
An example of the design of the technological process. Registration of the route card. Calculation of mass fraction of fat


1 1 Types and forms of technological maps 1 The main types of technological maps according to GOST and GOST for use in the educational process should be: - a route card (MK) according to GOST, intended for describing the technological process in a technological sequence of operations; - Operating card (OK) according to GOST, designed to describe the processing processing with cutting with the indication of consistently performed transitions; - Map of sketches (CE) according to GOST, designed to perform operational sketches of complex parts with a lack of space for their image on OK, as well as documents of 5.2 STDs by decision of the department for some types of technological processes (assembly, casting and other) Map can be applied Technological information (KTI) and a technological process (KTP) card according to GOST form and dimensions Count of technological maps are given in annexes A, D, L, L, H, P, U STPs given in application form applications for use in the educational process are somewhat different from the forms stipulated by the Network standards; The differences are to exclude a number of unreadable graph, as well as in the addition of some graph to decipher their content. By decision of the department, the use of forms corresponding to the standards of NSID is allowed. 3 Samples of filling the main inscriptions and other common graphs on the forms of technological maps are given in applications B, E, and, M, P, C, F, E STP These forms should be used for centralized manufacturing of technological maps forms on instructions 1.4, using the dimensions indicated In the applications listed in 3.2 STP NOTE The applications do not contain the forms of subsequent sheets of technical control and assembly operating cards. These forms are similar to the Cutting Map on Appendix P STP with the designation and dimensions of the graph of the line with a service symbol of R.

2 2 For subsequent sheets of control card Row on application P STP Replace to a string P of the first sheet of control card by Appendix E. For subsequent sheets of the assembly map of the R STP string on the application n replace on the row to the first sheet of the assembly card on an application with STP In the forms of technological maps, standard conventions of the graph should be applied; Their decoding is shown in the application in STDs, in addition to the designations of the OPP, PM, CM, the UT, corresponding to the graphs, the filling of which in the training documents is not provided, as well as the generally accepted designations of the size and elements of cutting modes (D or B, I, T, I, S , P). 5 The designations of parts in technological maps should be performed according to STP documents of the technological process of manufacturing the part, it is necessary to have the following order: a) route card (MK) - according to applications A, B, G (form 1) and, if necessary, subsequent sheets - by applications D, e (form 1a) STP; b) Operating card (OK) with an operating sketch according to applications, and, K (form 2) or without sketch of applications L, M (Form 3) STP; c) subsequent sheets OK according to applications N, P (form 2a) STP; d) sketch map according to applications y, f, x (form 4) - when making an operating card in form 3 of STP documents according to b), c), d) repeat for each operation. In the necessary places after the cards on b), c) and d), and after the last operation - must be placed the operating card of the technical control on applications, E, YU (form 5) of the STP when making the process of technological process to a separate book before the route the map should be placed the title page in the form corresponding to STP 1.01; An example of the design of the title sheet of the technological process of manufacturing the part is given in Appendix I stups when mapping a technological process card as an application to an explanatory note, a title page must be placed in front of the route map, which is for

3 3 The technological process of manufacturing the part is given in Appendix 1 (p. 32) of the STP for other types of technological processes and in other projects, similar forms of title sheets should be applied. The order of filling the route (MK) and operating (OK) of cards 1 When filling out the MK and ok, the technological information is recorded by line, several types of strings. 2 Each type of line corresponds to a special service letter symbol, indicated in the first left line of the row of this type. 3 in MK and ok it is necessary to apply the following characters of string types: A: number and name of the operation; reference to the safety instructions (IOT) on Appendix 2 (p. 33) STP; - B: Name of equipment and information on labor costs; - M: Materials (parts and others), type of initial workpiece, unit of ignoring EN (Appendix B) STP; - A: Content of the operation (transition); - T: technological equipment; personal protective equipment with reference to IOT; - P: processing modes; In training documents with the designations of units of all values. 4 In the upper part of the forms of technological maps performed in accordance with 3.2, 3.3 STP, there are strings with symbols of the graph of 3.4 (Appendix B) of the STP; In the first on the left of the graphs of these rows, the service characters of the strings of the rows 3. 5 are available to describe in one of the rows of any type of technological information 3, you should first point the corresponding service character first in the first left of the graph of this string. The information in this line is typically recorded in the graphs corresponding to their designations in the string above with the same service symbol. 6 information in lines with service symbols O and T is recorded sequentially along the entire length of the line without binding to the graphs; Different types of information are separated by a semicolon.

4 4 7 When you fill out information in lines with service symbols A and O, the rules for recording operations and transitions according to GOST, GOST, GOST; Operations should be numbered by two-digit numbers of arithmetic progression with denominator 5 (05, 10, 15, etc.), basic and auxiliary transitions - numbers of natural rows (1, 2, 3, etc.). 8 Information in a row with a service symbol T is recorded in the sequence: devices, auxiliary tool, a cutting tool, a fitting and assembly tool, means of control, personal protective equipment with reference to IOT. 9 With a lack of space in the line, the information is transferred to the following lines without duplicating the expansion of service characters. 10 In the training MK and the OK number of the strings provided in the form of NSID, it is allowed not to indicate. 11 designations of standard products (materials, tools, fixtures, controls, etc.) in technological maps should be complete and include the state standard number with the Year of approval; The abbreviated record is allowed only in cases where complete designations are shown in other parts of the project, as well as by decision of the department. Examples: Full entry: Caliber-plug H9 GOST abbreviated recording: Caliber-cork, in applications G, K, T, U. The examples of the design of MK and OK on technological processes and cutting operations, assembly operations and technical controls in forms of 3.2 and 3.3. Note Examples are not intended for use as samples of technological processes (operations). 13 By decision of the department, individual graphs of MK and OK is allowed not to fill. Registration of sketching cards (CE) 1 KE should be decorated in accordance with GOST on sheets of A4 sheets, as well as formats A3, A2 and A1 according to GOST when performing Ke on sheets of formats Over A4, the top of the main inscription should be performed in format 4a (applications C and W) STP, having it in the right side of the sheet, and the bottom part is in the left side of the sheet. Limiting the main inscription horizontal

5 5 Lines should be continued until the end of the sheet. Such CEs can be included in the graphic part of the project. 2 On the CE form, the operating sketches should be performed, sketches (maps) of adjustments, as well as sketches of blanks, if provided for by the task. 3 Operating sketches, except for CE, can be performed in the corresponding zones OK in form 2 of the STP in compliance with the requirements of this section. 4 images of details on the sketches should be made in the position they occupy on the machine. 5 The sketches should be performed with the extention of the proportions of the part, if possible in compliance with the scale. 6 When performing sketches on the CE, the requirements of STP 2.02 should follow, as well as other requirements of ECCD standards. 7 fields of linear dimensions should be specified according to GOST or in a string: - final (drawing): covering (holes) and covered (shafts) - symbols with the task in brackets of limit deviations; other intensive sizes - only limit deviations; Examples: 50H8 (- 0.039) - for diameters; 40E9 (- 0.050; - 0,112) - for length; 60 ± 0.1 or, 1 - for the rest. - intermediate (operating) - limit deviations, recommended with symbols; Examples: 49.25-0.05; 49.25h9 (0.062). 8 It is allowed not to indicate the limit deviations of the size of the elements of threads, slot shafts and holes, etc., if the operating cards provide them with controls, for example, calibers. 9 On operating sketches, indicate the designations of basic installation surfaces - the GOST content schemes for the GOST note designation, clamps and installation devices according to GOST, provided for GOST, not recommended in training documents. 10 An example of the operation of the operational sketch to the cutting operation is given in Appendix X STP

