
Typical chart of bills per year. Section I. non-current assets

At the time of buying square meters Citizens applying for property tax deductionIt is important to draw attention to the status of real estate: living it or not. The clarification of the Ministry of Finance published the Federal tax Service (FTS). Due to direct instructions Labor Code labor Relations We are compensated. Obtaining timely and in full wages It is one of the key rights of the employee, and the timely and in full amount of its payment is the main responsibility of the employer. At the same time, in case of execution of the employee, no external factors - Extraordinary circumstances, disasters or disaster threats (fires, floods, hunger, earthquake, epidemic or epizooty) and other cases that endanger life or normal life conditions of the entire population or its part should not impede the implementation of this right and responsibilities. Although some reservations on this occasion in the TK RF still have. According to the law, the deadline for both documentary and exit Check It may not exceed 20 business days. In the case when a legal entity carries out activities in the territory of several regions, the duration of any of these inspections is determined separately for each of its branches, representation or separate structural unit. At the same time, as established, total time Checking can not be more than 60 business days. The opinions of vessels about how long it means here: all inspections in relation legal entity and its branches and divisions, or checks of each of them, diverge, and this clearly illustrates one of those considered recently by the Supreme Court Russian Federation affairs.

As a social guarantee medical workers compensation for work in countryside. Under what conditions are such payments and are they subject to nDFL Cover, Tell in the article. On March 11, the State Duma accepted in the third, final, reading the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation "On Improving Regulation individual questions Organization and functioning of public power. "Recall, the law provides for the introduction of point adjustments to certain articles of chapters 3-8 of the main law of the state regarding the establishment of additional social guarantees, expanding the powers of public authorities, clarify the procedure for the formation of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Account 77 "Deferred tax obligations»

Account 77 "Deferred Tax Obligations" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of deferred tax liabilities.

Deferred tax liabilities are accepted to accounting in the amount of the value defined as a product of taxable temporary differences that have arisen in the reporting period, at the rate of income tax acting at the reporting date.

According to the credit account 77, "deferred tax liabilities" in correspondence with the debit of the account reflects a deferred tax that reduces the amount of conditional consumption (income) of the reporting period.

At the debit of account 77 "deferred tax liabilities" in correspondence with the credit of account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees" reflects a decrease or full repayment Deferred tax liabilities at the expense of tax credits for the reporting period.

A deferred tax obligation when retired as an asset or type of obligation, on which it was accrued, is charged with a debit of account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities" on credit of account 99 "Profit and losses".

Analytical accounting for deferred tax liabilities is conducted by types of assets or liabilities, which caused a taxable temporary difference.

Account 77. accounting Posting "Deferred Tax Obligations" corresponds to accounts:


Outdoor settlements
  1. Calculations for dedicated property
  2. Calculations for current operations
  3. Calculations under the contract trust management property


Account 79 "Intramanship calculations" is intended to summarize information on all types of settlements with branches, offices, offices and other separate units of the organization allocated for individual balances (intrabalance calculations), in particular, calculations on dedicated property, by mutual leave material values, selling products, works, services, on the transfer of expenses for general management activities, on wages to workers to employees of divisions, etc.

Subaccounts can be opened to the account 79 "Intraconomy calculations":

  • 79-1 "Calculations on dedicated property",
  • 79-2 "Calculations on current operations",
  • 79-3 "Calculations under the Treaty of Trust Management Property" and others.

The subaccount 79-1 "Calculations for the dedicated property" takes into account the state of settlements with branches, offices, offices and other separate divisions of the organization allocated for individual balances, on non-current and turnover assets transferred to them.

The property allocated by the specified units is written off by the organization from account 01 "Fixed assets" and others. In the debit of account 79 "Intra-economic calculations".

The property allocated by the Organization of these divisions is made to account for these divisions from the account of account 79 "Outdoor settlements" in the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", etc.

The subaccount 79-2 "Calculations for current operations" takes into account the condition of all other calculations of the organization with branches, offices, offices and other separate divisions allocated for individual balances.

At subaccount 79-3, "Calculations under the Treaty of Trust Management Property" takes into account the state of calculations related to the execution of contracts of trust management of property. This subaccount is used to account for calculations from the founder of the Office, the Trustee, as well as the settlements on property transferred to the Trustee, taken into account on a separate balance sheet.

Property transferred to trust management is written off by the founder of management from accounts 01 "Fixed assets", 04 " Intangible assets", 58" Financial investments "and others. In the debit of account 79" Intra-farm settlements "(at the same time, the amount of accrued depreciation is recorded on the debit of accounts, and the credit of account 79" Intraconomy calculations "). The property adopted by the trustee on a separate balance sheet is reflected in the debit of accounts 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 58 "Financial investments" and other accounts of account 79 "Intra-economic calculations" (at the same time on the amount of accrued depreciation, an account loan is recorded on the loan 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets" and a credit account 79 "Intra-economic calculations").

Upon termination of the contract of trust management and return property, the founder of the Office makes reverse records. If a contract of confidential property management provides for other property transactions transmitted to trust management, then the accounting of these operations is in general.

Listing money In the account due to the founder of the profit management (income) in a separate balance sheet, it is reflected in the loan account account account accounts and the debit of 79 "Intra-economic calculations". The funds received by the founder of the Office of this profits (income) come to the debit of accounting accounts in correspondence with the account of 79 "Intraconomy settlements".

The founder of the management due to the trust manager of the compensation for damages caused by the loss or damage to the property transferred to trust management, as well as the missed benefits, are reflected in the debit of account in correspondence with the account of account 91 "Other income and expenses" account. Upon receipt of the founder of the management of these funds, cash accounting accounts debit and credits 76 "settlements with different debtors and creditors".

Analytical accounting in account 79 "Intraconomy calculations" is carried out on each branch, representation, separation or other separed division Organizations allocated for a separate balance sheet, and settlements under the trust management agreements - for each contract.

Account 79 Accounting Wiring "Intraconomy Calculations" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

01 "Fixed assets"

02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

04 "Intangible assets"

05 "Amortization of intangible assets"

07 "Equipment to installation"

10 "Materials"

20 "Basic Production"

41 "Goods"

43 " Finished products»

44 "Sale expenses"

45 "Goods shipped"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

90 "Sales"

91 "Other income and expenses"

97 "Expenses of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

01 "Fixed assets"

02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

04 "Intangible assets"

05 "Amortization of intangible assets"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

15 "Preparation and acquisition of material values"

16 "Deviation in value
material values

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 " General running costs»

29 " Serving production and farm "

40 "Production (works, services)"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

44 "Sale expenses"

45 "Goods shipped"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

55 "Special accounts in banks"

57 "Translations on the way"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

62 "Calculations with buyers and customers"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

84 " Undestributed profits (uncoated loss

90 "Sales"

91 "Other income and expenses"

97 "Expenses of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

Section VII. Capital

Section VII. Capital

The accounts of this section are intended to summarize information about the status and movement of the capital of the Organization.

