;

- development and implementation of new organizational and managerial decisions aimed at implementing innovations;

- research, development or acquisition of the necessary information resources and information support innovation;

- training, training, retraining and special methods of recruitment required for R & D;

- conducting work or the acquisition of the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, the acquisition of know-how;

- organization and conduct of marketing research on promotion of innovation, etc.

The combination of management, technological and economic methods that ensure the development, creation and implementation of innovations is an innovative enterprise policy. Its goal is to provide an enterprise with significant advantages compared to competitors and ultimately increase the profitability of production and sales.

The motives of innovation acts both external and internal factors. External motives are most often served:

- the need to accommodate the enterprise to new economic conditions;

- changes in tax, credit and financial policies;

- Improvement and dynamics of markets and consumer preferences, that is, the pressure pressure;

- activation of competitors;

- conjunctural oscillations;

- structural sectoral changes;

- the emergence of new cheap resources, expansion of the production factors market, that is, the supply pressure, etc.

Internal motives of innovative activities of the enterprise are:

- the desire to increase sales;

- expansion of market share, transition to new markets;

- improving the competitiveness of the enterprise;

- Economic security and financial sustainability of the enterprise;

- Maximization of profits in the long term.

For the development of innovative activities of the enterprise, quantitative and qualitative indicators are important:

- material and technical, characterizing the level of development of R & D, equipped with experimental equipment, materials, appliances, office equipment, computers, automatic devices, etc.;

- personnel characterizing the composition, quantity, structure, qualifications of staff serving R & D;

- scientific and theoretical, reflecting results of search and fundamental theoretical studies underlying the scientific hoping existing in the enterprise;

- information, characterizing the state of information resources, scientific and technical information, the current scientific periodicals, scientific and technical documentation in the form of reports, regulations, technical projects and other design and design documentation;

- organizational and managerial, including the necessary methods of organization and management of R & D, innovative projects, information flows;

- Innovative, characterizing the scientific capacity, novelty and priority of the work carried out, as well as the intellectual product in the form of patents, licenses, know-how, rationalization proposals, inventions, etc.;

- Market, evaluating the level of competitiveness of innovations, the availability of demand, orders for the implementation of R & D, the necessary marketing measures to promote innovation to the market;

- Economic, showing economic efficiency of innovations, costs conducted research, market value of intellectual products; Indicators evaluating the cost of both their own and third-party patents, licenses, know-how and other types of intellectual property;

- Financial, characterizing investments in innovations and their effectiveness.

1.2 Types of innovation and their classification

Innovation management can be successful subject to a long study of innovation, which is necessary for their selection and use. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish innovation and insignificant modifications in products and technological processes (for example, aesthetic changes, that is, color, etc.); Minor technical or external changes in products leaving the constant design and do not have enough noticeable influence on parameters, properties, cost of the product, as well as materials and components included in it; Expansion of product range by mastering the production of not produced before in this enterprise, but already known in the product market, with a goal. Satisfying the current demand and increase income of the enterprise.

Novelty of innovation is assessed by technological parameters, as well as from market positions. Taking into account this is a classification of innovation.

Depending on the technological parameters, innovation is divided into food and process.

Product innovations include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components; Obtaining fundamentally new products. Process innovations mean new methods of production organization (new technologies). Process innovations may be associated with the creation of new organizational structures in the enterprise (firm).

The type of novelty for the innovation market is divided into: new for the industry in the world; new for the industry in the country; New for this enterprise (group of enterprises).

If you consider an enterprise (firm) as a system, you can allocate:

1. Innovations at the entrance to the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

2. Innovations at the exit from the enterprise (products, services, technology, information, etc.);

3. Innovations of the system structure of an enterprise (management, industrial, technological).

Depending on the depth of the implanted changes, innovations are identified: radical (basic); improving; Modifications (private).

The listed types of innovation differ from each other by the degree of coverage of the stages of the life cycle.

Russian scientists from the Research Institute of System Research (RNII) developed an expanded classification of innovations, taking into account the activities of an enterprise, in which innovations are allocated: technological; production; economic; trade; social; in the field of management.

A fairly complete classification of innovations was suggested by A. I. Prigogin:

1. According to the prevalence: single; Diffuse.

Diffusion is the distribution of an already once mastered innovation in new conditions or on new implementation facilities. Due to the diffusion, there is a transition from a single introduction of innovations to innovation on the scale of the entire economy.

2. at place in production cycle: raw materials; providing (binding); Products.

3. By continuity: replacement; abolishing; Returns; opening; Retropending.

4. By coverage: Local; systemic; strategic.

5. On the innovative potential and degrees of novelty: radical; combinatorial; Improved.

The last two directions of classification, taking into account the scale and novelty of innovation, intensity innovative change largely express quantitative and qualitative characteristics innovation and matter to economic assessment of their consequences and justification of management decisions.

The original innovative observation was made by N. D. Kondratyev in the 20s, which found the existence of so-called "large cycles" or, as they are called abroad, "long waves". N. D. Kondratyev pointed out the interrelation of long waves with the technical development of production, attracting data on scientific and technical discoveries to the analysis, showing the wave-like nature of their speakers. He explored the dynamics of innovations, distinguishing them from discoveries and inventions. The dynamics of innovations is investigated in the context of the phases of the large cycle. In research N. D. Kondratieva, for the first time, the foundations of the so-called cluster approach are viewed. N. D. Kondratyev showed that innovations are distributed over time unevenly, appearing in groups, that is, in modern language, clusters. Recommendations N. D. Kondratyev can be used when developing an innovative strategy.

2. Sources of innovation in the oil and gas sector

2.1 The path of development of the Russian economy

The point of view is widespread that the further development of the Russian economy is possible: either (as before) based on the use of raw material potential; Either (as an alternative) based on the advanced growth of the high-tech, high-tech sector.

At the same time, it is believed that the first path is "flawed" leading to the technological lag of Russia from developed countries of the world, to strengthen our economic dependence.

Second way B. modern conditions A priori is considered more preferable, as it is primarily associated with the use of the country's intellectual potential.

However, such a simplified opposition of two approaches is completely unlawful at least for two reasons.

The development of the national economy should be carried out on the basis of rational, efficient use of all growth factors, and one cannot oppose some factors to others. It is necessary to be thoughtful, corresponding to specific historical, economic and political conditions, a combination (balance) of all available factors.

In modern conditions, the mineral resource sector of the economy (primarily the oil and gas industry) has ceased to be "simple" in technological terms. The extraction of community resources is carried out using constantly complicating technologies, whose creation is invested by many billions of dollars and on which the intellectual forces of many countries of the world work. Therefore, it is possible to assert with complete confidence that every year oil, gas and other raw materials are becoming increasingly products with high-tech.

When choosing priorities of socio-economic development in the twentieth century, there is no place to be a simplified opposition of two approaches: high-tech and commodity. The development of the national economy should be carried out on the basis of rational, efficient use of all growth factors: natural, economic, intellectual. It is impossible to oppose some factors to others. It is necessary to be thoughtful, corresponding to the specific historical, economic and political conditions of a country, a combination (balance) of all available growth factors.

Hardly in modern world You can find at least one country with rich natural resources, which would voluntarily abandoned their development. Therefore, the socio-economic development of Russia and in the future should be associated with the use of that huge natural potential that our country has. The only question is how to master the available natural resource potential?

It is only possible to rely on the fact that the nature itself is in the hope of a high "natural" competitiveness of resources.

Or to ensure that the development of natural resources (primarily oil and gas) has become truly effective and would give the basis for changing the pace and quality of growth across the entire economy.

The first way for us "ordered" at least for the simple reason that Russia is not Kuwait. Neither by its concentration, nor in its quality, our resources of hydrocarbon raw materials are not suitable for seriously considering them as "soil" for the obedic existence of such a huge country. Consequently, there is no alternative to the second path, which implies a dynamic and civilized (based on market principles in combination with effective state regulation) the development of the mineral and commodity sector of the economy in the interests of the whole society.

