
What is dangerous house built on a former cemetery? Life on the bones was on site at home

In the old days, much attention was paid to the construction site. People believed that the livestock was needed to build (the animal would not sleep in a bad corner). There were rumors about the impossibility of building housing at the site of the bath (allegedly diseases soaked in it will go to the owners), or the road (gate). The controversial areas of the Earth believed to build houses.

It was believed that there are ways to check how well the selection of the site is. Ribs fall asleep into pits for poles, then the water was put in all angles and put bread. The next day they checked if everything remained in untouched by the form, was considered a good admission. According to others, they believed that the presence of ants-good sign left at night. Received to our time, the method of checking the twist, for the presence of groundwater, did not build a house over the sprores.
In ancient times, the house was a visit to peace, growth, growing and leaving the world, so our ancestors approached the choice of places and materials for the house very seriously.

There are many customs and rites associated with the choice of space for the construction of a wooden house. Customs and rites differ depending on
climatic conditions established by the lifestyle and national traditions. One was constant for all stages of the beginning and end of the construction of the house, it was customary to note in a special way.
Belarusians in the middle of the nineteenth century lit the place chosen for the house as follows: the square was drawn on the place of the future at the place of the house, then it was divided into four parts with a cruciform figure, after which the head of the family went to all four sides and brought four stones from four fields that were stacked In the centers of small squares. As a result, the ideogram of fertility appeared on the place of the future house, known from the time of the Eneolita to the embroidery of the beginning of the twentieth century.
Old Believers of the Upper Priobya Much attention was paid to the choice of space for the future house, a favorable place was considered a place under the mountain in Lyunka: "We still need to take care, the house does not put there, where there may be a strong wind, so it's best to put in a mountain in a short one Mount, not in the most lowland itself and not in the dark ravine, but on the spot, where the house has a healthy air and cleans everything so that there is no trouble; Yes, it would be better if the place is where the sun costs a whole day, because then the worms, if they crush and the unhealthy dampness will spread, the wind will spread them, and the solar heat will destroy and dried. "
In the Middle Urals, people tried to build houses closer to water. When the peasant was going to build a house, he asked permission from the elder, the main person in the village, the older also pointed the place for the future at home. Deep believed in folk signs and customs. The house could not be set where the road or a path was held, as well as on the place where there were a gate before, as it was believed that many different people took place through the gate and some could have a "bad eye".
Komi-Zyryan was determined by a suitable place for the house with the help of ant. Muravica was taken from the anthill with a part of the garbage, they were placed in a birch box and left for the night of the intended construction. If there was no ants in the box in the box, then the place was considered bad, if the ants remained in a box and brought a new garbage, such a place was considered favorable for the future at home. A favorable was considered to be the place where the house was once, people were counting on the aid of ancestors.
Eastern Slavs did not put a house on the place where the road was held, where the bath was found, where human bones were found, on the controversial plot of land, where someone was injected to the blood, where WHO overturned, in the place of the house burnt from lightning. The main thing was to determine the place with positive energy. The owner of the future house poured a bunch of grain at the corners of the future house, and if the morning of the next grain was not touched, the place was considered favorable for the future at home.
In Central Russia, the peasants never built a house at the place where birch grew, since Korchevka Berez was believed to sin. Bereza was considered a tree with an energy, as opposed to Osin, which takes energy.
"Estimating the place for the hut, according to the sun, secretly, so that no one notice, pour on the four corners of his small bugs of the life (rye grain) in the following order: first puppy pile of life where the holy corner of the hut, then where will be where The oven, hereinafter, where the causes and deaf wall are converged and, finally, in the door corner, and the small chopsticks of the cross sometimes put in the middle of the bunch of ... When only that bunch of grain is disturbed, which is on the holy corner, then the hut can be placed on a chosen place, without fear of any bad effects, because the power of the holy corner wins all enemy power "(Ivanov, 1889, p. 38).
On the bottomol, on the site of the alleged wooden house put under the pot dry sheep fleece, if the wool washed under the pot under the pot, the place was considered favorable, the house in this place would be rich.
A lot of proverbs and sayings are preserved about the house: "What is at home, this and yourself," "your own corner is your space. "His calka is a native uterus", "The courtyard, that the city, the hut, that Terem," "My house is my fortress," "houses and walls help", "there would be good house, and fucking lives in it", "Good choirs Yes, there is no defense "," Although it is not a magnificent, yes cloud "," at least the house, and the roof is strong. "

