
On the list of payments, which are not charged insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. About the list of payments that are not charged insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Government Decree

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 N 765
"On the list of payments that are not accrued insurance contributions in the fund social insurance Russian Federation"

In pursuance of the Federal Law "On the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 1999" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 18, Article 229) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached list of payments to which insurance premiums are not charged to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and to introduce it from July 1, 1999.

2. The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and social Development The Russian Federation is given in the necessary cases of explanations on issues related to the application of the List approved by paragraph 1 of this Resolution.

payments that are not charged insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 N 765)

1. Output benefit upon termination of the employment contract (contract), financial compensation per unused vacation, and also persisted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation wage For the period of employment, employees released in connection with the implementation of measures to reduce the number or staff or the liquidation of the organization.

2. State benefits of citizens who have children, temporary disability benefits, social benefits for burial, pensions, surcharges for pensions and other social paymentsproduced in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the Fund of Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, State Fund Employment of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as budgets of all levels.

3. Compensation and benefits provided in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens who have been influenced by radiation due to a catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP", excluding additional payments to the size of the previous earnings when transferring employees for medical testimony to the lower paying work , additional vacation payment.

4. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in compensation for harm caused by workers by injury, professional disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their labor duties.

5. Compensation paid by the employee (one of the parents, a relative or guardian, actually caring for a child), which is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the care of child care.

6. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in compensation for harm caused by the health and property of workers due to emergency situations Natural and man-made character.

7. Material aidprovided to employees in connection with emergency circumstances in order to compensate for the harm caused to the health and property of citizens, on the basis of decisions of state authorities and local governments, foreign states, as well as government and non-governmental interstate organizations established in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

8. Material assistance provided to employees in connection with the abyss of their natural disaster, fire, the abduction of property, injury, as well as in connection with the death of a worker or his close relatives.

9. One-time payments to employees when dismissing in connection with public retirement.

10. Amounts paid to employees in reimbursement of expenses, and other compensation (including allowance for compensation for daily allowances) paid to them within the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as documented actual expenses (excess) for hiring residential premises due to service business trips, translation, reception or direction to work in another locality; the cost of the ration of free food issued by employees in cases and sizes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; Amounts paid to the reimbursement of additional costs associated with the execution of employment duties.

11. The cost of employees issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of special clothing, special shoes, other means of individual protection, soap, wash and neutralizing agents, milk or other equivalent foods, as well as therapeutic and preventive nutrition provided for free on established standards, or In appropriate cases money compensation Costs for their acquisition.

12. The cost of uniform clothing and uniforms issued to employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for free or with partial payment and remaining in personal constant use.

13. Cost of benefits on the passage provided special categories employees by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. The cost of free of charge (partially paid) to individual categories of workers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of Housing, communal services, fuel or corresponding money compensation.

15. The fare of employees to the site of vacation and back paid by the employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The cost paid by the employer of vouchers to the spa treatment and recreation of workers and their families.

17. Scholarships paid educational institutions and employers students (students, graduate students) during training with a separation from production.

18. Revenues for shares and other income received from the participation of employees in the management of the property of the organization (dividends, interest, payments for the equity pairs, etc.).

19. Amount of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer mandatory insurance workers.

20. Amounts of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer under voluntary agreements medical insurance workers concluded for a period of at least one year, voluntary agreements personal insuranceconcluded exclusively in case of the death of the insured or loss of insured ability to work in connection with the execution of labor duties, if these treaties do not provide insurance payments insured without an insured event.

21. Amounts of insurance payments (contributions) not exceeding a 24-fold minimum wage set per year federal lawsecured by the employer under non-state contracts pension provision and non-state treaties pension insuranceconcluded with non-state pension funds and insurance organizations for a period of at least 5 years and providing for payment of amounts in cases of establishing insured disability and (or) achieve the retirement age, which gives the right to establish a state pension.

22. Remuneration paid to citizens under civil law agreements, as well as on copyright agreements.

23. The funds of electoral funds of candidates elected to the federal government bodies, representative and executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, obtained and spent on conducting election campaigns, as well as recorded in the prescribed manner; revenues received from election commissions by members of election commissions, carrying out their activities in these Commissions not on a permanent basis; Revenues received individuals From election commissions, as well as from the electoral funds of candidates and electoral funds of electoral associations for the implementation of the works directly related to the conduct of election campaigns.

forms and procedures for filling out applications on the provision of water biological resources related to fisheries facilities, for the use of fisheries in research and development purposes, fisheries in educational and cultural and educational purposes, fisheries for fish farming, reproduction and acclimatization of water biological resources;

Preparation and decisions on the provision of water

Biological resources for use

1. These Rules establish the procedure for preparing and deciding on the provision of water biological resources (hereinafter - water bioresources) for use.

