
Which floor is best for health. At the proper height. What floor is better to live on? Prestigious building levels

When buying an apartment, few people think about which floor they will get. The main condition when buying is that it is not expensive, nice area and close to shops and metro.

But some people, before buying an apartment in a high-rise building, still sometimes think about the questions: on which floor is it better to live, where is it safer, more comfortable and more convenient - on the ground floor or somewhere higher? Let's look at these issues together.

Realtors, knowing the specifics of the real estate market, and knowing that buyers do not like the first and last floors, use this facts, varying housing prices. Therefore, the higher an apartment is located in a multi-storey building, the more expensive it is, not counting the apartments on the top floor.

The first and last floors are not in high demand in the real estate market, so their cost is often 10-15% lower than the cost of apartments of the same size in this building, but one floor higher. In old houses, for example in Khrushchev, the difference in cost can reach 20%.

Considering the statistics of demand for apartments in a classic high-rise building (according to the opinion poll), the following preferences of buyers can be noted:

  • 55% of the surveyed respondents prefer to live on the upper floors;
  • 21% of respondents would not like to live on the first and last floors;
  • and only 11% would prefer to live from the 1st to the 5th floor.

Unlike our compatriots, Europeans do not share such preferences. They believe that living above the 5th floor is very uncomfortable and even dangerous to health.

The truth is somewhere in between. Each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, we will look at each floor and determine which floor is best to live on.

Which floor should you choose?

Before making the final choice, you need to compare all the floors, examining their positive and negative sides.

1st floor. Advantages

From a security point of view, the 1st floor is the safest. Indeed, in the event of a fire or earthquake, residents will very quickly be able to leave the apartment and go out into the street.

In addition, it is easier and faster to bring bulky items into the apartment on the 1st floor, and some can even be brought in through the window. And delivery to the entrance is always free.

From the ground floor apartment it is convenient to keep an eye on the parked car parked in front of the windows. In time to see and drive away juvenile hooligans trying to unscrew something from it, for example, a brand name, or even worse, a wheel.

Residents of the first floor often plant a small garden of their own in the front garden, where flowers and shrubs are planted. Some even manage to plant tomatoes and sow dill and parsley.

The first floor is especially valuable, when you can leave the apartment directly not through the entrance, but through another exit, directly into your own mini-garden. There is a bench and a table, a flower bed, and even a swing for a child. Such a personal piece of land in a city apartment. In new projects of high-rise buildings, this is very rare, but it still happens.

In the event of a water supply failure, you will not flood the neighbors from below, and you will not have to make repairs to them at your own expense if your fault is proven. On the other hand, you can become a victim of flooding from upstairs neighbors, and there is no getting away from it.

Another plus is the fact that children can run around the apartment and stamp their feet as much as they want, even playing football, nervous neighbors from the lower floor will not come running with a scandal, since no one lives below you.

And one more plus: on the ground floor, the walls are always thicker than on subsequent floors, so the audibility will be lower (this does not apply to apartments in panel houses).

Disadvantages of the 1st floor

Since the apartments on the ground floor are very popular with thieves, a considerable amount will be spent on protection from intruders: bars on the windows, a good door with high-quality locks and even, in extreme cases, an alarm.

In old houses, for example, in Khrushchev's houses on the ground floors it is much colder than in apartments located above. There is also an unpleasant smell of dampness from the basement. In new houses, such problems may not exist, but in buildings 20-40 years ago, the basement becomes a real problem. In addition to the unpleasant smell, cold and dampness, there is always something flowing there. After all, all communications are located in the basement, the pipes have not changed since the construction of the house, since housing offices are breathing in incense and do not want to do this. Therefore, in the basement, either the sewer will break through, or the pipe with hot water. All these smells penetrate through the cracks into the apartment on the ground floor, and sometimes even higher, causing a lot of trouble for the tenants.

If a garbage chute is installed in the house, it becomes a real curse for the tenants living on the first floor. On the upper floors, the supply from the garbage chute is not audible, but on the first, especially in the summer heat, it exudes such a stench that it is difficult to bear. But every person wants to breathe fresh air.

The basement and the garbage chute are not only sources of stench and dampness, but they also spread small and nasty inhabitants, such as mice and cockroaches.

Well, and the last argument against the first floor is the constantly spattered staircase, since all the higher residents and their guests pass by your doors, who, moreover, make a lot of noise and even smoke. I will also look into your windows with curious types. And if there is a shop under your window, then be patient, because there will be no rest for you day or night - someone will constantly click seeds and talk loudly on it, especially on warm summer nights when many cannot sleep.

You will never need an elevator on the ground floor, but you still have to pay for it on a par with the rest of the residents above. These are the established rules. Scandals still flare up in some houses when residents of the first floors refuse to pay for the repair of a failed elevator, since they never use it. But what can you do about it.

