
What is especially economic zones. Types of special economic zones. Consider the basic concepts

Hello! In this article, let's talk about free economic zones in Russia.

Today you will learn:

  1. What kind of FEZ is in the Russian Federation;
  2. What functions they perform;
  3. What is the order of registration of the FEZ.

When problems arise in the state economy to attract investors from abroad, in the state of the state create special zonesin which there is a completely different investment, tariff and industrial policy. For which such zones are organized, what types they happen, we will discuss in today's article.

Excursion to history

Such a regime was tested in another 12-13 centuries in Europe. The first complete FEZ began to act in Germany. These were the cities of Bremen and Hamburg. These cities retain the whole complex of privileges and today.

In Russia, such zones began to appear in the late 90s.

What is a free economic zone

Terminology in this sphere is not easy. Let's try to figure it out.

Surely everyone has ever heard such expressions:

  • Free economic zone (hereinafter the FEZ);
  • Special economic zone (hereinafter referred to as SEZ);
  • Free trade zones.

All that is listed above is the different names of the same phenomenon. The exception is only the term "free trade zones".

So, analyze:

Free trade zones - These are separate territories, within which customs fees are not taken.

Free economic zone - This is a specially dedicated territory on which the preferential currency, customs and tax regime. In these territories, a joint venture is being conducted, foreign capital in the form of investments is poured into industry. Also, this territory has a special legal status.

Why need FEZ

Thanks to the creation of such territories, not only the country is developing in the complex, but also separate regions.

The FEZ in Russia allows you to solve a number of the following tasks:

  • The creation of new jobs for those persons who have sufficient qualifications;
  • An incentive appears for the domestic producer, the level of production increases;
  • Preservation and development of intellectual potential;
  • Attracting capital from other countries to the country.

Those who carry out activities in the territory of economons, receive the following advantages:

  • Tax benefits;
  • Save on duties and other types of payments;
  • Can engage in the involvement of highly qualified personnel;
  • Can increase revenues, at the same time minimizing costs.

Objectives of free economic zones in stimulation of the country's economic development, in establishing foreign economic relations.

Types of free economic zones

Zones in which special economic conditions are formed can be classified as follows.

No. p / p Name of economons Characteristic
1 Industrial production The complex on which a large number of products is produced
2 Free trade Storage area, packaging, product testing. The jurisdiction of the customs service does not apply to it
3 Tourist FROM special conditions for entrepreneurs in tourism
4 Service With special conditions for financial activities
5 Scientific and technical Technopark, Zone for Development and Scientific Research

Types of free economic zones

FEZ classifications are actually several.

Consider one of them:

  1. Territorial free zone - for interaction with other regions limited or complete;
  2. Functional - Created to perform a specific function (for production and so on);
  3. Customs - with the provision of serious benefits for importing and exporting goods;
  4. Tax - with partial or complete cancellation of fees;
  5. Financial and investment - with a decrease in rates for fees, reduced interest on loans and insurance;
  6. Administrative - With a simplified procedure for registering and registering various companies, as well as with simplified rules for the departure and entry of citizens of other states.

Free Economic Zones in Russia - List

A serious approach to the issue of formation and development of special territories in Russia became relevant in the 2000s. Engaged to create steel to attract foreign investors And to support high-tech sectors of the economy.

In our country, several FEZ are formed:

  1. Republic of Tatarstan "Alabuga".Specializations There are several: work in the production of bus equipment, production of medical drugs, furniture production, chemical production. Pros for residents: There is no export duty, you do not need to pay transport and land taxFull exemption from property tax.
  2. « Dubna.Engaged in the development of biotechnology, nuclear and physical research, the development of complex medical technologies. Pros for residents:benefits for renting premises and land, there is no VAT in exports, preferential rates on a number of tax payments.
  3. Gorno-Altaisk "Altai Valley".PRESENTAL DIRECTION: Creation and development of tourism facilities. Pros for residents:all checks undergo a simplified format, benefits for taxes and fees, the state does not interfere in the project implementation process.
  4. "Turquoise Katun".The zone of tourism and recreation, which occupies a huge area. Development of this economy. Zones just started, but the number of investors from this does not fall, rather, on the contrary. Even in the current economic situation, residents are ready to carry out considerable cash investments.
  5. Sverdlovsk region "Titanium valley".The main activity is the development of the titanium industry. This industry can be called an exclusive. Here they are engaged in high-tech processing of titanium, the production of equipment for the machine-building industry of Russia.
  6. SEZ Ulyanovsk.Advantageous activities - the creation of electronics, airplanes, various devices.