Many know that the churches in Russia were erected on the most "fertile" sites that were carefully chosen. Living in harmony with nature and watching her, our ancestors were also thorough and to the question of choosing a territory for the construction of houses so as not to settle in the "Liberal" places in any way or, if we speak by scientific language, geopath zones.
In Moscow, similar "Liberal" zones are located, in the so-called "area of \u200b\u200bthe windy" (current warm mill), where for a long time there were prohibitions for the construction of housing, in Luzhniki and some places of Zamoskvorechye, in the area of \u200b\u200bKaluga Square and the area, limited to the radicon of Moscow -reesels with residential streets, big Ordin, Lucinovskaya, Shabolovka, Crimean shaft, Dubininskaya.
Dysfunctionary scientists consider the line of Riga and surroundings from the zoo located at the intersection of two geological structures to the metro station "Street 1905". Negative influence may experience inhabitants of Kolomna, the Elk Island, Marina Grove, Tsaritsyn, as well as the "technogenic" southeastern capital.
The main method of detecting geopathogenic zones scientists call the method of biolocation (losage). "Biolocation," writes Dubrov, "means the ability of a person to determine the presence of any objects, items in space using a simple indicator-frame or pendulum-cargo on the thread." You can make a special framework, but you can use the Golden Ring. The ring must be suspended on a thread and observe the amplitude of its movement. At points where it swings especially strongly, it is better not to be long, and even more so do not put the bed in order not to be exposed to abnormal influence. Here is the place, such as a closet.

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In the new heading "Unknown Facts" site - the most incredible things about our country, which you do not know. For example, that love the eminent personality, which has become with the favorite actors, you are expected unexpected statistical data and not only

1. And you know that all the favorite song "Happy Birthday, Angel" this year marks 14 years old. It is surprising that the words of this composition Diana Svetlynaya wrote for half an hour. The music story that the Insan Group is performed still remains one of the most beloved. The author of the song and the artist did not expect that it would be so popular, and even "long-lived".

2. Have you suspected that before the National Library? So, until 1980, a number of small single-storey stores were located in the library - book, vegetable and commission. And on the other side of the street, in the circus, there were trading series. Over the ranks before the 1950s existed a flour bazaar. The last buildings of trading ranms were demolished in 1975.

3. It is known that a person can live without food a few weeks, without water about 2-5 days. But no one thought about whether a person could live without sleep. It turned out if a person does not travel in the world of Morpheus within 12 days, he may die. So, dear lovers of dreams, sleep on health. But do not overdo it.

4. It is believed that children are born without a knee cup. But do not panic, it turned out that the knee cups of newborns consist of soft cartilage tissue. And they are not very noticeable on X-rays.

5. Do you know that there was a summer theater on the site of the White House? It was the territory of the Park named after I.V. Panfilova. Summer Theater was open-air and surrounded by greens, accompanied about 800 people. Although, not falling on the speech, could enjoy the work and for the fence. Summer Theater took such high guests like Muslim Magomayev, Zara Dolukhanova, Rashid Babutov and many other world-famous artists.

6. Worldwide, Kyrgyzstan is famous for its highest mountain ranges. No wonder our country is called the "country of heavenly mountains". Alpinists who have risked on the peak of Khan-Tengri, there is a tradition. They leave their message to proof that they reached the top. The message contains its name and surname and the date of ascent. The athlete puts it in the capsule, then he bursts her for the next lucky man who conquered the "bloody mountain."

7. It turned out that the first in the republic escalators and passenger, freight elevators appeared in the new building of TsUM "Aichurk". The building was opened on August 14 in 1974. The discovery has become a big event in the life of the city.

8. Surprisingly, but the fact! Scenario Chicziza Aitmatova To the film "First Teacher" did not approve the director of the film Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. According to Literary Researches, the writer tried to create a dramaturgical version of his sensational story. The director rejected the version of Aitmatov with the words: "This is not a script."

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If you are the owner (ka) of the old house, then you probably thought about who slept in your bedroom long before you, when the last time changed plumbing or why this ghost continues to hide your keys from the car. The investigation into the history of your home is not only an exciting journey into the past, but also the opportunity to know how it was built, and how it should be kept. To study your home history, try the following steps.


    Visit the local court or historical society. They have access to the official serial number of your home. When it comes to earth and property, the most official account is carried out with the help of a completely different system, it is not the address known to you (especially since over the time of the address and the names of the streets change).

