
What is taken into account on account 03. Profitable investments. But there is one "but"

Account 03 "Investments in material values"Used to summarize information about property not used by the organization in production purposes, but originally purchased for rent.


Assets are current and non-current assets of the firm. Working capital- materials, household inventory, inexpensive tools with a short service life, non-circulating - that which does not change the material form in the production process (equipment, buildings, land, etc.). In particular, profitable investments in material assets are also referred to non-circulating assets. They can represent the most different types property, however, they are initially acquired not for making a profit in the course of the main activities, but for transferring to other persons or organizations under a lease (or leasing) agreement.

Account 03 is similar in its properties to accounts of non-current assets (01, 04). It is active, that is, on debit they reflect an increase in investments, on a loan - a decrease (acceptance for accounting as fixed assets or intangible assets, different situations disposal - write-off). Count. 03 is similar to counter. 01, 04 and other properties: depreciation is charged on them (except for certain types of property: land, structures), acceptance for accounting and formation original cost occurs on auxiliary accounts 07, 08, and after the asset meets all the requirements of fixed assets, intangible assets and profitable investments, it is transferred to Dt accounting for non-current assets.

The cost of assets accounted for on the account. 03, includes all costs of purchase, delivery, commission of intermediaries, packaging, consulting, installation, customs payments. Similar to other property accounts, the initial book price of the investment does not include VAT.

Sub-accounts used.

The chart of accounts of accounting does not regulate the sub-accounts used by the organization for the accounts. 03, however, it is stipulated that the analysis is carried out by types of investments and agreements with tenants. In this regard, the company may be recommended to open subaccounts:

  • objects to be leased;
  • investments, leased objects;
  • unregistered objects;
  • leased objects
  • etc.

Similar to nt. 01, to count. 03 can be opened subaccount "Disposal", which is used for write-off, liquidation, sale, etc.

The working chart of accounts is formed annually by the accounting department as part of the accounting policy.

Normative base

The use of the account is regulated by the Chart of accounts of accounting established by the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and other documents.

Basic operations

1. Receipt of investments in material assets

For accounting purposes, the receipt is recognized when the costs associated with the formation of the value of profitable investments are made and documented.

Acceptance of an object for accounting is made out by postings:

Dt 08 Kt 60 - purchase costs;

Dt 08 Kt 10 (70, 69) - costs of materials (salary, insurance premiums) related to the formation of material values;

Dt 19 Kt 60 - VAT allocated;

Dt 03 Kt 08 - the accounting value of the investment has been formed.

Count. 03 is not directly involved in the formation of the book value. It is used only when all costs are collected on the invoice. 08.

If the company is engaged in the construction of complex technical objects and structures, when registering the receipt of fixed assets, an account is used. 07 "Equipment for installation". On the account. 07 all expenses for installation and connection to communications are accumulated, then they are written off from the CT account. 07 in Dt count. 08, and further from the account. 08 on Dt w. 03.

2. Sale of investments

When objects of profitable investments are sold. the accountant forms the residual value by reducing the initial price of the object (account 03) by the amount of depreciation (account 02):

Dt 62 Kt 91 - reflected the sale of property;

Dt 91 Kt 68 - VAT allocated;

Dt 91 Kt 03 - the residual value was written off.

A mandatory criterion for the correct accounting is the ability to identify the economic result from each sale of the property: if the residual value is higher than the sale price, the operation is recognized as unprofitable, if less - profitable. Thus, the sale of an asset affects the formation of the economic results of the work.

3. Liquidation of the OS

Liquidation (full or partial) is drawn up according to a scheme similar to postings for the sale of fixed assets - the residual value is formed and written off to expenses:

Dt 02 Kt 03 - depreciation was written off;

Dt 91 Kt 03 - the residual value of the object was written off to other expenses.

Usually, liquidation is carried out when the property has worked out its useful life, is completely depreciated, morally and physically obsolete and is not able to bring economic benefits. In such a situation, the balance of the account. 03 is equal to the balance of the account. 02, and the write-off will not affect the formation of profit or loss.

