
Returns stolen by Olga Friske of Rusfund money. Until the last ruble: "RusFond" revealed the details of the contract with Zhanna Friske in all details. Regulations on the order of return of donations on a charitable assistance program Zhanna Friske

13,653,124 rubles. Who came to the Rusfund's account in the payment of debt on the case of Zhanna Friskewill go for the treatment of five children with malignant tumors: Dobromir Vorobev (three years, Sochi, Anaplastic Edendimoma), Alibek Karaev (three years, Sochi, Medulovoblastoma), Misha Shaydukov (five years, Chuvashia, Medulovoblastoma), Nastya Karimova (14 years old, Samara region, Sarkoma Yinga), Maxim Mandrugin (two years, St. Petersburg, neuroblastoma of the right adrenal).

The benefactors who participated in the aid of the assistance of Zhanna Friske from January to March 2014, who wish to return their money should report this for 14 calendar days - until August 16, 2019 inclusive ( Changes to the Regulations on the procedure for returning donations on a charity assistance program Zhanna Friske from August 2, 2019). They will be able to get 19.5% of donations. To do this, you must send an email to the address.

Money received in the case of Zhanna Friske, RusFond will send for the treatment of four of its wards

7,980,000 rubles who came to the Rusfund's account in the payment of debt on the case of Zhanna Friske will go to proton therapy for four children with malignant tumors from among the Foundation's waiting. 2 595 986 rub. will be aimed at the treatment of two year old Ani Kipruk From Severodvinsk, which diagnoses a malignant embryonic brain tumor. 2 116 921 rub. - on the therapy of the six-year Rafael Petrosyan from Tuapse (embryonic rhabomiosarcoma nasopharynk), 2 254 253 rub. - 17-year-old Lillian Smirnova From Petrozavodsk (malignant brain tumor - Medulovoblastoma). On an eight-year-old therapy Matvey TEREBURUHOV From Achinsk (Medulovoblastoma Cellerychka) required 2 850 979 rubles. 1 838 139 rubles. Listed from funds received in the debt payment in the case of Zhanna Friske.

As the RusFond has already reported, on May 14, at the expense of the Fund received 7,980,000 rubles. From the realization of the property that was inherited by the relatives of Zhanna Friske. The benefactors participating in the aid of the assistance of Zhanna Friske from January to March 2014, who wishes to return their money, could report this for 14 calendar days - until May 28 inclusive.

7 980 000 rubles. Founded on May 14 is the first part of the debt at 21 633,124 rubles, which by the court decision must be returned by Rusfund. We are talking about the remainder of money collected for the treatment of singer and not used for its intended purpose. Executive proceedings continues, RusFond is waiting for a complete debt refund.

RusFond received the first 7,980,000 rubles. In the account of repayment of the debt of heirs Zhanna Friske

May 14 at the expense of Rusfond received 7,980,000 rubles. From the realization of the property that was inherited by the relatives of Zhanna Friske. This is the first part of the debt at 21 633,124 rubles, which, by the court decision, the heirs of the singer must return Rusfund.

Regulations on the order of return of donations on a charitable assistance program Zhanna Friske

On the website of the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, edited an article on the case of Friske

Today, on the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, they made edits to Anna Gigzhanina. The title is now such: "RusFond refuted the world agreement with the FRESK family". This morning, the article was called: "Family of Zhanna Friske and RusFond are going to be reconciled?" In the corrected text, the Rusfund's position is taken into account: "The other day, the source" KP "said that the settlement agreement was preparing between the FRESS family and a charitable organization to write off the debt in the amount of 21 million rubles. However, representatives of the Rusfund categorically denied these information, calling them unreliable, and on their official website they placed a message in which it was said: "Nobody from the defendants (family of Friske or their representatives) did not add to RusFond or to its representatives (lawyers) with a proposal Conclude a settlement agreement. "

"We will not discuss the conditions under which the amount of debt can be reduced, as this money will go for the treatment of seriously ill children who urgently need help, are emphasized in Rusfund."

Materials on the topic:

First law

Right ownership of funds for donations

Lion A amBorder,

President Rusfond, Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights

Russian Assistance Fund (RusFond)

In recent days, with the submission of the site Super.ru, on the existence of which we learned in connection with his false publication about the allegedly proposed by the Rusphone, Dmitry Khvorostovsky, the new campaign was departing to discredit Rusfund, one of the largest charitable funds, and through it Russian philanthropy. Unfortunately, some other media included in a provocative campaign and deputies of the State Duma.