    • In the old regions, the registration system of land property, herself may have changed over time. Local, state or district office registering land transactions or local historical societies should be able to find the official number of the plot (or its equivalent) relating to your home. This will help the rest of your research go smoothly.
  1. While you are there, ask a copy of the original building permit. Building permission, usually, store information, it includes the original size of the house, construction dates and costs, as well as the names of architects, contractors, and / or initial owners.

    • Check out the historical society or district court for a copy of the permission.
    • Pay attention to the fact that a small fee may be charged for their services (someone sometimes should look like dust from old archives), yet this is a good price for expensive information contained in these documents.
  2. Dut and get a new copy of the statement about your property. This is a document containing all acts and legal transactions related to your property. This will give you information about all previous owners of your home. You could get this copy when purchasing a house, otherwise, return to the District Court (or print it and bring it with you as a checklist)!

    • Browse the history of the price of purchase prices - sales. Sometimes a significant increase in sales price for a short period of time, means, as a rule, the completion of the building or premises or that a large repair was made. Check the construction permit, which lists the types of structure, construction dates, information, and owner (CAC).
    • If you live in the United States, visit the local or district court to see the land registry. The registry is usually located in the office of the land cadastre or to the Bureau of Records. Ask the registry records for your property.
    • In the US, this information is indexed by the site number and block in the city, as well as on the division of settlement areas and rural property.
  3. Browse the archive of the newspapers of your city. They, as a rule, can be found in the library, although you could experience luck and in a historic society or in the district court, where they will introduce you to the state of affairs at the moment.

    • Look for reference to construction in the neighborhood, previous owner owners, and any ads for the sale or lease with attitude towards your address. If you are lucky, you can even find old photos.
    • Look in the past. The names of the streets and numbers are changed over time, so do not dive so immediately in old records, waiting to find familiar landmarks.
    • Find a suitable time period. If you know, for example, when your home was built or sharply increased in the price, spend an additional thorough search around this event in the sections as "buildings" and "architecture".
  4. Visit the local municipal planned authority. Find an office that issues construction permits, estimates the property tax, or home sales record. They must also have public records relating to your home. Often, old houses can move from one owner to another in will or otherwise the type of property transfer, and these data may not be included in the registry. You can watch topographic maps to find information on the completed or demolished parts of the building.

    • In life, we can only be confident in two things, one of them is taxes, so a great place, to start searching, the appraiser's office of the area subordinate to him will be. The expert keeps accounting the value to be taxed, and there may be taken into account the old estimates describing the house in the smallest details. You can also check the old city catalogs (canceled phone books containing a list of houses at addresses), district history, demographic statistics and population census data.
  5. Carefully inspect your home. You can learn a lot, just watching it. Check out how it was built and what type of building materials was used.

    • Examine the walls and profile at home. Look for initial materials such as fireplace bricks.
    • The design of the house could change dramatically over the years, and you can find some prompts as when your home was built, what significant changes he survived, and what was the income from the initial owners.
    • Try to look under the water tank cover in the toilet. Under the lid, usually, there is a date - stamp that will give you an approximate time when your home was built, as the toilet is supposedly installed shortly after its manufacture. After you finish, do not forget to set the cover back.
    • You can also get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the rooms have long been rebuilt. For example, various styles of cabinets and household appliances in the kitchen, every few years they are popular, then come out of fashion. Brown wallpapers in a Scottish cell or an avocado color refrigerator, 70s shouted louder than a room full disco dancers, singing song Y.M.C.A.
  6. Talk to your neighbors. If you are new (Aya) in the area and want to find out the history of your home, then the old neighbors can help you.

    • Ask them who from previous tenants they know, and whether residents held the repair work they can remember. In addition, ask the neighbors about your home - a great way to melt the ice between you.
    • If they look at you strange and, asking "and you don't know ...?", Run away, not even offering cookies, it means that your old house hides a really interesting story!
    • If you become good friends with your neighbors, you can even ask for permission to explore the structure of their home to get tips about your own. In some areas there are many similar houses built at the same time (the so-called typical houses), or for the purpose of practicality, whether by following the latest architectural trends.
    • For example, according to The New York Times newspaper, the visors over the porch were extremely popular in the 50s and 60s in New York, but now they come out of fashion and many homeowners are trying to remove this "Belmo".
    • After 50 years, homeowners will pay a huge amount of money so that their old house is upgraded by the latest fashion and pleased the eye: a canopy over the porch.
  7. Find the previous owners to find out what improvements were made. Information about the owner can also be obtained by tracing the history of land ownership. As soon as you learned who owned this land to you, find them using the search function on the Internet or take advantage of numerous commercial services available to search for people. The conversation with the former owners will allow you to get a more complete picture of the original state of the house. Of course, it is easier to say what to do, especially if you are looking for the owner (CSU), which (Aya) died (la) hundreds of years ago. In this case, you may need professional assistance in the affairs of this kind. As Marshall McCleuhan said, "means there is a message."