Enterprises are interested not only in increasing capacities and increasing the efficiency of the main production, but also in obtaining other income. For example, from objects that are not directly involved in the production of a product, but that make a profit. It is for the accounting of information about such objects that account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets" exists.

Score 03: concept

The term "profitable investments" (DV) is understood as investments aimed at acquiring property, the use of which will bring the company benefits to the company.

The company receives income from the transfer of this property for temporary possession / use (rental, lease) to third-party organizations for a certain fee. Such transactions are formalized with appropriate agreements, the transfer is accompanied by the drawing up and endorsement of an act of acceptance and transfer.

Most often, assets that act in a similar capacity are residential buildings, production halls and cars.

Account 03 in accounting

The cost of investments for the acquisition of such property is reflected in the debit of account 03 from credit 08. DV are accounted for at the initial cost, formed according to the rules for the formation of fixed assets (clause 8 of PBU 6/01). Analytical accounting is carried out by types of objects and tenants.

Since the transferred object is usually a depreciable property and is on the company's balance sheet, depreciation is charged to it, and the amount of monthly depreciation is included in the fee for using the asset. DV are reflected in line 1160 of the first section of the balance sheet for residual value.

Disposal of these assets, i.e. the write-off of the value upon sale or liquidation is recorded under the credit of account 03. The results from the write-off of DV are recorded on the account of other income and expenses.

To account for the disposal of DCs, a subaccount "Disposal of MC" is usually opened to account 03, in which the cost of the retired asset is transferred, and in the c / t - the amount of depreciation. We offer postings reflecting transactions in the company's DV and a list of documents that are the basis for transactions:




Equipment purchased from a supplier

Purchase / sale agreement, invoices, invoices

The asset is accounted for as MC for lease

Acceptance certificate

In the company's charter capital, the shareholder's income is accepted as a contribution

Shareholders meeting minutes

Return of a leased building

Acceptance certificate

Depreciation accrued

Revaluation of objects of the Far East was carried out


Disposal of an object, for example due to damage

Write-off act

The cost of DV for damaged facilities is included in the extraordinary expenses

Examples of using account 03 in accounting

1. Transfer of equipment for rent

In April 2016, JSC "ANT" purchased a tractor worth 413,000 rubles. (including VAT of 63,000 rubles), and then a lease agreement was concluded with OOO Rost. SPI tractor - 7 years.

Operations in JSC "ANT" are reflected by postings:



Amount (RUB)

Buying a tractor

Payment made

Accounting for the unit as DV

VAT credited

Transfer to the lessee

03 (subaccount "property on lease")

03 (subaccount "property owned")

Depreciation accrued for April (350,000/7/12)

2. Implementation of an object accounted for as DV:

Let's continue with the previous example. Suppose that in May 2017, JSC ANT decided to sell the tractor to LLC Rost at a price of 389,400 rubles. (VAT RUB 59,400).

At the time of sale, the tractor was recorded on the balance sheet of ANT JSC according to book value RUB 350,000 Accrued depreciation amounted to 58333.24 rubles.

The accountant of the JSC reflected the disposal of the asset as follows:



Amount (RUB)

The amount owed by Rost LLC under the purchase / sale agreement

VAT on the property sold

The write-off of the tractor is reflected at the book value

03 (disposal of MC)

Accrued depreciation written off

03 (disposal of MC)

Expenses for writing off the residual value of the tractor are taken into account (350,000 - 58333.24)

03 (disposal of MC)

Received payment

Recognized profit on sale (389400-059400-291666.76)

The specific method of accounting for DV is selected by the company and recorded in accounting policies enterprises.

