
How to tell the preschooler about the profession accountant. Profession accountant. Who is an accountant, a description of the profession. Qualities ensuring the success of the professional activity of the accountant

Any other specialist for successful hiring must have a profile education and work experience. But an accountant, oddly sounds, not even having higher education, can find a good job.

If you are interested in the accountant profession, you can choose one of the roads: finish university, college or only courses. The rank of "crusts" will have a minimal effect on obtaining work. The main thing is practical experience. Significant in the eyes of the employer is a specialist with experience from the year. Therefore, during study, most students are arranged to the post of assistant accountant. Unfortunately, no leader does not want a new specialist "stuffed his hand" on their company. An accountant along with the head of the organization is legal responsibility for the accuracy of information that the organization provides.

Where to look for a job Accountant

Today, no organization is without an accountant, and even private entrepreneurs are obliged to lead tax and accounting. By law, they must provide data on accounting accounting to the state. So that professional accountant Will not work without work.

Accounting duties

The definition of "Accountant" itself comes from the German buch - the book, Halter is the holder. Accountant is a company account. He is responsible for working with money in the organization. Its responsibilities include:

And many other functions. Full list Responsibilities approved by the qualification reference book of managers, specialists and other employees (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 21.08.98 No. 37).

The specific obligations of the accountant depend on the scope of the company's activities and scale.

As a rule, in large organizations there is a whole department - accounting. The head is the chief accountant. Each specialist is responsible for its piece of organization activities.

In small companies, an accountant may be alone and he is responsible for everything.

Is there a place for creativity?

The division into creative and non-macatic specialties is generally quite conditional. Definitely, not only artists and - people who are given to create. When a person loves to do something - he creates. The specificity of the profession is moving into the background, if you feel that it is suitable for you in nature.

It is said that an accountant is special type Personality. And this makes sense: a good accountant - a person assembled, attentive, responsible, with an analytical mindset and capable of holding large amounts of information in memory.

What should the accountant know

To perform your job competently, the accountant must know a decent set of documents and constantly monitor their update. Their list is registered in the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 21.08.98 No. 37.

  • legislative acts, decisions, orders, orders, guidelines, methodical and regulatory materials on the organization of accounting of property, commitments and economic operations and reporting;
  • forms and methods of accounting in the enterprise;
  • plan and correspondence of accounts;
  • organization of workflow on accounting sites;
  • order documentary and reflections on accounting accounts of operations related to the movement of fixed assets, inventory and material values \u200b\u200band money;
  • methods economic Analysis economic and financial activity of the enterprise;
  • rules of operation of computing technology;
  • economics, organization of labor and management;
  • market management methods;
  • labor legislation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection.

Fortunately, today the accountant will facilitate excel programs, "1C", etc.

Accountant salary

An accountant in Moscow and the region can count on salary, on average, at 30,000 - 35,000 rubles. Chief Accountant - 50 000 - 60 000 rubles. But a specific salary depends, as in other specialties, from the prestige and scale of the company. In a well-known company, the chief accountant can receive up to 150,000 rubles.

Up career ladder

The times passed when the accountants were exclusively mature women. Today, youth is going to the profession, because the earnings are worthy, and there is, where to grow. According to the already mentioned Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 21.08.98 No. 37, there are several accountant qualifications.

  • Accountant : Secondary Professional (Economic) Education without making requirements for work experience or special training on the established program and work experience on accounting and control at least 3 years.
  • Accountant II category : Higher Professional (Economic) Education Without the presentation of work experience or secondary professional (economic) education and work experience in accountant position at least 3 years.
  • Accountant I category : Higher Professional (Economic) Education and work experience in the position of accountant II category of at least 3 years.

Pros of Profession:

  • High demand.
  • Proximity to leadership, honor.
  • Perspectives of career growth.
  • The possibility of freelance and additional earnings.

At the last point, we will stop more detail. Among accountants are popular a remote form of work, without binding to the office. Having gained experience, many good accountants are completely moving to, some - for a while. For example, even being in maternity leaveWomen accountants do not lose a source of constant income.

Cons profession

  • Great responsibility.
  • The need to constantly monitor changes in legislation.
  • Seasonal processing.

At the last point of "minuses" will also stop more detail. During the preparation of the quarterly accounting reporting Or the annual report, the accountant almost always works overtime, however, leadership, as a rule, it pays.