In particular, the Department of Culture of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" offers the Rusfund to clarify its readers, for what money the country house is built by Father Jeanne Friske: "Does not for charitable donations of viewers?" And Ren TV channel invites the Rusphone in Tener to comment on the appeal of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vadim Solovyov to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Seagull asking for a "comprehensive verification of the specified facts with the application of prosecutor's response." At the same time, the TV channel for some reason did not consider it necessary at least to familiarize the Rusphone with the "specified facts" of the deputy request.

RusFond does not consider it possible to take part in such promotions, he did not participate in them and will not participate.

The essence of the case is next. In January last year, our partner "First Channel" asked to provide a bank account of the Rusfund for a television campaign to collect charitable donations for the treatment of severely ill singer Zhanna Friske. As you know, commercial organizations are not entitled to engage in charity donations, and charitable funds are released from paying income taxes and value added. RusFond went to meet and performed in this television as a financial mechanism. As a result, in January - March 2014, hundreds of thousands of fans Zhanna Friske sent 1 141 884 SMS-messages for a short number 5541 with the word Jeanne and bank transfers total at 69,267,787 rubles. Of this money, at the request of the singer, 32,619,851 rubles. was translated into treatment nine cancer children From among the prominers of the Rusfund.

Until October 2014, accounts were paid from the clinics and from suppliers of drugs for Jeanne totaling 11,636,146 rubles. On October 19, 2014, RusFond concluded an agreement with a singer to finance its further treatment: in accordance with the legislation: Russia's charitable funds are not entitled to keep targeted donations on their bank account, they should be spent on direct appointment or return to philanthropists. Under the Treaty, the Fund has listed the rest of the following amount 25 011 790 rubles. On the personal bank account Zhanna, and she pledged to submit to us reports about spending.

All this information RusFong posted a timely on the site, and anyone could familiarize himself with it.

Until June 15, 2015, several reports received several reports from their native Zhanna to RusFond from their native Zhanna 4 120 959 rubles. And on June 15, Zhanna Friske did not.

In accordance with Russian legislation, future heirs enter the right of inheritance in six months after the death of the bank account holder. Rusfund is known for three future heirs Zhanna. This is the son of Plato (the representative is his father Dmitry Shepelev), the parents of Jeanne - Vladimir Friske and Olga Kopylova. They are notified of the need to report to the Rusphone about therapeutic expenses from the remaining 20,890,831 rubles. At the occurrence of the term of inheritance, that is, on December 16, 2015, RusFond in accordance with the law will ask for the heirs about the status of the county of the late singer ..

16.06.2015, 06:55

Zhanna Friske died

The famous singer was 40 years old

After a long illness, singer and actress Zhanna Friske died. The singer was treated for several years from cancer, but she failed to defeat the disease.

The fact that the singer died told the music producer Max Fadeev, he wrote in his twitter: "Of course, life ends. But this ended too early. She was kind, sincere and strong. " Later, the information about the death of the singer confirmed her father: he told the media that the singers did not become evening on June 15.

But a series of scandalous news, in which the name of the late Zhanna Friske appears, does not end. For two years, the media has already discussed in the media about the lawsuits of the artist family with her beloved Dmitry Shepelev for the right to meet with the singer's sole son. The scandal associated with the investigation of the disappearance of more than 20 million rubles from the Friske's account is also lasting.

Only a month ago, an appeal complaint was considered in the Moscow City Court for the decision of the Perovsky District Court in the Rusfund case. Recall, on May 19, the District Court decided - to satisfy the lawsuit on returning 21.6 million rubles in full. Native singers in order not to pay their part of the amount, should have been given to the documents indicating that the money went on the treatment. But so far they have not presented them and sued a new lawsuit!

Shepelev's representatives were not in court. But the face of Friske presented a new petition. And a counterclaim on the invalidity of the contract with RusFond. But the judicial board did not accept the petition for the recognition of a contract by invalid, and was much tougher: the bailiffs were arrested on the accounts of the parents of Jeanne.

