
Rules for buying currency. Now we will change the currency in a new way. How is currency exchange controlled?

The new currency exchange provisions came into force very recently. Until recently, in order to sell or buy currency from 15,000 rubles, credit firms had to carry out identification. Only one document was required - a passport. An employee of a financial institution wrote down the name of the client. New currency exchange rules in Russia appeared at the end of last year in December 2015.

Tightening of currency exchange rules in Russia

Not so long ago, new rules came into force regarding foreign exchange transactions in exchange offices. The Central Bank has tightened the currency exchange rules for those people who want to make a financial transaction in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles.

Previously, less complex procedures were used to establish the identity, now the new law obliges financial institutions to carry out the full identification of citizens.

The Central Bank reassured the Russians that the new rules would not create additional difficulties. If the amount does not exceed the established threshold, then the currency exchange according to the rules of 2017 will not differ from the previous ones. In the event that the amount exceeds the threshold set by the Central Bank, you will also need a passport, and in addition, you will need to fill out a form. The tightening of currency exchange rules will lead to the fact that it will take a little longer to complete foreign exchange transactions.

The questionnaire will be completed by an employee of a bank or exchange office, but the client will need to provide additional information, such as residential address or TIN number. The answers will be entered in the questionnaire, which the client himself can fill out. If filled out by an employee of the institution, all items of the questionnaire are filled out based on the testimony of the client.

Currency exchange in 2017

New currency exchange rules came into effect on December 28 last year. Quite a bit of time has passed, and many people still do not know how this innovation will affect their foreign exchange transactions.

The point of the new rules is to make the currency conversion scheme as transparent as possible. In developed countries, this practice has already become a habit.

It is rather difficult to export money in cash from developed countries, since large amounts are allowed to be exported on a card or in another non-cash way. While currency exchange regulations are being tightened, major institutions have said that citizens will not be restricted in their right to make various foreign exchange transactions. Even if an employee of the exchange office asks the client for a TIN number, then its absence should not become an obstacle to converting. Money can also be exchanged with the help of a foreign passport, however, in this case, a bank employee may require you to provide the registration address. If a general civil document is used, then the registration address after the first exchange will be entered into the database automatically. Currency exchange rules in Russia are more loyal than in developed countries. You should not be afraid of innovations, since this measure is not aimed at the detriment of citizens, but for the benefit.

Questionnaire for currency exchange

Most people are already aware that new currency exchange rules have come into effect. From December 27, 2015, to exchange currency for an amount exceeding 15 thousand rubles, an identity card will be required, and in addition, you will need to fill out a special questionnaire. The dossier records all the data that the credit institution receives during the identification of a citizen.

With regard to the recently established currency exchange rules, the Central Bank has set a list for the questionnaire, including 17 items. According to these points, the bank can formulate its own questions. Determining the degree of riskiness of the client is completely the responsibility of bank employees.

Currency exchange rules from December 28 are aimed at combating financial terrorism. Since they appeared quite recently, there are a huge number of questions from both ordinary citizens and employees of credit organizations. There is still no clear and specific definition of which citizen can be considered suspicious. Employees of a credit firm must determine for themselves whether a particular client is suspicious. An employee of a credit organization may be wary of a large amount, and the client's inappropriate behavior may also seem suspicious. New currency exchange rules from the end of 2015 are needed to reinsure financial institutions. The Central Bank sent out a common questionnaire template to all financial institutions. Banks have the right to modify the questionnaire at their own discretion.

What could be the consequences of tightening the rules of foreign exchange from the Central Bank

The new currency exchange rules that came into force on December 28 were perceived by citizens ambiguously. Some people understand the importance of such innovations, but most people worry about whether the innovations will be reflected in a negative way. It is necessary to understand the main thing - the Central Bank has tightened the rules of currency exchange so that banks can insure against fraudulent schemes and machinations. The public at the very end of last year was somewhat shocked by the introduction of new currency exchange rules. On the forums, you can find many questions regarding how the innovation will affect the ongoing currency transactions. Some experts give positive forecasts as to whether something will change in the banking sector after the entry into force of the law. Some experts believe that some credit institutions may declare unprofitability and reduce the exchange network. Many expect that the commission charged for performing currency conversions will increase.

A positive moment for banks is the fact that information on foreign exchange transactions of each client will be stored for 5 years in a dossier. If a credit institution needs to obtain more information about the client, then this can be done without any problems. So far, the worst thing that awaits citizens is the loss of some time when converting to fill out a questionnaire according to the new rules.

Since 2017, the process of buying and selling foreign currency has become much more complicated in the Russian Federation. Citizens have already managed to be puzzled, although the NB and analysts are inclined to believe that new rules for buying currency in Russia in 2017 by an individual have not burdened the citizens so much and it will be necessary to tighten them even more in order to ensure guaranteed control over the state of the market.

What you need to know - general provisions

It is worth noting that the complication of the purchase process was not due to the desire of state bodies to reduce the volume of purchases of foreign currency by citizens, which was said at the official level. The corresponding regulation No. 499-P, adopted on 10/15/2015, fully complies with the regulations set forth in Federal Law No. 115. In particular, the new provision includes consideration of the issue of combating illegal money laundering, subsequent financing of terrorist organizations. In other words, the practice of acquiring or selling currency by citizens on the territory of the state is brought into maximum compliance with the current law, which makes it possible to exclude the illegal use of money.

Within the framework of the current legislation, it is also possible not to carry out the identification of an individual who decides to sell, buy cash in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles at all. The regulator also notes the fact that when purchasing funds (selling them) for an amount below 15,000 rubles (its equivalent value in any other foreign currency), identification is not required at all. Therefore, a client who decides to exchange a small amount of money does not have to worry about the need to provide documents.

