
Overview of financial pyramids. New financial pyramids are tipped by sapphires and iPhones. Why not take part in financial pyramids

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation two years ago appeared new articleAccording to which the responsibility is provided for attracting money to the so-called financial pyramids and the property of citizens who receive dividends or interest exclusively at the expense of new participants. During? Late!

According to the law, clarifies, for attracting funds in the amount of more than 1.5 million rubles to the "Pyramid" organizers faces a million penalty or imprisonment for up to 4 years. If the amount exceeds 6 million rubles, the violator is waiting for a tougher punishment: forced work for up to 5 years or imprisonment for up to 6 years, as well as a fine up to 1.5 million rubles.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 2015 the damage from the activities of only financial pyramids identified in the country exceeded 22 billion rubles, which is comparable to the annual budgets of some subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition, in the first half of last year, law enforcement authorities conducted a consequence of 202 relevant criminal cases initiated by Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Fraud").

Almost until today, the organizers of hundreds of financial pyramids in Russia feel quite comfortable. According to experts, the cumulative profit of the office, deceiving the money attracting the money, exceeds the incomes of many banks from the first hundred. But, despite the fact that it is almost once a week, and sometimes more often in the country "collapses" the next "pyramid bubble", naive frothies are still not translated.

According to the National Agency of Financial Research held by the last summer, the annual survey, only 27% of Russians were able to determine fairly to accurately, which is a financial pyramid. And, according to Nafi, this disappointing figure is practically not changing from year to year over the past 7 years. That is, it turns out that about a third of our fellow citizens do not read the newspapers, only entertainment shows are watching on TV, they did not hear about Mavrodi, and they are ready to run the head and invest money anywhere and anything, if only the percentage on the contribution was more!

Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me, "I myself deceive gladly ..." - admitted in his time in love for a woman Alexander Pushkin. Now the times have changed, people moved to prose and, in conditions of severe economic crisis, the end and edges that are not visible, are increasingly recognized in love for money, to live normally, you want more and, preferably, by type mmm, then you mean to free and fast.

First financial pyramid

We perfectly understand what they can be deceived, and still risk, believing in large percentage Profit and that catastrophe will be passed. At the same time, there are always people who, remaining in the end of a broken trough, begin to be sincerely indignant that they are taki. Interestingly, such "inflated" for the entire existence of the infamous financial pyramids - millions and millions.

Carlo Ponzi.

After all this species "Business" invented by no means. He only took advantage of the idea, the author of which the Italian emigrant would be considered to be 100 years ago in American Boston. It was in him (I don't want to speak lightly) head for the first time a criminal scheme of deception of the wide masses of the population with the help of bringing them to the general "pyramid construction".

The Machinator was quite actively based on the fact that he guaranteed its customers the highest profit - 50 percent in 90 days, while not investing the money received somewhere. All the "investments" of the company were that the second client who came to Poncy's company received income from the money invested by the first client, the third one with the second money and so on. Naturally, the depositors about this simple to disgrace did not suspect the scheme, therefore, from those who wanted almost in the blink of an eye, there were no extraction rich.

Millions of ordinary (and not only) Americans carried tens, hundreds and thousands of dollars in the office of Ponci. At the same time, those who brought money for three months earlier, could pick them up, but did not take them, put them in the second round. This was the first large financial pyramid in the world, as a result of the activity of which Carlo Ponzi enriched at the expense of the reserved depositors by almost $ 26 million.

Financial pyramids in Russia

The creators of the current financial pyramids did not invent anything fundamentally and in the same way "plunge" suckers, like Ponzi 100 years ago. "Give", naturally, only until the number of depositors ceases to increase either the machinator themselves do not decide that everything is time to "make legs".

In any case, numerous rains that believe in the mythical field of miracles and perceiving the deft authors of the Pyramid-Buildings are no longer as "business partners", and not otherwise as some evil geniuses that use the gullibility of the people. Of course, it is all. However, if you look at the other hand, it is impossible not to take into account the impassable nonsense of the "depositors" themselves, which pay for real money their naive illusions.

According to law enforcement officers, as well as lawyers who defeated laws in the courts of deceived, rubles "the shelters of light money" gives a person himself. By the power of them
He does not take away from him, the gun to the temple or the knife does not stick to the throat. Rules are well and long known, the main thing is to be in them. And if they are completely satisfied, call someone an evil genius - absurd! What "shook you," is first of all your personal choice!

As you know, MMM's creators seem to have already distant 90s of the 20th century managed to attract into their numerous cash registers, open literally in every city of the country, 15 million depositors! And after the Lenya Golubov disappeared from television screens, hundreds of thousands of them began to unsuccessfully storming at first the representative offices of "People's"
Companies, and then the courts, feeding in them meaningless claims. Dozens of people who have inserted not only money in Mmm, but also apartments, cottages and even the last briefs, becoming homeless and losing the job, reduced bills with life. It was the largest and most successful (for the creators) "Pyramid", which was in the history of modern Russia.

New financial pyramids

However, the sacred place is not empty, and with a drop of Mmm, the "Hoper", "Chara", "Tibet", "", "Russian House of Selenga" appeared, "Khoper", "Russian House of Selenga" and others who continued the "case" of Mavrodi. It is clear that the beginnings of the new "great combiners" should also continue for a long time. But after they announced their bankruptcy and closure, hundreds of other companies, firms and firms began to actively attract to "mutual" cooperation to the development of the "endless and immense field of miracles", which began to actively attract Russian countries to "mutual" cooperation.

Valentina Ivanovna Solovyov paid for the roof from the pyramid huge money in the publication of the Podolsk criminal grouping

The leaders of these organizations, the sciences of the bitter experience of predecessors, now they will not be "glow", advertise themselves in the media, and the new customers are found mainly due to network marketing and at any convenient case they declare that they have no relation to "pyramid construction" . At first glance - it is. The same
Modern civil and consumer and simply credit cooperatives exist quite legally and in their activities rely on the law on credit cooperation. However, according to experts, the main danger to depositors proceeds from these incomparably generous organizations offering truly fantastic interest on deposits.