As part of this analysis, it is worth mentioning the Kaliningrad region. Here% on income tax is reduced in general for all companies wishing to conduct activities in the field.

Throughout Russia in stock 33 FEZ. Currently, this number is made and Crimea.

Conditions for the full functioning of the FEZ

  • The geographical position should be successful;
  • Free areas for development;
  • High infrastructure;
  • The ability to attract foots with good level qualifications;
  • Availability of opportunity to develop external communications;
  • There must be activities that have developed historically.

Principles of action

  • The state should guarantee the lack of confiscation and other assignment of property owned by the investor;
  • Free should be used currency to perform any operations;
  • There must be any customs duties.

Differences of FEZ and SEZ from other regions

From other territories of the country, the FEZ is distinguished by the following:

  • Maximum tax privileges, temporary liberation from them at all;
  • The action of benefits to the importation required for the company's company;
  • Reduced tariffs on housing and communal services;
  • Simplified business registration procedure.

Registration and procedure for joining the FEZ

For investors, the conditions for doing business in the FEZ are rather attractive.

But to register your business, you need to match the list of criteria:

  • Business Direction must comply with the priority specialization of the FEZ;
  • The investor should have a business plan, which states the state. Preferences are given to those investors who carry out major investments provide residents with a large number of jobs.

Also for investors there is a certain financial threshold for entering the SEZ. Consider on the example what you need to do to become a resident of the FEZ Crimea.

First you need to invest in the amount of money in the amount of 150 million rubles and to provide 10 people. If the company is a small business representative, then the threshold of increasing 20 million rubles.

Can not become residents of the company's FEZ, which:

  • Mining minerals;
  • Occupied in gambling business;
  • Produce excisable products;
  • Apply.

Registration procedure

In the registering authorities, the entrepreneur submits a completed application and the following documentation:

  • Certificate from the place of registration, which will confirm that tax debt is not;
  • Questionnaire;
  • A copy of the certificate that the entrepreneur is not a taxpayer FTS;
  • A copy of the certificate of state. registration of the company;
  • Issuing about condition bank accounts, as well as about credit history;
  • A photocopy of a passport, notarized;
  • A copy, notarizedly witnessed;
  • Reporting with the signature of the head and chief holder for the last reporting date;
  • Charter.

If the applicant is a citizen of another state, documents need to be translated and testified by the notary.

The application is then registered in the log, the availability of documents is checked. The incomplete package will be returned to the applicant. But the businessman has the right to re-appeal. The contract is concluded in a ten-day period.

Benefits and preferences for residents

  • No need to pay duties on raw materials and spare parts of imported production if they need to produce final product, not in order to resell;
  • Reduced tax rates, or complete lack of tax payments;
  • You can equip jobs for simplified standards;
  • Minimum price for renting buildings and plots;
  • Providing subsidies to pay utility payments;
  • Softer environmental standards;
  • Income tax is missing for a long time;
  • Available sales markets;
  • A large number of workers;
  • The ability to not create trade unions of workers.

This list is incomplete, the presence of benefits depends on the type of economic zone and the region of its location.

How effective is the FEZ in Russia

At the end of 2016, the FEZ showed very low efficiency. Instead of the planned number of jobs, only half was created. Not fully mastered the designated land and so on.

Low level of efficiency The government binds primarily with the non-fulfillment by the authorities of the regions of its obligations. In particular, underfunding is a circular amount of 50 billion rubles.


The FEZ directly affect the development of the entire economic system of the country. Thanks to their presence, entrepreneurs and investors have ample opportunities and prospects. If the company owns serious capital, it may well enter the number of participants of the SEZ, which means to have a stimulating effect on the region.

Although not everything depends on the businessmen themselves. The authorities of the region must also fulfill their functions and provide comprehensive support to investors providing the population of workplaces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin . All operating SEZ are transmitted to regions.

The reason for such a decision was the report heads of Control Department of the Kremlin Konstantin ChuychenkoAccording to which since 2006, the 33 special economic zones have spent 186 billion rubles. At the same time, tax and customs payments from the zones themselves amounted to only 40 billion rubles. In addition, instead of planned 25 thousand jobs by 2016, 18 thousand were created, while the creation of one workplace in the SEZ cost a budget of 10 million rubles.