6 6 Basic conditional designations Count MK and OK (in alphabetical order) EB - designation of units (measurements) of the physical quantities specified in the Count N. RAS. (kg, l, m); EN is a unit of rationing (for example 1; 10; 100 parts) to which the material consumption rate or the rate of time is established for this designation; IOT - Instructions for labor protection; CD - the number of parts made from one billet, pcs; Ki - the number of details, assembly units used in assembly, pcs; Kim - material use coefficient; Coid - the number of simultaneously processed parts on operations; Cr - the number of performers (workers) occupied when performing one operation; PC-coefficient with multi-service maintenance; MD - the mass of the details on the design document, kg; MH - the mass of the workpiece, kg; Mi - the mass of the product in the design document, kg; N. RAS. - material consumption rate, kg; OP - the volume of the production lot, pcs; Pi - the position number of the instrumental adjustment for CNC machines; Volume and PC - the volume of control - the percentage of the party or the frequency of control, pieces per hour; Prof - the name of the profession of the artist (workers); P - the discharge of the work required to perform the operation; Coolant - information on the lubricating and coolant; T 0 - the norm of the main time; T in - rate of auxiliary time; T PZ - the norm of preparatory and final time; T pcs - norm of pieces.

STP 1.03 2002 Standard Enterprise General requirements for registration of educational documents Technological documents Rybinsk State Aviation Technology Academy named after P. A. Solovyova STP 1.03-2002

GOST 3.1118-82 Unified system of technological documentation. Forms and rules of registration of route cards State Standard of the Union of SSR Date of introduction 01.01.1984 introduced by the Resolution of the State

State Standard of the Union of SSR GOST 3.1118-82 "Unified Technological Documentation System. Forms and Rules of Registration of Route Maps" (UTV. Decree of the USSR State Standard of December 30, 1982

State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System of Technological Documentation Form and Rules of Land Maps of GOST 3.1118-82 Publishing Standards Moscow State Standard of the SSR Union

Standard of the highest educational institution System of standards for organizing the educational process Technological documents in the field of educational process General requirements for the execution of stem-KPI-3.08-2007 NTU "KPI" Kharkov

State Standard of the Union of SSR GOST 3.1502-85 Unified Technology Documentation System "Forms and Rules of Projecting Documents for Technical Control" (UTV. Resolution of the USSR State Standard from 28

State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System of Technological Documentation Forms and Rules of Documents for Technical Control of GOST 3.1502-85 State Committee of the USSR on Standards Moscow

GOST 3.1105-84 FORM 2 CAPR_TP 31 1 BRGTU TAM A set of documents on the technological process of mechanical processing Details of the shaft developed: Checked: TL title page 1 GOST 3.1118-82 Form 2 Development. 03/29/2012

GOST 3.1402-84 Interstate standard Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules of paperwork on technological processes of cutting materials IPC Publishing houses Moscow

Registration of technological documentation 1. Types and completeness of technological documents 1.1. Types of description TP The content of the developed technological process is recorded with varying degrees of detail

Interstate standard Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules of paperwork on technological processes of cutting materials of IPCs Publishing houses Moscow interstate

GOST 3.1502-85 meters g o s d a r s t n e n y s t a n d i r t unified system of technological documentation F about the PM and the rules of f o pm l i i On tech and chesky control of the edition of the official.

Interstate standard GOST 3.1122-84 Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules for registration of documents of special purpose of the statement of technological IPCs Publishing standards

1 Set of documents on the technological process Agreed by approved by the Customer's representative Head of BTK TL TT Title Leaf 1 GOST 3.1118-82 Form 2 A CHEX. PM opera. Code, Operation Name Designation

GOST 3.1128-93 Interstate Standard Unified Technological Documentation System General rules for the implementation of graphic technological documents Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology

State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System of Technological Documentation Forms and the Rules of Proceedings of Technological Documents applied in the rationing of the consumption of materials GOST 3.1123-84

GOST 3.1408-85 Group T53 Interstate standard Unified system of technological documentation form and rules for paperwork on technological processes of obtaining coatings UNIFIED SYSTEM FOR

GOST 3.1118-82 Form 1 Development. Kravtsov A.N. 05/20/2009 USTU-UPI 151001.000000.000 10141.0000 2 1 N.Kontr. Galkin MG 20.05.2009 M01 M02 Wheel Hub Code Ev MD En N.Srasch. Kim Code Zagon. Profile and sizes

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FGBOU VPO "State University - Training and Scientific and Production Complex" Teaching and Research Institute of Information Technologies Department "Instrument-making,

GOST 3.1502-85 meters g o s d a r s t n e n y s t a n d a r t unified system of technological documentation forms and rules of paperwork for technical control Edition Official Inc. Publisher

Interstate standard GOST 3.1404-86 Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules for paperwork on technological processes and operations processing with cutting IPCs Publishing standards

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region State budget professional educational institution "Nizhny Novgorod Motor Transport Technical Academy" (GBPOU "NATT") Methodical instructions on registration

GOST 3.1120-83 Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for reflection and registration of labor safety requirements in technological documentation State Standard of the SSR Union Date of introduction

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GOST 3.1105-84 Interstate standard Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules for registration of general purpose documents IPK Publishing standards Moscow interstate standard

Typical technological processes in the system Sprut-TP TTP - 1 Contents 1 Introduction ... 3 1.1 Set of documents Tp ... 3 1.2 Requirements for design ... 5 2 Working with TTP ... 5 3 Example ... 14 TTP - 2 1 Introduction

Research and Research Center for Control and Diagnosing Technical Systems of OJSC NIC CD Recommendations E D and N and I S I S T E M A T E H O L O M I C O S K O D O K U M EN T and C and and. PRIV

Interstate Standard GOST 3.1408-85 Unified system of technological documentation forms and rules of paperwork on technological processes of obtaining coatings IPC Publishing houses Moscow

GOST 2 GOST 2.111-68 * Group T52 State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System of Design Documentation Normocontrol Unified System for Design Documentation. NORMOControl Date of introduction 1971-07-01

GOST 3.1102-81 Interstate standard Unified system of technological documentation of the development stage and types of IPC documents Publishing houses Moscow Information data 1. Developed and entered

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Education Education "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" Department of Electronic Technology and Technology Development

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Task "Rotary Hydraulic Clamp" Number of competence: 0 Name of the competence of Polymeuchanic Automation Specification Pos. Designation Name count. Documentation Task Assembly

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UDC 658.512.6: 002: 006.354 Group T53 M E W G O C U D A R S T N E N N S T A N D A R T Single System of Technological Documentation T R E B O V A N I K o f o r l n e n and y d o c u m e n t o n and t

General requirements for graphic documents 1 1 All graphic training documents must be performed on standard formats determined by the size of an external frame performed by a fine line: A0 (841 1189