    Explore the history of your area. There may be much more available information about your locality than your home, and it can make a huge contribution to the immersion of your home. For very old houses, which, for example, are mainly found in most European countries, information about the surroundings may be the only information about the early history of the house.

    Collect any information to create a chronological picture of your home. Find out how and when it was built when various parts were added or demolished, as well as what natural phenomena could make their changes.

  8. Think about the use of the metal detector in your yard. Metal detectors are a great way to detect old coins and other artifacts that will be able to add their own uniqueness in the history of your home. You can also find the key from the locked door in the basement where no one ever came into. Although no, wait ... do not enter there ...

    • Use the free services offered on the Internet (for example, the site thatssmyoldhouse.com in English). This site allows people to share information about their old houses and changes made, sharing memories, etc. Free access to site services and search.
    • Try to find photos of your house of past years or houses next door to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe changes that have happened from the moment the photos were removed.
    • If you have to do a lot of copies in state archives or libraries, always ask how much you need to pay for an instance (if there is no cost information).
    • Visit the local historical museum or look for information on the Internet.
    • Look for like-minded people.
    • Use reference rooms and computers to find the necessary information. Look for historical documents and lists of addresses of former owners.


    • Be careful when encroaching on the personal life of the previous owners or their relatives. They may have painful memories that do not want to remember, or simply do not want to be disturbed. Sometimes, it is better to collect information, without binding personally with the former tenants. In any case, respect their desires if they wanted to give you a time to conversation.
    • Be careful when handling fragile, old documents. These may be the only entries available. Protect documents using transparent envelopes for archives (they can be bought in art stores or in needlework stores) and store documents in folders. Folders will be useful in some situations.

"In its publications, developers claim that it is necessary to build housing for about a half - five times more than it was to justify the costs of demolition," explained "Miloserda.ru" Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Union of Moscow Architects on the Town Playing Development of Moscow Mark Gurari. - Then it turns out that in place of five-storey it is necessary to build up to 25 floors. Since there are such typical houses in the 17-22 floors, we mentioned them in our resolutions. "

The bill adopted by the Moscow City Duma prescribes energy-efficient and adapted to the Renovation Program and adapted for small groups of buildings. The planning of apartments in them should be "variable".

Separately referred to the creation of a barrier-free environment: "When organizing input groups in apartment buildings intended for resettlement, in order to provide access for small citizens and creating a barrier-free environment, it should be simultaneously provided: 1) a single level of floor marker: without drops of levels between the vehobically input group and entrances to elevators; 2) minimized drop between the entrance level from the sidewalk and the gender level of the entrance lobby.

In addition, the bill guarantees the residents of the "Improved Finish" of the premises. When the program is started, albums with samples will be laid on the Internet, Deputy Mayor Marat Husnullin promised.

How new apartments may look, describes the "Russian newspaper": "In each of them, a spacious corridor with light finish and isolated rooms.<…> Cable Channels will place in the plinths.<…> Kitchens - with wallpaper light tones with the ability to dyeing. Due to the number of outlets, residents will not arise with the placement of household appliances and kitchen headset. Electric stoves also differ in energy efficiency and increased safety. In new homes there will be separate bathrooms. Bathrooms are equipped with a chrome-plated heated towel rail and access point to engineering systems. They will also have a sink with a mixer and a metal bath with a protective screen and high-quality shower faucets. "

But technical regulations will have to break

The federal renovation bill adopted by the State Duma in the first reading allows violation of technical regulations in the construction of houses for residents of five-story buildings. We are talking about sanitary and epidemiological norms, requirements of fire safety, etc. This indicated, in particular, Galina Khovanskaya.

Stepan Orlov is confident that "all the requirements of federal and urban legislation and regulatory acts related to security and comfort of living in these homes will be observed." "The federal law is not yet adopted, work on the amendments is underway," he noted.