What is a special economic zone?

The special economic zone (SEZ) is a territory that has a special legal status in relation to the rest of the territory and preferential economic conditions for entrepreneurs. SEZ began to create in Russia in 2005-2006 in order to:

- attract foreign direct investment;
- creating new jobs for highly qualified personnel;
- development of the export base;
- minimizing costs due to the lack of export and import customs duties;
- approaching production to the consumer;
- use a cheaper labor;
- development of the territory.

According to the Federal Law "On Special Economic Zones", investors are presented a system of benefits and preferences, namely:

- special administrative regime (minimization of bureaucratic barriers, the principle of "one window");
- Ready infrastructure for business development;
- ransom land plots by preferential cost, preferential rental of offices;
- special tax regime (complex tax benefits);
- special customs regime (procedure for free customs zone);
- Ability to use accelerated depreciation (Most of the cost of the amortized asset is written off on costs already in the first years of its operation);
- legal guarantees for the protection of investor rights (the immutability of legislation).

What special economic zones already exist in Russia?

As of January 1, 2016, there were 33 special economic zones in 30 subjects. According to the Ministry of Economy, more than 400 investors came from 2006 to 2015, about 80 of them from 29 foreign countries.

Depending on its functions, the degree of integration into the economy and the provisions of the SEZ benefits are divided into:

Logistic SEZ - territories in close proximity to the main transport paths. Created to provide logistics services.

SEZ PT "Ulyanovsk", Ulyanovsk region.
SEZ PT "Soviet harbor", Khabarovsk region.

Industrial SEZ - territories on which the production of specific industrial products has been established, investors are provided with various benefits.

SEZ PPT "Lipetsk", Lipetsk region.
SEZ PPT "Alabuga", Republic of Tatarstan.
SEZ PPT "melt", Pskov region.
SEZ PPT "Tolyatti", Samara region.
SEZ PPT "Lyudinovo", Kaluga region.
SEZ PPT "Titanian Valley", Sverdlovsk region.

Technological SEZ - territory where research, design, design bureaus and organizations are posted - technoparks, technopolis.

SEZ TVT "Zelenograd", Moscow.
OEZ TVT "Dubna", Moscow region.
SEZ TVT "St. Petersburg", St. Petersburg.
SEZ TVT Tomsk, Tomsk.

Tourist SEZ - territory where the development of objects of tourism and recreation infrastructure is available, tourism services are provided.

SEZ TRT "Altai Valley", Republic of Altai.
SEZ TRT "Baikal Harbor", Republic of Buryatia.
SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun", Altai Territory.
SEZ TRT "Gate Baikal", Irkutsk region

Keywords: special, free, economic, zones, SEZ, FEZ, ESS essence,types of SEZ

Free, special or special economic zone (abbreviated OEZ or FEZ) - limited territory with a special legal status in relation to the rest of the territory and preferential economic conditions For national and / or foreign entrepreneurs. The main goal of creating such zones is to solve the strategic objectives of the state development of the state as a whole or a separate territory: foreign trade, general economic, social, regional and scientific and technical problems.

Goals of creating from the point of view of the state:

attracting foreign direct investment, advanced technologies for the production of goods and services;

creating new jobs for highly qualified personnel;

development of the export base;

import substitution;

approbation of new methods of management and organization of labor.

Objectives of creating investors:

development of new sales markets;

approaching production to the consumer;

minimization of costs associated with the lack of export and import customs duties;

access to infrastructure;

using the cheapest labor;

reduction of administrative barriers;

development of the territory.

The SEZ can be classified according to the functions, the degree of integration into the economy and the systems of the benefits provided.

By functions

Free trading zone (SST) - the territory derived from the National Customs Territory. Inside operations on the storage of goods and their pre-sale preparation (packaging, marking, quality control, etc.).

Industrial zone (PPZ) - part of the National Customs Territory, within which the production of specific industrial products has been established; In this case, investors are provided with various benefits.

Technical and Implement Zone (TWZ) - the territory derived from the National Customs Territory within which research, design, design bureaus and organizations are posted. Examples of TWZ: Technoparks, Technopolis.

Tourist-recreational zone (TRZ) - The territory on which tourist and recreational activities are being conducted - the creation, reconstruction, development of the infrastructure of tourism and recreation, the development and provision of services in the field of tourism.