2nd floor

The second floor, like the first, is quite safe in case of emergencies, because it is not high. It is good to live on the second floor for the elderly and families with children, especially if there is no elevator, then it will not take long to get to the apartment on foot.

But nevertheless, it has its drawbacks, which include noise from alarms and fireworks, from which even noise-suppressing windows cannot save; dust creeping into all the cracks; curious passers-by looking in the windows; noise from playgrounds and from noisy youth who love to sit on a bench under the windows of the house; mosquitoes and flies flying into the windows, if there is no air conditioning, loudly slamming the entrance door.

3rd floor

Earlier, when five-story buildings were built in most cases, the 3rd floor was considered the golden mean. It was not difficult to get there even without an elevator, the smells and dampness from the basement no longer reach such a height. It is difficult only to bring in heavy furniture or other household appliances, and also take it down.

4-6 floors

These floors are much quieter and quieter than the lower ones. The smell of exhaust gases from cars is no longer felt, dust also does not get through the windows. True, without an elevator, it is already difficult to climb to such a height, especially for the elderly.

7th floor

For a modern high-rise building, the seventh floor is the best option for normal work elevator. Noise from the street, smells of exhaust gases do not reach here, and there is still no fear of heights. If you do not feel well at altitude, or are afraid of it, then you should not settle higher than the seventh floor.

8-16 floors

A good view opens up from the height of these floors, the apartment receives a lot of light. But for a person who is afraid of heights, this will not bring much joy. On the contrary, it is better not to settle here. The disadvantage of these floors is frequent water pressure problems, in most cases in older houses. Residents of new high-rise buildings rarely face such a problem.

Apartments above the 16th floor have good views and lots of light. But from the point of view fire safety, or in case of some kind of accident or destruction, it will be problematic to quickly descend from such a height. If this is the last or penultimate floor, then assistance can be provided from the side of the roof.

Unique views open from the height of the skyscraper, you can watch wonderful sunsets. Just sit in front of the window and take pictures of beautiful landscapes or dream of meeting the fabulous Karlson, who lives on the roof somewhere very close.

Living on the top floor, you will never smell exhaust gases or mold from the basement, dust and dirt from the street will not get to you either. The height will protect you from noise, even if the house is on a busy intersection in the center of a big city.

In many new buildings on the last floors, it was allowed to install fireplaces in apartments, and residents also have the opportunity to relax on the roof. Although this is prohibited, many houses have converted roofs into recreation areas where residents can have fun.

The problem of the last floors is the hot roof in the summer. Despite the presence of a technical floor, the roof can warm up during the day so that the residents of the apartments have nothing to breathe. There is a way out - an air conditioner, but it burns a huge amount of electricity, for which you have to pay a tidy sum. Therefore, many have to make a difficult choice: pay or fry.

Also, a roof leak can become a big problem, especially when it happens after expensive repairs in an apartment.

Interruptions in water supply at rush hour, or a very weak pressure, is also a common problem on the top floor, when in the evening all residents begin to use water intensively.

The walls on the upper floors are thinner than on the floors below. Therefore, the apartments have excellent audibility. Everything that the neighbors are doing is audible. The difference in wall thickness is made to lighten the construction of the upper floors, as well as to save building materials. Therefore, the payment for a beautiful view from the window is noise from neighbors on both sides of the apartment. But you will never hear the stomping of the neighbors upstairs, because your floor is the last one.

An interesting fact is that you will hear sounds that are inaudible to your neighbors living below: it can be the noise of the wind, a distant whistle of a diesel locomotive, the sound of an airplane taking off, even the noise of a lawn mower coming from nowhere ...

The lower floors are protected from these sounds, they get lost in the foliage of trees and other obstacles that are not on the upper floors. So, when buying an apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building, get ready to hear the world from a bird's eye view.

The absence of odors from exhaust gases, garbage chutes and a damp basement is compensated by smoke from nearby pipes industrial enterprises... Some tenants are very sensitive to the constant vibration inherent in high-rise buildings, which can worsen the general condition of the body, cause headaches or even lead to depression or frequent mood swings.

In order for the air in the apartment to always be clean, you need to refrain from smoking in it. Get some large plants for extra oxygen production. The champion among plants for the production of oxygen is sansevier (mother-in-law's tongue). Plants need to be sprayed frequently and the leaves should be washed, as wet leaves absorb carbon dioxide much more intensively than dry leaves.

The hoods also need to be cleaned regularly. Usually, so much dust and dirt accumulates in them that they do not allow air to pass through at all.

The apartment needs to be ventilated frequently, even though the house may be nearby in the roadway. By opening the windows, you will reduce the amount of harmful substances in the stagnant air, the apartment will be saturated with fresh oxygen.

Many carpets in the apartment collect dust and dirt, hair and animal dander, which is very difficult to vacuum clean. Therefore, it is better to get rid of them.