"Cooperatives" today Pond Prudi in any region of the country. Some, only recently opened their offices on the reception of cash, while regularly pay dividends to their customers. Other, where management suddenly stopped responding to calls and left in an unknown direction, investigative and judicial authorities. So, B. Perm Territory The court did not have a conviction of the director of Ltd., the firm of which in the city of Tchaikovsky took money from the locals with the promise to pay high interest on them every month.

However, no investment, construction or other business activities have led, and with subsequent clients were calculated due to moneyobtained from previous customers. Part "Navara" at the same time, naturally, settled in the pocket of the organizer of the next "financial pyramid". As a result, about 4 million rubles kidding gullible citizens came under the court, who sentenced him (still under an article for fraud) to 6 yudam colony of the general regime with a fine of 110 thousand rubles.

Financial scams

On the queue litigation In a criminal case, initiated against the management of the so-called investment company from Chuvashia. Local investors attracted the "partners" money, concluding loan agreements under 79 percent per annum! What projects were investing money to get such a huge profit, numerous depositors were understandable, did not think. They were interested only to the prospect of increasing own capital in a short time. As a result, another PSHIC happened. According to investigative bodies, from the actions of the Invest Company only in Chuvashia, at least 1,000 people were injured, overnight more than 100 million rubles.

In addition to the above cooperatives, the so-called venture capital or innovative enterprises, as well as a number of different construction funds, and a number of different construction funds are engaged in the population of money from the population. They all start their work within russian legislation And for some time fulfill the obligations assumed. Therefore, according to representatives of the authorities, "to argue that their activities are aimed at making a profit by illegal, until the victims are not very difficult."

However, "Day B" (from the word "bankrupt) sooner or later still comes, and, as quite often, in such cases, it happens, deceived depositors make" round eyes "and begin to prove in courts that they did not know anything, and demand Return their money. Let even from the state budget!

Meanwhile, the Bank of Russia appealed to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office with a request to deal with the activities of the metropolitan company with all the "signs of the financial pyramid", which under the sign of "preferential repayment of loans" on the Internet offers its customers to make a loan and invest money in the "high-profitable business" under 400 % per annum !!! As a result, as the company's management states, the investments of citizens will allow them as soon as possible "return the body of the loan and stay with interest income."

Mikhail Adam

Reading time: 5 minutes


The financial pyramid is a monetary scheme, and the profit here is achieved through the constant attraction of fresh investors, and not by investing in the assets that bring revenue. For its monetary prosperity, the pyramid produces securities, as they are the most liquid and very convenient tool. If the size of the infringement of finances into the system is less than the amount of income payments, then we are talking about the pyramid.

Signs of financial pyramid

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monetary scheme in France and England in the seventeenth century was born. In Russia, she first appeared in the 90s of the last century.

Signs of financial pyramids

  • Illegality (lack of a license).
  • Hiding financial information.
  • Redistribution of funds between project participants.
  • The need to pay an entrance fee.
  • Earnings of the project participant, registered earlier, are always greater than that of the downstream.
  • Guarantee payment of fixed percentage.
  • The place of registration of the company is somewhere on the islands.

8 well-known financial pyramids on the Internet

Consider the most common monetary mechanisms operating on the Internet at the present time.

  • Mmm (founder - Sergey Mavrodi)

The most mass pyramidal company became MMM JSC. The idea began to unwind through advertising in the media. The monetary mechanism is rapidly developing at the expense of the promises of the joint stock company to pay huge dividends.

The founder of the project, Sergey Mavrodi, turns into a leading entrepreneur of Russia. Shares take off in price from 25 to 125 thousand rubles per unit, people hurry to acquire them. About 15 million people become depositors. The system is collapsed in 1994. For the action, people are already paying 1000 rubles, and not 125 thousand.

Sergey Mavrodi is arrested. However, after a week a new pyramid appears. The story is repeated: the shares are growing, falling, points are closed, shareholders are panic.

  • Financial Group Legion

FG "Legion" is an international consortium of companies. Capital management is carried out by attracting investments, while funds accounts for bank accounts with AA-AAA rating are used, which are part of the world top 25 (WER).

The financial group uses the PRP Placement Program Program (private placement programs), guaranteeing monthly interest payments according to the tariff plan for all investors. Interest is paid from accounts of legal entities.

In the "Legion" there is an affiliate program, due to which an investor receives a percentage of attracted capital. There is also income without its own investment.

  • Financial group yes

Financial Group "Yes!" - This is an association of a number of companies specializing in various directions. financial activities. The group consists of two organizations:

  1. "Yes! Invest", whose monthly income when investing the money exceeds interest rates on standard banks. Per month net income financial Group is more than 27%.
  2. "Yes! Credit" - the loan can be obtained in 30 minutes at 2% per day.

Cash provided by depositors "Yes! Invest" invests in "Yes! Credit" and in other reliable high-yield business areas.

  • Rostfinance Perm.

LLC Rostfinance (Limited Liability Company) is registered in Moscow and works in all regions of the Russian Federation. The company provides entrepreneurs step-by-step instructions on business launch.

"Rostfinance" since the opening of the business by the Client assumes legal support and produces free training of personnel. The company for 5 days helps the entrepreneur to open an office, while the average payback period of the business is 45 days.

LLC Rostfinance Perm contributes to the repayment of the loan on the conditions favorable for customers. Provides financial and legal services: credit broker, payment of loans in any bank of Russia, correction and challenge credit history, Legal assistance "Anti-Collegetor".

Qnet (QuestNet, Quest.net, Qi) hit Russia in 2010 from Southeast Asia, her headquarters in Hong Kong.

QNET activities - e-commerce: sale of personal hygiene products, food additives, turputevok, energy-based biodys.

