
Find out what came before the place. Do you know what happened on the site of the White House? The best new buildings are low-rise

Signs for the construction of a new house were invented by our ancestors several hundred years ago. It is advisable to observe them in order to live well in this house, and so that prosperity and happiness do not leave you.

You need to start building a new home on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Thursday. This is better days for this. The moon phase that is suitable for this type of work is the full moon. If you follow this sign for the construction of your new home, it will be strong and will last for a long time. And the season is spring or autumn.

You cannot start construction during a leap year, otherwise you will be struck by the misfortune associated with the house. Do not start on Sunday or a day dedicated to the holy martyr.

You cannot work at a construction site every day - rest on Sunday and during church holidays.

The place that will be selected for the construction is playing important role... In no case do they build houses on the site of old cemeteries, otherwise ghosts will disturb. So you can call death into your home.

If you bought two neighboring plots, you can only be glad for you, because you will have a large house and, most likely, you have a large and friendly family. But to put a house on the border of two sites and generally on the border of something is impossible, this is a bad omen.

You can't build houses where lightning strikes. It is believed that the land there is "evil" and the place is "bad."

Do not put a foundation in place of an anthill, this is to quarrels and proceedings with neighbors, high mortality and diseases in the family.

If you are building a house where someone has lived before, be sure to find out about the former residents. If there was a murder on your territory, the site threatens you with problems and the loss of family members. Do not buy material from a building where tenants have suffered constant setbacks. It is also undesirable to live after quarrels and abuse, alcoholics and seriously ill people. As a rule, such problems arise due to evil spirits that simply do not leave their homes.

If you bet new house instead of the old one, make it larger. Otherwise, the housekeeper will not like the tightness, and he can reduce the number of tenants in accordance with his usual concepts of space per person.

You cannot put houses where there used to be a bathhouse, and there was a fire in it. Otherwise, you will suffer from the fire.

Perhaps you will be wondering: is it possible to plant a spruce near the house.

Where the elderberry grows, no foundation is erected. It is believed that it only grows in bad places.

The place where the road used to be does not fit, otherwise all wealth will leave you along it.

The best place to build a residential building is land that has never been plowed. If there is a lot of sunshine and space, it is very good. When the plot is large, or you are building a house in the field, release the cow, and where it lies will be a good place to live. The footprints of dogs, cats and cows also indicate that the place has positive energy.

Signs for building a house - materials

It is common for everyone to save. Building country house- is far from a cheap pleasure, and such a desire is not surprising. Many people buy materials that have already been used. There are signs for building a house that make you pay attention to the materials used.

You cannot take materials from an old house in which there was a fire. The same applies to living quarters in which the whole family died in a mysterious or logically inexplicable manner. Otherwise, misfortune may happen to you.

You can't build a house out of poplar. This is a vampire tree. It is considered as unfavorable as aspen. If you use trees from the graveyard, you will lure death.

Signs for building a house - stages of construction

Only those craftsmen who do not feel dislike for those who will live in this place should be engaged in construction. Therefore, in the old days they always tried to appease the builders. At the beginning of each stage of building a house, they must be treated to vodka and a snack to it.

There are also special signs when laying the foundation of a house. Usually they put incense, some wool and a coin there. Wool promises that no one will freeze in the house in winter, incense protects from evil spirits, and a coin will save you from want and poverty. If you put coniferous branches, you will save the house from lightning strikes.

The girl should lay the first stone in the foundation, then it will always be pleasant to be in the house.

When making a roof, you need to put unopened cones under it to protect yourself from evil forces.

If something is made of logs, they are not laid crosswise, this portends death.

The stove is made for the new moon, then the house will be warm and comfortable even in winter. And when it's ready, leave something for the brownie - bread, milk or vodka.

You cannot smear the house on Mondays, otherwise rodents and other household pests will start.

When the construction is completed, you should go around the house and look at the condition of the trees that surround it. At the same time, our ancestors removed diseased plants without mercy so that their diseases would not pass to the residents.

When finishing work is in progress, there is usually a lot of debris left on the floor. It should be removed overnight. It is believed that at night angels look into houses and give their blessings to those who have cleanliness and order. It also pleases the brownie.

If you have already installed doors in your new home, leaving there, do not leave any of them open.

When your new home is ready, the cat should first be allowed to spend the night before the family moves in to live there. He will scare away all evil spirits, but he will not touch a good brownie if you already have one. For information on how to call a brownie to a new building, read the corresponding article on our website. The brownie plays an important role in the well-being of the whole family.

