
Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Legislative base of the Russian Federation Fencing according to GOST 23407 78

GOST 23407-78

Interstate standard

Technical conditions

Official edition

IPK Publishing House Standards Moscow

Interstate standard

Fencing inventory construction sites and construction and installation sites

Technical conditions

Fencings for building sites. Specifications.

Date of introduction 01.07.79

This standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of construction and installation work.

Standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures;

Installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

1. Classification

1.1. Fencing on functional purpose are divided into:

Protective-security - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and ensuring the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof construction;

Protective - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - intended to prevent the boundaries of territories and sections with hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. Fencing on a constructive solution is divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (features. 1 A, B, B).

Fencing panels can be solid and rarefied.

Protective protective fences should be only solid.

1.3. The execution fences are divided into fencing with challenges: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, pins (damn 2) and fences without goodbye elements.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and work drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (references).

2.1.2. In fences, the gates performed according to typical projects should be provided for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for people's passage.

2.2. Requirements for construction

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

Protective-protected (with a visor and without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Edition Official Reprint is prohibited

© Standards Publisher, 1978 © IPC Publishing Standards, 2002

Protective (without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fences of the work of work production - 1.2 m.

The height of the struts of signal fences should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels must be rectangular. The length of the panels must be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In rarefied fences panels (except for the mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the parts of the panels of the panels should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. No more than 5 mm are allowed in the layers of sidewalks.

2.2.6. Wrong visors and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the visor panels and sidewalks should be multiple the length of the fences panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor must be installed at the top of the fences with the rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° in the direction of the sidewalk or the carriageway.

2.2.8. The visor panels must ensure the overlap of the sidewalk and go out for its edge (from the movement of the transport) by 50-100 mm.

Fencing Schemes Panel Fences

Fencing with good elements

1 - fence panel; 2 - panel boar; 3 - support (ledge); 4 - panel of the sidewalk; 5 - horizontal element of the rail; 6 - handrail; 7-railing railing; 8-panel visor; 9- pitch visor; 10 - fence rack; 11 - Hemp or Kapron Rope, Wire

2.2.9. The design of the panels of the sidewalk should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of the visor panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located on the sites of the construction site of the construction site to the streets and travel should be equipped with railings installed by the movement of transport.

2.2.12. The design of the railing should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as the handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located, respectively, at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

The handrails must be attached to the stands from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of fences elements should be not lower than the 6th grade of accuracy according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence must ensure the convenience of installing them, dismantling, strength during operation, the possibility and simplicity of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fencing elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the area having a slope of up to 10% along the installation of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences coming with the soil must be anti-septic. Metal parts of compounds and fasteners must have anticorrosive protection.

2.2.17. Fences must be painted in accordance with the adopted standard. The signal color of the fences must be performed according to GOST 12.4.026 *.

2.2.18. On elements and parts of fences, there are no sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injury.

2.3. Sustainability requirements for external influences

2.3.1. The regulatory uniform distributed load for paving panels should be taken 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. High-speed wind pressure should be accepted:

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Northern Ocean Oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of snow cover on 1 m 2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal projection The visor should be taken;

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Northern Ocean Oceans, - 150 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload coefficient in determining the calculated snow load should be accepted

equal to 1.25.

2.4. Requirements for reliability

2.4.1. The service life of elements of fences (except panels of sidewalks) is at least 10 years. The service life of the panels of the sidewalk is at least five years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. Materials used for the manufacture of fences should meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical conditions (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of the materials to the requirements should be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - the test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. The solid panels of the fences, the panel of visors and sidewalks, racks, railings, the saws should be made from the timber materials of hardwood and coniferous not higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts and fasteners.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Elements of fences should be adopted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. The acceptance of fences is performed selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their size.

* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is valid in the Russian Federation.

The part of the same type of fencing elements made according to one technology is considered to be the party.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a checklist, for which 5% of the elements of the fence is taken from each batch. In case of inconsistencies, at least one element, the requirements of the standard are re-verified by the double number of elements from the same batch.

With unsatisfactory results of testing the double number of samples, the acceptance party is not subject to.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric sizes of elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using the measuring instrument and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated in the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of color, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must have a marking in which: indicate:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The labeling method must be specified in the working drawings of fences.