The cost of products on the site is not specified, but at a personal meeting, employees explain to candidates that each of them should buy from the company of goods in the amount of 60-80 thousand rubles. The client who invited another person receives $ 200. All calculations go through the Internet wallet.

All signs of the financial pyramid

  1. Intrusive adware.
  2. No documents.
  3. Incomprehensible schemes.
  4. Promise quick and high earnings.
  5. Contliminate goods and starting contributions.
  • Financial Pyramid Zeus

The ZEVS business incubator is a business school, a legal project registered in Ufa. The number of participants exceeds 40 thousand people.

Each investor contributes to 10 thousand rubles, the co-investor - 500 rubles, the project participant - 200. Its services and goods ZEVS sells via the Internet.

The project has passed international certification, has an HTTPS protocol and protection against DDosters.

  • Financial Pyramid Crocus

The Crocus Financial Group uses schemes for attracting money and lending, similar to those used by the company "HerProm" recognized by the financial pyramid.

Group products - microcredit and "co-financing" of loans.

In fact, the following happens:

  • the client refers money to the firm;
  • crocus makes no more than three payments in the bank and disappears along with money;
  • the Bank submits to the borrower to the court and does everything hesitate from him that is obtained by the growth of interest and penalties.

The essence of the scheme is that customers are offered to repay the loan for a certain percentage (24-81%), depending on the amount of the debt and the validity period of the loan.

  • Financial Group NBF Pyramid

The company "NBF" is called "Business Independence" and attracts investors' money under 60% per annum. The NBF is "NBF" of two parts: a microfinance organization and a collector agency.

Money in the company is attracted through a loan agreement on their collector agency.

The decision to invest or not in some particular project, each of us takes itself!

Evaluate Article. -

Currently, it often happens that Bitcoin is the most that neither financial pyramid with all the ensuing consequences. But is it? Let's try to deal in the case, making your list about the sensational and stunning financial scams of the last century. The most famous financial pyramids from history are presented below.

It is no secret that not so long ago, the Central Bank of Russia hung on the above-mentioned cryptocurrency label of the financial pyramid. Motivation of this solution is easily viewed in the comments of officials from the Department of National payment system Bank of Russia. According to them, it is justified by the speculative nature of the transactions. Say, with bitcoins work not only aimed on light money speculators, but also paying meant profit people. In comparison with various kinds of securities, the provision of this cryptocurrency is observed only in relation to the time spent by man on its "prey".

Definition of financial pyramid

So, how do financial pyramids work and what kind of company can you call? Under this concept there is a company that retrieves income and provides dividends for its depositors exclusively by continuous receipt of new monetary deposits. The pyramid mechanism is simple - the income of the first investors comes from the contributions of the following organizations of the organization, those in turn, from the following and so on. In the absolute most case, the founders of the pyramids hide the main source of its income or make it false. The destruction of the financial pyramid occurs due to the cessation of the receipt of new contributions.

Does it make sense to consider bitcoin financial pyramid?

In contrast to the financial pyramid, Bitcoin does not guarantee fund holders large profits. In fact, this cryptocurrency is just convenient tool By storing money and pay for various kinds of services and goods. Bitcoins have their own software and special properties, among which the lack of inflation, the anonymity of the depositors, the decentralized nature of the activity, the garbage value money transfers. As for the financial pyramid, its founder traditionally promises to depositors high profits, but the very essence of the pyramid does not provide for a long viability, which deprives the investors of the incarnation of profit guarantees.

For greater clarity, we remember the nine largest and devastating financial frauds of the last century.

1. Ponzi's scam

One of the creators of large-scale financial pyramids is considered to be a fraudster Charles Poncy. In the distant 1919 year, an enterprising Italian sinker, thanks to his observation, developed a scheme for the dismissal of people. In one ordinary, it would seem, the day he brought him a letter. In addition, in addition to paper with text, there was an international walking coupon. Such convictions could be swapped on the brand and send a response letter to the addressee. An employed fact - on the territory of the Old World for such a coupon, they gave one brand, and in the USA - six.

Pretty observation, Ponci founded the company in Boston, which called "SXC", focused on the purchase and sale of goods in different countriesand began to actively call depositors. Investors' Interest Scatter supported by the ambulances to pay 150% of the invested funds after 45 days. Naturally, such attractive conditions could not help but cause increased interest among the inhabitants of Boston. The process went.

In fact, Ponzie did not acquire exchange coupons, but acted in the already classic tactics of the financial pyramid for the current times - old depositors received money new, already in July Charles received about $ 250,000 on the day. Nevertheless, after a month, federal agents came to Ponzi, they checked his activities and eliminated the company as a financial pyramid. Long-term court proceedings led to the fact that Ponzi returned to depositors a part of the money, but two million dollars as if dissolved in the air.

It's funny, an Italian sinister received only five years in prison.

2. Pyramid Dona Branca

Its large-scale pyramid existed in Portugal, and its founder is a woman, everyone preferred her to call Don Branka. In 1970, an enterprising lady for enrichment opened own bank. To attract depositors, she promised each of them a decade-free monthly rate. Naturally, such profitable terms For quick financial growth, they could not not seduce thousands of people of different intake from all over the country. For a long 14 years, the Financial Pyramid of Dona Branca lived and heard, the woman herself was the nickname "People's Banker" by that time. However, in 1984, the pyramid took place in 1984, which turned the arrest of Dona Brranki and the conclusion of her in custody for a ten-year term. She spent the rest of his life alone.

3. "Double Shah"

The scheme has no reference to chess. Shah is the surname of the teacher of the Higher School Salad Shah from Pakistan. In 2005, a chain came to his native Wazirabad from a long service business trip to Dubai and somewhat sorrified the neighbors about the information that the trip gave him the knowledge of the innovative stock exchange program. Say, if you follow this scheme, you can double your savings in seven days. The selected fraud mechanism (doubling savings) lay down the name of the scheme.