Useful resources for accountants:

  • Website of the International Association of Accountants - WWW.ROSSPA.RU
  • Information and Business Journal of the Theory and Practice of Financial and Management Accounting, International and National Standards -

Profession Accountant is incredibly complex and responsible. It is important to know the theory thoroughly, as well as be able to apply knowledge in your practical activity. Accountant Profession: Description

It would be not quite right that there is such a profession as an accountant. The fact is that each such employee is responsible for certain financial flows. These are cash payments, and wages, and warehouse streams, and operations with currency values, and much more. A specialist who is thoroughly disassembled in each of these areas may take the position of the chief accountant and appreciates the weight of gold. But let's go about everything in order.

The profession of an accountant is quite difficult and responsible. The description of it goes far beyond the usual ideas about the banal information of the debit and loan. The accountant is obliged to maintain all financial accounting, as well as to ensure the related workflow associated with it. Also, this specialist is engaged in subjecting reporting to the appropriate controls. Its duties largely depend on the type of activity of the organization (so, in the bank there may be an accountant-cashier, and in the enterprise he keeps accounting the movement of commodity values). In addition, it is worth considering the experience and qualifications of the employee.

Accountant salary

This work is quite responsible and scrupulous. We can say that this is the second person in the enterprise after general DirectorAfter all, it is through his hands all financial and material flows pass. In addition, in case of detection of violations, it is an accountant first to bear responsibility for them. Therefore, it is quite natural that specialists want to receive a worthy remuneration for such work.

The accountant salary largely depends on its qualifications, as well as from the enterprise on which it works. Naturally, in state organizations, it will be significantly lower. If you take averaged indicators, then, depending on the qualifications, the accountant complaint can be described by the following figures:

  • first category (initial level, after graduation educational institutions) can count on wages up to 30 000 rubles;
  • the specialist receives an average of 45,000 rubles;
  • speaking about the highest category professionals, it is worth noting that their salary can reach 60,000 rubles.

Official instructions

The accountant profession implies the fulfillment of a number of duties that are prescribed in the employment contract and staff schedule. Naturally, it is impossible to establish unified items in all enterprises, since each of them has its own specifics. Nevertheless, there are a number of certain points that are responsible for any accountant:

  • working with primary documentation, which includes tax statements, consignment overhead, as well as reverse balance;
  • controlling the process of distribution of wage funds and accrualing it to employee accounts;
  • submission of reporting documents into controlling authorities in a strictly established time frame;
  • optimization of tax payments;
  • documentary fixation and registration of profitable and expenditure operations.

If we are talking about such a post as an accountant-cashier, then he is obliged to keep orders and control the computer base related to cash operations.


Certain a summary of the accountant is not so simple, even if you are a qualified specialist. In order to get the desired position, it is necessary to demonstrate its characteristics in the most advantageous light.

The first thing is worth mentioning is education. It is worth not only the highest or secondary educational institution that you graduated, but also all additional courses and seminars that you have ever visited. It will also be nice to attach all confirmation certificates.

Experience of the accountant is also important. It is unlikely that you can qualify for high wages, if you just graduated from the university. In the event that you have already managed to work in a specialty for several years, you will be considered a valuable employee.

An accountant resume should also contain information about professional and personal qualities. It is important to specify the skills of working in specialized computer programs, as well as knowledge of relevant legislation. For an accountant, such qualities such as responsibility, perfection, stress resistance and punctuality are most important.

Accounting documents

Accountant documents are written confirmation of the fact of the fulfillment of the financial and economic operation. In its destination, they can be:

  • administered - contain an order for the implementation of a business operation;
  • justification - fix the fact of committing a business operation;
  • accounting - contain major accounts;
  • combined - contain signs of all of the above documents.

In the procedure for compiling, documents can be primary and consolidated. Thus, the first reflect individual operations with commodity and material values, and the second are designed to combine all these indicators.

As for the coverage accounting operations, Documents can be one-time, intended for one-time design of a process. If a similar action is carried out in the organization repeatedly, the accumulative documents are used to fix it.

Despite such an abundance of papers, the main document of any accountant is precisely balance. It reflects all wiring and amounts of operations.

Advantages of the profession

Profession An accountant has a number of advantages that encourage applicants to enter universities for training in this specialty:

  • qualified accounting frames are always in demand in the labor market;
  • since in most cases the working day of such staff is normalized, it is possible to plan your personal time in advance;
  • as a part-time, with the aim of additional earnings can be provided accounting services small entrepreneurs who cannot afford to contain such an employee in a regular state;
  • a list of educational institutions where it is possible to obtain an appropriate education is quite wide, and therefore it will not be paid to such a faculty at the proper training.

