
Gazprom Oil and Gas Company. Gazprom Neft

Work in the company "Gazprom Neft" -
so strive for more:

· Create and be proud of the created

· Create a story for future generations

· Solve interesting tasks

· Create and apply new approaches

· Get \u200b\u200bopportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company, the main activities of which - intelligence and development of oil and gas fields, the sale of raw materials, as well as the production and sale of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil-producing, refineries and sales enterprises in Russia, neighboring countries and foreign countries in which more than 56 thousand people work. The company processes about 80% of the oil produced, demonstrating one of the best ratios of production and processing. In terms of oil refining, Gazprom Neft enters the top three largest companies in Russia, in terms of production ranks fourth.

Gazprom Neft is working in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Tomsk, Omsk, Orenburg regions. The main processing capacity of the company is located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft implements projects in the field of mining outside of Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft products are exported to more than 50 countries of the world and is implemented throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of their own sales enterprises. Currently, the company's gas station network includes almost 1750 stations in Russia, CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OAO Gazprom (95.68%). The remaining stocks are in free handling.



For young specialists Gazprom Neft, an adaptation program has an adaptation program, which includes mentoring and training for the development of corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at disclosing the potential and determining the optimal way to develop a career of young specialists in the company.

Forming educational standards of the industry, Gazprom Neft is partner of the country's leading universities, providing them with sponsorship for the development of scientific and material and technical bases, vocational guidance of students.

The enterprises of Gazprom Neft operates the program of registered scholarships to students.

Every year a student practice is organized in the company and its subsidiaries, the successful passage of which allows not only to form the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.


a responsibility

Gazprom Neft is convinced that the effective and sustainable development of the business is inextricably linked with the national economic competitiveness, social well-being, the preservation of natural wealth.

The company is an active social investor in the regions of presence.

Gazprom Neft is a major taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of industries and professional development of employees, acts as a customer of products of local producers.

Gazprom Neft adopted the Social Investment Program "Native Cities", aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure of the territories of presence. Employees Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions of the company's presence.



Corporate culture Gazprom Neft is based on the principles
which share all of our employees.

  • Honesty

We are open and honest in relation to each other, companies, our partners, competitors and society. Our words do not diverge with the case.

  • Leadership

We show the initiative and strive to be the best in everything you do. We set ourselves ambitious goals and carry personal responsibility for the result.

  • The mentality of the responsible owner

We take care of assets and resources of the company, care about their safety and increase.

  • Cutout
    and trust

We respect ourselves and others, solve complex tasks together, trusting each other's professionalism, and help your colleagues to be successful.

  • Winner mentality

We are positive and believe in success, do not worry difficulties and develop competencies to effectively solve large-scale tasks.

Brief description of the company

Gazprom Neft Until 2005, I was called "Sibneft". In 2005, the controlling stake in Sibneft was purchased by Gazprom, after which the company changed the name. The management of Gazprom decided to preserve the independence of Gazprom Neft.

The resource base of Gazprom Neft is in good condition. In addition to deposits, which went from "Sibneft", Gazprom Neft, leads to the development of oil fields of Gazprom. In the future, Gazprom is expected to give "Gazprom Neft" all its sites on which there are reserves of liquid hydrocarbons.

Omsk refinery Gazprom Neft is one of the best in the industry in the quality of the production of petroleum products. The company pays a lot of attention to the modernization of its technological installations. In addition, Gazprom Neft on parity conditions with the Moscow Oil and Gas Company owns Moscow NPZ Holdings, which controls the Moscow refinery. Participation in the management of the Moscow refinery gives Gazprom Neft access to the metropolitan market of petroleum products, the most profitable in Russia.

Gazprom Neft is actively developing sales divisions. The company has created Gazpromneft-Avia CJSC for the implementation of airports in airports and Gazpromneft Marin Bunker for sale of ship fuel in marine and river ports. The sale of fuel directly to consumers significantly increases the efficiency of the sale of petroleum products.

Gazprom Neft, together with TNK-BP, owns Slavneft, acquired in 2002. At first, the partners planned to divide the assets of the company among themselves. However, over the past years, only sales enterprises managed to share. Gazprom Neft and TNK-BP agreed to jointly use other assets "Slavneft", which remained on the balance sheet of the company.