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M E G G O C U D A R S T N E N N S T A N D A R T S Single System of Technological Documentation General rules for the implementation of graphic technological documents Edition Official Interstate Council

GOST 3.1105-2011 Nard. Forms and rules for registration of general appointments Aged authority: Rosstandart Date of introduction 01/01/2012 Preface goals, Basic principles and the main procedure for conducting work

UDC 658.516: 002: 006.354 Group T52 M E G G O C U D A R S T N E N S T A N D A R T Single System of Design Documentation Rules for the implementation of design documentation Packaging UNIFIED SYSTEM

State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System Design Documentation Drawings Repair GOST 2.604-68 (ST SEV 4069-83) IPC Publishing Standards Moscow State Standard of the SSR Union Union

Ministry of Education and Science of the Khabarovsk Territory Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of secondary vocational education Khabarovsky Road technical school for all specialties

GOST 3.1507-84 M E G G O C U D A R S T N E N S T A N D A R T Single System of Technological Documentation Rules for registration of documents for testing Edition Official Bz 5-2000 IPC Publishing

Federal Agency for Education Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" (SFU) Polytechnic Institute V.B.

Introduction This methodological manual is designed to help graduates of groups of electric gas resources (EGS) and auto mechanics (AM), when working on exhaust qualifications. In a methodical manual

Practical lesson 6 (2 hours) Design documentation. Assembly drawing. Specification. (GOST 2.02-68; 2.08-68; 2.09-68) issues submitted to occupation. Types of products .. Stages of design design

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State Standard of the SSR Union Unified System Documentation System Requirements for software documents made in print method. GOST 19.106-78 This standard establishes rules for execution

Rosjeldor Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Rostov State University of Communications Communications" (FGBOU VGUPS) G.V. Darovskaya, Yu.P. Sober technology

N. A. Mozin, D. A. Bektashov Registration of technological documentation and technological adjustments Ivanovo 2011 3 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary

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A change in N 3, adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Protocol No. 21 of May 28, 2002, amendments are made in this GOST. See the text of the GOST in the previous edition

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Adi DonNTU cylinder sleeve 66-1002020 AGREED: Ministry of Education of Ukraine Approve: Donetsk State Technical University Automobile and Road Institute Document Kit for Technological

2 Content 1. Scope ... 4 2. Regulatory references ... 4 3. Terms, definitions and reductions ... 5 4. General provisions ... 6 5. Rules for the implementation and design of sketch design documents ...

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Name TK 1TM 2TM 3TM 4TM 5TM 6TM 7TM Test Objectives For Certification of Engineering and Pedagogical Workers GBOU NEPO Discipline "Mechanical Engineering Technology" Specialty Mechanical Engineering Technology Formulation

MDK module 05.01 Topic2.3.1 Scheme circuit documentation - Documents on which are shown in the form of conventional images or designations, component parts of the product and communication between them. Electric structural scheme

Contents of page 1. Passport of the professional 4 module program 2. Results of the development of a professional module 7 3. Structure and content of the professional module 8 4. Conditions for the implementation of professional

Regional State Educational Institution of secondary vocational education "Irkutsk Aviation Technical School" "Approve" Director OGBOU SPO "IAT" V.G. Semenov "31" August 2014 Foundation

Ruilding Mapping Rules

Registration of forms, blanks and documents - according to GOST 3.1104-81.

To present the technological processes in the MK, use a fill method in which the information is made by line with several types of lines. Each type of string corresponds to your service character.

Service Symbols conventionally express the composition of the information posted in the graph of this type of document form of the document, and are intended for processing the information contained by means of mechanization and automation.

Prostanovka service symbols is mandatory and does not depend on the method of designing documents.

Note - It is allowed not to affect the service symbol on the subsequent lines carrying the same information, when describing the same operation, on this sheet of the document, for documents filled by the handwritten method or using the printing machine and not to be processed by means of mechanization and automation.

As the designation of service characters, the letters of the Russian alphabet are adopted in front of the corresponding line number, and performed by the capital letter, for example, M01, A12, etc.

Specifying the appropriate service characters for string types, depending on the placed composition of the information, in the CR graphs should be performed in accordance with Table 1.

Service characters used on lines in which the names and designations of the graph are specified, it is recommended to perform a typographical way.

Table 1 - Service characters for types of strings of route cards
The content of the information introduced into graphs located on the line
BUT Workshop number, site, workplace, where operation is running, operation number, code and name of the operation, designation of documents used in the execution of the operation (applied only for forms with the horizontal layout location)
B. Code, equipment name and information on labor costs (applied only for forms with a horizontal layout location)
IN Camera room, site, workplace, where operation, operation number, code and operation name (applied only for forms with a vertical layout field location)
G. Designation of documents used in the execution of the operation (applied only for forms with a vertical layout location)
D. Code, equipment name (applied only for forms with a vertical layout location)
E. Information on labor costs (applied only for forms with a vertical location of the field of the binder)
TO Information on the configuration of the product (assembly unit) by components with the name of the parts, assembly units, their designations, the designations of the units, from where the components of the composite parts are received, the code unit, the rationing unit, the amount on the product and the cost of the consumption (applied only for forms with horizontal Location of the field of the binder)
M. Information on the main material and the original workpiece, information on the used auxiliary and components, indicating the name and code of the material, the designations of the divisions, from where the materials come from, the code code, the unit of rationing, the amount on the product and the rate of consumption
ABOUT Content operation (transition)
T. Information about the technological equipment used when performing operation
L. Information on the configuration of the product (assembly unit) by composite parts with the name of parts, assembly units (used only for forms with a vertical location of the binder field)
N. Information on the configuration of the product (assembly unit) by composite parts with an indication of the designation of parts, assembly units, the designations of the units, from where the components of the components come from, the code unit, the rationing unit, the amount on the product and the cost of the flow rate (applied only for forms with the vertical location of the binder field )

On the lines below the graph in which their names and notation are indicated, the service characters affix the document developer, taking into account the method of completing the document chosen by it.

When filling out information on lines with service symbols A, B, B, G, D, E, K, L, M, MU, should be guided by the rules for filling the corresponding graphs located on these lines.

When filling out information on lines with a service symbol of O, the requirements of state standards of the Nuclear Standards of the Seventh Classification Group, which establish rules for recording operations and transitions. Recording information should be performed in the technological sequence over the entire length of the string with the ability, if necessary, transferring information to subsequent lines. With an operational description of the technological process on the MK, the transition number should be styled at the beginning of the line.

When filling out information on lines with a service symbol of T, the requirements of the relevant classifiers, state and industry standards for coding (designation) and the name of the technological equipment should be guided. Information on the technological equipment used on operation is written in the following sequence:

  • fixtures;
  • auxiliary tool;
  • cutting tool;
  • mounting tool;
  • special tool used in the performance of specific technological processes (operations), for example, during welding, stamping, etc.;
  • measuring.

Recording should be performed along the entire length of the string with the ability, if necessary, transferring information to subsequent lines. The separation of information on each technological equipment tool should be performed through the ";" sign. The number of simultaneously used technological equipment units should be indicated after the code (designation) of the equipment, concluding in the brackets, for example, ABCH xxxxxxx. Xxx (2) cutter disc.