5.3. The same type of fencing should be supplied by the consumer packages.

Overall dimensions and mass of packages must ensure the safety of fences when they

transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading on vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. When transporting and storing the installation of the place of installation compounds must be protected from contamination, and the screw and hinged compounds are covered with preservative lubrication.

5.5. Panels, protective visors, paving shields, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and racks, railing, beds and sores should fit on wooden linings in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's guarantees

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences passport, which contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Standard designation or that;

Name, number and mass of elements;

Installations on the installation and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

Date issuance of a passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard when complying with the terms of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

Information details

1. Developed by the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs, the main architectural and planning department of Moscow

Deposited by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of December 13, 78 No. 232

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

GOST 12.4.026-76 GOST 21779-82

5. Reprint. July 2002

Editor V.P. Cucumbers technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector M. S. Kabashova Computer layout L.A. Circular

Ed. Persons. № 02354 of 07/14/2000. Rent in the set 08.08.2002. Signed in print 09/12/2002. Hood. Pechs. l. 0.93.

Ud. l. 0.55. Circulation 78 copies. From 7276. Zack. 248.

IPK Publishing Standards, 107076 Moscow, Well Per., 14. E-mail: Published and imprinted in IPC Publishing standards

State Standard of the Union of SSR GOST 23407-78
"Fencing inventory construction sites and plots of construction and installation work. Technical conditions"
(appliance. Resolution of the USSR State Building of December 13, 1978 N 232)

Fencings for building sites. Specification

This standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of construction and installation work.

Standard does not apply to inventory fences:

intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures;

installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

1. Classification

1.1. Fenctional fences are divided into:

protective-security - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and ensuring the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof construction;

protective - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

signal - intended to prevent the boundaries of territories and sections with hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. Fences on a constructive solution are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (features. 1a, b, c).

Fencing panels can be solid and rarefied.

Protective protective fences should be only solid.

1.3. Performance fences are divided into fencing with goodborn elements: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, pins (damn 2) and fencing without goodbye elements.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and work drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (references).

2.1.2. In fences, the gates performed according to typical projects should be provided for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for people's passage.

2.2. Requirements for construction

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

protective-protected (with a visor and without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

protective (without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

the same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

protective fences of the work of work production - 1.2 m.

The height of the struts of signal fences should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels must be rectangular. The length of the panels must be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In rarefied fences panels (except for the mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the parts of the panels of the panels should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. No more than 5 mm are allowed in the layers of sidewalks.

2.2.6. Wrong visors and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the visor panels and sidewalks should be multiple the length of the fences panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor should be installed on top of the fence with the rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° in the direction of the sidewalk or the carriageway.

2.2.8. The visor panels must ensure the overlap of the sidewalk and go out for its edge (from the movement of the transport) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the panels of the sidewalk should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of the visor panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located on the sites of the construction site of the construction site to the streets and travel should be equipped with railings installed by the movement of transport.

2.2.12. The design of the railing should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as the handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located, respectively, at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

The handrails must be attached to the stands from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of elements of fences must be not lower than the 6th grade of accuracy according to GOST 21779-76.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence must ensure the convenience of installing them, dismantling, strength during operation, the possibility and simplicity of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fencing elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the area having a slope of up to 10% along the installation of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the soil must be antiseptic. Metal parts of compounds and fasteners must have anticorrosive protection.

2.2.17. Fences must be painted in accordance with the adopted standard. The signal color of the fences must be performed according to GOST 12.4.026-76.

2.2.18. On elements and parts of fences, there are no sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injury.

2.3. Sustainability requirements for external influences

2.3.1. Regulatory uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken 200.

2.3.2. High-speed wind pressure should be accepted:

for fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans - 100;

for fences operated in other parts of the country - 35.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover on 1 view of the horizontal projection of the visor should be taken:

for fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans - 150;

for fences operated in other parts of the country - 70;

The overload coefficient in determining the calculated snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Requirements for reliability

2.4.1. The service life of elements of fences (except panels of sidewalks) is at least 10 years. The service life of the panels of the sidewalk is at least 5 years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. Materials used for the manufacture of fences should meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical conditions (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of the materials to the requirements should be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - the test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. The solid panels of the fences, the panel of visors and sidewalks, racks, railings, the saws should be made from the timber materials of hardwood and coniferous not higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts and fasteners.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Elements of fences should be adopted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is performed selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of elements and checking their size.