Accounting Account 03 Long-term Leased Fixed Assets an account designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets, long-term leased by the enterprise. This account is used by the tenant businesses. Fixed assets received on a long-term lease are credited on debit 03 and credit of account 97 "" Leased "". The payment of payments due to the lessor for the use of long-term leased fixed assets is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 97 and credit of accounting accounts Money... The amount of accrued interest under a long-term lease is posted to the credit of account 97 in correspondence with account 81 "Use of profit" ". When the leased object of fixed assets passes under the terms of the lease agreement (or an additional agreement between the lessor and the lessee) of the leased object of fixed assets into the ownership of the lessee, records are made on the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets" and the credit of account 03. At the same time, the amount of depreciation for this object, which is on the account 02 "" Fixed assets "", is transferred from subaccount 0-22 "Depreciation of long-term leased fixed assets" "to 0-21" "Depreciation of own fixed assets" ". If, at the end of the lease agreement, the object of fixed assets is returned to the lessor, then the accounting records are made on the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" and the credit of account 03. If the leased object of fixed assets is returned to the lessor before the end of the lease agreement, entries are made in accounting the credit of account 03 and the debit of accounts 02 (for the amount of accrued depreciation) and 97 (for the amount of payments unpaid to the lessor for the use of the object).

Dictionary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001.

See what "Accounting Account 03 Long-Term Leased Fixed Assets" is in other dictionaries:

    Business glossary

    ACCOUNTING ACCOUNT 03 LONG TERM RENTAL FIXED ASSETS- an account designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets, long-term leased by the enterprise. This account is used by tenant businesses. Fixed assets received by the enterprise on long-term terms ... ...

    "FUNDS LONG-TERM RENTAL BASIC"- an accounting account designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets, long-term leased by the enterprise. This account is used by tenant businesses. Fixed assets received by the enterprise for ... ...

    Business glossary

    An account designed to summarize information on the status of settlements with lessors for fixed assets transferred to them on a long-term lease basis. This account is used by tenant businesses. Debt to the lessor for ... ... Business glossary

    ACCOUNTING ACCOUNT 97 LEASE OBLIGATIONS- an account designed to summarize information on the status of settlements with lessors for fixed assets transferred to them on a long-term lease. This account is used by tenant businesses. Debt to the lessor for ... ... Big Dictionary of Economics

    Business glossary

    An account designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets recorded on the balance sheet account 03 Long-term leased fixed assets. Dictionary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001 ... Business glossary

    ACCOUNT 001 RENTED FIXED ASSETS, BALANCED- an account designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets recorded on the balance sheet account 03 Long-term leased fixed assets ... Big Dictionary of Economics

    "FUNDS RENTAL BASIC"- off-balance sheet account, designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets recorded on the balance sheet account Long-term leased fixed assets ... Big accounting dictionary

Material assets with a long-term use can be acquired by economic entities for the purpose not of a production nature, but transferring them to other companies for temporary possession to generate income. Wherein current regulations accounting require that accounting for such objects be kept separately from the company's fixed assets.

The legislation determines that the financing of the purchase of objects with a long term of use, which are endowed with a material-material form and are transferred to other entities for use in their economic activity for a certain period of time for a fee established by the contract.

These include, for example:

  • Building.
  • Structures.
  • Equipment.
  • Vehicles etc.

That is, in essence, these are objects of fixed assets (OS). But they have the main distinguishing feature - these assets are used in activities not by the owner himself, but by those who lease these assets. Thus, income investments are leased fixed assets.

The company should carry out separate accounting of fixed assets and profitable investments, since they have a different nature of use by the entity.

The norms of law require that objects acquired and transferred by the organization to another entity under a lease or lease agreement must still be reflected in the accounting and reporting of the direct owner.

At the same time, it does not matter for what funds the property was acquired - from own sources or attracting borrowed capital.

These objects should be recorded at their initial cost, which is made up of the actual costs incurred for their purchase or construction.

Attention! However, like objects, these values ​​should be reflected in the financial statements at their residual value, that is, the amount of depreciation accrued during their application is deducted from the initial cost. In order to reflect information about these objects, it is provided separate line 1160.

What is accounted for on account 03 of accounting

Specificity of profitable real estate investments

Real estate is a special kind of property. According to the law, it is necessary to register property rights with the registration of an appropriate certificate.

In this regard, accountants sometimes have a question - in what period of time to transfer the value of an object from account 08 to account 03 - until the receipt of the certificate, or after that.

There is another peculiarity associated with real estate objects. The law obliges to calculate and transfer property tax to the budget. This must be done for the first time on the 1st of the month that comes after the month of its acceptance for accounting in the business entity.