You should not move to newly built housing in Lent. The best time for this is a growing or full moon, then it will always be warm in the house. It's good to do a housewarming at dawn. If you are going to celebrate this, wait at least three days. In no case should this be done on the day of the move.

Using such signs will greatly help you in your new home. If you follow them, then failures, evil eyes and curses will bypass you, and if you ignore them, then your life can turn into hell.

Signs for building a new house - how and why - all the secrets on the site

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then use the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed from generation to generation in ancient Russia. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defense that works towards your excellence. Read on our website about the choice of amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magic amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally, the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

With the increase in population, people in big cities tend to build as many residential buildings as possible. Buildings built on former cemeteries, is no longer a rarity. Although it is better to abandon the idea of ​​such a construction, because both builders and residents of such buildings may be in danger.

Why not build a house on the site of a cemetery?

Modern settlements are growing rapidly. The number of people is increasing every year, and each person needs his own home. Abandoned burial sites, the territory of which has been empty for a long time, can become a place for the construction of residential buildings.

Many people do not even think about why it is impossible to build a house on the site of a cemetery, and what danger it carries in itself.

The churchyard is the resting place of the dead. Once these people were someone's relatives and loved ones. Each of them had their own destiny. To build any building, especially a residential building, on human bones is at least unethical.

Even if you are far from mysticism and magic, and do not think that your actions can disturb the spirit of dead people, it is still better to honor their memory and not start construction on the place where human ashes rest. After all, such actions can be characterized as vandalism and complete disrespect.

If the construction did take place, then people who are "lucky" to live in such a house will be regularly exposed to the influence of negative energy. There is such a thing as , visiting the churchyard, each of us can feel its influence on ourselves. Someone, upon coming here, has peace of mind, someone feels anxiety, and some - in general, horror and panic fear. But no matter how people feel, few would like to live in this place.

Besides, probably many of you have heard about. Our ancestors, even after visiting the churchyard, thoroughly washed their shoes before entering their house, fearing to bring the earth into the dwelling, which is a powerful artifact. It is used in many rituals of black magic. Throwing earth from the churchyard on the threshold or on the windowsill, you can be spoiled by illness, bad luck or even death.

Therefore, a building built on the site of a cemetery can bring happiness to few people. People living in such houses complain of systematic headaches, weakness, loss of strength, they often have bad dreams, and even see the ghosts of the deceased, whose peace of mind has been disturbed. Such residents are more likely to get sick, they often experience nervous breakdowns, and some even lose their minds, ending their days in a psychiatric hospital.

How is life in a house built in a cemetery?

Any person with psychic abilities, upon coming to such a house, immediately feels the energy of the other world. Sooner or later, the disturbed souls of those buried in the cemetery, in the place of which the foundation of this building was laid, will influence the inhabitants.

This influence can manifest itself in different ways. But in most cases, it does not threaten anything good for the residents. Their life can change dramatically for the worse.

People living in a house in a cemetery begin to get sick, some have exacerbated chronic diseases, others may develop oncology. Mental illness is also not uncommon. In such houses, animals do not take root well, they behave strangely and restlessly.

According to statistics, many residents of such houses become alcoholics and drug addicts. The percentage of suicides among the "cemetery" residents is also high.

During construction, troubles often occur - workers are injured, and sometimes even die under incomprehensible circumstances.

It is regrettable, but it is practically impossible to cleanse a house built on the site of an old cemetery from negative energy.

Ghosts in abandoned cemeteries


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In the old days, much attention was paid to the place for construction. People believed that it was necessary to build a cattle rookery (the animal would not sleep in a bad corner). There were rumors about the impossibility of building housing on the site of the bath (supposedly the diseases of those who washed in it would pass on to the owners), or the road (gate). Disputed plots of land were also considered unsuccessful for the construction of houses.

It was believed that there were ways to test how good a site selection was. Rye was poured into the pits for the posts, then water was placed in all corners and bread was laid. The next day, they checked if everything remained intact, it was considered a good omen. According to other beliefs, it was believed that the presence of ants in the honey left overnight was a good sign. The method that has come down to our times is to check with a twig for the presence of underground waters; houses were not built above the springs.
In ancient times, the house was a place of coming into the world, growing, growing up and leaving the world, so our ancestors approached the choice of the place and materials for the house very seriously.