1. In the case of non-use of any technological snap, write to the snap-in, following the order of priority.

2. It is allowed not to indicate the amount of technological equipment used applied.

The sequence of filling information for each operation by string types is shown in Table 2.

Note - In the absence of information with any service symbol, information is recorded with the following service symbol in order.

table 2 - Sequence of filling lines of route cards
Type of technological process Type of description of the technological process (operation) MFC number Priority of service symbols
Single technological processes performed using various processing methods Roubit 1, 5 M01, M02, A, B, O, T
1a, 1b, 5a A, B, O, T
3 M01, M02, M03, B, G, D, E, O, T
Operational 3a, 3b. In, g, d, e, o, t
1, 5 M01, M02, A, B
1a, 1b, 5a A, B.
3 M01, M02, M03, B, G, D, E
Roubit 3a, 3b. In, g, d, e
2, 6 A, b, k, m, o, t
1a, 1b, 5a A, b, k, m, o, t
4 In, g, d, e, l, n, m, o, t
3a, 3b. In, g, d, e, l, n, m, o, t
Single technological assembly processes Operational 2, 6 A, b, k, m
1a, 1b, 5a A, b, k, m
4 In, g, d, e, l, n, m
3a, 3b. In, g, d, e, l, n, m
Typical and group technological processes performed using various manufacturing and repair methods Roubit 2, 6 A, b, k, m, t
1a, 1b, 5a A, b, k, m, t
4 In, g, d, e, l, n, m, t
3a, 3b. In, g, d, e, l, n, m, t
Operational 2, 6 A, b, k, m, t
1a, 1b, 5a A, b, k, m, t
4 In, g, d, e, l, n, m, t
3a, 3b. In, g, d, e, l, n, m, t

Note - When the technological process, the sequence of filling service symbols is made depending on the type of description of this operation.

Form graphs should be filled in accordance with Table 3.

Sizes The graph shapes should be selected in accordance with Table 4, based on the steps of the printing devices of 2.6 mm.

The division of the graph should be made by vertical segments of a straight line with a length of 0.5-1.5 mm.

With automated design, the separation of the graph vertically and the separation of strings horizontally should be performed by sets of the corresponding characters according to GOST 27464-87.


1. It is allowed to divide the graphs with a solid vertical line to the entire width of the row.

2. It is allowed to separate the graph to produce not on each row.

3. With automated design, it is allowed to separate the horizontal strings do not produce.

Table 3.
Count graph Service symbol Content content
1 - - Designation of the service symbol and the serial number of the string. The record is performed at the level of one line, for example, M02, b04. It is allowed when specifying the line number from 01 to 09 to apply instead of 0 sign ∅, for example M2, B∅4
2 - M01 Name, sorting, size and material brand, standard designation, technical conditions. The record is performed at the level of one row using the separation sign of the fraction "/", for example, a sheet of Bon - 2.5 × 1000 × 2500 GOST 19903-74 / III-IV in Art. 3 GOST 14637-89
3 The code M02. Classifier material code
4 EV M02, k, n, m The unit code (mass, length, square, etc.) parts, blanks, material according to the classifier of soof. It is allowed to indicate the unit measurement units
5 MD M02. Mass of the Detail on the Design Document
6 EP. M02, b, k, e, n, m The unit of rationing on which the material consumption rate is established or time rate, for example 1, 10, 100
7 N. RAS. M02, k, n, m Consumption rate of material
8 Kim. M02. The coefficient of use of the material. With automated design, the count is allowed not to fill
9 Code of workpiece M02, M03. Classifier workpiece code. It is allowed to indicate the type of workpiece (casting, rolling, forging, etc.)
10 Profile and sizes M02, M03. Profile and sizes of the original workpiece. Information on sizes should be specified on the basis of the available dimensions, for example, a sheet of 1.0 × 710 × 1420, 115 × 270 × 390 (for casting). The profile does not specify.
11 CD M02, M03. Number of details made from one billet
12 MZ. M02, M03. Mass of the workpiece
13 - - Count for special guidelines. The order of filling in the graph and the obligation of filling are set in industry regulatory and technical documents.
14 Shop A, B. Number (code) of the workshop in which the operation is performed
15 Uch. A, B. Number (code) of a plot, conveyor, stream line, etc.
16 RM. A, B. Workplace Number (Code)
17 Opera. A, B. Operation number (process) in the technological sequence of manufacturing or repairing the product (including control and movement)
18 Code, Operation Name A, B. Operation code for the technological classifier, the name of the operation. The operation code is not specified.
19 Document designation A, G. Designation of documents, instructions for labor protection used in the execution of this operation. The composition of the documents should be indicated through the dividing sign ";" With the ability, if necessary, transfer information to subsequent lines
20 B, D. Equipment code for the classifier, brief name of the equipment, its inventory number.
Information should be indicated through the dividing sign ";".
It is allowed instead of the brief name of the equipment to indicate its model.
It is allowed not to indicate the inventory number
21 CM B, E. The degree of mechanization (the code of the degree of mechanization). The obligation to fill the graph is set in industry regulatory and technical documents.
22 Prof. B, E. Professional Code OKPDTR
23 R B, E. The discharge of the work required to perform the operation
24 UT. B, E. Code of working conditions according to the classifier of the OKPDTR and the code of the value of the norm
25 Kr B, E. The number of performers employed when performing the operation
26 Coid B, E. The number of simultaneously manufactured (processed, repaired) parts (assembly units) when performing one operation

Note - When performing the process of movement, the volume of the cargo unit should be specified - the number of parts in the container

27 Op B, E. The volume of the production parties in pieces. At the stages of the development of a pre-project and prototype, the count is allowed not to fill.

Note - When performing the process of moving in the column, the volume of the transport batch should be indicated, the number of cargo units moved at the same time

29 TPZ B, E. The rate of preparatory and final time for operation
30 TCT. B, E. Norm of pieces per operation.

Note - allowed, in accordance with the industry regulatory and technical documents, for the MK used in the production of an experimental sample (experimental party), instead of the information provided for in the graph 29 and 30, to make information on TST.K (the norm of case-calculative time per surgery) and sets. (Rate of normalization unit used for operation)