PBU 6/01 establishes a rule that an object begins to be accounted for on account 01 or 03 from the moment it fully meets the criteria for a fixed asset. At the same time, there is not a word in this document that it is necessary to wait for an official paper from a government agency - a certificate. The Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service adhere to the same position in their letters.

Attention! At the same time, it is recommended that the organization itself does not have confusion - which object has already received state registration, and which has not, to take them into account on different sub-accounts. For example, within the group, open two sub-accounts - "Objects that have passed state registration" and "Objects awaiting state registration".

How to evaluate profitable investments

When evaluating profitable investments, the same rules apply as for fixed assets.

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Initially, the cost of such an asset is collected directly from its value, reduced by taxes, as well as all associated costs.

The latter may include:

  1. Transportation costs;
  2. Expenses for attracting third-party specialists (for example, appraisers);
  3. Travel expenses and fuel and lubricants, if they were associated with the acquisition of this object;
  4. Mandatory deductions, customs payments and state duty;
  5. Cost of materials spent;
  6. etc.

Thus, all costs associated with the purchased object are collected on account 08. This is done until it is ready to rent or lease in order to generate income. After completing all necessary work the accumulated costs for the object are transferred in one amount to account 03.

Attention! The state duty, if it was paid before the transfer of value to account 03, can also be included in the costs of the object. Otherwise, it should be recorded on account 91.

What accounts does account 03 correspond to?

From the debit of account 03, transactions can be made with the following accounts:

  • 08 - acceptance for accounting of the acquired property as a profitable investment;
  • 76 - the value of the property for leasing is being clarified due to a previously made mistake;
  • 80 - property for rent was received from the participant as a contribution to the authorized capital.

On account 03 credit, postings can be made in correspondence by debit with the following accounts:

  • 01 - transfer of property from the category of profitable investments to fixed assets;
  • - write-off of amortization of the retired profitable investment;
  • 76 - compensation of a part of the value of a profitable investment at the expense of insurance due to its damage;
  • 80 - the property was transferred to the founders when it leaves the company;
  • 91 - the value of the property is written off upon its disposal or sale;
  • 94 - the shortage of profitable property is reflected;
  • 99 - writing off the value of a profitable investment as a result of its loss due to an emergency.

Accounting entries for account 03

The postings that are made with account 03 are very similar to those that are made for fixed assets.

Debit Credit Operation description
Acquisition of property
Property purchased for further lease
19 60 VAT allocated from the sale amount
68 19 VAT credited
03/1 08 The acquired property is taken into account as a profitable investment
Renting, leasing
03/2 03/1 Transfer of property for rent or leasing
02 Depreciation has been made
03/1 03/2 Return of property previously leased, leased
Disposal of property
03 / Disposal 03/1 Property value written off
02 03 / Disposal The accrued depreciation on the disposed property was written off
91 Property sold
91 68 VAT charged on the sale of property
91 03 / Disposal Charged off residual value



Account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" is intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of the organization's investments in part of the property, buildings, premises, equipment and other valuables that have a tangible form (hereinafter referred to as tangible assets) provided by the organization for a fee in a temporary possession and use for the purpose of generating income.

Material assets acquired (received) by the organization for the provision of temporary possession and use for a fee in order to generate income are taken to accounting to the debit of account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" at the initial cost based on the actual costs incurred for their acquisition (including the cost of delivery, installation and installation) in correspondence with the credit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets".

This account records the lessor (lessor) property acquired at the expense of its own and borrowed money, for leasing (rent).

If, under the terms of the lease (lease) agreement, the leased property is recorded on the balance sheet of the lessee (lessee), then the transfer of the leased property to the lessee in the lessor's accounting records is reflected in the following entries:

on the credit of account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets" the cost of the leased property is reflected in correspondence with the debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", subaccount 9 "Settlements for other operations";

on the debit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors", subaccount 9 "Settlements on other operations" reflects the lessee's debt for remuneration to the lessor in correspondence with the credit of account 98 "Deferred income";

as the amount of remuneration is received annually, account 98 "Deferred income" is debited in correspondence with the credit of account 91 "Other income".