Authorized capital

Account 80 "Authorized capital"

The account 80 "authorized capital" is intended to summarize information on the status and movement of the authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital) of the organization.

The balance of 80 "authorized capital" must correspond to the size of the authorized capital, recorded in the constituent documents of the organization. The account records 80 "authorized capital" are manufactured in the formation of authorized capital, as well as in cases of increasing and decreasing capital only after making relevant changes to the constituent documents of the organization.

After state registration The organizations of its authorized capital in the amount of deposits of founders (participants) provided for by the constituent documents are reflected on the credit of account 80 "authorized capital" in correspondence with the account of 75 "settlements with the founders". The actual contribution of the deposits of founders is carried out on credit account 75 "Calculations with the founders" in correspondence with accounts for accounting for money and other values.

Analytical accounting on account of 80 "authorized capital" is organized in such a way as to ensure the formation of information on the founders of the organization, the stages of capital formation and types of shares.

The account 80 is also used to summarize information about the status and movement of deposits in general property under a simple partnership agreement. In this case, the account 80 is called "deposits of comrades."

The property made by comrades in a simple partnership in account of their deposits occurs at the debit of property accounting accounts (51 "Settlement accounts", 01 "Fixed assets", 41 "Goods", etc.) and account credit 80 "Comrades' contributions". When returning the property to comrades, with the termination of the contract of a simple partnership in accounting, reverse records are made.

Analytical accounting on account 80 "Comrades' contributions" is conducted for each contract of a simple partnership and each member of the contract.

Account 80 accounting of wiring "Authorized capital" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

01 "Fixed assets"

04 "Intangible assets"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

15 "Preparation and acquisition of material values"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

55 "Special accounts in banks"

58 "Financial Investments"

75 "Calculations with the founders"

81 "Own shares (shares)"

84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

01 "Fixed assets"

03 " Profitable investments in material values \u200b\u200b"

04 "Intangible assets"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

15 "Preparation and acquisition of material values"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

55 "Special accounts in banks"

58 "Financial Investments"

75 "Calculations with the founders"

83 " Extra capital»

84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

Own stocks (shares) 81

Score 81 "Own shares (shares)"

The account 81 "Own shares (shares)" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of their own shares, redeemed by the shareholders from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation. Other business commits and partnerships use this account to take into account the share of the participant acquired by the Company himself or the partnership for transferring to other participants or third partnership.

When redeeming with a joint-stock or other society (partnership), the shareholder (participant) of the shares belonging to him (share) in accounting for the amount of actual costs is recorded on the debit of account 81 "Own shares (shares)" and the loan of cash accounting accounts.

Cancellation of its own shares redeemed by the joint-stock company is carried out on the loan of account 81 "Own shares (shares)" and the debit of account 80 "authorized capital" after being fulfilled by this society of all the procedures provided for. The arising from this on account 81 "Own stocks (shares)" The difference between the actual costs of the redemption of shares (shares) and the nominal value of them are among the 91 "Other income and expenses".

Account 81 accounting of wiring "Own shares (shares)" Corresponding to accounts:

Reserve capital

Score 82 "Reserve Capital"

The score 82 "Reserve Capital" is intended to summarize information on the status and movement of reserve capital.

The deductions to the reserve capital from the profits are reflected on the account of account 82 "Reserve Capital" in correspondence with the account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

The use of reserve capital funds takes into account the debit of account 82 "Reserve Capital" in correspondence with accounts:

  • 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" - in part of the amounts of the reserve fund sent to cover the loss of the organization for the reporting year;
  • or - in part of the amounts sent to the repayment of bonds joint Stock Company.

Account 82 Accounting Wiring "Reserve Capital" Corresponding to accounts:

Extra capital

Account 83 "Extension Capital"

The account 83 "Extension Capital" is intended to summarize information on the addition capital of the Organization.

According to the credit account 83 "Extension Capital" reflect:

  • the increase in the value of non-current assets detected by the results of the revaluation of them is to correspondence with the accounting accounts of assets for which the cost increase was determined;
  • the amount of the difference between the sales and nominal value of the shares taken in the process of forming the share capital of the joint-stock company (under the establishment of the Company, with the subsequent increase in the authorized capital) by selling shares at a price exceeding the nominal value, in correspondence with the account of 75 "Calculations with the founders" .

The amounts attributed to the account loan 83 "Extreme Capital" are usually not written off. Debit records on it can only take place in cases:

  • repayment of the amounts of reducing the cost of non-current assets that revealed from its revaluation - in correspondence with accounting accounts for assets for which the cost reduction was determined;
  • the directions of funds to increase the authorized capital - in correspondence with the account of 75 "settlements with the founders" or account 80 "authorized capital";
  • the distribution of the amounts between the founders of the organization is to correspondence with the account of 75 "settlements with the founders", etc.

Analytical accounting on account 83 "Extension Capital" is organized in such a way as to ensure the formation of information on the sources of education and areas of use of funds.

Account 83 Accounting Wiring "Extension Capital" Corresponding to accounts:

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Score 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

Score 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of the amounts of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the organization.

Sum net profit The reporting year is debited by the final turnover of December on credit of the account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" in correspondence with a score of 99 "Profit and losses". The amount of the net loss of the reporting year is debited by the final turnover of December in the debit of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" in correspondence with a score of 99 "Profit and losses".

Direction of part of the profit of the reporting year on the payment of income to the founders (participants) of the Organization for the approval of the annual accounting reporting It is reflected in the debit of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" and account loans 75 "Calculations with the founders" and 70 "Calculations with wage personnel." A similar recording is made when paying intermediate income.

Write-off S. accounting balance The loss of the reporting year is reflected on the account of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" in correspondence with accounts:

  • 80 "Authorized capital" - when bringing the value of the authorized capital to magnitude pure assets organizations;
  • 82 "Reserve capital" - when referring to repayment of the reserve capital;
  • 75 "Calculations with the founders" - when repaying the loss of a simple partnership due to the target contributions to its participants, etc.

Analytical accounting on account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" is organized in such a way as to ensure the formation of information on the use of funds. At the same time, in analytical accounting, the funds of retained earnings used as financial support for the production development of the organization and other similar activities for the acquisition (creation) of the new property and not yet used can be divided.

84 Accounting account of wiring "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" Corresponding to accounts:


Special-purpose financing
By types of financing

Account 86 " Special-purpose financing»

The account 86 "targeted financing" is intended to summarize information on the movement of funds intended for the implementation of targeted activities, funds received from other organizations and individuals, budget funds, etc.

Target funds obtained as sources of financing of certain events are recorded on the credit of account 86 "Target Financing" in correspondence with account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors".