2.2 Strengthening the innovative role of oil and gas resources

There are a number of circumstances, under the action of which, from year to year, the innovative importance of oil and gas resources is strengthened:

- depletion and deterioration of the quality of oil and gas reserves in many countries of the world (in Russia, USA, Canada, Norway, Great Britain, etc.);

- the increasing "threat" of the emergence and development of alternative energy sources;

- strengthening the instability of the global energy market, on which the downgraded and rising trends replace each other often in unpredictable order;

- toughening the institutional framework for the development of the oil and gas sector, which is due primarily by the growth of the "value" of ownership of oil and gas resources.

And although the listed factors are far from equally affect the development of the oil and gas sector in different countries The world, their action is common and necessitates the strengthening of competition between manufacturers in various forms:

- price competition;

- struggle for the seizure of markets;

- Competition for the right to access oil and gas resources.

In modern conditions, the real and sustainable competitive advantages are obtained by those manufacturers who achieve a permanent reduction of costs (at least relative - compared with competitors). In turn, the sustainable cost reduction is ensured by the continuous update of technologies throughout the chain of the oil and gas resources, starting with the intelligence of reserves and ending with the sales of finite products to consumers.

Russian manufacturers are freely or unwittingly forced to participate in the competitive struggle and on "their" territory, and abroad, and therefore, forced to join that "permanent technological revolution", which occurs in the world oil and gas industry. To appreciate the opportunities of Russia's participation in the mentioned process, it is necessary to first find answers to three questions:

What are the nature and intensity of the action of specific "innovative-stimulating" factors, and what are their overall balance in the national oil and gas sector?

Which level of competitive advantages should strive?

What is the modern basis and what are our future opportunities for technological innovation in the oil and gas sector?

The last question requires the most close attention, since in the last 10-12 years, technological renewal processes in the oil and gas sector slowed down sharply, and the scientific and innovative potential of the country was largely undermined.

2.3 Innovative development

In the last 20-30 years, innovation is a general trend in the development of world oil and gas industry (especially in industrial developed countries). But this does not mean that all oil and gas-producing countries operate on a single template. There are different approaches and models. The choice of a specific model in a particular country depends on the set of factors: the level and nature of the development of the national economy, the "age" of the oil and gas sector, the socio-political situation, national goals and priorities, mentality of the nation, and so on.

How two extreme alternatives can be called the model of innovative development of the oil sector, which have developed, on the one hand, in the UK, and on the other - in Norway:

in the United Kingdom (first model) in the oil sector included leading companies in the world with their technologies, and behind them - the train of service and high-tech companies. As a result, a national high-tech oil industry was not created;

in Norway (second model) there was a targeted (under the control of the state) the formation of conditions for the formation of national high-tech service companies and systems of scientific and technological centers. As a result, a high-tech national oil and gas industry was gradually developed.

United Kingdom and Norway show examples of completely opposing models of innovative development of the oil and gas industry. But it is very important that these models are not some kind of "frozen" schemes. And "British", and "Norwegian" models are gradually modified due to changes in certain conditions in the field of oil and gas business. Moreover, the development of these models is in the opposite direction: for the "British model", some strengthening of the regulatory role of the state is characterized, and for Norwegian "- partial liberalization and expansion of a private start-up.

And what about Russia? What path of innovation do we need to move? Our country, under the terms of the development of the oil and gas industry, is noticeably different from the UK, and from Norway. On the one hand, Russia has more than 100 years of oil production. Russian oil and gas workers have accumulated enormous experience in mastering deposits - and in a wide variety of natural-climatic and geological conditions. Dozens of engineering plants and scientific and technological centers operate in the country, ensuring the functioning of the oil and gas sector. And on the other hand, there is a lot of unresolved problems generated by the transition period and the "ballast" of errors, which was accumulated over the years of the planned economy.

Therefore, the future ways of innovative development of the oil and gas sector in Russia are largely predetermined by the negative situation that has developed so far. The development of the oil and gas sector in our country is "clamped" by two deficits: a shortage of investments and a shortage of new technologies. In the past 10 years, the main part of investment in the oil and gas sector was carried out at the expense of own funds of enterprises and companies. This is not anywhere in the world. Financial resources for investment are largely attracted by "from the side": either through the stock market (this form dominates, for example, in the United States and Great Britain), or through banking system (as in Japan, South Korea and a number of European countries). Accordingly, investment opportunities are expanding oil and gas companies. The latter, in turn, buying products and logistics services finance the investment process in other sectors of the economy. Since Russian oil and gas companies are forced to be mainly limited own meansThe volume of investments are too small, and the stimulating role of these investments for the development of the national economy (and its innovative sector) is too weak. From here, the shortage of new domestic oil and gas technologies flows.

Despite the fact that the Russian oil and gas sector is mainly on investment "self-sufficiency", its innovative development is largely due to the influx of foreign capital. The joint influx of foreign investment and technology takes place in the case of direct investment foreign companies (For example, when creating enterprises with a ridiculous capital and implementation of products on the sale of products / SRP) or due to the use of related loans. Further expansion of foreign investment will be associated with increasing the influx of import technologies. Thus, in the Russian oil and gas sector, the model of innovative development under the formula is currently being implemented: "Russian resources + foreign capital and technology". That is, Russia is still going to approximately in the British way of innovation - mostly foreign technologies, foreign companies and participants.

How profitable to us? Since the implementation of the current model occurs in conditions when the country's economy is just starting to get out of the deepest crisis, then there is a further strengthening of the raw material dependence and the stagnation continues in the domestic industry and science as a whole. But even such a way of innovative development has advantages compared to inertial development. The technological update of the oil and gas sector, which contributes to increasing its competitiveness and reduce costs, reduces the limit "bar" growth in energy prices in the domestic market. Accordingly, in the framework of the national economy, investment opportunities are expanded, which should be used primarily for the development of high-tech industries. It can be said that the immediate impact on the economy of the current model of innovative development of the oil and gas sector is negative. But still there are certain indirect effects that stimulate economic and technological growth.

It is clear that the transition to another development model is extremely relevant to our country, which is based on the formula: "Russian resources and technology + foreign capital". But this can be achieved only under the condition of a reasonable and effective protectionist policy from the state. A face separating reasonable protectionism from the unjustified, very thin and vague. And the state should learn to protect the interests of domestic producers in such a way as not to overlap through this face.

Manufacturers and consumers of oil and gas equipment and technologies have developed a direct opposite attitude towards the idea of \u200b\u200bprotectionism. Representatives of the machine-building complex, naturally, advocate for state protectionism in various forms of its forms, for example, the mandatory quotation of the purchases of Russian equipment in the implementation of the PSA or the provision tax benefits Oil workers and gas cameras when they prefer domestic equipment and technologies, and not imported. At the same time, it is understood that the quality of technology purchased from Russian manufacturers should not be lower than that of foreign. But to judge the quality of equipment and technologies (especially new) is not so simple. Hence the position of the Union of the oil and gas industry, who insists not on the support of the domestic producer in general (in order to exclude "asking and giving"), but on the implementation of measures to increase its competitiveness. Then the foundation can really be created to eliminate the contradictions between manufacturers and consumers of equipment and technologies.

In this sense, the example of Norway is very indicative, for a long time, which has used the mandatory quotation of procurement of products and services from national suppliers in the implementation of oil and gas projects. Entering such quotas, the government was confident in the potentially high competitiveness of Norwegian firms in terms of the quality and cost of products itself. Another thing is that national manufacturers did not have the appropriate authority in the oil and gas business and experience experience with foreign companies, were not "unwound", did not have sufficient funds to penetrate the market. And protectionism in this case was completely justified, which is confirmed by the subsequent development of events. Coming out with the help of the state to the market of oil and gas equipment and services, Norwegian firms quickly won high authority and actually proved their competitiveness. And the Russian state should also learn to support those producers who are worthy - otherwise protectionism will be wrapped with irrelevant losses and for the oil and gas sector and the entire national economy.

2.4 State support in the development of innovation

The Russian oil and gas sector has already entered the path of innovative development, but focusing on foreign technologies ("British" model). To significantly strengthen the positive effect of innovative development, to spread its impact on the entire domestic economy, it is necessary to move to another model, similar to Norwegian. It is impossible to hope that the change of the model of innovative development of the oil and gas sector will happen by itself. The transition to the most profitable formula for innovative development can occur only as a result of active state intervention.