The structure of the company

JSC Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz
LLC "NK" Sibneft-Ugra "
LLC "Sibneft-Chukotka"
OJSC "Meremetoyakhneftegaz"
CJSC "Archinskoye"
LLC Gazpromneft-Hantos
LLC Gazpromneft-East

JSC Gazpromneft-ONPZ

OAO Gazpromneft-Omsk
CJSC Gazpromneft-Kuzbass
JSC Gazpromneft-Altai
LLC Gazpromneft-Noyabrsk
JSC Gazpromneft-Ural
OJSC "Ekaterinburgnefteprodukt"
JSC Gazpromneft-Tyumen
LLC Gazpromneft-Center
Sibneft-Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt LLC
Gazpromneft-Nizhny Novgorod
CJSC Gazpromneft-North-West
OJSC "Sibneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt"
LLC Gazpromneft-Kaluga
CJSC "Airport-Service"
OSOO "Gazprom Neft Asia"

History of the company and projects

Expansion of resource base
On May 23, 2006, Gazprom Neft OJSC won the auction for the right to use the subsoil of the Dobsky site for the purpose of geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials for a period of 25 years. The company paid 27 million rubles for a license.
Dobsky Plot is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory 10 km from Gelendzhik. Within the site, a deposit with the balance reserves of the Gas category C1 is 1.5 billion cubic meters. m and resources category C3 6 billion cubic meters. m.

On September 14, 2006, Gazprom Neft won the auction for the right to use subsoils for the purpose of geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Novorossiysk section in the Krasnodar Territory. The company suggested a payment for the use of subsoils in the amount of 118.8 million rubles. Forecast gas resources category D1 at the Novorossiysk area are estimated at 25 billion cubic meters. m.

On December 21, 2006, Gazprom Neft became the winner of the auction for the use of the subsoil of South Whealth district in the Nenets Autonomous District. The license for the right to intelligence and mining hydrocarbon raw materials is issued for a period of 25 years, including the geological study of the subsoil for a period of up to 5 years.
The forecast amount of recoverable reserves on the site is 12.3 million tons of oil in category C1 and C2 and 343 million cubic meters. m gas. The amount of geological reserves is 60 million tons of hydrocarbon raw materials.

Acquisition of "Zarubezhneftegazstroy"
On June 7, 2006, Gazprom Neft OJSC acquired 100% LLC Zarubezhneftegazstroy. On the basis of "Zarubezhneftegazstroy" a single customer's service was created for the construction, which will allow the company to concentrate all the functions of the customer for the construction of the competence of one legal entity. Branches LLC Zarubezhneftegazstroy are located in Noyabrsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Omsk and Tomsk.

Sales network in Kyrgyzstan
In the summer of 2006, Gazprom Neft bought a large marketing network in Kyrgyzstan from NK "Alliance". The acquired network included more than 100 gas stations and occupied about 30% of the petroleum products in Kyrgyzstan. The cost of the transaction was $ 99 million.

Development of Gazprom deposits
In the summer of 2006, Gazprom Neft and Gazprom signed a protocol on intentions against 15 Gazprom deposits, which are located in the north of Yamal, in Orenburg and Tomsk region. According to the protocol, the development of these deposits will lead "Noyabrskneftegaz".
Development of deposits will be carried out on operator contracts.

North Taiga Neftegaz
In November 2006, Gazprom Neft OJSC and Chevron Neftegaz were established by the joint venture of North Taiga Neftegaz LLC. The company was established to implement joint projects in oil production.
In September 2007, Gazprom Neft OJSC increased its share in North Taiga Neftegaz LLC to 75%.
The first project of the joint venture was the development of Ayhettinsky and Pyakutin sites in the Yamalo-Nenets district. In June 2008, North Taiga Neftegaz announced that oil deposits found within the limits of licensed sites, no commercial interest. Despite the failure, Gazprom Neft and Chevron do not plan to liquidate a joint venture. Gazprom Neft announced its intention to offer American partners to jointly implement other sites in Western Siberia.

Changing the president of the company
On November 15, 2006, Alexander Ryazanov was dismissed, held by President of Gazprom Neft and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprom.
The President of Sibur Alexander Dyukov was appointed the new president of Gazprom Neft.

OJSC "AK" Transneft ", OAO NK Rosneft and Gazprom Nefta OJSC established a company to implement a project to build the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline. LLC "Pipeline Consortium" Burgas-Alexandroupolis "was registered on January 18, 2007. The share of Transneft in the created consortium is 33.34%. Two other participants - Rosneft and Gazprom Neft - belongs to 33.33%.
The main functions of the Consortium "Burgas-Alexandroupolis" - the exercise of the authority of the Unified Shareholder from the Russian Federation in the "International Project Company". Russian companies in the "International Project Company" owns 51% of the shares, the remaining 49% shared Bulgaria and Greece. The Greek share in the project company is distributed between the Consortium of Hellenic Petroleum and Thraki Consortium (23.5%) and the Greece Government (1%), a Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG, whose participants are owned by a total of 24.5% in the general project TechnoExportStroy and Gas Corporation Bulgargas JSC.
The project provides for the construction of an oil pipeline with a length of 280 km connecting the marine terminals in Burgas and Alexandropulis. The power of the system will be 35-50 million tons per year. It is possible to consistent pumping oil of different varieties.
The Burgas-Alexandroupolis route will allow to transport oil from Russia, bypassing the Bosphorus strait.