The use of targeted financing is reflected in the debit of account 86 "Target financing" in correspondence with accounts: 20 "Basic Production" or 26 "General Expenditures" - in the direction of means of targeted funding for the content of a non-profit organization; 83 "Extension Capital" - when using target funding tools obtained in the form investment funds; 98 "Incomes of future periods" - when sending a commercial organization of budget funds to finance costs, etc.

Analytical accounting on account 86 "Target financing" is under appointment targets And in the context of the sources of arrival them.

Account 86 Accounting Posting "Target Financing" Corresponding to accounts:




Section VIII. Financial results

Section VIII. Financial results

The accounts of this section are intended to summarize information about income and expenses of the organization, as well as identifying the final financial result of the organization's activities reporting period.

  1. Revenue
  2. Cost of sales
  3. Value added tax
  4. Excise
  5. Profit / loss from sales

Account 90 "Sales"

The account 90 "Sales" is intended to summarize information on income and expenses related to the usual activities of the organization, as well as to determine the financial result on them. This account reflects, in particular, revenue and cost of:

  • finished products and semi-finished products of own production;
  • works and services of industrial nature;
  • work and services of non-industrial nature;
  • purchased products (purchased for configuration);
  • construction, assembly, design and exploration, geological exploration, research and system, etc. work;
  • goods;
  • services for the carriage of goods and passengers;
  • freight forwarding and handling operations;
  • communication services;
  • providing for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of its assets under the lease agreement (when this is the subject of the organization's activities);
  • providing rights for the fee arising from patents for inventions, industrial samples and other types of intellectual property (when it is the subject of the organization's activities);
  • participation in authorized capital other organizations (when it is the subject of the organization's activities), etc.

When recognized in accounting, the amount of revenue from the sale of goods, products, performance of work, service, etc. is reflected on the loan of account 90 "Sales" and the debit of account 62 "Calculations with buyers and customers". At the same time, the cost of sold goods, products, works, services, etc. is written off the credit of accounts 43 "Finished products", 41 "goods", 44 "Sale expenses", 20 "Basic production" and others. In the debit of account 90 "Sales" .

In organizations engaged in the production of agricultural products, the loan account 90 "Sales" reflects revenue from the sale of products (in correspondence with the account 62 "Calculations with buyers and customers"), and on the debit - the planned cost of it (during the year, when the actual cost Not detected) and the difference between the planned and actual cost of sold products (at the end of the year). Planned cost Produced sold, as well as sums of differences are debited into the debit of account 90 "Sales" (or be reversed) in correspondence with those accounts on which this product was taken into account.

In organizations implementing retail and leading accounting of goods at prior prices, on the loan of account 90 "Sales" reflects the selling cost of goods sold (in correspondence with accounting accounts for cash and settlements), and on the debit - their accounting value (in correspondence with the account of 41 "goods") with Simultaneously reversing the amounts of discounts (capet) related to goods sold (in correspondence with a score of 42 "trade markup").

By account 90 "Sales" can be opened by subaccount:

  • 90-1 "Revenue";
  • 90-2 "Cost of sales";
  • 90-3 "Value Added Tax";
  • 90-4 "excise";
  • 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales".

On subaccount 90-1 "revenues" takes into account the receipts of assets recognized by revenue.

On subaccount 90-2 "Cost of sales" takes into account the cost of sales, for which revenue is recognized on the subaccount 90-1 "revenue".

The subaccount 90-3 "value added tax" takes into account amounts of value added tax due to receipt from the buyer (customer).

At subaccount 90-4 "excise taxes", the amounts of excise taxes included in the price of sold products (goods) are taken into account.

Organizations - Export duties payers can open to account 90 "Sales" subaccount 90-5 "Export duties" for accounting for export duties.

Subaccount 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales" is intended to identify financial results (profit or loss) from sales for the reporting month.

Entries for subaccounts 90-1 "Revenue", 90-2 "Sales Cost", 90-3 "Value Added Tax", 90-4 "excise taxes" are made conscriptive during the reporting year. Monthly comparing the total debit turnover on subaccounts 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value Added Tax", 90-4 "excise taxes" and loan turnover on subaccount 90-1 "Revenue" is determined financial results (Profit or loss) from sales for the reporting month. This financial result monthly (final turnover) is written off from subaccount 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales" to 99 "Profit and losses". Thus, the synthetic account 90 "Sales" of the balance at the reporting date has no.

At the end of the reporting year, all subaccounts opened to the account 90 "Sales" (except subaccount 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales") are closed by internal records for subaccount 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales".

Analytical accounting on account 90 "Sales" is conducted in each type of goods sold, products performed by the work provided by the services, etc. In addition, analytical accounting on this account can be conducted through the sales regions and other areas necessary to manage the organization.

Account 90 Accounting Posting "Sales" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

26 "Commonwealth"

29 "Services and farms"

40 "Production (works, services)"

41 "Goods"

42 "Trading margin"

43 "Finished products"

44 "Sale expenses"

45 "Goods shipped"

58 "Financial Investments"

68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

99 "Profits and losses"

46 "Completed stages under work in progress"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

57 "Translations on the way"

62 "Calculations with buyers and customers"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

98 "Incomes of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

Other income and expenses
  1. Other income
  2. other expenses
  3. Balance of other income and expenses

Score 91 "Other income and expenses"

Score 91 "Other income and expenses" is intended to summarize information about other income and costs of the reporting period.

On the credit account 91 "Other income and expenses" during the reporting period are reflected:

  • advisions related to the provision of a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization's assets - in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash accounts;
  • revenues related to the provision of rights for the fee arising from patents for inventions, industrial samples and other types of intellectual property - in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash accounts;
  • revenues related to participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, as well as interest and other revenues on securities - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • profit received by the Organization under a simple partnership agreement - in correspondence with the account of 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" (subaccount "Calculations for Dividend and other income");
  • revenues related to the sale and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than money in russian currency, products, goods - in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash;
  • receipts from operations with Tara - in correspondence with accounting accounts for containers and settlements;
  • interest obtained (to be obtained) for the provision of funds for the organization, as well as interest on the use of funds by the Credit Organization on the Organization's account in this credit organization - in correspondence with accounting accounts financial investments or cash;
  • fines, penalties, penalties for violation of the terms of contracts obtained or recognized to receive, in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash accounts;
  • receipts related to the gratuitous receipt of assets - in correspondence with the account of accounting for income of future periods;
  • advanced to compensation for damages caused - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • the profit of past years, identified in the reporting year, is in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • amount accounts payablefor which the time has expired of limitation- in correspondence with accounts accounting accounts;
  • other income.