Unfortunately, experience government controlled Scientific and technical progress in the oil and gas sector does not give reasons for optimism. Designed federal programs And individual measures taken at the regional level, for the most part, did not give noticeable results. As for oil and gas companies and corporations with state participation, it turned out that the national "belonging" of the innovative resources used for them does not matter.

To solve the problem, such a concept should be revived as the state scientific and technical (innovative) policy in the oil and gas sector. At the same time, the emphasis should not be done on the definition of "priority directions of development of science and technology" or the development of individual programs. Main task: search for "pain" points and building effective mechanisms of impacts that would send the demand of enterprises and companies of the oil and gas sector on high-tech products to the side domestic market innovative resources.

As part of the state scientific and technical (innovative) policies, two principles must be strictly maintained:

competitiveness - stimulating demand for domestic high-tech products should not be transformed into unjustified protectionism, able to ultimately lead to a fall in the competitiveness of Russian oil and gas resources;

universality - stimulating measures should be distributed on all oil and gas producers operating in our country, regardless of their nationality.

The second principle is extremely important in the conditions of the influx of foreign capital and the penetration of foreign companies in the Russian oil and gas sector. The entire economy of our country (not to mention the oil and gas sector) is in a strong dependence on the global energy market conjuncture. But this dependence is not one-sided. West - and above all European countries - in a tangible degree depend on the supply of energy resources from Russia. Consequently, one of the main tasks of the state (federal) policy aimed at supporting the innovative sector of the economy is to effectively use the dependence of foreign consumers from oil and gas supplies from Russia in order to raise the scientific sectors of the domestic economy. At the same time, specific mechanisms of impact should largely "materialize" in the context of attracting foreign capital and foreign companies in the Russian oil and gas sector.

But at the same time we should not forget about the interests of investors. If Russia strives to become a full participant in the world oil and gas "space", it makes sense to listen to how representatives of world oil business assess the situation in our country. In the global oil business, the view has long been formed that - primary, and what is secondary. In the first place there are investments, and on the second - everything else. In other words, stocks, mining and processing of hydrocarbons are considered "function" from investment. Therefore, foreign oil companies are primarily concerned about the problem. investment climate in Russia.

We are talking about creating a stable and transparent system. state regulationwhich would reflect the goals pursued by the state would be understandable and acceptable for investors.

The role of the state in the development of the oil and gas sector (including innovative development) is difficult to overestimate today. It is only important that the state in the face of federal and regional authorities will adequately performed its functions without neglecting "trifles". The Russian state should clearly determine the scale and framework of its direct participation in the oil and gas sector, to complete a transparent and efficient regulatory system and transfer the mechanisms of informal influence to civilized channel. At the same time, the quality and efficiency of the state of intervention functions in the development of the oil and gas sector will be adequate to its role.

2.5 Specific ways of innovative development

The innovative path of development of the oil and gas sector is associated with major long-term investments not only in the extraction of hydrocarbons, but also in the development of a new high-tech infrastructure and the high-tech sector of the economy. For the implementation of such investments need long-term stability. Therefore, the main element of state policy is to ensure stable "rules of the game", enshrined by law.

Based on the legislative "foundation", special sets of events in the three main areas of regulation, covering subsoil use, should be developed and implemented; development of the national market of innovative resources; Investment activities.

In the field of regulation of subsoil use processes, it is necessary primarily: strengthening the role of license agreements in the selection and national affiliation of oil and gas resources development technologies (as opposed to concession agreements that do not have due regulatory functions); Systematization of norms and rules governing the scientific and technical conditions of searches, exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

In the field of regulating the market for innovative resources, at least at the stage of its formation it is necessary: \u200b\u200brecreation of the system of state scientific and technical centers (with the definition of the status of these institutions, adequate to market conditions); implementation in these data centers of integration programs on priority areas of research and developmental development (for example, informatization); Budget and price regulation, aimed at supporting the fundamental and applied research of a "breakthrough" nature, to ensure the "fair" distribution of financial resources between various participants in the market of innovative resources.

In the area of \u200b\u200bregulation of investment activities, a set of measures is required to differ depending on the specific innovative projects and areas of their implementation, including: measures aimed at reducing non-economic risks of investment, administrative and social burden - in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic innovative projects; The use of long-term tariff guarantees and special investment regimes (for all investors, regardless of national affiliation), stimulating the demand for Russian innovative resources; Tax stimulating measures of investment in the implementation of innovative projects within the framework of the oil and gas sector itself and within the framework of conjugate high-tech sectors of the economy.

Unfortunately, the example of a one-way approach was steps and measures aimed at improving the investment climate in 2002. During the first half of the current year, investments in fixed assets increased in less than 2% compared with the 6 months of last year. And direct foreign investments declined for the same period by 10% compared with 2001. As a result, it turns out that tax innovations that should have increased investment actually led to their actual stagnation.

The Russian oil and gas sector enters the path of innovative development. To significantly strengthen the positive effect of innovative development, spread its impact on the entire domestic economy, it is necessary to go to a new development model. It is impossible to hope that the change of the model of innovative development of the oil and gas sector will happen by itself. The transition to the most profitable formula for innovative development can occur only as a result of active state intervention.

Transferring the development of the oil and gas sector to the innovative path to the new model should be a long-term national priority. And through the innovative development of the country, the conditions will be created and the development of other sectors of the economy, the whole society will be ensured. Therefore, I, as a supporter of the innovative development of the fuel and energy complex, speaking for the announcement of a new course, a new paradigm for the development of the oil and gas sector of our state economy.

3. Formation of the portfolio Innovations and innovation

Research and development management is carried out within the framework of ever-changing conditions. This causes the need for continuous improvement of R & D programs. At any time, an unexpected technical problem may have to be postponed or even stop working on the project. The requirements of consumers and demand can change, due to even the project's viability need to be revalued.

Managing R & D program, the manager must remember that it deals with the management of a dynamic project. The planning and management system must be flexible enough to allow the necessary modifications.

The efficiency of R & D is detected in the market. It depends on how much a market need is taken into account.

The main characteristics of the market segment are represented by four interconnected variables: the size of the market, permissible price, requirements for technical efficiency and time.

Most scientific products may be offered in forms that differ in efficiency, price and date of the first appearance on the market. It is important to determine which level of technical efficiency will require a specific market segment with the greatest probability, because Scientific and technical workers can strive for a very high level of parameters of the new product. This is definitely leads to technical ideas, but may not take into account the real requirements of consumers. In addition, the costs of R & D and production can occur, as well as increase the development time. All listed moments will lead to a decrease in the potential profitability of the product.

In modern conditions, the project development should be focused on specific market needs.

Choosing a bunch project with an active search for alternative solutions. The R & D process control mechanism is clearly presented in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1. R & D process control mechanism

R & D portfolio may consist of a variety of projects large and small; Close to completion and starting. However, everyone requires highlighting deficit resources Depending on the characteristics of the project (complexity, labor intensity, etc.).

The portfolio must have certain contours, be stable so that the work program can be evenly implemented.

The number of projects in the portfolio in a specific period of time depends on the size of the projects that are measured through the total resources required for the development and cost of implementing one project.

If, for example, 4000 D.E. is allocated to the implementation of R & D, and the cost of implementing one project 2000 D.E., then in the portfolio there may be 2 projects.

Thus, the number of projects in the portfolio (n) is determined from the following relationship:


The manager needs to decide how many projects can be simultaneously controlled;

¨ If it concentrates efforts on several projects;

¨ If you distribute available resources to a larger number of projects.

The portfolio consisting mainly from large projects is more risky, compared with the portfolio, where resources are distributed among small projects.

According to experts, only 10% of all projects are fully successful. This means that there is only a 10% chance of the effective completion of each project from the portfolio. With an increase in the number of projects, the likelihood is increasing that at least one of them will be successful.

The advantage of small projects is that they are easier to adapt to each other in terms of compliance with cash. A large project requires a large amount of scarce resources.

However, small projects (requiring relatively small costs for R & D) are usually implemented in new products with modest potential in terms of sales (and profits potential).