Regular wet cleaning allows you to get rid of dust and harmful substances contained in it. Curtains and drapes need to be washed frequently as they also collect dust, especially when made from synthetic material.


Having weighed all the pros and cons, it will be easier for you to make a choice on which floor is better to live.

The best choice, if possible, is still a private house, but if it is a high-rise building, then, putting clean air, good views from the windows and the absence of noise in the main place in the choice, it is better to give preference to floors from 5th to 9th.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese doctrine of harmony with environment... Feng Shui is literally "water-wind". According to Feng Shui, joy and sorrow, happiness and misfortune of a person depend on the strength, direction and speed of the wind, on the speed, width, depth of the water flow.
With the help of feng shui, the Chinese chose a place to build a house, determined how to disassemble the site. In Russia, only temples were built on the cardinal points, and settlements were built along the rivers, repeating their bends, and hence the lines of force of biofields. In China, most of the ancient cities and streets are oriented to the cardinal points. When building, the Chinese also take into account the elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) - for the Chinese they are the rhythm of alternating energies, as the seasons change.

Feng Shui House: Planets Influence on Your Floor

On which floor is it better to live: on the first, second, or maybe on the third? Feng Shui experts tried to figure it out.

Ground floor (Sun)

The first floor belongs to the main source of energy - the Sun. Living on the ground floor, you need to have a "sunny" character: open and sociable

If you are not like a radical optimist and altruist, then you better get reliable grilles, bulletproof blinds and barbed wire.

It is best to live on the ground floor for Leo and Aquarius.

The interior of the apartment must be dominated by golden shades.

In one of the rooms on the east side, place an image of the sun or any solar talisman. Such a sunny corner is also an ideal place to place a fireplace or heater.

The first floor loves big noisy companies and romantic get-togethers with mulled wine (this drink is most appreciated by the people of the Sun) - the Sun likes any communication.

Even if you are locked in four walls for days on end and communicate with the world only through the Internet, then in this case the first floor will bring you good luck.

This floor gives good health and long life. It is useful for both very young and very old people to live here.

However, if the main objective your life is financial well-being, then the first floor is not the best choice. After all, the Sun does not accumulate wealth, but generously gives it to everyone and everyone.

Living on the ground floor makes it possible to become a good politician, but hardly a successful businessman.

If you are not like the Sun Man, then there is only one solution to the problem - become one. Otherwise, you will be forced to turn the house into a prison, in which both the warden and the prisoner are one and the same person, yourself.

Second floor (Moon)
The second floor is under the auspices of the Moon. What kind of people is it suitable for?

The night light enchants with its beauty both quivering lovers, emotional poets, pensive philosophers, and romantic pilgrims - they are all people of the Moon.

For a young family, the second floor will be a good choice. Already in number 2 itself (or even better, the Roman numeral - II), the image of the union of opposites: the masculine and feminine principles is manifested.

If sociologists conducted appropriate research, they would have established that people living on the second floor quarrel and get divorced much less often than their neighbors of other "storeys".

For creative people, the "moon" floor can bring inspiration.

Third floor (Mercury)
The third floor is the kingdom of Mercury, which is the mediator between the Sun and other planets. How do we make life on the third floor?

According to astrologers, Mercury plays the role of the messenger of the gods and transmits the desires of people to Olympus, and vice versa. He is endowed with ingenuity, observation and cunning. Such are the people of Mercury.

You don't have to be born a Virgo or Gemini to be a Mercurian. Anyone who is engaged in any kind of business is already under the auspices of this planet.

In addition to modern merchants (mercator - merchant), the first planet includes people of free professions, as well as journalists, teachers, actors, scientists - all those who work more with their head, language and prefer intellectual work to physical work.

Also, the Mercurians are united by one interesting quality - adventurism.

Sometimes, however, adventures turn into scams, so you have to keep your eyes open with the inhabitants of the third floors, especially for simple-minded "first-story dwellers" and impressionable and romantic "sleepwalkers".

The third floor is the floor of optimists, they are able to find a way out of any, even at first glance, hopeless situation.

Fourth floor (Land)
Four cardinal points, four corners of a room, four seasons, four elements - all these are the basic principles of our universe, and our "base" is still on Earth.

Representatives of the "earthly" trigon: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorns feel most comfortable on this floor. Such apartments give them a sense of stability, security and long-awaited harmony.

But in this case, it is very important to take into account the orientation of the cardinal points. Ideal when the windows face east.

In any case, you should use an ordinary compass and mark the points of the north, south, west and east in the main room of your house. In this case, the magnetic deflection can be ignored.

In the marked places it is necessary to place talismans for the "polar" spirits.

Fifth Floor (Mars)
Good-natured and courageous people live on the fifth floors. Their wives, of course, are real Amazons.

A red five-pointed star burns in the night sky, but this is not a Kremlin ruby ​​- it is the red planet Mars.