Starting with gullible neighbors, Sed Shah turned its activities throughout the state. Within a year and a half, the fraudster received more than 880 million dollars from 3,000 investors and seriously thought to nominate his candidacy for the post of political leader of the region. However, the law enforcement authorities confused his cards, making a quick arrest. Interestingly, even the publication fraudulent schemes A furist did not make faith in him from the deceived depositors. Thousands of investors, their relatives and friends staged mass street demonstrations, calling to let go of Shah to freedom. However, it is still in imprisonment to this day and the investigation in its case is in the active stage.

4. Lou Perlman and its scheme

Lou Perlmann's name may not say anything to the absolute majority of readers, but everyone probably heard if not music, then at least the names of the groups he created. We are talking about those popular in the 90s "Boys-bands" as Backstreetboys and 'Nsync.

Nevertheless, in the United States, Perlman became known thanks to dark cases, namely, by his financial scheme, which brought him 300 million dollars. And everything is exclusively after the deception of various investors and banks! Lu Perlman started his criminal activity in 1981, when he founded more than ten different clauses of organizations, which were only letters on paper. However, for 20 years, Perlman has successfully implemented a share in its "lime" companies!

All the secret becomes clear, and as a result, the criminal scheme Lou Perlman was revealed. A challenge attempted to leave the United States, but it was caught and gave 25 years in prison with a fine of 1 million dollars. Moreover, initially the punishment was much more stricter, but Perlman agreed to cooperate with the court and recognized his crimes. Does the joke, from Lou fraud suffered more than 250 individuals, deprived of two hundred million dollars, and 10 financial institutions that suffered losses in the amount of one hundred million.

5. European Royal Club

In 1992, the chance of Hans Shpakhtholz and Damara Berges with aplomb announced the creation of a non-commercial association, the purpose of creating a noble rush to stretch the hand to the help of small business and the creation of an alternative to large banks in Europe. Fraudsters proudly called their brainchild "European Royal Club".

According to the financial scheme of Shpakhtholz and Berges, people who wish to become members of the organizations were obliged to acquire for 1400 Swiss francs the so-called "letter", which in its essence was an action. The owner of the "Letters" after his acquisition received guarantees monthly income In the amount of 200 francs, which ultimately allowed the investor to expect to double his contribution after the calendar year expiration.

Only after two years and the total loss of 1 billion dollars with hundreds of thousands of depositors from Germany and Switzerland, the fraudulent system of Shpakhtholz and Bergez was revealed. What is interesting, depositors even at the time of reading the sentence refused to believe in what they were deceived, and awarded the judge by a whistle. Berges eventually received seven years in prison, Shpakhtholz - five.

6. Pyramid Bernard Maidoff

A sirist Bernard Maidoff hit the story as the founder of one of the most famous financial fraud in the history of mankind. A few hundred companies and 300,000,000 people suffered from the fruits of activity of the fraudster. In the aggregate, Maidoff victims lost almost $ 65 billion.

To create a Fund "Madoff Investment Securities" Bernard Maidoff approached, thoroughly prepared. He created his company a great reputation that happened by creating an impressive client list. It included various banks, representatives of the US elite and hedge funds. The authoritative clientele performed proof of the reliability and profitability of the Fund for those depositors who had at least the slightest doubts in the honesty of Maidoff. Bernard promised to its customers from 12 to 13% per annum from invested funds.

For Bernard Maidoff, the fall of 2008 was the fall of 2008, when several large investors requested a sum of $ 7 billion. Then it became clear that the Fund had absolutely no money - the pyramid collapsed. When the federal agents after the donos on the part of the sons of Maidoff began to "dig" under the chamber, it became known that the fund has not been engaged in investment funds for more than 13 years. The debt of the brainchild of Maidoff at the time when she was engaged in the government, accounted for about 50 billion dollars.

Bernarde Maidoff is not lucky in comparison with the previous founders of financial pyramids. For their fraudulent activities, he received a prison period of 150 years.

7. Van Fen Ants

Wang Feng's sinister in his desire to evoke invented a rather curious and original profit scheme. This Chinese in 1999 gave the life of Yilishen Tianxi Group of China. The investor fee for each investor was equal to an amount of $ 1,500. Having invested money, investors received a box in which there was a unique breed of ants, and instructions for feeding and growing. Wang Feng convinced the gullible depositors in the fact that after 90 days of insect surveillance, his assistants will come to them and pay for ants. Insects themselves will be placed in recycling in order to create Aphrodisiacs and drugs. Naturally, it sounded fairly believable, especially since the chain very quickly began to robe and let consolidate funds for the promotion of his image, often appearing on newspaper stripes and on television. Moreover, the state even handed him a premium for hitting the 100 best Chinese businessmen.

The organization experienced an unprecedented rise, but when its turnover has achieved a size of two billion dollars, the pyramid was collapsed, and the chase he himself was sentenced to death.

8. Mmm.

Even now, the name of Sergei Mavrodi causes negative reviews on Russian expanses. And no wonder, it is this sweat, who taught himself to help his wife Marina and Brother Vyacheslav, created a company "MMM" (the first letters of the founding names), which became the greatest financial pyramid in Russian history. This company widened its activities in the 90s, sula to depositors to 1000% of dividends, and eventually deceived millions of Russians. For the five-year period of activity, Sergey Mavrodi, it was ragged at least one and a half billion dollars, was elected to the State Duma and trumping the inviolability of the deputy. However, in 2003, the pyramid was collapsed, and Mavrodi was arrested. He himself still confident that in the collapse of his pyramid the Russian government is guilty.

9. US insurance system

An employed fact, but the Ponzi scheme, which we talked above, has recognizable similarities with the American Social Insurance System. In 1935, then the US President Theodore Roosevelt put into operation the insurance system aimed at combating poverty from the unemployed and elderly residents. As a result, the latter had the possibility of obtaining finances at the expense of the working American population.