For the next hearing, Zhanna's parents demand to invite all the necessary witnesses to the court (friends, driver, acquaintances Zhanna), as well as check all the correspondence, SMS and calls their daughter. It is worth recalling that the family lost all the courts. Close-like Zhanna must return the "Rusfund" 21.6 million rubles, because they could not provide confirmation that the money was spent on the treatment of the singer. This was the essence of long litigation, "Komsomolka" writes.

Parents Zhanna believe that the daughter did not sign any contract, and so they simply want to be sealed. Now it will take an additional date of the testimony of the driver Zhanna and her girlfriend, Olga Orlova singer, who can know where Zhanna was October 19, 2014, when an agreement was concluded. It will find out everything, right up to the smallest detail. Running in the past, which, with the easy dad's feed and mom, apparently, never stop steaming.

Fans of Zhanna are literally shocked by similar news. They doubt the adequacy of the singer's parents and consider such actions by direct insult to her name. And how do you think? Share your opinions in the comments.

The court session on this, as you understand not completed, the continuation should be.

Why not right parents Zhanna Friske. A very unpleasant story, which lies down the stain for the memory of Zhanna. Let's deal with.

A donation agreement was concluded between Rusphone and Jeanne Friske on October 19, 2014. According to this Agreement, RusFond and listed for Jena more than 25 million rubles, donated to the viewers for its treatment. The contract provided for the right and obligation of the RusLofand to demand a report on the expenditure of these funds or their full return.
The contract concluded with Zhanna Friske provided for the target spending of funds and obligated to provide a report on treatment costs, as well as the return of the unspent amount. "According to the documents provided by the Rusfund, only a small part of the total amount of 25 million rubles is spent on the treatment of Zhanna. Our attempts to identify exact amounts spent on treatment, not crowned with success.
the "RusFond" was submitted a report on spending only 4.12 million rubles.

Yesterday, the second meeting of the Perovsky court was held on the suit of Rusfond to the heirs of the singer. The judge indicated that the subject of the dispute relates exclusively the money that was translated into the singer's accounts as charitable aid of the viewers. And which the singer's family was obliged to return after her death. Namely 21.633.214 rubles.

It seems that everything is simple, spent - show the documents. If you stayed back to RusFond, this money will go to the treatment of patients with children.

About the "RusFong" just say that there are very decent people there, who perceive the pain of every child, as their own.

The word "Rusfund":
During the promotion of Zhanna Friske, 69,267,787 rubles were collected. In the American clinic, where the singer was treated at the beginning of the year, RusFond translated 11,636,146 rubles:
January 29 - 4 710 811 rubles,
February 27 - 1 732 765 rub.,
March 19 - 5 192 570 rub.
Optional Zhanna another 32 619 851 rubles. RusFond sent to pay for the treatment of nine cancer children.
October 28, in accordance with the Treaty between the Rusphone and Zhangne \u200b\u200bFriske, the remaining 25,011,790 rubles are translated on the continuation of treatment on a personal bank account. According to the Treaty, the spending reports from this amount will be transmitted to RusFond. And we will keep you informed events.

"Go to court we binds the goals and principles of work, with which RusFond is strictly 20 years old. 20 years old, RusFond helps seriously ill people, first of all - children. For the period of their activities, RusFond gathered over 9.1 billion rubles. All collected money is spent exclusively. In order to provide high-tech medical care. The most important standard of Rusfund is strict reporting on accepted and used donations. Strict records of donations allows you to assist the maximum number of needy: Money collected in the desired amount for the treatment of one patient is immediately sent to another session, what the RusFond will definitely inform benefactors.
These principles, RusFond strictly followed and when collecting money for Zhanna: 30 million rubles from 68 million rubles (46%) collected in January 2014 with the help of the "Channel One", were immediately aimed at the treatment of eight children. Jeanne then publicly thanked everyone for the help and spoke of his desire to help in need of children.
We are deeply grieving about the death of Zhanna. Appeal to the court in the current situation - the measure is extremely forced, but necessary in order to find out the fate of donations remaining unspent, if possible, return them and send them to treatment of seriously ill children. "

I will tell you about your experience.
In 2013, I helped the Rusfund to collect money for treatment and we all collected the required amount of 280,000 rubles. .

I drove into the Kursk to the girl and with me RusFong concluded a contract. I was paid for train tickets for which I fully reported.
Let me remind you how Olya and Mom lived in Kursk. This is the yard and toilet on the street.

This is to the question who really needs money and who has no money, no apartments, no cottages ... The issue of ethics and morality.