The portfolio of small projects can lead to a uniform population of innovations, most of which have limited market potential, which is undesirable from the position of the product range formed by marketing departments.

Considering those or other projects on the subject of possible inclusion in the portfolio, it is necessary to take into account the possible quality of management and the consequences of redistributing project costs.

Profitability of portfolios in general

where and is the average profitability of respectively portfolio A and B.

Based on profitability indicators, the preference coefficient can be calculated:

where to P is the preference coefficient.

However, each project has an individual profitability (RI) and a certain share in the cost of forming a portfolio ().

This means that the average or generalizing preference coefficient () can be represented as a system of coefficients of preferences on profitability and by cost structure.

Professional Preferences Coefficient:

The preference coefficient of cost structure:

In this way

Formation of the portfolio of orders involves working with potential consumers of R & D results.

For the modern situation, which established in Russia, it is difficult to accurately predict the demand for scientific and technical products, i.e. There is a uncertainty demand.

Consider some directions for studying the demand for products, which is the result of innovation.

Analysis of demand for scientific and technical products is one of the most important areas in the activities of R & D organizations.

In conditions market economy Analysis of demand for scientific and technical products is of paramount importance.

We list the directions for analyzing demand for innovation:

1. Analysis of the need for issued and (or) implemented innovation or new service.

2. Analysis of the demand for innovations and related services and the influence of various factors on them.

3. Analysis of the impact of demand for the results of the enterprise.

4. Determination of the maximum sales possibility and substantiation of the sales plan, taking into account the decision of the first three tasks, as well as the production capabilities of the company.

Features of the analysis of demand for innovation

Features of the development of innovations and the difference in their species largely predetermines the specifics of the analysis of the demand for them in each particular case.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify how innovations are basic or improved products, the demand for which is subject to study. Such identification can be carried out in two ways: first, using the construction of curves of life cycles of products based on data on the volumes of its duration and supply or marketing on the market. If the cyclic wave fit into a higher life and life lifespan is small relative to the "big" wave, we are talking about evolutionary or partial innovations (see Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2. Identification of innovations

Secondly, the enterprise producing innovative products conducts comparative analysis parameters of the previously produced and new products according to the following scheme: the presence in the constructive development of a new product compared to old, fundamentally different approaches, for example, unknown laws and patterns; the number of new parts, nodes in the product or operations in technology; Additional amount of the cost of changing the product and its share in the cost of a new product.

As a result of this analysis, new products can be grouped into three groups: the first one that has not previously existed (for example, laser disks); The second one was made earlier, but is significantly changed by material or structural solution; The third, which only received new design.

Innovative products are very diverse in forms. It may have (for example, machines, goods for the population) or not to have a natural and real form (know-how, patents, licenses), differ in purpose (for the purposes of production or final consumption), types of products, etc.

As a result, the demand analysis and the creation of an information base for its conduct has specifics in each particular case.

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation

4.1 Efficiency of innovation use

The innovative project is selected. The next stage begins - the use of innovation.

The significance of determining the effect of innovation is increasing in a market economy. However, it is no less important for a transition economy.

Depending on the results taken into account, the following types of effect distinguish

View of effect Factors, indicators
1. Economic Indicators take into account all types of results and costs due to innovation in value terms
2. Scientific and technical Novelty, simplicity, utility, aesthetics, compactness
3. Financial Calculation of indicators is based on financial indicators
4. Resident Indicators reflect the impact of innovation on the volume of production and consumption of one or another type of resource.
5. Social Indicators take into account the social results of innovation
6. Environmental Noise, electromagnetic field, illumination (visual comfort), vibration. Indicators take into account the impact of innovation on the environment

Depending on the time period of accounting, the results and costs distinguish the effects of the effect estimated period, annual effects.

The duration of the time period of the time period depends on the following factors, namely:

¨ Duration of the innovation period;

¨ life of the innovation object;

¨ degree of reliability of the source information;

¨ Investor requirements.

Above noted that general Principle Evaluation of effectiveness is a comparison of the effect (result) and costs.

The relationship can be expressed both in natural and in cash and the effectiveness indicator in these methods of expression may be different for the same situation. But, most importantly, it is necessary to clearly understand: production efficiency is always an attitude.

In general, the problem of determining economic effect and the choice of the most preferred embodiments of innovation requires, on the one hand, exceeding the final results from their use on the costs of development, manufacturing and implementation, and on the other, the comparison of the results obtained with the results from the use of other similar to the intended purpose of innovation.

Especially acute the need to quickly evaluate and right choice Options on firms applying accelerated depreciationIn which the deadlines for the replacement of existing machines and equipment to new are significantly reduced.

The method of calculating the effect (income) of innovation, based on comparison of the results of their development with cost, makes it possible to decide on the feasibility of using new developments.

4.2 General Economic Efficiency of Innovation

To evaluate general economic efficiency Innovation can be used by the system of indicators:

1. Integral effect.

3. Number of profitability.

4. Payback period.

1. The integral effect of EINT is the value of the difference between the results and innovative costs for the estimated period given to one, usually the initial year, that is, taking into account the discounting of the results and costs.

where Tr - the estimated year; Rt - result in t-th year; ZT - innovative costs in the t-th year; AT - Discount Coefficient (discount factor).

The integral effect also has other names, namely: pure discounted income, net shown or clean modern cost, clean present effect.

The discounting method considered by us is the method of compulsion of rapid costs and income, helps to choose the directions of investment in innovation, when these funds are especially small. This method is useful for organizations located on the subordinate position and receiving from the higher management already a tightly thorough budget, where the total value of possible investments in innovation is definitely determined.

As an indicator of profitability, the profitability index can be used. It has other names: return index, profitability index.

The profitability index is the ratio of the reduced income to the innovative costs given on the same date.

The calculation of the profitability index is conducted by the formula:

where jr is the profitability index; DJ - income in the period j; KT - the amount of investment in innovation in the period t.

The above formula reflects in the numerator of the income, given by the time of the initiation of innovation, and in the denominator - the value of investments in innovation projected by the time the investment process began.

Or otherwise you can say - two parts of the payment flow are compared: profitable and investment.

The profitability index is closely related to the integral effect, if the integral effect of EINT is positive, then the index of profitability JR\u003e 1, and vice versa. With JR\u003e 1, the innovative project is considered cost-effective. Otherwise jr<1 – неэффективен.

Preference in the conditions of a rigid deficit of funds should be given to those innovative solutions for which the profitability index is the highest.

3. The rate of profitability of the EP represents the value of the discount in which the amount of discounted income for a certain number of years becomes equal to innovative investments. In this case, the income and costs of the innovation project are determined by bringing to the current time.


This indicator otherwise characterizes the level of profitability of a particular innovative solution expressed by the discount rate, according to which the future value of the cash flow from innovation is given to the present value of investment funds.

Range rate indicator has other names: the internal rate of profitability. Internal profit rate, investment return rate.

Abroad, the calculation of the rate of profitability is often used as the first step of quantitative investment analysis. For further analysis, those innovative projects are selected, the internal yield rate of which is estimated by a value not lower than 15-20%.

The rate of profitability is determined analytically, as such a threshold value of profitability, which ensures equality to zero of the integral effect, calculated for the economic life of innovation.

The resulting calculation value of the EP is compared with the cost of profitability required by the investor. The question of making an innovative solution can be considered if the value of the EP is not less than the value required by the investor.

If the innovative project is fully funded by the bank's loan, the value of the EP indicates the upper border of the permissible level of the bank interest rate, the excess of which makes this project is economically ineffective.

In the case when financing from other sources takes place, the lower limit of the EP value corresponds to the price of advanced capital, which can be calculated as an average arithmetic weighted amount of boards for the use of advanced capital.

4. The payback period is one of the most common indicators for assessing investment efficiency. Unlike the indicator used in our practice, the performance of capital investments ", it is also based on profit, but on a cash flow with the transfer of investment in innovation and the amount of cash flow to this cost.

Investing in the market conditions is associated with a significant risk and this risk is the greater, the longer the payback period of investments. Too substantially during this time, market conditions and prices may change. This approach is consistently relevant for industries in which the highest rates of scientific and technological progress and where the emergence of new technologies or products can quickly devalue former investments.