According to Mark Gurari, violation of existing technical regulations is inevitable:

"In place of quarters with five-story buildings, developers will be forced to build a high-rise building, exactly in their place. Imagine how much the illumination of residential premises changes? And fire standards?

Kuznetsov (Sergey Kuznetsov - the chief architect of Moscow) said: We will refuse, maybe from a circular area. Even for nine-story buildings, a circular detour is a faster and efficient liquidation of fires. And Moscow shows us that the danger of fires has existed all life, and it remains. And epidemiological security? Large cities are epidemics, the same flu. And the more densely population, the less air, the weaker the air of stone quarters. "

Specialized houses for disabled?

The Moscow City Dumu comes "a huge number of appeals that residents of the upper floors of five-story buildings are pensioners, people with disabilities - just do not physically enter the street," Orlov said. After the renovation program, they will have a "new quality of life," he believes. "First, in new homes there will be elevators. Secondly, during construction, naturally, the interests of all small groups of citizens will be taken into account from the point of view of accessibility and entry into the first floor, and the approach to the elevator, and the approach to the house, "the deputy explained.

President of the Foundation "City without Barriers" Sergey clean Taste "Milcy" about which proposals are discussed related to the organization of a barrier-free medium with a new building. One of them is "specialized houses, where there is everything under the same roof." For example, "for mothers with children with disabilities there is also a clinic, and the cultural and leisure part, and the sports part, and housing."

"Offer to move to such complexes to create conditions when 90% of time is carried out inside, and there are no barriers," this option, according to clean, is discussed in the ONF.

Stepan Orlov believes that this is not a good idea.

"It seems to me that the whole environment should be available - any residential building, any establishment of culture, health care, education. That is, you do not need to create special ghetto, in my opinion, "he said.

Best new buildings - low-rise

The widespread construction of high-rise buildings in the place of five-storey buildings will lead to a significant deterioration in the ecological state of Moscow, said Mark Gurari.

"Union of architects several years ago held contests, how to reconstruct five-story buildings - with the preservation of the floor, with minimal superstructures, with attic. There were very interesting decisions, "he told. - Abroad and do it.

The Germans take inheritance from the GDR and not only retaining their floors improve them - attach whole mines with elevators, and at the same time with biblocks, and then an additional large bathroom appears in each apartment, but they sometimes even lower the floors to 3 floors. Actually, low-rise construction is the best dwelling, it is to him strive in developed countries of the world.

In the US, for example, in one-two-storey houses lives 85% of the population. "

Sergey Sobyanin, for his part, considers the experience of Germany not too successful. "First, how much you do not reconstruct it, the parameters of this apartment were, so they remain so. And today, the housing that was reconstructed, it does not use special demand in Germany, it is still considered depressive areas. During the reconstruction, the cost of housing was hung on the residents themselves.<…> We offer a project, essentially, social, when residents do not need to pay anything even for the decoration, "he said in an interview with the first channel.

"It is unlikely that in today's difficult conditions, with a deficit in the country of landscaped housing, it is worth demolishing the durable, not yet emergency houses only according to the results of the vote," said Mark Gurari.

The fate of each house should solve a thorough independent technical and economic expertise of his condition, reliability of structures, he believes. This point of view largely shares academician Yuri Bocharov. And for the reconstruction of five-story buildings instead of their demolition, in particular, architects Yuri Ekhin and Alexey Krotov were expressed.

Behind the front facade of the house 44 on the Prospect of Independence begins a gold hill. Once the outskirts of the city, where the house for the elite was built, calmly destroying the old cemetery, and then eliminated the "enemies of the people", having evicted entire entrances. Here the towers sent the noise in the Ministry of Summary receivers, who decided to block the "freedoms" and listen to the "voices", and even a major terrorist attack was preparing. The Village Belarus found out, whether the residents of the house calmly sleep quietly, which became a symbol of not only Evening Minsk.

Text and photos

Elena Selkina

ARCHITECT: Mikhail Barsch

Location: Prospect Independence, 44

BUILDING: 1953–1955

AREA: 16,543 square meters. m.

Number of apartments: 182

NUMBER OF FLOORS: from 5 to 7

SALE: $ 95,000 for 2-room, 160,000 dollars for 3-room, 185,000 dollars for 4-room

Rent for a month: from 550 dollars for a two-room apartment

Rent for a day: 60-120 rubles for a two-room apartment

Quarter instead of the old cemetery

Crossroads of Independence Avenue and Kozlov Street today is in the very center. But at the beginning of the last century, it was the outskirts of the city - the Golden Gorka, where wooden houses were very rarely rarely standing on the street, and an ancient graveyard began on a hill at the hill.