In turn, if the amount exceeds the specified indicator, it is necessary to provide an identity document, namely a passport, to the financial institution when exchanging it. This is quite a common requirement; some others are a kind of nonsense. Among other things, the client will also need to leave their contact information with the organization (which can be a mobile phone number, fax number, even email). An identification number must also be provided. The most unexpected requirement of a banking organization, for which a client should be ready, is the provision of information regarding the financial situation, existing business reputation. You will even have to provide information about the source of origin of the funds that he will need to exchange. Of course, this may not even be required, but such a decision is made solely at the discretion of the administration. True, the bank itself fills out the questionnaire with data, the client who applied to the organization will not need to spend time entering data, there is no need to look for other ways to buy currency. Independently, the bank does not oblige its clients to carry out the recording and subsequent identification of data, offering them to fill out the questionnaires provided for these purposes. The information obtained as a result of the collection is recorded in a special dossier, which is due to the operation of the Central Bank regulation number 499-P. The organization is confident that the new rules envisaged for execution will not be able to create certain problems for customers (although it is not excluded that the time for the exchange will be slightly increased).

What will this measure lead to?

As already noted, despite the soothing explanations from the representatives of the Central Bank of Russia, the processing time of the request submitted by each client will also become significant. First of all, such actions will increase the current operational load of cashiers, bank managers, and also create some kind of difficulties for numerous credit institutions providing services in the market segment. Competition will also increase, and small organizations will appear offering banknote exchange services. In particular, some of those banks that will not be able to ensure stability in the exchange of money, without creating problems with the service, will refuse to provide this service. In principle, the creation of such conditions in the future will only lead to an increase in the cost of such transactions, it is worth preparing for this.

Against the background of the introduction of such a rule and taking into account the regulations, how many dollars can be exchanged at one time, it is worth noting that an additional commission for the conversion of funds can be about 2-3% (depending on the volume of transactions performed by the bank). This will affect the average consumer who wishes to use the service, but will not contribute to the process of preventing money laundering. According to many financial experts, it will be necessary to create fundamentally new solutions for those who wish to work with a banking organization.

Relationship between new requirements and old ones

Despite all the pessimism, some analysts also note some similarities between the new requirements and the old ones. For example, until 2003, when, when purchasing foreign currency at a bank, potential clients had to issue a certificate of the established form, which was issued by an employee of the organization only upon presentation of their passport. They managed to forget about this order a little, but it returns again (plus you will additionally need to provide a TIN for consideration). Despite such vigilance of bank employees, money laundering still exists, only it is done not through bank offices, but by contacting the client at exchange offices scattered throughout the country. Consequently, the only result will be a significant increase in document flow, but in no way will this introduction ensure the intended legality of the exchange of funds. What currency can be bought at Sberbank? In fact, any provided by the Central Bank, no significant restrictions on this matter are provided, you can order the funds available to the bank.

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From time to time there is a need to make a currency exchange. This process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In order not to violate the laws of the country, you need to know the rules of the exchange process: what documents are required, what restrictions and limits exist, what is the amount of the commission charged, etc. Read more in our review.

Currency exchange rules in 2017. Do you need a passport or not?

In Russia, from December 27, 2015, new rules have been introduced regarding the cash exchange of foreign currency. The innovation provides for the identification of customers by the bank. The previous procedure for money exchange in a bank, which takes place with a passport, has been expanded and tightened. When making a currency exchange transaction equivalent to 15,000 rubles, bank employees ask customers to complete a survey and answer additional questions (specify TIN, place of work, contact phone number, etc.).

When making a financial currency transaction (purchase and sale) in the amount of ≤ 15,000 rubles, there is no need to identify the client's identity. Operations with a turnover ≥ 15,000 rubles. require the presence of a client's passport and his questionnaire (filled out by a bank employee). The data obtained during the survey process is not subject to disclosure and will be used within the credit institution (the data storage period is established by applicable law).

The innovation of the Central Bank did not immediately take root and caused conflicting reviews.

The reason for the adoption of the new rules. Sberbank

In the official position of the Central Bank of Russia (499-P), the main positions of customer identification are fixed. A forced measure to strengthen control, tracking, combating financial terrorism and money laundering. The task of the bank is a thorough check of persons making money exchange transactions and other of its clients. This provision applies to the work of currency exchange offices. The principle of making a purchase or sale of a foreign currency through the Internet bank or cashless payments remained the same.
How to make a currency exchange

The new rules of the Central Bank apply to monetary transactions exceeding 15,000 rubles. If earlier it was enough to present a passport to make a currency exchange, now the bank offers to undergo a special questionnaire. In a special questionnaire, the full name, full date of birth, place, citizenship, actual address of residence must be indicated. Additionally, bank employees can clarify contact information, find out the financial situation, source of income and business reputation of the client.

If this is not the first contact with the bank. For example, they applied for a loan at Sberbank, its employees have the necessary information and it is enough for the client to present a passport. Otherwise, you will have to go through the identification process completely.

The Central Bank was reassured that customers would not experience inconvenience with the innovation. Employees of a banking organization will independently fill out a questionnaire based on data from various information bases. Therefore, in fact, when buying and selling in foreign currency, it is enough for the client to present a passport.

The collection of additional information is selective.

How the new rules will affect currency exchange today

The Central Bank's statement that customers will not feel the changes causes skepticism among a number of credit institutions. Currency exchange will take longer, queues will appear, which, in turn, will naturally annoy customers who value their time.

Of the positive aspects, they note an increase in the transparency of financial transactions, the simplified use of controlled cashless payments.