At the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" during the reporting period are reflected:

  • the costs associated with the provision of temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the assets of the organization, rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial samples and other types of intellectual property, as well as costs associated with participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, in correspondence with cost accounting accounts;
  • the residual value of assets for which depreciation is accrued, and the actual cost of other assets written off by the organization - in correspondence with accounting accounts for the corresponding assets;
  • expenses related to the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash in Russian currency, products, products - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • costs for operations with Tara - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • interest paid by the organization for providing it with funds (loans, loans) - in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash accounts;
  • expenses associated with the payment of services provided by credit institutions - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • penalties, penalties, penalties for violation of the conditions of the stages paid or recognized to pay, in correspondence with accounting accounts or cash accounts;
  • costs of maintenance of production facilities and facilities on conservation - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • reimbursement of damages caused by the organization - in correspondence with accounting accounts;
  • losses of past years recognized in the reporting year - in correspondence with accounting accounts for settlements, depreciation accruals, etc.;
  • deductions to reserves for investment impairment in securities, under the reduction of the value of material values, doubtful debts - in correspondence with accounts for accounting for these reserves;
  • amount accounts receivablewhich expired the limitation period, other debts, unrealistic for recovery - in correspondence with accounting accounts of receivables;
  • course differences - in correspondence with accounting accounts for money, financial investments, calculations, etc.;
  • the costs associated with the consideration of cases in the courts are in correspondence with accounting accounts, etc.;
  • other expenses.

By the account 91 "Other income and expenses" can be opened by subaccounts:

  • 91-1 "Other revenues";
  • 91-2 "Other expenses";
  • 91-9 "Salo of other income and expenses".

On subaccount 91-1 "Other revenues", assets receipts recognized by other revenues.

On subaccount 91-2 "Other expenses", other expenses are taken into account.

Subaccount 91-9 "Saldo of other income and expenses" is designed to identify the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month.

Records on subaccounts 91-1 "Other revenues" and 91-2 "Other expenses" are made consuming during the reporting year. Monthly comparison of the debit turnover on subaccount 91-2 "Other expenses" and a loan turnover on subaccount 91-1 "Other revenues" determines the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month. This balance monthly (final turns) is written off from subaccount 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses" on account 99 "Profit and losses". Thus, the synthetic account 91 "Other income and expenses" of the balance at the reporting date has no.

At the end of the reporting year, all subaccounts opened to the account 91 "Other income and expenses" (except for subaccount 91-9 "Saldo of other income and expenses") are closed by internal records on subaccount 91-9 "Saldo of other income and expenses".

Analytical accounting on account 91 "Other income and expenses" is conducted in each type of other income and expenses. At the same time building analytical accounting For other income and expenses relating to the same financial economic operationmust provide the possibility of identifying a financial result for each operation.

Account 91 accounting of wiring "Other income and expenses" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

01 "Fixed assets"

02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

03 "Profitable investments in material values"

04 "Intangible assets"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

15 "Preparation and acquisition of material values"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

28 "Marriage in production"

29 "Services and farms"

58 "Financial Investments"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

66 "Calculations for short-term loans and loans "

67 "Calculations for long-term loans and loans "

68 "Calculations with the budget"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

81 "Own shares (shares)"

98 "Incomes of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

14 "Reserves for lowering the value of material values"

15 "Preparation and acquisition of material values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

28 "Marriage in production"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

45 "Goods shipped"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

55 "Special accounts in banks"

57 "Translations on the way"

58 "Financial Investments"

59 "Reserves for impairment of investments in securities"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

62 "Calculations with buyers and customers"

63 "Reserves for doubtful debts"

66 "Calculations for short-term loans and loans"

67 "Calculations on long-term loans and loans"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

75 "Calculations with the founders"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

81 "Own shares (shares)"

98 "Incomes of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"



Shortage and loss of valuables

Account 94 "shortage and loss from damage to values"

Account 94 "shortage and loss from damage to values" is intended to summarize information about the amounts of shortage and loss from damage to material and other values \u200b\u200b(including cash) identified in the process of their preparation, storage and sale, regardless of whether they are subject to account accounting costs for production (sale costs) or perpetrators. At the same time, the loss of values \u200b\u200barising from natural disasters belong to 99 "profits and losses" as the loss of the reporting year (non-compatible losses from natural disasters).

According to the debit of account 94, "shortages and losses from the damage of values" are given:

  • on the missing or completely spoiled inventive material values \u200b\u200b- their actual cost;
  • on the missing or completely spoiled fixed assets - their residual value ( initial cost minus the amount of accrued depreciation);
  • according to partially spoiled material values \u200b\u200b- the sum of the determined losses, etc.

According to the shortcomings and damage values \u200b\u200bof the recording, the debt debit of 94 "shortages and losses from the damage from values" from the credit of accounting accounts of these values.

When the buyer at the acceptance of values \u200b\u200breceived from the suppliers, a shortage of a shortage or damage is revealed, then the amount of shortage within the amounts of values \u200b\u200bprovided for in the contract refers, when gaining valuables in the debit of account 94, "shortage and loss from damage" from the account of account 60 "Calculations with suppliers and Contractors ", and the amount of losses in excess of the values \u200b\u200bprovided in the contract submitted to suppliers or transport organization - in the debit of account 76" Calculations with different debtors and creditors "(subaccount" Calculations for claims ") from the account of account 60" Calculations with suppliers and contractors " . When refusing the court in the recovery of losses from suppliers or transport organizations The amount previously assigned to the debit of account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" (subaccount "Calculations for claims") is written off at the expense of 94 "shortage and loss from valuables."

When making a decision on the decision to recover from the supplier sums of shortages and loss of values \u200b\u200bin excess of the amount of sales in the supplier accounting contract, the amount of the sale previously reflected in the debit of accounts 62 "Calculations with buyers and customers" or 51 "Current accounts", 52 "Currency Accounts" And the account of the account 90 "Sales" is reversed on the buyer's recovered amount and losses. At the same time, the specified amount is reflected by the usual record of the debit of accounts 62 "Calculations with customers and customers" or 51 "Current accounts", 52 "Currency Accounts" and a credit account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors". When transferring the amounts to the buyer, the account 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors" will be debated in correspondence with the account 51 "Settlement accounts". The supplier should also reverse the revisions on the debit of account 90 "Sales" and the credit of account 43 "Finished products". The amount restored in this way on the account 43 "Finished products" the amount is debited then into the debit of account 94 "shortages and loss from damage."

According to the credit of the account 94, "shortage and loss from damage to values" reflects the write-off:

  • the shortage and damage of values \u200b\u200bwithin the amounts provided for in the contract - to accounting accounts for material values \u200b\u200b(when they are revealed during the preparation) or within the norms of natural decrease - costs for production and costs for sale (when they are revealed during storage or sale);
  • slaughter of values \u200b\u200bexcept for magnitude (norms) decreased, damage losses - in the debit of account 73 "Calculations with staff for other operations" (subaccount "Calculations for compensation for material damage");
  • nadess of values \u200b\u200bexcept values \u200b\u200b(norms) loss and loss from damage to values \u200b\u200bin the absence of specific perpetrators, as well as shortage of commodity and material values, in the recovery of which they denied the court due to the unreasonableness of lawsuits, at the expense of 91 "other income and expenses".