The Russian LLC "Pipeline Consortium" Burgas-Alexandroupolis "will be 51%; Greek share in the project company in the amount of 24.5% will be distributed between the Consortium of Hellenic Petroleum and Thraki (23.5%) and the Government of the Republic (1% ); A share of 24.5% in the overall project will be owned by the Bulgarian Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG, whose participants are TechnoExportStroy and Gas Corporation Bulgargas JSC.

South Priobsky GPZ
In August 2007, Gazprom Neft and Sibur Holding OJSC created a joint venture of Yuzhno-Priobsky GPZ LLC for processing associated petroleum gas produced at the South Priobskoye deposit.
The founders of the joint venture were the subsidiaries of companies: Gazpromneft-Hantos LLC and Siburtumengaz OJSC. The share of each partner is 50% of the authorized capital of the "South Priobsky GPZ".

Sales companies in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan
In June 2007, Gazprom Neft-Asia LLC established the sales enterprises in Gazprom Neft-Kazakhstan LLC and Gazprom Neft-Tajikistan LLC. LLC Gazprom Neft-Asia owns 100% in the authorized capital of the established enterprises.
Gazprom Neft-Kazakhstan and Gazprom Neft-Tajikistan concluded contracts with local oil refuses, through which petroleum products of the Omsk refinery are implemented. In the future, on the basis of new enterprises, it is planned to create a gas station network.
The choice of regions to deploy the trading network is due to the territorial proximity of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to the main oil refining plant "Gazprom Neft" - Omsk refinery.

Expansion of resource base
In September 2007, LLC "Kholmogornneftegaz" acquired two licenses for the right to use subsoils for the purpose of geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials in the Irkutsk region. For the Vakunai Plot "Kholmogornneftegaz" suggested 1.53 billion rubles at a starting price of 665 million rubles, for the Ignalinsky plot - 1.65 billion rubles at a starting price of 330 million rubles.
Both plots are located 80 km from the Eastern Siberian-Pacific Pipeline under construction.

Gazprom Neft OJSC in September 2007 opened a new deposit in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District within the workplace of the license area. The geological reserves of the new field, according to preliminary estimates, exceed 90 million tons of oil.
In April-June 2007, a search well was drilled at the booster No. 772 with a depth of 3101 m. When testing the operational column was obtained a fountain influx of oil by a 160 cubic flow. m per day.

In March 2008, Gazpromneft-Hantos LLC became the winner of the auction for the right to intelligence and oil production at the Khanty-Mansiysk part of the Winter Deposit. Since 2005, Gazpromneft-Hantos has been licensed to the Tyumen part of the Winter Deposit. Now the company has become the owner of the right to develop the entire deposit.
Expected total recoverable stocks of the winter field are estimated at 30 million tons, taking into account the resources to be developed.

For sale Yaroslavl refinery. Mendeleev
On July 16, 2007, auction was held for the sale of a controlling stake in the Yaroslavl refinery. Mendeleev and enterprises "RUSOIL-Moscow", producing plastic containers and caring oils. Both companies belonged to Slavneft. Lot, uniting 51.86% of the Yaroslavl refinery. Mendeleev and 100% Rusomyl-Moscow, was rated at 334.2 million rubles.
The winner of the auction was the company "Atlantpromservice", registered in the Kaliningrad region. Atlantpromservice has signed an agreement with "Slavneft" about the purchase of Yaroslavl refinery, but subsequently suggested revising the schedule of payments already fixed in the contract. In connection with the unpretentiousness of Atlantpromservis, "Gazprom Neft," Gazprom Neft "and TNK-BP decided to return the Yaroslavl refinery and ZAO Rusoil-Moscow on the Balance of Slavneft. Yaroslavl refinery. Mendeleev founded in 1879. This is one of the oldest oil refineries of Russia. The capacity of the plant allows you to process crude oil (300 thousand tons per year) and bases of the base group (108 thousand tons). The plant produces various oils, lubricants, additives, fuel oil and diesel fuel.

Gazpromneft Marin Bunker.
In October 2007, Gazprom Neft has created a sales company Gazpromneft Marin Bunker LLC. The main task that the company puts in front of the enterprise by 2020 is to create its own port infrastructure (bunker terminals and tankers) and take 30% of the bunker market in Russia.