What do the new rules mean for citizens

The new rules aimed at ongoing currency purchase and sale operations have caused a lot of questions from ordinary citizens. The adoption of the provision on mandatory personal identification of the client (exchange of ≥ 15,000 rubles) raised a wave of mistrust and overgrown with a web of unverified information.

Use of personal data specified during the execution of a currency transaction for the subsequent taxation of the transaction. To date, there is no such clause in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Honest citizens should not worry about their accumulated funds. Additional financial penalties are not provided.
Many perceived the innovations as a signal for a sharp change in the exchange rate of foreign currencies and began to sow panic on their own, creating an artificial financial deficit. The exchange rate is set and fixed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Information fraud. The data established by the bank in the process of identifying the client is the property of the organization and is closed from access by third parties. The collection of information is carried out in order to ensure the security of the bank and identify possible illegal actions of the client.

Like everything new, the adopted rules scared ordinary citizens more, forcing them to resort to alternative methods of exchange. This reaction sparked a wave of fraud.

Security measures when buying and selling currency in 2016-2017

The unstable economic situation, innovations and an abundance of false information have confused many citizens, and some openly panicked. The desperate desire of the Russians to make a quick currency exchange with the maximum personal benefit has created a fertile ground for the activities of fraudsters.

Illegal activities in the financial sector keep pace with the times. The crude scams of the 1990s have replaced subtle new, "almost legal" scam schemes aimed at deceiving citizens in order to take over their finances.

Common fraud when buying and selling currencies:

  • sleight of hand, or the mystery of the black box. A conscientious cashier lays out cash against the wall of the tray, located closer to the client. Every second citizen takes the funds received without counting. Unfortunately, not the entire amount may be in the pack. A pair of three banknotes mysteriously ends up at the far wall of the tray, where naive citizens would never even think of looking. What happens: a dishonest cashier performs a well-honed trick, a throw, in which several bills, hitting the front wall, fly off deep into the tray. There are no illegal actions in this, the amount is given in full. The client is left to blame for his carelessness. Sweet syrup can also be used for similar purposes. Having slightly lubricated the tray with a sticky composition, it is really possible to get a good “increase” in salary;
  • write one, remember zero. An indication of the exchange rate on the scoreboard up to tenths does not guarantee that the expected amount will be received. The catch is that enterprising currency exchange employees refer to the lack of a zero for the scoreboard and explain the flaw in the rate by shifting the value to hundredths. For example, the indicated USD rate of 68.3 actually means 68.03. Unreasonable dependence of the exchange rate on the amount being changed is also common. For example, the indicated favorable rate is valid for the exchange of amounts over $1,000. The rules are not violated, because the client was “informed” by a small, inconspicuous announcement written in small print;
  • Fake! Here, dodgy scammers called for help from the legislation of the Russian Federation. The cashier has the right to legally seize all suspicious banknotes. Usually, citizens who change insignificant amounts are subjected to attacks by scammers. A terrible loud accusation - a counterfeiter - knocks them out of the rut of rationality. Law enforcement agencies evoke unkind associations among Russians, therefore, fearing the upcoming red tape, clients part with their savings relatively easily;
  • for many Russians, the bank is a guarantor of security. In fact, ordinary people with different moral principles work there. There is a huge amount of illiquid banknotes, the sale of which causes difficulty even for official organizations. They can be issued to an unsuspecting citizen. The adopted new rules for the mandatory identification of the client's identity provide a certain security when making a transaction. Dishonest cashiers in this case do not require documents.

A diverse range of fraud schemes is regularly updated. More and more people fall for the tricks of scammers.

The safety of the client is in his hands. The manifestation of vigilance and compliance with accepted norms and rules when performing a money exchange operation. Self-control and law-abiding will give their results. If you have the slightest suspicion or violation of the rules for buying and selling currencies, you should immediately contact the management of the credit institution and law enforcement agencies.

For active users of new technologies, the service "modern online banking" is provided, the use of the resource allows you to avoid various unpleasant situations. The simplicity of the operation, complemented by significant time savings, brings the provided service to a leading position.

Source: http://a1invest.ru/

Rules for the purchase by individuals of currency in Russia

Since 2017, the process of buying and selling foreign currency has become much more complicated in the Russian Federation. Citizens have already managed to be puzzled, although the NB and analysts are inclined to believe that the new rules for buying currency in Russia in 2017 by an individual did not burden citizens so much and they will need to be even more tightened in order to ensure guaranteed control over the state of the market.

What you need to know - general provisions

It is worth noting that the complication of the purchase process was not due to the desire of state bodies to reduce the volume of purchases of foreign currency by citizens, which was said at the official level. The corresponding regulation No. 499-P, adopted on 10/15/2015, fully complies with the regulations set forth in Federal Law No. 115. In particular, the new provision includes consideration of the issue of combating illegal money laundering, subsequent financing of terrorist organizations. In other words, the practice of acquiring or selling currency by citizens on the territory of the state is brought into maximum compliance with the current law, which makes it possible to exclude the illegal use of money.

Within the framework of the current legislation, it is also possible not to carry out the identification of an individual who decides to sell, buy cash in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles at all. The regulator also notes the fact that when purchasing funds (selling them) for an amount below 15,000 rubles (its equivalent value in any other foreign currency), identification is not required at all. Therefore, a client who decides to exchange a small amount of money does not have to worry about the need to provide documents.

In turn, if the amount exceeds the specified indicator, it is necessary to provide an identity document, namely a passport, to the financial institution when exchanging it. This is quite a common requirement; some others are a kind of nonsense. Among other things, the client will also need to leave their contact information with the organization (which can be a mobile phone number, fax number, even email). An identification number must also be provided. The most unexpected requirement of a banking organization, for which a client should be ready, is the provision of information regarding the financial situation, existing business reputation.