31 K, l, m Name of details, assembly units, materials used in the execution of the operation.

Note - allowed not to fill in the string

32 Designation, code K, N, M Designation of parts, assembly units on a design document or classifier materials
33 OPP K, N, M Designation of the unit (warehouse, pantry, etc.), from which components are coming, assembly units or materials; When disassembling - where come
34 Ki. K, N, M The number of parts, assembly units used in the assembly of the product; when disassembly - the number of received
Table 4. - Filling the graph forms of route cards
Count graph Molds MK Name (symbol) Graphs Designation of service symbol Graph size, mm Number of signs
1 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 5A, 6 - - 13,0 5 (4)
2 1, 5 - M01 231,4 89 (88)
3 - M01 169,0 65 (64)
3 1, 3, 5 The code M02. 33,8 13 (12)
4 1, 3, 5 EV M02. 10,4 4 (3)
1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 K, M. 13,0 5 (4)
3A, 3B, 4 N, M. 13,0 5 (4)
5 1, 3, 5 MD M02. 18,2 7 (6)
6 1, 3, 5 EN M02. 15,6 6 (5)
1, 5 B. 13,0 5 (4)
1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 B, k, m 13,0 5 (4)
3 E. 13,0 5 (4)
3A, 3B, 4 E, N, M 13,0 5 (4)
7 1, 5 H ra M02. 18,2 7 (6)
3 M02. 26,0 10 (9)
1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 K, M. 20,8 8 (7)
3A, 3B, 4 N, M. 20,8 8 (7)
8 1, 5 Kim. M02. 13,0 5 (4)
3 M02. 18,2 7 (6)
9 1, 5 Code of workpiece M02. 33,8 13 (12)
3 M03. 33,8 13 (12)
10 1, 5 Profile and sizes M02. 54,6 21 (20)
3 M03. 54,6 21 (20)
11 1, 5 CD M02. 15,6 6 (5)
3 M03. 15,6 6 (5)
12 1, 5 MZ. M02. 18,2 7 (6)
3 M03. 18,2 7 (6)
13 1 - M01, M02. 41,6 16 (15)
3 M02, M03. 46,8 18 (17)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 In, g, d, e 15,6 6 (5)
3A, 3B, 4 L, n, m 15,6 6 (5)
5 M01, M02. 88,4 34 (33)
14 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Shop BUT 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 IN 10,4 4 (3)
15 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Uch. BUT 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 IN 18,2 7 (6)
16 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 RM. BUT 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 IN 10,4 4 (3)
17 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Opera. BUT 13,0 5 (4)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 IN 13,0 5 (4)
18 1, 1A, 1B, 2 Code, Operation Name BUT 75,4 29 (28)
5, 5a, 6 BUT 122,2 47 (46)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 IN 101,4 39 (38)
19 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Document designation BUT 153,4 59 (58)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 G. 153,4 59 (58)
20 1, 1A, 1B, 2 Code, equipment name B. 119,6 46 (45)
5, 5a, 6 B. 166,4 64 (63)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 D. 153,4 59 (58)
21 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 CM B. 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 10,4 4 (3)
22 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Prof. B. 18,2 7 (6)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 18,2 7 (6)
23 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 R B. 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 10,4 4 (3)
24 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 UT. B. 13,0 5 (4)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 13,0 5 (4)
25 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Kr B. 10,4 4 (3)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 10,4 4 (3)
26 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Coid B. 13,0 5 (4)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 13,0 5 (4)
27 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Op B. 13,0 5 (4)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 13,0 5 (4)
28 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 Kst. B. 13,0 5 (4)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 13,0 5 (4)
29 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 TPZ (TST.K) B. 18,2 7 (6)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 18,2 7 (6)
30 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 5, 5A, 6 TCT. (FRI) B. 20,8 8 (7)
3, 3a, 3b, 4 E. 20,8 8 (7)
31 1A, 1B, 2 Name details, Sat. units or material K, M. 119,6 46 (45)
5a, 6. K, M. 166,4 64 (63)
3A, 3B, 4 L, M. 153,4 59 (58)
32 1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 Designation, code K, M. 75,4 29 (28)
3A, 3B, 4 N, M. 75,4 29 (28)
33 1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 OPP K, M. 13,0 5 (4)
3A, 3B, 4 N, M. 13,0 5 (4)
34 1A, 1B, 2, 5A, 6 N, M. K, M. 18,2 7 (6)
3A, 3B, 4 N, M. 18,2 7 (6)


1. In the column "Number of characters", the number of graph size marks is given, the number of information made information is indicated in brackets.

2. For documents filled by handwritten, dimensions of the graph are allowed to round up to the nearest integer.

When developing standard and group technological processes in the MC, only permanent information relating to the entire product group (parts, assembly units) should be specified.

Registration of basic inscriptions in forms - according to GOST 3.1103-82.

When using MK forms to develop technological processes in the production of an experienced sample (experimental batch), it is allowed to perform graphic images of products (parts, assembly units) or technological installations directly on the document field, instead of the sketch card (CE). In this case, all rows engaged in the graphic image will be assigned a service symbol O.

An example of a route card on a single technological process (route description) cutting cutting An example of a route card for a single technological process (operational description) assembly

These recommendations establish the rules for issuing documents on technological processes (operations) of the movement of products, with changed in various methods of designing single and typical (group) processes (operations) in the industries and instrument making.


Name and conditional designation of the type of document

Purpose of the document

Map of the process of displacement (KTP)

Description of the unit technological process of moving in a technological sequence for all operations with the indication of technological modes and data on technological equipment (service station) and labor costs

forms 2, 1B,

Operating card (OK)

Description of individual transition operations with appropriate technological

Map of a typical (group) technological process (KTTP) according to GOST 3.1121


Description of the standard (group) technological process Move products in a technological sequence for all operations with the general data on technological modes, a hundred for the entire product group. It is used in conjunction with the statement of parts to the model (group) technological process of displacement (VSH)

forms 1, 1a

forms 2, 1B,

Typical operation map (who)

Description of a typical (group) technological operation for transitions indicating general data on technological modes for the entire product group.

forms 2, 1B,

It is used in conjunction with the statement of parts to a typical (group) movement operation (WTO)

The statement of parts to the standard (group) technological process (operation) (VTP or WTO)

Specifying variable information to a typical (group) technological process (operation) for each product with reference to the operation.

forms 1, 1a, 2, 2a of this standard

Used together with KTTP (who)

Technological instruction (TI) according to GOST 3.1105

Description of technological processes (operations), transitions associated with the preparation of products for movement, etc. It is allowed to apply instead

forms 5, 5a

Ke is designed for graphic illustrations. It is allowed to apply in return KE design document (drawing)

forms 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 8, 8A


Forms of documents

Name (symbol) Graphs

Graph size, mm

Number of signs

Designation of service symbol


Product number

It is allowed to indicate the number of the product group, combined with a single route, a cargo or packaging unit, the rules for making information can be established at the level of the industry or enterprise (organization)

Product name

Product Name (Product Groups) for the Basic Design Document, or Packaging Unit

Product Designation

Product Designation (Product Groups) for Basic Design Document or Packaging Unit


Overall dimensions of the product

Dimensions are allowed not to indicate for a group of products.

The code of the unit (mass, length, square, etc.) of the cargo by the classifier of Soyia

Product weight, net packaging unit

It is allowed to indicate the average mass value of the product details for a group of products.

Name of cargo unit

Type of cargo unit (product, packaging unit, package, container, container, etc.)

Designation, code

Designation, cargo code

The cargo unit is allowed not to indicate


Number of products (packaging units) in the cargo unit

Net weight of the cargo unit

Mass gross cargo unit

Number (code) of the workplace, playgrounds, route

Operation number in the technological sequence of the movement process

The volume of the transport batch, the number of cargo units moved at the same time

The unit of rationing on which the time rate is installed

G P.A (T pc)

The rate of preparatory and final time for operation

It is allowed to indicate the norm of the board-calculation time for the operation (T pc.k)

T pieces (FRI)

Piece of pieces for operation

It is allowed to indicate a racination per unit of rationing (FRI)

Distance of longitudinal movement of lifting transport machines

Movement of vehicles in the enterprise

The distance of the transverse movement of the working body of lifting vehicles

Movement of vehicles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop, warehouse

h 1.