Finally, the orientation on the indicator "Payback period" is often elected in cases where there is no confidence in that. That an innovative event will be implemented and therefore the fund owner does not risk entrying investment for a long time.

Formula payback period

where k is the initial investment in innovation; D - annual cash income.

4.3 Calculation of the Economic Effect

In world practice, numerous indicators are applied to analyze the technical level of production, the efficiency of new technology, the efficiency of the use of equipment, etc. All this diversity of generalizing and private indicators, however, can be reduced to three groups characterizing the impact of new techniques on the dynamics and efficiency of production intensification, those. to reduce material and labor costs per unit of products.

The first group assesses the impact of labor instruments on the technical equipment of production. The group includes the following indicators: coefficients of renewal and disposal of technology, mechanization rate, physical wear coefficient of technology, the average age of equipment, foundo-student, etc. The second group assesses the impact of new technology on labor objects: material consumption, saving raw materials and materials, etc. The third group evaluates the impact of new techniques for labor: technical armed labor, labor mechanization ratio, labor productivity growth as a result of the application of new equipment and technology, a decrease in the labor intensity of the output of the unit of final products, etc.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the concepts of economic effect and economic efficiency of new equipment and technology.

Economic effect is the final result of the use of technological innovation, measured by absolute values. They may be profits, a decrease in material, labor costs, the growth of production or quality of products expressed in price, etc.

Economic efficiency is an indicator determined by the ratio of the economic effect and costs that caused this effect, i.e. It is compared or the amount of profit gained, or reduce costs (at the enterprise level), or the increase in national income or gross domestic product (at the country level) with capital investments on the implementation of this technical event. The following indicators are used to calculate the economic effect or economic efficiency.

The economic effect of the technical and economic substantiation of the introduction of the Moon is determined by the formula:


where e measures is an indicator of the economic effect, rubles; P measures - value assessment of the results of Moon, rub.; S measures - value assessment of the cumulative costs for Moon, rub.


where - additional oil production at the expense of Moon, T; C - price of 1 ton of oil, rub. / T.

where s arr - costs for one processing of the well, rub.; N arr - the number of wells reagent, pcs.; H add - costs for additional oil production, rub.

The costs of carrying out one processing are consisted of expenses for wages of workers employed in the processing of ZPs, social insurance deductions from social, material expenses for the purchase of reagent and fresh water. Costs of the workshop:

where with T i is the hour tariff rate of the working I-th discharge, rubles per hour; t - duration of one processing, clock; h i is the number of workers of the i-th discharge; To P - Prize for the current provision; To p - district coefficient (in Bashkortostan to p \u003d 0.15);


where n is the bid of a single social tax,%. (26%)

where V reag, V PV - reagent consumption and fresh water, respectively, for carrying out one processing, T and m 3; With reagging, with PV - the cost of one ton of reagent and 1 m 3 of fresh water, respectively, rub.


where z exp I - the cost of operation of the i-th unit of transport, rubles / h; N - the number of transport units involved, pcs.;

Workshop (geophysical, general) expenses are usually taken at m percent from wage costs, the calculated formula has the form:


Operational costs for additional oil production are calculated:


where ze is the conditionally and variable costs of 1 tons of oil, rub. / t.

The increase in the balance sheet profit of the enterprise after the Moon is determined by the formula:

where C 1, C 2 is the cost of 1 ton of oil before and after the introduction of the Moon, respectively, rubles / t;

Q 1, Q 2 - oil production before and after the introduction of Moon, t.

The cost of 1 ton of oil after the implementation of the event is calculated by the formula:



where N is a percentage rate of income tax,% (24%).

When analyzing the effectiveness of new techniques, it is necessary to compare the capabilities of new techniques and prices for it. In countries such as Russia, i.e. We have a deficit in the new technique, and in the presence of monopolist enterprises, its producing, or when importing new technology, there are often cases when the increase in the unit capacity of the machine by 10-15-20% is accompanied by an increase in its value (in constant prices) by 100-200 % and more, which dramatically reduces the effectiveness of technical progress. That is why the sales of new techniques are always necessary for the accurate economic calculation of the maximum permissible level of the price, by which the consumer will agree to buy this new technique. After all, the consumer will agree to buy it, only when it provides him or a decrease in production costs per unit of goods manufactured by the final products, or a higher quality of the produced product, guaranteeing it to sell at a higher price and additional profit.

Under the above method, we calculate the main indicators for the introduction of a new technology intensifying oil production. The initial data are presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 - source data for calculation

Indicator Value
Expected additional oil production due to the event, t
Price 1 t of oil, rub. / T 1373
The amount of conditionally variable costs for extraction of 1 ta of oil, rub. 498,95
Required reagents
PAA, kg. 1368
clay solution, m 3 410
Price to reagents
PAA, rub. / Kg 32
clay solution, rub. / m 3 110
Duration of the event, h 99
The total hour of workers involved in the event taking into account premiums and additional wages, rubles / h
Cost 1 hour of work, rub. / H
- pumping unit 127
- Tankycene 62
-bus 45
Worked time, h.
- pumping unit 99
- Tankycene 92
-bus 26
Average cost of 1 hour of work according to NGDU, rub. / H
- workshops 74,8
- common management 65,8
- renting and repairing equipment 60,3
Costs for geophysical services, rub. / Opera 2250

To determine the economic effect in the technical and economic justification of the introduction of the Moon, we first calculate wages by formula (4.5).

The amount of social insurance deductions will calculate according to formula (4.6):


Then the profit gains remaining at the disposal of the enterprise:


The Government of the Russian Federation intends to take the script of the innovative development of the economy for the period 2005-2008. A discussion has begun to the State Duma Committee of the Medium-Term Program of the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for 2005-2008. The medium-term program is far from perfect, but an attempt is made to orient the development of the economy on the innovative path. During the discussion, there was already a lot of questions. They are such characteristic and illustrate not only the complexity of the problem, but also the unpretentiousness of the authors to answer them. It is necessary to find a balance between radical-liberal views on the development of the economy and the realities that are currently experiencing.

The government is trying to find the tools that would allow to develop the country, it becomes more and more competitive, increase labor productivity and income, that is, to identify internal growth factors and rely on them to make life better. Based on the confidence that this task will be able to cope with that the government intends to make a discussion of the medium-term program open and attract all interested in the discussion.

The Ministry of Economic Development developed three scenarios for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation on the medium term. The first option is inertial. This is what we practically have today. The scenario relies on a favorable foreign economic conjuncture and the calculation that the commodity sector will ensure economic growth, which is temporary and is quite problematic in long-term planning. The second option is export-investment. This option implies greater participation of the state and creating conditions for attracting investments and the development of individual sectors of the economy. The third scenario is the innovative development of the economy. It assumes the implementation of high-quality fractures and use on a large scale to achieve science and technology. The third scenario is taken as the basis. But as long as the discussion did not lead to an understanding of how in a practical plan to implement, in the next three years to have economic indicators that could indicate the translational growth of the economy and doubling GDP for 10 years. The goal of mpage in the field of science and technology is the transition of our economy to the innovative path of development.

According to the Martha Medium-Term Project, an innovative-oriented development scenario is characterized by a more moderate scale of investment in the oil and gas sector and transport, but more ambitious projects in the high-tech and information sphere. This scenario can be viewed as a scenario of active diversification of the economy and structural shift in favor of processing sectors and services. It is more than the first two scenarios, offers the development of the Russian economy in the direction of post-industrial defendance and knowledge economy.

As part of the third scenario, for the period 2005-2008, GDP increases, as in the second scenario, 25-27% and about 100-104% for the period up to 2015. Unlike the baseline scenario, characterized by a slowdown in the growth rate in 2010-2015 (compared with 2005-2007), in the second and third scenarios, on the contrary, in 2012-2015 are accelerated to the target growth plan for 7 or more percent in year. At the same time, within the framework of the third post-industrial scenario, there has also more good prospects for further growth acceleration after 2015 compared with the second resource-intensive scenario.