It is clear that since that time the system is stuck a number of changes and adjustments, but it does not cancel its essence. Still, old depositors live at the expense of new money. Nevertheless, the clouds are condensed over the United States - independent analysts are confident that already in 2018 the existing scheme of insurance can order a long time to live. This is due to the fact that it may not be enough money to all in need of a retirement age approach for generation "Baby Boomers".

In order to understand which company to invest, it is necessary to always understand the principle of work of the financial pyramid, otherwise you can stay at the broken trough. People who invest their money on the Internet financial pyramids that live from month to year, expose themselves very high risk, even if the annual yield is 100, or even 300%. If you really want to seriously apply to investments, then read our pages "".

Is Bitcoin Financial Pyramid? What is common in cryptocurrency and large cash scam? We decided to deal with this issue and tell you about the largest financial frauds of the last century.

As you already know, literally the other day. The main arguments of this analogy can be expressed by the quotes of the Director of the Department of the National Payment System of the Bank of Russia Timur Batirev and his deputy Andrei Shamraeva:

The analogy between Bitcoin and the pyramids in connection with the speculatory transaction with it is quite obvious. There will be people who will be ready to part with money in the calculation of light profits or ready to influence the Bitcoin rate in order to obtain maximum profits. But there will be those people who pay this profits. Bitcoin is provided only by time spent on its "prey", in contrast to securities, stocks or bonds.

So what is the financial pyramid?

The financial pyramid is an organization that ensures its income and income of investors by constantly attracting funds. The first depositors of the pyramids receive income due to the contributions of new participants, and they are at the expense of the subsequent collapse of its complete collapse. As a rule, the true source of income of the organization is hidden, or is false. As soon as the pyramid is deprived of new financial deposits - She collapses.

Is Bitcoin Pyramid?

The financial pyramid promises a high yield that it is impossible to support for a long time and repayment of obligations to depositors is obviously impossible. The holders of the Bitcoin nobody promises high profits, cryptocurrency in essence convenient way Store your money and pay for various products and services. Behind Bitcoins is a real product with software and special properties (anonymity, low cost of transactions, decentralization, lack of inflation), which is ensured by its value. A typical pyramid is not a product.

To better figure out financial pyramids and understand whether Bitcoin has anything in common with them, we suggest you to get acquainted with the most large and destructive money from the last century. And so, proceed.

1. Poncy scheme

One of the very first and famous pyramids Belongs to the Italian fraudster Charles Ponzi, which in 1919 came up with a business scheme of rapid enrichment. Once he get a letter with an invested international exchange coupon, which anyone could exchange on the brand and send a response letter back. The most interesting thing was that in Europe for such a coupon, you can get only one brand, while in the US for her you could help out six marks.

After that, Charles created the company "SXC", invited investors and began to offer people to earn in a simple arbitration, i.e. Buying and selling goods in different countries. Invested in his paper, Ponzie promised 150% of the embedded amount in 45 days. Boston residents rushed to buy paper, while Charles supported the interest paid articles in the press.

But in indeed, Charles Ponzi did not whine coupons, which exchanged exclusively on the brand, and paid the money of new participants to the old depositors. By July, Ponzi's bills brought him to 250 thousand dollars daily. In August of the same year, the company was tested by federal agents and eliminated as a pyramid. During the court, part of the money was returned to depositors, more than 2 million were not found, the Italian himself received 5 years in prison.

2. Portuguese Pyramid Dona Branca

The usual Portuguese woman Maria Branca Dos Santos, which is most often called Don Brranka, decided to get rich, discovering its own bank in 1970. To attract customers, she promised interest rate 10% per month to any depositor. Poor residents from the country rushed to invest in a bank who could provide them with such a quick financial gain. Thousands of customers have trusted their money for 14 years, which by the time they called the "People's Banker" by that time. In 1984, the pyramid collapsed, the form was arrested and convicted for 10 years in prison. Maria died alone, although in 1993 her fraud was inspired by the Portuguese National Opera to put "A Banqueira Do Povo" (People's Banker).

3. Scheme "Double Shah"

No, despite the beautiful name, nothing to do with the chess does not have this scheme. The story begins in 2005, when the usual teacher of higher school from Pakistan, Sybtula Hassan Shah, returned from Dubai to Vazirabad (Punjab province) and made his neighbors profitable proposition. After convincing everyone in that, on a business trip, he learned the newest stock program, he suggested all the wishing to double his savings in just a week!

That is why the scheme was called "Double Shah". For a year and a half, the pyramid has grown across the country, more than three thousand depositors gave him savings by more than $ 880 million at the rate of the year. Seda Shah was even going to become a political leader in the region, when the police made him arrest. Thousands of people went to the streets with the requirement to free their financial guru. At the moment, the hero of the story is behind bars, and the investigation continues until now.

4. Lou perlman scheme for $ 300,000,000

Perhaps you did not hear about Lou Perlman, but the groups created by him are for sure. Thanks to his light, there are such teams as Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. Here, he also received his fame thanks to a criminal scheme for $ 300 million, which "raised", deceiving investors and large banks. In 1981, the former magnate Lu Perlman founded TRANS Continental Airlines Travel Services, Trans Continental Airlines Inc. and a dozen other organizations that existed exclusively on paper. What, in other things, did not prevent him from selling shares in these firms for 20 years!

When the scheme was revealed, Lu tried to escape from the country and was sentenced to 25 years in prison and a fine of 1 million dollars. And this after he went to a deal with the court, where he recognized the fraud against about 250 victims who have lost over $ 200kk, as well as 10 financial institutions that have lost about $ 100 million.

5. European Royal Club

The Non-Profit Association "EUROPEAN KINGS CLUB" was organized by Damara Bertges and Hans Gunter Shpakhtholz in 1992 and was positioned as a real force opposing major European banks and able to help small businesses.

According to this scheme, the new members of the European Royal Club were supposed to buy a "letter", which essentially represented a community of the club. The cost of such an action was 1400 Swiss francs. This "letter" gave the owner the right to receive 200 francs monthly, which is guaranteed to the investor doubling his contribution in a year.

