
Elena Gureeva - an assessment of the economic effect from major sports competitions. Elena Greeva - Evaluation of the economic effect from major sporting competitions Common work experience

  • The theory and practice of management in the 21st century: [collective] monograph / A. A. Barannikov, V. O. Grigorenko, I. V. Gritsyuk, K. A. Guenev, E. G. Gureeva, N. D. Guskova, E . V. Verdyabina, N. A. Dubinko, M. Ivashchenko, B. A. Karpinsky, D. E. Mamaev, P. V. Mikhailushkin, E. E. Motherland, S. S. Chernov; Ed. S. S. Chernova, Development Center Scientific. cooperation. - Novosibirsk: Sibprint, 2013. - 192 p. - ISBN 978-5-94301-081-1.
  • ESTIMATION OF EMPLOYMENT CYCLES INTERRELATION WITH PREVAILING FORMS OF LABOUR COMPENSATION / E. G. GUREVA, K. A. GUREV, O. S. GOLUBEVA // Actual Problems of Economics. - 2012. - Vol. 133, ISS. 7. - P. 316-323. MODE OF ACCESS: www.scopus.com/. - Title From Screen., Web of Science
  • Corporate Pension Plans: Relevans, Problems and Management Solutions / K. Gureev, E. Gureeva, D. Markov // Actual Problems of Economics. - 2013. - Vol. 147, ISS. 9- P. 294-302., Scopus
  • Intelligent Technologies In The Process of Business Units Behavior Modelling / K. A. Gureev, E. G. GureEva // Actual Problems of Economics. - 2014. - Vol. 151, ISS. 1- P. 496-504. - Mode of Access: www.scopus.com/. - Title From Screen., Scopus
  • Managerial Decisions: Financial Corporate Pension Plans / K. A. Gureev, E. G. Gureeva // Actual Problems of Economics. - 2014. - Vol. 154, ISS. 4- P. 327-333. MODE OF ACCESS: www.scopus.com/. - Title From Screen., Scopus
  • Analysis of innovative activity and the creation of multi-level rating systems / E. G. Greeva, A. N. Greeva // Russian Economic Internet Magazine [Electronic resource]. - 2018. - № 3-7 p. - Access mode: link - zavel. from the screen., Vak
  • Methodical foundations of analyzing the complexity of business processes / E. G. Greeva // Economics and entrepreneurship. - 2015. - № 12, part 1- p. 903-905., Vak
  • Improving risk management in vertically integrated companies / T. A. Mustafaev, E. G. Gueva // Moscow Economic Journal [Electronic resource]. - 2019. - № 9- p. 733-744. - Access mode: https://qje.su/wp-conpttent/uploads/2019/10/ NOMER-9-2019-ARHIV.PDF. - Tilt. From the screen. - DOI 10.24411 / 2413-046x-2019-19064., Vak
  • Unfavorable cyclic changes and social spending Direct consumers / E. G. Gureeva, M. S. Oborin // News of the Penza State Pedagogical University. V. G. Belinsky. - 2012. - № 28. Public sciences. - P. 330334., VAC
  • Modern control panels quantitative and high-quality specialists based on the technologies of comprehensive assessment of the complexity of work and qualifications of specialists / E. Gurreeva, K. A. Guenev // Software systems and computational methods [Electronic resource]. - 2017. - № 1- p.31-38. - Access mode: link - zavel. From the screen. - DOI 10.7256 / 2454-0714.2017.1.22113., Vak
  • Controlling the quantitative and high-quality component of the customer's services in the context of the expansion of a separate service when drilling based on modeling / E. G. Greeva, K. A. Guenev // Higher news educational institutions. Oil and gas. - 2018. - № 5 (131) - P. 126-133., HAK
  • Problems and solutions in the field of organizing investment and construction works of oil-producing enterprises / E. G. Gureeva, K. A. Timirov // Construction economy. - 2019. - № 3 (57), March-Apr. 37-50., Vak
  • Evaluation of the level of qualifications in the standardization of labor of oil-producing enterprises in the framework of business process management / K. A. Guenev, E. Greeva // Competitiveness in global world: Economics, Science, Technology \u003d Competitiveness Global World: Economics, Science, Technology. - 2017. - № 1, part 1- p. 57-60., Vak
  • Evaluation of the level of qualifications in the standardization of labor of intellectual professions in the framework of business process management / K. A. Guenev, E. Greeva // Theoretical and Applied Economics [Electronic resource]. - 2018. - № 4- p. 57-65. - Access mode: link - zavel. From the screen. - DOI 10.25136 / 2409-8647.2018.4.22726., Vak
  • The methodological foundations of rationing in the framework of the process-functional approach / E. Greeva // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2015. - № 11, h. 2- p. 858-860., Vak
  • Directions for estimating the regulatory impact of national productivity improvements / E. G. Gureeva, A. N. Greeva // Russian Economic Internet Magazine [Electronic resource]. - 2018. - № 4- 9 p. - Access mode: link - zavel. from the screen., Vak
  • Study of the markets tool tools of behavior modeling / K. A. Guenev, E. G. Greeva // Management economic systems [Electronic resource]. - 2015. - № 8 (80) - 6 p. - Access mode: link - zavel. from the screen., Vak