2. The provision of water bioresources for the use of fisheries in research and development purposes, fisheries in educational and cultural and educational purposes, fisheries for aquaculture (fish farming) is made on the basis of a decision taken by the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

3. Providing water bioresources to use fisheries in order to ensure the traditional lifestyle and traditional implementation economic activity The indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation are carried out on the basis of decisions:

Accepted by territorial bodies Federal Agency on fisheries in relation to aquatic bioresources of the inland sea waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, as well as the anadromic, casual and transboundary species of fish;

Adopted by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to water bioresources of the inland waters of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the inner sea water of the Russian Federation.

4. Citizens and not under control foreign investor Legal entities or under the control of a foreign investor legal entities in the event that the control of a foreign investor in relation to such legal entities is established in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the procedure for the implementation of foreign investment in economic companies, which are of strategic importance to ensure the defense of the country's country and security" interested in providing water bioresources to use (hereinafter - applicants) in the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, refer to the Federal Agency for Fisheries with an application containing in relation legal entity Information about the unlaising or finding the applicant under the control of a foreign investor, including information on the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, based on the decision of the Governmental Commission for Foreign Investment Control in the Russian Federation (in case the control of a foreign investor in relation to the applicant is established in the manner provided for by the Federal Law "On the procedure for the exercise of foreign investment in economic companies that have strategic importance to ensure the defense of the country's country and security"). Forms and procedures for filling out applications for the provision of water bioresources for use for fishing in research and monitoring purposes, fishing in educational and cultural and educational purposes, fisheries for aquaculture (fish farming) are approved by the Ministry agriculture Russian Federation.

5. Application provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules is attached:

The program of implementation of research works, developed by the applicant, coordinated and approved in the manner established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the program);

A copy of documents confirming the applicant from the applicant's own or leased fishing devices used to produce (catch) aquatic biological resources in accordance with the applicant (catch) of water biological resources technical characteristicsnecessary to fulfill the program (if the prey (catch) of aquatic bioresources is planned to be carried out without the use of ships);

A copy of documents confirming the applicant from the applicant used in research and monitoring and necessary for the execution of the program, certified in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The plan for educational and cultural and educational works, developed by the applicant, coordinated and approved in the manner established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the work plan);

Copying documents confirming the applicant from the applicant's own or leased fishing devices used in the applicant's own or leased tools used for the applicant (catch) of aquatic bioresources, indicating their technical characteristics necessary to fulfill the work plan (if the prey (catch) of aquatic bioresources is planned to be carried out without the use of ships);

Certified in the established legislation of the Russian Federation following documentsconfirming the applicant's property rights on their own or leased vessels floating under the state flag of the Russian Federation and registered in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (if fisheries are carried out using vessels):

Certificate of ownership of the ship - for ships with the main engine with a capacity of more than 55 kilowatts and gross capacity of more than 80 register tons;

Ship ticket - for ships with a main engine with a capacity of less than 55 kilowatts and gross capacity of less than 80 register tons;

Lease agreement - for leased courts;

C) for fisheries for aquaculture (fish farming):

The program of performing work in the field of aquaculture (fish farming), developed by the applicant, coordinated and approved in the manner established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fisheries Program);

Documents confirming the applicant from the applicant own or leased structures and (or) equipment used for aquaculture (fish farming), if the fish farming program provides for the implementation of artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources or marketable aquaculture (commodity fish farming);

A document that substantiaums in the established procedure for acclimatization of water bioresources prepared by research organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, if the program on fish farming provides for the implementation of work on acclimatization of aquatic bioresources.

5 (1). The Federal Agency for Fisheries within 1 working day from the date of submission of the application and the documents attached to it specified in paragraphs 4 and these Rules requests through an interdepartmental request, including electronic form using unified system Interdepartmental electronic interaction, in the federal antimonopoly service for the applicant, information on the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, decorated on the basis of the decision of the Government Commission for Control for Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation (in case the application states that the control of a foreign investor in relation to the applicant is established In the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the procedure for the implementation of foreign investment in household societies, which have strategic importance to ensure the defense of the country's and security of the state").