In this case, the lessor records the leased property on off-balance sheet account 011 "Fixed assets leased" in the context of lessees and types of property.

Depreciation of material assets provided for temporary possession or use for the purpose of generating income is accounted for on the credit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" separately and written off in correspondence with account 03 upon disposal of the object.

To account for the disposal (sale, write-off, partial liquidation, transfer free of charge, etc.) of material assets accounted for on account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets", a subaccount "Disposal of material assets" can be opened to it. The value of the retired object is transferred to the debit of this subaccount, and the amount of accumulated depreciation is transferred to credit. At the end of the disposal procedure, the residual value of the object is written off from account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets" to account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Analytical accounting for account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets" is carried out by types, tenants (lessees) and individual objects of material assets.



Account 03 "Investments in material assets" is used to summarize information about property that is not used by the organization for production purposes, but acquired initially for rent.

Assets are current and non-current assets of the firm. Working capital - materials, household inventory, inexpensive tools with a short service life, non-circulating - something that does not change its material form in the production process (equipment, buildings, land, etc.). In particular, profitable investments in material assets are also referred to non-circulating assets.

What is a profitable investment in material assets?

They can represent a wide variety of types of property, however, they are initially acquired not for making a profit in the course of the main activities, but for transferring to other persons or organizations under a lease (or leasing) agreement.

Account 03 is similar in its properties to accounts of non-current assets (01, 04). It is active, that is, the debit reflects the growth of investments, the loan - a decrease (acceptance for accounting as fixed assets or intangible assets, various situations of disposal - write-off). Count. 03 is similar to counter. 01, 04 and other properties: depreciation is charged on them (except for certain types of property: land, structures), acceptance for accounting and the formation of the initial value occurs on subsidiary accounts 07, 08, and after the asset meets all the requirements of OS, intangible assets and profitable investments, is transferred to Dt accounting for non-current assets.

The cost of assets accounted for on the account. 03, includes all costs of purchase, delivery, commission of intermediaries, packaging, consulting, installation, customs payments. Similar to other property accounts, the initial book price of the investment does not include VAT.

Sub-accounts used.

The chart of accounts of accounting does not regulate the sub-accounts used by the organization for the accounts. 03, however, it is stipulated that the analysis is carried out by types of investments and agreements with tenants. In this regard, the company may be recommended to open subaccounts:

  • objects to be leased;
  • investments, leased objects;
  • unregistered objects;
  • leased objects
  • etc.

Similar to nt. 01, to count. 03 can be opened subaccount "Disposal", which is used for write-off, liquidation, sale, etc.

The working chart of accounts is formed annually by the accounting department as part of the accounting policy.

Normative base

The use of the account is regulated by the Chart of accounts of accounting established by the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and other documents.

Basic operations

1. Receipt of investments in material assets

For accounting purposes, the receipt is recognized when the costs associated with the formation of the value of profitable investments are made and documented.

Acceptance of an object for accounting is made out by postings:

Dt 08 Kt 60 - purchase costs;

Dt 08 Kt 10 (70, 69) - the costs of materials (salaries, insurance premiums) related to the formation of material values ​​are taken into account;

Dt 19 Kt 60 - VAT allocated;

Dt 03 Kt 08 - the accounting value of the investment has been formed.

Count. 03 is not directly involved in the formation of the book value. It is used only when all costs are collected on the invoice. 08.

If the company is engaged in the construction of complex technical objects and structures, when registering the receipt of fixed assets, an account is used. 07 "Equipment for installation". On the account. 07 all expenses for installation and connection to communications are accumulated, then they are written off from the CT account. 07 in Dt count. 08, and further from the account. 08 on Dt w. 03.

2. Sale of investments

When objects of profitable investments are sold. the accountant forms the residual value by reducing the initial price of the object (account 03) by the amount of depreciation (account 02):

Dt 62 Kt 91 - reflected the sale of property;

Dt 91 Kt 68 - VAT allocated;

Dt 91 Kt 03 - the residual value was written off.

A mandatory criterion for the correct accounting is the ability to identify the economic result from each sale of the property: if the residual value is higher than the selling price, the operation is recognized as unprofitable, if less - profitable. Thus, the sale of an asset affects the formation of the economic results of the work.