The criminal scheme was disclosed only after 2 years, when about hundreds of thousands of German and Swiss investors lost a total of about $ 1 billion. Even during the sentencing, the victims refused to recognize the fact of fraud and saw the judge. An enterprising Damar Bertges received 7 years in prison, and her partner is only 5.

6. Scam Bernard Maidoff

Pyramid Barnard Medoff is one of the largest financial scam of modern history. Among the victims of more than three million people and hundreds financial organizationswho lost their savings on total more than 64.8 billion

Bernard opened investment fund Madoff Investment Securities, which had a reputation as one of the most reliable and profitable in the United States. Investors who have invested money in Maidoff could get 12-13% per annum. Most of the contributors were convinced that this company managed to achieve such success thanks to insider information, and a serious list of customers, among which were numerous hedge funds, banks and celebrities - was a kind of guarantee of the reliability of this Fund.

In the fall of 2008, a number of major investors turned to Maidoff with a request to issue funds embedded with them totaling about $ 7 billion, but the Fund simply had nothing to pay. The pyramid collapsed. It turned out that Madoff Securities was not engaged in investing depositors money at least in the last 13 years! At the time of the proceedings, the company's champions amounted to about 50 billion US dollars. Noteworthy and the fact that the FBI Maidoff passed their own sons, which he told about his biggest lies according to the Ponzi scheme.

Unlike relatively small deadlines of the previous creators of the pyramids, Bernard Maidoff was sentenced to 150 years of imprisonment.

7. Farms Vana Feng

A rather unusual financial pyramid erected Chinese businessman Van Feng. In 1999, he opened the company "Yilishen Tianxi Group of China" and offered anyone who wishes to become an investor for only $ 1500. For this money, depositors received a box with special ants that needed to feed and grow on special instructions within 90 days. After this time, the company's representatives came and took the insects back, processing them in Afrostosiaki or medicine for the treatment of arthritis. At least so stated a company to poor Chinese farmers.

At the expiration of every 14 months, such hassle, depositors received about $ 450, which was 32% of annual yields. This pyramid was also successful because Van Feng rather quickly got rich and managed to spin in newspapers and television. He even became a nominee of state. Prize "100 best businessmen of China."

When the company's turnover amounted to about two billion dollars, the forming scheme Vana collapsed, and he himself was arrested and sentenced to death.

8. Mmm Sergey Mavrodi

The largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia, founded by Sergey Mavrodi, together with his brother Vyacheslav and the wife of Marina. The name of the company "MMM" was nothing but the abbreviation of the names of the founders. As we remember, in the early 90s this private company She proposed 1000% of dividends with his contributor, lubricating millions of residents of the country in the pyramid. Over the past five years, Mavrodi received over $ 1.5 billion over $ 1.5 billion.

His activity had such a serious publicity that Sergey was even elected to the State Duma and received a deputy inviolability that in and he did not sleep from the arrest in 2003, when the pyramid finally broke up. According to the directions of Sergei Mavrodi, the collapse of "MMM" is exclusively the merit of the government of the country.

9. American Insurance System

You will probably be surprised, but social insurance In the US, we have a rather similar structure with a laughing Ponz, who heads our top financial pyramids. In 1935, this insurance was introduced by President Roosevelt as part of the fight against poverty, which covered older Americans in the era of the Great Depression. These measures have allowed the unemployed and pensioners to receive money that came for the taxation of the working part of the state's population.

Despite the fact that social insurance in America over the years has undergone a number of changes, the essence remains the same: the old contributors receive the money of new depositors. However, analytical offices were calculated that in 2018 this scheme will face serious, and quite possible, devastating consequences. During these years, the so-called worship of Babe-boomers and money may just not be enough for a retirement.

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Central Bank counted 240 financial pyramids in Russia ... months of 2019 Central Bank revealed 240 organizations with signs of financial pyramids. According to Lyach, the Russians have more often become informed by the Central Bank of ... Cooperatives and other financial institutions. In Russia, liquidated interregional financial pyramid In general, in the first three quarters, the Central Bank revealed 2165 organizations ... Of these, 1576 are illegal lenders. In June, the police liquidated financial pyramidwhich operated in several regions of Russia. Investments were offered investments in ... In Russia, liquidated an interregional financial pyramid ... Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with a division from the Yaroslavl region, detained the organizers of financial pyramids, the damage from which is assessed more than 1 billion rubles ... In Kazan, the organizer of the "Savings Union" was convicted for 7 years ... Organizer Financial pyramids "Savings Union" Anton Kirilyuk was sentenced to 7 years in prison. ...

Finance, 10 Mar, 11:35

In the US, they detained the head of the cryptocurrency pyramid ONECOIN ... -ANgeles detained a citizen of Bulgaria Konstantin Ignatov in the case of international pyramidwhich includes trade in fraudulent cryptocurrency ONECOIN. This is reported on the site ... Roskomnadzor demanded from the provider to block the sites "Cashbury" ... in the register of prohibited sites. Why tens of thousands of people believed financial pyramid "Cashbury" at the end of September in the Central Bank stated that in the work of "Cashbury" there are signs of financial pyramids. In particular, the regulator drew attention to the fact that the activity of the company ... The owner of "Cashbury" announced the termination of work due to the "hunt" on the company ... called it "three-week vacation" in order to restore blocked bills. Financial pyramid "Cashbury" continued to advertise on ICC earlier in the activities of Kashbury Bank of Russia discovered signs of financial pyramids. The regulator indicated that the Group's companies used the principles of network marketing, promising ... "Cashbury" suspended work ... of this license. The regulator called "Cashbury" one of the largest financial pyramidsrevealed by last years: Potential damage to customers is estimated at 1 billion rubles. Why tens of thousands of people believed financial pyramid "Cashbury" "Cashbury" positions itself as the "platform of mutual lending", "Building processes ... The Central Bank rated possible losses Customers "Cashbury" in 1 billion rubles. ... "," explained the director of the Department of Central Bank. Why tens of thousands of people believed financial pyramid "Cashbury" in the activities of the group of Russian and foreign companies "Cashbury" present "explicit signs" of classical financial pyramids, reported in late September Bank of Russia. These companies are missing ...