Often this floor is chosen by the military, law enforcement officials, firefighters ...

The Martian sphere makes even a peaceful librarian courageous and provokes heroic deeds.

Often the activating influence of the fifth floor can play a cruel joke. If vessels with "fire water" get into the apartment, the "Martians" try to quickly drain them and send the "ambassador" for more.

After that, the inhabitants of the fifth floor (primarily Aries and Scorpions) are especially attracted to exploits and adventures, but the rest of the time the "Martians" are quite nice and calm people.

"Martians" are noble and often defend the weak.

Sixth Floor (Venus)
The goddess of love, Venus, "settled" on the sixth floor. The morning star is often depicted as a six-pointed star.

Venus is a dual and mysterious nature (like any woman). In the morning it is Phosphorus (the morning star), and appearing in the evenings, it gets a different name - Hesper. But most often Venus is associated in the Western mind with something to which all ages and nationalities are submissive.

Astrologers call Venus "little happiness". Indeed, living on the sixth floor is happiness (albeit small).

The lucky tenant (this is especially true for Libra and Taurus) of the sixth floor is forever young and aging slowly.

But one should not think that since Venus is the goddess of love, then an apartment on the sixth floor is a guarantee of the inviolability of marriage.

Here, as with Viagra: if the heart is still beating without a pacemaker, then the coveted pill can bring a long-forgotten pleasure, if the "motor" is no longer to hell, then the "portion of love potion" can lead to a sad ending.

Seventh Floor (Jupiter)
Next to small happiness - Venus - there is great happiness - Jupiter. Seven is a lucky number for many.

Modern research has only confirmed the truth of the ancient wisdom about the significance of this number for the human consciousness and subconsciousness.

Living on the seventh floor is true happiness, because Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, a giant planet, a failed star.

People who are fortunate enough to live on the seventh floor also often demonstrate leadership qualities, especially for Sagittarius and Pisces.

It is best to visit the Jupiterians on Thursdays, and the advice given by a resident of the seventh floor should be worth its weight in gold.

Astrologers believe that such concepts as success, prosperity, beneficial influence, abundance, money, justice, prosperous life, friendliness, kindness are subordinate to Jupiter.

Eighth Floor (Saturn)
If someone feels that he has sawdust in his head, then it is not necessary to seek an audience with the wizard of the Emerald City. You just need to settle on the eighth floor, and then the intellectual muscles will certainly get stronger.

But if you are a supporter of philosophical meditations and you are tormented by Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be ...", then the eighth floor only activates the demon of doubt, and instead of two answers you will see first four, then eight, and so on ad infinitum, more precisely until hospitalization.

Excessive intellectualism of the eighth floor can be banished with a pair of oval mirrors located opposite each other.

If for some reason this method does not suit you, then the situation will be corrected by a magnet (at least 100 grams), which should be placed in the area of ​​the place where you indulge in thought. These talismans will attract to you the auspicious energy of the patron saint of sages and philosophers - Saturn.

Another item that gains special significance on the eighth floor is the hourglass.

Saturn is Kronos, and Kronos is Chronos. Any chronometer, that is, an ordinary clock, on the eighth floor does not just show, but literally makes time.

For example, if you are late for an appointment, set your watch back a few minutes. Arriving at the place, you are surprised to find that the person who is waiting for you did not notice your delay.

Ninth floor.
The ninth floor belongs to the celestial sphere, that is, Uranus.
The Uranian prefers to live in a castle in the air. The Uranian is the soul of the party. He is always fun, he is full of various plans and projects (although he rarely brings them to the end).
The owner of such a house loves to give advice, but, unfortunately, they are rarely applied in practice, because the Uranian often lives in the future and looks at life through magic glasses. The high position of the ninth floor allows its residents to see farther than their neighbors below. Many Uranians are capable of predicting the future.
This floor is especially suitable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - air signs.

Based on materials from Internet sites.

Buying an apartment is a responsible business, so as not to regret your choice later, changing one dwelling to another. Which floor to choose for comfortable stay the whole family. What are the pros and cons of staying lower / higher?

Rational choice of floor when buying an apartment. There is no definite answer to the question of which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, traditionally the first and last floors do not inspire confidence. Let's see why.

What are the features of the first floor?

Many people consider apartments on the ground floor not liquid, while others prefer such housing for life, leisure and business. What is such an inconsistency?

Negative sides:

  • layout - balconies are often not provided;
  • the climate is humid, there is dampness, low temperature;
  • noise - the knock of the driveway, the hum of cars, the signaling of neighboring premises, other significant inconveniences, walking under the windows, talking, crying, etc.
  • safety - you need to install bars on the windows;
  • there is no pleasant view from the window;
  • privacy - from the side of the street, everyone can look into the apartment and see what is happening there, and therefore you need to install special blinds, buy darkened curtains;
  • the basement can contribute to the appearance of unpleasant odors, dampness, fungus on the walls, the appearance of rodents and insects.