There are many customs and rituals associated with choosing a place for construction. wooden house... Customs and rituals differ depending on
climatic conditions, the prevailing way of life and national traditions. One thing was constant for everyone - the stages of the beginning and end of the construction of a house were usually celebrated in a special way.
Belarusians in the middle of the 19th century illuminated the place chosen for the house as follows: a square was drawn on the ground at the site of the future house, then it was divided into four parts with a cruciform figure, after which the head of the family walked to all four sides and brought four stones from four fields, which were laid in the centers of small squares. As a result, an ideogram of fertility appeared on the site of the future home, known from the Eneolithic times to embroidered shirts at the beginning of the 20th century.
The Old Believers of the Upper Ob region paid great attention to the choice of a place for a future house, a place under a mountain in a lowland was considered a favorable place: “You also need to be careful, do not put the house where there can be a strong wind, therefore it is best to put it under the mountain in the lowland, and not on the very grief, not in the very lowlands and certainly not in a dark ravine, but in such a place where the house blows with healthy air and cleans everything so that there are no troubles; yes, it would be better to have a place where the sun stands all day, because then worms, if they are born and unhealthy dampness spreads, the wind will blow them away, and the heat of the sun will destroy and dry them. "
In the Middle Urals, people tried to build houses closer to the water. When the peasant was going to build a house, he asked permission from the headman, the main person in the village, and the headman pointed out the place for the future house. Deeply believed in folk signs and customs. The house could not be placed where the road or path passed, as well as in the place where the gate used to be, since it was believed that many different people passed through the gate and some could have an "evil eye".
The Komi Zyryans determined a suitable place for a home with the help of ants. Ants were taken from the nest along with a part of the garbage, placed in a birch bark box and left overnight at the site of the proposed construction. If in the morning there were no ants in the box, then the place was considered bad, but if the ants remained in the box and brought new garbage, such a place was considered favorable for the future home. The place where the house once was was also considered auspicious, people counted on the help of their ancestors.
The Eastern Slavs did not put a house in the place where the road used to be, where there was a bathhouse, where human bones were found, on a disputed plot of land where someone was injured to blood, where a cart overturned, on the site of a house burned down by lightning. The main thing was to find a place with positive energy. The owner of the future house poured heaps of grain in the corners of the future house, and if the next morning the grain was not touched, then the place was considered favorable for the future home.
IN central Russia peasants never built a house in the place where birch trees grew, since the uprooting of birches was considered a sin. Birch was considered to be an energy-giving tree, as opposed to aspen, which takes energy.
“Having marked a place under the hut, after the setting of the sun, secretly so that no one notices, they pour small heaps of zhita (rye grain) in the four corners in the following order: first, they pour a heap of rye where the holy corner of the hut will be, then where it will be the stove, then - where the wall and blank walls converge and, finally, in the door corner, and in the middle between the piles of rye they sometimes put a small cross of sticks. When only that pile of grain that is on the holy corner is disturbed, then the hut can be placed in the chosen place without fear of any bad consequences, because the power of the holy corner overcomes any enemy force ”(Ivanov, 1889, p. 38).
In Podillia, on the site of the alleged wooden house, a dry sheep fleece was placed under the pot, if by the morning the wool under the pot became damp, then the place was considered favorable, the house in this place would be rich.
A lot of proverbs and sayings about home have survived: “What is at home, so is it yourself”, “Your corner - your space”. "My own hut is my mother's mother", "Yard, that city, hut, that we tower", "My house is my fortress", "Houses and walls help", "It would be nice to have a house, but the devil lives in it", "Nice mansions , but no defense "," Though not splendid, but quiet "," Though the house is thin, but the roof is strong. "