You will even have to provide information about the source of origin of the funds that he will need to exchange. Of course, this may not even be required, but such a decision is made solely at the discretion of the administration. True, the bank itself fills out the questionnaire with data, the client who applied to the organization will not need to spend time entering data, there is no need to look for other ways to buy currency. On its own, the bank does not oblige its clients to carry out the recording and subsequent identification of data, offering them to fill out the questionnaires provided for these purposes.

The information obtained as a result of the collection is recorded in a special dossier, which is due to the operation of the Central Bank regulation number 499-P. The organization is confident that the new rules envisaged for execution will not be able to create certain problems for customers (although it is possible that the time for the exchange will be slightly increased).

What will this measure lead to?

As already noted, despite the soothing explanations from the representatives of the Central Bank of Russia, the processing time of the request submitted by each client will also become significant. First of all, such actions will increase the current operational load of cashiers, bank managers, and also create some kind of difficulties for numerous credit institutions providing services in the market segment.

Competition will also increase, and small organizations will appear offering banknote exchange services. In particular, some of those banks that will not be able to ensure stability in the exchange of money, without creating problems with the service, will refuse to provide this service. In principle, the creation of such conditions in the future will only lead to an increase in the cost of such transactions, it is worth preparing for this.

Against the background of the introduction of such a rule and taking into account the regulation on how many dollars can be exchanged at a time, it is worth noting that an additional commission for converting funds can be about 2-3% (depending on the volume of transactions performed by the bank). This will affect the average consumer who wishes to use the service, but will not contribute to the process of preventing money laundering.

According to many financial experts, it will be necessary to create fundamentally new solutions for those who wish to work with a banking organization.

Relationship between new requirements and old ones

Despite all the pessimism, some analysts also note some similarities between the new requirements and the old ones. For example, until 2003, when, when purchasing foreign currency at a bank, potential clients had to issue a certificate of the established form, which was issued by an employee of the organization only upon presentation of their passport. They managed to forget about this order a little, but it returns again (plus you will additionally need to provide a TIN for consideration).

Despite such vigilance of bank employees, money laundering still exists, only it is done not through bank offices, but by contacting the client at exchange offices scattered throughout the country. Consequently, the only result will be a significant increase in document flow, but in no way will this introduction ensure the intended legality of the exchange of funds.

What currency can be bought at Sberbank? In fact, any provided by the Central Bank, no significant restrictions on this matter are provided, you can order the funds available to the bank.

Source: http://investobox.ru/

Currency conversion when making card transactions

We constantly make purchases by card, withdraw cash. And while we are in Russia, we don’t think much about how a card transaction goes from the moment a purchase is made to the moment it is debited from the account. And, when planning a trip abroad or about to make a purchase in foreign currency, we frantically begin to look for information about how the conversion takes place, who pays for it and how much. A familiar picture? And, meanwhile, the conversion is carried out even when you make purchases in Russia in rubles.

How does the card conversion work?

Three currencies are involved in the conversion operation - the currency of the operation, the billing currency and the currency of the card. Transaction currency - the currency in which the purchase is made or the funds are withdrawn. Billing currency is the currency of settlements between the bank and the international payment system (VISA, MasterCard, American Express). The currency of the card is, in fact, the currency in which the account is opened.

So, you have made a purchase with a card, what happens next?

  • The transaction currency is compared with the billing currency, if the currencies do not match, then the conversion takes place at the rate of the international payment system. The conversion operation is completed within 2-3 days.
  • Next, the payment system sends a file to the bank, which indicates the amount in the billing currency, which the bank must debit from your account.
  • The bank compares the billing currency with the currency of your card account. And, if the currencies do not match, then the conversion takes place again, but, this time, at the internal rate of the bank and debits money from your card. Moreover, the date of debiting money from your account may not even pass on the day when the payment system settled with the bank, but later.

Thus, it turns out that by making one operation, you can get one or two consecutive currency conversions at once, and, meanwhile, a commission will be charged for each of them.

If the transaction and billing currencies and/or the billing currency and the card currency match, then, you guessed it, no conversion takes place.

As we noted above, the billing currency is usually the dollar for VISA cards. For MasterCard cards, the billing currency is the euro (for purchases in the euro area), in other countries also the dollar. But, if you make a card transaction in the country where the card was issued (in Russia), then the billing currency is equal to the national currency. Thus, you do not pay for the conversion, although it still occurs (all costs for the conversion from the billing currency to the currency of your account are borne by the bank).

Where can I find exchange rates?

You can always find out the course of the payment system directly on the websites of these systems:

Check the bank's conversion rate either on the website or in the Internet bank of the bank that issued your card. You can also find out the course by calling the contact center. Please note that the conversion rate for non-cash transactions in most banks does not coincide with the rate of buying / selling currencies.

Add fees for cross-border payments. Who takes the commission?

In addition, in many banks there is a so-called commission for cross-border transactions. Such a commission arises when you make a purchase with a ruble card in a foreign store or pay abroad - in a word, for any transactions in foreign currency. For example, since March 1, 2014, Sberbank takes a commission on classic cards in the amount of 1.5% (it used to be 0.65%), in Alpha - 1.7%, VTB 24 will take 2% on Visa cards (for payments in foreign currency, other than the dollar) and 0% for MasterCard cards. In Renaissance and Tinkoff banks, there is no such commission for MasterCard cards.