Service zone- Territory with a preferential regime for firms engaged in financial and non-financial services (export-import operations, real estate operations, transportation)

Complex zones. There are zones with a preferential regime of economic activity in the territory of a separate administrative area. These are free enterprise zones in Western Europe, Canada, formed in depressive areas, special economic zones in China, the territory of a special regime in Argentina, Brazil.

According to the degree of integration into the economy

Zones integrated to the national economyfocused on the development of branches with industries national Economynot included in the zone and help solve problems of export production, improving the technological level of production, improving product quality, satisfying internal needs.

Anklava (export-oriented) zonesin which production is focused on export and replenishment currency revenueand the connection with the internal economy is minimal.

On systems of benefits

Taxes: Tax "Vacations" - partial or complete liberation of investors from paying taxes and property, VAT, etc. (in accordance with the SEEP Law, which has entered into force on January 1, 2006: PPZ residents for five years are exempt from land Property and transport taxes, 4% (up to 16%) decreases income tax.)

Customs (import)- partial or complete exemption from import duties on semi-finished products, raw materials, etc., imported to use inside the zone;

Customs (export)- Partial or complete exemption from export duties to the products made inside the zone.

Financial - investment subsidies, state preferential loansreduced rates for payment communal services and rental of industrial premises.

Administrative - simplified procedure for registering enterprises, Simplified procedure for the entry and departure of foreign citizens, unimpeded export of legitimate profit foreign citizens abroad.

Special economic zones - These are the territories that the state gives special legal status and economic benefits to attract Russian and foreign investors to priorityfor Russia Industries.

In Russia, the systemic development of special economic zones began in 2005, from the moment of adoption Federal Law About the SEZ 22.07.2005

The purpose of creating special economic zones - development of high-tech industries, import-substituting industries, tourism and sanatorium sphere, development and production of new types of products, expansion of the transport and logistics system.

On the territory of the SEZ acts special Mode of Entrepreneurial Activities:

  • investors get created at the expense of state budget infrastructure for business development, which reduces the cost of creating new production;
  • thanks to the free customs zone regime, residents receive significant customs benefits;
  • a number of tax preferences are provided;
  • the "One Window" administration system allows you to simplify the interaction with government regulatory authorities.

In Russia, there are special economic zones of four types:

- industrial production zones or industrial SEZ.

- Technical and embedded zones or innovative SEZ.

- Port zones.

- Tourist and recreational zones or tourist SEZ.

In addition, in the Kaliningrad region since 1991 there is a SEZ (FEZ "Amber, SEZ in the Kaliningrad region), the conditions of which are currently stipulated in a separate federal law No. 16-ФЗ dated January 10, 2006

Industrial OEZ

Extensive territories located in large industrial regions of the country. Proximity to the resource base for production, access to the finished infrastructure and main transport arteries is only the main characteristics of industrial (industrial-production) zones that determine their advantages. Placing production on the territory of industrial areas allows you to increase product competitiveness on russian market by reducing costs.

Industrial zones are located on the territory of the Elabuzhsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan (SEZ "Alabuga") and the Lipetsk region (SEZ Lipetsk). On August 12, 2010, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed on the creation of a special economic zone of industrial-production type in the Samara region, the territory of which directly adjoins Tolyatti.

Among the priority areas of industrial zone production:

Cars and autocomponents;

Building materials;

Chemical and petrochemical products;

Household appliances and shopping equipment.

Innovative SEZ

The location of innovative (technical and implement) SEZ in the largest scientific and educational centers with rich scientific traditions and recognized research schools opens up great opportunities for development innovative business, production of high-tech products and withdrawing it to Russian and international markets.

Package of customs benefits and tax preferences, access to professional personnel resources Along with the growing demand for new technologies and modernization of various industries russian economy Makes innovative SEZ attractive for venture capital, as well as developers and manufacturers of high-tech products.

Four innovative zones are located on the territory Tomsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Dubna (Moscow region).

Priority directions for the development of innovative zones are:

Nano- and biotechnology;

Medical technologies;

Electronics and communications;

Information Technology;

Accurate and analytical instrument making;

Nuclear physics.

Tourist SEZ

Located in the most picturesque and in demand by tourists of the regions of Russia, tourist (tourist and recreational) SEZ offer favorable conditions for organizing tourist, sports, recreational and other types of business.