5 (2). The Federal Antimonopoly Service within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the interdepartmental request submits to the Federal Agency for Fisheries A copy of the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service specified in paragraph 5 (1) of this Regulation in the form in which the request received.

6. The application provided for in paragraph 4 of paragraph 5 of these Rules is accepted:

A) for the implementation of fisheries in research and control purposes - no later than August 1 of the year preceding the implementation of the specified type of fisheries;

B) for fisheries in educational and cultural and educational purposes in relation to:

Aquatic bioresources, the total allowable catch of which is established - no later than October 15, preceding the year of the implementation of the specified type of fishing;

Aquatic bioresources, the total permissible catch of which is not established - no later than 3 months before the planned date of the implementation of the specified type of fisheries in accordance with the work plan;

C) for fisheries for aquaculture (fish farming) - until May 1, the previous year of the implementation of the specified type of fisheries.

7. The application provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules, and the documents stipulated by paragraph 5 of these Rules are not considered if the applicant presented them in a non-time.

8. The Federal Agency for Fisheries within a period of not more than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application provided for in paragraph 4 of paragraph 4 of paragraph 5 of these Rules, considers them and on the basis of programs to form plans for resource research and state monitoring of water bioresources.

The plan of resource research and state monitoring of aquatic bioresources, which includes the performance of work in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the domestic waters of the Russian Federation, as well as a plan of resource research and state monitoring of aquatic bioresources, including work in the World Ocean Outside the Exciratory Economic Zone of the Russian Federation are approved by the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

In cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, these plans are coordinated with Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Plan of resource research and state monitoring of water bioresources, including work in exceptional economic zone The Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, as well as in the inner marine waters of the Russian Federation, is approved by the Federal Agency for Fisheries after agreeing with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation , Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation. The draft of this plan is sent by the Federal Agency for Fisheries to agree to the specified federal executive bodies no later than 3 months before the beginning of the year of fisheries in research and monitoring purposes.

These federal executive authorities coordinate projects of these plans on time not more than 45 days from the date of receipt and send them to the Federal Fisheries Agency.

The Federal Agency for Fisheries within 2-week periods from the date of approval in the prescribed manner of relevant plans decides on the provision of water bioresources for the use of fisheries in research and control purposes, taking into account applications provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules.

9. The Federal Agency for Fisheries within a period of not more than 30 days from the date of receipt of applications provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules, and the documents provided for by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of these Rules considers them and decides on the provision of water bioresources to use fisheries in educational and cultural and educational purposes.

10. The Federal Agency for Fisheries on time not more than 30 days from the date of receipt of applications provided for by clause 4 of these Rules, and the documents provided for by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 5 of these Rules, considers them and taking into account the recommendations of research organizations undergoing The federal agency for fisheries, the feasibility of the work and scope of work in the field of aquaculture (fish farming), prepare plans for artificial reproduction of water bioresources and approves them in the prescribed manner.

The Federal Agency for Fisheries decides on the provision of water bioresources for the use of fisheries for aquaculture (fish farming) no later than 30 days before the start of the work specified in the fish farming program.

11. In making a decision on the provision of water bioresources to use, it can be denied the following cases:

A) for the implementation of fisheries in research and monitoring purposes:

The lack of quotas of production (catch) of water bioresources for the implementation of this type of fishing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fishery specified in the program (if the applicant plans to carry out fisheries against aquatic bioresources, the total permissible catch of which is established);

The absence of the applicant the number of vessels or fishing programs necessary to fulfill the program, as well as equipment used in research and monitoring purposes;

Non-compliance with the application program;

Non-compliance of plans agreed in accordance with paragraph 8 of these Rules, the Program;

subparagraph "a" of clause 5 of these Rules of Documents and Information;

B) for fisheries in educational and cultural and educational purposes:

The absence of quotas of production (catch) of water bioresources for the implementation of this type of fisheries in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fishery specified in the work plan (if the applicant plans to carry out fisheries against aquatic bioresources, the total permissible catch of which is established);

The applicant's absence of the number of vessels or tools of the LOVA required to fulfill the work plan; Lack of facilities and equipment used for aquaculture (fish farming) necessary for the fulfillment of the program for fish farming;

Lack of grounds for concluding with the applicant of an agreement on artificial reproduction of water bioresources in water objects fisheries in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (if the applicant plans to implement only artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources);

Failure to submitted by subparagraph "in" of paragraph 5 of these Rules of Documents and Information.