Many people know that churches in Russia were erected on the most "fertile" sites, which were carefully selected. Living in harmony with nature and observing it, our ancestors also thoroughly approached the issue of choosing a territory for building houses, so as not to settle in "bad" places or, in scientific terms, geopathogenic zones.
In Moscow, such "bad" zones are located in the so-called "Vetroduya" area (the present Teply Stan), where bans on housing construction have been in force for a long time, in the Luzhniki and some places of Zamoskvorechye, in the Kaluzhskaya Square area and the area bounded by the bend of Moscow - rivers with streets Zhitnaya, Bolshaya Ordynka, Lyusinovskaya, Shabolovka, Krymsky Val, Dubininskaya.
Scientists consider the line of the Riga direction and the surroundings from the zoo, located at the intersection of two geological structures, to the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station, as unfavorable. Residents of Kolomenskoye, Losiny Ostrov, Maryina Roshcha, Tsaritsyn, as well as the "technogenic" southeast of the capital, may experience a negative impact.
The main method for detecting geopathogenic zones, scientists call the method of dowsing (dowsing). "Dowsing," writes Dubrov, "means the ability of a person to determine the presence of any objects, objects in space using a simple indicator-frame or a pendulum-weight on a thread." You can make special frames, or you can use a gold ring. The ring must be hung on a string and the amplitude of its movement must be observed. At the points where it sways especially strongly, it is better not to stay for a long time, and even more so not to put the bed, so as not to be subjected to anomalous influence. Here is the place, for example, a closet.

Today, all progressive humanity will celebrate Halloween, the most "terrible" holiday of the year.

Our material today also has an ominous coloration. We will talk about those districts and quarters where cemeteries were once located. However, as Samara grew, all of them were built up. Where the grave crosses once stood, now there are houses and residential quarters.

Our material will be arranged in chronological order: from the most ancient graveyards to the most recent.

1. Microdistrict Kruty Klyuchi

During the construction of the first stage of Krutyh Klyuchi and the Mega shopping center, at least four burials of ancient Hungarians were destroyed. In 2010, children from the areas adjacent to the construction site brought them to the Museum. Alabina are objects that are usually found in the tombs of the ancient Magyars. The collection of the museum was replenished with a saber, harness details, a knife, bits of bits and 11 iron arrowheads.

Painting "The crossing of Prince Arpad across the Carpathians", artists - Arpad Festi, Laszlo Mednyansky and Ene Barchai

The graves themselves were irretrievably destroyed in the absence of archaeologists by developers who did not pay attention to the burials during excavation work. Or they just didn't want to do it. Since it is quite difficult not to notice not only human, but also horse bones (ancient Hungarians were often buried with horses). Moreover, in ancient Hungarian graves, silver and gold jewelry is quite regularly found. It is possible that not all of the items from the burials made it to the museum.

Where did the ancient Hungarians come from in our area? Back in the 1970s, burials with similar finds were discovered at the 116th kilometer, and in the last decade, a similar burial was found in the Volzhsky district of the region. The fact is that it was on the Middle Volga and in the Urals that the so-called Great Hungary was located. And from here the warlike ancestors of the Hungarians migrated to the territory of present-day Eastern Europe, seriously disturbing the European peoples who lived there.

Migration of Hungarians in the early Middle Ages

It is possible that there are still many remains of people who died in the early Middle Ages under the Koshel houses.

2. Cemeteries of the Samara region (XVI-XVII centuries)

Until our city became "New Orleans" and "Russian Chicago", there was no separate city cemetery in it. Here is what the merchant wrote on this issue in his local history notes Konstantin Golovkin:

“On the basis of the city of Samara, cemeteries existed, as evidenced by the excavations of the bodies of the dead, almost at each of the ancient churches, and therefore there was no separate churchyard for the funeral of the dead.”

Perhaps the most famous churchyard existed during Kazan Cathedral, which was located on the territory of the now demolished valve plant.

Kazan Cathedral. View from the corner of Vodnikov and Kutyakova streets

Peter Alabin in his book "The twenty-fifth anniversary of Samara as a provincial city" wrote that in 1864, during the construction of its Sretensky (southern) limit “They found many human bones in the ground; proof of the likelihood of the existence of a cemetery in this place at the very first time of settlement of Samara.

Among other things, famous statesmen, leaders of the Orenburg expedition were buried at the Kazan Cathedral - Ivan Kirilov and Vasily Urusov... Read more about this.

Traditionally, monasteries also had cemeteries. There were two such in Samara in the 17th century, female and male, named after Transfiguration of the Lord... Their exact location is known only approximately. A purely indicative diagram is given below. The convent area is marked with a green outline.

The article by the historian Andrei Makarov provides information that during the construction (the shopping center "StroyDom") they found more than once. There were such cases in the 1980s. It can be assumed that there was a monastery cemetery here.

Konstantin Golovkin provides the following information: “When arranging a gentle descent to the Volga along Uspenskaya Street(now Komsomolskaya - ed. ) in the area of ​​the Church of Alexei Metropolitan from Naberezhnaya Street and up towards Kazanskaya(now Alexei Tolstoy - ed.) many human bones were found during excavation work. "

3. The first citywide cemetery

The exact time of the appearance of the first citywide churchyard can be dated to the middle of the 18th century. Here is what Konstantin Golovkin writes: "The cemetery was on the present Saratov street, in the area where the mullah's house is, at the Ascension Church that stood there, which was then outside the city."