Finance, Sep 27, 2018, 20:53

The prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit to the Rostov court on the blocking of "Cashbury" sites ... tens of thousands of people believed financial pyramid "Cashbury" on the eve became known that the Bank of Russia saw signs of financial pyramids In the group of Russian and foreign ... Russia. Lyakh noted that "This is one of the largest financial pyramids"Identified in recent years.

Finance, 26 Sep 2018, 16:05

Why tens of thousands of people believed the financial pyramid "Cashbury" ... 600% attracted tens of thousands of people classic pyramid Bank of Russia saw "obvious signs" of classical financial pyramids In the group of Russian and foreign companies operating ... - consumer societies, two acted as individual entrepreneurs, and one financial pyramid It was organized in the form of a joint stock company. Noticeable trend of the last year ... In the Penza region, the organizers of the Pyramid were arrested for 1 billion rubles. ..., the criminal group acted in six regions, the attackers opened nine branches " pyramids"Managed from Penza. Police held seven searches in Moscow, St. ... cases of fraud and the organization of the criminal community. Four organizers financial pyramids sent into custody. The 22 properties belonging to them were arrested to ... The Central Bank revealed to ATB a financial pyramid for the sale of bills to the population ... from organizations related to the shareholder Andrei Vddovin. "Classical Financial Financial pyramid"Explains the regulator of the Central Bank told the details about the situation in the Asia-Pacific ... bills exclusively with the help of issuing new bills. Classical financial pyramidwhich actually managed ATB, states the central bank. LLC "FTK" was connected ... The Central Bank warned about the disguise of financial pyramids under ICO ... Cryptovalum turnover, comparing them with financial pyramid. "Obviously, during growth pyramids Interest in this pyramid Actively heated with high yield, "said ...", - added expert. "Classical pyramid"AMARKETS Master Analyst Artem Deev compared cryptocurrency fraud with construction pyramidsto which the Russians ... Central Bank creates in the regions of intelligence services to combat financial pyramids ... organizations and Internet projects with signs of financial pyramids. In 2015, 200 was revealed pyramids, in 2016 - 180, in three quarters ..., in general, the Bank of Russia notes a positive trend of reducing the activities of financial pyramids. This is due to preventive measures, which are jointly undertaken by the Bank of Russia ... The District Court of Kazan sentenced the head of the Organization with signs of financial pyramids. As previously installed operatives, the criminal took the personal savings of citizens and ... A condemned banker has already kidnapped another 6 billion rubles from behind the bars. ... Russia has invested more than 6 billion rubles. Investigation of financial pyramidwhich included more than two dozen consumer cooperatives ... shareholders. Most of the money was transferred under the loan contracts to counterparties pyramidsNone of which, according to the investigation, financial and economic activity ... from several tens to hundreds of millions of rubles. Searches in the case pyramids Passed 180 addresses in Moscow and a number of other regions ...

Economy, Sep 27, 2017, 12:11

Oreshkin compared Bitcoin with MMM ... invests in it, "said Oreshkin. Mmm on Bitcoin: as financial pyramids moved to chat bots It is clear that "the state will not be able to protect ... It explained, since the mechanism of their use" has signs pyramids" The cost of cryptocurrency is growing due to the fact that in operation with ... Bitcoin: as Maja at home at the end of August Deputy Minister finance Alexey Moiseev said that the Office stands for the right ...