The height of the lift (lowering) of the working body of lifting vehicles, when capturing the cargo

The height of lifting (lowering) of the working body of lifting transit machines during the installation of cargo

Additional variables data on technological modes. The graph is filled at the discretion of the developer

Data on the used technological equipment

Additional Information. (It is allowed to specify information about the workshop, plot)

Additional Information

The graph is filled at the discretion of the developer


Information about the moveable material, configuration, designation and mass of the cargo unit

Data variables on technological modes

Number in order of products (group of products) moved by TTP (GTR) or then (GO); Names of products or packaging units, designation on the design document

Information about the technological equipment used when performing operation

Data variables by operation and labor costs

The statement of details to the model (group) technological process (operation) of movement

(first or capital sheet)

The statement of details to the model (group) technological process (operation) of movement

(subsequent sheets)


Requirements for the design of the information to the map of the Typical Transmit operation

Rate of time

The technological process is part of the production process aimed at giving a product of the required sizes, forms, properties, characteristics, etc. The technological process contains the combination of all the necessary information to give the final type. It contains operations and transitions, the sequence of their execution, the necessary modes and processing parameters, etc.

Types of technical processions

Depending on the degree of generalization, single, and technological process are distinguished.

Title page (TL) - the first sheet of the set of technological documents. It is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1105-84.

Map of sketches (CE) - graphic images and tables to specify the operation performed. Drawn up in accordance with the requirements GOST 3.1105-84.

Technological instruction (TI) - a set of methods, rules and descriptions of actions for the manufacture of finite products designed to reduce the volume of technological documentation (TD).

Route Map (MK) - Description of the movement of the manufactured product inside the workshop.

Operating card (OP) - Description of transitions used tool and snap.

Conduction of the equipment (C), the statement of materials (VM), the statement of equipment (VOB), the adjustment card (KN), etc.

For introducing into production, the technological process is approved by an authorized person, approval of equipment, technological equipment, processing tool, etc.

Examples of registration

Rules for filling information blocks of the TD set are regulated GOST 3.1103-82.

GOST 3.1705-81 Regulates the terms and names of technological operations used in the creation technological process.

An example of a route card

Design automation

For automation and acceleration There are a number of specialized software - automated design systems of technological processes (CAD TP). There are many different software products for simplifying TP design processes such as Vertical, Spruit TP., Techcard and many others. Each system can identify their individual advantages and disadvantages.

The technological essence of automated design systems of technological processes is the possibility of solving a wide variety of tasks. In most cases, such programs are a set of tools that facilitating the design of the process. Some CAPR TP implements the ability to connect the three-dimensional model of the part. Using a graphical interface, you can specify the surface 3d modelIt should be processed, the program will analyze their analysis and offer processing processes. The choice of the tool and the necessary snap can be carried out from the instrument database, if any and is relevant at a particular enterprise. The technological process management can be carried out only in the case of the availability of information about the parameters characterizing this technological process.

Basic and auxiliary technical process

The combination of production processes can be divided into maintenance - Production processes, mechanical processing, as well as their assembly, and auxiliary - operations preparation of raw materials, transportation, control, etc.

Composite parts of the technological process

Mechanical processing of products - the process of imparting the workpiece of the required sizes and forms by removing the layers of the material with a special cutting tool. The technological process is consisting operationsdivided by transitions, passages, receivers and installations. The degree of separation of technological processes on operation depends on the specialization and seriality of production.

Technological operation - any part of the technological process performed continuously by one or more workers, and in one workplace.

Transition - The process of processing one particular surface with the same tool with the same cutting parameters (unchanged speed, feed, etc.).

Installation - Performing for one fixation of the workpiece part of the operation. For the processing of most parts, several settings are required. In case the workpiece can be processed in one installation, this part of the process can be called operation. Multiple reinstallations of the workpiece can lead to a significant reduction in dimensional accuracy, so the unclaimed reinstallations should be refused using special devices.

Reception - aimed at achieving certain objectives of the worker, i.e. Starting technological equipment, installation of technological equipment,

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GOST 3.1407-86

Interstate standard

Unified Technology Documentation System

Forms and Filling Requirements
And paperwork
On technological processes
(Operations), specialized
According to the assembly methods

IPK Publishing Standards


Interstate standard

Unified Technology Documentation System

Forms and requirements for filling and decoration
Documents for technological processes
(Operations) specialized in assembly methods

Unified System for Technological Documentation.

Forms and Requirements for Filling and Arrangement of Documents on Technological Processes (Operations) Specialized in Assembling Methods


Date of introduction 01.01.88

This standard establishes forms and requirements for the completion and design of technological documents designed by various methods, on basic and related processes and operations, specialized in assembly methods (including welding, soldering, riveting, installation, gluing, winding and insulated, and washing, impregnation , drying, adjustment, adjustment, performing plumbing and other operations) separately or comprehensively used in the manufacture of products (components of products) of mechanical engineering and instrument making.

1. Forms and requirements for completing documents

1.1. Depending on the type and nature of the production, the stage of developing technological documentation (hereinafter referred to as the documentation), the degree of detail of the description and the assembly methods used, the choice of documents of the corresponding species establishes the developer of documents on Table. one.

1.2. Requirements for building and filling out operating cards (OK) established by this standard (forms 1 and 1a, 2 and 2a, 3 and 3a), in Table. 2.

1.3. In describing the technological process of welding and soldering, regardless of the type and nature of production, the documents for basic operations should include an operating description with a mandatory indication of technological modes.

1.3.1. The parameters of technological modes, depending on the type (method) of welding and soldering, should be specified in the sequence provided in typical modes blocks.

Typical modes blocks are shown in Appendix 1.

1.3.2. The selection of the corresponding modes block and the simplicity of the modes parameters is implementing the document developer.

1.3.3 Typical modes blocks can be made in the documents forms after a row with a service symbol with reference to the service character R. In this case, the forms of documents will have a special purpose and distributed on welding or soldering specific species (methods). The designation of such forms of documents should be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Appendix 1.


1. The most convenient forms of documents for making typical blocks of technological modes to the table head are forms 2 and 1B MK according to GOST 3.1118 and OK, forms 1 and 1A of this standard.

2. If there are a large number of modes parameters, it is allowed to post part of the information in a row with a service symbol after the text of the transition content.

1.3.4. When using welding or soldering various types (methods) in one process process, as well as for documents A4 documents, with a vertical location of the binder field, it is necessary to apply the line record of information on technological modes with reference to the service symbol R. In this case, the information should be recorded after the content of the content Operations (transition) and data on technological equipment indicating the names or symbols of the parameters of modes and units of magnitude. The parameters missing in the modes can be written in the same way. Recording information should be performed along the entire length of the string with the possibility of transferring information to subsequent lines.