Let's supplement this information with the memoirs of Peter Alabin: “The Church of the Ascension originally stood on the site where the Church of the Assumption now stands, and, as can be seen from the church chronicle, burned down on April 20, 1765. In the same year, it was built in the cemetery, where the former Slivkov’s house is now, on Saratovskaya Street, opposite the house. mullahs ".

Let's try to correlate these messages with the current appearance of Samara. The mullah's house stood on the site of a three-story stalinka by Pyotr Shcherbachev (25 Frunze). However, the OKN lists give a different address - Frunze, 29. One way or another, the approximate location is clear.

House of river workers on the site of the mullah's house

Now let's deal with the Ascension Church. It was first built in the 18th century at the corner of today's Vodnikov and Komsomolskaya streets. In 1765 it burned down (later the Assumption Church was built in its place) and was restored already on Saratovskaya (Frunze) street, near the cemetery.

In 1807 it burned down again, but again it was restored. To the book "Shrines of the Samara Territory" there is information that in 1813, due to closing the churchyard the wooden Church of the Ascension was moved to its current location on Stepan Razin Street. In 1841, its construction began in stone.

To summarize, let's take a look at the plan for Samara in 1804. Symbols are as follows:

Red line - Cemetery ravine,
red square - approximate location mullah's houses,
red arrow points to territory Church of the Ascension(corner of Frunze and Pionerskaya),
in blue outline - approximate territory the first city-wide cemetery.

With a high degree of probability, we can state that it occupied a quarter within the boundaries of Kuibyshev, Pionerskaya, Frunze and Komsomolskaya streets (closer to the corner of the last two).

4. Second citywide cemetery

According to the development plan of Samara in 1804, Samarskaya and Rabochaya streets became the boundaries of the city. Thus, the first city-wide cemetery fell "inside" Samara, in connection with which a new place was selected for it outside the then city limits.

Here is what Konstantin Golovkin writes about this: “On the plan of 1804, the cemetery is shown outside the city limits, on the right side of the postal road,<…>and located in the current quarter between Predtechenskaya and Samarskaya and Sadovaya streets, occupying 1/2 block to Predtechenskaya street. "

At the same time, looking at this plan, it is easy to be convinced that the cemetery was still between Sadovaya and Leninskaya. A ravine separated the cemetery from Samara Street.

Let's try to transfer its borders to a modern city map. In the red outline of the border of the second city churchyard according to the plan of 1804, the blue oval marks its borders according to Konstantin Golovkin.

There was a cemetery at this place approximately from 1810s to 1830s.

5. Old (Pokrovskoe) cemetery

It was named after the Intercession Cathedral, which now has the status of a cathedral. It was under construction from 1857 to 1861, big financial participation in his fate took Samara Shikhobalov merchants.

But the cemetery appeared here much earlier. It can be found on the city plan from 1839. Then Samara slightly increased in size. The current streets of Brothers Korostelev and Ulyanovskaya became the boundaries of the city.

The churchyard occupied a fairly large area within the boundaries of the current Leninskaya Street, Turgenev Lane, railway tracks and Artsybushevskaya. Next to it we see another smaller cemetery. According to Konstantin Golovkin, it was cemetery of old believers... Here is its approximate location on the modern map of Samara.

The Pokrovskoye cemetery was closed at the turn of the 1850s-1860s, thus having existed for about 30 years. Here was also the crypt of the main patrons of the Intercession Cathedral - the Shikhobalov merchant clan.

Nowadays, most of the Pokrovsky cemetery is occupied by the Dynamo stadium. But do not think that the churchyard was turned into a sports arena after the atheist Bolsheviks came to power. Back in 1867, a garden of the same name was opened on the site of the Pokrovsky cemetery. And already on the site of the garden, the Dynamo stadium was built.

The total area of ​​the Pokrovsky cemetery in the modern version is as follows:

Note the brown rectangle. This is a kindergarten, the construction of which has been frozen due to archaeological research. In October 2016, during the laying of pipes on Leninskaya Street, there were also human remains.

