
X5 retail group RAS financial statements. Key facts and figures from the report

Name of organization Limited Liability Company "IKS 5 Retail Group" TIN 7733571872 Type code economic activity according to the classifier OKVED 70.20 Code according to OKPO 96042871 Form of ownership (according to OKFS) 16 - Private property Legal form (according to OKOPF) 65 - Type of report 2 - Full Unit of measure 384 - Thousand rubles Composition of reporting

Reporting for other years

Zero lines are hidden for ease of reporting.

Balance sheet

Name of indicator Line code As of December 31, 2015 As at 31 December 2014
I. Outside current assets
Intangible search assets 1130 759 1 043
fixed assets 1150 3 526 3 919
Financial investments 1170 4 960 255 4 817 010
Deferred tax assets 1180 81 286 50 625
Other noncurrent assets 1190 5 15
Total for Section I 1100 5 045 831 4 872 612
II. current assets
Stocks 1210 1 833 1 833
Value added tax on acquired valuables 1220 3 899 622
Accounts receivable 1230 444 360 414 021
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 0 143 245
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 155 1 369
Other current assets 1260 2 706 3 910
Total for Section II 1200 452 953 565 000
BALANCE 1600 5 498 784 5 437 612
III. Capital and reserves
Authorized capital(share capital, authorized capital, contributions of comrades) 1310 10 10
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 3 317 000 3 317 000
1370 450 604 572 573
Total for Section III 1300 3 767 614 3 889 583
Borrowed funds 1410 333 205 906 134
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 57 278 54 490
Total for Section IV 1400 390 483 960 624
Borrowed funds 1510 861 856 110 669
Accounts payable 1520 476 564 475 491
Other liabilities 1550 2 267 1 245
Section V total 1500 1 340 687 587 405
BALANCE 1700 5 498 784 5 437 612

Income statement

Name of indicator Line code For 2015 For 2014
Revenue is shown net of value added tax and excises.
2110 138 950 125 417
Gross profit (loss) 2100 138 950 125 417
Selling expenses 2210 (218 703) (215 429)
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 -79 753 -90 012
Interest receivable 2320 16 473 24 818
Percentage to be paid 2330 (115 701) (106 163)
Other income 2340 54 355 109 001
other expenses 2350 (25 216) (40 945)
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 -149 842 -103 301
including permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 2 095 5 386
Change pending tax liabilities 2430 2 788 10 814
Change pending tax assets 2450 30 662 31 901
Other 2460 0 5 812
Net income (loss) 2400 -121 968 -88 026
Cumulative financial result of the period 2500 0 0

Statement of changes in equity

1. Movement of capital
Authorized capital Own shares repurchased from shareholders Extra capital Reserve capital Undestributed profits (uncovered loss) Total
Equity as at 31 December 2014 (3200)
10 (0) 3 317 000 0 572 573 3 889 583
Capital increase - total: (3310)
0 0 0 0 0 0
net profit (3311)
0 0
property revaluation (3312) 0 0 0
income attributable directly to capital increases (3313) 0 0 0
additional issue shares (3314)
0 0 0 0
increase in the par value of shares (3315)
0 0 0 0
reorganization legal entity (3316)
0 0 0 0 0 0
Decrease in capital - total: (3320)
(0) 0 (0) (0) (121 968) (121 968)
loss (3321)
(121 968) (121 968)
property revaluation (3322) (0) (0) (0)
expenses relating directly to depreciation of equity (3323) (0) (0) (0)
decrease in the par value of shares (3324)
(0) 0 0 0 (0)
decrease in the number of shares (3325)
(0) 0 0 0 (0)
reorganization of a legal entity (3326)
0 0 0 0 0 (0)
dividends (3327) (0) (0)
Changes additional capital (3330) 0 0 0
Changes in reserve capital (3340) 0 0
Equity as at 31 December 2015 (3300)
10 (0) 3 317 000 0 450 604 3 767 614