12. When refusing to decide on the provision of water bioresources to use the Federal Agency for Fisheries informs the applicant about its decision within 15 days after its adoption.

13. Applicants in the case specified in paragraph 3 of these Rules are referred to an application for the provision of water bioresources to use in order to ensure the traditional lifestyle and the implementation of the traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation:

A) in the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Fisheries - with respect to aquatic bioresources of the inland sea waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial seas of the Russian Federation, as well as anadromic, catadrom and transboundary species of fish;

B) to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - with respect to aquatic bioresources of the inland waters of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the inner sea waters of the Russian Federation.

14. The form and procedure for filling out applications provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules, the term and procedure for their consideration are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These applications should contain information on the extraction (catch) of aquatic bioresources for the previous year.

15. Applications provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules are accepted until September 1, the exercise of the relevant type of fisheries.

15 (1). Copies of applications provided for by subparagraph "A" of paragraph 13 of these Rules for aquatic bioresources, the total permissible catch of which is established, are sent to the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Fisheries within 7 working days from the date of the end of accepting applications for the provision of water bioresources to use for exercising purposes Fisheries in order to ensure the traditional lifestyle and the implementation of the traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

the second paragraph of paragraph 3 of these Rules, with respect to aquatic bioresources, the general permissible catch of which is established, send copies of such solutions to the appropriate executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1999 N 765 "On the list of payments that insurance premiums are not charged to the Social Insurance Fund

Russian Federation"

In pursuance of the Federal Law "On the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 1999" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 18, Article 229) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached list of payments to which insurance premiums are not charged to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and to introduce it from July 1, 1999.

2. The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation to give an explanation on issues related to the application of the list approved by paragraph 1 of this Regulation.

Chairman of the government S.Stepashin

Russian Federation


payments on which insurance premiums are not charged to the Russian Social Insurance Fund


1. Output benefit upon termination of the employment contract (contract), monetary compensation for unused vacation, and also remained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation average salary for the employment period to employees released in connection with the implementation of measures to reduce the number or staff or the liquidation of the organization.

2. State benefits to citizens who have children, temporary manuals

disability, social benefit for burial, pensions, payments to pensions and other social payments made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the Fund of Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as budgets of all levels .

3. Compensation and benefits provided in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens who are influenced by radiation due to a disaster at the Chernobyl NPP", excluding additional payments to the size of the previous earnings when transferring employees for medical testimony to the lower paying work, pay for additional leave.

4. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in

compensation of harm caused by workers by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of labor duties.

5. Compensation paid by the employee (one of the parents, a relative or guardian, actually caring for a child), which is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the care of child care.

6. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in

compensation of harm caused by the health and property of workers due to emergencies of natural and man-made character.

7. Material assistance provided to employees in connection with emergency circumstances in order to compensate for the harm caused by the health and property of citizens, on the basis of decisions of state authorities and local governments, foreign countries, as well as governmental and non-governmental interstate organizations established in accordance with international contracts of the Russian Federation.

8. Material assistance provided to employees in connection with the abyss of their natural disaster, fire, the abduction of property, injury, as well as in connection with the death of a worker or his close relatives.

9. One-time payments to employees when dismissing in connection with entering the state

10. The amounts paid to employees in reimbursement of expenses and other compensation (including the allowances for compensation for the daily), paid to them within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as documented actual expenses (above the norm) for hiring residential premises in Communication with service business trips, reception, reception or direction of work to another locality, the cost of free food issued by employees in cases and sizes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount paid for the reimbursement of additional costs associated with the fulfillment of employment duties.

11. The cost of employees issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of special clothing, special shoes, other means of individual protection, soap, washing and neutralizing agents, milk or other equivalent foods, as well as the treatment force provided free of charge on established standards, or in the appropriate Cases cash reimbursement on their acquisition.

12. The cost of uniform clothing and uniforms issued to employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for free or with partial payment and remaining in personal constant use.

13. The cost of benefits on the passage provided to individual categories of employees by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. The cost of free of charge (partially paid) to individual categories of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of housing, utilities, fuel or corresponding money compensation.

15. The fare of employees to the site of vacation and back paid by the employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The cost paid by the employer of vouchers to the spa treatment and recreation of workers and their families.

17. Scholarships paid by educational institutions and employers to students (students, graduate students) during the training period with a separation from production.

18. Revenues for shares and other income received from the participation of employees in the management of the property of the organization (dividends, interest, payments for the equity pairs, etc.).

19. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer on mandatory insurance of workers.

20. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer under the voluntary health insurance contracts of employees concluded for a period of at least one year, voluntary personal insurance agreements concluded exclusively in case of the death of the insured or loss of insured ability to work in connection with the execution of labor duties, If these treaties do not provide insurance payments insured without an insured event.

21. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) not exceeding a year 24-fold minimum size wages established by the Federal Law, paid by the employer under the contracts of non-state pension provision and non-state pension insurance agreements concluded with non-state pension funds and insurance organizations for a period of at least 5 years and providing for payments in cases of establishing insured disability and (or) to achieve pension age giving the right to establish a state pension.

22. Remuneration paid to citizens under civil law agreements, as well as on copyright agreements.

23. Funds of electoral funds of candidates elected to the federal state authorities, representative and executive bodies of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, obtained and spent on the conduct of election campaigns, as well as recorded in the prescribed manner, revenues received from election commissions by members Election Commissions, carrying out their activities in these Commissions, not on an ongoing basis, revenues received by individuals from election commissions, as well as from electoral funds of candidates and electoral fund funds for the implementation of the works directly related to the conduct of election campaigns.

Government of the Russian Federation

On Amendments
To the Regulations on the procedure for providing requirements
For obligations to the Russian Federation in the case
About bankruptcy and in procedures used
In bankruptcy

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the accompanying changes that are made to the Regulation on the procedure for presenting requirements for obligations to the Russian Federation in bankruptcy and in procedures applied in bankruptcy case, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2004 N 257 "On Providing Interests Of the Russian Federation as a creditor in bankruptcy and in the procedures applied in bankruptcy case "(meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 23, Art. 2310; N 50, Art. 5067; 2005, N 50, Art. 5305; 2006 , N 22, Art. 2333; 2008, N 29, Art. 3515; 2009, N 34, Art. 4187; 2012, N 20, Art. 2564; 2015, N 13, Art. 1947).

Chairman of the government
Russian Federation

Decree of Government
Russian Federation
of July 28, 2015 N 765

Which are submitted to the reference procedure
Requirements for obligations to the Russian Federation
In bankruptcy and in procedures used
In bankruptcy

1. In the first paragraph of paragraph 2, paragraph of the first, subparagraphs "in" and "G" of paragraph 7 and paragraph of paragraph 8, subparagraphs "in" and "G" of paragraph 8 of the words "Executive Sheet" in the appropriate case, shall be replaced by the words " executive document"In the appropriate case.

2. Clause 12 supplement the following paragraph:

"Positions of paragraph of the first paragraph in terms of the direction of notification of the decision to decide into federal executive bodies and other bodies specified in Appendix N 2 and the paragraph of the second present paragraph are not applied when submitting an authorized authority for the recognition of a citizen bankrupt to the Arbitration Court.".

3. Clause 14 after the words "Observation Procedure" to supplement the words "(procedure for the restructuring of a citizen's debts)."

4. In paragraph 16:

a) in the second paragraph, the words "financial recovery or external management" shall be replaced by the words "financial recovery, external management, restructuring of a citizen debt";

b) supplement the following paragraph:

"The provisions of the paragraph of the first present paragraph are not applied in the bankruptcy case."

5. In the first paragraph of paragraph 21, the words " executive Sheet"Replace with the words" executive document ".

6. Appendix N 1 to the specified position shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix N 1
to the Regulations on the procedure
Consider requirements
For obligations before
Russian Federation in business
About bankruptcy and in procedures,
applied in bankruptcy
(as amended by the Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation
July 28, 2015 N 765)

___________________________ (full name authorized body ___________________________ In the case of bankruptcy and in the procedures applied in bankruptcy case) "__" _____________ 20__. Notification of the presence of debt _______________________________________________________________________ (The full name of the federal executive body (its territorial body), the state extrabudgetary fund, guiding a notification) notifies you about The fact that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Mandatory Payment Name / monetary obligations) in the amount of _____________________________________________________________ Debt measures indicating the corresponding budget) _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________ (List of documents provided for in paragraphs 7, 8 of the provisions, indicating the number of sheets and instances). Signature of the head _____________ ".

Government of the Russian Federation

from 07.07.99 N 765

"On the list of payments for which
Insurance contributions are not charged to the Social Foundation
Insurance of the Russian Federation "

(with change, made by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
from 05.10.2006 N GKPI06-967)

In pursuance of the Federal Law "On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 1999" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 18, Art. 2209) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached list of payments to which insurance premiums are not charged to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and to introduce it from July 1, 1999.