Let's look at examples of how card payments are made in different currencies in different countries:

If you have a card in RUBLES

Example 1 You make a purchase with a card in Turkey (the national currency is Lira). There are two conversions. First, the payment system converts lira into dollars, then the bank converts dollars into rubles to debit your card account. You will pay twice for converting lira - dollar - rubles. Moreover, in cases (as in this example), when the purchase is made in a currency other than rubles, dollars or euros, the bank charges an additional commission, for example, in MDM this commission is 2.5% (this is a plus to the other two).

Example 2 If you made a purchase in America, then the chain will look like this: dollar - dollar - rubles. That is, there will be only one conversion from dollars to rubles at the exchange rate of the bank.

Example 3

  • for MasterCard cards euro - euro - rubles. That is, there will be only one conversion at the bank level;
  • for VISA cards - euro - dollars - rubles, that is, there will be two conversions.

Therefore, if you plan to make purchases in the eurozone, and your card is opened in rubles, then it is better to give preference to a MasterCard card.

If you have a card in USD

Example 1 You make a purchase with a card in Turkey (the national currency is Lira). Lira-dollar-dollar conversion chain. That is, there is one conversion at the level of the payment system, respectively, at its rate. However, the bank will still charge you an additional fee for the fact that the settlements were not made in dollars / euros / rubles.

Example 2 If you made a purchase in America, then the chain will look like this: dollar - dollar - dollar, that is, there will be no conversion at all. You won't have to pay anything.

Example 3 When buying in the euro area, for example, in France for the euro, the chain will be:

  • for MasterCard cards euro - euro - dollar. That is, there will be only one conversion at the bank level;
  • for VISA cards - euro - dollar - dollar, that is, there will also be one conversion, but at the level of the payment system.

In this case, there will be no fundamental difference between MasterCard and VISA cards.

Example 4 You make a purchase in Russia for rubles. The chain will look like this: rubles - rubles - dollars. Since in Russia the billing currency is equal to the national currency. Thus, the conversion will also be one from rubles to dollars at the bank level.

If you have a card in EURO

Example 1 You make a purchase with a card in Turkey (the national currency is Lira). The chain of operations is as follows: lira - dollars - euros. As a result, you get two conversions plus an additional commission from the bank for the fact that the settlements were not made in dollars / euros / rubles.

Example 2 If you made a purchase in America, then the transaction will look like this: dollars - dollars - euros, that is, there will be one conversion from dollars to euros at the bank's exchange rate.

Example 3 When buying in the euro area, for example, in France for the euro, the chain will be:

  • for MasterCard cards euro - euro - euro, that is, there will be no conversions, and you will not have to pay.
  • for VISA cards - euro - dollar - euro, that is, there will already be two conversions.

In this case, it is also better to give preference to the MasterCard card.

Example 4 You make a purchase in Russia for rubles. The chain will look like this: rubles - rubles - euros. Only one conversion at the bank's exchange rate from rubles to euros.

Source: http://bankcreditcard.ru/

Zolotaya Korona - Online currency exchange: profitable rate or not?

There are many ways to exchange currency: someone prefers to buy dollars or euros in ordinary exchangers, someone performs conversion operations in the Internet bank, and someone has already mastered the purchase and sale of currency on the stock exchange.

Despite the variety of methods, in small towns, clients usually have a much smaller arsenal of available tools. In the absence of competition, local credit institutions set large spreads and receive additional income from foreign exchange transactions.

The new currency exchange service on the Zolotaya Korona website is designed to solve this problem. The exchange rate for buying dollars and euros on the koronapay.com/exchange website is the same for everyone, and cash can be obtained at Golden Crown pickup points, which are quite numerous throughout the country.

To purchase currency on the site, you will need a passport, a mobile phone and a personalized debit card issued in your name:

1 Ease of service.

To purchase currency on the Zolotaya Korona website, no additional registration is required (if you buy currency using the Zolotaya Korona - Currency Exchange mobile application, you must first install it).
You only need to indicate the required amount and currency, full name and phone number, pay with a bank card and receive cash at a partner bank:

So, we go to the Zolotaya Korona website in the currency exchange section and indicate the required amount, for example, we need to buy $100. The site shows a rate of 57.49 rubles. for 1 USD. Press the "Next" button:

Then enter your full name and phone number:

To confirm the phone number, you need to enter the password sent from SMS:

We indicate that we want to pay the currency with a new card. The service allows us to save the card so as not to enter its details the next time, but I prefer not to save anything anywhere else.

We enter the details of the card with which we want to pay our $100 at the rate of 57.49 rubles / $:

Since I used the service for the first time, I entered the details of my flag meter - an Avangard card with a zero balance, in order to find out what, in fact, is the MCC code for this operation on the site. Next, enter an SMS password (to purchase currency on the Zolotaya Korona website, the card must support the 3D-secure function):

There was 0 rubles on the balance of the Avangard debit card, so, of course, the purchase did not take place, but now you can find out the MCC code of the failed operation in the Avangard Internet bank. As you can see, the code for buying currency on the Zolotaya Korona website is MCC 6538 - MasterCard MoneySend money transfers:

Those. this operation takes place as a normal card pull. We know that some credit organizations do not allow you to withdraw funds from their cards without a commission, i.e. They charge a donation fee. These are MKB, UBRD, Tinkoff Black with a contraction amount of up to 3,000 rubles. or exceeding the monthly limit of 150,000 rubles. (this operation at Tinkoff-Bank is included in the cash withdrawal limit from the card), Promsvyazbank, Russian Standard, Avangard, Uralsib, MTS Bank, SDM Bank. It is also impossible to withdraw from Yandex Money, Qiwi, Megafon cards without a commission. Read more about this in the article "Card2Card: How to transfer money from card to card for free".

Buying currency with a credit card threatens with a departure from the grace and a commission, as for cash withdrawals.