List of used literature

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7. Innovative process in oil production and national economic interests: the harmonizing potential of an institutional approach in the state regulation of the industry // Russian Economic Journal. - 2005. - № 3. - P. 22-34.

For more than 150 years of the history of the development of the oil and gas industry, its movement has been provided with access to resources through innovation and new technologies. Technological development has changed the methods and methods of resource searches, opened access to the development of shelf deposits, shale deposits, increased the efficiency and safety of the implementation of oil and gas production projects. New projects on deep-sea shelf prove, as new technologies change the mining card and provide access to such resources, which several decades ago could not and assume.

In economically developed countries (USA, Canada, Japan and EU countries), the fuel and energy complex is the sector of the national economy, the proportion of state participation in the management of which is significant. The most important means of implementing energy policies is the state scientific and technical policy in the field of energy.

Foreign oil and gas companies pay a huge impact of scientific and technical development. Companies have their own major research centers and laboratories, design and design organizations. In addition to its own programs, the company finances jointly with other companies in the involvement of laboratories of higher educational institutions and government agencies.

In the area of \u200b\u200bintelligence and development of oil and gas fields, research departments are carried out on modeling of fields and characteristics of productive reservoirs used to plan oil production volumes with approbation in deposits. The main efforts are aimed at improving drilling technologies that will significantly reduce the cost of building wells while reducing the harmful effects on the environment, as well as to improve the secondary methods for extracting hydrocarbons.

In the field of oil and gas processing, research is aimed at improving the quality of the main types of petroleum products. In the field of production, efforts are aimed at developing more economical catalysts and improving technological processes, as well as to develop new processes that increase product quality. In order to choose promising territories for searches and exploration, new analytical and forecast methods of assessing the prospects are developed. In search of alternative energy sources, studies are underway to master the production of liquid synthetic fuel production technology.

The result of these scientific developments will be the technology of gas conversion, which will solve global energy needs by creating commercial sales markets located in remote locations and inaccessible to normal transportation. Accordingly, this will cause the construction of expensive main gas pipelines and powerful compressor stations, which will reduce costs.

Among the priority developments of foreign companies are research that will help reduce the harmful effects of production on the environment and to improve the safety of labor. Priority for petroleum companies are developments that have potential economic efficiency.

As the experience of foreign countries shows, the oil and gas industry is one of the most high-tech industries in the world. In recent years, innovation has been a general trend in the development of world oil and gas industry. The experience of the United States, Canada, Australia and Norway suggest that the oil and gas sector of the economy is a powerful "generator" of demand for high-tech and high-tech products.

There are circumstances under the influence of which the importance of developing new techniques for the introduction of new technologies in the activities related to the extraction and use of oil and gas resources.

Firstly, in a number of countries of the world (USA, Canada, Norway, the United Kingdom, etc.) there is exhaustion of oil and gas reserves, there was a need to master deposits on the shelves of the seas and deep-water deposits.

Secondly, the emergence and development of alternative energy sources increases. Their spectrum expands, but their widespread use is constrained by a high level of costs, and this leads to low competitiveness compared to natural sources of energy. However, these costs are constantly reduced and therefore natural sources will be able to be competitive only provided that their cost will be low. In modern conditions, the reduction of costs is the improvement of the production technology, transportation and processing.

Thirdly, instability of the global energy market.

Fourth, there is a tightening of the institutional framework for the development of the oil and gas sector, this is due to the increase in the value of ownership of resources. Since resource owner is interested in receiving rental income.

These factors are not equally affected by the development of the oil and gas sector in different countries, their action is common and causes an increase in competition between manufacturers. In modern conditions, the competitive advantages are made by those manufacturers who constantly reduce costs. Sustainable cost reduction is ensured by the continuous update of technologies throughout the oil and gas resource movement chain.

An important tool for developed countries is to stimulate innovative activities through the tax system. There are three groups of tax tools that stimulate innovation:

exemption from taxes of public and private organizations (VAT, for property, to earth);

tax breaks that stimulate companies to an increase in research and development costs;

tax benefits for novice companies in the early stages of their activities.

Tax benefits from the first group do not give serious incentives to additional investment in the sphere of R & D. Since the organizations will be forced to pay all taxes provided for by law, the state should compensate for these costs by increasing the amount of funding.

World oil business closely approached the stage when the role of oil companies began to be reduced to obtaining a license for the right to master or develop deposits, ensuring funding and organizing all processes. The entire production part of work on exploration, development and development of deposits is carried out by third-party service companies. This transformation is due to the increase in the technological complexity of a large number of heterogeneous operations during exploration and operation of deposits.

Traditionally, general leadership in the innovative development of the industry belongs to large vertically integrated companies, the technological competence of service companies has increased significantly. The largest service companies, such as Halliburton, Shlumberger and Baker Huges, currently have powerful modern research centers with the support of the state, which allows them to take their niche at the innovative market.

The history of the formation of innovative economies shows different examples of a temporary framework that were required to start, accelerating and maintaining the introduction of new technologies. There are countries that are systematically engaged in innovative development and those who have made innovative jerks under the influence of public policy.

In the UK, prior to the beginning of the 20th century, a focused policy on stimulating and introducing new technologies was conducted. In 2003, the Ministry of Technological Development Strategy was published by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, in 2004, the Council on Technological Strategies was established, which investments in the creation of new technologies, supported their development and commercialization in the commodity sector and exchange for new effective technologies. State financing of research is implemented on a dual support system. It is made through one-time subsidies and in parallel the Department of Innovation Financing Research Tips, and they, in turn, finance research in the country. For today in the UK, there are eight innovation centers and technologies.

In France, in 1999, a law on innovation and scientific research was adopted, which was to reorganize and modernize the innovative system. The implementation of this law in 2002 led to the adoption of a special innovation plan, the purpose of which was to create a legal framework. Which in turn stimulated the development and introduction of new technologies in the extractive and processing industry. More than 50% of government costs for R & D are provided by the mining companies and processing companies of subsoil users.

The Spanish oil company REPSOL has developed a state strategy for the transfer of high technologies with the support of the state. Management is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. To implement this strategy from the budget of the country from 2010 and to the present, 6720 tons euros are allocated annually.

In the Netherlands in 2003, the Ministry of Economic Relations implemented the program "The Path to Innovation, the introduction of new technologies in the extractive processing industry. This program should have led to an improvement in the innovation climate. Stimulating companies occurred at the expense of customs preferences, liberation and taxation of taxes.

Ireland has moved to an innovative development path in 2007, when 8.2 billion euros were allocated to implement the science, technology and innovation strategy. It is the state that plays a major role in the process of introducing new technologies in the processing sector. The main direction to stimulate the development of high-tech industries is the allocation of grants for R & D, reducing tax rates.

In Denmark, the important part of the innovation system are GTS-institutes ("Godkendt Teknologisk Service" - an approved technological provider of services in the mining sector), acting as a bridge between state and private entities. GTS is private independent consulting companies engaged in the development and sale of applied knowledge and technological services. GTS was created by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

In Germany, the first venture capital funds appear in the 1970s and were aimed at the development of innovative companies in the extractive and processing sectors. The implementation of private-public partnership programs in research activities occurs. And if in the 70s the proportion of budget finances was 70% in R & D expenses, then today it is 30%. The legislative base of the innovation system is formed in such a way that legal acts are conventionally divided into three groups:

relate to educational institutions;

to research organizations;

to the subsoil use sector.

In Finland since the 2000s, the Sitra State Foundation is becoming the main investor in innovation for the oil and gas sector. The impact of the development of technoparks is given.

In Norway, the state will co-finance R & D of commodity companies. The main goal is to create a scientific environment of a global scale and accumulation of knowledge in the field of oil production. The development of R & D is encouraged by the system of tax deductions in the expenditure on R & D. While high oil production taxes stimulate oil and gas companies to develop new technologies that will reduce the cost of mining and increase the degree of oil production from the formation. The main direction of innovation policies is to involve research on enterprises of the mining and processing sector.

Japan does not have its own raw material base by the vector of the development of high technologies. In 1999, a law on exporting technologies in exchange for raw materials for Japan was adopted. In Sweden, only in 2005-2008 were identified five priority areas for funding R & D: biotechnology, sustainable development, energy saving, environment and medicine. High-tech centers represent a combination of research and commercial forces in the interests of effective commercialization of new technologies.