2. The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation to give an explanation on issues related to the application of the list approved by paragraph 1 of this Regulation.

Chairman of the government
Russian Federation

Decree of Government
Russian Federation
dated July 7, 1999 N 765

Payments that are not accrued
Insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund

(with change, made by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
from 05.10.2006 N GKPI06-967)

1. Output benefit upon termination of the employment contract (contract), monetary compensation for unused vacation, and also remained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation average salary for the employment period to employees released in connection with the implementation of measures to reduce the number or staff or the liquidation of the organization.

2. State benefits to citizens who have children, temporary disability benefits, social benefit, pensions, payments for pensions and other social payments made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the Fund of Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as budgets of all levels.

By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 05.10.2006 N GKPI06-967 item 3 is recognized as invalid in terms of words ", payment of additional vacation."

3. Compensation and benefits provided in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens who are influenced by radiation due to a disaster at the Chernobyl NPP", excluding additional payments to the size of the previous earnings when transferring employees for medical testimony to the lower paying work, pay for additional leave.

4. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation into compensation for harm caused by workers by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of labor duties.

5. Compensation paid by the employee (one of the parents, a relative or guardian, actually caring for a child), which is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the care of child care.

6. Amounts paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in compensation for harm caused by the health and property of employees due to emergencies of natural and technogenic nature.

7. Material assistance provided to employees in connection with emergency circumstances in order to compensate for the harm caused by the health and property of citizens, on the basis of decisions of state authorities and local governments, foreign countries, as well as governmental and non-governmental interstate organizations established in accordance with international contracts of the Russian Federation.

8. Material assistance provided to employees in connection with the abyss of their natural disaster, fire, the abduction of property, injury, as well as in connection with the death of a worker or his close relatives.

9. One-time payments to employees when dismissing in connection with public retirement.

10. The amounts paid to employees in reimbursement of expenses and other compensation (including the allowances for compensation for the daily), paid to them within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as documented actual expenses (above the norm) for hiring residential premises in links with service business trips, translation, reception or direction to work in another locality; the cost of the ration of free food issued by employees in cases and sizes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; Amounts paid to the reimbursement of additional costs associated with the execution of employment duties.

11. The cost of employees issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of special clothing, special shoes, other personal protective equipment, soap, wash and neutralizing agents, milk or other equivalent foods, as well as therapeutic - preventive nutrition provided for free on established standards, or In appropriate cases, monetary reimbursement of the costs of their acquisition.

12. The cost of uniform clothing and uniforms issued to employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for free or with partial payment and remaining in personal constant use.

13. The cost of benefits on the passage provided to individual categories of employees by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. The cost of free of charge (partially paid) to individual categories of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of housing, utilities, fuel or corresponding money compensation.

15. The fare of employees to the site of vacation and back paid by the employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The cost paid by the employer of vouchers to sanatorium - resort treatment and recreation of workers and members of their families.

17. Scholarships paid by educational institutions and employers to students (students, graduate students) during the training period with a separation from production.

18. Revenues for shares and other income received from the participation of employees in the management of the property of the organization (dividends, interest, payments for the equity pairs, etc.).

19. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer on mandatory insurance of workers.

20. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) paid by the employer under the voluntary health insurance contracts of employees concluded for a period of at least one year, voluntary personal insurance agreements concluded exclusively in case of the death of the insured or loss of insured ability to work in connection with the execution of labor duties, If these treaties do not provide insurance payments insured without an insured event.

21. The amounts of insurance payments (contributions) not exceeding a 24-fold minimum wage established by the Federal Law, paid by the employer under the contracts of non-state pension and non-state pension insurance agreements concluded with non-state pension funds and insurance organizations for a period of at least 5 years and providing for payment of amounts in cases of the establishment of insured disability and (or) to achieve the retirement age, which gives the right to establish a state pension.

22. Remuneration paid to citizens under civil-law agreements, as well as on copyright agreements.

23. The funds of electoral funds of candidates elected to the federal government bodies, representative and executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, obtained and spent on conducting election campaigns, as well as recorded in the prescribed manner; revenues received from election commissions by members of election commissions, carrying out their activities in these Commissions not on a permanent basis; Revenues received by individuals from election commissions, as well as from the electoral funds of candidates and electoral funds of electoral associations for the implementation of the works directly related to the conduct of election campaigns.

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