There are also cards that simply do not allow you to pull them off, "Card Plus" from "KEB", for example. Accordingly, "CEB" will not be able to pay for the purchase of foreign currency.

In general, we will not use the cards of the above banks for the Zolotaya Korona currency exchange service, since it is not in our rules to pay an additional commission. Credit cards are also not suitable for this purpose.

I did all the above operations again, entering the details of my Beeline personal card, the operation was successful. I bought $100 at the suggested rate of 57.49 RUB/$ without any additional fees:

Zolotaya Korona sent the number of the transfer, which will need to be called at the point of issue:

It remains only to choose a convenient pickup point, and you can go for your $100.

To receive the currency, you will need a passport, a bank card with which the transaction was made and the transaction number:

After receiving the transfer number, you can go for the currency immediately, or you can later, most importantly, meet the three-year period from the date of purchase, otherwise the RNCO "Payment Center" (transfer operator) will appropriate the money for itself:

The buying rate is fixed and it will not change, regardless of further fluctuations:

The nearest point for issuing Zolotaya Korona transfers turned out to be a branch of RGS-Bank, where I received my $100 without any problems.

2 Favorable exchange rate.

The rate at which we bought dollars on the Zolotaya Korona website was 57.49 rubles / $ (by the way, it was quite stable there and remained so for a long time).

At this time, the greedy "Rife" would have sold us dollars at 59.15 rubles.

Sberbank turned out to be a little less greedy, offering a rate of 58.86 rubles / $:

Alfa is followed by the Otkritie Internet Bank with a rate of 57.65 rubles / $:

The brother of the currency exchange service on the Zolotaya Korona website - the Corn currency wallet offered 1 USD for 57.61 rubles:

The currency reservation service from BCS Bank overtook Kukuruza, 1 US dollar would cost us 57.57 rubles:

Analysis of the cash currency market "RBC" found in Moscow 1 exchanger with a rate better than that of "BCS", in "UM-bank" 1 $ = 57.54. True, it is not at all a fact that the rate will remain the same until we get to this exchanger.

"Alfa Forex" with a scratch bypassed the exchanger with a rate of 57.53 rubles / $:

And only the Moscow Exchange coped with the Golden Crown, at that time the exchange rate there was 57.40 rubles. for 1 US dollar:

However, to this rate, you must also add the cost of brokerage commissions for completing a transaction and withdrawing currency to a bank account. At Otkritie Broker, for example, commission fees increase the real exchange rate by about 7-8 kopecks. Those. we can assume that on the stock exchange we could buy dollars at 57.47 rubles.

Thus, the exchange overtook the new Zolotaya Korona currency exchange service at the time of our observations by only 2 kopecks.

3 The transfer can be cancelled.

If you suddenly change your mind about buying currency, then before you actually receive it, you have the opportunity to cancel the transfer. The money will be returned to the card with which the currency was paid. The refund is made in rubles at the exchange rate of the RNCO (transfer operator) set on the date of the formation of the refund order, but not more than the amount spent earlier:

Return will have to wait from 5 to 30 days:

1 You can not sell the currency.
With the help of the Zolotaya Korona currency exchange service, you can only buy dollars or euros and receive them at the points of issue, the reverse operation is impossible.
2 Risk of making a mistake when making a purchase.

You need to be extremely careful when filling in the full name and card details when making a purchase of currency (meaning the correct spelling of the name and surname, exactly as on the card). If you make any mistake, then the currency will simply not be able to be issued at the partner bank, and you will have to cancel the purchase. Accordingly, due to the difference in rates, you can get less than you spent:
3 Risk of license revocation from RNCO "Payment Center".

Buying currency on the Zolotaya Korona website, in fact, is an order to make a transfer without opening an account. The transfer operator is RNCO "Payment Center":

Accordingly, if the license from RNCO "Payment Center" is revoked at the moment when you have made the purchase of currency using a card on the Zolotaya Korona website, but have not actually received cash yet, then you will lose your money.

Therefore, you should not delay getting your own currency, although at the moment I have no doubts about the stability of RNCO "Payment Center".

4 Problems with obtaining currency in partner banks.

Sometimes there are problems with obtaining cash currency, there are a lot of options:

  • ● may request documents explaining the origin of money, or any other documents:
  • ● the required amount of currency is not reached (therefore, for large amounts, you need to pre-order):
  • ● the partner bank will not have the required denomination of banknotes:
  • ● a partner bank may refer to technical problems or even declare that they do not issue currency at all:
  • ● bank Marinka may not know how such transfers are issued:

However, many customers still receive cash currency without any problems:

5 Limits on conversion operations. Max Volume

The agreement on comprehensive banking services states that the maximum amount you can buy using the currency exchange service on the Zolotaya Korona website is $7,500 within 1 calendar day:

There is also a limit on general transfers under all client agreements with RNKO: 1 million rubles. within 30 calendar days in a row, 1.5 million within 60, and 2 million rubles. within 90 days:

However, in addition to the Golden Crown limits, there are also limits on the card itself, from which funds are withdrawn to pay for the currency.

Usually there is a limit of 50,000-75,000 rubles. for one operation and 150,000 rubles. for all transactions per day. Momentum of Sberbank, for example, has a daily limit on C2C - 50,000 rubles.

6 What are the restrictions on the minimum amount.

The minimum amount of currency that can be bought is $100.

You also need to consider that the amount of dollars or euros purchased must be a multiple of 50 units:

7 Consent to spam.

By using the online currency exchange service on the Zolotaya Korona website, you agree to spam from the RNCO "Payment Center":

8 Change of conditions.

RNKO "Payment Center" can change the tariffs and terms of the contract at any time:

The currency exchange service on the Golden Crown website is really simple and profitable, the difference with the exchange rate is minimal.