Table 1

Type of production

Documentation Development Stages

The degree of detail of the description of TP

Name of the method (process, operation)

Name of the type and designation of the form of the document

Conditional designation of the document whose functions performs the document

Guidelines for use

Single, Melkossilee

Pre-project. Development of the prototype documentation (pilot party)

Route, Little-Operational

Route card (MK), forms 2, 1B, 4, 3B according to GOST 3.1118


To describe the assembly operations and the instructions of the associated operations (processes) in the technological sequence of execution. To specify data on technological modes in the text of the transition or on a separate line with reference to the service symbol

To specify the variable information to the standard (group) technological process (TTP, GTP), to a typical (group) technological operation (then) on DCE of one designation

To describe individual transition operations with the appropriate technological modes in the text of the transition content or on a separate line with binding to the service symbol

To describe individual typical (group) transition operations with constant information for the entire product group (assembly units)

To specify the appropriate information on the adjustment of equipment (for welding, soldering, riveting, etc.)

To specify data on component components of the product or assembly unit, as well as to specify data on basic and auxiliary materials on the process (operation)

The statement of parts (assembly units) to typical (group) technological process or operation (VTP or WTO), forms 6, 6a, 7, 7A according to GOST 3.1121

Statement of Technological Documents (VSD), Forms 4, 4A, 5, 5A according to GOST 3.1122

Packing card (CK), forms 6, 6a, 7, 7A according to GOST 3.1123

See instructions on the use of MK / CC. Apply at the discretion of the developer

Setup and adjustment

Technological instruction (TI), forms 5, 5a according to GOST 3.1105

For normalization, labor costs. Apply in conjunction with MK (form 2, 1B or 4, 3B) according to GOST 3.1118, which performs the functions of the consolidated document on the process

Medium-term, large-scale

Development of documentation of serial (mass) production


All assembly methods, as well as related operations (processes)

MK, forms 2, 1b, 4, 3b according to GOST 3.1118


Map of a typical (group) technological process (KTTP), forms 1, 1a according to GOST 3.1121

For the development of typical (group) technological processes

VTP (WTO), forms 6, 6a, 7, 7A according to GOST 3.1121

To indicate variable information to TTP (GTR) or then (Civilone) with reference to the appropriate designation DCE

Map of sketches (CE), forms 6, 6a, 7, 7a, 8, 8A according to GOST 3.1105

For graphic illustrations to documents for processes and operations. The choice of the appropriate forms of CE establishes the developer of documents. It is allowed to apply KE other formats

Vd, forms 4, 4a, 5, 5a according to GOST 3.1122

To indicate the composition of assembly units (products) to TTP (GTP) in order to optimize the search and finding relevant documents and data related to DCE

KK, forms 6, 6a, 7, 7a according to GOST 3.1123

See instructions for use for a single, small-seater production, taking into account the degree of detail of the description

Operating card (OK), forms 1, 1a, 2, 2a, of this standard

To develop approximate assembly, as well as on operations related to assembly, with the data on technological modes in the text of the transition content or on a separate line with binding to the service symbol R. in the forms OK it is allowed to leave areas for graphic illustrations.

OK, forms 3, 3a of this standard

To develop OK on operations performed using the conveyor (automatic line) without the use of means of mechanization and automation for their design

OK, forms 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a of this standard

To indicate variable information to a typical (group) operation on DCE one designation in KTI and constant information in who

Setup and adjustment

Ti, forms 5, 5a according to GOST 3.1105

See instructions on the use of T / KTP for a single, small-scale production, taking into account the degree of detail description

OK, forms 2, 2a according to GOST 3.1502

To develop OK on setting and adjustment.

To indicate the permanent information to the (th) setting and adjustment

Statement of operations (VB), forms 1, 1A according to GOST 3.1502

To specify the composition of the settings and adjustment operations included in the process

Note. Application of documents of other species not specified in Table. 1 is established in sectoral regulatory documents (NTD) or in the enterprise level documents (organization).

table 2

Count graph

OK form number

Graph size

Name (symbol) Graphs

number of signs

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

Designation of the service symbol and the serial number of the string. The record is performed at the level of one line, for example K06, M04. It is allowed when specifying the line number from 01 to 09 to apply instead of the "0" sign "O", for example M O 4.

Code, Operation Name

Operation code for the technological classifier of operations, the name of the operation. Allowed the operation code does not specify

Document designation

Designation of documents used in the execution of this operation, such as the technological instruction. The composition of the documents should be indicated through the dividing sign ";"

Mass Products on Design Document

Reserve graph. Fill at the discretion of the developer. Count can be used to record equipment information

Code, equipment names

Code, Short Name of Equipment, its inventory number. Information should be indicated through the dividing sign ";". Allowed instead of the short name of the equipment to specify the model, do not specify the inventory number

Auxiliary time for surgery

The main time for surgery

Name details, Sat. units or material

Name of details, assembly units, materials used in the execution of the operation. It is allowed to contribute information about the material thickness

Code, Designation

Designation (code) of parts, assembly units by design document or classifier material

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

Designation of the unit (warehouse, pantry, etc.) from where components are coming, assembly units or materials; When developing - where come

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

The code of the unit (mass, length, etc.) details, blanks, material according to the classifier of Soyi. It is allowed to indicate the unit measurement units

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

The unit of rationing on which the material consumption rate is established, for example 1, 10, 100

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

The number of parts, assembly units used in the assembly of the product; when disassembly -

1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a

Consumption rate of material

Position number details, assembly unit on the sketch or design document

The time of forced downtime is waiting for service during the processing of one detail, min

Total time rate for operation

Count for cycle

Number of assembly units (products) per cycle

Piece of pieces for operation

Equimilar hour equipment performance

IOT designation

Designation of labor protection instructions, the requirements of which must be observed when performing the operation

equipment identification

equipment identification

Code, meaning. Equipment

Code, Classifier equipment designation

Tool adjustment position number. Apply at the discretion of the developer


Name of technological equipment

Code, designation

Code Designation of technological snap-in classifier

The number of units of technological equipment of one notation simultaneously used when performing the transition


1. In the column "Number of characters", the number of characters corresponding to the width of this graph is indicated. The maximum number of signs made in the graph, one sign less than the number of characters specified in Table. 2.

2. The graph dimensions are given based on the step of printing devices, equal to 2.6 mm.

3. For documents filled by handwritten method, the size of the graph is allowed to round up to the nearest integer.

1.3.5. Designations of units The values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of technological modes should be specified in the header of the graph (if place allows) or directly when recording parameters.

1.4. For documents projected on other assembly methods, including basic and related processes and operations, the need to specify the appropriate modes, their composition and design establishes the developer of documents.

2. Requirements for paperwork

2.1. General requirements for the forms and bookmarks of documents in the design of documents and general requirements for their design:

According to GOST 3.1129 and GOST 3.1130 - without the use of means of mechanization and automation;

According to GOST 2.004 - with the use of means of mechanization and automation.

2.2. When preparing forms of MK and forms 1, 1a ok to the reproduction, it is allowed to provide in the forms of the zone documents for making graphic illustrations to processes and operations.

Zones should be placed at the bottom of the forms of documents. Zone sizes Sets the developer of documents based on the multiplicity of the printing device interval.

When using zones to make text information in the forms of documents, lines performed by signs "-" or ".", Denoting the boundaries of rows and graph. The dotted lines intervals establishes the developer of documents on the basis of ensuring the clarity of the execution of graphic illustrations. It is allowed not to specify dotted lines.