What are the advantages of the first floor?

  1. Low cost, 10-20% compared to other floors.
  2. Features of marital status and health status are a good option for elderly people, people with disabilities, young families with small children, and so on.
  3. At emergency situations evacuation is faster, fire can be extinguished without hindrance, etc.
  4. For people who have a fear of heights, this is a great option for living.
  5. No worries for neighbors - you can run, jump and no one from below will complain.
  6. Additional opportunities - an apartment on the ground floor can be modified, a loggia, a balcony can be completed, personal login, plant a flower garden under the window, garden.
  7. To create a business, an apartment can be transferred to commercial real estate, sell, rent out as an office or shop.

These are the features of the first floor, and what can be said about the last floor. What are the features of this dwelling, why is it worth paying attention to such apartments, and why not!

Advantages and disadvantages of the last floor

If we talk about the disadvantages, then we can note the danger of roof leaks, especially in winter, damage to repairs, furniture, and so on. In the absence of an elevator or its breakdown, it will be difficult to get home, as well as to transport furniture or appliances.

The temperature in such an apartment depends on the season, it is very hot in summer and cold in winter, even the heating system will not be able to help. There is a high likelihood of thieves entering through the roof.

Often there is a weak pressure in the water supply, and in emergency situations it is more difficult to get out of the apartment, folding ladders of fire trucks have certain limitations.

Concerning positive sides the last floor in a multi-storey building, the advantages will be as follows:

  • a panoramic view from the window, birds are singing, beautiful trees are growing, the sky, the sun and so on;
  • plenty of sunshine and fresh air;
  • there is no possibility of flooding from above;
  • in comparison with the middle floors, the cost is 5-10 percent cheaper;
  • the entrance is much cleaner, you can create a flower gallery, install a fireplace, and place a recreation area on the roof.

If you have definitely decided that the last floor is not for you, then it is worth considering the apartment below - for example, on the second, third, fourth ... floors, they are considered in the trend according to the statistics of housing payback.

Features of apartments in new buildings on the second floor

If we talk about the second floor, then such apartments have significantly fewer pronounced disadvantages than on the first, yes, the level of noise and pollution is still not at a high level, but it is already more comfortable and safer, it is easy to get home without an elevator and even raise a stroller. will pose problems.

When deciding to choose housing on the second floor, you need to take care of good sound insulation of the floor, install double-glazed windows and be prepared for possible flooding from above.

Why are mid-rise floors in high-rise buildings considered the best?

The golden mean is apartments from 3 to 7 floors, they are considered the best when choosing housing for a long time, you can live here - do not grieve. What are the charms of such a stay:

  1. Even if the elevator breaks down, you do not feel significant inconveniences, such as residents from 10-15 floors and so on.
  2. Comfortable conditions for people who are afraid of heights, as well as for those who find it difficult to move long distances.
  3. Good panoramic performance.

If you want to live high, then you can consider apartments that are above the level of the eighth floor, such rooms are good for health (fresh air, the higher, the more it is), however, if an industrial zone is located nearby, then all emissions will be concentrated at the level of these floors.

Apartments from 8th to 16th floors:

  • there is no noise from the street;
  • a pleasant view from the window opens.

But at the same time, the breakdown of the elevator causes enormous inconvenience, it takes a certain time to rise and fall, the difficulty of evacuation, and the manifestation of fear will certainly make itself felt.

You don't care about anything - let's rise higher!

If you want to live closer to it, then the last floors are just for you. In new buildings it is possible to equip an attic floor. Apartments are valued for their extraordinary views, fresh air and health benefits.

Water most often circulates from top to bottom, and therefore you will not have to expect a weak pressure. These apartments are the best, and therefore the most expensive. As for the disadvantages of the last floors, it is worth noting the high probability of a leak from the roof, the noise of the elevator movement, etc.

Which floor to choose in a new building?

If there is low-rise houses, then the best option there will be the floor that is located just above the other houses. In closed complexes of a comfortable class, many disadvantages become insignificant, and whether to purchase such apartments or not is already the buyer's personal preferences.

What does the Feng Shui technique say?

What will the Chinese teachings tell us? Each floor is a kind of harmony and state of health. What house should I live in? Low or high? The methodology for choosing housing interprets such dogmas.

Attention: the most favorable from the point of view of energy are houses -3,5,7,9,12 -storey.

And four-story, eight-story, thirteen-story and higher are considered unfavorable. On the upper floors, people most often feel uncomfortable, a feeling of weightlessness in space may appear.


Live on the 15th floor or on the first? How to choose the right option according to the preferences of each member of your family? What can you say here? Admiring the beautiful panorama from the top floor will not be very pleasant if you have to manually drag the stroller with the baby in your arms.