The innovative policy of the United States originates in the 1990s, it is most pronounced in priorities, which were marked by B. Clinton in his report to the congress "Science and Technology in the extractive sector: Forming the XXI century." The peculiarity of the development of the American innovation sphere is the emergence of independent of the federal state bodies of the institutions of the innovation sector: technoparks and venture capital funds.

Oil and gas industry is the sector where process innovations have a huge impact not only on the final results of the activities of individual companies, but also on the state of the national economy as a whole. It is obvious that over the past decade, the oil and gas industry has demonstrated a number of striking achievements around the world. For most of the largest oil and gas companies, innovation make up the most important part of the corporate culture and the mission of the company, and companies receive significant benefits from their innovation activities.

The most topical tasks for oil and gas companies in the field of innovation are the development of a proper technological strategy and the correct operating model, the choice of the right business partners and the use of the correct set of performance indicators to assess the company's promotion on the path of innovative development.

Innovation Leadership is an important factor in the economic growth of companies. Oil and gas companies are consistently and purposefully working to bring their production opportunities to a new level. Technological innovations make it possible to extract such types of fuel from the depths, the mining of which 10-20 years ago was impossible. It is envisaged to use a "bush platform" to drill multiple wells in one site, this contributes to improving productivity, while there is no need to expand the geographical presence of sector companies in remote regions. According to some estimates, in just the last six years, the performance of the Middle Oil and Gas Well in North America has increased four times. This complies with research results at many deposits held within a few decades. Obviously, oil and gas companies today correctly build their work in many directions.

We give as an example the production of biological fuel from algae. Studies in this direction are underway for many years. Currently, a pilot project is being developed in the framework of the Program of the Innovation Alliance of Canada Officer Sands Developers (COSIa). The project provides that the refinery operating on biological fuel will grow algae using waste heat and by-products formed in the drilling process. Oil production from oil-bearing sands, as well as gas from the shale in the nearby past, was considered too difficult or expensive, and today the development of such resources rapidly changes the situation in the North America market.

An increase in mining of shale gas is a well-known fact, but this is not the only example of changes in the industry. In recent years, there is also a steady increase in oil extraction coefficient. The Perm oil and gas pool is an area in the US region of 250 by 300 miles, covering the western Texac state and the eastern part of New Mexico. Oil production began there in 1921. Ten years ago, oil production from wells in this area was discontinued, however, the introduction of new drilling methods (in particular, the method of hydraulic reservoir break, or "hydraulic") led to the restoration of oil production over the past three years. Currently, this basin accounts for 14% of the total oil production in the United States.

However, the method of hydraulic reservoir is not the only new drilling method affecting the restoration of production volumes. Innovative activity in the oil and gas sector is focused not only to increase raw materials. Another major destination is to ensure the safety of operating activities. This may include the search for new methods for monitoring the mechanical integrity and technical condition of materials when the environmental conditions change or the creation of new systems for carrying out production control, maintenance and repair. Since the enterprises of the industry are increasingly carrying out their operational activities in extreme conditions, innovation in the field of ensuring the safety of production and labor protection are becoming more and more relevant. For example, consider deep-water drilling. Anadarko's president compared the methods of deep-sea drilling with those used to land a man on the moon. And this is not an exaggeration: some participants in the industry cooperate with the National Aeronautics and Space Space Department (USA), for example, in the development of fiber-optic sensory systems designed to increase the stability and safety of marine drilling platforms.

The presence of a clearly defined innovative strategy distinguishes the best companies from the rest. After analyzing the interviews with the heads of oil and gas companies operating in all the links of the value chain, including both small companies and very large market participants, which lead their operating activities in the segment of exploration and production (including servicing oil fields) and in the processing and sales segment. Approximately 4/5 of respondents who represent the oil and gas sector, noted the importance of innovation for their business. For 39% of the highest leaders of oil and gas companies, innovations have already become a prerequisite for maintaining competitiveness. If you consider this question in the five-year run, then the specified figure will increase to 48%, and this gives reason to believe that innovations are extremely important for each segment of the oil and gas industry. However, only about half of the respondents from the same oil and gas companies have noted the availability of a clearly formulated innovation strategy in their companies, which they implement in their practical activities.

This is a serious problem for those companies where there is no clear concept of innovative development, since the practical solution of development and growth objectives begins with the formation of a reasonable and thoughtful strategy.

Innovative development issues should be engaged in all the company's division, and not just the R & D division. For companies engaged in geological exploration and mining, unconditional relevance have R & D in the field of new technologies, business systems and processes, and for companies engaged in processing and marketing, new developments in the field of products and services. However, it is important not to lose sight of business opportunities for growth and in areas such as business models and supply chain. Less than half of the highest heads of the oil and gas sector companies said that they have a clearly formulated innovative strategy (despite the fact that 79% of the leaders in the field of innovative development in various industries have given a similar answer). The highest leaders of oil and gas companies are considering innovative activities as a vital factor of future success.

One of their key growth factors is the constant attention of companies to ensure the balance of the innovative portfolio. Balanced is the optimal combination of investment in the development of phased, breakthrough and radical solutions in all directions of innovation. The optimal combination of investments in relation to oil and gas companies will depend on what place they occupy within the production and sales chain.

The focus of companies are highly qualified specialists and corporate culture. Representatives of almost all companies consider some aspects of the innovation process quite complex. The most serious challenges include the following factors: assessment and measurement of the success of innovative projects, the availability of highly qualified specialists, as well as the selection and selection of optimal partners.

In search of today's and tomorrow innovators, the highest leaders of the oil and gas sector companies note that the lack of highly qualified personnel is a certain problem for the company's innovative development. One aspect of this issue in today's conditions is the search for highly qualified innovative specialists and attracting them to the company.

The heads of the oil and gas sector companies are planning to develop cooperation with a wide range of business partners. Of great importance also has the degree of interaction of these specialists with specialists from other companies. Companies leading in innovation development are much more likely to use the cooperation strategy than companies, the least oriented to innovation, and this trend is observed in all sectors. In the oil and gas sector, the relevance of cooperation with other organizations and companies is especially large due to the high costs and long periods of preparation and implementation of projects aimed at technological improvement of processes in the oil and gas industry.

Joint projects with the participation of large and largest oil and gas companies, oil-breeding companies, as well as strategic partners, suppliers and research units today become an exception to practice, but the norm. And such cooperation is currently widely applied across the global market. Consider, for example, the activities of the Italian company ENI. This company concluded partnership agreements with a number of Italy universities and the country's national research council. She also cooperates with the Massachusetts Institute. Companies are planning in the next three years to establish cooperation with a wide range of organizations, including strategic partners, suppliers, academic institutions and even competing companies, although planning to develop cooperation with competitors, while still remain in the minority. Partnership with organizations from other industries can give huge benefits. For example, today in the industry, the methods of magnetic resonance visualization are widely used, originally developed for medical purposes. With the help of these methods, it was possible to determine the volume of oil in the rock. Moreover, Shell today cooperates with one of the Hollywood film companies participating in the production of multiplication films about Shrek. The Shell leadership hopes that such cooperation will improve the visualization of seismological data.

Some companies are currently embarking on the development of their own corporate processes aimed at introducing innovation. The most famous example of such activities is the Gamechanger program ("Changing Game Rules"), adopted by Shell. The program includes elements of such methods such as open innovation, business incubator and corporate venture projects. In addition, the Internet portal created by Statoil can be noted on innovation issues. The portal owns a leading role in coverage of problems and objectives of innovation. In addition, it is here that you can offer your new ideas in free form. To help potential participants in the discussion of this topic, the company has created a discussion group on the social network LinkedIn, which contributed to improving the quality and increase in the number of applicants.

Ashok Belani, executive vice president of technologies in Schlumberger, believes that software platforms are the area in which an open innovation model in the oil and gas sector is already being implemented. He noted: "For example, when we convey the Shell's Petrel platform or Petrobras company, our software is designed not only to provide the necessary functionality and user-friendly interface, but also should, even more importantly, ensure its compatibility with their own systems, opening it For the oil and gas industry, new expanses.