Disadvantages of profession

Profession accountant, besides positive Parties, also has a number of negative points:

  • the legislation is constantly changing, which is also reflected in the workflow;
  • even if you have own view On conducting a particular operation, you must always submit to higher managers;
  • some points of laws may contradict each other;
  • work is performed in strict accordance with the regulations and does not tolerate its own creative interpretations;
  • in the event of any errors or offenses, punishment and penalties concern primarily an accountant.

Where to get an education

In order to qualify for an accountant in the future, you must receive an appropriate education. The highest qualifications can be obtained in specialized universities. Especially valuable are employees who have a narrow specialty and thoroughly disassembled in it. Also, fundamental knowledge can be obtained in secondary-seat establishments. To work in small enterprises, it is enough to complete the corresponding courses on which you can get the minimum required amount of knowledge. As a result, a certificate or certificate is issued.

Education is definitely one of the most important momentsBut the employer will most likely give preference to a more experienced employee. So feel free to work in small enterprises to get the necessary knowledge and skills if you want to work in the future large company.

In large and small cities, in huge corporations and miniature shops, state institutions And creative agencies have an accountant. This is a really popular profession, its representatives are respected, they have a fairly high wage. At the same time, each accountant understands what pass through it large sums, and the responsibility that falls on his shoulders is large enough.

Should I give preference to this path in life, spend power, time and means to master it, to establish yourself a good specialist? Like any work, there are advantages and cons, substantial to understand the choice of the kind of activity. Let's deal with what it is - the profession of an accountant.

What is the work?

The accounting profession is to manage all the financial affairs of the organization. On the shoulders of such an employee lies the most, perhaps, serious responsibility - for money that pass through the company. Very often, accounting workers are obliged to keep accounting. Without it, the well-established work is simply impossible.

What does an accountant do?

  • maintaining tax documentation, accounting, tax payments;
  • payment of contributions to various extrabudgetary funds;
  • accrual remuneration to employees;
  • report to regulatory authorities;
  • internal reporting;
  • managing the accounting service and organization of its work (chief accountant);
  • accounting related to international and state standards;
  • tax and management accounting;
  • taking into account material values.

Separately, it is worth saying about the phenomenon of an accountant economist. These two posts that are often combined in one person suggest accounting not only to financial, but also economic activity Organizations, the need to control funds and expenses, materials and services for the internal functioning of the company. Hiring an economist is usually unprofitable, and the accountant is engaged in these activities in the load to the main one.

Do you suit this profession?

Many know that the accounting is money in a literal and figurative sense. Experts earn not bad, always and everywhere are appreciated. However, the relevance of this classes does not exclude that your individual features will not allow you to work efficiently and professionally.

There are many stories related to the failures of the children of a creative warehouse, which parents "sent" to learn where they did not like, it was boring and not clear. In such cases, the profession is an accountant that the child receives a long time and persistently causes a persistent disgust.

The qualities needed for this classes are, first of all, concentration, perishability and patience. Almost everyone working time We will have to carry out a computer, checking and rechecking, building graphics and summarizing information. Attentive detail, a thorough and neat approach to each diquel, each reporting item guarantees success on this field. Accounting, according to psychologists, - the fleet of introverts. Features of the nature of the extrovert will distract him to communicate with other people.

What are the advantages of the profession?

  • The accountant works in pure, warm and bright office, in a comfortable chair in front of the computer. However, there is a possibility to work at home. This is especially convenient for women on maternity leave who do not want to lose professional skills. You can also combine the main work with small orders that usually bring a good income.
  • There is a real possibility of career growth. One of the ordinary employees, for example, can be the chief accountant or financial director, and in such a post, undoubtedly there are significant advantages both financial and status.
  • The profession description would be incomplete without mentioning the high need for frames and in large, and in small settlements. Accountants, which is called, "tear off with their hands." At the same time, an experienced employee will be valued for pensions.
  • Is it worth saying that the salary of an accountant and his premiums is the huge advantages of this lesson!
  • It is possible to master related positions - an economist or an analyst, a financier or taxistry.

Disadvantages of accounting

Responsibility that falls on the shoulders of any employee of accounting, and even more so, its leader, heads the list of all the backs of this profession. Money is a serious matter, therefore sanctions can be anyhow - from a fine to criminal prosecution.

If you do not take a single job, you should also forget about this profession. The accountant does the same from the month a month, from year to year. You need to have an internal discipline to consistently execute standards and follow the instructions.