The service has quite a few shortcomings, but, nevertheless, they are not so significant, it is quite possible to adapt to them. I would like, of course, that on the Zolotaya Korona website it was possible not only to buy currency, but also to sell it.

Naturally, you should not have any illusions that the rate of buying dollars or euros from this service will always be good. Any project that has not yet acquired a sufficient number of loyal customers will indulge in favorable conditions. As soon as it unwinds a little, tightening the nuts will immediately begin.

It turns out that the complication of the procedure for selling currency was not required to make us buy less of it. At least officially it is. Bank of Russia Regulation No. 499-P, dated October 15, 2015, “On the Identification by Credit Institutions of Clients, Client Representatives, Beneficiaries and Beneficial Owners for the Purpose of Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism” was adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ, the Central Bank explains.

Thus, the practice is brought into line with the law, and this law is directed against terrorism and crime. The current legislation allows not to identify an individual at all when buying or selling foreign currency in cash for an amount not exceeding 15 thousand rubles (or its equivalent in foreign currency). As stated in the message of the regulator, when buying or selling currency in the amount of up to 15 thousand rubles. client identification is still not required.

If the transaction amount is higher, you need a passport or other identity document. We are used to this. But then strange things start to happen. Now the client will have to leave contact information (phone number, fax number, e-mail), TIN. In addition, the bank may require him to provide information about the client's financial situation, his business reputation, and the source of his money. Or, of course, you may not need to. And that's what is important - and the bank itself fills out the questionnaire. The legislation does not oblige individuals to independently fix their identification data by filling out questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

The information received during identification is recorded by the credit institution in a questionnaire (dossier), which is drawn up in accordance with the regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 499-P in various ways. The Central Bank is confident that the new rules for identifying clients by banks will not create additional difficulties for citizens when exchanging currency.

And yet, despite the reassuring statements of the Central Bank, according to a number of market participants, the new requirements will lead to an increase in the time for currency exchange transactions and increase the operational burden on both credit institutions. This, in turn, can lead to a redistribution of the currency exchange market, in particular, increased competition in the sector, some small banks that are unable to establish the appropriate document flow will refuse to provide currency exchange services. Which, in principle, can lead to an increase in the cost of such transactions.

Small banks really simply may not have the resources to fulfill such instructions, - says Anna Bodrova, senior analyst at Alpari. - If the bank works crystal clear, it will lose exchange income parameters, which, accordingly, will immediately affect the overall financial performance. The redistribution of the currency market is unlikely to take place, because it is already concentrated within the top 10 Russian banks. But against such a background, the commission for conversion may well increase by 2-3%. This will affect the average consumer, but will in no way contribute to the reduction of money laundering processes. For this, more serious reforms are needed, - the financial expert believes.

The new is the well-forgotten old, independent analyst Dmitry Adamidov comments on the initiative of the Central Bank. Until 2003, when buying foreign currency, Russians had to draw up a certificate, which was issued upon presentation of a passport. Now this order is returning, but they may also require a TIN. At the same time, according to Adamidov, like last time, the effectiveness of such events is very doubtful: if money laundering occurs through exchange offices, then it is not by their clients "from the street." And the banks themselves will draw up the necessary documents. Undoubtedly, the document flow will increase, and this, apparently, will be the only real consequence of innovations.

Nevertheless, the tightening of currency exchange rules by the Central Bank appropriately follows in the general vein of strengthening control over the circulation of cash, says Stanislav Skakun, head of the Center for Macroeconomic Research at Intercomp. Public opinion is not yet ready for radical restrictions on cash circulation. Most likely, the regulator will move in the direction of tightening, but gradually - assessing the consequences of each new innovation.

As for the convenience of exchange operations for citizens, then, according to the expert, there is no need to worry too much: banks will comprehend the new requirements of the regulator and try to minimize the inconvenience for customers, and the closure of a number of exchange offices that were not properly equipped will only increase security of currency transactions. Well, let's see!

The commission when buying a currency is the main indicator that has to be taken into account when purchasing banknotes of other states. Everyone who plans to go on vacation or purchase something on foreign sites will have to face it, as well as the search for the most profitable course.

That is why it is worth understanding what is a currency exchange, and what "pitfalls" it may contain. However, it is worth mentioning right away that the purchase of dollars and other foreign cash from hands in Russia is prohibited, so we will focus exclusively on legal methods of acquisition.

Legislative acts and regulations

In order to better understand what commission is charged when buying a currency, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the rules governing this type of financial transactions.

Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 499-P dated October 15, 2015

It was adopted to counter illegal financial trafficking and sponsorship of terrorist entities. According to this document, the sale and purchase of a dollar (or any other foreign cash) in excess of 15 thousand rubles. possible only after the identification of the natural person.

With small amounts of currency exchange (for example, 10 thousand rubles), it will be enough to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If the established limit of 15 thousand rubles is exceeded. you will have to provide the operator with:

  • the passport;
  • information about citizenship and TIN;
  • personal data (date of birth, residential address, etc.);
  • contacts by means of which you can be contacted;
  • other information (for example, information about the financial position), which is determined by each bank on an individual basis.

Based on the data received, the operator will fill out a special questionnaire and enter you into the electronic database of the bank. In each financial institution, this operation is carried out only once, but it can take some time. Therefore, if you want to buy dollars (or other currency) in a bank other than where you are always served, plan your trip in advance.