Here were buried people from the XVI century. At one time the cemetery was union, after it became Catholic. When in 1832, the fire destroyed the church on Trinity Mount (now the Trinity suburb), a small wooden chapel on the Golden Gorka became the center of the first Catholic arrival of Minsk, founded in the XIV century King Yagailo.

There are several versions, why the hill is called a gold hill. One indicates that there was an old market nearby. Another - on the stable yards that brought a good income. On the hill among the graves could hide the looted local robbers. And, of course, cemetery trees in the autumn became gold.

There is a beautiful legend of a hill of gold, which the residents of Minsk were collected for the construction of the church of St. Ryha. So the townspeople of different confessions of the saint for getting rid of the terrible cholera epidemic. The cholera cemetery began immediately at Catholic, where now at home at the crossroads of the Golden Gorka and the Red Street.

In 1864, the new church of St. Roch in neo-style style was consecrated and stands for an hour and a half. Most of its history, he was not intended. Already in the 1930s, the temple was finally closed, a revered statue of St. Rohy disappeared from it. The gradual destruction of the cemetery began - construction along Sovetskaya Street reached these places.

The main destruction was waited in the postwar years - the new Avenue of Stalin and the Middle Quarters was created. Houses in Kozlov before the intersection with the street Golden Gorka and on it, the most up to the Red Star, stand on the destroyed cemetery. In the first year, the tenants of the house, which will be called "Evening Minsk", have seen how, after heavy rains, a skull and bones were washed out of the hill to be cut off from the ground. When I was digging a pit under the palace of art, the children from all over the county drove to watch, how to demolish the graveyard. Broken coffins, destroyed crypts, grave slabs were overlooking the city. Everyone was confident that the builders were secretly enriched, because valuable things could be in ancient tombs. The opening of the palace took place in 1973.

Finally, the cemetery was destroyed in 1980, leaving untouched only a small part of the former territory. They took up the restoration of the church: where there were a crypts of his founders, made a wardrobe, the electric body of Czechoslovak production was installed in Apsid, the windows were decorated with stained-glass windows and handed over his philharmonic. The chamber music hall opened here.

Only in 2006 the church and its territory completely returned believers. One of the best bodies in Belarus stands for the altar - concerts and festivals are still held. The scene found by the church was made in architectural compositions. In September of this year, the cemetery returned another 12 tombstones found by Liures in a landfill near Sennitsa.

House with a focusing registration

The first transformations on the Golden Gorka began in 1934. On the square in front of the church at the corner of the Soviet streets and the 1st Dolgobrock (now the construction of a huge house for a hundred apartments for the new elite - the first in Minsk of the home of specialists began.

Architect Natalia McLotsyova - a 25-year-old graduate of the Leningrad Institute - Designed the building so as to close the view of the church. The house was built directly on the slope of the cemetery hill, separating the courtyard of a small retaining wall.

It was an event in the construction practice of Minsk. The first residential building with a six-storey middle part, with elevators (which, though, were not connected) and the basement. The building was a gastronome and bakery. When the rest of Minsk residents juts in communal, specialists were allocated three- and four-bedroom apartments.

The house of Soviet, 148 was populated in 1936. The architects of Arkady Breman and Alexander Warinov lived here, writer Zirmrok Biadul, the poet of Isi Harik, the first People's Artist of the BSSR Vladislav Dobyk and many others - academicians, artists, military and party leaders.

When, in 1937, Alexander Chervyakov and other "responsible workers" who committed suicide, carried to bury the military cemetery on the 1st Dolgobrock past the windows, most of the tenants have already waited no less terrible fate, which decades can be reduced to a short note: " Shot. Rehabilitated.

At the end of September, Vladislav Dobyk was shot, in a month - Izi Harik, when from 29 to 30 October 1937 in the basements of the NKVD prison in Minsk in one night, about 130 dealers of Belarusian culture were eliminated. After 80 years, their poems sound again songs in the project "(not) Upset Paezia" performed by Dmitry Vtytyushkevich and Svetlana Ben.

For two years of repression, most apartments have repeatedly changed the owners. In 1938, the 64th for incomplete three weeks changed four tenants. The house inhabited "dead souls", the printing house did not have time to reflect changes in address books.