According to the loan of account 94, "shortages and losses from damage to values" reflects amounts in the size and values \u200b\u200badopted on the debit of the specified account. At the same time, the lack of or spoiled material values \u200b\u200bon their actual cost is written to accounts for accounting for production costs (sales costs).

When recovering from the perpetrators of the cost of missing values, the difference between the cost of missing values \u200b\u200benrolled on account 73 "Calculations with staff for other operations", and their value reflected in the account 94 "shortage and loss from the damage of values" refers to the account of account 98 Revenue of the future periods". As the amount due from the perpetrator, the amount due from it, the specified difference is written off from account 98 "Incomes of future periods" in correspondence with the account 91 "Other income and expenses".

The shortage of values \u200b\u200bidentified in the reporting year, but related to the past reporting periods, recognized by financially responsible persons or on which there are decisions of the court for recovery from the perpetrators, are reflected in the debit of account 94 "shortage and loss from damage to values" and account loan 98 "Revenues future periods. " At the same time, 73 "Calculations with Personnel Operations" (subaccount "Calculations for the compensation for material damage") is debited at these amounts) and account 94 "shortage and loss from damage to values" is credited. As the debt repayment, the account 91 "Other income and expenses" is credited and the 98 "income of future periods will be debit.

Account 94 accounting of wiring "shortages and loss from damage to values" corresponds to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

01 "Fixed assets"

03 "Profitable investments
in material values \u200b\u200b"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

42 "Trading margin"

43 "Finished products"

44 "Sale expenses"

45 "Goods shipped"

50 "Cassa"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

98 "Incomes of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

20 "Basic Production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 "Commonwealth"

29 "Services and farms"

44 "Sale expenses"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

86 "Target Financing"

91 "Other income and expenses"

99 "Profits and losses"


Reserves of upcoming expenses
By type of reserves

Score 96 "Reserves of upcoming expenses"

The account 96 "reserves of upcoming expenses" is intended to summarize information about the status and movement of amounts reserved in order to uniform inclusion of expenses in the costs of production and sales costs. In particular, the amounts may be reflected on this account:

  • the coming pay for vacations (including payments for social insurance and ensuring) employees of the organization;
  • on the payment of annual remuneration for long service;
  • production costs on preparatory work due to the seasonal nature of production;
  • for repair of fixed assets;
  • the upcoming costs of land reclamation and the implementation of other environmental activities;
  • on the warranty repair and warranty service.

The reservation of certain amounts is reflected on the loan of account 96 "reserves of upcoming expenses" in correspondence with accounting costs for production and costs for sale.

The actual expenses for which the reserve was previously formed are belonging to the debit of account 96 "reserves of the upcoming expenses" in correspondence, in particular, with accounts: 70 "Calculations with wage personnel" - on the amount of remuneration to employees during vacation and annual remuneration for long service; 23 "Auxiliary Production" - the cost of repairing fixed assets produced by the organization's division, etc.

The correctness of the formation and use of the amounts by one or another reserve periodically (and at the end of the year must be checked according to the estimates, calculations, etc. And if necessary is adjusted.

Analytical accounting on account 96 "reserves of upcoming expenses" is conducted on individual reserves.

Account 96 Accounting Wiring "Reserves of Upcoming Expenditure" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

23 "Auxiliary Production"

28 "Marriage in production"

29 "Services and farms"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

69 "Social insurance and provisional settlements"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

91 "Other income and expenses"

97 "Expenses of future periods"

99 "Profits and losses"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

20 "Basic Production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 "Commonwealth"

29 "Services and farms"

44 "Sale expenses"

97 "Expenses of future periods"

Future spending
By type of reserves

Score 97 "Expenses of future periods"

Account 97 "The expenses of future periods" is intended to summarize information on the costs produced in this reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods. In particular, on this account, expenses associated with mining and preparatory work may be reflected; prepared for the production of works in connection with their seasonal character; development of new industries, installations and aggregates; reclamation of land and the implementation of other environmental activities; unevenly produced during the repair of fixed assets (when the organization does not create an appropriate reserve or fund), etc.

Count 97 "Expenses of future periods" Costs are debited to the debit of accounts 20 "Basic Production", 23 "Auxiliary Production", 25 "Protective Expenditures", 26 "General Expenditures", 44 "Sales Expenditures", etc.

Analytical accounting on account 97 "Expenses of future periods" is conducted by types of expenses.

Account 97 accounting of wiring "Expenses of future periods" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

04 "Intangible assets"

05 "Amortization of intangible assets"

10 "Materials"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 "Commonwealth"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

69 "Social insurance and provisional settlements"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

96 "Reserves of upcoming expenses"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

20 "Basic Production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 "Commonwealth"

29 "Services and farms"

44 "Sale expenses"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

96 "Reserves of upcoming expenses"

99 "Profits and losses"

revenue of the future periods
  1. Revenues received in the account of future periods
  2. Gratuitous arrivals
  3. The upcoming arrival of debt on the shortcomings revealed over the past years
  4. The difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and balance value According to the shortages of values

Score 98 "Incomes of Future Periods"

Account 98 "Incomes of Future Period" is intended to summarize information on income received (accrued) in the reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods, as well as upcoming debt earnings on the shortcomings revealed in the reporting period over the past years, and the differences between the amount, subject to recovery from the perpetrators and the cost of values \u200b\u200badopted to accounting in the detection of shortage and damage.

By the account 98 "Income of Future Periods" can be opened by subaccounts:

  • 98-1 "Revenues received in the account of future periods",
  • 98-2 "Frequent arrivals",
  • 98-3 "The upcoming arrivals of debt on the shortcomings identified in the past years",
  • 98-4 "The difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and the book value for the lowest values", etc.

On subaccount 98-1 "Revenues received in the account of future periods" takes into account the movement of income obtained in the reporting period, but related to future reporting periods: rental or apartment fee, fee for utilities, Revenue for freight transportation, for the carriage of passengers in monthly and quarterly tickets, subscription fee for the use of communication tools, etc.

According to the account of the account 98 "Incomes of Future Periods" in correspondence with accounting accounts for money or settlements with debtors and creditors, the amounts of income relating to future reporting periods are reflected, and on the debit - the income amount listed on the relevant accounts upon the reporting period to which These income relate.

Analytical accounting for subaccount 98-1 "Revenues received in the account of future periods" is carried out for each type of income.

At subaccount 98-2 "Deliverages" takes into account the value of the assets received by the organization for free.

On credit account 98 "Incomes of future periods" in correspondence with accounts 08 "Investments in non-current assets" and others are reflected market value Assets obtained free of charge, but in correspondence with the account 86 "Target Financing" - the amount of budget funds sent to the commercial organization to finance costs. The amounts recorded in the account 98 "Income Future Days" are written off from this account on credit account 91 "Other income and expenses":

  • according to the fundamental funds received - as depreciation is accrued;
  • for anyone free of financially received material values \u200b\u200b- as it is written off to accounting costs for production (sales costs).