6. All Saints Cemetery

The most important pre-revolutionary cemetery in Samara. For the first time, a place for it was allocated in 1853 year in the amount of 17 acres (18.5 hectares). Four years later, his plan was drawn up by quarters. Then Samara had not yet become a railway center, so most of the cemetery was located on the territory of the current railway tracks.

Here is what Konstantin Golovkin writes about this: "In 1860, the cemetery(I mean city-wide - ed.) was again moved to the place of its present existence(we are talking about the first half of the 1920s) ... But a few years after the formation of this third cemetery, the city again approached, and recently, magnificent buildings of the Orenburg station were erected near its fence railroad, under the canvas of which the contented part of the place allotted to the cemetery departed. "

The station building was built in 1876. By this time, the borders of the All Saints Cemetery "adjusted" to the railway tracks. This can be clearly seen in the city map of 1886. Please note that another cemetery appears on it - the Old Believers' one, located even further from civilization (we marked its approximate borders with a blue outline).

Another interesting section of the cemetery, "protruding" to the railroad track near the station. This site also belonged to co-religion Old Believers, whose church once stood on the corner of Frunze and.

Please note that initially the park to them was not included in the territory of the All Saints Cemetery. Shchorsa. Of his maximum size it reached the beginning of the 20th century, as can be seen on the 1910 map.

As you can see, the All Saints Cemetery has slightly increased in size due to new Orthodox cemetery, which just occupied the territory of the current Shchorsa park. On the site of the largest pre-revolutionary churchyard, a lot of residential buildings with addresses at (with Nos. 106-124 and 125-149).

The Old Believers' cemetery was now called "Different sects and cholera"... Now its territory is occupied by an industrial zone, diluted with two fresh new buildings with addresses on Mechnikova street (No. 3 and 5)... In this wonderful area, sandwiched between two cemeteries and a railroad bed, people even managed to live. This area was called New settlement, but the name is much more common Cemetery.

View of the All Saints Cemetery from Agibalov Street. Left - Konstantinovskaya almshouse (Sportivnaya, 11). Right - All Saints Church

Many famous people were buried at the All Saints Cemetery:

- Evdokia Chaliapin (mother of Fyodor Chaliapin),
- Alexandra Bostrom (mother of Alexei Tolstoy),
- Andrey Khardin (attorney at law, whose assistant was Vladimir Ulyanov),
- Viktor Mamontov (city theater actor who died on stage),
- Mikhail Chelyshev (mayor, State Duma deputy),
- Nikolay Shchors (red commander, "Ukrainian Chapaev"),
- Konstantin Golovkin (merchant, artist, ethnographer),
- Sergei Platonov (famous Russian historian).

In 1926, the All Saints Cemetery was officially closed, although burials continued here until the mid-1930s. After that, the territory was gradually built up. One of the first enterprises located here was the bakery №2, opened in 1933.

In 2013, the construction of the Gudok shopping center began, which is entirely located on the territory of the All Saints Cemetery. Without really bothering, the builders took out the soil with human remains to the Samarka coast, which was discovered by local residents, and at their suggestion, by Samara bloggers.

As a result, construction works were discontinued, and archaeologists began to work at the site of the future shopping center.

7. Cemetery of the Iversky Monastery

There were two cemeteries on the territory of the monastery. Upper (marked in red) next to the Sretensky Church, where the clergy were buried, and bottom, where nuns and lay people were buried for a fee.

As you can see from the diagram, the upper cemetery was quite small and was located on the site regional committee house(Vilonovskaya, 2A). As for the lower cemetery, it was many times larger. Merchants and nobles were buried here closer to Church of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God, people are simpler - closer to the current Vilonovskaya. Among those buried here:

- Peter Alabin (mayor, public figure),
- Alexander Shcherbachev (architect),
- Merchants Nikolai Ivantsov, Alexander Kurlin, Ivan Novokreschenov and others.

In 2006, large-scale archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory of the lower cemetery of the Iversky Monastery.

8. Nicholas Monastery

Another monastery, this time for men. It was located on the territory of the so-called Jewish Quarter (the official name is IV microdistrict of the center).

Nowadays, only two buildings remain from the Nikolaevsky monastery, the former brotherly buildings, where the monks lived. Now it is kindergarten number 391(Osipenko, 12) and administrative building(Osipenko, 10A). The monastery cemetery was located nearby, roughly at the site of a sports ground school number 16.