In November 2007, Gazprom Nefta created a new division of Gazpromneft-Yamal. The main activity of Gazpromneft-Yamal will be the development of oil fields, licenses to be owned by Gazprom and its subsidiaries.
First of all, the enterprise began working at the Tazovsky and Novoportovsky fields, the licenses for which belong to Yamburgazdobycha and LLC Nadymgazprom.

In December 2007, Gazprom Neft Company registered the enterprise Gazpromneft-Angara LLC, established on the basis of LLC Kholmogornneftegaz, to organize work on oil and gas production at license areas in Eastern Siberia.
The company received licenses for the development of the Mid-Temurinsky, more-dubical and north-kiet sites in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Hot-Murbi and Tympuchican sites in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as well as Vakunay and Ignalinsky in the Irkutsk region.

Gazprom Neft OJSC in November 2007 created a new enterprise - Gazpromneft-lubricants LLC. The enterprise has tasks for the development of oil business of Gazprom Neft and to enter the leading position in the Russian market.

In December 2007, Gazprom Neft OJSC bought 50% of Tomskneft OJSC for 90.5 billion rubles ($ 3.66 billion). The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia approved the transaction on December 26, 2007.

In January 2008, Gazprom Neft, based on CJSC Sibneftaavia, created Gazpromneft-Aero CJSC to implement direct fuel supplies to airports.
Gazpromneft-Aero acquired fuel-refueling complex in Murmansk and 50% LLC "Tank-based company North-West" (Pulkovo). The company enterprises operate at Tolmachevo Airport (Novosibirsk), the enterprise began the construction of new complexes in Tomsk and Bryansk. In September 2008, Gazpromneft-Aero signed an agreement with Sheremetyevo airport about the construction of a new fuel and refueling complex. It will implement 400-600 thousand tons of aviation fuel per year. The complex will enter the complex with a capacity of 20 thousand cubic meters. M, Railway Estakada , designed for simultaneous reception of 20 tanks, fuel plug items with a total capacity of 3 thousand cubic meters per day, 8 tankers and a laboratory.

Section Yaroslavnefteprodukta
In January 2008, Gazprom Neft and TNK-BP carried out a section of Assets of Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt. At an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the sales company, it was decided to reorganize the company by allocating OJSC Gazpromneft-Yaroslavl and OJSC TNK-Yaroslavl. The shares of the established societies are distributed among the shareholders of Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt OJSC in proportion to their shares.
TNK-BP received half of the assets of Yaroslavnefteprodukt in the Yaroslavl region (37 gas stations and 3 oil dumps), as well as all objects in the Kostroma region (49 gas stations and 9 oilbuzz). Gazprom Neft got half of Yaroslavl assets (39 gas stations, 1 AGZS and 3 tank farms) and all objects in the Ivanovo region (60 gas stations, 4 oil dumps and one petroleum). By agreement of the parties, when determining the share of the main criterion was not the number of refills, but quality characteristics - location, set of services, sales volume.

ETP "Gazprom Neft"
In April 2008, Gazprom Neft launched an electronic trading platform for the sale of petroleum products into experimental operation. Since the autumn of 2008, the company began holding regular trading on ETP.

Moscow refinery
In May 2008, Gazprom Neft and Moscow Oil and Gas Company created a joint venture Moscow NPZ Holdings with equal partnership. The company will manage the Moscow refinery. The parties contributed to the authorized capital of MOSCOW NPZ Holdings 90.02% of the voting shares of the Moscow refinery.
OAO TATNEFT, the third major shareholder of the plant, did not participate in the joint venture.

Update: October 2008

Operating profit ▼ 212 billion rubles. (2014, IFRS) Net profit ▼ 122 billion rubles. (2014, IFRS) Assets Capitalization ▲ 1,085 trillion rub. (2017) Number of employees ▲ 57.5 thousand (2014) Parent company PJSC Gazprom Affiliated companies Naphtne Industrial Srbian Auditor CJSC "PRAYSVOTERHAUS CUPERS AUDIT" (RAS, US GAAP 2006-2011, IFRS 2012) Website gazprom-neft.ru. Gazprom Oil on Wikisklad

The implementation of traditional and innovative bitumen is a specialized subsidiary of Gazpromneft - bitumen materials. The largest foreign activist Gazpromneft is a multidisciplinary company NIS. NIS is engaged in exploration and oil and gas production on the territory of Serbia, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Romania. NEFTE-processing plant NIS in the Serbian city of Panchevo is one of the largest and most technological refineries in the Balkan region. Also on the territory of Serbia and neighboring countries, NIS manages the network of gas stations under the brands Gazprom and Nis Petrol.