Seven tourist areas are located on the territory of the Irkutsk region, Altai Region, Altai Republic, Republic of Buryatia, Kaliningrad region, Stavropol Territory, Primorsky Krai. Another six newly created SEZ are located in North Caucasian federal District.

Porto SEZ

Porto-logistic special economic zones are in close proximity to the main global transit corridors. Their position allows access to the fast-growing market for extremely demanded port-logistics services both in the Far East and in the central part of Russia.

A distinctive feature of a special economic zone on the basis of the airport "Ulyanovsk-East" is its proximity to enterprises of the Ulyanovsky Aviation cluster. This creates prerequisites for the development of projects related to maintenance and re-equipment of aircraft.

The main direction of the development of the port-logistic zone in the Khabarovsk Territory is the formation of a modern multidisciplinary port, ship repair center, which relies on a convenient geographical position and an existing infrastructure base.

On October 2, 2010, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a Resolution No. 800 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of the PSEM "Murmansk". October 26, the ruling entered into force. On the territory of the OEZ "Murmansk", the construction of a container terminal is possible, the modernization of the existing and the construction of new port capacities for receiving, transshipment and loading of bulk and bulk cargo. In addition, it is possible to assemble drilling plants, which is of great importance for the successful development of oil and gas shelf fields. Investors Port SEZ "Murmansk" will receive tax and customs benefits, as well as connecting to infrastructure facilities. Investors are guaranteed the invariability of tax benefits during the entire period of the existence of a special economic zone.

Currently, free economic zones are firmly entered into world economic practices and are an integral part international economic relations. In the system of world household connections Free economic zones are mainly as a factor of accelerated by the revitalization of international trade, mobilization of investments, exchange of technologies, information, deepening integration economic processes.

Free economic zones - Specially dedicated territories with preferential customs, tax, currency regimesin which the influx is encouraged foreign capital Industry and services, joint production and other types of business activities, development of export capital.

Goals of creation Free economic zones can be:

  • impulse of the economic development of the Observative region with the active use of foreign investment;
  • growth in the export potential of the country's territory;
  • organization of production and supplies to the domestic market of high-quality import-changing goods;
  • mastering the modern experience of organizing and managing production, training, the functioning of business entities in a market environment, testing of adaptation models different systems Economy management.

Under certain conditions, free economic zones accelerate the inclusion in world economic relations, stimulate economic development The countries as a whole, act as the Poles of Economic Growth. Free economic zones can serve as instruments state regulation Foreign Economic Relations I..

From a functional point of view, free economic zones can be divided into:
  • foreign tradewhere duty-free trade is combined with the development of transport and warehouse services and export production;
  • technological parks and technopolisfocused on innovative processes, development and development of high technologies;
  • complex industrial zonesfocused on exporting intangible goods of mass consumption (from toys to electronics),
  • where limited territories creates preferential conditions for non-resident operations with foreign currency From the point of view of registration, taxation, bank secrecy, etc.

In the territories of free economic zones, a free (duty-free) customs zone can be applied.

Causes of creating free economic zones

IN industrial developed countriesoh The FEZ was often created to revitalize small and medium-sized businesses in areas raised by economic depression, and were sent to alignment of interregional differences. Small and medium-sized enterprises created in them received maximum tax breaks. Thus, in developed countries, the FEZ is mainly used as tool, in those regions where it is necessary to increase the level of economic and social development.

As criteria when choosing a territory to create a special economic zone, unemployment rate and level of money are used.

Unlike industrialized countries developing countries They did the focus on attracting foreign capital, technologies, industry modernization, workforce skills, achieving a higher level of industrialization.

Classification of free economic zones

Trade - are one of the simplest forms of the FEZ. They exist from 17-18 centuries. They are available in many countries, but most of all they are distributed in industrialized countries. Industrial production - belong to the second generation zones. They arose as a result of the evolution of trading zones when not only the goods were imported in them, but also capital. Technical and introduction - belong to the third-generation zones (1970-80s). They are concentrated by national and foreign research firms that enjoy unified system Tax benefits. Service zones There are territories with a preferential regime of entrepreneurial activities for firms and organizations providing various financial and economic, insurance and other services. Complex - are formed by establishing a special, preferential management regime on the territory of individual administrative formations.
  • Free customs
  • Bond warehouses
  • Free ports
  • Trade and production
  • Import-substituting
  • Export-manufacturing
  • Industrial parks
  • Scientific and industrial parks
  • Export-import-substituting
  • Technopolis
  • Technoparks
  • Innovative centers
  • Offshore
  • Banking and Insurance Services
  • Tourist services
  • Free Entrepreneurship Zones
  • Special economic zones
  • Special regime territory
  • Special economic zones

World experience of creating FEZ

According to July 2006. The world has, on various expert sources, 1200 - 2000 free economic zones different types: from duty-free zones and free ports to zones of free entrepreneurship, offshore zones and technopolis.