Accounting work is sitting, the computer monitor negatively affects the vision, and the permanent position in the chair injures the spine. To this you have to be prepared, be able to take measures to keep health.

Cons accounting include and uneven distribution of work. During the reporting period, the specialist works in Abral, nervous and surviving. Stresses and chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and even neurosis - professional diseases accountants.

Getting a profession

Accounting education is an economic education. You can start with the average professional, which is given in technical schools and colleges. However, the desire to make a career and to be successful implies to obtain higher education.

The description of the profession requires to mention the fact that the accountant's activities involve the presence of narrow-profile knowledge and skills. Therefore, the purchased or formal diploma received will not make a specialist. To be responsible for finance institutions, you need to be in the essence of the case, be able to understand professional issues.

Constantly changing legislation makes constantly learn and improve its qualifications. Only in this case you will be appreciated by the manual, to receive an increase in service and the corresponding remuneration. Courses and trainings who are not lazy to sign up an accountant will help him understand the modern economic situation, to properly build their work, do not make mistakes that threaten serious financial losses of the corporation.

Where to begin?

Do not dream of uncomfortable and without experience trying to find a prestigious and highly paid position. The most accessible and reasonable thing is to get an assistant to the accountant to the company, state organization or on the enterprise. In this case, having received the necessary experience, it makes sense to move on. Responsible attitude to the case determines, first of all, the success of the accountant and helps him achieve the vertices of skill and present.

The pros and cons of this case are important to explore, understand and feel before deciding on the entry into the profession. A weighted solution, an objective assessment of its capabilities will allow successfully and fruitfully to work, to engage in favorite work and benefit people, and there will be a bonus good income, respect for colleagues and bosses and satisfaction with the fruits of their own labor.

In the understanding of most readers, an accountant is a person who calculates the costs and income of the enterprise is responsible for the preparation of a heap of reports and closely contacts the manual. Also, according to Tatiana Bulanova, he is cute and so simple. In fact, an accountant is an indispensable specialist who accepts colossal responsibility.

His mistakes can cost the company of millions of rubles, and leaders are calm sleep and even freedom. This is a respectable, complex and extremely responsible work that is adequately paid. What is included in the obligation of an accountant, how much experts get in different regions and what are the prospects for this profession? Let's figure it out.

The history of the formation of the profession

Professional examples of an accountant existed in ancient Egypt, presumably from the 4th millennium BC. - They were called scribes. The position could occupy only noble men, since the profession was already considered one of the most respectable. The scribes were recorded, collected taxes, calculated the cost of transportation of goods, to build buildings and so on. In fact, these were accountants, tax authorities and engineers in one person.

The father of modern principles of accounting was the Italian mathematician of Luka Pacheti - in the XV century he created several the most important works, in particular, "Treatise on accounts and records", which became the desktop book of the bills of that time.

In the future, the profession has developed systematically and more and more grew into legislation.

Since the time of ancient Egypt and to date, accountants are personally responsible. The only difference is that on the shores of the Nile they were inflicted physically, and for our contemporaries, administrative and criminal liability is provided.

Who is an accountant and what is included in his duties

Accountant - specialist in the field financial accounting With a wide range of duties. It not only carries out control over costs and income of the enterprise, but also works with accounts, holds payments, assesses the legality and prospects of transactions, participates in the development of the company's economic policy. The specialty is extremely in demand - everyone without exceptions requires an accountant. The only way is not to hire a specialist - to convey the accounting at outsourcing. The rest of the regular employee is required to all companies.

Key features of the profession:

  • Wide circle official duties.
  • Work in strict compliance with current legislation.
  • Sophisticated job instruction.
  • Huge responsibility.
  • Accountable, scrupulously controlled work.

It is on the basis of accounting precautions that control organizations often evaluate the activities of the enterprise, the legitimacy of financial transactions and compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of taxation. It is no secret that many leaders are trying to get away from taxes, and many representatives of the power structures are totally corrupt. Therefore, the accountant should be ready for pressure from two sides. The specialist should be aware that in violation of the law (even if he is indicated) he will bear personal responsibility.

If you work the pizza pedestal and do not deliver it in time - you will not be imprisoned. If you are an artist and draw a bad picture - you are not wondering for tens of thousand rubles.

The accountant is one of the professions that suggest special responsibility to a specialist. In aggregate with a wide range of tasks and constant pressure, they make work extremely difficult. It requires higher economic Education, the passage of special courses and regular advanced training. Personal qualities of which will depend not only success, but also professional consistency in general is important.