Cash flow statement

Name of indicator Line code For 2015
Cash flows from current operations
Income - total
4110 199 248
from the sale of products, goods, works and services 4111 167 838
lease payments, license payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 0
from the resale of financial investments 4113 0
other supply 4119 31 410
Payments - total
4120 (263 020)
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services 4121 (218 716)
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 (9 011)
interest on debt obligations 4123 (0)
corporate income tax 4124 (0)
other payments 4129 (28 624)
Balance cash flows from current operations 4100 -63 772
Cash flows from investment operations
Income - total
4210 0
from sale non-current assets(except financial investments) 4211 0
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4212 0
from the return of loans granted, from the sale of debt valuable papers(claim rights Money to others) 4213 0
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar receipts from equity participation in other organizations 4214 0
other supply 4219 0
Payments - total
4220 (0)
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for the use of non-current assets 4221 (0)
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4222 (0)
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (the rights to claim funds from other persons), the provision of loans to other persons 4223 (0)
interest on debt obligations included in the cost investment asset 4224 (0)
other payments 4229 (0)
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 0
Cash flows from financial transactions
Income - total
4310 86 556
obtaining credits and loans 4311 86 556
cash deposits owners (participants) 4312 0
from issuance of shares, increase in participation 4313 0
from the issuance of bonds, bills of exchange and other debt securities, etc. 4314 0
other supply 4319 0
Payments - total
4320 (24 000)
owners (participants) in connection with the redemption of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership 4321 (0)
for the payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants) 4322 (0)
in connection with the redemption (redemption) of promissory notes and other debt securities, repayment of credits and loans 4323 (24 000)
other payments 4329 (0)
Balance of cash flows from financial operations 4300 62 556
Cash flow balance for reporting period 4400 -1 216
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 0
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 0
The magnitude of the impact of exchange rate changes foreign exchange in relation to the ruble 4490 0

The information is generated from a set of open data "Accounting (financial) statements of enterprises and organizations for 2015" Federal Service state statistics (Rosstat)

X5 Retail Group has published its 2017 annual report, including audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with international standards financial statements adopted in the European Union.

X5 Chief Executive Officer Igor Shekhterman said:

“Our company has continued to outperform the market and has achieved its goals of both growing and improving business performance and adapting the business to better meet customer needs. In 2017, we achieved positive LFL sales growth across all three formats of 5.4%.

Despite the slowdown in food inflation, we achieved strong revenue growth of 25.3% year-on-year and maintained our Adjusted EBITDA margin at the same level as last year. In accordance with the new dividend policy X5, this allowed the Supervisory Board to recommend a debut dividend payment of RUB 21.6 billion, representing a payout of 69% of net profit for 2017. I am pleased that we have begun to pay shareholders, while continuing to maintain a rapid pace of business development.

For 2018, the Company has set ambitious goals for business growth and efficiency improvement. We continue to work in difficult market conditions and will continue to adapt and refine the value propositions of each of the three main formats to best and most effectively meet the needs of our customers in Russia.”

Key facts and figures from the report:

  • X5's revenue growth rate was 25.3% yoy (yoy), driven by strong growth in like-for-like (LFL) sales, as well as strong selling space growth.
  • The company added a record 2,934 new stores in 2017, adding 1,178,000 sqm of selling space. m, which is the largest X5 discovery program in history.
  • Gross margin decreased by 33 basis points (b.p.) yoy to 23.9% in 2017 due to increased investments in customer loyalty, including updating the value proposition, expanding the range, developing loyalty programs /buyers in all formats. Another factor that contributed to the decline in gross margin was the change in the contribution of retail formats to the Company's revenue structure, in particular, the increase in the share of the Pyaterochka retail chain in the X5 business (the share in net retail revenue reached 78% in 2017).
  • Adjusted SG&A(1) decreased by 33 b.p. y-o-y to 16.8%, which is the most low level since 2010, due to the effect of the implementation of projects to optimize operating activities, as well as the effect of operating leverage.
  • Adjusted EBITDA(2) increased by 24.7% YoY to RUB 99,131 mln. in 2017. Adjusted EBITDA margin remained stable at 7.7%.
  • Adjusted net income(3) increased by 51.5% y-o-y and reached 33,768 million in 2017. Adjusted net profit margin increased by 45 b.p. y-o-y to 2.6%.
  • In accordance with the new dividend policy of the Company, X5's Supervisory Board recommended the payment of dividends in the amount of RUB 21.6 billion. or 79.5 rubles. per GDR(4), representing 69% of IFRS consolidated net income for 2017.
  • Despite continued strong growth, Net Debt/EBITDA declined to 1.73x as at 31 December 2017, the lowest in the Company's history.

Dynamics of the average ticket, the number of customers and net retail sales for the 4th quarter and 12 months of 2017, % change y-o-y

In 4 sq. 2017 net retail sales of X5 increased by 23.4% y-o-y due to:

  • 3.5% growth in like-for-like (LFL) sales, and
  • selling space growth by 27.4% (+19.9% ​​contribution to revenue growth)

The Pyaterochka retail chain was the main contributor to X5's Q4 revenue growth. 2017: Net retail sales growth was 26.0% y-o-y for the period.

Dynamics retail space by format, sq. m

Like-for-like sales dynamics (*) for Q4 and 12M 2017, % y-o-y

In 4 sq. In 2017, the growth rate of LFL sales remained at a high level and amounted to 3.5% y-o-y.