To find the solution of some complex technical tasks related to maintaining deep-water drilling objects, Total joins efforts with the French engineering company Cybernetix, specializing in the production of robotics, in order to develop a new system of production control, maintenance and repair, called Swimmer. The system is intended to monitor underwater work and maintenance of objects using submarine apparatus with remote control capable of working in conditions of the minimum spatial environment. The Swimmer system will be able to stay under water for three months and act within a radius of 50 km.

The oil service company Schlumberger collaborates with Saint-Gobain in the field of crystallography and with Lockheed Martin in the field of the most modern methods of computer data processing. And these are only two examples from a wide list of business partners of this company. Innovative Center for Oil and Gas Technologies in Houston (Texas), providing subscriber services to petrochemical companies, is engaged in profiling technologies developed in other industries for their use in the petrochemical industry. The most pressing technologies relate to the following categories:

  • - insulating coatings and materials;
  • - communications and energy production;
  • - filtering and working fluids;
  • - labor protection, industrial safety and environmental protection (from PB and OOS);
  • - production control and monitoring;
  • - movement control;
  • - safety;
  • - sensory devices;
  • - software.

The Brazilian government provides financing calculated by billions of dollars in order to promote research developments that will be able to stimulate exploration on the shelf. Brazilian authorities expect to create in the country the developed industry of oil-speaking services. At the same time, the leading role in this direction is given to the state oil company Petrobras. The company has already created a research center in which specialists of enterprises Baker Hughes, Schlumberger and Halliburton take part.

In the oil and gas company, an open innovation model is an approach that has the greatest potential in terms of income increase. The Canadian Innovation Alliance of Officon Sands Developers (COSIa) is an excellent example of combining the efforts of oil companies to address issues related to the reduction of the negative impact of operational activities on the environment. COSIA was established in March 2012, and today it includes 14 companies. Companies involved in COSIA activities reveal and develop innovative approaches and advanced ideas in improving environmental protection activities in oil-bearing sands and exchange ideas and information about these approaches, focusing on waste disposal issues, rational use of land, water resources and reduction Greenhouse gas emissions. According to COSIA, to date, the members of this organization exchanged information on 446 unique technological and innovative solutions, the development of which cost more than 700 million US dollars.

Another important trend in the oil and gas sector is the development of corporate venture projects. Chevron, BP, Shell, Conocophillips and other companies have profile units engaged in corporate venture projects. Investing in small startups is another way with which companies sector are hedged invested funds and expand access to a wide range of technologies in different industries. In addition, some companies this approach allows to maintain the balance of its innovative portfolio. Shell GameChanger program, which has been widely known, combines the elements of all three of the above models of innovation.

The program appeared in the mid-1990s, during the decline in the oil and gas sector. At that time, the company's company faced the acute need to reduce costs, including the costs of R & D, however, the shell leadership understood how important it is not to confuse the ideas that will determine the growth of business in the long run. The Gamechanger program was developed in the image and similarity of the ecosystem created in the Silicon Valley. The program, in particular, provided for assessing colleagues and the implementation of experiments at an early stage of development as an integral part of the process. As part of the GameChanger program, Shell began to establish partnerships with universities in the United States and Western Europe.

Shell leaders started an active search for new ideas, not expecting when developers of innovative solutions themselves come to them. The measures taken included the expansion of cooperation with venture capital firms, holding conferences and special events that provide wider contacts with small and medium-sized business representatives. Soon after that, the company's management began to organize the domains in order to give this process a more structured character. The information field of such domains was wide enough to ensure coverage of different aspects.

This allowed the company to strengthen the relationship between ideas coming upwards under the GameChanger program, and the strategic plans of the company's leadership, which was brought to the attention of employees through the "top down" information channels. Since 1996, over 250 million US dollars in the development of more than 3,000 new ideas, 300 of which were implemented within the framework of commercial projects, which have been implemented in commercial projects to provide more energy products to their customers in the implementation of this program. One of the technological solutions developed under the Gamechanger program, swelling the rubber sealing ring, ensured an increase in oil recovery by 1.5 million barrels for three years. In its current form, the GameChanger program is carried out through the central group whose activities covers the entire business company. New ideas come through the company's web platform or by internal information channels, and a curator is assigned to work with each of them. Members of the Central Group of Gamechanger are considering the proposed ideas and decide on whether they should issue them as an official offer for subsequent development. At the next stage, the proposal comes to the extended commission, which consists of three members of the GameChanger central group and three technical specialists in the relevant regions. They evaluate the proposals and immediately make a decision regarding further steps. If a positive decision is made, the next step is to include a sentence in the financing program of experimental inspection of the Concept, within which a periodic assessment of the proposed idea is carried out. As soon as the practical development of the idea, the GameChanger program will also help to ensure the commercial realization of this idea. Corporate venture projects are carried out not only by international oil companies. This direction is represented at the level of national oil companies, such as ENI SPA, Saudiaramco and Statoil.

A genuine success in the field of innovation cannot be considered exclusively through the prism of financial indicators. In determining the success indicators of innovative solutions, the leading companies go far beyond the traditional investment income indicator. One of the standard indicators for oil and gas companies is monitored by licenses. Other qualitative approaches can also be very useful. The Vice-President Shell's Technology Strategy believes that the Genuine Meril of Success is the company's ability to attract the best business partners. The Italian company ENI has developed an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of its R & D program.

Various business units are focused on different types of innovation, and this is reflected in the system of key performance indicators. The company adopted in the company is divided into four categories: value (benefit) for the company (as material, so intangible), efficiency and productivity of the portfolio, the effectiveness and effectiveness of projects and coherence with the company's strategy. One example of material benefits is saving in terms of capital costs. This indicator allows us to determine the amount of savings at the capital expenditure level obtained by applying innovative technology instead of the best of existing traditional alternative technologies. Among the intangible (non-financial) performance indicators include the number of patents and publications, as well as the number of unique developments (know-how) transmitted by other business departments of the company. As the innovative portfolios diversify, the control rates of evaluating breakthrough and truly radical innovations should be changed to adequately reflect new processes and those benefits they provide companies.

Technological innovations have a huge impact on all aspects and links of supply chain. Technical progress, starting with a three-dimensional and four-dimensional format of seismological research and ending with the improvement of technologies of fractional distillation and isomerization, gases and regasification, has a huge impact on the processes of intelligence, drilling, mining, processing and sales of oil and gas. In the future, scientific and technological progress will gain momentum. The company's fuel and energy complex today are already considering the prospects for the use of nanotechnology, biotechnology and environmentally safe decisions in the field of chemistry.

Companies leading in the field of innovative development will receive great competitive advantages. Innovative development in the oil and gas sector requires careful planning and a clearly defined strategy. The oil and gas industry is lagging behind the leaders in innovation from the point of view of the presence of a clear and clear strategy in the field of innovative development.

Do not limit innovative activities by the R & D framework. Investments in R & D constitute an important part of the innovative process, but they do not reflect the entire content of this activity. The oil and gas sector companies have a leading position in matters related to the fundamental improvement of processes and systems, but they need to apply innovative approaches and solutions in areas such as the development of business models and products offered, improving the quality of customer service (in relation to segments of processing and sales) and improving supply chain.

The center of attention is people. The right choice of business partners from various industries and cooperation with them. Search and selection of reliable business partners from other industries is a difficult task for many companies. But it is extremely important to solve it, especially in the light of the firmly established reputation of the oil and gas industry as an "integrator of technologies." The drilling of the well to the depth of over two and a half kilometers on the ocean shelf requires the use of the same complex technologies as the launch of the spacecraft with a person on board. Joint projects with the participation of large and largest oil and gas companies, oil-breeding companies, as well as strategic partners, suppliers and research units today become an exception to practice, but the norm. Often, such projects are part of the initiatives in the field of open innovation, but also there is also a revival of interest in corporate venture projects.

Careful assessment and measurement of the degree of success. This provision means developing the right and adequate key performance indicators for different types of innovation and different business units. And although the assessment of innovation from the point of view of financial indicators is an important component of the KPI system, non-financial indicators play no less.

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