The house with bad apartments did not stood and seven years. During the airline in June 1941, the quarter was practically aligned with the Earth. The ruins of the professionals at home opened a view of the Church of St. Ryha. The house opposite (now independence, 43) was lucky more - he survived and even hit the pages of the MINSKER Zeitung fascist newspaper as an example of typical Soviet housing. After the war, he was called the house of scientists and writers - Zirmrock Bogadul and Yanka Bryl lived here, the dynasty of outstanding doctors, actors, ballerina, translators.

The house inhabited "Dead Souls", Typography did not have time to reflect changes in address books.

The poetess Natalia Tatur was born in the 43rd house and remembers that while the architects decide to be in the place of the house of specialists, in the structure of the opposite, fear was still in front of: "Nobody lasted the children to sleep until two o'clock in the morning. We had a communal apartment - the neighbors came to us and dreamed about it, they told the jokes, and on me, who was sitting under the table, no one paid attention. Suddenly everyone was silent, and silence was ominous. Outside the window was heard a distinct sound rising to the house of the car. Chlo the door of the entrance. All pale. They tried to guess that it was for the entrance to the account. The atmosphere at the table was becoming more busy. Everyone passed on the whisper. From the entrance, someone was displayed - again the door of the car arrived. Silence has risen. Again the door of the entrance. What? It seems the third. The next is our. Again slaps the door of the neighboring entrance. The car starts and leaving. "Lapanka" - so called these arrests - today ended. Now you can go to bed. Tomorrow everything will start first. "


The ruins of the house of specialists stood until 1948. In the same year, Professor Mikhail Barszch was dismissed from the Moscow Architectural Institute, accused of cosmopolitanism. Having enlisted support in Minsk, the architect came to Belarus.

"The city looked terribly, the center is solid ruins from bricks and rubble. From under a bunch of broken brick and rubble, in some places, the pipes are sticking out of the tails, of which goes smoke. Newly built houses and some preserved strangely stand out against the background of general destruction, "the first impressions of Minsk were such.

When in 1950, they decided to build a new house for 200 apartments for workers and employees of the radios supply in 1950. Molotova (now Minsk instrument-making plant), the project was entrusted to Mikhail Osipovich.

The architect studied the estate, the ancient temples and old painting in museums and embodied ideas in the style of Stalin's amp. The struggle of "constructivists" and "decorated", to which Mikhail Barzch belonged. Building a house 44 According to Stalin Avenue, it was completed in 1955, and despite the fight against excesses, the front facade was exactly what he thought.

The house of impressive sizes and broken configuration seems to be made up of several buildings. Initially, the entrance to the colonnade at the level of the two upper floors occupied the hostel of the plant. Evenings on the workshops were suitable dancing. In the mixing room was a kindergarten. On November 1, 1967, the editorial office of the new newspaper "Evening Minsk" was drove in the corner entrance and does not change its address for half a century. The house 44 is not only on the avenue, but also on the newspaper logo, receiving his own name from it.

Gradually, a scientific and creative intelligentsia settled in "Evening Minsk". But in the world again it was restless - the cold war went down and the ranks of dissidents were replenished.

Two towers

In order for citizens to listen to foreign radio stations at night, the USSR leadership in 1949 decided to "join" foreign propaganda. The country was launched a network of noise and noise transmitters.

Minsk "Muffler" hid in the courtyard 44 houses - two Stater Iron Towers with four-fledged antennas. Not everyone was ready to put up with it. In 1963, Minsk student Sergei Khanzhenkov, a demolution in the specialty, prepared an explosive suitcase for a hate radio station. He spent his ten years in the strict regime in Mordovia camps, next to other famous dissidents - Sinyavsky, Daniel, Ginzburg, and then returned to Minsk.

Sergey Gangzhenkov willingly talked about the unfulfilled hopes of the correspondent of "news": "There was a thought - to blow up the" muffler "! God forbid, no blood! Pure demonstrative act. Just once in the evening, thousands of people are familiar to the receivers, and the air will be clean. Be sure to come talk: blew "silencer"! And what is the "silencer"? Why is it generally needed? And the people will start. "

They stopped joining only during the restructuring times. At the beginning of the 90s, one of the towers were dismantled, an antenna was changed to the second, adapting to the transmission of cellular signaling signals. In the 44th house, new tenants were entrusted, who did not suspect that in the yard - the very object number 3, who wanted to blow up.