  • Intelligent decision-making technologies in management tasks labor resources As a category of investment costs / K. A. Guenev, E. G. Greeva, O. S. Golubev // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2012. - № 6 (29). - P. 457-462., Vak
  • Dynamic methods for determining the number of personnel based on the construction of a multifactorial matrix / E. G. Greeva, K. A. Guenev // Problems of the modern economy. - 2015. - № 2 (54) - p. 147-150., Vak
  • Optimization of the number of staff: the possibilities of functional and cost analysis and the scope of its application / E. G. Gureeva, A. N. Gueraeva // Financial economy. - 2018. - № 4, part 3- p. 299-303., Vak
  • Modeling speakers market system / K. A. Guenev, E. Greeva // Polygraph Network Electronic Scientific Journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University (Scientific Journal of the Kubeau) [Electronic resource]. - 2015. - № 110 (06) - 12 p. - Access mode: Link IDA: 1101506007. - Tilt. from the screen., Vak
  • The development of the methodology and methodological foundations of measuring the complexity of the work of specialists, taking into account the factors of complexity / E. Gurreeva, K. A. Guenev // Economics and entrepreneurship. - 2016. - № 11, part 2- p. 560-564., Vak
  • Development of consumer techniques in the field financial products and asymmetry of information / E. Greeva // Bulletin of PSTU. Culture. History. Philosophy. Right. - 2009. - № 1 (20). - P. 20-47., RINTS
  • Theoretical and methodological study of the problems of resource use in enterprises of chemical and petrochemical complexes of Russia / A. A. Gleseneva, E. Greeva // Masters Journal [Electronic resource]. - 2018. - № 1- S. 139-145. - Access mode: Tilt. From the screen., Rincz
  • Theoretical and practical aspects of the risk management of the engineering organization of the oil-producing sector / E. G. Gureeva, Yu. S. Sukmanova // Management of sustainable development. - 2018. - № 2 (15), March-Apr. 5-12., RINTS
  • Improving the role of socio-economic education / E. G. Gueneva // Formation of a humanitarian environment in high school: innovative educational technologies. Competence approach: Materials XIV Vseros. scientific study. conf., Perm, 24-25 Apr. 2014 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. University, Humanit. Fact - Perm: Publip, 2014. - P. 151-154., Rinc
  • Applied research work: problems and risks / A. V. Bondarenko, E. G. Gueva // Modern trends in the development of science and technology [Electronic resource]: Sat. Scientific Tr. Based on materials II International. scientific study. Conf., Belgorod, May 31, 2015 at 7 h. VII / Agency Perspectur. Scientific Research - Belgorod: IP Tkacheva E. P., 2015. - P. 14-17. - Access mode: SB_K-2-7.PDF link. - Tilt. From the screen., Rincz
  • Innovative business preferences / E. Greeva // Actual problems of the economy and management at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry in the conditions of an innovative-oriented economy: materials III Intern. scientific study. conf., Perm, 20 Apr. 2013 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing house, 2013. - P. 507-511.
  • Socio-economic problems of monogorodov / E. G. Gureeva, D. I. Serebryansky // Eurasian Economic Conference [Electronic resource]: Sat. Art. II International. scientific study. conf., Penza, May 23, 2018 / International. Center Scientific Collaboration Science and Enlightenment. - Penza: MCNS Science and Enlightenment, 2018. - P. 191-195. - Access mode: link - zavel. From the screen.
  • Assessment of the condition and development of the chemical industry in Russia, taking into account modern trends / E. V. Yeremeeva, E. G. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at enterprises oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: materials III International. scientific study. conf., Perm, 30 Apr. 2013, [dedicated. The 60th anniversary of the Pingipa and the 20th anniversary of the Humanit. Fact.] / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2013. - P. 136-148.
  • Analysis of the state and forecasting of expenses in the field of labor protection / E. G. Greeva, V. E. Salikova, E. Yu. Simonova // Theory and Practice of Scientific Research: Sat. Materials XXXIX International. scientific study. conf., Moscow, May 30, 2018 / Scientific. Center Olympus. - Moscow: Olympus, 2018. - P. 271-273. Access Mode: TPS_PRAVILNOYE_SODERZHANIYE.PDF Link. Stall. From the screen.
  • Analysis of the state of engineering production and development directions / V. M. Olenev, E. G. Greeva // Actual issues in science and practice: Sat. Art. According to the materials of the VIII International. scientific study. conf., [G. Samara], May 15, 2018 [at 3 h.]. h. 2 (3) / ed-day. - Samara; Ufa: Science Herald, 2018. - P. 127-135.