Among the famous Samara residents buried here, it is necessary to mention the merchant Yegor Annayev and the doctor Nestor Postnikov. After the revolution, the cemetery was closed, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in 1930 was dismantled into bricks, which were used in the construction of the Kitchen Factory.

9. Cemetery of the Meshchansky village

At the height of the notorious famine in the Volga region, another cemetery appeared in Samara. Here is what Konstantin Golovkin writes about him:

“In 1921, the city committee allocated a new area of ​​land for a cemetery on the site of a racing hippodrome outside the city between the road to Chernovka and Smyshlyaevka. A huge area of ​​land was dug on all sides by a deep moat, the work of which was done by the hungry and the unemployed. "

It lasted until the mid-1930s.

He was buried in the cemetery of the Meshchansky village Evgeny Zubchaninov, the founder of the village of the same name.

10. Cemetery on Chapaev Square

For a short time in 1918, the former Teatralnaya Square was called Red, and, following the example of Moscow, they began to bury the fallen fighters against the counter-revolution there. The first was a pipe factory worker Mikhail Stepanov, who was killed by a shot by an unknown person while on duty at the door of the White House (Frunze, 167). The total number of comrades buried in the park opposite the city theater by 1923 reached a dozen.

On the right - a monument at the mass grave of fighters against counterrevolution

In 1932, a monument to Vasily Chapaev was erected at this place. Read more about all those buried in this churchyard.

11. Cemetery of the village Tomashev Kolok

There is no exact information about when it was closed, but most often this event dates back to the 1930s.

12. Hospital cemetery of the Semashko hospital

We pass on to the most interesting chronological segment of our cemetery narrative. The years of the Great Terror and the Great Patriotic War provide fertile ground for the search for the lost churchyards.

One of these, according to blogger Vladimir Nekhoroshev, was located on the territory of the current Molodezhny Park. During the war years, patients of the Semashko hospital were buried on it, who could not be saved.

One of the buildings of the Semashko hospital

Later, in 1948, the local military graves will be transferred to the current Bezymyanskoye cemetery.

The so-called "surgical waste" and unidentified corpses were buried in wastelands, approximately within the borders streets Novo-Vokzalnaya, Stavropolskaya, Voronezhskaya and Cheremshanskaya... When in the mid-1950s a two-story "Village of Masters" (aka "Red Houses", "Town of Builders") began to be erected here, builders ran into very unpleasant "surprises" during excavation work. You can read more about this.

13. Cemeteries of Bezymyanlag

If with the graves of the Great Terror times everything is clear, and they are firmly, albeit without any real evidence, tied to Gagarin's park, but with the cemeteries of the Great Patriotic War, everything is not so simple.

From archival documents it is known for certain that the official cemetery of Bezymyanlag was located on the site of the Mekhzavod... As you understand, there is no exact georeferencing. But the cemetery was really big. So, at the beginning of 1942, the funeral team, consisting of a hundred people, did not have time to bury the dead.

There are much more unofficial graveyards, information about which is available only from eyewitnesses. We consider the most trustworthy information about the cemetery in the area of ​​the current school №73.

The burials were discovered during the construction of house # 160 in the mid-1980s. Here is how the events of the time are described in Igor Kondratyev's blog:

“Of course, excavations have begun. And there everything was mixed up, skulls, arms, legs. I remember well the children, there were many broken, split, with holes. The next day, someone arrived, fenced off with a ribbon, well, and then the construction continued. "

One can only guess who could be buried here, but the same blogger Vladimir Nekhoroshev claims that the Bezymyanlag residential area was located in these parts. However, there is no evidence of this. Continuity is maintained. On the site of the former unnamed cemetery, there is still a morgue, "guests" of which are to the residents of the house opposite.

Text: Andrey Artemov, Andrey Kochetkov(chapter # 1)
Cover photo taken

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Well, with the foundation, why is it clear, but what's so terrible in the garden - don't they bury themselves by meters when digging and planting all kinds of potatoes? po4emu4ka 12-01-2010 02:42 quote: Originally posted by SergeyVS: On this case is the omen not spreading? Any omen works only if you yourself believe in it. If you ask about it on the forum, then you have no faith in this omen, then build calmly and do not worry Yep 12-01-2010 05:56 Moscow therefore there is only one bad place in borders of 1812 "tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing ..." (c) edit log Postoronnim V 01/12/2010 09:54 quote: Originally posted by Nekromanger: ... - Mom, firefighters have arrived! firefighters, the word: "firefighters!" ". Gilyarovsky, of course, was an authoritative and correct writer, but still he wrote about Moscow and Muscovites.