Perhaps your choice will be based on the cost of housing, then the ground floors will be the most suitable for you, especially if you plan to rent out premises, etc.

All you need to do is to weigh the pros and cons, consult with family and friends, personally participate in the inspection of each room, and not entrust this business to intermediaries! Do right choice and live in new apartment happily ever after!

Each of us thinks about which floor is better to live on. The solution to this issue depends not only on personal preference, but also on comfort and safety.

So, for example, the first floor is still in disgrace among the Russians. The discount for such apartments is very substantial, in some cases it even reaches 20 percent. However, the last floors are also leaving at a reduced price, because few people want to face a roof leak or become a victim of a thief who can get into the apartment right from the roof. Although it will be fair to say that all this is relevant exclusively for old high-rise buildings.

IN modern houses under the roof there is a technical floor, and in elite high-rise buildings, the last floors are the most expensive (they are often taken for the equipment of penthouses). In standard dwellings, the first thing to do is fly apart apartments located on the fourth to seventh floors.

How to choose your floor?

And yet on which floor is it better to live in a multi-storey building? Let's try to figure it out.

Ground floor

  1. Pros: in the event of a collapse, fire or any other emergency, it will be easiest to leave the first floor, at least if the windows are not tightly barred.
  2. Cons: apartments located on the ground floor are most often the victims of burglars. They have the highest noise level, dirty air, and also the basement dampness is felt, and mosquitoes are tormented in summer.

Second floor

  1. Pros: quite safe. Well suited for the elderly and young families with children.
  2. Cons: the same as those of the apartments on the ground floor, except to a lesser extent.

Third floor

  1. Pros: in old five-story buildings, it has always been considered optimal.
  2. Cons: if the elevator breaks down, the first inconveniences will begin. It is not catastrophic to overcome this distance on your own, but it will already be difficult to lift the furniture.

Fourth to sixth floor

  1. Pros: from the point of view of ecology, they are the safest.
  2. Cons: In the event of an elevator breakdown, you will need to be in good physical shape to get into your own apartment.

Seventh floor

  1. Pros: standard high-rise buildings are the golden mean. The noise level is not high, the air is cleaner, the fear of heights is not yet felt.
  2. Disadvantages: people with an unbalanced psyche, as well as suffering from cardiovascular diseases, are better off not settling higher.

Eighth to Sixteenth Floor

  1. Pros: the lightest apartments are located on these floors. Even very tall trees are shorter.
  2. Cons: if there are smoking pipes nearby, alas, their negative impact on these floors will be most noticeable.

Seventeenth floor and above

  1. Pros: excellent panoramic view, clean air. The heat, as you know, rises up, so these apartments are also the warmest.
  2. Cons: during a fire, the greatest danger lies in wait. In addition, toxic products also tend to spread from the bottom up.

The last floor

  1. Pros: In the event of a fire, assistance can be provided from the roof. On the upper floor, you can equip a fireplace or attach a part of the attic.
  2. Cons: very high risk of being robbed. If the house is old, the water pressure will be weak and leaks may occur frequently.

Thus, the most favorable for living is the central part of the house. Therefore, if you are wondering which floor is better to live in a 17-storey building, then pay attention to the eighth and ninth floors.

Where to breathe more joyful and freer?

Our health condition is directly dependent on living conditions. It is clear that the cleanest and freshest air is outside the city, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford a luxurious mansion. Therefore, it does not hurt to find out which floor to choose.

First of all, let's talk about the characteristics of the air. Which air is considered clean and which is dirty? Let's conduct a comparative study:

  1. Clean air contains 21 percent oxygen, polluted air only 15.
  2. The nitrogen content in clean air is 77 percent, in polluted air - 71.
  3. Clean air contains 0.03 percent carbon dioxide, polluted air - 0.108.
  4. The percentage of impurities from dust, soot, xenon and neon in clean air is 1.97, and in dirty air - 13.9.

It is worth noting that the air in cities is not always so polluted, but the proximity of the motorway, for example, will make the overall picture depressing.

Why dirty air is dangerous

Polluted air causes a variety of diseases:

  • Sarcoidosis
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (allergic rhinitis).
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis).
  • Alveolitis (inflammatory processes in the lungs of a non-infectious nature).
  • Bronchial asthma.

As you can see, the list of potential threats is quite impressive. Now let's talk directly about the floors and their air properties.

The floor rises - the air improves

  1. First - fourth floors. Here there is an accumulation of exhaust gases, whose maximum concentration is kept at the level of the third floor. However, there are trees outside the windows. But the grass in their shade grows so poorly that often the lawn under the windows is not an aesthetically and ecologically attractive object, but only a dusty surface.
  2. Fifth - seventh floors. Exhaust gases do not reach the fifth floor, however, harmful substances from the pipes of enterprises accumulate from the seventh and higher.