Free economic zones have extensive prospects in both the world and in our country. This is a dynamic pace of development of the FEZ in quantitative terms and on the aggregate volume of production in them.

Free economic zones in the Russian economy

Free economic zones are considered in the world as an active public Policy. In the history of post-Soviet Russia, the first such zones arose in 1990, and in the future for 15 years the process of their creation and functioning occurred unsystematic. It was connected with the lack of legislative baseAnd with the constant struggle of the regions and the federal center for maximum benefits for free zones and the right to control them.

However, now the situation has changed dramatically, a fundamentally new stage of the project on the development of free (special) economic zones in Russia began on the territory of Russia. The beginning of a new stage is associated with the adoption of the Federal Law of July 22, 2005 No. 116-FZ " About special economic zones in the Russian Federation". This law laid a single legal basis for the creation and operation of special economic zones in Russia.

Causes of the establishment of the FEZ in Russia:
  • attracting investments both foreign and Russian companies;
  • stimulating the development of regions;
  • development of high-tech industries and services;
  • creating highly skilled jobs.

Federal Law "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation" provides for the creation creating special economic zones of two types: industrial and manufacturing and technically implemented. On the territory of the special economic zone, only those activities are allowed, which are provided for by this Law, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In Law No. 116-ФЗ, the basic principles of taxation of the SEZ are formulated, the main of which includes the provision of tax breaks.

Participants of the export production zones are provided by significant software benefits that can be supplemented by the subjects of the Federation at the expense of:

  • exemption from for a period of 5 years from the date of registration;
  • reducing taxable profits on the amount of profit aimed at investment, after 5 years;
  • reduced by 50% value added tax on goods own productionimplemented in the territory of the Russian Federation (also for a period of 5 years from the date of registration);
  • exemption from the transportation services of goods.

In any case, free economic zones require embedding of large budget funds to organize and create the necessary infrastructure.

The main characteristics of Russian SEZ

OEZ location location Specialization SEZ Public investment in the infrastructure of the zone
saint Petersburg Production of software, communications and household electronic equipment. Development and production of analytical instruments. About 1.5 billion rubles, including 50% of the federal budget
dubna, Moscow Region Electronic instrument making, design of new aircraft, development of alternative energy sources. 2.5 billion rubles .., of which 65% of the federal budget
g. Zelenograd Development and development of microcircuits, intelligent navigation systems. 5 billion rubles, including 50 %% of the FB
tomsk Information and Communication, Electronic and Medical Technologies, as well as the production of new materials About 1.9 billion rubles. (70% of the FB)
lipetsk Production household appliances and components to her 1.8 billion rubles. (42% of the FB)
g. Elabuga, Tatarstan Release of automotive components, buses, household appliances. High-tech chemical production. 1.6 billion rubles. (49% of the FB)

The success of the SEZ creation program in Russia directly depends on how to create in the SEZ economic system, as close as possible to ideal - with clear rules of the game, minimal bureaucratic costs and the maximum competitive environment, which would make investment climate in the zone most favorable.

Keywords:special, free, economic, zones, SEZ, FEZ, SEZ in Russia

Free Economic Zones (Special Economic Zones) - These are the territories that the state gives special legal status and economic benefits to attract Russian and foreign investors to priority for Russia Industries.

In Russia, the systemic development of special economic zones began in 2005, from the moment of adopting the Federal Law on the SEZ 22.07.2005.

The purpose of creating special economic zones - development of high-tech industries, import-substituting industries, tourism and sanatorium sphere, development and production of new types of products, expansion of the transport and logistics system.

In Russia, there are special economic zones of four types:

- industrial production zones or industrial SEZ.

- Technical and embedded zones or innovative SEZ.

- Port zones.

- Tourist and recreational zones or tourist SEZ.