The number of the same type of fencing elements made according to one technology is considered to be the game.

3.3. The consumer has the right to produce a checklist, for which 5% of the fence elements is selected from each batch. In the event of a non-compliance of at least one element, the requirements of the standard, a reassessment of the twin amount of elements from the same batch is made.

With unsatisfactory results of testing the double number of samples, the acceptance party is not subject to.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric sizes of elements and parts of the fence should be made using a measuring instrument and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated in the drawings.

4.2. Checking color and quality coloring, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is performed by external inspection.

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must have a marking in which it is indicated:

trademark of the manufacturer;

party number;

manufacturing date;

mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The labeling method must be specified in the working drawings of fences.

5.3. The same type of fencing should be supplied by the consumer packages.

The overall dimensions and mass of the packages should ensure the safety of fences when transporting them and the possibility of mechanized loading for vehicles and unloading on the place of installation of the fence.

5.4. When transporting and storing the installation of the place of installation compounds must be protected from contamination, and the screw and hinged compounds are covered with preservative lubrication.

5.5. Panels, protective visors, paving shields, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and racks, railing, beds and sores should fit on wooden linings in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's guarantees

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences passport, which contains:

name and address of the manufacturer;

party number;

standard designation or that;

name, number and mass of elements;

installations on the installation and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

GOST 23407-78

UDC 62-758: 624.05: 006.354

Group z07.

Interstate standard

Fencing inventory construction sites

and construction and assembly production sites

Technical conditions

Fencings for building sites.

Date of introduction 1979-07-01

1. Developed by the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs

The main architectural planning department of Moscow

Deposited by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of 13.12.78 N 232

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

5. Reprint. July 2002

This standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of construction and installation work.

Standard does not apply to inventory fences:

intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures;

installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

1. Classification

1.1. Fenctional fences are divided into:

protective-security ¾ intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with hazardous and harmful production factors and ensuring the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof construction;

protective ¾ intended to prevent unauthorized persons in the territory and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

signaling ¾ designed to prevent the boundaries of territories and sections with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. Fences on a constructive solution are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (features. 1, a, b, c).

Fencing panels can be solid and rarefied.

Protective protective fences should be only solid.

1.3. Performance fences are divided into fencing with goodborn elements: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, pins (damn 2) and fencing without goodbye elements.

Fencing schemes

Panel fences

Fencing with good elements

1 - fence panel; 2 - panel boar; 3 - support (ledge); 4 - panel of the sidewalk;

5 - horizontal element of the rail; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing rack; 8 - the visor panel;

9 - Svoke visor; 10 - fence rack; 11 - Hemp or Kapron Rope; wire

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and work drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (references).

2.1.2. In fences, the gates performed according to typical projects should be provided for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for people's passage.

2.2. Requirements for construction

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

protective-protected (with a visor and without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

protective (without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

the same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

protective fences of the work of work production - 1.2 m.

The height of the struts of signal fences should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels must be rectangular. The length of the panels must be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In rarefied fences panels (except for the mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the parts of the panels of the panels should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. No more than 5 mm are allowed in the layers of sidewalks.

2.2.6. Wrong visors and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the visor panels and sidewalks should be multiple the length of the fences panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor should be installed at the top of the fence with the rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° in the direction of the sidewalk or the carriageway.

2.2.8. The visor panels must ensure the overlap of the sidewalk and go out for its edge (from the movement of the transport) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the panels of the sidewalk should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of the visor panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located on the sites of the construction site of the construction site to the streets and travel should be equipped with railings installed by the movement of transport.

2.2.12. The design of the railing should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as the handrail and an intermediate horizontal element, located respectively at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

The handrails must be attached to the stands from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of fences elements should be not lower than the 6th grade of accuracy according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence must ensure the convenience of installing them, dismantling, strength during operation, the possibility and simplicity of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fencing elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the area having a slope of up to 10% along the installation of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the soil must be antiseptic. Metal parts of compounds and fasteners must have anticorrosive protection.

2.2.17. Fences must be painted in accordance with the adopted standard. The signal color of the fences must be performed according to GOST 12.4.026 *.


* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is valid in the Russian Federation.