(*) Comparison of retail sales volumes of comparable stores (LFL) for two different time periods is a comparison of retail sales of the respective stores in ruble terms (including VAT). When calculating sales growthLFLStores that have been open for at least twelve full months are counted. Their earnings are included in comparative analysis since the opening of the store. This calculation includes all stores that meet the criteriaLFL companies in each reporting period.

The X5 Supervisory Board decided in 2017 that the Company has reached a level of development where the introduction of a dividend policy will increase investment attractiveness for both current and potential shareholders of the Company. The Supervisory Board monitors the progress of the Company in achieving its strategic goals on an ongoing basis, as well as evaluates its operational and financial activities. In proposing the introduction of a dividend policy, the Supervisory Board expressed its confidence that X5 is now in a position to pay dividends while continuing to achieve strategic growth targets.

Based financial results Companies for 2017. The Supervisory Board proposes to pay dividends in the amount of RUB 21,590 mln. / 79.5 rubles per GDR (gross, excluding taxes and commissions), representing 69% of X5's 2017 net income.

This proposal will be considered at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on May 10, 2018. The register closing date is set for May 25, 2018, the ex-dividend date is May 24, 2018. In accordance with the dividend policy, the payment will be made within 45 days from the date of the annual General Assembly shareholders, i.e. until June 22, 2018

Full name: LLC "X 5 RETAIL GROUP"

TIN: 7733571872

Type of activity (according to OKVED): 70.22 - Consulting on issues commercial activities and management

Form of ownership: 16 - Private property

Legal form: 12300 - Limited liability companies

Reporting is done in thousand rubles

See detailed verification of the counterparty

Accounting statements for 2012-2017

1. Balance sheet

Name of indicator The code #DATE#
Intangible assets 1110 #1110#
Research and development results 1120 #1120#
Intangible search assets 1130 #1130#
Tangible Exploration Assets 1140 #1140#
fixed assets 1150 #1150#
Profitable investments in material values 1160 #1160#
Financial investments 1170 #1170#
Deferred tax assets 1180 #1180#
Other noncurrent assets 1190 #1190#
Total for Section I 1100 #1100#
Stocks 1210 #1210#
Value added tax on acquired valuables 1220 #1220#
Accounts receivable 1230 #1230#
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 #1240#
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 #1250#
Other current assets 1260 #1260#
Total for Section II 1200 #1200#
BALANCE 1600 #1600#
Authorized capital (share capital, authorized fund, contributions of comrades) 1310 #1310#
Own shares repurchased from shareholders 1320 #1320#
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 #1340#
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 #1350#
Reserve capital 1360 #1360#
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1370 #1370#
Total for Section III 1300 #1300#
Borrowed funds 1410 #1410#
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 #1420#
Estimated liabilities 1430 #1430#
Other liabilities 1450 #1450#
Total for Section IV 1400 #1400#
Borrowed funds 1510 #1510#
Accounts payable 1520 #1520#
revenue of the future periods 1530 #1530#
Estimated liabilities 1540 #1540#
Other liabilities 1550 #1550#
Section V total 1500 #1500#
BALANCE 1700 #1700#

Brief balance sheet analysis

Graph of changes in non-current assets, total assets and capital and reserves by years

financial indicator 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2017
Net assets 4828302 3977610 3889583 3767614 3659904 3678660
Autonomy coefficient (norm: 0.5 or more) 0.57 0.8 0.72 0.69 0.69 0.68
Coefficient current liquidity(norm: 1.5-2 and above) 1.8 2.3 1 0.3 0.4 0.3

2. Profit and loss statement

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Revenue 2110 #2110#
Cost of sales 2120 #2120#
Gross profit (loss) 2100 #2100#
Selling expenses 2210 #2210#
Management expenses 2220 #2220#
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 #2200#
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 #2310#
Interest receivable 2320 #2320#
Percentage to be paid 2330 #2330#
Other income 2340 #2340#
other expenses 2350 #2350#
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 #2300#
Current income tax 2410 #2410#
including permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 #2421#
Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 #2430#
Change in deferred tax assets 2450 #2450#
Other 2460 #2460#
Net income (loss) 2400 #2400#
Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2510 #2510#
Result from other operations, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2520 #2520#
Cumulative financial result of the period 2500 #2500#

Brief analysis of financial results

Schedule of changes in revenue and net profit by years

financial indicator 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EBIT 111059 2862 -34141 -20100 128004
Profitability of sales (profit from sales in each ruble of revenue) -11.2% -71.8% -57.4% 14.2% 29.9%
Profitability equity(ROE) 2% -2% -3% -3% 1%
Return on assets (ROA) 1.3% -1.5% -2.2% -2% 0.4%