  • Increase innovation activity of enterprises and improvement statistical reporting: Problems and directions of decisions / E. Greeva // Actual problems of the economy and management at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry in the conditions of an innovative oriented economy: Materials VIII International. scientific study. conf., Perm, Apr 28 2018 / m-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2018. - P. 106-113.
  • Analysis financial activities Enterprises: tutorial / E. Greeva, K. A. Guenev; Mr. Science and Higher. Education Ros. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing house, 2018. - 156, p. - Approved RIS UN-TA as studies. benefits. - ISBN 978-5-398-02166-0.
  • Comparative analysis and average monthly forecast wages / E. Gurieva, A. V. Bolshakova, K. A. Filmarov [Filimonova] // Modern economy: Actual questions, achievements and innovations [Electronic resource]: Sat. Art. XVII International. scientific study. Conf., Penza, May 25, 2018 / International. Center Scientific Collaboration Science and Enlightenment. - Penza: MCNS Science and Enlightenment, 2018. - P. 300-302. - Access mode: link - zavel. From the screen.
  • Main approaches to the implementation and ensuring the functioning of the internal control system in oil-producing companies / K. A. Timirova, Yu. S. Sukmanova, E. G. Gueva // Prospects for the development of science in modern world: Sat. Art. According to the materials of the VIII International. scientific study. conf., [G. Ufa], May 19, 2018 [in 3 hours]. h. 2 (3) / ed-day. - Ufa: Science Herald, 2018. - P. 123-131.
  • Production and operations management: [Tutorial] for undergraduates and specialists / V. L. Popov, D. A. Markov, A. V. Krutova, E. Greeva. - St. Petersburg [and others]: Peter, 2014. - 336 p. - (Tutorial (third generation standard)). - recommended by the Council of the UMO on education in the region. management as studies. Manuals for students Higher. studies. establishments.
  • Environmental Innovative Projects: Problems and decisions / M. N. Dolbunov, E. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: Materials III International. scientific study. conf., Perm, 30 Apr. 2013, [dedicated. The 60th anniversary of the Pingipa and the 20th anniversary of the Humanit. Fact.] / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2013. - P. 128-131.
  • Innovative Activity and The Relative Prices of Input / E. Gureeva // Innovation Management And Company Sustainability: INTERN. Conf., Prague, May 27, 2013 / Univ. Of Economics in Prague, Nat. RESEARCH POLYTECHNIC UNIV. in perm. - Prague :, 2013. - 9 p. - 1 ELECTRONIC DISK (CD-R). - Title from Disk Label.
  • Improving business process management of oil-producing enterprises based on new methodology / E. G. Gureeva, K. A. Guenev // Actual problems of the economy and management at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry in the conditions of an innovative-oriented economy: Materials VII International. scientific study. conf., Perm, Apr 28 2017 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publip, 2018. - pp. 24-32.
  • Increase innovation activity based on the creation of multi-level rating systems / E. G. Greeva // Formation of a humanitarian environment in high school, technical school, school: innovative educational technologies. Competence approach: Materials XVIII Overlook. scientific study. Conf., (Perm, 24-25 Apr. 2018) / Mr. Science and Higher. Education Ros. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publip, 2018. - p. 359-366.
  • Open rating systems innovation and the role of leading Russian universities / E. G. Gureeva, T. A. Mustafaev // Digital transformation of the economy and industry: Sat. Tr. scientific study. conf. with the star. participation, June 20-22, 2019 / M-in education and the science of Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg. State Polytechnic. University. Peter the Great. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic press, 2019. - P. 738-746.
  • OtsInuvannya Rosimyazku cycliv Zajnosti Z digestive forms Paying Pratsi / O. Gurєєva, K. A. Gurєєv, O. S. Golubva // Actual Questions of Economics \u003d Actual Problems of Economics. - 2012. - № 7 (133). - P. 316-323.
  • Management Solutions: Financing of corporate retirement programs / K. A. Guenev, E. G. Greeva // Actual Relief problems \u003d Actual Problems of Economics. - 2014. - № 4 (154) - P. 327-333.
  • Corporate Pension Programs: Relevance, Problems and Management Solutions / K. A. Guenev, E. G. Gureeva, D. A. Markov // Actual Problems of Economics \u003d Actual Problems of Economics. - 2013. - № 9 (147) - P. 294-302.
  • Intelligent Technologies In The Process of Business Units Behavior Modelling / K. A. Gureev, E. G. GureEva // Actual Problems of Economics \u003d Actual Problems of Economics. - 2014. - No. 1 (151) - P. 496-504.
  • Production and operations management: Tutorial / V. L. Popov, D. A. Markov, E. G. Greeva, A. V. Krutova; M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2012. - 341 p. - Approved RIS UN-TA as studies. benefits. - ISBN 978-5-398-00836-4.