Analytical accounting on subaccount 98-2 "Damage arrivals" is conducted for each gratuitous admission of values.

On subaccount 98-3 "The upcoming debt arrivals on the shortcomings identified over the past years" takes into account the movement of the upcoming debt revenues for the shortcomings identified in the reporting period over the past years.

According to the account of account 98 "Incomes of future periods" in correspondence with a score of 94 "shortages and losses from the damage of values", the amounts of lack of values \u200b\u200bidentified in the past reporting periods (until the reporting year) recognized by the guilty persons or amounts awarded to recovery on them are reflected Court. At the same time, 94 "shortage and losses from damage to values" is credited to these amounts in correspondence with account 73 "Calculations with staff for other operations" (subaccount "Calculations for compensation for material damage").

As debt repayments to the shortcomings, 73 "Settlements with other operations personnel" is credited to correspondence with cash accounting accounts while reflected by the accounts on account 91 "Other income and expenses" (profits of past years identified in the reporting year) and Debit account 98 "Incomes of future periods".

At Subaccount 98-4, "the difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and the cost of the shortcomings of values" takes into account the difference between the amount charged from the perpetrators for the missing material and other values \u200b\u200band the cost of the organization's accounting records.

According to the credit account 98 "Incomes of future periods" in correspondence with a score of 73 "Calculations with staff for other operations" (subaccount "Calculations for the compensation of material damage") reflects the difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and the cost of non-accompanying values. As debt accounts taken to account 73 "Calculations with other operations personnel", the corresponding amounts of difference are written off from account 98 "Incomes of future periods" on credit account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Accounting 98 accounting of wiring "Incomes of future periods" Corresponding to accounts:

Profit and loss

Account 99 "Profits and losses"

The account 99 "Profits and Losses" is intended to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting year.

The final financial result (net profit or net loss) is composed of the financial result from ordinary species Activities, as well as other income and expenses. At the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses" reflected losses (losses, expenses), and on the loan - profits (income) of the organization. Comparison of debit I. credit turns During the reporting period, the final financial result of the reporting period shows.

On account 99 "Profits and Losses" during the reporting year reflect:

  • profit or loss from ordinary activities - in correspondence with a score of 90 "Sales";
  • solo of other income and expenses for the reporting month - in correspondence with the account 91 "Other income and expenses";
  • amount of accrued conditional income tax costs permanent obligations and payments for recalculation on this tax from the actual profit, as well as the amount due tax sanctions - In correspondence with the account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees".

At the end of the reporting year, when drawing up annual accounting reporting, the account 99 "Profits and losses" closes. At the same time, the final record of December, the amount of net profit (loss) of the reporting year is debited from account 99 "Profit and losses" on credit (debit) of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

Building analytical accounting on account 99 "Profits and Losses" should ensure the formation of the data required to compile a profit and loss statement. So recommends an account plan 94n.

Account 99 Accounting Posting "Profits and Losses" Corresponding to accounts:

By Debet.On credit

01 "Fixed assets"

03 "Profitable investments in material values"

07 "Equipment to installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

10 "Materials"

11 "Animals on growing and fattening"

16 "Deviation in the value of material values"

19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values"

20 "Basic Production"

21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

23 "Auxiliary Production"

25 "Objective costs"

26 "Commonwealth"

28 "Marriage in production"

29 "Services and farms"

41 "Goods"

43 "Finished products"

44 "Sale expenses"

45 "Goods shipped"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

58 "Financial Investments"

68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

69 "Social insurance and provisional settlements"

70 "Calculations with wage personnel"

71 "Calculations with accountable persons"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

90 "Sales"

91 "Other income and expenses"

97 "Expenses of future periods"

10 "Materials"

50 "Cassa"

51 "Settlement accounts"

52 "Currency Accounts"

55 "Special accounts in banks"

60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors"

73 "Calculations with staff for other operations"

76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors"

79 "Outbarget Calculations"

84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

90 "Sales"

91 "Other income and expenses"

94 "shortage and loss from damage to values"

96 "Reserves of upcoming expenses"

Wash balances

Wash balances

Offline accounts in the new accounting accounts plan 2014-2015 are intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of values \u200b\u200btemporarily located in the use or disposal of the organization (rented fixed assets, material values \u200b\u200bin responsible storage, in processing, etc.), conditional rights and obligations, as well as for monitoring individual economic operations. Accounting of these objects is conducted on a simple system.

Rental fixed assets

Account 001 "Rental fixed assets"

Account 001 "Rental fixed assets" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of fixed assets leased by the Organization.

Rental fixed assets are taken into account on account 001 "Rental fixed assets" in the assessment specified in the lease agreements.

Analytical accounting on account 001 "Rental fixed assets" is conducted on landlords, for each object of leased fixed assets (by inventory numbers Landlord). The leased fixed assets outside the Russian Federation are taken into account in the account 001 "Rental fixed assets" separately.

Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage 002

Account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage"

Account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of inventory of commodity values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage.

Buyer organizations take into account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage" of values \u200b\u200bmade on storage in cases:

  • receiving commodity-material values \u200b\u200bfrom suppliers, according to which the organization on legal grounds refused to accept the acceptance of billing claims and their payment;
  • receipt from suppliers of unpaid commodity and material values \u200b\u200bprohibited to spending under the terms of the contract before they are paid;
  • adoption of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bfor responsible storage for other reasons.

Supplier organizations take into account the account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage" paid by buyers commodity and material values, which are left on the responsible storage, decorated by the preserved receipts, but not exported for reasons that do not depend on organizations. Commodity and material values \u200b\u200bare taken into account on account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage" in prices provided for in the receiving acts or in the accounts of payment requirements.

Analytical accounting on account 002 "Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage" is conducted on owner organizations, by types, varieties and storage places.

Materials taken into recycling

Account 003 "Materials taken into recycling"

Account 003 "Materials adopted in recycling" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of raw materials and customer materials adopted in the processing (Davalic raw materials) not paid by the manufacturer. Accounting for the costs of processing or refining raw materials and materials is carried out on the accounting accounts for the production costs reflecting the costs associated with this (with the exception of the cost of raw materials and customer materials). The raw materials and materials of the Customer, taken into account, are taken into account in the account 003 "Materials adopted in the processing" at the prices provided for in the agreements.

Analytical accounting on account 003 "Materials adopted in the processing" is conducted on customers, species, varieties of raw materials and materials and their locations.

Commission adopted

Account 004 "Products adopted at the Commission"

Account 004 "Goods adopted on the Commission" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of goods adopted by the Commission in accordance with the Treaty. This account is used by commissioners.