Funds two weeks before the death of the singer took off the bank and cashed her mother Olga Friske. This became known on the process on the "Rusfond" claim, which requires that natives returned 21.6 million rubles

Mother Zhanna Friske Olga. Photo: Sergey Shahidzhanyan / Tass

Money collected by the viewers of the first channel for treatment with singer's singer Zhanna Friske, two weeks before her death were removed from bank accounts and was rendered by her mother Olga Friske. This was aware of the meeting of the Prestovsky Court of Moscow, which considers the lawsuit of Rusfond on recovery from native artists of 21.6 million rubles. The court decided to cause a woman to the process for interrogation.

As the lawyer stated at a court session, which represented the interests of the civil husband of the singer Dmitry Shepelev, as a result of the inspection, "conducted by the authorized bodies," it was established that the television viewers were listed for three deposit accounts in Rosbank: ruble, dollar and hero. "The money on the current and deposit accounts was used to pay for the treatment of the singer. At the same time, funds in the accounts in dollars and the euro were not used, the lawyer said. "However, two weeks before the death of Zhanna Friske, an unspent part of charitable assistance was cashed by the Mother of Singer by Olga Vladimirovna Friske." As the lawyer added, it also follows from the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to refuse to initiate a criminal case, which demanded to start the "RusFond" on the fact of theft of funds by unidentified persons.

The similar information was informed Rosbank, in which the court previously requested information on the cash flow on the accounts of Zhanna Friske. "Thus, there are reasonable grounds to believe that at present the unsighted part of charitable assistance is in the possession of Olga Friske," said the representative of Dmitry Shepelev.

The lawyer petitioned about the challenge of the mother of the singer to the court. "Today we have two questions: where there is an unspent part of charitable assistance, and whether Olga wars Vladimirovna to return the money" Rusfund ". At this, our court sessions may end, if the funds are returned by Olga Vladimirovna, "the lawyer said.

"RusFond" asks the court to recover from the native former soloist group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske of 21.6 million rubles, collected by the viewers of the first channel for the treatment of singer. The defendants on the claim are the parents of the died in June 2015 from the Cancer of Artists Vladimir and Olga, as well as her four-year-old son Plato in the person of his legal representative, TV host Dmitry Shepelev. At the same time, the relations of the former civilian husband of the singer with her parents remain quite tense due to the claims to raise the boy, whom the parents of Zhanna wanted to grow. However, the court recognized the Shepelev guardian.

In his claim, RusFond claims that more than 25 million rubles have listed for Zhanna Friske. After the death of the singer, her relatives provided a report on spending only 4.12 million rubles for payment of medical services. They refused to present documents on the expenditure of the remaining amount for similar purposes. It is worth noting that none of the close artists goes to the process: their interests represent professional lawyers.

The family of the singers does not recognize. However, so far the lawyers of loved ones have not yet informed the court of fate most of the money, on April 21, the Russian Rusfund lawyer drew in the process.

In turn, the lawyer representing the interests of the father of the singer Vladimir Friske, stated that the defendants finally prepared objections to the lawsuit. They argue that all the money was spent on treatment. "Since the plaintiff appealed to the court after 18 months after the death of Zhanna Friske, we are trying to collect the documents that the money was spent on the target destination," the lawyer said.

The lawyer noted that the actress was treated abroad, in Germany and Israel, and therefore it is not so easy to get documents. Currently, lawyers collect evidence there. The judge Sergey Savostyanov proposed a defendant to help in this - send relevant requests to foreign medical institutions. However, the lawyer for the help of the court refused and asked to give three weeks to complete the procedure for collecting documents. The representative of the defendant added that Zhanna Friske was capable, herself signed the documents, but she had an accountant that was engaged in transferring money abroad for treatment. True, now it is not in Russia, clarified a lawyer.

This moment was interested in Judge Sergei Skostyanov, who decided to call the singer's accountant to court, putting on the defendant the duty to provide her turnout. He also satisfied the request of the representative of Dmitry Shepelev about the call to the court for the interrogation of Olga Friske. By providing a native defendant an additional time to collect evidence, the court postponed the process as of May 19.

Previously, the court conducted an examination to assess the value of the genre friske of property inherited by the parents and child. On Friday, at the meeting, it was sounded that, according to the notary of Strakov, the unsighted part of charitable assistance did not enter the hereditary mass.

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