  • Applied research and development work: problems and risks / A. V. Bondarenko; Scientific Hands. E. G. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: Materials V International. study scientific study. Conf., Perm, May 29, 2015 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House Pingipa, 2015. - P. 33-39. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - Systems. Requirements: Pentium 200; RAM 256 MB; Windows operating system (98, IU, NT, 2000, XP, VISTA, W7); Adobe Acrobat 5.0; CD-ROM drive; Recommended screen resolution 1024x768. - Tilt. From the screen.
  • Development of a toolkit of multi-level assessment of the state of leaning production as organizational innovations / E. Greeva // Actual problems of the economy and management at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry in the conditions of an innovative-oriented economy: Materials VII International. scientific study. conf., Perm, Apr 28 2017 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: PC, 2018. - P. 222-230.
  • Development of a model of controlling the quantitative and high-quality composition of specialists of oil-producing enterprises in the transition to a separate service during drilling / E. G. Greeva, K. A. Guenev // Management of large systems. UBS-2017: Materials XIV Vseros. Shk.-conf. Young scientists, 48 \u200b\u200bSaint. 2017, Perm / In-t. V. A. Trapeznikova RAS, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Moscow: [b. and.], 2017. - P. 258-271.
  • Information technologies: General analysis and practice of application in the oil and gas industry / E. G. Greeva, K. I. Bokova, D. V. Malafeev // Sustainable development: society, ecology, economy: Materials XV International. Scientific conf., March 28, 2019. Part 3 / Mosk. UN-T im.s. Y. Witte. - Moscow: Mask, 2019. - P. 96-104.
  • Economy of leaning production: the relevance and problems of the new direction / E. G. Gureeva, K. A. Guenev // The formation of a humanitarian environment in the university: innovative educational technologies. Competence approach [Electronic resource]: Materials XV Vseros. scientific study. conf., By the 70th anniversary of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Perm, 21-22 Apr. 2015 / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publip, 2015. - P. 184-186. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - Systems. Requirements: Pentium 200; Operation Memory of 256 MB; Windows (98, ME, 2000, XP, VISTA, W7); Adobe Acrobat 5.0. - Tilt. From the screen.
  • Structure of gas supply Russian Federation: Problems and directions of solutions / A.N. Duryshev, E. G. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: Materials III International. scientific study. conf., Perm, 30 Apr. 2013, [dedicated. The 60th anniversary of the Pingipa and the 20th anniversary of the Humanit. Fact.] / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing house, 2013. - P. 132-135.
  • Modeling of Investment Decision Makers Preferences / A. Alekseev, K. Gureev, E. Gureeva // Innovation Management and Corporate Sustainability. IMACS 2015: ProCcedings of the 3rd International Conference, 21-22 May, 2015, Prague: abstracts / univ. Of Economics in Prague, FAC. Of Business Administration, Department of Management, Nat. RESEARCH POLYTECHNIC UNIV. in perm. - Prague: Vysoka Skola Ekonomickaze, 2015. - P. 11.
  • Investment project for the replacement of equipment in order to reduce costs at the enterprise LLC Slavic taste / A. B. Zorikhina, E. G. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: Materials III International. scientific study. conf., Perm, 30 Apr. 2013, [dedicated. The 60th anniversary of the Pingipa and the 20th anniversary of the Humanit. Fact.] / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2013. - pp. 174-178.
  • Innovative development B. social sphere / V. D. Khazanova, E. Greeva // Innovations in the economy and management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and related industries [Electronic resource]: Materials III International. scientific study. conf., Perm, 30 Apr. 2013, [dedicated. The 60th anniversary of the Pingipa and the 20th anniversary of the Humanit. Fact.] / M-in education and science grew. Federation, Perm. nat. Research Polytechnic. un-t. - Perm: Publishing House, 2013. - P. 358-367.
  • Algorithm for determining the number of key performers based on the construction of a dynamic multifactorial matrix / E. Guenev // Management of large systems. UBS-2015 [Electronic resource]: Materials of the XII Vseros. Shk.-conf. Young scientists, 7-11 Saint. 2015, Volgograd: Scientific electron. ed. / In-t control problems. V. A. Trapeznikova RAS, Volgograd. State University, under total. ed. D. A. Novikova, A. A. Voronina. - Moscow: IPU RAS, 2015. - P. 225-235. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). Systems. Requirements: Pentium 4; 1.3 GHz and above; Internet Explorer; Acrobat Reader 4.0 and older. Stall. From the screen.