Performance performance

Revenue "Gazprom Neft" for 2016 on IFRS amounted to 1695 billion rubles. (increased by 2.4%, compared with 2015), adjusted EBITDA - 456 billion rubles. (increased by 12.7%), net profit - 200 billion rubles. (an increase of 82.5%).

Until 2012, the company's consolidated reporting was published according to GAAP standards. Since 2012, the company's reporting is published according to IFRS standards (in rubles).

Financial performance companies
2006 2007 year 2008 year year 2009 2010 year 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year 2014 2015 year 2016 year
Revenue from sales, million $20 176 ▲ $ 22 768 ▲ $ 33 870 ▼ $ 24 166 ▲ $ 32 772 ▲ $ 44 172 ▲ 1 232 649 rub. ▲ 1 267 603 rub. 1,408 238 rub. ▲. 1 655 775 rub. ▲. 1 695 764 rub. ▲.
Adjusted EBITDA, million $6091 ▲ $ 6553. ▲ $ 8560. ▼ 191 512 rub. ▲ 220 812 rub. ▲ 300 077 rub. ▲ 323 106 rub. ▲ 336 752 rub 342 614 rub. ▲. 404 811 rub. ▲. 456 198 rub. ▲.
Net profit, million $3661 ▲ $ 4143. ▲ $ 4658. ▼ $ 2685 ▲ $ 3346. ▲ $ 5352. ▲ 176 296 rub. ▲ 177 917 rub. 122 093 rub. ▼ 109 661 rub. ▼ 200 179 rub. ▲.

Stocks and mining

In 2016, the company's production volume amounted to 86.20 million tons of oil equivalent, an increase of 8.2%.

As of December 31, 2016, the total hydrocarbon reserves of Gazprom Neft (taking into account the share in joint ventures) categories "proven" and "probable" (Proved + Probable - 2p) according to international SPE-PRMS standards amounted to 2.72 billion tons of oil Equivalent. In 2016, Gazprom Neft, by 122% of% reimbursed the amount of production with new reserves in category 2r.

The development of projects in Russia and abroad allowed Gazprom Neft to ensure a record for the Russian oil industry an increase in production volumes - by 8.2% - at the same time the company reimbursed the production volume by new reserves by more than 120%. As of December 31, 2016, Gazprom Neft and subsidiaries have had rights to use subsoils by more than 90 licensed areas located in the eight regions of the Russian Federation and on the shelf of the Northern Ocean. Outside of the Russian Federation, in Serbia, Romania and the Republic of Serbian (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the subsidiary of NIS has 69 solutions (license analogue).

According to the company, over the past two years, Gazprom Neft has brought the share of high-tech wells in the total volume of drilled from 4% to 50%, becoming one of the leaders in this indicator in the Russian oil and gas industry.


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Sealed bay of bitumen at the Moscow refinery

LLC Gazpromneft - Lubricants supplies products in 42 countries. In 2016, Gazpromneft-lubricants took 20% of the Russian oil and lubrication market. The sales volume of the premium class products amounted to 0.3 million tons.

The company also produces ship oil under the Texaco brand under Chevron licenses. The range includes more than 500 items of oils and lubricants. In 2016, sales of ship oils rose to 14 thousand tons of lubricants - 55% more compared with 2015.

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Refueling aircraft "in the wing"

Gazpromneft-Aero has been operating in 235 airports (61 countries). In 2016, the company ranked 26.2% of the Russian market. The total sales of Aviatopulus Gazpromneft-Aero in 2016 reached 2.6 million tons.

In 2016, Gazpromneft Marin Bunker implemented about 2.8 million tons of ship fuel, taking a share of 19% in the domestic bunker market.

Gazpromneft - bituminous materials - Gazprom Neft Bitumen Business operator, in 2016 increased production sales to 1.88 million tons. The growth compared with the result of 2015 was 10%. The implementation of premium binders, primarily modified bitumen (PBV, PBB *), grew by 76% to 105 thousand tons. The production of basic petrochemical production products in 2016 was 39.95 million, tons.

Development Strategy

At the heart of Gazprom Neft, the company's development strategy under 2025, approved by the Board of Directors in May 2013, this document is a continuation and clarification of the development strategy until 2020, approved in 2010 and updated in 2012 by the Board of Directors. Companies. The document retains the goals of 2020, develops ways to achieve them in the main segments of the business - production of hydrocarbons, oil refining and sales of petroleum products, and also puts a key task for the period from 2020 to 2025 - maintaining the scale of business achieved by 2020

The work strategy until 2020 also provides:

  • level of security in stocks in category 1p - 15 years;
  • the share of production at the deposits in the initial stages of development is at least 50%;
  • the share of mining from foreign projects is 10%.