Society, Sep 12, 2017, 09:13

The head of the largest financial pyramid of the People's Republic of China was sentenced to life ... A person involved in the biggest financial pyramid In China, Ezubao, assembled investments in the amount of $ 7.6 billion. Organizers pyramids We were sentenced to various ... in 100 million yuan (about $ 15.3 million). Financial work pyramids Ezubao was discontinued in 2015. Fully the scheme of its work ... $ 150 million on the means of luxury, real estate and cars. Before Krach pyramids Her founders have collected all documents relating to work, 80 bags ... The mistress of the financial pyramid "Trust" was sentenced to 4 years in colony ... 31.5% per annum, "the press service says. Victims of financial pyramids 37 depositors have become, which caused damage to more than 20 ... Personal contribution: how not to get into the financial pyramid ... how to recognize financial pyramids The experts of the National Bank of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016 the damage from the activities of financial pyramids amounted to 1.5 billion rubles ... past, financial position, own funds. "Working a short time, modern financial pyramids Conduct an aggressive advertising campaign using the Internet, social networksMass media ... The head of the financial pyramid was received in Novosibirsk ... sentence financier Evgeny Olenev, which, according to the investigation, created financial pyramid And deceived about a hundred people. In court, he was compiled on ... organizations in principle did not carry out entrepreneurial activities. "This is a typical financial pyramid. From February 2013 to July 2014, this way ... The organizer of the "Financial Pyramid" kidnapped 427 million rubles from Tatarstan residents ... gg Kirilyuk organized the attraction of funds of citizens on the principle of "financial pyramids" Under the guise of investment in various commercial projects, allegedly guarantees ... expensive real estate in Kazan, "said Tatarstan prosecutor's office. Victims of financial pyramids More than 1.5 thousand inhabitants of Tatarstan, Mari El, Mordovia ... In Tatarstan, the organizers of the Financial Pyramid kidnapped 190 million rubles Fraudsters under the guise of investments in various investment programs, kidnapped a large amount of money. The RT Prosecutor's Office approved the indictment in a criminal case against 35-year-old Ekaterina Nikonova. It is accused of fraud committed by an organized group in particularly large-scale - 191 million rubles of damage. According to the investigation, in the period from ... CEC refused to monitor the legitimacy of elections ... Elections of State Duma. His performer in the 1990s headed Financial pyramidAnd then he worked as an assistant who was responsible for the competition of a member of the Cycia elections ... The day did not answer calls and messages of the RBC correspondent. Director pyramids Even before working with Galchenko, Bolunov was mentioned in the media in ... He was the director of the Yenisei trust company organized on the principle of financial pyramids, wrote the newspaper "Today" with reference to the version of the investigation. The investigation suspected ... Herbalife will pay $ 200 million for getting rid of the label of the financial pyramid ... $ 200 million to remove accusations in the organization of financial pyramids, the reports on the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC ... Pershing Square Capital Management Bill Ecman called Herbalife "Most Effective pyramid in history". Herbalife, specializing in direct sales, was created ... In the KHMAO will judge the "financiers", who stoles from Surgutyan tens of millions ... In Ugra, the founders of financial will appear before the court pyramidswho deceived 69 Ugra across a total of over 35 million rubles. ... MVD RT: damage from fraudsters in Tatarstan amounted to 500 million rubles ... human. In 2014-2015, in Tatarstan, the activity of "financial pyramids" Their activities led to the loss of money of a large number ... The attitude of others was elected other measures of procedural coercion. The largest financial pyramid Head of the WEBIPK MVD department on RT Rinat Akchurin called "Growth ... Persons established and headed Altyn LLC, which operated on the principle of" Financial pyramids" Fraudsters stole 12.5 million rubles. Tatarstan will coordinate for the financial pyramid with a profit of 12.5 million rubles ... a tried inhabitant of Bashkortostan of the 31-year-old Maxim Dyachkov in creating financial pyramids. According to the investigation, at the end of 2013, Dyachkov, together with ... Persons established and headed Altyn LLC, operating on the principle of "Financial pyramids" In order to attract money, accomplices opened offices of the company in Kazan ... Scam at the expense of VIP clients: how the pyramid of Vesselbank collapsed ...--year-old anniversary, turned out to be a classic pyramid. It can even be compared with the Scofer of Bernard Maidoff - if not on scale ( pyramid Maidoff turned out to be his ... "," says the depositor. Then, according to him, the bank began to build pyramid: The money of new lenders was quenched by the obligations to the old. About this RBC ... Wives, "RBC tells the top manager of one of the banks. As Rukhnula pyramid November 6, 2015 Bank of Russia completed planned check Vesselbank ... For the organization of the Pyramid, Tatarstan received 5 million rubles and 10 years in prison ... The fact of theft of money opened a criminal case. Now the organizer is financial pyramids threatens imprisonment for up to ten years and fine ...

Technologies and Media, 01 Feb 2016, 14:48

In China, revealed the largest scaffold in online lending ... with Ezubao online lending system, which worked on the principle of financial pyramids, FINANCIAL TIMES reports with reference to Xinhua. From activity ... According to the Chinese authorities, such activities actually represents financial pyramidSince 95% of investment projects presented on the company's website were ... Residents of Tatarstan presented 2 billion financial pyramids ... finance"," Good "," platinum "," Inter invest "," Marcfinance Garant "," Nostalgi Trade ". In 2015, one of the 7 employees of the criminal case on the activities of financial pyramids ... offering to toughen Russian laws against financial pyramids. Amendments B. Civil Code RF meant the ban on advertising financial pyramids, including in transport ...

The financial pyramid has brought 1 billion rubles from Russia from Russia. ... The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia delayed 19 financial institutions pyramidswho deduced money to Ukraine. According to the departments, from the actions of the detainees ..., Novosibirsk, as well as in Buryatia. The organization built on the principle of financial pyramids, attracted money from the population, promising an alternative to the standard loan in the form of ...

Former programmer Madoff received two and a half years in prison ... and a half years of George Pereza prison, assistant creator of the largest financial pyramids Bernard Madoff, reports CBS Newyork. This is the fourth of five employees ... 2008 in the United States was exposed by the largest financial history pyramidwhich Bernard Madoff was created and headed - the former chairman of the board of directors ...

March 14, 2014, 09:18

The Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Republic of Tajikistan begins a criminal case on a major financial pyramid in Kazan ... In the coming days, a criminal case will be aroused in relation to the organizers of financial pyramids - LLC "Center", which "overbought" citizens of debts on bank credit... noted that in the actions of LLC "Center" there is all signs of financial pyramids, among which he called an increased PR activity, the orientation for illiterate ... Company name. Oo "Center" has become one more in a series of financial pyramidsThe investigation of which continues in Tatarstan. Since 2013, the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... Pyramids. The company's customers were offered to transfer it to it 20-30% of the previously received loan ... a message in which the foundation was preventing pyramids. According to Spark, LLC "Herprom" is registered in Sterlitamak Republic ...

05 Feb 2014, 11:26

"Grave" became a criminal action ... population. "Police officers check commercial organization For signs of financial pyramids. As follows from the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, at the moment in ... the company, receiving signals that "the old" can be financial pyramid. During the inspection, employees of the department found out that "the company engaged in attracting ... a message that warned the preproduction of signs of financial pyramids. Then the law enforcement agencies of Sterlitamak reported an admission of more than 30 ... In India, three Russians were arrested for fraud on the MMM scheme ... Their accomplices were deceived by Assam's inhabitants with the help of financial fraud, organizing pyramid In the style of Sergey Mavrodi. Joint-stock company was actively advertised on the Internet ... It was necessary to make about 5 thousand rupees ($ 90). Activity pyramids Other states of India soon raised, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. In this activity pyramids contradicts adopted in 1978. Act, as well as three articles of the criminal ... The court sentenced the elusive "Ural Mavrodi" by 7.5 years in prison ... sentenced to 7 and a half years of imprisonment of the Creator of Financial pyramids Alexey Kalinichenko. "Ural Mavrodi" was found guilty under the article "Fraud ... Forex-trader". The structure actually created by him functioned on the principle of financial pyramids - All payments to initial customers were made exclusively at the expense of funds arrived ...

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