3. Liquidation of the OS

Liquidation (full or partial) is drawn up according to a scheme similar to postings for the implementation of fixed assets - the residual value is formed and written off to expenses:

Dt 02 Kt 03 - depreciation was written off;

Dt 91 Kt 03 - the residual value of the object was written off to other expenses.

Usually, liquidation is carried out when the property has worked out its useful life, is completely depreciated, morally and physically obsolete and is not able to bring economic benefits. In such a situation, the balance of the account. 03 is equal to the balance of the account. 02, and the write-off will not affect the formation of profit or loss.

Victor Stepanov, 2016-10-30

Questions and answers on the topic

Related References

  • Purpose of the article: displaying information about the residual value of existing fixed assets acquired by the company for lease (or possession and temporary use) to counterparties.
  • Balance line number: 1160.
  • Account number according to the chart of accounts: Debit balance 03-credit balance 02.

In detail

Profitable investments in tangible assets imply the acquisition of buildings, equipment and other valuables that have a tangible form in order to extract additional benefits from the transfer of this property to counterparties:

  • under a lease agreement;
  • on lease;
  • rental.

According to the accounting rules, in order to accept monetary investments in tangible assets on the balance sheet as fixed assets, it is necessary to simultaneously fulfill certain conditions:

  1. Purpose of the asset: lease - transfer of an asset for temporary use and ownership to third parties or temporary use.
  2. Term useful use object - more than 12 months or during the operating cycle (when the cycle is more than a year).
  3. By purchasing objects, the company does not have the goal of further resale of the object: economic benefits are achieved by providing counterparties for use.

    The initial cost of the acquired fixed assets for further transfer for temporary use is collected on account 08. It includes all transportation and procurement costs: acquisition costs, additional costs for delivery, installation and assembly. After collecting information about all the money spent, the acquired values ​​are credited to account 03 at the accounting price.

Material assets are expensive objects with material form and designed to generate income for a long time.

Account 03. Profitable investments in material assets

These can include the following assets:

  • buildings, structures;
  • production equipment (e.g. machine tools);
  • regulating devices and computers;
  • transport;
  • expensive household equipment;
  • livestock;
  • perennial plantings;
  • natural resources: land, water, etc.

Line 1160 - non-current assets of the enterprise: the residual value of income investments in tangible assets is displayed here - the initial book price of the property, reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation as of December 31 of the financial year. For non-depreciable property, the initial cost of the object is displayed.

The total figure in accounting should be reflected as the final debit balance of account 03 minus the credit balance of account 02.

The reporting displays information as of the current period, December 31 of the previous year, as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one.

Practical examples of monetary investments in material assets

Example 1

OOO Luch bought a car worth 120 thousand rubles (including VAT 18%) for further leasing. All additional costs for car delivery were included in the incurred costs.

101694.92 - accounting for expenses incurred for the acquisition of the object.

18305, 08 - input VAT is displayed.

120 thousand rubles - transfer of funds to the supplier.

For additional procedures in the traffic police (maintenance, registration, etc.), 1000 rubles were spent, the costs are also included in the initial cost of the asset

Dt08 Kt60 - 1000 rubles.

102694.92- formation discount price the acquired asset.

18305.08 - input VAT charged for deduction.

Example 2

LLC "Luch" decided to sell the machine, which is listed as a profitable investment, since it was purchased for lease.

The sale price is 200 thousand rubles (including VAT 30508.47). The initial price of the machine was 100 thousand rubles, by the time of sale the depreciation deductions amounted to 30,000 rubles.

Postings in the accounting records of OOO Luch:

200 thousand rubles - accounts receivable are reflected.

30508.47 - VAT charged for transfer to the budget.

Dt03 (disposal) Kt03

100,000 - write off the original price.

Dt02 Kt03 (disposal)

30,000 - write-off of depreciation charges.

Dt91.2 Kt03 (disposal)

70,000 - Write-off of the residual value of the equipment.

200 thousand rubles - repayment accounts receivable by the buyer.