As expected, the volume of oil refining "Gazprom Neft" by 2020 will reach 40 million tons per year in Russia:

Including, including the possibility of access to processing facilities outside Russia (30 million tons); increasing the depth of processing in the Russian Federation to 95%; Increasing the exit of bright petroleum products in the Russian Federation up to 80%.

To achieve strategic goals in the mining segment, the company forms a new mining center in the north of the Northern Federal District through the development of the Arctichaz deposits, the Novoportovskoye deposit and the Mesciah group of deposits.

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Winter shipment of oil from the deposit New Port

Novoportovskoye deposit

The Novoportovsk oil and gas condensate deposit is located in the Yamal district of Yamalo-Nenets AO 30 km from the coast of the Obskoy Lip (see New Port).

The recoverable reserves of the Novoporta oil and gas condensate deposit in category C1 and C2 are more than 250 million tons of oil and more than 320 billion m³ of gas. In 2014, the test program of exploratory wells was completed and the first summer shipment of oil by the sea tanker fleet was carried out. In winter, 2015, the first part of the oil was removed from the seaside deposit: for the first time in the history of oil, it was sent with Yamal by the Sea. For the transportation of oil, a unique logistic scheme is used: the raw material is shipped to tankers through the Oil Terminal "Gate of the Arctic", located in the fresh waters of the Ob Lip 3.5 km from the coast. On May 25, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the beginning of the beginning of year-round transportation of Novoportovsk Oil. In 2016, more than 1 million tons of oil were produced from the beginning of operation at the field. It is planned that by the end of the year more than 2 million unique Novy Port varieties will be shipped. .

Mesian fields

The Messoyakh deposit Group includes the East Mesmansky and West Mesian sections. These are the most northern of the oil deposits developed in Russia on land. Licenses for both blocks belong to CJSC MESSOYAHNEFTEGAZ, which is parityly controlled by Gazprom Neft and Rosneft. Gazprom Neft performs the functions of the project operator.

The deposits were opened in the 1980s and are located on the Gydan Proshetrov, in the Tazovsky district of Yamalo-Nenetsky AO, 340 km north of the city of New Urengoy, in the Arctic climatic zone, in the region with underdeveloped infrastructure.

The proven reserves of C1 + C2 of the Mesmoyakh group account for about 470 million tons of oil and gas condensate, as well as more than 180 billion m³ of natural and associated gas. On September 21, 2016, Gazprom Neft launched an East Mescoyakh deposit to industrial operation. The command of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was given to the start of operation in the telelight mode. On February 17, 2017, a million ton of oil was mined at the field. This indicator was achieved in less than 5 months from the beginning of the industrial exploitation of the most northern in Russia of the mainland oil and gas condensate fishery. "].

Prirazlogo deposit

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Sea ice-resistant stationary platform "Prirazlogo"

Prirazlomnoe contains more than 70 million tons of extractable oil reserves. The development license belongs to Gazprom Neft Shelf (a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft).

Prirazlomnoye is the only deposit today on the Arctic shelf of Russia, where oil production has already begun. For the first time, hydrocarbon mining on the Arctic shelf is conducted from the stationary platform - the seaside ice-resistant stationary platform (Mr.) "Prirazlomnaya". The platform is designed for operation in extreme natural and climatic conditions, it is able to withstand the maximum ice loads and allows you to perform all technological operations - drilling wells, mining, storage, shipment of oil on tankers, etc.

The first batch of oil from the PRIZARCOMO was shipped in April 2014. The new oil variety received the name Arctic Oil (Arco). At the end of 2016, 2,154 thousand tons of Arco grade oil (Arctic Oil) were produced at the Priaraznomnoye deposit. This is more than 2.5 times greater than 2015 indicators, when the consumers of North-Western Europe have shipped more than 800 thousand tons of oil. Arco is relatively heavy compared to conventional Russian export oil and other varieties of the European Region and is well suited for deep processing on complex refinery of North-West Europe.

International projects

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Central Point of Oil, Badra, Iraq

Social responsibility

The Gazprom Neft company declares the commitment to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility. The company adopted the Social Investment Program "Native Cities", within which Gazprom Neft carries out direct investments in social facilities in the regions of presence, and also provides grants. The cost of implementing the "Native Cities" program in 2015 amounted to 3.9 billion rubles.