Seventeenth floor and above. There is constant electromagnetic radiation. Since the house is a reinforced concrete structure, the electric waves are not passed through, but circulate through the apartment, while part of the background is issued to the higher floors. The intensity of the cumulative background depends precisely on the height of the floor, which is why the upper residents are more likely to suffer from bad mood and headaches.

Thus, the best choice in terms of air purity will be apartments located on the fifth to seventh floors. However, the rest should not buy gas masks in a panic, because observing certain sanitary rules, you can significantly improve the air quality in the apartment.

Air purification methods

  1. Do not smoke in the apartment.
  2. Clean the hoods regularly. As a rule, due to accumulated dust and dirt, they do not allow air to pass through at all.
  3. Get rid of excess carpets. Not only are they a relic of the Soviet past, but they are also real dust collectors, which are very difficult to thoroughly clean.
  4. Plant a few plants about half a meter high. The gold medal for oxygen production belongs to sansevieria (other names are pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue). Also, keep in mind that moist leaves absorb carbon dioxide much better than dry leaves.
  5. Ventilate the apartment often, even if the house is in the immediate vicinity of the road. This will significantly reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air.
  6. Damp your home regularly.
  7. Wash your curtains and curtains from time to time, as they accumulate a lot of dust, especially if they are made of synthetics.
  8. Put plastic windows... Due to their good insulation, they let in much less dust and dirt.
  9. Purchase special air purifiers.

This is what Feng Shui says

I wonder what the Chinese teaching will tell us? How will the chosen floor affect the harmony of your life? We suggest finding out which floor is better to live for health in feng shui.

So, remember the houses with how many floors are the most favorable from the point of view of energy:

  1. Three-story.
  2. Five-story.
  3. Seven-story.
  4. Nine-storied.
  5. Twelve-story.

The following structures are unfavorable:

  1. Four-story.
  2. Eight-storey.
  3. Thirteen floors and higher.

In high-rise buildings with more than twelve floors, you will feel uncomfortable, as your energy will not be enough to fully master the space. You may feel a sense of restlessness and instability, as if you were suspended in the air.

A person does not always choose his floor on his own - often karma does it for him. Living on one floor or another, you can solve your fateful problems. Thus, there is a special karmic lesson behind any floor.

What floor is good to live on

On which floor is it better to live in the city? Let's consider each floor separately:

  1. Living on the ground floor, you can find the key to solving many problems in your life and get rid of negative emotions. By destroying destructive attitudes, you set foot on the path of renewal and progress.
  2. On the second floor, it will not be possible to get away from problems - they will have to be solved, daily proving their importance and competence. Talk less, work more.
  3. Residents of the third floor will have to learn independence, become faster, higher, stronger. Learn to overcome obstacles and you can harden your will.
  4. Those who live on the fourth floor will need the ability to listen and hear others, make friends, or at least just good neighborly relations. Uncommunicative or, on the contrary, overly aggressive and conflicting individuals will be forced to reconsider their communication policy.
  5. If you want to improve your destiny, then, living on the fifth floor, you should not be confined solely to home and family - social activities are shown. And then you will understand what the harmony of life is.
  6. Living on the sixth floor, learn to get rid of all kinds of addictions and try to earn your own living on your own.
  7. The seven-story building has a difficult path of spiritual self-development. You need to try to harmonize your own energy, which will certainly lead to an improvement in circumstances.
  8. The residents of the eighth floor can only be congratulated: they have no serious karmic problems. There is only one bad habit - negative thinking. Learn to have a positive outlook on what is happening, and then everything will be fine.
  9. Nine-story buildings often have the gift of a predictor: it is important to develop it in order to comprehend the laws of the universe.
  10. The tenth floor is simply made for leaders. If you show passivity, unrealized energy will inevitably lead to illness. The only caveat: despite your authoritative position, do not turn on the tyrant - lead people behind you gently and from the heart.
  11. On the eleventh floor, you need to stimulate your brain activity. You don't have to do science, but you must train your mind.
  12. The inhabitants of the twelfth floor can achieve a lot if they take control of their irrepressible temperament. Become the master of your own life and choose the right path.

If we talk about the length of the house, then it is best to choose the middle entrances. Corner flats contain the least amount of total home energy.

Thus, according to Feng Shui, a house is a living organism, the energy of which accumulates inside and dissipates on the sides. But this energy will be with a plus or minus sign, it depends only on you.

Well, now you know which floor is better to live in a high-rise building. However, do not forget that when building new houses, all modern tendencies and building codes, which means that many of the problems we have considered in this article will simply not exist. Therefore, we advise you to rely on your own taste. Happy stay!

The list of all the pros and cons that a person calculates when choosing a home is impressive. In addition to such characteristics as the number of rooms, the layout of the apartment, the distance from the place of work, the recreation park, the price of an apartment is an important component of the height of the apartment.

An ordinary person is interested in the choice of the floor from a purely economic point of view, the waste of time and energy on the ascent or descent. The question is not always in the first place, is it harmful to live on high floors?