Industrial OEZ

Extensive territories located in large industrial regions of the country. Proximity to the resource base for production, access to the finished infrastructure and main transport arteries is only the main characteristics of industrial (industrial-production) zones that determine their advantages. The placement of production on the territory of industrial areas allows to increase product competitiveness in the Russian market by reducing costs.

Industrial zones are located on the territory of the Elabuzhsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan (SEZ "Alabuga") and the Lipetsk region (SEZ Lipetsk). On August 12, 2010, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed on the creation of a special economic zone of industrial-production type in the Samara region, the territory of which directly adjoins Tolyatti.

Among the priority areas of industrial zone production:

Cars and autocomponents;

Building materials;

Chemical and petrochemical products;

Household appliances and shopping equipment.

Innovative SEZ

The location of the innovative (technical and innovative) SEZ in the largest scientific and educational centers with rich scientific traditions and recognized research schools opens up great opportunities for the development of innovative business, the production of high-tech products and bringing it into Russian and international markets.

Package of customs benefits and tax preferences, access to professional personnel resources Along with the growing demand for new technologies and modernization of various industries of the Russian economy makes innovative SEZ attractive for venture capital funds, as well as developers and manufacturers of high-tech products.

Four innovative zones are located on the territory Tomsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Dubna (Moscow region).

Priority directions for the development of innovative zones are:

Nano- and biotechnology;

Medical technologies;

Electronics and communications;

Information Technology;

Accurate and analytical instrument making;

Nuclear physics.

Tourist SEZ

Located in the most picturesque and in demand by tourists of the regions of Russia, tourist (tourist and recreational) SEZ offer favorable conditions for organizing tourist, sports, recreational and other types of business.

Seven tourist areas are located on the territory of the Irkutsk region, the Altai Territory, the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Buryatia, the Kaliningrad region, the Stavropol Territory, Primorsky Krai. Another six newly created SEZ is located in the North Caucasus Federal District. The special economic zone "Curonian Spit" in the Kaliningrad region will cease to exist. As stated in the relevant government decree of December 22, 2012, in five years of work there was no resident there was not registered.

Porto SEZ

Porto-logistic special economic zones are in close proximity to the main global transit corridors. Their position allows access to the fast-growing market for extremely demanded port-logistics services both in the Far East and in the central part of Russia.

A distinctive feature of a special economic zone on the basis of the airport "Ulyanovsk-East" is its proximity to enterprises of the Ulyanovsky Aviation cluster. This creates prerequisites for the development of projects related to maintenance and re-equipment of aircraft.

The main direction of the development of the port-logistic zone in the Khabarovsk Territory is the formation of a modern multidisciplinary port, ship repair center, which relies on a convenient geographical position and an existing infrastructure base.

On October 2, 2010, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a Resolution No. 800 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of the PSEM "Murmansk". On the territory of the OEZ "Murmansk", the construction of a container terminal is possible, the modernization of the existing and the construction of new port capacities for receiving, transshipment and loading of bulk and bulk cargo. In addition, it is possible to assemble drilling plants, which is of great importance for the successful development of oil and gas shelf fields. Investors Port SEZ "Murmansk" will receive tax and customs benefits, as well as connecting to infrastructure facilities. Investors are guaranteed the invariability of tax benefits during the entire period of the existence of a special economic zone.

OJSC "Special Economic Zones"management CompanyIn the conduct of which there are current and newly created special economic zones of Russia. Of the 24 operating SEZ 4 specialize in development industrial production, 4 on technological innovations, 13 on the development of tourist and recreational business, 3 on the development of porto-logistics and transport hubs.

OEZ OJSC was established in 2006, its only shareholder is the state. Since the adoption of the SEZ Act in 2005 and before 2010, the company operated as a customer for the construction of an infrastructure, accumulating a unique experience in this area. Since 2006, budget investments on the development of special economic zones of Russia amounted to more than 44 billion rubles or about $ 1.5 billion.

From 2006 to 2010, 238 investors from 18 countries came to the special economic zones of Russia, and this process is gaining momentum. Among them there are such transnational giants like Yokohama, Isuzu, Itochu, Sojitz, Air Liquide, Bekaert, Rockwool and others. The volume of investment declared residents is more than 150 billion rubles or about $ 5 billion.

OEZ OJSC attracts investors from among The largest international and Russian corporations or independent specialized medium-sized companies and work with them, accumulating the best world experience in the field of development and management of special economic zones.

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