"I do not know another place where it would sleep so calmly"

Nina Nikolaevna

Acquired a four-room apartment on the Avenue Avenue, 44

I was born in Leningrad and some part spent there. I really like that Minsk is so similar to my hometown. This is not surprising, because it was built by Leningrad and Moscow architects.

In Leningrad we had an apartment with high ceilings in a beautiful house. All the best - comes from childhood, so in Minsk I liked the apartment in such a sign home, I acquired it 25 years ago. Impeded three families at once - and mom with dad, and more relatives. We are all invited. Like all parents, dreamed of living with their children. The daughter said that he would be with us, and more years, naturally, changed his mind. Now we are two with her husband in a Staterome apartment too spacious.

When they did a repair, I came up with and coordinated a rather radical redevelopment, but small details, an authentic stucco on the ceiling, of course, left. All stucco is restored, we called the wizard from the film studio. Walls also squinted with plaster, not plasterboard, as they do now. When they changed parquet, updated lags. They tried not to move away from the technologies for which the house was created.

By this time I managed to live in Europe, see how space is organized there. We combined the kitchen and living room. At the expense of the corridor, which previously led to the kitchen, expanded the bathroom and even found a place for the second small bathroom. Two adjacent bedrooms were divided - now in the bedroom and the office lead their doors. Redevelopment made an apartment convenient for us.

Previously, I worked and rented housing in Europe - in Italy, Austria - it's easier, probably to list the countries in which I was not. From Venice, for example, brought the same picture. In love with this city, he also reminds me of Leningrad.

The design of the apartment came up with herself. The first acquired a white kitchen with Emerald Venetian glass and the whole interior began to do in white and green. The furniture is brought from Italy, because in 95 there was no such thing here, double-glazed windows - from Poland.

It is important for me to be one large room that unites all. And at the same time everyone could retire in its space, close the door behind him and work or relax. I do not understand the fashionable desire to put the TV to each room - enough and one in general, and in the bedrooms you have to sleep. And I must say that it sleeps very well here.

I was never disturbed by the proximity of the cemetery. It seems that after the war in the center of Minsk there is not a single place built not "on the bones", because during airlineal members under the ruins, people also died. But this place next to the church, naughty, a special atmosphere is felt. On weekends, beautiful couples are crowned under the wonderful ringing, the sound of the organ is heard in the evening. We have a parquet of ash, before the floors were made from it in churches - jokes jokes, and perhaps it also guards our calm dream.

My parents also moved a lot from place to place, his father was a serviceman. He should have been transferred to Belarus, and I went to enter the BSU, but in the end they sent it to another place. I stayed in Minsk, then got married. He graduated from graduate school and defended her thesis already in Moscow. Engaged in molecular virology and traveled a lot like a real Cosmopolitan.

In 1986, first went to America. I was a member of the board of society of Soviet-American friendship. Just in Reykjavik Gorbachev, a cooperation agreement was signed, and the next morning we flew to New York. Abroad, I have never been - I tried to keep the brand. We were supervised by American doctors: there was also an uncompetitive removal of kidney stones, and in vitro vitro.

I remember how in Soviet times could not be in line with an apartment. We lived in a one-room next to the mosquito: with a living area of \u200b\u200b20 meters, and according to a standard 6 meters per person, surplus were obtained. Candidates of science relied the office, but since he was not in the apartment, he was not taken into account. When it became possible to buy housing, we chose this option.

This apartment is unique. There are only six such in a huge house - they start from the third floor right above the arches, which connect the side five-storey parts of the house with the seven-story part. In the middle there are elevators made in glass erkers, and we have only a staircase, and climb the fifth floor is not easy.

Neighbors are very good, intelligent. There are many shops in the house, across the road "Ocean", Tsum nearby. Stopping transport right under the windows, in 15 minutes you will reach anywhere. Minsk residents love to joke about the subway: "For the first cars, this is the Square of Yakub Kolas, and for the latter - the" Victory Square ".

Now temporarily put an apartment for sale together with the entire situation, and so I do not want to part with it. But so big we no longer need. Children left, and my husband and I spend more and more time in our country house. I like to live in the center of Minsk - here girlfriends, life boils, but my husband is comfortable outside the city.

It would be good to buy a two-room apartment in the same area, bought a soul to him. A small, in the house with elevators to live comfortably. It is so curious to know that it will build "A-100" on the site of a trolleybus depot. You at the Village find out as soon as possible. According to the plan should build houses in the style of Stalinok.

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