Top 11 Rating Top 11 online schools

International School of Foreign Languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual classes with a tutor on preparation for the exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers of Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school for preparation for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video calls, chat, simulators and banks.

An educational IT portal that helps become a programmer from scratch and start a career in the specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school of the English language, which makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-language teacher or a native speaker.

School of English by Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum spoken practice.

Online school English new generation. The teacher communicates with the Skype student, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Remote online school. School program lessons 1 to grade 11: video, abstracts, tests, simulators. For those who often misses school or live out of Russia.

Online University modern professions (Web design, Internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can pass guaranteed internship from partners.

The largest site of online education. Allows you to get a requested online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

Interactive online service for learning and practice English in a fascinating game form. Effective workout, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What qualities should a specialist

Profession Accountant requires huge knowledge, not only in the field of economics and finance. Specialist must own regulatory base, know industry legislation and constantly improve the qualifications. All this is for only an erudite man with developed intelligence. The profession is particularly important, carelessness is needed, careful mind and analytical warehouse. One of the main roles plays performance - the employee works a lot and does not always receive at their disposal assistants.

Other important personal qualities:

  • A responsibility.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Communicability.
  • Pragmatism.
  • Excellent memory.

A dream employee is an ideal specialist with extensive experience in the theoretical basis. If you see descriptions of vacancies on job search sites, you will find an employment experience of 3 years and more among the main requirements for the candidate. That is why most university graduates are not immediately beginning to keep the company's accounting department - they are gaining experience in the posts of assistants. Hence another important quality - purposefulness. Without it, it is almost impossible to build a brilliant career.

Where to learn to the accountant and how to build a career

One of the distinguishing features of the profession is the minimum privilege of graduates of prestigious universities. The experience of successful work comes to the fore. In most cases, the employer will give preference to an experienced applicant who has completed a modest provincial institution, and not a new graduate with a red diploma of a prestigious university. Nevertheless, the authority of the educational institution matters. Among other equal employer will choose a graduate of an authoritative university. In addition, the prestige of the university is almost always associated with the quality of education, and it plays main role For a specialist.

Top 5 universities in Russia, in which accountants are preparing:

  1. Economic Academy. Plekhanov.
  2. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. High School of Economics.
  4. Moscow State University.
  5. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.

Diploma is not important. The main thing is the knowledge you will receive in the university and that you can purchase throughout the work time.

The more you know and know how to customize your qualifications and salary to which you can qualify. Career 95% of graduates of educational institutions begins with the post of assistant. After 1-2 years, they can qualify for an accountant, in about 4-5 years old can be increased. Pick of career for many specialists is the position of chief accountant in a large company or policy maker, regulatory acts in the field of accounting.

Build a career quite real - this is not the profession in which special role Talents or congenital intuition, courage, willpower will be played. This work requires colossal dedication. It suits people with high performance and maximum concentration of attention. Otherwise, the specialist may not withstand constant pressure and make an error that will cost him not only confidence from the leadership, but also, possibly freedom. The accountant is personally responsible for the reports compiled, for the made payments, for the development of the company's economic policy.

Pros and cons of the specialty

On the one hand, this is a relevant and respectable profession. On the other hand, it is a complex and extremely responsible work. Before admission, weigh all "for" and "against". Remember that tens of thousands of graduates who have successfully received a diploma and qualifications on accounting, do not work in the specialty. And often not because they can not, but because they do not want - too complicated and partly dangerous with not the highest wage.

Benefits Work accountant:

  • Survived Profession - specialists are needed by each organization.
  • Decent salary - much higher than the average in the country of indicators.
  • Respectable, respected specialty in society.
  • Perspectives of career growth for qualified specialists.
  • Official employment in compliance with legislation.
  • Special position in the team, special relations with leaders.
  • The ability to open your own business with accumulated experience or receive additional income within the remote work (freelance).

disadvantages Professions:

  • Wide range of job responsibilities, frequent processing.
  • Colossal responsibility before leadership and state.
  • Complex, scrupulous workflow with constant paper fiber.
  • The need to continuously develop and improve qualifications.
  • Pressure from the leadership controlling organizations.
  • Sitting, sedentary work in the condition of regular stress.

We consider the need for continuous development to disadvantages due to the compulsory nature of the process - the employee does not initiate an increase in its qualifications.