In addition to certain disadvantages of living on a high floor, people are trying to find advantages. The number of those who think that it is more dangerous to live at heights from different positions is constantly increasing.

To live constantly at a height is harmful to the general condition of the human body. A dull, lethargic state, apathy, frequent headaches, decreased immunity and much more appear in the body. The causes of all these ailments are a complex of different reasons, not one or two. In some cases, you need to choose the "golden mean". In the presence of specific diseases, lower floors or semi-basements are unacceptable for living.

Why is it worse to live at a height?

What floors are called high and why is it worse to live on them? Construction companies selling built housing above the 7th floor, reduce the price of apartments by 10-15%. To answer the question as to why they are doing this, one should delve into the construction technology in more detail. Research has shown that the main factors affecting life at altitude are:

  1. The electromagnetic field plays important role for the human body, since metabolism depends on it. Electromagnetic charging weakens with altitude, which is why drowsiness and headaches often appear in people who constantly live at altitude.
  2. Radio waves are strongest at altitude. Between floors 9-16, they are especially strong. Radio waves in every possible way negatively affect the human body if the house is made of material that does not prevent their penetration. Therefore, life on the 12th floor is dangerous due to the action of radio waves.
  3. Height itself is a factor of discomfort. Constantly looking from top to bottom is definitely not comfortable, natural for a person. If we recall the frequent problems with elevators, the frequent lack of water, then there is really little comfort in this.

High floors in houses have not only a negative effect on the human body during the period of his residence. They also have advantages.

Advantages of living on high floors:

  1. Air purity at altitude in the city is much higher than below. All traffic dust settles down below. This is only partly, since above 30 meters the concentration of emissions industrial sites increases dramatically.
  2. Relative silence is an advantage of low pitches. Noise is not the least important factor to consider when choosing a place to live in a city.
  3. Lack of moisture constantly rising from the basement of the house up to the 2nd floor. Persistent fungi and mold in the apartment, and hence diseases such as bronchitis, allergies, pneumonia and others become permanent in the house.

Living high has its pros and cons. There are many more disadvantages and harmfulness of living at an altitude.

Does living at altitude affect people's health?

If a person has chronic diseases that are incurable completely, it is very important to choose the right height for living.

People with different kinds with lung disease, it is recommended to stay above 1-2 floors.

Air circulation and dryness are higher here. Spores of different fungi and moisture, which can complicate health less. Allergic diseases that have not occurred before often appear here. Asthmatics in these rooms will practically not be able to live normally.

For a group of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, both the lowest and the highest floors are contraindicated. At altitude, the complication of diseases will be more intense due to the weak electromagnetic field. There is also a lower oxygen level at altitude. IN this case the higher, the more harmful. A high house is definitely not suitable for hypertensive patients.

Constant shortness of breath when walking up stairs is guaranteed for them. It is important for people with this common group of the disease to have access to real life, which is practically not available at altitude.

It will be difficult for people with such a group of diseases associated with the endocrine glands to live at a height, since metabolic processes are far from normal.

Life Precautions on Different Floors

If the apartment is located on the lower floors in the immediate vicinity of a highway with heavy traffic does not make these floors comfortable for living. But on the lower floors, communication with the outside world is maintained.

People living on the lower floors need to constantly follow certain rules: ventilate a shaded apartment regularly;if possible, do not put plastic windows or open the vents as often as possible for better air exchange;wash floors as often as possible;disinfect floors and walls from various fungal spores;if the apartment is in the vicinity of the roadside, it is worth using ionizers, air purifiers.

If the apartment is located on the upper floors, you need to deal with other problems that are unusual for the lower floors:

  • constant air humidification, especially in summer;
  • it is recommended to install a powerful ventilation system that helps to recirculate air - this cannot be done naturally;
  • It is impossible to completely avoid the effect of height, so you need to spend as little time as possible in the apartment during the daytime.

What floor is the most beneficial for the body to live on?

The study showed which floor is most favorable to live on. According to the recommendations of doctors, it is more useful to live in the city up to the 7th floor. At best, between 2-7 floors. Above the 7th there are some nuances, below the 2nd others. The first 7 floors are called "golden floors". It is desirable that the house be of brick or brick-block type.

If the territory where the house is located is a sleeping area without greenery around it, then it is recommended to get out into nature regularly. Ideal housing has specific criteria: low to the 7th floor, a distance of at least 200 meters from a highway with heavy traffic, natural landscapes around the house with trees and preferably a small pond nearby. These criteria for choosing housing in the city are very beneficial for the health of the family. To a simple question, is it bad for your health to live on high floors? It is necessary to answer - yes, it is harmful and we will not live there for a long time.

When choosing housing, you can save money by buying an apartment on the 25th floor, but this will affect health over time, but the choice is for each person.

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