4. Cash flow statement

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Cash flows from current operations
Income - total 4110 #4110#
from the sale of products, goods, works and services
4111 #4111#
lease payments, license payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 #4112#
from the resale of financial investments 4113 #4113#
other supply 4119 #4119#
Payments - total 4120 #4120#
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services
4121 #4121#
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 #4122#
interest on debt obligations 4123 #4123#
corporate income tax 4124 #4124#
other payments 4129 #4129#
Balance of cash flows from current operations 4100 #4100#
Cash flows from investment operations
Income - total 4210 #4210#
from the sale of non-current assets (except for financial investments)
4211 #4211#
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4212 #4212#
from the return of loans granted, from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds from other persons) 4213 #4213#
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations 4214 #4214#
other supply 4219 #4219#
Payments - total 4220 #4220#
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for the use of non-current assets
4221 #4221#
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4222 #4222#
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (the rights to claim funds from other persons), the provision of loans to other persons 4223 #4223#
interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset 4224 #4224#
other payments 4229 #4229#
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 #4200#
Cash flows from financial transactions
Income - total 4310 #4310#
obtaining credits and loans
4311 #4311#
cash deposits of owners (participants) 4312 #4312#
from issuance of shares, increase in participation 4313 #4313#
from the issuance of bonds, bills of exchange and other debt securities, etc. 4314 #4314#
other supply 4319 #4319#
Payments - total 4320 #4320#
owners (participants) in connection with the redemption of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership
4321 #4321#
to pay dividends and other payments 4322 #4322#
on the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants) in connection with the redemption (repurchase) of bills of exchange and other debt securities, the return of loans and borrowings 4323 #4323#
other payments 4329 #4329#
Balance of cash flows from financial operations 4300 #4300#
Balance of cash flows for the reporting period 4400 #4400#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 #4450#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 #4500#
The magnitude of the impact of changes in the foreign exchange rate against the ruble 4490 #4490#

6. Report on the intended use of funds

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Balance at the beginning of the reporting year 6100 #6100#
Funds received
Entry fees 6210 #6210#
Membership fee 6215 #6215#
earmarked contributions 6220 #6220#
Voluntary property contributions and donations 6230 #6230#
Profit from income-generating activities of the organization 6240 #6240#
Other 6250 #6250#
Total funds received 6200 #6200#
Funds used
Expenses for targeted activities 6310 #6310#
social and charitable help 6311 #6311#
holding conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. 6312 #6312#
other events 6313 #6313#
The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus 6320 #6320#
payroll expenses (including accruals) 6321 #6321#
payments not related to wages 6322 #6322#
travel and business travel expenses 6323 #6323#
maintenance of premises, buildings, vehicles and other property (except for repairs) 6324 #6324#
repair of fixed assets and other property 6325 #6325#
others 6326 #6326#
Acquisition of fixed assets, inventory and other property 6330 #6330#
Other 6350 #6350#
Total funds used 6300 #6300#
Balance at the end of the reporting year 6400 #6400#

2017 2016 2015 2013 2012

No data for this period

Name of indicator The code Authorized capital own shares,
purchased from shareholders
Extra capital Reserve capital Undestributed profits
(uncovered loss)
The amount of capital on 3200
Capital increase - total:
net profit
3311 X X X X
property revaluation 3312 X X X
income attributable directly to capital increases 3313 X X X
additional issue of shares 3314 X X
increase in the par value of shares 3315 X X
Decrease in capital - total: 3320
3321 X X X X
property revaluation 3322 X X X
expenses attributable directly to depreciation of capital 3323 X X X
depreciation of shares 3324 X
reduction in the number of shares 3325 X
reorganization of a legal entity 3326
dividends 3327 X X X X
Change in additional capital 3330 X X X
Change in reserve capital 3340 X X X X
The amount of capital on 3300

Additional checks

Check counterparty Download data for financial analysis

* An asterisk indicates indicators that are adjusted in comparison with Rosstat data. The adjustment is necessary to eliminate obvious formal inconsistencies in reporting indicators (difference in the sum of lines with the final value, typos) and is carried out according to an algorithm specially developed by us.

Reference: Accounting statements presented according to Rosstat, disclosed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the given data depends on the accuracy of the data submission to Rosstat and the processing of these data by the statistical agency. When using this reporting, we strongly recommend that you check the figures with the data of the paper (electronic) copy of the reporting posted on the official website of the organization or received from the organization itself. The financial analysis The presented data are not part of the Rosstat information and are performed using a specialized

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