2.2.18. On elements and parts of fences, there are no sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injury.

2.3. Sustainability requirements for external influences

2.3.1. Regulatory uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. High-speed wind pressure should be accepted:

for fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the quiet and northern ice oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

for fences operated in other parts of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover on 1 m 2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal projection of the visor should be accepted:

for fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin areas, on the coasts of the quiet and northern ice oceans, - 150 kgf / m 2;

for fences operated in other parts of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload coefficient in determining the calculated snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Requirements for reliability

2.4.1. The service life of elements of fences (except panels of sidewalks) is at least 10 years. The service life of the panels of the sidewalk is at least 5 years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. Materials used for the manufacture of fences should meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical conditions (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of the materials to the requirements should be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - the test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. The solid panels of the fences, the panel of visors and sidewalks, racks, railings, the saws should be made from the timber materials of hardwood and coniferous not higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts and fasteners.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Elements of fences should be adopted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is performed selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of elements and checking their size.

The number of the same type of fencing elements made according to one technology is considered to be the game.

3.3. The consumer has the right to produce a checklist, for which 5% of the fence elements is selected from each batch. In the event of a non-compliance of at least one element, the requirements of the standard, a reassessment of the twin amount of elements from the same batch is made.

With unsatisfactory results of testing the double number of samples, the acceptance party is not subject to.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric sizes of elements and parts of the fence must be made by measuring instrument and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated in the drawings.

4.2. Checking color and quality coloring, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is performed by external inspection.

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must have a marking in which it is indicated:

trademark of the manufacturer;

party number;

manufacturing date;

mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The labeling method must be specified in the working drawings of fences.

5.3. The same type of fencing should be supplied by the consumer packages.

The overall dimensions and mass of the packages should ensure the safety of fences when transporting them and the possibility of mechanized loading for vehicles and unloading on the place of installation of the fence.

5.4. When transporting and storing the installation of the place of installation compounds must be protected from contamination, and the screw and hinged compounds are covered with preservative lubrication.

5.5. Panels, protective visors, paving shields, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and racks, railing, beds and sores should fit on wooden linings in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's guarantees

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences passport, which contains:

name and address of the manufacturer;

party number;

standard designation or that;

name, number and mass of elements;

installations on the installation and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

date issuance of a passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard when complying with the terms of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

GOST 23407-78

Group z07.

Interstate standard

Fencing inventory construction sites
And construction and assembly production sites

Technical conditions

Fencings for building sites. Specification

Date of introduction 1979-07-01

Information details

1. Developed by the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs, the main architectural and planning department of Moscow

Deposited by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of 13.12.78 N 232

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

5. Reprint. July 2002

This standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of construction and installation work.

Standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures;

Installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

1. Classification

1. Classification

1.1. Fenctional fences are divided into:

Protective-security - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and ensuring the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof construction;

Protective - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - intended to prevent the boundaries of territories and sections with hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. Fences in a constructive solution are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (features. 1a, b, c).

Chert.1. Fencing schemes: panel fences, panel-rack fences, racking fences

Panel fences


Fall fences

Fencing panels can be solid and rarefied.

Protective protective fences should be only solid.

1.3. Performance fences are divided into fencing with good elements: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, pins (damn. 2) and fences without good items.

Damn. Fencing with good elements

Fencing with good elements

1 - fence panel; 2 - panel boar; 3 - support (ledge); 4 - panel of the sidewalk;
5 - horizontal element of the rail; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing rack; 8 - the visor panel;
9 - Svoke visor; 10 - fence rack; 11 - Hemp or Kapron Rope, Wire

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and work drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (references).

2.1.2. In fences, the gates performed according to typical projects should be provided for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for people's passage.

2.2. Requirements for construction

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

Protective-protected (with a visor and without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Protective (without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fences of the work of work production - 1.2 m.

The height of the struts of signal fences should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels must be rectangular. The length of the panels must be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In rarefied fences panels (except for the mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the parts of the panels of the panels should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. No more than 5 mm are allowed in the layers of sidewalks.

2.2.6. Wrong visors and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the visor panels and sidewalks should be multiple the length of the fences panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor must be installed at the top of the fences with the rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° in the direction of the sidewalk or the carriageway.