Note Recording the name of operations for assembly, including related processes and operations, perform according to the classifier of technological operations (who), and record the content of the relevant operations and transitions - in accordance with the requirements established at the industry level or enterprise (organization).

2.4. General requirements for completion and design of sets of documents:

According to GOST 3.1119 - for single technological processes;

According to GOST 3.1121 - for typical (group) technological processes (operations).

2.5. Reflection and registration of general labor safety requirements in technological documentation - according to GOST 3.1120.

2.6. When using MK forms that perform the functions of other types of documents, their design should be performed in accordance with the rules for the documents applied specified by the EDD standards. At the same time, in the graph 28 of the B6 block of the main inscription according to GOST 3.1103, it is necessary to put the conditional designation of the corresponding type of document by fraction, the functions of which performs MK, such as MK / KTP, MC / OK, etc.

2.7. During the route description, the choice of operations to be operating and the route description, establishes the developer of documents, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 1.3.

2.8. When describing operations, record information should be performed in the following order with binding to service symbols:

A, b, k / m, o, t, p - for MK forms with a horizontal layout of the field of the binder;

In, g, d, l / m, n / m, o, t, p - for mk forms with vertical location of the field of the binder;

K / m, o, t, p - for forms OK with horizontal layout of the field of the binder;

L / m, n / m, o, t, p - for forms OK with vertical location of the field of the binder.

2.8.1. When applying MK / OK formation of information in graphs related to service symbols A, B or B, D, D and E, according to GOST 3.1118, taking into account additions:

In the column "designation of the document", references should be given to the applied and instructions for labor protection (IOT);

In the column "Code, the name of the equipment" additionally for welding operations, if necessary, indicate the generation of welding current;

Do not fill in labor costs, except the Count "TP.Z." and "TCT.", In which data should be made on the total auxiliary and main time, respectively.

2.8.2. Recording information in graphs related to service symbols to M / m, N / M, regardless of the forms of documents applied, should be performed in the following order: Initially, you must specify information about the component parts of the product (assembly unit), then used Basic and auxiliary materials for operation.

To make changes, you should leave empty one or two lines between the information on the component components of the product and data on the main and auxiliary materials, as well as before describing the content of the first transition.

2.8.3. When specifying data in graphs relating to service symbols to / m or l / m, n / m for welding and soldering operations, it is additionally allowed to be indicated after the name of the parts, assembly units (DCE) brand and the thickness of the material, and in the graphs providing for the introduction Information on basic and auxiliary materials should indicate data on materials for welding and soldering, including additive material, solders, gases, fluxes, etc.

It is allowed to record information along the entire length of the string with the possibility of transferring information to subsequent lines and specify the position number before DCE name.

2.9. The description of the transitions in operations should be performed with reference to the service character 0 along the entire length of the string with the possibility of transferring information to subsequent lines.

2.9.1. When describing the content of the main and auxiliary transitions, it is necessary to specify the data on that and the TV.

Specifying data should be performed at the row level, where the description of the transition content is ends.

Note. The prostation of the data on TV and then in the forms of OK should be performed accordingly in graphs 14 and 15, in the form of MK / OK - in the graphs of TP.Z. and TCT.

2.9.2. When developing graphic illustrations and specifying graphic designations of supports, clamps and clamping devices, a description of the content of the auxiliary transitions is not performed.

Data on technological modes for which typical blocks of technological modes are not developed, for example, gluing, impregnation, drying, configuration, etc.;

Sizes of welded or soldered compounds (not shown on CE), for example, the length of the weld, the thickness and width of the solder seam, etc. The need and feasibility of reflection of additional information establishes the developer of documents.

2.9.4. To specify the shape and sizes of welded or soldered connections, applying signs and notation:

According to GOST 2.312 - for welded connections;

According to GOST 19249 - for soldering compounds, as well as on the relevant state and industry standards for types, structural elements and sizes of welded (soldering) compounds.

2.10. Specifying data on technological equipment should be performed with binding to the service symbol T in the following sequence: stapels, fixtures, auxiliary tool, plumbing and fitting and assembly tool, cutting tool, special tool, measurement tools.

2.10.1. Recording information on technological equipment should be performed along the entire length of the string with the possibility of transferring information to subsequent lines.

It is allowed:

Perform a separate recording of information by type of technological equipment using the conventional designations of its species:

icepheels - Art,

fixtures - pr,

auxiliary tool - video

flooring and fitting and assembly tool -

cutting tool - Ri,

special tool - SP,

measuring instruments - si;

Perform an code (designation) and the name of one type of technological snap on each line.

2.10.2. In order to exclude information duplication, data on the overall technological snap-in applied throughout the operation should be specified after describing the content of the first transition.

2.10.3. When recording information on the technological equipment used for welding and soldering, it is allowed to specify additional information, for example, the material and dimensions of the electrodes for contact welding, the size of the grooves for the formation of a weld, the diameter of the nozzle, the number of the mouthpiece for the gas burner, etc.

2.11. When developing processes (operations performed using special technological equipment (conveyors for assembly, automated lines, etc.), apply OK, forms 3 and 3A together with MK.

The procedure for making and locating textual and graphical information in forms establishes a document developer with the following requirements:

On the first sheet, specify general information on the whole process. Counts related to service symbols l / m, n / m, o and t, allowed not to fill. As graphic illustrations, it is recommended to indicate the general layout layout scheme with reference to workplaces;

Description of operations should be performed in a technological sequence with all necessary data, including graphic illustrations;

Recording information in graphs related to service symbols L / M, N / M, and T, should be performed with such a calculation to leave the necessary zone (place) for the corresponding graphic illustrations. If necessary, graphic or text information can be shown on the subsequent sheet (sheets);

With a detailed graphic illustration of the operation, a brief description of the operation of the operation is allowed, for example "assemble parts 1, 2 and 3. grab, and then weld the parts 2 and 3".

For welding and soldering operations, in order to conveniently specify data on technological modes, two or three lines should be highlighted at the bottom of the document form. The length of the string should be established based on the composition of the information included (in accordance with the recommendations on the use of typical modes blocks), and the number of rows - from the number of input blocks.

2.11.1. It is allowed to apply forms 3B MK according to GOST 3.1118 or 2A OK of this standard instead of form 3A.

2.11.2. An example of registration OK is given in Appendix 2.

2.12. When developing documents for specialized jobs in order to change the equipment, depending on the brand and the thickness of the material, MK / KN is allowed.

2.12.1. MK / KN forms are allowed to apply in the form of independent documents or as part of documents for typical and group operations.

2.12.2. When using MK / CN forms as independent documents, data should be given on the technological equipment of technological equipment, about materials and their thicknesses with reference to a specific modes block. Recording information should be performed with reference to service symbols M and R. When using the materials of one brand, but different thicknesses record information should be performed in the sequence: on the first line, specify the thickness of the material, to the second - the corresponding modes block. It is recommended to leave empty one or two lines between data relating to a specific material and modes block.

2.13. Examples of MK / KTP design are given in GOST 3.1119, MK / KTTP and MK / VTP - in GOST 3.1121.

Operating card

(first or capital sheet)

Operating card

(subsequent sheets)

Operating card

(first or capital sheet)

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