In addition, oil workers support professional sports, being (for 2014) one of the sponsors of such teams as the Zenit football club (St. Petersburg), Hockey Clubs "Avangard" (Omsk Region) and SKA (St. Petersburg) and Serbian football Club "Czrven Star". C 2015 is a title sponsor of the Tom Football Club (Tomsk Region).


The company was established under the name "Siberian Oil Company" ("Sibneft") in 1995 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin by allocating oil producing and oil-refining assets from Rosneft and was privatized by parts in the next two years (including on mortgage) At a price of about $ 100.3 million. Initially, the company nominally was under the control of Boris Berezovsky, further passed under the control of Roman Abramovich. In the fall of 2011, Roman Abramovich in the London court under the oath stated that the actual collateral auction for the privatization of Sibneft was fictitious: the collusion of the Berezovsky and his partner Badry Patarkatsishvili with other trades allowed them to avoid competition and buy a company for the starting price.

From 1995, the first president of the company from 1995 to October 24, 1997 was Viktor Gorodilov, the former general director of Novyabskneftegaz. In connection with the deterioration of the state of health, he has settled his authority, and after a month and a half the new president was elected. Andrei Bloch became them, who headed the company from January to July 1998. In July 1998, the company headed Evgeny Schvidler.

In the spring of 2006, the Board of Directors of the Company decided to re-register the company in St. Petersburg. On November 22, 2006, the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom Neft has suspended Alexander Ryazanov's powers and appointed the acting President Alexander Dyukov. On December 30, 2006, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders approved Alexander Dukova by the company's president, since January 2008 - General Director and Chairman of the Board. On December 29, 2011, the Board of Directors of the Company extended A. Dukov's contract for another 5 years.

In April 2010, the company began production of automotive oils under the premium brand G-ENERGY. The face of the advertising campaign G-Energy in 2011 was the British actor Jason Steate. In early 2011, she brought into the fuel retail market its own branded G-DRIVE fuel. In 2013, all company plants switched to the release of fuel that meets the EURO-5 standards.

In April 2014, a complex for the production of engine oils was commissioned at the Omsk plant of lubricants (OZSC).

Key figures Net profit

▲ $ 5.35 billion (US GAAP, 2011)

Number of employees

▲ 58.9 thousand (2011)

Parent company



Gazprom Neft - One of the largest Russian oil companies (according to the results of 2011, he was part of the five largest Russian vertically integrated oil companies on the volume of production, and in the top three on the volume of oil refining).

From 1995, the first president of the company from 1995 to October 24, 1997 was Viktor Gorodilov, the former general director of Novyabskneftegaz. In connection with the deterioration of the state of health, he has settled his authority, and after a month and a half the new president was elected. They became Andrei Bloch, who led the company from January to July 1998. In July 1998, the company headed Evgeny Schvidler.


  • chairman of the Board, CEO - Alexander Dyukov,
  • chairman of the Board of Directors - Alexey Miller.


Stocks and mining

As at December 31, 2011, Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries have had rights to use subsoils on 75 licensed areas located in 11 regions of Russia. Outside of Russia, in Serbia, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft - NIS has 66 solutions (license analogue). According to the results of an audit of stocks conducted by DEGOLYER AND MACNAGHTON, proven reserves of the company according to PRMS standards (Petroleum Resources Management System) at the end of 2011 amounted to 1 billion 130 tons of oil equivalent, the replenishment coefficient exceeded 286%.

The company's activities in Russia in oil production are mainly carried out by three its subsidiaries: Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz, Gazpromneft-Hantos and Gazpromneft-East. Companies are developing deposits in YNAO and KHMAO, in Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen and Irkutsk regions. Gazprom Neft also has 50% shares in three dependent societies: "Slavneft", "Tomskneft" and Salym Petroleum Development N. V. In 2010, Gazprom Neft has acquired 51% of North Energy LLC in partnership with NOVATEC which owns four licensed sites in the YNAO.


Gazprom Neft stably takes one of the first places in Russia at the rate of growth in oil refineries. In 2011, the company increased recycling by 6.8% to 40.5 million tons. In full or partial ownership of Gazprom Neft, there are 5 oil refineries - three in Russia (Omsk refinery, Moscow refinery, OJSC Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (Yanoslavn), and two refinery of the Serbian company NIS in Panchevo and Novi-Garden).

The company implements a large-scale program for the modernization of its refineries. The program takes into account the full transition to the fuel of the ecological class Euro-5 until 2015, the increase in the depth of processing and an increase in processing volumes in the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation of the effectiveness program.