2.2.8. The visor panels must ensure the overlap of the sidewalk and go out for its edge (from the movement of the transport) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the panels of the sidewalk should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of the visor panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located on the sites of the construction site of the construction site to the streets and travel should be equipped with railings installed by the movement of transport.

2.2.12. The design of the railing should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as the handrail and an intermediate horizontal element, located respectively at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

The handrails must be attached to the stands from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of fences elements should be not lower than the 6th grade of accuracy according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence must ensure the convenience of installing them, dismantling, strength during operation, the possibility and simplicity of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fencing elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the area having a slope of up to 10% along the installation of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the soil must be antiseptic. Metal parts of compounds and fasteners must have anticorrosive protection.

2.2.17. Fences must be painted in accordance with the adopted standard. The signal color of the fences must be performed according to GOST 12.4.026 *.
* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is valid in the Russian Federation.

2.2.18. On elements and parts of fences, there are no sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injury.

2.3. Sustainability requirements for external influences

2.3.1. Regulatory uniformly distributed load for pavement panels should be taken 200 kgf / m.

2.3.2. High-speed wind pressure should be accepted:

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the quiet and northern ice oceans - 100 kgf;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 35 kgf / m.

2.3.3. The weight of snow cover on the 1 m area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal projection of the visor should be taken:

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the quiet and northern ice oceans - 150 kgf;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 70 kgf / m.

The overload coefficient in determining the calculated snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Requirements for reliability

2.4.1. The service life of elements of fences (except panels of sidewalks) is at least 10 years. The service life of the panels of the sidewalk is at least 5 years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. Materials used for the manufacture of fences should meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical conditions (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of the materials to the requirements should be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - the test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. The solid panels of the fences, the panel of visors and sidewalks, racks, railings, the saws should be made from the timber materials of hardwood and coniferous not higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts and fasteners.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Elements of fences should be adopted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. The acceptance of fences is performed selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their size.

The part of the same type of fencing elements made according to one technology is considered to be the party.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a checklist, for which 5% of the elements of the fence is taken from each batch. In case of inconsistencies, at least one element, the requirements of the standard are re-verified by the double number of elements from the same batch.

With unsatisfactory results of testing the double number of samples, the acceptance party is not subject to.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric sizes of elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using measuring instruments and patterns that ensure the accuracy indicated in the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of color, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must have a marking in which: indicate:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The labeling method must be specified in the working drawings of fences.

5.3. The same type of fencing should be supplied by the consumer packages.

The overall dimensions and mass of the packages should ensure the safety of fences when transporting them and the possibility of mechanized loading for vehicles and unloading on the place of installation of the fence.

5.4. When transporting and storing the installation of the place of installation compounds must be protected from contamination, and the screw and hinged compounds are covered with preservative lubrication.

5.5. Panels, protective visors, paving shields, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and racks, railing, beds and sores should fit on wooden linings in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's guarantees

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences passport, which contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Standard designation or that;

Name, number and mass of elements;

Installations on the installation and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

Date issuance of a passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard when complying with the terms of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

Electronic document text
prepared CJSC Codex and drilled by:
official edition
M.: IPK Publishing standards, 2002

The standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of production of construction and installation work. Standard does not apply to inventory fences: intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures; Installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

Designation: GOST 23407-78
Name Rus: Fencing inventory construction sites and plots of construction and installation work. Technical conditions
Status: act
Text update date: 05.05.2017
Date to add to the database: 01.09.2013
Date of introduction: 01.07.1979
Approved: 12/13/1978 Gosstroy USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs) (USSR Gosstroy 232)
Published: Publishing standards (1991) Publishing houses (1978) Publishing standards (1979) IPC Publishing standards (2002)
Links for download:

GOST 23407-78

Interstate standard

Inventory fences
Construction sites
And production sites
Construction and installation work

Technical conditions

IPK Publishing Standards

Interstate standard

Date of administration 01.07.79

This standard applies to inventory fences intended for the allocation of territories of construction sites and sections of construction and installation work.

Standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Intended to prevent falling people from height when erecting various buildings and structures;

Installed for the allocation of construction zones protected by the terms of the special regime.

1. Classification

1.1. Functional References are divided into:

Protective-security - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and ensuring the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof construction;

Protective - intended to prevent unauthorized persons on site and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - intended to prevent the boundaries of territories and sections with hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. The structural solutions are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (damn. but, b., in).