From 2015 to 2018 he was a doctoral student at the degree of doctor economic Sciences. The topic of study "Formation of a system of state and non-state mechanisms for the development of Olympic Sports in the Russian Federation."

In 2006, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Regulation of the professional sports market using PR-technologies."

In 2002 he graduated from Rae. G.V. Plekhanov, economist in the specialty " National economy"Corporate Management Specialization.

Member of the Expert Council on Physical Culture and Sports Committee on Social Policy of the Council of Federation FS RF.

Author of more than 40 publications with a total volume of more than 350 pp, including monographs "Heritage of Sports Events" (2019), "Evaluation of the economic effect of major sports competitions" (2014), Professional Sports: State, Management, Law (2008, 2007).

I am the organizer and moderator of scientific and practical conferences, business seminars, sporting events, including the Moscow Children's Fitness Festival F 2, Olympic Hope and more ..

Analyst and expert media on economics and sports management.

Teaching activities

Reading lectures and conduct practical training According to such disciplines as:

Sport economics

Organization of sports and spectacular events

Management of sports events

Extra vocational training program has been developed and successfully implemented. "Strategy for the development and management of ski complexes, mountainous territories and tourist and recreational zones» April 2019, October 2018, Sochi

Total work experience

17 years old

Work experience in the specialty

Advanced training / Professional retraining

Additional advanced training vocational education « Modern technologies Teaching disciplines in areas professional activity Employees of the tourism industry, hospitality and sports, "certificate, FGBOU in" REU them G.V. Plekhanova ", Moscow, 2019 № 771801952171

Improving the qualifications under the program of additional professional education "Development and implementation of the main educational program in accordance with the requirements of GEF", Certificate , FSBI National Accreditation Agency in Education, Moscow, 2019 №337

Improving the qualifications on the program of additional professional education "Labor protection", certificate, FGBOU in "REU them G.V. Plekhanova", Moscow, 2019 № 771801618977

Advanced training on the program of additional professional education "Features of inclusive education in high school", certificate, FGBOU in "REU them G.V. Plekhanova", Moscow, 2019 № 771801618582

Improving the qualifications under the program of additional professional education "Work in an electronic educational environment", certificate, FGBOU in "REU them G.V. Plekhanova", Moscow, 2019 № 771801621499

Improving the qualifications under the program of additional professional education "Preparation of a personnel reserve for declaration of senior positions", certificate, FGBOU in "REU them G.V. Plekhanova", Moscow, 2016

Improving the qualifications under the program of additional professional education "Technologies of the Organization and Maintenance of the Youth Media Center in the Education System", certificate, FGBOU in RGSU, Moscow, 2016