In particular, the Omsk refinery in 2012 completed the construction of the installation of gasoline hydrotreating. After entering in 2012 the installation of diesel fuel hydrotreating, the plant will fully switch to the release of the fuel standards Euro-4 and Euro-5. The Moscow refinery has already moved to euro-4 fuel release, in 2013 it is supposed to transition to the euro-5 fuel release. From July 1, 2012, all products of Yaroslavnefteorgsynthesis fully complies with the Euro-5 standard.


Under the trademark Gazpromneft (in contrast to the company's name, the brand of the gas station network is written into one word) is a significant gas station network in Russia from 1043 stations. In total, taking into account the gas stations in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia (gas station under the NIS brand), the company's retail chain reaches 1670 gas stations.

In 2011, Gazprom Neft continued to implement the project of the company's gas station network rebranding. The concept of the advertising campaign of the new network of gas stations Gazpromneft was called "Reliable Landmark". According to Romir Holding Studies, Gazpromneft brand is included in the TOP-3 gas stations of Russia. In April 2011, he received the "Brand Year / Effie" award.

In early 2011, the company brought its own branded G-Drive fuel to the fuel retail market.

Also, the company's structure includes sales units engaged in bunkering business (Gazpromneft Marin Bunker LLC), an airproductive business (Gazpromneft-Aero CJSC), as well as business for the production of oils and lubricants (Gazpromneft-lubricants).

Gazpromneft Marin Bunker in 2011 increased the amount of ship fuel by 46.7% to 2.2 million tons. Gazpromneft-Avia is an absolute leader of the retail air market in Russia. The refill of vessels is carried out in 30 countries (49 cities).

Gazpromneft-lubricants occupies a 14% of the market for Russian lubricants and supplies products in 35 countries. Gazpromneft - lubricants "- the only vertically integrated oil company in Russia. It consists of industrial assets in Western Siberia (Omsk), the European part of Russia (Yaroslavl), as well as in Italy (Bari). Production volume is 450 thousand tons of high-quality oils, lubricants and technical fluids per year.

In April 2010, the company began production of automotive oils under the premium brand G-ENERGY. The G-Energy advertising campaign in 2011 was the British actor Jason Statham.

The oils of the company are produced under the brands G-Energy and Sibimotor (oils for passenger and commercial vehicles), industrial oils and lubricants under the Gazpromneft brand, ship oils under the Texaco brand produced by Chevron licenses. The range includes more than 300 names of oils and lubricants.

In November 2011, Gazpromneft-lubricants acquired CJSC NK Selekt, to which a factory for the production of lubricants in the city of Fryazino, the Moscow region, with a capacity of 40 thousand tons of oils per year.

Performance performance

In 2011, the company's production volume amounted to 57.3 million tons of oil equivalent, an increase of 8%.

Revenue "Gazprom Neft" for 2011 US GAAP was $ 44.17 billion (in 2010 - $ 32.91 billion), EBITDA - $ 10.15 billion ($ 7.27 billion), net profit - $ 5.35 billion ($ 3, 15 billion).

Perspective projects

The deposits are open in the 1980s and are the most northern of the famous fields of Russia, which are on land. The Mesmoyakh group is located on the Gydan Peninsula, in the Tazovsky district of Yamalo-Nenets AO, 340 km north of New Urengoy, in the Arctic climatic zone, in the region with undeveloped infrastructure.

Peak production volume is predicted after 2020. At peak, production will reach, as expected, about 20 million tons of oil and condensate, and 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

International projects

  • Angola. The company has been present since 2009 through the acquisition of NIS.
  • Venezuela. Development of the Hunin-6 deposit together with PDVSA. Stocks - 10.96 billion barrels.
  • Iraq. Development of the Badra deposit. Stocks - 3 billion barrels. Oil. By 2013, Gazprom Neft plans to reach the initial level of production of 15 thousand barrels. per day, and by 2017 to the maximum level of production - up to 170 barrels. per day. The project is designed for 20 years with the right of prolongation for 5 years.
  • Italy. In 2009, Gazprom Neft acquired a plant for the production of oils and lubricants in Bari.
  • Cuba. 30% share in the development project of four blocks on the shelf. Stocks - 450 million tons. 2011 - drilling of the first exploration well.
  • Equatorial Guinea . Interation of oil reserves on the shelf. Stocks - 110 million tons. The company's share at the stage of geological exploration - 80%.

Violation of antimonopoly legislation



  • Official site for corporate clients Gazpromneft
  • Official site for customer retail network Gazpromneft gas stations


  • Companies with listing of shares on MICEX
  • Companies with listing of shares on the RTS stock exchange
  • Companies by alphabetic
  • Companies based in 1995
  • Gazprom
  • Companies of St. Petersburg
  • Oil and gas producing companies in Russia
  • Companies of Russia, producing refueling products
  • Retailing companies in Russia

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