The goods adopted at the Commission are taken into account in the account 004 "Goods adopted by the Commission" in prices provided for in the receiving acts. Analytical accounting on account 004 "Goods adopted at the Commission" is conducted by types of goods and organizations (persons) - committees.

Mounting equipment

Account 005 "Equipment adopted for installation"

Account 005 "Equipment adopted for installation" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of all types of equipment obtained by the Customer's organization for installation. This account is used by contractors.

The equipment is taken into account on account 005 "Equipment adopted for installation" in the prices specified by the Customer in the accompanying documents.

Analytical accounting on account 005 "Equipment adopted for installation" is conducted on individual objects or aggregates.

Forms of strict statements

Account 006 "Strict Reporting Blanks"

Account 006 "Strict Reporting Forms" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of strict reporting on the storage and issued under the report - receipt books, cards, diplomas, diplomas, various subscriptions, tickets, tickets, forms of commodity accompanying documents, etc. .

Strict reporting forms are recorded on account 006 "Strict Reporting Blanks" in the conditional assessment.

Analytical accounting on account 006 "Strict Reporting Blanks" is conducted for each type of strict reporting forms and their storage places.

Written off at a loss of insolvent debtors

Account 007 "Disposable debt debt-free debt"

Account 007 "Wrapped in a loss debt of insolvent debtors" is intended to summarize information on the status of receivables, written off at a loss due to the insolvency of the debtors. This debt must be taken into account by the balance for five years from the date of write-off for observing the possibility of its recovery in the event of a change in the property of debtors.

The amounts received in the order of recovery previously written off at the loss of debt debit accounts 50 "Cashier", 51 "Current accounts" or 52 "Currency Accounts" in correspondence with the account 91 "Other income and expenses". At the same time, the Sales Account is credited to the specified amounts "written off at the loss of the debt of insolvent debtors".

Analytical accounting on the account 007 "Wrong debt-free debt debt" is conducted on each debtor, whose debt is written off at a loss, and each debt written off at a loss.

Providing commitments and payments received

Account 008 "Providing commitments and payments received"

The account 008 "Provision of obligations and payments received" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of the guarantees obtained in ensuring the fulfillment of obligations and payments, as well as the provisions obtained by goods transferred to other organizations (persons).

If the amount is not specified in the warranty, then it is determined for accounting on the basis of the terms of the contract.

The amounts of provisions taken into account on account 008 "providing commitments and payments received" are written off as debt repayment.

Analytical accounting on account 008 "Providing commitments and payments received" is conducted for each promotion.

Providing commitments and payments issued

Account 009 "Providing commitments and payments issued"

Account 009 "Provision of obligations and payments issued" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of issued guarantees in ensuring the fulfillment of obligations and payments. If the amount is not specified in the warranty, then it is determined for accounting on the basis of the terms of the contract.

The amounts of provisions, accountable on account 009 "providing commitments and payments issued", are written off as debt repayment.

Analytical accounting on account 009 "Providing commitments and payments issued" is carried out for each provision issued.

Depreciation of fixed assets

Account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

Account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" is intended to summarize information on the movement of wear amounts on housing facilities, external improvement facilities and other similar objects (forestry, road economy, specialized facilities of the shipping situation, etc.), as well as non-commercial organizations on fixed assets. The depreciation of the specified objects is made at the end of the year on established depreciation standards.

When retireing individual objects (including sale, a stockpit, etc.) The amount of wear on them is written off from account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets".

Analytical accounting on account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" is carried out for each object.

Rental funds

Account 011 "Fixed Rental Tools"

The score 011 "Fixed Rental Tools" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of objects of fixed assets, if, under the terms of the lease agreement, property should be taken into account on the balance sheet of the tenant (employer).

Rental funds are recorded on account 011 "Rental funds" in the assessment specified in the lease agreements.

Analytical accounting on account 011 "Rental funds" is conducted according to tenants, for each object of fixed assets leased. The main funds leased, which are outside the Russian Federation, are taken into account in the account 011 "Rental funds for rent" are separately.

An accounting account plan approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of 31.10.2000 under No. 94n. This document is fixed a list of admissible accounts for use in accounting and instructions for their practical application With detailed explanations about the appointment of all types of accounts.

Accounting account plan: why apply it

Enterprises are prescribed at the legislative level to use the accounting account plan, which implies compliance with the Double Record rule. It consists of a list of accounts with titles and an estimated list of subaccounts for analytical accounting. With it, it is possible to fix each economic operation at the enterprise in value and natural terms.

The general plan of accounting accounts in 2017, approved by Order No. 94n, has not changed. It is allowed to complement his own accounts from free account numbers, but all such innovations must be pre-consistent with the Ministry of Finance. To implement such a measure, it will be necessary to argue the need to expand the existing list for a particular company. The possible reason for such a step is the specificity of the elected direction of the activities of the legal entity. This account account account plan does not apply on general grounds. budget companies and credit organizations. They provide for the use of individual encodings that take into account features economic activity and reporting documentation. And for state employees, the plan of accounting accounts in 2017 was changed with Order No. 209n dated November 16, 2016. But this is the topic of a separate article, because commercial organizations These changes were not affected.

Accounting Accounting Plan: Structural Elements

For the structure of the account plan, the selection of 8 groups is characterized, each of which contains a number of synthetic accounts. Sketchically represents the accounting plan of the accounting table of the following content:

Section number

Section name

Accounting accountsincluded in the section

Characteristics of sections

Objects of non-current assets

Describes the property of the enterprise, including investment resources.

Promotion reserves

Assets taking direct participation in technological process Production and immediately carrying the size of its value at the cost of future products.

Production costs

Production type costs, the cost of selling products, services and works.

Commodity and Finished Products

Account plan in the section of the MPZ, which are intended for sale.

Funds in the form of cash resources

Cash resources in all forms and currencies, in the context of storage sites.

Calculations with third parties and intra-economic type.

Accounting for all types of capital, shares and retained profits.

Financial results

The final values \u200b\u200bof the income and expenses of the enterprise.

You can download accounting accounts on]]\u003e website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia]\u003e. It will see each code separately with the given individual name and the proposed standard accounts for analytical accounting.

The accounting account plan contains another block of accounts, which differ in the method of attributing the cost of assets from other types of accounts. They are called off-balanced, accounts go under codes from 001 to 009.

Accounting Account Plan: Table Types of Accounts

For the implementation of the rule double recording Accounts are divided into three categories:

  • active type;
  • passive type;
  • active passive variety.

Active accounting accounts are distinguished by the fact that they may have exclusively debit residues, for passive, the presence of loan residues. Active passive accounts involve reflection of calculation operations with different groups of debtors and creditors, so the final balance on them may be debit or pass on the loan.