Advanced training program for additional professional education "Methods and technology of the Tutoring of the process of improving the qualifications of education workers in the field of preservation, strengthening and ensuring health safety", Identity, RUDN, Moscow, 2015

Interregional webinar "Design and implementation of effective regional models and practices of inclusive education of children with limited features Health, Department of Education of the city of Moscow, 2014

Short-term advanced training for the program "Increasing professional foreign language communicative competence (master's programs in the" Economy "and" Management "directions, certificate, REU them. G.V. Plekhanova, Moscow,2011

Short-term advanced training in the program " Legal support activities of the university, "certificate, Ra them. G.V. Plekhanova, Moscow,2011

Scientific research

- NIR "Building a scientific and sound management system for the legacy of the World FIFA-2018 Football Championship in the city-organizers of the tournament" (FGBOU VEU "REUM. G.V. Plekhanova", 2019)

Nir "Development of basic approaches to the formation of the concept of a sports and recreation complex" Yang "(Tatneft, 2018)

NIR "Development of a system of integrated management of the subjects of the Sport Industry" (FGBOU in Rau them. G.V. Plekhanov, 2017)

Nir "Development of a methodology for calculating the amount of funding for mass sports activities" (FGBOU in "REU them. G. V Plekhanova", 2016)

NIR "Development of student sports and popularization of a healthy lifestyle as a factor in managing the processes of life support of the population of the Russian Federation" (FGBOU in "REU them. G. V Plekhanova", 2016)

Development of training courses to the educational program "Wizard Football Administration", author of the Event Management Program (Event-Management) in Football (Russian International Olympic University, II quarter 2015)

Development of materials for the report at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on the Development of Physical Culture and Sports "On the Development of Football in the Russian Federation, taking into account preparations for the World Cup FIFA 2018 in Russia" (III quarter 2015)

NIR "Development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the organization and conduct of large-scale sports events on the example of the Olympiad in Sochi and the 2018 World Cup" (internal grant for young scientists from FGBOU VPO "REU them. G.V. Plekhanova", 2014)

Nir "Redemble the Strategy for Football Development until 2020" (Russian Football Union, I quarter 2014).

Nir "Scientific and Methodical, Regulatory and Legal and information Support Football Development in Mordovia "(NP" Interregional Center for the Preparation of Young Players of the Volga region "Mordovia", 2014).

Additional Information

Married, two children


Elena Greeva, Ilya Soltsev

Evaluation of the economic effect from major sports competitions: monograph

Greeva Elena Alexandrovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Management and Marketing Sports Industry of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Solntov Ilya Vasilyevich, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Strategic Research in the Sports of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanova, Associate Professor of the Department "Evaluation and Management of Property" of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Analysis of the economic content of major sports competitions on the example of the Olympic Games and World Cup

IN last years We are witnessing the rapid development of the sports industry. A few years ago, the Spartakid movement was revived, the number of participants in the physical culture and sports movement increased, a large number of sports competitions were held regularly. In the coming years, Russia has become the main world sports arena for organizing and conducting the largest international sports competitions.

For the right to conduct major sporting events in a tough competition, advanced countries of the world compete. Bright application campaigns, grand opening ceremonies, the construction of new sports facilities suggest that the state attaches a significant value to sports as one of the main growth drivers. Sport today is not only a powerful tool to attract investment in the country, the development of tourism and a wide range of sports infrastructure, but also performs one of the elements of great policies.

Carrying out large-scale sporting events is becoming more expensive for the organizers. And the sports events themselves for only two or four weeks sometimes affect the economic situation of the region or the country as a whole over the next few years.

The complex effect of large-scale sporting events can be divided into three components - this is social, economic and marketing effects.

Social component covers education, health care, child-sport development. Among the social effects can be allocated:

Influence of the volunteer program on the level of education;

A potential reduction in crime rate as a result of investment in the security system;

Social benefits due to investments in infrastructure;

Expansion of species economic activity population;

Improving existing jobs and the emergence of new;

Increase in the number of people engaged in sports.

The influence of major sports competitions on the socio-economic sphere can not be analyzed in separation from the problem of protection ambient. On the success of the event in the context of the concept sustainable development It can only be said if it contributes to a reduction in social and environmental costs, an increase in production efficiency and waste reduction, and will contribute to strengthening social integration, personality development, expanding the relationship of society and the environment.