Is it possible to build on the site of a burned down house?

Spinningist34 11-01-2010 18:29 quote: Originally posted by Fyn: judging any place in a fairly old city in the ashes. And not very old, for example Volgograd…. Passer-by 11-01-2010 18:32 Probably just a sign.

I know the building, built on the site of the burned down on the same foundation - it has been standing for 10 years, no one there "got sick" from this. In villages, houses are also often built in place of those that were burnt down (as a rule, they do not burn to the ground, you can use the remaining structures ...).

SergeyVS 11-01-2010 18:55 Nobody burned down at the fire, in fact a temporary hut burned down. It's just that according to the "project" there was to be a bathhouse or a warm winter house later.

Is it worth building a house on the site of the burned down one?

The scorched earth is barren, dead for a long time. The sky qi must nourish the earth qi in order to restore the balance of energies, which is not a quick process. In addition, a fire is usually a grief for the people who lived in this house.

Surely many tears were shed there and people experienced a strong shock and great grief. Why live in a place where the earth is saturated with tears and grief ...? Nothing is impossible in life :) MACTEP Registered: 08.21.2010Messages: 1108From: Moscow-Bridgewater Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:27 pm Ivan B.

I wrote: If we turn to the traditions of the ancient Slavs, then there is information of this kind. There were some rules that were followed flawlessly.
It was impossible to build houses on the site of the former road, for happiness will leave such a house. They have never built houses on land, over the ownership of which there were previously disputes. It was believed that such a house would never be in such a house.

House at the site of the conflagration


In such cases, the decision must be made quickly, because the questions "What to do?", "Is it possible to build a house on the site of the burned down?" and "How to live now?" will arise by themselves. In some beliefs, one can hear that a new house on the site of the burned down one should never be built, because the place of the fire carries negative energy and it will be very unfavorable to live in such a house.

But if we remember the history of our country and think how many houses and cities were burned during the wars, we will understand that not everything is so sad. Despite all the tragedies and fires in the past, our country is developing quite successfully, and people have been living in newly built houses for more than the first generation, and everything seems to be fine.
In addition, in order to build a house, a person will have to invest a lot of both energy and finance.

Are there no houses on the site of the burned down?

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For what reasons, it is impossible to build a house on the site of a burned down house?

Nekromanger 11-01-2010 23:20 quote: what kind of firemen are they? This “firemen” is not a translatable play on words: In Moscow, for a long time, this word was popular, but had a completely different meaning: this was the name of a special kind of beggars who came to Moscow for the winter season with their masters, owners of wealthy estates. The landowners came to the capital to live their income from the estates, and their serfs - to get money, some of which went to rent, into the master's pockets. This was done under the guise of collecting in "burned" places. The fire victims, real fake, came and came to Moscow with their families. Women with children went in sleighs to collect alms with money and junk, presenting certificates with an official seal that the bearers of this were going to collect donations in favor of a burnt-out village or village.

Superstitions and signs when building a house

What area outside the contour of the walls of the burnt house is captured by the qi of the fire? In case you build a house not on the site of the burned down one, but in the immediate vicinity. How can you determine the strength of the active qi of fire, for example, in the case of a burnt attic? How to determine the moment when the energy balance has returned to normal? As for the earth, which is saturated with tears and grief.

They are usually not poured over the ashes. Worse, when people in the house were seriously ill and died, when the place or house was cursed / damaged. Just in case, I apologize if I admit inaccuracies in terminology - the area of ​​these concepts is not too close to me. As far as I know, negative energy fields can be eliminated by contacting the appropriate people. They clean the house / apartment from unwanted energy. I spoke with some of them personally. Certain actions are carried out with a candle in hand.

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Throughout our life, certain events constantly happen to us, pleasant or unpleasant, joyful or sad. When everything is good, we think that life is beautiful and we are sure that there is no reason for sadness and doubt.

But if suddenly some kind of trouble happens to us or our loved ones, then we not only get very upset, but also begin to complain about life, asking “Why do I need this ?!” Of course, everyone may have different reasons for grief: someone's wife left, and someone's favorite pet died. A person will always find a reason to suffer and be indignant.

But what if you have such a misfortune as a fire? Let's say your house burned down and you no longer have a place to live? In such situations, you do not philosophize too much - it is very difficult to maintain control over your emotions while remaining calm.

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