Systems accounting accounts Table Table Types:

Type of account


Account numbers


Accounting by types of MC and cash, only active accounts


With their help, accounting accounts assumes

calculating cost

20, 28-30, 23, , , 44, , 98/1, 98/2, 98/3, 98/4


Reducing the final balance at the SUMA of his balance on active accounts

02, 05, 59, 14, 63

Contractively additional

Increase or decrease assessment of property objects


To account for calculated values

, , , , , , ,

If the firm keeps accounting by a double recording method, it should use this account plan, regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership. Exception - state-owned enterprises and credit institutions.

The main task of the PS is to agree on accounting indicators and indicators of the current reporting. To properly use accounts, each of them is comments in the instructions of the Ministry of Finance.

What does the account plan for accounting 2019 look like?

This is the registration scheme and grouping indicators of the enterprise's economic activity. These include assets, various obligations, financial operations etc. PS indicates the first order (synthetic) and second order (subaccount). Based on the company's PS create and approve the work plan of accounts with full list All accounts. Accounting accounts are divided into:

  • active;
  • passive;
  • active passive.

Active bills

The final and element balance must be recorded by the debit of the account. Increased Record by the debit of account, and the reduction is on the loan.

List: 01, 03, 04, 08, 09 - 10, 19 - 20, 23, 25, 62-6, 62, 62, 62-62, 62.44, 62-6, 62.44 73, 75.1, 76.2, 76.22, 81, 90.2 - 90.8, 91.2, 94, 97.

Passive bills

The final and initial balance must be recorded on the credit account. Zoom Record on credit account, and a decrease in the debit.

List: 02, 05, 42, 59, 60.1, 60.3, 60.6, 60.11, 60.22, 62.7, 63 - 67, 76.4, 76.N.2, 76.7, 76.5 77, 80, 82 - 83, 90.1, 91.1, 96, 98, 99.2.1, 99.2.3.

Active Passive Accounts

Such accounts are either one-sided balance or bilateral. In the first case, the balance either debit or credit, and in the second - at the same time debit with credit. List: 11 - 16, 40, 60, 62, 68 - 69, 71, 75, 76.1, 76.3, 76.5 - 76.11, 76.55, 76.9, 79, 91, 91.9, 99, 91, 91.9, 99-99.2, 99.2.2.

Work plan 2019

All bills are not necessary to use the plan. Each company has the right to have its own billing plan. Small companies we advise you to use the chart of accounts in the service.

Invoice number Account name
01 Fixed assets
02 Depreciation of fixed assets
02.01 Depreciation of fixed assets
02.02 Depreciation of profitable investments in material values
03 Profitable investments in material values
04 Intangible assets
04.01 Intangible assets of the organization
04.02 R & D results
05 Depreciation of intangible assets
08 Investments in non-current assets
08.01 Non-current assets - the acquisition of land
08.04 Non-current assets - the acquisition of OS
08.05 Non-current assets - the acquisition of NMA
10 Materials
19 VAT on purchased assets
19.Ag VAT on tax agent operations
20 Primary production
23 Auxiliary production
25 General production expenses
26 General (managerial) costs
29 Services and farms
41 Products
42 Trading markup
43 Finished products
44 Sale expenses (commercial expenses)
45 Goods shipped
50 Cashbox
51 Settlements
52 Currency accounts
55 Special accounts in banks
55.01 Special accounts in banks
55.02 Check books
55.03 Deposits
55.04 Electronic money
57 Translations on the way
58 Financial investments
60 Calculations with suppliers and contractors
62 Calculations with buyers and customers
63 Provisions for doubtful debts
66 Calculations for short-term loans and loans
66.02 Calculations on loans and loans
66.03 Interest on short-term loans and loans
67.01 Calculations on long-term loans and loans
67.02 Interest on long-term loans and loans
68 Calculations for taxes and fees
68.Ag VAT in the performance of the duties of the Tax Agent
68.Akts. Excise
68.VM Single tax on imputed income
68.r. Other taxes and fees
68.zen. Land tax
68.I. Property tax
68.P. Laws on taxes
68.PR Profit Tax
68.Tr. Transport tax
68.TrH Trade collection
68.zen. Land tax
68.YU. Unified tax with USN
68.FL Income tax of individuals
68.Stf. Fundes for taxes
69 Social Insurance Calculations and Provision
69.DP1 Voluntary pension contributions on the storage part at the expense of the employer
69.DP2. Voluntary pension contributions for the cumulative part from employee income
69.OM Calculations from the FIU on compulsory contributions health insurance in FFOMS
69. PF1 Calculations from the FIU on the Insurance Part of Pension Contributions
69. PF2. Calculations from the FIU for the accumulative part of pension contributions
69.SS1. Calculations with FSS on premiums for temporary disability and motherhood
69.SS2. Calculations with FSS on accomplices for accidents and caregings
69.Ss3. Calculations from the FSS on voluntary contributions for accident insurance
69.Stf. Insurance premium fines
69.P. Insurance premiums
70 Calculations with wage personnel
71 Calculations with accountable persons
73 Calculations with staff for other operations
73.01 Calculations for granted loans
73.02 Material calculations
73.03 Calculations for other operations
75 Calculations with founders
75.01 Calculations on deposits in authorized (share) capital
75.02 Calculations for income
76.01 Calculations for property and personal insurance
76.02 Calculations for claims
76.03 Calculations for Dividends and other income
76.04 Calculations for deposited amounts
76.r. Calculations with different debtors and creditors
76.Al. Calculations for alimony
76.AVP VAT on advance and prepayments received
76.Avv VAT on advance and prepayments issued
76.Ptsl Calculations with principles
80 Authorized capital
81 Own stocks (shares)
83 Extra capital
83.01 The increase in the cost of non-current assets
83.02 Other sources of extension capital
84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss)
86 Special-purpose financing
90 Sales
90.01 Revenue
90.02 Cost of sales
90.03 Value added tax
90.04 Excise
90.09 Profit / loss from sales
91 Other income and expenses
91.01 Other income
91.02 other expenses
91.09 Balance of other income and expenses
94 Shortage and loss of valuables
96 Reserves of upcoming expenses
97 Future spending
98 revenue of the future periods
98.01 revenue of the future periods
98.02 Gratuitous arrivals
99 Profit and loss
001 Rental fixed assets
002 Commodity and material values \u200b\u200badopted for responsible storage
003 Materials taken into recycling
004 Commission adopted
007 Written off at a loss of insolvent debtors
012 Low-value fixed assets

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Application plan accounts

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  • Separate accounting of expenses and revenues in the supply of products in the framework of the execution of the state defense order

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  • About the obligation of accounting for off-balance account 002

    The off-balance account is directly named in terms of accounting accounts of financial and economic activities of organizations. In addition, the maintenance of this offshore ... follows from the instructions for applying an accounting plan for financial and economic activities of organizations (approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from ... 002). 3. Instructions for the application of an accounting account plan for financial and economic activities of organizations (appliance. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from ...

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  • Security expenses. Accounting and Tax Accounting

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