The direct and indirect influence of major sports competitions on the socio-economic development of the country can be represented in the form of a number of economic, social and cultural consequences, some of which can still benefit society.

Table 1.1.

Olympic Games

The economic effect is formed by the investments of the state and private business, as well as the expenditures of the population and tourists.

There are many examples of how large-scale sporting events, including the Olympic Games, have significantly changed the image and perception of cities and the organizers, contributed to the modernization of the infrastructure of the region, hotel economy, the construction of new sports facilities, thereby reviving many economic processes (See Table 1.2.).

Table 1.2.

The growth rate of GDP host countries and cities before and after the Olympic Games

As can be seen from the chart 1.1., For 8 of the 14 countries that took the Olympic Games, GDP growth was noted compared to the previous year. Further positive dynamics of GDP growth was noted only in 2 cases - after the Olympic Games in Germany (Munich, 1972) and the United States (Atlanta, 1996).

Chart 1.1.

The most significant losses were brought by the Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976 and in Athens in 2004. When preparing the Olympic Games in Montreal, more than 1 billion dollars was spent on the construction of sports facilities and the Olympic Village. To cover the debts, the Canadian government even introduced a special tax on tobacco, nevertheless, it was possible to fully settle with debts only in 2006.

Losses from the Olympics in Athens exceeded 4 billion dollars. Athens are a record holder for the cost of the costs of the Olympics in the budget of the country. The total costs of the Olympic Games in Athens amounted to about 7% of GDP for 2004. The main costs included the cost of creating infrastructure, construction of sports facilities and the Olympic Village. Most of the sports facilities built after the game were closed.

The costs of promoting Athens as a tourist center were not justified, since Athens and the Olympics were a well-developed tourist city. A number of experts suggest that billion dollars associated with the holding of the Olympiad served as a catalyst for the deep crisis, in which Greece is underway under this moment. The Olympic Games in Munich in 1972 and in Moscow in 1980 were also not paid for the cost of their conduct, although the resulting loss was still not so serious as in Montreal and Athens.

Examples of financially successful are Olympiads in Los Angeles in 1984, Seoul in 1988, Atlanta in 1996, Sydney in 2000, however, a tough savings need to achieve financial success. In particular, for the Olympics in Los Angeles, old stadiums were used, built by another 1932 Olympic Games, universities were rented to accommodate athletes and organizers. The Olympiad in Seoul became profitable largely due to the fact that most of the used sports and tourist sites were built for the X Asian Games held in front of the Olympic Games.

An important role was played by the 1992 Olympic Games in the fate of Barcelona. They not only paid themselves in the short term, but also allowed the rebranding of the city as a world-class tourist center. Preparation for the Olympiad demanded significant investments, but the development of infrastructure and the improvement of the urban environment took place at an accelerated pace. As a result, Barcelona became not only a large industrial, but also an international tourist center. Revenues from the development of the tourism industry increased more than twice. Nevertheless, it should be noted that most sports facilities remained unclaimed after the games.

After the Olympic Games in 2000, Sydney received a prestigious title " best city in the world. There was also a significant increase in the tourist flux. There is an opinion that games in Sydney were the most friendly in the history of the Olympic movement. Almost all residents of the city positively attributed to the fact that Sydney will become the capital of the Olympic Games, and the guests welcomed the guests.

The most expensive summer Olympic games were the games that have passed in Beijing in 2008. General budget Olympic Games in Beijing is estimated at 36 billion dollars, which were aimed at the construction of modern hotels and infrastructure. The high cost of this Olympiad was due to the insufficient development of the infrastructure of the city, which did not allow to satisfy the potential demand for housing and service. Most hotels did not have stars and were focused on the needs of the domestic market.

The government planned to develop urban hospitality infrastructure, building 252 new hotels by 2008, bringing them a total of up to 800.

It should be noted that in Barcelona had only 75 extra hotels.

Chart 1.2.

Subsequently, the sports facility "Water Cube", where competitions were held water species Sports turned into a unique water park. Another heritage of Games in Beijing was the fact that Beijing began to smoke less after an active program to abandon smoking on sports facilities.

Thanks to the Olympic Games, Beijing has become a kind of exhibition of achievements of modern China. The International Olympic Committee places harsh requirements for all components. At the stage of the application campaign and in the process of preparing the next Olympic Games, representatives of the IOC constantly monitor the readiness and quality of the objects of objects.

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