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 136-I of September 16, 2010

Most financial transactions with foreign money in banks are not subject to commission, because. their income is the difference between the buying and selling rates. However, according to subparagraph 2.1.4. Chapter 2 of Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 136-I, a financial institution has the right to charge an additional commission fee, but only if the relevant information is indicated on the information stand, on the cash desk window or in another place accessible for viewing.

License for the right to provide financial services

In 2017, several dozen financial institutions were closed in Moscow alone. At the same time, not only illegal exchangers fell under the distribution, but also banks that conduct completely legal activities. For the buyer, the risk is this: the worse the organization is doing, the more likely it is to receive counterfeit cash or be otherwise defrauded. Therefore, before you carry your hard-earned money to the bank, be sure to check:

  • its rating from foreign rating agencies;
  • user reviews;
  • information about the owners;
  • the financial condition of the organization (for example, the ratio of the volume of loans issued to the amount of deposits accepted);
  • availability of a license (through the directory of credit organizations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Such precautions will not take much time, but they will significantly reduce your risk of meeting scammers.

Is it worth resorting to the help of "gray" exchangers

After tightening the requirements for identifying a person when buying currency, many residents of Moscow and other large cities of the Russian Federation rushed to exchange offices. Allegedly, there the exchange rate is more profitable, and the requirements are softer, and there is no commission. But is everything really so rosy? Of course no.

Those financial institutions that work in strict accordance with Russian law offer conditions that are not very different from the same Sberbank. In shady offices, you have to rely only on luck. Here they can cheat you, and take an illegal predatory commission, and even really deceive you.

For example, it is enough to analyze the feedback from residents of Moscow, as one of the leading cities in terms of the number of transactions with foreign currency. Most often, clients of "gray" financial institutions are faced with the following fraudulent schemes:

  1. Course fraud. By giving the currency, you get less money than you expected. The scheme is simple: the rate either magically changes just a couple of minutes before the start of your transaction, or is valid only if certain conditions are met (for example, when buying from $5,000). At the same time, if you express a desire to fulfill the announced conditions, it turns out that the exchanger does not currently have the required volumes of currency. And you still have to make a deal at a less favorable rate.
  2. Hidden commission. In the bank, the operator immediately announces both the amount that you will receive and the commission that will be withheld (if it is implied at all). Most of the "gray" exchangers work according to the following scheme: the commission is secretly withheld from you, and information about its size and conditions, although spelled out in the documents, is carefully veiled.
  3. shortage. Often, citizens apply for the exchange of the ruble for foreign currencies during their lunch break and do not count the money, relying on the honesty of the cashier. Meanwhile, unscrupulous employees regularly have “problems” with calculations, sticky trays, to which some banknotes “accidentally” stick, and other absurdities that threaten the user with serious financial losses.

It is difficult to prove such fraudulent schemes, and getting your money back is almost impossible. The only option is to call the police without leaving the territory of the exchange office and record on the phone's camera. Is it worth the risk for the sake of a couple of dollars, everyone decides for himself.

Buying currency at Sberbank or any other bank in the Russian Federation

Purchasing foreign banknotes through a bank is considered the safest option, although not the most profitable. Here, all operations are documented, there are more opportunities for the user, and the risk of being deceived is minimal. The main thing is to carefully read all the conditions (presented both on the organization's website and in its offices) and do not hesitate to contact consultants for clarification.

For clarity, let's consider how the exchange of currencies takes place in Sberbank. According to the information on the website (current as of November-December 2017), in any of the branches you can:

  1. Buy or sell foreign currency. The bank commission in this case will be 0%.
  2. Exchange cash of one foreign state for money of another (make a conversion). This procedure is also free of charge.
  3. Exchange the banknote of another country for its own banknotes (for example, exchange a 100-dollar bill for 10 dollars). The commission in this case will be 5% of the exchange amount. In other words, by exchanging $100 for $5, you will receive only $95 in your hands.
  4. Exchange or buy a damaged banknote of another state. These transactions are subject to a 10% commission. If you bring a torn $100 banknote for exchange, the operator will give you only $90.
  5. Send money for collection. The bank commission in this case will be 10%.
  6. Check the authenticity of banknotes. It is impossible to determine the size unambiguously here, since it all depends on how you decide to check.

In other banks, these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ both up and down. Therefore, before making a purchase of currency in Moscow or any other city of the Russian Federation, contact the branch of the relevant financial institution for clarification.

What is important to remember when exchanging

So, buying/selling currency is a serious matter. Without understanding the issue, the client risks making a deal at a loss. Therefore, summing up the above, we can formulate the basic rules that should be followed:

  1. Don't take unnecessary risks.

    When selling by hand or through an exchanger, you will always be offered a better rate than in a bank. But this deal will not be protected by anything, and there are more and more stories about the deception of gullible citizens every year.

  2. Do not hurry.

    Before buying a dollar, for example, at Sberbank, find information on the Internet about the buying / selling rates for today in other banks operating in your city. In Moscow, for example, in some cases, the offer is more profitable by almost a ruble.

  3. Store wisely.

    If after buying dollars or euros you do not plan to immediately spend the entire amount, put the rest on the Sberbank Momentum card. Its maintenance cost is zero (whereas the classic Visa has 750 rubles per year), and the functionality is only slightly inferior to Visa Classic.

  4. Refrain from buying during a period of sharp currency fluctuations.

    As a rule, when a currency is in a "fever", the difference between its buying and selling rates is maximum. If you do not have a special instinct for playing on stock fluctuations, it is not worth the risk, you will still go into the red.

  5. Be careful when traveling abroad.

    Commissions and conditions of foreign currency sales points differ from Russian ones. And usually not for the better. Therefore, if you are going on vacation, all transactions with a ruble account should be carried out in advance so as not to fall for double conversion.

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