Normative base

Information on the residual value of monetary investments in the company's tangible assets is recorded in accounting, in accordance with PBU 6/01, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2001 N 26n, since these investments are formed and accounted for in the same way as the rules for accounting for fixed assets.

Common Cash Inventory Transactions

  1. Formation of the book value of an asset with the calculation of all costs
  2. Transfer of earning assets to fixed assets of the company
  3. Transfer of objects to the balance of the lessee according to the agreement
  4. Write-off of accrued depreciation charges upon disposal of a profitable object
  5. Write-off of the residual value of retired assets acquired for the purpose of generating income

Note from the author! For the purpose of more detailed monitoring of monetary investments in material assets, an additional subaccount can be opened to account 03, to which the value of the retired property will be transferred.

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Normative base:

1. PBU 6/01 of March 30, 2001 N 26n.

Account 03: Profitable investments in material assets

Methodical instructions on accounting of fixed assets of 13.10.2003 N 91n.

3. Unified forms on the accounting of fixed assets dated January 21, 2003 No. 7.

4. Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Profitable investments in material assets- property of the organization (buildings, premises, equipment and other valuables that have a tangible form), acquired (received) by the organization for provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income.

The leased fixed asset remains in the ownership of the lessor and is not written off from the balance sheet.

In accounting, an object that is a fixed asset can be accounted for on account 01 "Fixed assets" or 03 "Income investments in tangible assets" (if this fixed asset was originally purchased for rent, hire, leasing).

Depreciation on the leased asset is charged by the lessor.

Content of operations Debit Credit Primary document
A vacuum cleaner purchased for the purpose of renting, renting, leasing has been taken into account. 08-4 60.1 Seller's shipping documents
Reflected the amount of VAT presented by the seller 19.1 60.1 Invoice
Accepted for deduction of VAT on the acquired fixed asset 68.2 19.1 Invoice
Payment made to supplier 60.1 51 Bank statement on current account
The non-current asset was put into operation as a profitable investment in the mat. values 03.1 08.4
Depreciation accrued 20 91.2 02.1
Transfer of fixed assets for rent, rental, leasing. 03.2 03.1 Certificate of acceptance and transfer of an object of fixed assets
Reflected depreciation of fixed assets for leased, rental, leasing. 02.1 02.2 Accounting reference-calculation


Normative base:

1. PBU 14/2007, dated 27.12.2007 N 153n.

2. Unified primary forms accounting records for accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets dated 30.10.97, No. 71a

Intangible assets- values ​​that have value and are not physical objects.

Conditions for the acceptance of intangible assets for accounting:

1) the object is able to bring economic benefits to the organization in the future;

2) the organization has properly executed documents;

3) the possibility of separating or separating an object from other assets;

4) the object is intended for use over 12 months;

5) the organization does not intend to sell the object within 12 months;

6) the initial cost of the object can be reliably determined;

7) the object has no material form.

Classification of intangible assets:

1) works of science;

2) works of literature;

3) works of art;

4) programs for electronic computers;

5) inventions;

6) utility models;

7) selection achievements;

8) production secrets (know-how);

9) trademarks;

10) service marks;

11) business reputation - the difference between the purchase price of the organization (as the acquired property complex as a whole) and the cost balance sheet all of its assets and liabilities.
Intangible assets are not: expenses related to education legal entity(organizational costs); intellectual and business qualities of the organization's personnel, their qualifications and ability to work.

Intangible assets assessment:

1. At the time of buying- by the amount of actual costs;

2. With a contribution to the Criminal Code - at the agreed cost;

3. Received free of charge or under a donation agreement - at market value;

4. During manufacture - at the cost of manufacturing.

Intangible assets are evaluated :

In accounting- at the actual (initial) cost, determined as of the date of its acceptance for accounting;

V accounting statements - at the residual value.

Date of publication: 2014-12-30; Read: 104 | Page copyright infringement

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Accounting for profitable investments in tangible assets.