Fencing panels can be solid and rarefied.

Protective protective fences should be only solid.

1.3. Performance fences are divided into fencing with goodborn elements: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, pins (damn) and fences without enough elements.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and work drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (references).

2.1.2. In fences, the gates performed according to typical projects should be provided for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for people's passage.

2.2. Requirements for construction

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

Protective-protected (with a visor and without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Protective (without a visor) fences of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fences of the work of work production - 1.2 m.

The height of the struts of signal fences should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels must be rectangular. The length of the panels must be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In the rarefied fences panels (except for the mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the parts of the panels of the panels should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. No more than 5 mm are allowed in the layers of sidewalks.

2.2.6. Wrong visors and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the visor panels and sidewalks should be multiple the length of the fences panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor must be installed at the top of the fences with the rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° in the direction of the sidewalk or the carriageway.

2.2.8. The visor panels must ensure the overlap of the sidewalk and go out for its edge (from the movement of the transport) by 50 - 100 mm.

Fencing schemes

Heck. one

Fencing with good elements

1 - fence panel; 2 - panel boar; 3 - Support (Liezhalan); 4 - panel of the sidewalk; 5 - horizontal element of the rail; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing rail; 8 - the visor panel; 9 - Svoke visor; 10 - rack of fence; 11 - Hemp or Kapron Rope, Wire

Heck. 2.

2.2.9. The design of the panels of the sidewalk should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of the visor panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located on the sites of the construction site of the construction site to the streets and travel should be equipped with railings installed by the movement of transport.

2.2.12. The design of the railing should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as the handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located, respectively, at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

The handrails must be attached to the stands from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of fences elements must be not lower than the 6th grade of accuracy by GOST 21779..

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence must ensure the convenience of installing them, dismantling, strength during operation, the possibility and simplicity of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fencing elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the area having a slope of up to 10% along the installation of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the soil must be antiseptic. Metal parts of compounds and fasteners must have anticorrosive protection.

2.2.17. Fences must be painted in accordance with the adopted standard. The signal color of the fences must be performed by GOST 12.4.026 *.


* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is valid in the Russian Federation.

2.2.18. On elements and parts of fences, there are no sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injury.

2.3. Sustainability requirements for external influences

2.3.1. The regulatory uniform distributed load for paving panels should be taken 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. High-speed wind pressure should be accepted:

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Northern Ocean Oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover on 1 m 2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal projection of the visor should be accepted:

For fences operated in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Northern Ocean Oceans, - 150 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other parts of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload coefficient in determining the calculated snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Requirements for reliability

2.4.1. The service life of elements of fences (except panels of sidewalks) is at least 10 years. The service life of the panels of the sidewalk is at least five years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. Materials used for the manufacture of fences should meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical conditions (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of the materials to the requirements should be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - the test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. The solid panels of the fences, the panel of visors and sidewalks, racks, railings, the saws should be made from the timber materials of hardwood and coniferous not higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts and fasteners.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Elements of fences should be adopted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. The acceptance of fences is performed selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their size.

The part of the same type of fencing elements made according to one technology is considered to be the party.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a checklist, for which 5% of the elements of the fence is taken from each batch. In case of inconsistencies, at least one element, the requirements of the standard are re-verified by the double number of elements from the same batch.

With unsatisfactory results of testing the double number of samples, the acceptance party is not subject to.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric sizes of elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using the measuring instrument and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated in the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of color, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must have a marking in which: indicate:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The labeling method must be specified in the working drawings of fences.

5.3. The same type of fencing should be supplied by the consumer packages.

The overall dimensions and mass of the packages should ensure the safety of fences when transporting them and the possibility of mechanized loading for vehicles and unloading on the place of installation of the fence.

5.4. When transporting and storing the installation of the place of installation compounds must be protected from contamination, and the screw and hinged compounds are covered with preservative lubrication.

5.5. Panels, protective visors, paving shields, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and racks, railing, beds and sores should fit on wooden linings in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's guarantees

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences passport, which contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Party number;

Standard designation or that;

Name, number and mass of elements;

Installations on the installation and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

Date issuance of a passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard when complying with the terms of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

Information details

1. Developed by the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs, the main architectural and planning department of Moscow

Deposited by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of December 13, 78 No. 232

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

5. Reprint. July 2002

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