This is one of mandatory conditions: If a specialist will not constantly study updated standards, attend courses and seminars, he will not be able to cope with the work. A professional should keep up with the times, know about all innovations. It is worth a moment to slow down in development, and you risk a mistake that will be fatal for the company and for you as a specialist.

How much accountant gets

The average salary of specialists in Russia - 40 thousand rubles. If we talk about the profession of an accountant in the regions, then salary specialists are lower than in Moscow (44 thousand rubles. On average) and in St. Petersburg (42 thousand rubles). An unexpected leader in 2017 according to the work of the work of the work was the Ural region - here employers are ready to offer an experienced specialists in the amount of 72 thousand rubles.

Top 5 also includes the Magadan region (41 thousand rubles) and Kamchatka Territory (40 thousand rubles). Most of all receive high-ranking specialists - Director of Economics and Finance, Chief Accountant. The knowledge of the wages is influenced by the knowledge of the English language - the applicants own them have advantages in employment and get more colleagues who do not know foreign languages.


Imagine that you decide: my future profession is an accountant. I will keep financial accounting, develop economic policies Companies and make a brilliant career. But everything is not so easy - you have to work a lot and constantly learn. You will be put on guide and controlling organizations. Perhaps you will try to incline to participate in illegal and corruption schemes. It is important to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the specialty before entering the university, in order not to regret the choice, about spending time spent.


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Accountant is a company employee who is engaged in financial accounting, document flow, preparation and reporting to regulatory authorities. Today there is a stereotype that an accountant is a glasses littered with the mountains of the paper, which is not interested in anything other than the numbers. Indeed, the work is associated with the documentation, but also the remuneration of the experienced specialist is appropriate.

The accountant profession is pretty in demand on modern market Labor. In any company should be a specialist in this field of activity, in large organizations a whole department is created. Everyone is engaged in a certain area of \u200b\u200bwork: conducting the balance of the enterprise, accrual of wages, the calculation with suppliers, the preparation of reporting, etc.

In small companies, one person is responsible for all this is the chief accountant. It is on his shoulders to control financial operations and their documentary confirmation. Accountant should know all the subtleties tax accounting, constantly monitor changes in the legislation concerning the activities of the company.

What does accountant do

What does and what does an accountant do? In general, the duties look like this:

  • Preparation of primary documentation: tax invoices, TTN, maintenance of the operating statement;
  • monitoring the distribution and accrual of wages of employees of the company;
  • submission of reports into fiscal bodies;
  • optimization of tax deductions;
  • documentary registration of import and export operations.

The duties that are imposed on the accountant are largely dependent on the specifics of the Company's activities (banking institution, industrial enterprise, government).

For employment, it is advisable for an accountant to finish the university on the relevant specialty. Often, the beginning of a career of a young specialist begins with the post of assistant. This allows in practice to see all the details of the work and polling the knowledge gained at the university.

Some, reading reviews about the work of the accountant, think that this is not a prestigious, a low-pay profession. In fact, everything is just the opposite: a qualified specialist is always in demand in the labor market, at the same time, can claim a very high salary.

The image of a bored accountant was formed in the early 1990s at the dawn of the early capitalism of post-Soviet countries. In those days, there was a mass of small firms that took to work almost anyone who wants a little familiar with accounting. Today, this is a highly qualified specialist who not only should focus on legislation, but also possess knowledge with programs (1C, Excel, Access).

The amount of wages depends on several factors: practical experience, diverseness of tasks, responsibility, scope of the company. IN major cities The salary starts from $ 800, 2-4 years of work automatically increase it by 2 times. Chief Accountant construction company May receive about 3,000 dollars, much depends on the region. The undoubted advantage will be knowledge international standards accounting.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of work accountant


  • the demand of the profession. A specialist who has even a small experience in a large company will be able not only to find a job, but also to choose among the existing proposals;
  • high wage;
  • the possibility of additional earnings. Small companies and private entrepreneurs may not take an accountant to the staff, but to apply for the services of a specialist who keeps accounting several Jurlitz.


  • high Responsibility. Accountant and director are financially responsible positions in the enterprise;
  • all "cones" after tax and audit checks raw at the chubby;
  • the working day ends only after performing all tasks. Often, it is necessary to stay late at work;
  • mastering huge amounts of information.

Career Accountant, usually begins with a position of an assistant or a specialist at a certain area of \u200b\u200bwork. As practical experience and the fulfillment of a wider range of tasks is acquired, qualifications are growing up to the chief accountant.

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