5.3.1. The procedure for the formation in accounting of information about investment property, which is on the right of ownership, economic management, operational management is carried out on the basis of the Instruction on accounting for fixed assets, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus on April 30, 2012. No. 26, Instructions on the procedure for use model plan accounting accounts, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2011. No. 50 with amendments and additions, Instructions on the procedure for calculating depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus dated 27.02.2009. No. 37/18/6, Instructions on the procedure for filling out the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets and intangible assets, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated April 22, 2011 No. 23, other legislative acts and these Regulations.

5.3.2. The company accepts immovable property as investment property for accounting while simultaneously fulfilling following conditions confessions:

- real estate is leased;

- the organization is expected to receive economic benefits associated with real estate;

- price real estate can be reliably determined.

5.3.3. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following concepts and their definitions are used:

investment property - land plots, buildings, structures, isolated premises, parking spaces (hereinafter referred to as real estate) owned, operated or managed by an organization, which are leased to other persons (with the exception of finance lease(leasing), rental) (hereinafter - rent);

operating real estate - real estate owned, economic or operational management of the organization, which is used in the activities of the organization, including in the production of products, in the performance of work, the provision of services, for the management needs of the organization;

residual value - the difference between the initial (revalued) value of the investment property and the depreciation and impairment amounts accumulated on it for the entire period of operation;

revalued value - the value of investment property after its revaluation;

the current market price- the amount of cash that would have been received in the event of the sale of investment property in the current market conditions.

5.3.4. The unit of accounting for investment property is the inventory item.

The inventory object of investment property is land plot, building, structure, isolated room, parking space.

5.3.5. If real estate consists of a part related to investment property and a part related to operating real estate, which can be alienated separately, then each such part is taken to accounting as an inventory object of investment property (if the part relates to investment property) or inventory an item of property, plant and equipment (if part relates to operating real estate). The organization independently distributes real estate to individual inventory items.

If immovable property consists of a part related to investment property and a part related to operating real estate, which cannot be alienated separately, then the immovable property is accepted for accounting as an inventory object of investment property if more than 90 percent of its area ( or other natural measure of real estate) leased.

5.3.6. The transfer of real estate included in fixed assets from operating real estate to investment property when the organization leases this property is reflected:

on the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" (separate subaccounts) and credit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" (separate subaccounts) - for the amortization and depreciation amounts accumulated on real estate for the entire period of operation;

on the debit of account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" (subaccount 03-1 "Investment property") and the credit of account 01 "Fixed assets" - on the initial (revalued) value of real estate.

Income investments under lease agreements (excluding financial lease (leasing) of property (excluding investment property), if the activity of leasing this property (excluding financial lease (leasing)) relates to investment activities and is accounted for in accounting on account 03/3 "Other profitable investments in tangible assets".

5.3.7. When real estate is transferred from operating real estate to investment real estate, the amount of the additional fund recorded for real estate, formed as a result of previously carried out revaluations of this real estate, is reflected in the debit of account 83 " Extra capital"And the credit of account 84" Undestributed profits(uncovered loss) ".

5.3.8. After being accepted for accounting on account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets", investment property should be taken into account at its original cost until otherwise directed by the head.

5.3.9. The results of revaluation of investment property, if any, shall be reflected:

on the debit (credit) of account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" (subaccount 03-1 "Investment property") and credit (debit) of account 91 "Other income and expenses" - for the amount of revaluation (markdown) of the initial cost of investment property;

on the debit (credit) of account 91 "Other income and expenses" and the credit (debit) of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" - for the amount of revaluation (markdown) of accumulated depreciation of investment property.

5.3.10. Actual costs associated with the reconstruction (modernization, restoration) of investment property, carrying out other similar work are reflected in the debit of account 08 "Investments in long-term assets" and credit of accounts 10 "Materials", 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 69 "Settlements on social insurance and security ”, 70“ Payments with personnel for remuneration ”, 76“ Payments with various debtors and creditors ”and other accounts.

Profitable investments

The amounts of these costs accounted for on account 08 "Investments in long-term assets" are debited from this account to the debit of account 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" (subaccount 03-1 "Investment property") upon completion of work.

5.3.11. The actual costs of maintaining the investment property in working order ( technical inspection and maintenance, carrying out all types of repairs) are reflected as expenses on investment activities on account 91 "Other income and expenses" including reporting period in which they are produced.

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